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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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I'm going to guess that TV Greatjon is supposed to have died at the Red Wedding and Smalljon blames Robb and by extension the Starks for Greatjon's death.

I don't mind there being multiple non-Bolton Northern families aligned against Team Stark without being coerced into doing so. For starters, it evens the odds--theoretically, I guess, I don't think anyone seriously believes that Ramsay is going to come out on top against the Starks--and also, the Northerners in the books have their fair share of opportunistic assholes (Cregan and Arnolf Karstark, for starters). The Northerners as a collective aren't any more loyal or nicer than any other group from any other region, although it seems to be a popular fannish fantasy that Northerners are somehow inherently better than southron riffraff: just like with any group, there are the ride or die stalwarts and then there are the opportunistic assholes.

Edited by Eyes High
11 minutes ago, Audreythe2nd said:

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was third as early as the first season? Interesting. Since then I think he's been consistently #2 after Dinklage (when he's in an episode) and he's definitely in Tier 1 in terms of actors' salaries.

Even though it flopped, NCW was the lead of a Fox series and had appeared in minor roles in American movies. I'm a little surprised to see him and Michelle Fairley ahead of Lena, though; Lena had the Terminator series and 300, so I would have expected her to be second or third. But Bean was the only one in the first season who could be called a name.

14 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I don't know if Jon will find out, but I am fairly certain that we the audience will find out for sure.

I do think Bran will want everyone to know the truth: IHW has said that Bran will be putting the puzzle pieces together this season, and Bran took special note of Lyanna in 6x02, so I'm going to guess that Bran is going to be the one to spell out R+L=J to the audience and is going to want to tell everyone. Look at how excited Bran was at learning that Hodor was named Willas and could once talk; he eagerly informed Meera and Hodor of his discovery right away. Can you imagine how excited he'll be once he learns the truth about Jon's parentage?

However, I don't think Bran will leave the cave for that reason. I think he'll leave the cave because it will be attacked by WWs and wights, forcing him to flee.

Yea I'm fairly sure the audience will find out through Bran - it just occurred to me to wonder, how will Jon (or anyone else for that matter) find out?

12 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I'm going to guess that TV Greatjon is supposed to have died at the Red Wedding and Smalljon blames Robb and by extension the Starks for Greatjon's death.

That would really make no sense, since it was the Boltons who actually murdered the people at said wedding, and everybody knows it.  The Wildling explanation would be better, even if I remain a bit confused by the chain of events.

30 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

Even though it flopped, NCW was the lead of a Fox series and had appeared in minor roles in American movies. I'm a little surprised to see him and Michelle Fairley ahead of Lena, though; Lena had the Terminator series and 300, so I would have expected her to be second or third. But Bean was the only one in the first season who could be called a name.

I can understand that reasoning in the beginning, but it's that in conjunction with the fact that no matter what's happening in the story, his placement hasn't moved. He's whisked off to a pointless storyline in Dorne during Season 5? Still #2 in the credits. Lena Headey starts getting more recognition (Emmys and such) and seems to be getting more focus in the show itself? He's still #2. Kit Harington has incredibly important season and is featured much more overall? NCW is still #2. I think during Season 2 when Jaime's character is basically ignored for six episodes in a row he was #3 after Lena Headey in episodes he did appear in, but that's still #3. Since then he's always been the #2 credit. Always. (This could definitely change this season due to Kit's return, but regardless...)

Is there anything more to it than him having a good agent and a good contract and them seeing him as a memorable face of the show with a fitting heartthrob status that they can capitalize on? Maybe not. But again, on certain days it strikes me as interesting.

Edited by Audreythe2nd
29 minutes ago, SeanC said:

That would really make no sense, since it was the Boltons who actually murdered the people at said wedding, and everybody knows it.  The Wildling explanation would be better, even if I remain a bit confused by the chain of events.

I dunno, maybe Smalljon thinks that Roose was justified in going over to the winning side and it was Robb's fault for proving Greatjon's faith in him misplaced? Or maybe Smalljon is just picking the winning side as Roose once did and isn't much fussed about Ramsay's psychopathy. Either way, I'm sure that TV Smalljon will come off as an asshole with no possible justification for selling out the Starks, so that we don't feel too badly when Team Bolton loses.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, nksarmi said:

Yea I'm fairly sure the audience will find out through Bran - it just occurred to me to wonder, how will Jon (or anyone else for that matter) find out?

