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S05.E21: Dance Moms Down Under, Part 2

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The team is divided into two factions when Abby excludes Nia and JoJo from the rest of the planned events in Australia; Kendall, Kalani, Maddie and Mackenzie must learn a new routine to perform at a private fan event.

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I want to put vasaline on the bottom of The Holy God Almighty Abby shoes and then sit and watch what happens.  Since I can't I'll go youtube and play Nia's video 200 times a day - 200 hundred hits, even when I'm ironing.  What a vengeful unhappy suffering beyotch.  Sometimes I wish Christie and Kelly were still on.  Jill's jealousy is so transparent.

Edited by Lablover27
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Just getting to watch it now. We start with the park and all the girls playing with the animals - maybe 2-3 hours of shooting to get everything and then suddenly the moms realize Kira isn't there? How fake. Jill and her incessant rant about Nia and the video - stop already - she's worst than Kelly and Christi. Melissa commenting on Kalani not being there because Kira wanted to see her boyfriend - ahh - seems a few years ago someone named Melissa took off and missed the whole competition to spend time with her boyfriend - the pot calling the kettle black.


Were the girls sincere about Jojo - no - I don't think so and I do think Holly was awesome for including Jojo in the concert.


Did anyone notice at the park that the Ziegler girls had on ALDC Australian tour shirts but the others were in reg clothing? Lately, it seems when they are together in public - all the girls have on an ALDC shirt.


OK back to the show!

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All right - just finished watching in - being last night's video on Lifetime isn't a smooth feed for me but choppy - I went to youtube to see the Mad Max dance - it looks like the girls did many numbers at the expo. Of note is a segment where Abby is introducing the girls before the Mad Max number and she's telling the crowd how they learned the dance 2 hours one day and then 1 hour the next - sorry but I don't buy that but maybe I didn't hear her clearly.


I loved Nia's video and her little talk to the crowd afterwards. Watching her - I actually had tears in my eyes - because through the years, I've felt that if anyone has been in the background - it was Nia. She's never been the best dancer - of course we don't know if she has had private lessons - she has had some solos - but mostly ethnic - where Maddie would stick out like a sore thumb - but the girl seems genuine like Chloe. And despite how Holly has been portrayed this year - I feel they have a great family unit.


Can't wait for next week - looks like the fur is gonna fly.

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So, I'm confused...Abby says Nia & JoJo were not "invited" to Australia.  So why are they there? Are we supposed to think Holly & Jess blew thousands of dollars for 4 tickets and hotel accommodations just to hopefully get their kids on stage? (We know TPTB paid their way).  I'm also confused about the "bad press" they kept bringing up.  Maddie said "no one likes us here".  Was the press about Abby or the kids or the show?


How have Kira's earlobes not split from wearing those heavy earrings?  And her nails drive me nuts too.  I don't like all the crystals super-glued on them.  But I agree with her statement that Abby hasn't allowed Maddie to grow.  Her turns and routines and the goddamned "faces" have been the same for years.

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This isn't a great link - but there was some backlash media against Abby Lee in Australia; the problem is that the main article about it is behind a paywall.  It seems like it's about her teaching methods, but might have to do with ridiculous ticket prices and there was also a lot of side-eye about the pervy (maybe pedo?) dance teacher from there that was filmed here in the US for an episode but never shown on the series - I'm sorry I don't remember his name, it's on YouTube somewhere.

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Yeah, there were an awful lot of people at those two events, at least some people like them there. 


I wondered too about the whole Nia and JoJo in Australia thing. I mean they were there for the ASTRA dance, why weren't they asked to be a part of the other event? And if they weren't a part of it, why give them a hard time about being there in the first place? It's not like they just dragged their girls to Australia in the hope of dancing at ASTRA.


And don't get me started on Jill talking endlessly about the divisions in the team. Please dear, when your daughter and 3 others are wearing Abby Lee shirts and two others clearly aren't, and you're advising them not to show up to the next event, and then you're getting p*ssy because the other two girls have planned something else for themselves (though clearly it was producer driven), it's no wonder there are divisions on the team and what in the F are you doing about it? Nothing, as far as I can tell because Kendall is included.


This is just ridiculous, producer driven cr*p at this point. I will happily watch Nia and JoJo get their groove on any day though. They looked relaxed and like they were having a blast.

Edited by Clemgo3165
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My DVR didn't pick this up - Comcast - did anyone else have this happen?

Sorry 'bout that.  I have DISH satellite.  Unfortunately for me, the reverse happens.  My DVR records too many episodes of Dance Moms.  Even though I have it set to record only "new" episodes, somehow the show still lists itself as "new" in the description, even though it's been aired already.  The creators/producers, whomever is responsible, is a crafty bunch.  I don't know for sure, but I would think that helps its ratings?  Perhaps someone with more expertise with this can clarify?   

