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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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I think I'm misunderstanding you nksarmi, but Sansa can easily be respected again, depending on what she does this season. As many people pity her, there are just as many ready to see her get her vengeance. It depends on how this next season is written. Not that I have any faith in the writers anymore but I still, for one, respect Sansa immensely. Did she do everything I would have liked? No. She didn't do the one job Littlefinger gave her last season, which was gather info on the Boltons, besides using Walda's pregnancy against Ramsay

which may end up working for her in the long term if certain theories are correct and Ramsay kills Roose and Walda for it

. That was disappointing. And her attacking Myranda would have been wildly out of character. All Sansa knows so far, since they took out her active plotting with Dontos, is how to stand there and take it and survive to the next day. She won't learn any better from Theon or Littlefinger because that's all they know too. 


But everything Sansa loved has died, her family, her hopes, her wolf and her dreams, and Sansa keeps on, just like her sister. I have mad respect for both Stark girls, even if I'm not overly fond of the ways they choose to survive.


That's why I'm so nervous about her potentially be put back with Littlefinger this year. If she is, I'm 99% sure she won't survive the show. I'd much rather see her go to a northern lord or to Jon. She'll still be controlled, but she might learn not to be so passive in that kind of environment. If Sansa is a character that will do what she must to live, and the only way she may live is to get off her ass and work for it, then I think we might have something going here.


I despised Sansa's storyline this season, so the writers damn well better make the best of it.

If you're talking show that's not true and even book that's not true; she is missing info because creepy finger is keeping her isolated,but going with show her story in the north though poorly planned out by show runners will make her more important in the longer run.

Lots of photos.


Wow, Bran looks even more grown up than Arya now. For the first time since season 2, I'm looking forward to his storyline since he'll have something to do.


Was the Myrcella funeral confirmed before this photo or just something that seemed likely?


Balon lives! For at least one episode.


Apart from Cersei's short hair, that photo reminds me of 4x01 - Jaime has been missing her, she doesn't really care. I hope she at least gets a reaction scene where she hears the news that Jaime has arrived with Myrcella's corpse.


Sansa baby bump speculation is going to be hell. Thankfully she looks normal in another photo linked in the comments, but that speculation is still going to be around until the end of the season.

Edited by ElizaD

I'm all excited over seeing these pics.


Is there confirmation that the actor who plays Trystane will be in this season?


I'm curious as to what Jaime's reaction will be when he finds out about the walk. I wonder if Cersei will blame him for not being there even though she was the one to send him away in the first place. No doubt she'll blame him for Myrcella. I wonder if he'll tell Cersei that he told Myrcella the truth about them. 


So Septa Unella is tormenting Margaery with the book of the seven pointed star? I'll be bummed if

Margaery's conversion ends up being genuine. My hope is that she's faking it until she's freed by Jaime.


Isaac looks so much older, wow. Good for him though that he'll be able to be on his feet for some of this season. 


Regarding Myrcella's funeral--at least we know we won't get Septgate 2.0 here. I hope Tommen gets a line about how kind she always was to him. I always thought their relationship was sweet. I loved how she defended him to Joffrey in ACoK and how Tommen cried when she left. 


The actress who plays Yara looks a lot older to me. I have no idea what to expect from her character. Out of these pics that we're seeing I feel like I have the least sense of what she'll be up to.


I'd like to see pics from this season of Littlefinger, Loras, Pycelle, Kevan, and Euron. Loras especially since it's been so long since we've had an update on the character.


Lots of photos.


Wow, Bran looks even more grown up than Arya now. For the first time since season 2, I'm looking forward to his storyline since he'll have something to do.


Was the Myrcella funeral confirmed before this photo or just something that seemed likely?


Balon lives! For at least one episode.


Apart from Cersei's short hair, that photo reminds me of 4x01 - Jaime has been missing her, she doesn't really care. I hope she at least gets a reaction scene where she hears the news that Jaime has arrived with Myrcella's corpse.


Sansa baby bump speculation is going to be hell. Thankfully she looks normal in another photo linked in the comments, but that speculation is still going to be around until the end of the season.