Maybe that's why Bran "will need Meera?"  Bran leaving the cave could really mean anything, including that he simply becomes part of the Heart tree express, traveling between trees, or his essence doing that, and Meera the one who is able to hear him clearly through any tree? 

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, nksarmi said:

Yea I'm fairly sure the audience will find out through Bran - it just occurred to me to wonder, how will Jon (or anyone else for that matter) find out?

It might be a good place to bring in Jon's dreams of the Winterfell crypts from the books; only make them more clearly messages sent to Jon by Bran in his dreams. Then put the proof needed for Jon's parentage in Lyanna's crypt. Jon and Sansa recapture Winterfell in 6.09 and Jon's plot for 6.10 can be going to the crypts and getting the truth about his parentage (which, if he's legitimate and not a bastard, gives him a stronger claim to the throne, should he ever want or need it, than anyone).

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, nksarmi said:

Yea I'm fairly sure the audience will find out through Bran - it just occurred to me to wonder, how will Jon (or anyone else for that matter) find out?


29 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

It might be a good place to bring in Jon's dreams of the Winterfell crypts from the books; only make them more clearly messages sent to Jon by Bran in his dreams. Then put the proof needed for Jon's parentage in Lyanna's crypt. Jon and Sansa recapture Winterfell in 6.09 and Jon's plot for 6.10 can be going to the crypts and getting the truth about his parentage (which, if he's legitimate and not a bastard, gives him a stronger claim to the throne, should he ever want or need it, than anyone).

I don't think it makes any sense for their to be proof of Jon's parentage in the Winterfell crypts.  Ned was trying to hide Jon's parentage; there'd be no reason for him to leave evidence of it lying around.

Nothing about this season's plot seems to require that Jon learn about who his mother and father were, so I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get anything about that this year.  In terms of how Jon would find out, if Bran is leaving the cave, he could tell him himself; and then there's Howland Reed, who may show up eventually.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, SeanC said:


I don't think it makes any sense for their to be proof of Jon's parentage in the Winterfell crypts.  Ned was trying to hide Jon's parentage; there'd be no reason for him to leave evidence of it lying around.

Not lying around... probably INSIDE Lyanna's coffin, the one place he could be almost certain no one (especially King Robert) would ever look.

As to why he might do it... I'd guess some sort of sentiment. If Lyanna did love and was married to Rhaegar, then one of the promises extracted from Ned could have been that she be buried with some proof of their love (ex. his harp or their wedding cloak). The crypts hold the spouses and younger siblings/families as well as the Lords themselves. Since Rhaegar had been cremated in Targaryan tradition, Ned might see such a relic as giving Lyanna the closest to being buried with her husband as he could give her.

Edited by Chris24601
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Haleth said:

I was sort of thinking he'd wake up with the knowledge of who his parents were.  Kind of like in death all things are revealed.  Maybe that's too easy though.  I don't think Dondarrion was resurrected with any great new insight.

The thing is they haven't setup for anything of important or secretive(except Lyanna being in there) about the crypts, not even the secret passages.

Though as a book reader I feel different, and believe something is in her tomb or another area of the crypt of importance to the story.

  • Love 1

Pilou Asbaek joked on Twitter that with all the killing Euron has to do, he's going to need both eyes.

In an article posted on EW.com, Kit Harington mentions that Jon has a conversation indicating that (just like TV Beric) Jon saw "nothing" when he died. According to KH, this fuels Jon's desire to live in the moment and make the most of his life now (it "puts the fear of god into him"), and, perhaps more importantly, fuels a desire NOT to be brought back if he's killed again (avoiding a multiple resurrection scenario like with Beric). 

...Clearly, TV Jon did not warg into Ghost when he died, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Book Jon won't.

I wonder if none of the TV Starks will warg except for Bran. 

The episode page for Home on IMDB credits Michael Feast as "Aeron Greyjoy," in case anyone was wondering whether not that guy was supposed to be a random priest or not.

Edited by Eyes High

On revealing Jon's parentage, I've always thought there could be a diary in the crypt, beneath Lyanna's statue. Or a letter from Ned to Catelyn, "to be opened in the event of my death," even though that doesn't seem like something Ned would do. I know Howland Reed will also likely play a role, at least in the books, but at this point I think it's unlikely on the show.