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Just a couple of articles concerning the Australians not wanting her there.


Also - I just watched an Australian's video of Nia's performance. Seems even that was messed with as after the song - Nia leaves the stage - unless she comes back and then gives that little speech - otherwise - the producers set that up too.


I think a lot of the animosity is real these days. Abby is not getting along with production and they have obviously set this thing up with Nia - thus infuriating Abby even more. And it's more than likely the moms are upset that production is going the extra mile for Nia - but didn't for any of the other girls.

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I've never enjoyed Nia's dancing much, but she really is a sweet girl.  I've watched this show for years, and I've never seen one bratty moment - even after Holly started losing her mind.  The only other kids I can say this about are Chloe and Kalani.  I just wish Holly wasn't so determined to make a "pop star" out of her.  Holly, more than anybody, should know how unhealthy that life is for kids.  Doesn't she have her PhD in children's education?


Abby's always been a joke, but making a point of telling Holly that she wouldn't have Nia's video if it wasn't for her ......  That hag would never have become famous if it wasn't for the little girls.  People watch the show for them, and in spite of Abby.  That megalomaniac is in for a big fall, and I'm not sure how she'll handle the humbling.

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Mine usually picks up both as well - I think the repeat show is entered as new generally because it's the "Choreographer's Cut" with the full dances shown instead of the original edited versions.


Thanks for your helpful info.  My DVR always records the choreographer's version - which I don't like or watch, but can understand how they can repackage that and label it as "new". 


However, my DVR also tapes the same new weekly episode when Lifetime airs it again later in the night.  So I usually wind up with 2-3 copies extra (depending on the channel's lineup)!  I would blame my system, however, it only happens with Dance Moms.  I have about 50 other timers amongst my family members, and none of us have this happen with other shows.  I am hoping what gimipizzauoldtroll says is accurate and if I do not watch them and delete the shows, they are not given any watched ratings from those extra recordings. 


I am considering just wiping out the timer and being done with this show once and for all.  Now if my DVR still records it after I delete the timer, than I will freak out and move outta my house lickety split!!


My impression is that it has to have been recorded and watched within 7 days of original airing for it to be counted.


gimipizzauoldtroll: Many thanks for your helpful info.  That is quite interesting information.


I also need to applaud you for your forum name - that is brilliant and humorous at the same time!!

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I continue to be amazed at Jill.  If she isn't the dumbest person on the face of the planet, she's allowing TPTB to portray her as that.  She utters one inanity after another and is supreme hypocrit to boot.  The whole Nia and JoJo exclusion storyline was absurd on almost every level. It made absolutely no sense.  It's miracle that Kalani is a nice a kid as she seems to be.  Kira is a major beyotch and not exactly a great roll model.  I was very impressed with Nia's performance.  She is clearly not the best dancer but she has excellent stage presence and it showed on Tuesday night.  I was also impressed with JoJo's dancing but was equally as impressed with how articulate she is.  Despite that speech affectation that she has, her conversations with Nia and her "confessionals" showed her to be a pretty intelligent kid, able to express herself quite well.

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cali - I agree with everything you've said. I think we see more of the real Jojo here than we did on AUDC where she was portrayed as a spoiled little brat. And Nia like Chloe will be the ones remember from this show - both have seemed genuine and caring.

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I thought it was funny when Jill said that she thought Abby was upset that Holly "flew Nia's choreographer all the way here - he didn't do that for Kenzie's music"... it seemed to me she was talking about the producers, but they changed whatever name she used to Holly in order to maintain some semblance of reality on this show.


I think the producers are clearly messing with Abby by doing this whole huge thing with Nia's music.  If this is the case, It make me feel bad for Nia - who is kind of a pawn in the sick game.  Hopefully she is aware.  Or hopefully its not the case.  She did look more comfortable onstage then Kenzie ever did, even in her rehearsed videos.  

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The only way Nia and Chloe will be remembered is if they get that one-in-a-million break that Maddie got when Sia chose her. That is highly unlikely.


The hype on this show (Nia = Superstar) is so over-the-top that I"m amazed they can utter such nonsense without bursting out laughing. Either Holly is an accomplished actress or she's seriously delusional. Ditto for the rest of the moms with the exception of Melissa, who always looks like she's struggling to remain silent so as not to do any harm to Maddie's career.

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If this is the case, It make me feel bad for Nia - who is kind of a pawn in the sick game.  Hopefully she is aware.