I really, really, really, really hope that we aren't cheated of people's reactions to learning about Myrcella. Ideally we'd see the reactions of Cersei, Tommen, and maybe Kevan. Tyrion has no way of knowing but I'm sure he'd be sad to hear it. In the books he always thinks about what a sweet girl she is and how she's nothing like her mother save her appearance. 


I'll admit that I noticed the bump and hoped that I was just seeing things. Gah! No!!!!!!!


Edited because somehow I missed the pics of Varys. 

Edited by Avaleigh


Well SeanC, LF may have given her teleporter  instructions.  But its entirely possible she DOES get help-and maybe a horse ride getting to WF.


I do think Sansa/Melisandre could be fun.  Be very interested to see what Mel sees in Sansa's future.  And I NEED a Stark reunion already!


Happy to have Bran the greenseer on the show.


Also looking forward to Balon's reaction to having his Grand Northern Invasion fail completely. 

I don't buy the baby bump speculation. Sansa looked perfectly bumpless in the 5x10 finale, and I doubt three months will have elapsed in show time between her wedding to Ramsay and her fleeing Winterfell.


Nor do I buy the cloak speculation. The cloak edge in the Melisandre photo looks like velvet brocade: something stiff and heavy, with a defined pattern. Sansa's cloak is in a lighter material with a less defined pattern. Unless there's a seamstress up at the Wall who can get her kitted out in some fancy new duds, I have a hard time believing the getup is Sansa's.


The older he gets, the more Isaac Hempstead-Wright looks credibly related to Kit Harington.


Someone pointed out that Bran in the photo, in what I assume is a vision with a non-treed Bloodraven, is dressed in a slightly different version of the basic male Stark outfit. However, the photo of Bran on horseback in December showed Bran in a furry cloak. Does this mean that Bran on horseback is not part of a vision, and that Bran is leaving the cave in Season 6?

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 1

Lots of photos.


Wow, Bran looks even more grown up than Arya now. For the first time since season 2, I'm looking forward to his storyline since he'll have something to do.


Was the Myrcella funeral confirmed before this photo or just something that seemed likely?


Balon lives! For at least one episode.


Apart from Cersei's short hair, that photo reminds me of 4x01 - Jaime has been missing her, she doesn't really care. I hope she at least gets a reaction scene where she hears the news that Jaime has arrived with Myrcella's corpse.


Sansa baby bump speculation is going to be hell. Thankfully she looks normal in another photo linked in the comments, but that speculation is still going to be around until the end of the season.

Create noise keeping the show in the news between GOT and Outlander this site will be smoking LOL.

The most interesting speculation is whether that Sansa's cloak in the lower-lefthand corner of the Melisandre image.  The pattern appears somewhat similar, I admit.

Looks different to me, but after a trip like Sansa's doing, it would not be out of the norm to get new clothing.

I don't think that's a boat, that's Sansa giving him a hand out of the water.

Yeah, that's how I see it, he's gimpy after what Ramsey did to him add the jump from the wall, even in 10-20 feet of snow he be not much shape for trekking .

Someone pointed out that Bran in the photo, in what I assume is a vision with a non-treed Bloodraven, is dressed in a slightly different version of the basic male Stark outfit. However, the photo of Bran on horseback in December showed Bran in a furry cloak. Does this mean that Bran on horseback is not part of a vision, and that Bran is leaving the cave in Season 6?


Bran is wearing the exact same rough wool shirt and leather jerkin he's had on since he left Winterfell. I was watching a random season 3 episode yesterday and when it showed Bran he was wearing the exact same outfit he's got on in the S6 image (obviously, IHW is wearing a newly tailored one since he's grown since S2). I guess it could be referred to as the basic male Stark outfit. Jon seems to wear the same style under his Night's Watch garb.  


You bring up a good point about the horseback picture from a few months ago. I had thought it was another vision but since he's standing in the new one with Blood Raven why would he envision himself on horseback in another flashback vision. Maybe Bran does physically leave the cave at some point in S6. But why? And, yikes, that would be an incredibly dangerous thing to do with White Walkers and their army roaming about.

"every Lannister needs to be offed along with Boltons and Freys."