Though I dream of a Harrenhal flashback episode that shows the tournanent, and teenage Starks, and Howland and the Knight of the Laughing Tree, and Rhaegar crowning Lyanna with the winter roses. Then I think, no, they'll just muck it up, which is why I am trying not to get too excited about the Tower of Joy this weekend.

Edited by Minneapple

So, I just had a terrible thought about who's on the crosses later this season (with two recognizable figures).

Its the Night's Watch.

Ramsey voiced his intention to go up there and murder Jon Snow, but by the time he gets there Jon, Sansa, Davos and the Wildlings will have already departed and Ramsey will NOT be in a good mood.

So its going to be Edd and some other recognizable member of the Watch (perhaps even Thorne or Ollie if Jon decides to spare one or the other for some reason) on two of the crosses while the other crosses are other nameless members of the Watch (I can see Ramsey making some snarky remark as they're set aflame about "making them the light in the darkness.")

And with no Night's Watch on the Wall (along the same lines as "There must ALWAYS be a Stark in Winterfell") the magic behind the Oath fails and the Wall comes down at season's end.

It'd be just like Ramsey to end up screwing over the entire world like that.

  • Love 4

I see no reason why Jon would even think to open Lyanna's crypt unless he already has some knowledge that he is her son and that there might be proof down there, assuming he even needs or wants proof. At this point I don't see any indication in the show that he does know. It's possible Bran might send him a vision but I think it more likely that it will happen once Bran leaves the cave.

Edited by glowbug
  • Love 1

New photos for 6x03 up here. Summarized:

1. Missandei and Grey Worm have a scene with Tyrion, where Missandei and Grey Worm look nobly pained as usual. No sign of Varys.

2. Kevan (yay!).

3. There's a shot of Cersei in what looks like the Pycelle scene as well as a picture of Cersei and Jaime walking into a room followed by Frankengregor.

4. There's a pic of a hot Dothraki on horseback surrounded by people marching on foot.

2 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

So, I just had a terrible thought about who's on the crosses later this season (with two recognizable figures).

Its the Night's Watch.


And with no Night's Watch on the Wall (along the same lines as "There must ALWAYS be a Stark in Winterfell") the magic behind the Oath fails and the Wall comes down at season's end.

It'd be just like Ramsey to end up screwing over the entire world like that.

Yeah, I'm starting to lean that way too. While I don't care if Thorne & Olly end up on the burning crosses, it pains me to think that's how Edd will meet his end. Jon would be appropriately devastated if he saw Edd on a cross. There are 6 burning crosses, so maybe there's a Wildling or two strung up as well in order to demoralize all the Wildlings in Jon's army. 

I like your idea that with the Wall undefended - thanks to Ramsay - that's how the WW will be able to breech it.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, bunnyblue said:

Yeah, I'm starting to lean that way too. While I don't care if Thorne & Olly end up on the burning crosses, it pains me to think that's how Edd will meet his end. Jon would be appropriately devastated if he saw Edd on a cross. There are 6 burning crosses, so maybe there's a Wildling or two strung up as well in order to demoralize all the Wildlings in Jon's army. 

I like your idea that with the Wall undefended - thanks to Ramsay - that's how the WW will be able to breech it.

I can see Ramsay stringing up a bunch of NW men in a fit of pique, because he's a psychopath, but if Jon, Sansa, etc. have fled Castle Black, why would Ramsay waste his time making an example of the NW? It's not like they would be protecting Sansa and Jon and keeping them from him. (I don't want it to be Edd!).

I'm struck by the fact that they are burning crosses. The Boltons are about flaying, but burning is a Red God thing. That's why I have a bad feeling that the victims will be associated with Melisandre's party, or maybe some Northern Lords who switched sides to join Sansa, and Jon. I suppose it's possible they burned some Wildlings to appease the reluctant Northern Lords; in which case it's probably Thormund (who I don't want to see burning either). 

Maybe it's already-dead Lord Bolton, Walda and 4 other players to named later. Well... I guess we'll see.

Oh! How about Petyr Baelish? The guy who thinks he can outsmart everyone, but hasn't had to deal with chaotic evil quite like Ramsay. 

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

New photos for 6x03 up here. Summarized:

1. Missandei and Grey Worm have a scene with Tyrion, where Missandei and Grey Worm look nobly pained as usual. No sign of Varys.