According to people in production on the show, Nia is completely aware of the scripted aspects of the show.  


None of the girls are walking away from this show with famous dance careers I don't believe.  Maddy's current success is a flash in the pan and most people still don't know who she is.  The professional dance world is a very tough place with a short shelf-life for most of the people.  

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Actual video of Nia's concert and how fake everything is. Jill, Melissa and even Kira were there way before the concert started - so maybe I'm wrong nd the whole Abby fighting with production is another gimmick to get the show better ratings.



And seashell sorry but I bet in 2 years after the show is cancelled, you'll still see viewers talking about Chloe and Nia as people tend to root for the underdogs. There are oodles of posts about Chloe and what she's doing now as you had an underdog, who people could identify with - add to that - she was just a really sweet girl - while Maddie better enjoy the success she has now as I'm going to bet it doesn't last. She's known strictly because of Sia and most people have no idea who she is besides being that girl in the Sia videos. Had she stopped after the first video - when others could see that she had more to offer than just the Maddie on Dance Moms - she may have made out better and gone on to do other things but sticking with Sia and doing abstract dance - it's like the 1 hit wonder. You remember the song but not who sang it - they'll remember the dancer but not her name.

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And seashell sorry but I bet in 2 years after the show is cancelled, you'll still see viewers talking about Chloe and Nia as people tend to root for the underdogs. There are oodles of posts about Chloe and what she's doing now as you had an underdog, who people could identify with - add to that - she was just a really sweet girl - while Maddie better enjoy the success she has now as I'm going to bet it doesn't last. She's known strictly because of Sia and most people have no idea who she is besides being that girl in the Sia videos. Had she stopped after the first video - when others could see that she had more to offer than just the Maddie on Dance Moms - she may have made out better and gone on to do other things but sticking with Sia and doing abstract dance - it's like the 1 hit wonder. You remember the song but not who sang it - they'll remember the dancer but not her name


I don't think any of them will really be remembered per se... but Nia and Chloe are known pretty strictly only by people who watch/watched Dance Moms.  Maddie may be turn out to be a one hit wonder, and she may only be known through Sia, but she is still miles ahead all of the other girls in the sense that at least she is not known *exclusively* by people who watch this reality show.


I'm not saying she is well known or that people know who she is... but she is undoubtedly miles ahead of any of the other girls in terms of credible dance appearances (Grammy's, more recently Dancing with the Stars, etc.) and having her name/face out there (modeling for Capezio, working with Elle, etc.)  

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This is probably getting off topic for this thread, but while I think Maddie is more well known for the Sia videos, in many cases she's "the little girl from dance moms" not"Maddie"... It's not across the board obviously many many people do know her as Maddie, but I don't think it's as many as Abby would like to think.

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I think fame for young dancers can be fleeting.  We'll see if that true for Maddie, it's really hard to know at this point.


Does anybody remember who Alicia Clifton is?  She had a role a lot like Maddie's at Capezio about a decade ago.

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I can't believe Jill had the nerve to say Holly should have included the other girls in Nia's concert, when she had agreed with Melissa about not wanting Holly and Jess to bring Nia and JoJo to Abby's other event. It's also ridiculous for any one to be upset at Nia "doing her own thing" when Maddie doing Sia's video was just her doing her own thing.  These women have such double standards.


The truth is none of these people (Nia, Maddie, Abby) would have the opportunities they've had if it wasn't for the show.  So they are all interdependent on each other in some respects.  But in ten years no one will remember any of them.

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I just watched the first episode of the first season again. It is funny how so much has changed. What hasn't changed is Melissa's agenda. The first episode contained the introductions of the girls and mom's. Throughout that episode - all Melissa could do is proclaim Maddie's superiority over the other girls. Ex. they're jealous but Maddie can't help it that she's the best,  Maddie deserves to be at the top of the pyramid - she's the best, Abby's going to make my girl a star - the only time Mac was mentioned was: I'm Melissa, mother to Maddie 8 and MacKenzie 6. No wonder Mac has turned into such a brat - she's dying for attention!

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Obviously I am not in show biz nor do I know squat about music marketing, so maybe my ignorance is showing with this question...how does one have a "concert" when one only has recorded ONE song?  I like Nia, and I hope if music is her passion, she does well.  But Holly going on & on about how this production driven concert is "the biggest thing to ever happen in Nia's music career!" is delusional!  Her "career" is 2 minutes old for cripes sake! And Aubrey O'Day is "famous" or relevent in the music industry?  Really?  I only know her as a reality show fame whore.