True, but not too quickly. Would like them to taste fear and betrayal before their demise...I do hope Ramsay is the one who drops the hammer on Walda and Reese. I would enjoy that. As for the Freys, they are so many of them that you could bake enough pies to feed the whole of Westeros...as long as you don't give up on the gravy.

As for Ramsay himself, I do hope the Thenns are at the Snowball...turn them loose on old Ramsay. 

As for the Lannisters...pick them off one by one...just enough time for them to mourn their losses. A little justice for Dorne, for Sansa, for the Targaryens, for Westeros.

It took me this long to realize there was no sign of Dorne in the photos. I don't think Trystane has been confirmed, but they had to have something in mind when they changed the plot and sent him to KL. I'd guess that Jaime returns home with Myrcella's corpse and Trystane in 6x01 even though the timing won't make sense with plots like Sansa/Theon and Jon taking place moments or hours after 5x10.


Sansa can set Westeros' all-time land speed record by walking to Castle Black in the middle of winter with no food or other preparations within an episode or two.


If she can't learn plotting from Littlefinger, at least she'll learn teleporting.

Someone pointed out that Bran in the photo, in what I assume is a vision with a non-treed Bloodraven, is dressed in a slightly different version of the basic male Stark outfit.


That photo could be from the vision that has the youngest flashback Ned they've cast: maybe Bran watches him train with Robert and Hodor the way his parents watched him in the first episode.

Maisie Williams:

“Every season with Arya adds a different layer, I feel,” she said. “With season five and going into season six, it’s kind of like they’re stripping those away. Although she turns a lot darker, a lot of it is actually what’s underneath, and they’re stripping away the emotion now. It was so interesting reading season five and thinking ‘this is not the girl I’ve auditioned for, at all’.”

“Going into season six, she gets broken down totally. We see her at the lowest point we’ve ever seen her. This time it’s nothing to do with a family member being killed, it’s something purely about herself.

“I love that side of it, and I think this new series, we definitely see a new crack in her. There’s a moment where you question whether she’s going to get back up or keep fighting.”


Sounds like she's talking about her blindness in the first couple of episodes. The storyline with the Essosi actors playing the familiar Westerosi characters seemed like it was designed for comedy and I expect it to be much more entertaining than yet another plot about a Stark getting broken down and not being able to do anything about the misery of the world. I hope Arya gets back up in episode 2 and gets her new acting job in 3.

If Sansa isn't pregnant in those photos, the show is setting us up to think she is. Of course it's not possible without a time jump, which won't happen since we will see Myrcella's body. Of course that pic of Sansa can be from later in the season. Sansa wearing the same clothes doesn't necessarily disprove anything. She will be in dire straits, at least initially, and she didn't pack a suitcase before jumping off the wall.

The picture of Dany breaks my heart a little. She looks frightened and timid, just like she was when we met her. It's as if all her strength and confidence are gone. I'm concerned for Drogon's welfare. Now that Dany seems able to summon him, why hasn't he rescued her?

  No one seems to be talking about Ian McShane's casting. 

This link shows a brief clip of Ian talking about his role. Ian (and the article) seem to be saying that Ian will play the Hound. What's confusing, is this article also points out that Rory McCann is rumored to have stayed at the GOT hotel, and doesn't seem to think that's a contradiction. If the Hound is still alive, wouldn't Rory be playing him? Ian is great, but he's twenty-seven years older than Rory. What's the deal?  http://www.pajiba.com/game_of_thrones/hbo-may-still-have-a-game-of-thrones-leak-problem-ian-mcshane.php


No one seems to be talking about Ian McShane's casting. 

This link shows a brief clip of Ian talking about his role. Ian (and the article) seem to be saying that Ian will play the Hound. What's confusing, is this article also points out that Rory McCann is rumored to have stayed at the GOT hotel, and doesn't seem to think that's a contradiction. If the Hound is still alive, wouldn't Rory be playing him? Ian is great, but he's twenty-seven years older than Rory. What's the deal?  http://www.pajiba.com/game_of_thrones/hbo-may-still-have-a-game-of-thrones-leak-problem-ian-mcshane.php

Sorry, I was going to post this video but this side of the board appeared to be dead so I decided not to double post or edit my last post. 