2. Kevan (yay!).

3. There's a shot of Cersei in what looks like the Pycelle scene as well as a picture of Cersei and Jaime walking into a room followed by Frankengregor.

4. There's a pic of a hot Dothraki on horseback surrounded by people marching on foot.

Varys probably swam home.

  • Love 1

HBO confirms: 6x10 is 69 minutes in length. Shit is going down!

Someone did the math and Season 6 will have the same total length in minutes as Season 5.

Here is the list of episodes and their run time:

Episode 1 - 50 minutes.

Episode 2 - 54 minutes.

Episode 3 - 53 minutes.

Episode 4 - 59 minutes.

Episode 5 - 57 minutes.

Episode 6 - 52 minutes.

Episode 7 - 51 minutes.

Episode 8 - 59 minutes.

Episode 9 - 60 minutes.

Episode 10 - 69 minutes.

6x04, 6x08, 6x09 and 6x10 look like big episodes.

6x10 will be the longest GOT episode ever. The previous holder of the title was 4x10.

Edited by Eyes High

Speculations on episode totals for the Starks:

Jon:  601-605, 609-610 are basically confirmed (or have already aired), so that's a minimum of 7.  He had 9 episodes last year, and I could see him doing that again.  Depending on just how much story there is in the North in 606-608, all 10 is possible, but I'll say not.

Arya:  601-603, 607 (I believe) and 610 can be confirmed or assumed, so that's five off the bat.  We know some of those traveling players are in 3 episodes, and given that there's no sign of them in 603, that expands the minimum to 6.  Maybe 7 episodes, 8 at most?

Sansa:  601-602, 604-605, 609-610 can be confirmed or assumed, so that's a minimum of 6.  At this juncture I'm guessing she's not in 603, so at issue would be 606-608.  She'd have to be in at least one of those, maybe two. So I'll guess 8.

Bran:  602-603, 610 confirmed.  Minimum of 3.  This is a hard one, because we otherwise have little to go on.  Let's be optimistic and say 2-3 more appearances?

Edited by SeanC
21 hours ago, MarySNJ said:

in which case it's probably Thormund (who I don't want to see burning either). 

Maybe it's already-dead Lord Bolton, Walda and 4 other players to named later. Well... I guess we'll see.

Oh! How about Petyr Baelish? The guy who thinks he can outsmart everyone, but hasn't had to deal with chaotic evil quite like Ramsay. 

I think the crosses only make sense as a Snowbowl pre-game show-type-thing, which should mean Tormund, and unfortunately, Littlefinger, won't be on them. Beyond that, I've given up trying to guess in this matter.

Edited by Lady S.
4 minutes ago, Lady S. said:

I think the crosses only make sense as a pre-battle thing, which should mean Tormund, and unfortunately, Littlefinger, won't be on them. Beyond that, I've given up trying to guess in this matter.

The scene where Davos is coming to WF with Stark banners behind him and looking at those crosses looks like a warning tactic to scare an opposing army.


Descriptions for episodes 604-605:, confirming the two episode titles we heard about previously:


Season 6, episode 4: “Book of the Stranger” will premiere on Sunday,  May 15th.

Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) strikes a deal. Jorah (Iain Glen) and Daario (Michiel Huisman) undertake a difficult task. Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Cersei (Lena Headey) try to improve their situation.


Season 6, episode 5: “The Door” will premiere on  Sunday, May 22nd.

Synopsis: Tyrion seeks a strange ally. Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) learns a great deal. Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) goes on a mission. Arya (Maisie Williams) is given a chance to prove herself.

So I guess there is more to the Tower of Joy in episode 5 then, given Bender's presence on site?  That's a really weird way to pace that, in my opinion.

Edited by SeanC
13 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Descriptions for episodes 604-605:, confirming the two episode titles we heard about previously:

So I guess there is more to the Tower of Joy in episode 5 then, given Bender's presence on site?  That's a really weird way to pace that, in my opinion.

Sounds like it. Seems weird to break up the TOJ battle, if in fact that's what's being done.

Given Sansa specifically asking about Arya in 6x02 (and this show's tendency to have very little in the way of "filler" dialogue nowadays), it seems likely as some have speculated that Sansa charges Brienne with finding Arya, thus Brienne and Pod's trip back to the Riverlands where Arya was last seen. It might also be that Sansa sends Brienne and Pod specifically to Riverrun, of course.