And it's so obvious (has been for years) the if Abby didn't think of it, design it, etc, then it's "crap" or it's all wrong or it's not what Hollywood/Disney wants.  I'm tired of hearing about it.  Abby & other moms didn't want Holly/Nia or Jess/JoJo involved at all in her private event.  Then all they do is bitch about how the other 4 haven't touched base, or stopped by or been around.  Then, when they do show up to support the girls, they are slammed for being there.  Even as a scripted show that is lazy and stupid story telling.


This travesty of a show can't keep going much longer.  The girls are aging out of Abby's pre-teen choreography.  Abby is going to have a heart attack from all the producer driven jealousy plots.  It was better when the girls were a full team and cohesive.  Sure the drama upstairs with the Mom's was needed to get attention, but this show has derailed since the 1st season.

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None of the girls are walking away from this show with famous dance careers I don't believe.



I believe that.  I would hope that the moms take this show for what it is--a show.  Their kids are making money, and for whatever protections are being put in place, the girls who have been on this show from the beginning of the team should have enough put away to pay for them to comfortably go to college, or get a good start in their adult lives. 


Of all the videos and songs of the girls, I have enjoyed Nia's the best, great message, great production values.  Is she a star?  I don't know.  Quirky things can happen, and she could break out and make more money or get cast in a scripted show somewhere. 


As it stands, I feel the show has had its run, and show bow out awkwardly, but will probably end with Abby having burned every bridge and on the verge of a breakdown when her "empire" crumbles around her.     

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I believe that.  I would hope that the moms take this show for what it is--a show.  Their kids are making money, and for whatever protections are being put in place, the girls who have been on this show from the beginning of the team should have enough put away to pay for them to comfortably go to college, or get a good start in their adult lives. 


Of all the videos and songs of the girls, I have enjoyed Nia's the best, great message, great production values.  Is she a star?  I don't know.  Quirky things can happen, and she could break out and make more money or get cast in a scripted show somewhere. 


As it stands, I feel the show has had its run, and show bow out awkwardly, but will probably end with Abby having burned every bridge and on the verge of a breakdown when her "empire" crumbles around her.     

Another Nia music video has been released. 

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Actually, many unknowns give concerts or shows at venues around their area. We have a Thursday in the square where both well known and unknown artists perform for the residents of our city. They'll also do performances at local fairs ect. to increase their exposure. Nia just is lucky that she has Collins production behind her and that she can have a concert or show with pizzaz.

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An article about the video and part of a live performance done at a competition that will be presented later this year is on IB Times - Unfortunately, I could get the link to copy - but the song is called Slay and quite catchy!

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I'm so behind on this show - I just watched the Australia madness.  Shut up, Jill!  Shut up, Melissa!  All this idiotic talk of "dividing the team" - who did that in the first place?  Who excluded two of the dancers from the "private events"?  Even if all this crap were real, who would blame Nia and JoJo for doing their own thing?  Melissa is delusional and Jill is an idiot, and "shut up" again to the both of them.


Why in the wide world didn't someone tell them how to properly pronounce Melbourne?  Drove me nuts.


I'm not a fan at all of the auto-tuned pop princess music but Nia's isn't all that bad.  She's truly a lovely girl and her inclusion of JoJo, whether producer-driven or not, was a very good move.  On the other hand, the girls who chose to ridicule JoJo in Ireland, spoke rather badly about their character.  Very mean girls and the apologies were pretty lame.

Edited by limecoke
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I love how Abby's all "Kalani doesn't need to be here, she wouldn't be doing anything anyway" immediately followed by "You should have been here, if we fail it's because you weren't here." Yeah, Abby, you're not delusional. Nope, not at all.

Obviously I am not in show biz nor do I know squat about music marketing, so maybe my ignorance is showing with this question...how does one have a "concert" when one only has recorded ONE song? I like Nia, and I hope if music is her passion, she does well. But Holly going on & on about how this production driven concert is "the biggest thing to ever happen in Nia's music career!" is delusional! Her "career" is 2 minutes old for cripes sake!

Actually, many unknowns give concerts or shows at venues around their area. We have a Thursday in the square where both well known and unknown artists perform for the residents of our city. They'll also do performances at local fairs ect. to increase their exposure. Nia just is lucky that she has Collins production behind her and that she can have a concert or show with pizzaz.

So this is super old, so nobody probably cares any more, but I'm still gonna chime in...

While I'm obviously not BusyOctober, I thought the first post was saying how can you call it a concert and then perform just one song. I'd assume the unknowns that tessa refers to performed more than one song at their concerts.

I agree it was weird to make such a big deal over Nia singing one song to a crowd, but it's still true that it's the biggest thing to happen for her music career. Hopefully not the biggest that will happen for it, but for now, yeah.

Edited by takalotti
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