Most important part is at the end

McShane: "....but also, I have nursed a loved character — a much loved character — back to life. And it reintroduces — I won’t say him or her — cause [sounds like McShane says ‘he’]…it’s a character that’s much loved, that everybody thinks has died, and he’s not dead. Me and my band of peace-loving brothers and sisters have nursed him back to life. So it introduces him again.”


Interviewer: “It could only be the Hound or Jon Snow.”

McShane: "I’ll leave you with that one. I think you might guess which one it is…'cause it’s not the latter. It might be the former."

I thought it was well known who McShane was playing?

I think most of us bookreaders suspected before McShane opened his mouth, but I think it's a noteworthy leak when Kitten is busy lying his ass off about only appearing as a corpse. TPTB can try to control long time GoT actors but Ian McShane has no problem confirming the Hound is still alive. Edited by Lady S.
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Um if there have been photos of Jon Snow captured in full battle - why are they having the actor tell the "corpse" tale still?

Um if there have been photos of Jon Snow captured in full battle - why are they having the actor tell the "corpse" tale still?  I mean I thought they should have been using the corpse story back when the season ended.  Like "Sure, I'll be back next season - they still have to film them finding my body and burying/burning me!"  But at this point, it seems rather senseless.

  • Love 3

I don't think Kitten is lying.  


I think Jon will be a corpse, but a sentient undead one that can kick ass and take names, like a supercharged Beric Dondarrion. 


Unfortunately I think Ghost is toast as killing the wolf will be part of the formula for getting Jon's spirit back into his own body, but the upside is that Ghost's spirit will also be moved into Jon since I think their souls merge when a skinchanger has their second life.  (Re:  Varamyr Sixskins).


That's my crackpot.

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The part that sounds like a lie to me is when he says 'Look, I’m not in the show any more. I’m definitely not in the new series.' Why say that?

I guess you can say the I he means is not himself but his character, original recipe unmurdered Lord Commander Snow, but I don't think so. He really doesn't come off as being extra careful and trying to play Varys-like word games in this or his earlier interviews.

I mean I thought they should have been using the corpse story back when the season ended.  Like "Sure, I'll be back next season - they still have to film them finding my body and burying/burning me!"  But at this point, it seems rather senseless.

Right, that would have been the answer to give when s5 first ended, but I don't think he even allowed for corpse acting back then. He could have said he might still need the Jon Snow hair for corpse shots or flashbacks, instead he said he was free from hair obligations for GoT but might need long hair for other roles.




I’m still kind of thrown by that song choice, which I mostly associate with its somewhat cheesecake music video.


The High Tower looks cool.


Sansa gets a nice fur coat at some point.


Yet more evidence for the “Bran leaves the cave” theory, as in the shot with the Night’s King he is dressed in the same clothes as in the stills in Winterfell with the Three-Eyed Raven, versus the still of him mounted, where he’s got furs on.


And Yara is into the ladies, evidently.

Edited by SeanC

I have just one word. Well, two.





OK, I have other words.

I love all the Davos. If they kill Davos I'll riot. Can he be the king in the end?

Jon in the snow in his blood kills me.

Is Arya just blind or warging, too?

Is Tyrion trying to get to the dragons?

Die Melisandre die. Be sad and destroyed and die.

Jaime isn't yet over Cersei? Ugh.

One battle where I'll cheer for every single casualty: Sir Deadmeat and Cersei's goonies vs Pope Septon's nutcases.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I'm excited. So happy to see Davos again. I'm shocked that Melisandre is telling him that she was wrong. I wonder what she'll say about Shireen? 


I really like Cersei saying that she chooses violence. I hope the High Sparrow gets his ass handed to him. 


I've only seen it once so I missed the indication that Yara is into ladies. 

  • Love 3

I'll be able to listen to the audio later but the footage looks great.


I didn't even recognize Bran the Ancient! ;)  Bran staring off with the Night's King is awesome.  See, GRRM...you could actually learn something from D&D on that one.


I hope Jaime finally breaks free of Cersei but I won't hold my breath with his portrayal.


I'm looking forward to Cersei unleashing her revenge on the High Sparrow.


Cool stuff with Davos it looks like.  I really hope he finds out what happened to Shireen because there will be NO saving Melisandre if he does.