It sounds like either in 6x04 ("the deal") or in 6x05 (the "strange ally"), we're going to get the scene from the Season 6 trailer with the Red Priestess and Varys and Tyrion. That's five straight episodes of Tyrion/Meereen stuff. Doesn't Tyrion usually miss an episode?

The synopsis seems to place the burning of the temple in 6x04, since Jorah and Daario wouldn't be attempting a rescue if Dany had already rescued herself.



Bran learns a great deal.

He had fucking better, at this rate.

...In all seriousness, sounds like the big R+L=J reveal is coming no earlier than 6x05...which makes me wonder what it is that we're going to see in 6x03.

Edited by Eyes High
7 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

...In all seriousness, sounds like the big R+L=J reveal is coming no earlier than 6x05...which makes me wonder what it is that we're going to see in 6x03.

Bloodraven:  "Man, such a boss swordfight, eh Bran?"

Bran:  "Yeah, that was cool."

Bloodraven:  "Well, let's call it a day."

Bran:  "What was the point of this?"

Bloodraven:  "What was the point of me showing you your father and his siblings for two minutes?  We'll come back later and get to the other stuff."

  • Love 1

I must be in the minority, because I don't think it's weird at all to split up the ToJ scene. I actually think it would be too jarring to show it all in one go. Show half, establish a little mystery as to what that was all about, show the rest of it as resolution.

Plus, we don't know Bloodraven's motivations - there might be some really weird reason why he doesn't want Bran to see the whole thing.


The million dollar question is whether we'll only learn that R+L=J, or whether we'll learn as well that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married and that Jon is a legitimate Targaryen as opposed to a Targ bastard.

There was this casting call:


Young Stunner. Aged 18 – 20. A stunner of a brunette. She has a couple of scenes, and a great final scene where there is a major twist.

Assuming this is in fact Lyanna, it sounds like she will have at least one other scene than the one where she (presumably) dies and has her "Promise me" bit.

Edited by Eyes High
2 hours ago, SeanC said:

Speculations on episode totals for the Starks:

Jon:  601-605, 609-610 are basically confirmed (or have already aired), so that's a minimum of 7.  He had 9 episodes last year, and I could see him doing that again.  Depending on just how much story there is in the North in 606-608, all 10 is possible, but I'll say not.

Arya:  601-603, 607 (I believe) and 610 can be confirmed or assumed, so that's five off the bat.  We know some of those traveling players are in 3 episodes, and given that there's no sign of them in 603, that expands the minimum to 6.  Maybe 7 episodes, 8 at most?

Sansa:  601-602, 604-605, 609-610 can be confirmed or assumed, so that's a minimum of 6.  At this juncture I'm guessing she's not in 603, so at issue would be 606-608.  She'd have to be in at least one of those, maybe two. So I'll guess 8.

Bran:  602-603, 610 confirmed.  Minimum of 3.  This is a hard one, because we otherwise have little to go on.  Let's be optimistic and say 2-3 more appearances?

Sansa actually has a LOT to do just from what we know about. Known events at this stage include, arriving at Castle Black, first Stark reunion (with Jon) ever in the show, taking Davos into her service (we know he goes to Bear Island with her), sending Brienne on her quest to the Riverlands, departing Castle Black, recruiting Northern lords at Bear Island, meeting up with Littlefinger/the Vale army, The Battle of the Bastards, the scene with Jon, Littlefinger and Ramsey at Winterfell and whatever is in the finale. That's at least ten scenes and while some might occur within the same episodes others basically require them to occur in different ones (ex. she won't arrive at and leave Castle Black in the same episode, she won't arrive at Bear Island the same episode she leaves Castle Black, etc.).

With that much to do, the only episode I could see Sansa not appearing in is Three, but with literally every other still living Stark (plus young Ned and possibly Lyanna) appearing in episode three, I suspect they'll have Sansa arrive at Castle Black at the very end of Three just to complete the set. I think there's a chance Sansa pulls off a perfect 10 this season, if not it'll be 9 (I don't think its an accident that Sophie will also be getting a lot of additional exposure this year due to the upcoming X-Men film which releases in three weeks).

Likewise, if EVER there was a year for Jon to score a perfect 10 on appearances I think this is the year. A bunch of diverse plots and characters are congealing around him this year (in addition to the usual NW/Wildings elements, he's got all the surviving Stannis characters, Sansa/Littlefinger, Brienne/Pod, Ramsey and even Rickon intersecting with his location while Bran will be learning of Jon's origins), giving him more than enough material to give him a scene in every remaining episode.

1 hour ago, Lady S. said:

I think the crosses only make sense as a Snowbowl pre-game show-type-thing, which should mean Tormund, and unfortunately, Littlefinger, won't be on them. Beyond that, I've given up trying to guess in this matter.

My guess is that, per his desires in "Home" Ramsey will head up to Castle Black to try and kill Jon/recapture Sansa. Only they'll have already cleared out and so Ramsey instead takes out his frustrations by taking the remaining Night's Watch prisoner and later lighting them up before the battle ("make them the light in the darkness they always claim to be") to demoralize Jon. I suspect one of the recognizable figures will be Edd and another will be Ollie (because Jon will have spared him) while the others seen in the promos will have generic NW members strung up on them).

If this happens I think we can all blame Ramsey for what happens next... with no NW left at the Wall, the old magic behind the Oath will be broken and the Walkers will march right through. Ramsey will have doomed the world to a new Long Night.

28 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

Sansa actually has a LOT to do just from what we know about. Known events at this stage include, arriving at Castle Black, first Stark reunion (with Jon) ever in the show, taking Davos into her service (we know he goes to Bear Island with her), sending Brienne on her quest to the Riverlands, departing Castle Black, recruiting Northern lords at Bear Island, meeting up with Littlefinger/the Vale army, The Battle of the Bastards, the scene with Jon, Littlefinger and Ramsey at Winterfell and whatever is in the finale. That's at least ten scenes and while some might occur within the same episodes others basically require them to occur in different ones (ex. she won't arrive at and leave Castle Black in the same episode, she won't arrive at Bear Island the same episode she leaves Castle Black, etc.).

Of the things you mention:

604 - arriving at Castle Black, first Stark reunion (with Jon) ever in the show, 

605 - sending Brienne on her quest to the Riverlands, departing Castle Black,

? - recruiting Northern lords at Bear Island,

609-610 - meeting up with Littlefinger/the Vale army (probably), The Battle of the Bastards, the scene with Jon, Littlefinger and Ramsey at Winterfell and whatever is in the finale.

21 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Of the things you mention:

604 - arriving at Castle Black, first Stark reunion (with Jon) ever in the show, 

605 - sending Brienne on her quest to the Riverlands, departing Castle Black,

? - recruiting Northern lords at Bear Island,

609-610 - meeting up with Littlefinger/the Vale army (probably), The Battle of the Bastards, the scene with Jon, Littlefinger and Ramsey at Winterfell and whatever is in the finale.

Assuming that the BOTB does play out with the Sansa and LF at the head of the Vale army riding to the rescue when all hope seems lost, in true GOT fashion since pretty much every major battle ends with a third party coming out of nowhere and saving everyone, I'm going to guess that the writers will make Sansa scarce leading up to the BOTB, meaning that Sansa will separate from Davos at some point to go find LF and the audience won't know whether Sansa connected with LF, whether the Vale army is on its way and if so whether the army will make it in time, etc. etc.

1 hour ago, GrailKing said:

If the TOJ is as important as it seems to the story's history; it would make sense to be more than 1 or even 2 episodes .

Well to me anyway.

Me too. GRRM has not finished addressing TOJ in his thousands and thousands of pages, so for it to wrap up in a one-off ep on the show would make me feel cheated. I'd be okay if they had the battle in one ep and then the Lyanna dying and handing over the baby to Ned in the second ep. 


6x03 full spoilers are out.


Pretty boring episode, from the sounds of it, with the exception of the last moments.

We get the TOJ battle but nothing about Lyanna beyond Bran hearing a woman's screaming.

Rickon and Osha revealed as the gift, but we all pretty much knew that already.

No Brienne/Sansa/Pod, as speculated.

Alliser, Olly, Harwick and Marsh are hanged. Jon peaces out of the NW with what I must admit is a pretty badass mic drop line.

Head over to reddit.com/r/freefolk for the full summary from user gromenawer.  