After the random lesbian action with Yara, I noticed a shot of a bridge on a rainy day.  Must be when Balon FINALLY gets it.

  • Love 2

Nothing about that shot indicates when it's set.

He's not in the Vail, that looks like the woods in the North, looks also like Brienne saving Theon from the dogs and soldier.


RIP Kevan and Pycelle

sdmc6kT.pngHi, Euron, nice beard.


Poor Dany, no "badass" lines in the whole trailer.

The little birds, liked Kevin; even if he was a Lannister.

Trailer thoughts:


1. Might be a stretch to assume that Sansa runs straight into Littlefinger in the woods early in Season 6, but it makes more sense than her wandering the woods with no food, no shelter, and no ride.

2. Definite Tower of Joy footage. I saw a soldier with a Targaryen emblem on his breastplate, and I was all "Ohhhhh."
3. Side-eyeing TV Yara's lesbianism, although Asha/Qarl in the books wasn't much of an improvement.

4. Who wants to bet that Melisandre will revive Jon through some sort of sex ritual?

5. Battle footage looks boss.

6. Have to admit I got chills when Bran turned around and saw the NK. Really cool shot. (Bran is so tall!)

7. Sansa's furs looked great.

8. Arya's Braavos arc is turning out to feature more abuse than Sansa's stint in KL. Did Arya get the shit kicked out of her that much in Braavos in the books?


I love the sumptuous colours of the show. Everything looks so saturated, so alive, even dead Jon. Music choice? Eh. At least it picked up at the end.

  • Love 3

Squeeeee! I love that HBO just dropped the trailer without any fanfare.


Seeing Jon lying in the snow all alone and dead breaks my heart. Clearly Davos takes charge of his corpse for reasons. I love that Ghost is standing guard of Jon while Davos and the loyal brothers prepare to fuck up Thorne and his cronies. 


The Night's King standing behind Bran scared the crap out of me. Safe to say that's a vision since Bran is standing. The NK seems to be aware of Bran, so I'm dying to know if he can somehow harm Bran in a vision.


I'm disappointed that Jaime is still under Cersei's spell and that they are headed for more sexy times.


Poor Lancel. He doesn't stand a chance against FrankenMountain. 


Young Ned and his companions at the Tower of Joy brings me great joy. Can not wait!!


So strange seeing Dany brought down a few pegs. I wonder how long Drogon is going to let his mama stay captive. 


Speaking of dragons: holy crap! Tyrion is soooo going to release Rhaegal & Viserion. 


For me, the star of the trailer is Davos motherfuckin' Seaworth. Wielding Longclaw, protecting Jon's corpse, taking on the Night's Watch. I love him, I love him, I love him. Davos for king!!!

  • Love 8
I think it's Brienne she and Theon run into first.

Yes, I agree. That shot of Littlefinger seems strange.


I was trying to figure out where Sansa was in the closeup shot of her indoors wearing furs. It looks like there's some sort of iron chandelier close to her of the type they had in Winterfell. Sansa's furs might be the first thing she's worn in several seasons that I didn't hate.


It seems upon rewatching the trailer that Davos is guarding Jon's body and has to protect it against Jon's enemies; in addition to that final scene, it looks like there's a bit where Jon's murderers are trying to bust down a door. There's also a shot of someone resting their hands on Jon's chest and Jon's eyes.


Looking forward to Tyrion meeting the dragons.


On Yara's lady friend: there was a casting notice on WOTW way back in September 2015 as follows:

Sublime courtesan. Aged 20 – 25. This beautiful courtesan appears at a party where a high-born woman has employed her services. Shoots around the week of September 15th.

Granted, this casting notice appeared with the Essos/Braavos stuff, but this girl does appear to be in the right age range, Yara is a highborn woman, and the two of them do appear to be in public.

Edited by Eyes High

As for Show Littlefinger getting to the North quickly, don't forget he has a time machine.

WOTW said they had reports that they filmed at the Runestone set, so it sounds like he starts off the season in the Vale.


My view of what happens with Baelish in season 6 has gone back and forth over the last few month, but I'm back to thinking he only shows up in the North at the very end.

Edited by SeanC
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