Edited by Eyes High

Frikidoctor has a new video out where he "predicts" what is going to happen in 6x03.  Not sure if he is just covering his ass by calling them "predictions," but they sound pretty detailed. 

FrikiDoctor Video


Credit to https://www.reddit.com/user/gromenawer for the translation.


The Wall:

Melissandre ask what did he saw while he was dead. Jon says nothing. Meli says that Stannis might not be Azor Ahai after all but Jon. He think this is very weird and understand nothing. Davos is freaking out, and ask what happen.

Everybody goes to the yard, "you are a god, etc...".


On the boat, Sam is about to puke, they need to go to Sam house because Old Town don't allow chicks. His father is an asshole, but mom and sis are good people.


The conversation we know already. Dayne fucks everybody and beat Ned, but Howland kill Arthur in the back. A woman is screaming; Bran somehow scream Dad. Ned turn around but sees nothing. And the 3xEyeCrow says: "We will go back here another time" <NdT: Motherfucker...>

Vaes Dorak

Apparently half chapter about telling that widows go there, the rules and so on, to Dae.


A woman with a sick child have info about the Harpy. Varis offers health and a ship full of silver if she tells something. Everybody is conspiring against Meeren (Yunkai and the rest). Grayworm said that the best is attack directly, leaving Meeren undefended even.

King's Landing:

Qyburn is just talking with the kid. Tells Cersei or Jaime that he just "tweak" the mountain a little bit to improve it. The children are the new little birds, they were good with Varis, and they are also good with Qyburn. Jaime says that the Mountain should go to the Baelor Sept to blast the High Sparrow head. The council is talking, Olena, Pircell, Kevan, the guy that sing in bravos, etc.... Kevan is the hand of the king. Cersei and the Mountain crash the council, and the conversation goes no where.

Tommen ask the HS to left Cersei come back to see Mircela, HS says no sinner allowed. And that she need to purge her sin before the seven.


Who are you? Nobody, x 200. ... and then Who WERE you? I was Arya Stark, who do you want to kill? Why didn't you kill the dog? ; again with Jaquen Who are you? Nobody x200. Arya pass the test of the annoying god, got a bowl with magic water, and her eyesight come back.


Why are you here Umber? Aren't you loyal to the Stark?.

I was, but Jon Snow have an army of wildling that are going to fuck my lands.

Kneel and I will help you


Wut??? How I'm going to trust you?

You will because I'm bringing you Osha and Rickon.

The Wall again:

Four hanging people, Bower Marsh, Harwick, Thorne, and Olly (yes!). Before hanging them, Jon talk a bit with them. Marsh: You should be dead!, Harwick: Please tell my family I died honorably. Thorne: I would do this again!. Olly: (says nothing). Cut the main rope, all four fall down, last frame is Olly dying. Jon give the Lord Commander cape to Ed. Ed ask "what should I do with his?" Jon: "Whatever you want, because my watch has ended".


Edited by Statman
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7 minutes ago, Statman said:


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Why didn't you kill the dog?


Jon: "Whatever you want, because my watch has ended".


Is this all leading up to ArSan or something?  Why do the Faceless Men keep asking her what she thought about the Hound?

That final line sounds cool, but it's really weird to have Jon leaving the Watch having nothing whatsoever to do with the Boltons or his family.

Episode 6x03:

 Thank all the Gods that Jon is like, "fuck it, I'm done with the NW". Good for him. 

I know we suspected they would split up the ToJ scenes, but DAMMIT! I wanted R+L=J confirmed. 

Fuck the Umbers. Rickon's half-brother lets in Wildlings and they think the answer is to give him & Osha to Ramsay?? Fuck them. Fuck the Karstarks. And fuck Ramsay. I don't even want to know what happened to Shaggydog.


32 minutes ago, SeanC said:
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Is this all leading up to ArSan or something?  Why do the Faceless Men keep asking her what she thought about the Hound?

That final line sounds cool, but it's really weird to have Jon leaving the Watch having nothing whatsoever to do with the Boltons or his family.



The meta-reason for Jaqen's references to the Hound, I expect, are to remind the audience that he exists and that Arya left him for dead. The in-story reason, again I expect, is that Arya previously refused to admit the truth about the Hound and instead kept telling Jaqen that she hated him. It would make sense for Jaqen to try to gauge Arya's level of obedience by whether or not she'll stop lying about how she feels about the Hound.

...I agree that in another context, this whole push for Arya to admit the truth about how she felt about the Hound and why she let him live would be totally shippy. As it is, I'm not sure what Arya's supposed to admit: that the Hound is the brutally violent, alcoholic uncle she never had?

I rewatched the video and it seems that Arya is asked "Why didn't you kill the Hound?" and Arya answers "I didn't kill him but I left him to die"...so it seems to remind the audience that the Hound is potentially alive, setting up his return later in the season (I assume).



It does seem weird that Jon decides to quit the NW independent of anything to do with his family or Ramsay, but I do kind of love that he's like "Fuck it."

Edited by Eyes High
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Welp, HBO took down the video. They won't even allow him to talk about his "predictions". Yeesh.

Episode 6x03:



So, who's the titular "Oathbreaker" of this episode? Can't be Jon since he specifically says his "watch has ended". Clearly, he's accepted that since he died he is free. And Thorne & co are hanged, so they wouldn't call him oathbreaker. Soooo...who is it?

Edited by bunnyblue
51 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:


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So, who's the titular "Oathbreaker" of this episode? Can't be Jon since he specifically says his "watch has ended". Clearly, he's accepted that since he died he is free. And Thorne & co are hanged, so they wouldn't call him oathbreaker. Soooo...who is it?


People can still consider him an oathbreaker even if he views himself as released from his oath.  But it can also refer to Thorne and co., who broke their oaths.

51 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

Welp, HBO took down the video. They won't even allow him to talk about his "predictions". Yeesh.

Episode 6x03:


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So, who's the titular "Oathbreaker" of this episode? Can't be Jon since he specifically says his "watch has ended". Clearly, he's accepted that since he died he is free. And Thorne & co are hanged, so they wouldn't call him oathbreaker. Soooo...who is it?

Harken back to

Robb and his council about hanging the Great Jon as an oath breaker, I say Small Jon .

Weird thing: Hours ago I watched part of Frikidoctor's video on my tablet and hit pause because I had to go do things. I came back to it a little while ago and the video is still on my tablet, even though HBO removed his video. So, I watched it again and took notes. I'll elaborate on a few things from the earlier translation:

Castle Black: Mel tells Jon that the Lord of Light brought him back and mentions 'The Prince that was Promised' not 'Azor Ahai'. Jon is still disoriented and doesn't know what to think. Davos asks him if he remembers anything that happened and Jon says no, only that he died and can't explain why he's alive now. Down in the courtyard, the Wildlings are gathered and Tormund says they think he's some kind of God. Jon says he's not and Tormund jokes with him, saying of course he's not because he's seen him naked and no God would have such a small cock. Edd goes up to Jon and comments that his eyes are still brown. Jon says of course "it's me, do you want to burn me to prove it"?

TOJ: When Ned approaches the TOJ, Arthur is sharpening a long sword. Some detail on their conversation before the fight: Ned tells Arthur he looked for him at the Trident. Arthur tells Ned he looked for Robert at the Trident (this part makes no sense to me). Ned tells him Aerys is dead and asks Arthur why he isn't protecting his prince. Arthur says his prince sent him to the TOJ. Everything else is like what was already transcribed.

Vaes Dothrak: After Dany is brought before the Dosh Khaleen and stripped naked, she appears resigned to her fate and realizes she has much to learn.

Meereen: The 3 cities conspiring against Meereen are said to be Yunkai, Volantis, and Pentos. 

King's Landing: After their meeting with Qyburn, Cersei, Jaime, and FrankenMountain crash the Small Counsel meeting. After being questioned why he's there, Jaime says that as the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard he has a right to be there. (I'm really not liking Jaime's regression this season.)

Braavos: When No One admits that she was once Arya Stark, the Waif asks her who did she want to kill. No One says she wanted to kill Cersei, Walder Frey, and Gregor Clegane (Is this the same list she recited in 5x01?). Why don't you want to kill the Hound? I left him to die, is the reply.

Winterfell: Umber says that Lord Commander Snow has allowed Wildlings south of the Wall and that they will march south to Winterfell (how would he know that, if Jon doesn't even know that himself, yet?) and through his lands. He wants Ramsay's help. Umber will not kneel before Ramsay because look what happened to Roose after he bent the knee to King Robb (huh?). But he will give him Osha and a now older Rickon instead. Asshole.


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