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The Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Non-Appreciation Thread

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  When it comes to Michael "Sonny" Corinthos, Port Charles' local gangster, how do I hate him? Let me count the ways:

I hate how he talks trash about other characters when he's usually just as bad or worse. 

I hate how he treats women, especially when there's name-calling, barware-throwing and "Bullets Of Love" involved.

I hate how he uses his children, whether they're his or not, to justify everything he does.

I hate how he breaks the law time and time again and gets away with it.

In other words, Sonny Ruins Everything.

I would go further in depth about how much I hate Sonny, but the news about TWoP's shutdown has made me too sad, so I've decided to wait and grieve for now, but knowing Sonny's track record, he'll piss me off all over again in record time. However, anyone who wants to elaborate about Sonny's numerous sins, vent here.



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Thank you for starting this topic. Charter member of the NULOSH club here. I hated Sonny since the time he first showed up on this show. He was slimy from the first. I couldn't stand what he did to Karen Wexler and I also hated the way he was forcing young Stone to do his bidding even when it was clear that Stone really didn't want to. I was very happy when the actor left to try his luck on primetime but alas he came back and became the center of the show. Aside from his dimples, what else does he have going for him. How many women has he ruined?

Aside from being good to Stone when he was dying and paying for the Aids wing at GH, what else has he done to get the people of PC to keep on saying that he is a good man.

Edited by Lillybee
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I've been trying to figure out for years who the hell ordained  Sonny better than any one when calls other people trash how don't he not recognized that exactly what he is.

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In the beginning I didn't mind Sonny but when he told his thugs to "escort Ms. Scorpio home" he became dead to me. His treatment his current "loves of his life", the harm his caused to his childre & others has made me depise the character. Everything going on with AJ just makes me want to see the character wiped from the face of GH.

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How Sonny treated Karen was uncalled for.Anyone remember the scene on GH with Karen/Robin/Jason where Karen was forced to apologize to SOnny.That was WTF.I also hate how everyone acts like scotty has no right to hate sonny for what he did to Karen.

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He's just a little shit and in all fairness, Mo's acting is not what it used to be.  Watching him stumble through a line can be painful to watch.

Then there's also that weird thing about him always returning to eat the show.  Just when it looks like he's going to get back-burnered?  Hell, no! MORE SONNY.

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I really don't understand why there are Sonny fans out thee in the universe. He truly is a horrible character and while I understand that there are people who love MB, I have a hard time with his acting choices. Sonny ruins everything.

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whenever Sonny opens his mouth all I hear is me me me, I I I I, mine mines 

who didn't get tired of the Deke stories to get a woman,to make them feel sorry for  him and to justify every bad thing he did.

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I don't actually hate Sonny as a presence on the show. I just see him as a toxic presence in everyone's lives. Like, he can't have a healthy relationship with anyone and usually being connected to him means you or a close loved one will die or come close. So I find that dynamic--his ability to keep everyone in his sphere while constantly causing them pain, demanding so much from others and not giving as much in return--sort of interesting. I just have to reframe the show/storylines in my mind to make that work. Also, I think I like MB better than a lot of you do! So that makes Sonny more tolerable too.

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There is nothing Sonny or Maurice Bernard could do at this point to make me not despise this character.  Nothing.  As TarHeelTeacher says, even his dimples are annoying. 

He mumbles his way through every scene with a "whereAMI" unfocused stare, breaking out in inappropriate HEH HEH HEH's, screeching MYKILL's name every now and then, doddering around under the delusion that he's not 90 in dog years. 

And it stretches credulity that this guy has ANY women wanting him, other than a casting director looking for someone to star in an Activia commercial.  Luckily, they stick him with abbondonza stereotypes like Connie or the horrid Olivia these days.  And he screams at them like a little girl bitten by a rabid bat.  SUCH great acting choices......

And then they really punish us when they put him in a scene with Luke.  Then it's like outtakes from The Walking Dead.

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Scummy Corruptous.When other characters are made to say Sonny is a good man, all I can think of is get the barf bucket..Just when I think I can go back to watching we get ,more mobs and molls. I have hated Sonny since he came on and was Fagin, putting hits out on Stones brother, and trying  to turn Karen into a druggy because she did not want to pole dance.When she had to say Sonny didn't give her drugs.That was it.I shut the show off. Robin who I have always liked had to also say she was wrong when she got angry at him for shooting her. her child was also in the house. Now Sonny has shot AJ in cold blood.AJ's fault he got in the way of Sonnys temper.I hate Sonny with the fire of a thousand suns and will never stop. Don't get me started on he is good to his kids. He didn't protect Mykill in prison, he shot Dante, almost blew up Kristina, I know if I was his kid I would hope he hated me. Morgan is next.

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Today, my upper limit on Sonny hate may have reached its zenith.


I was thinking of the last time Brenda was with Sonny and he mostly treated her like shit. He sold the cottage that she loved without telling her about it. He refused to stop Snarly from barging into the home they shared and he refused to let her have anything to do with his children. Once after a fight, Brenda crawled across the floor to kneel in front of Sonny who was sitting in his godfather type chair.

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That is what I thought when Fake Luke said something about wanting his organization to be the only one that deals in drugs and we know that Sonny runs the only mob in the Northeast.

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Nobody had better ever say (oh and I mean you Olivia) that Sonny is "a good man".  A good man shot an innocent, unarmed man in cold blood and according to today anyway, said man is dead.  The man he promised his "son" he would not hurt and lied about it.  He stood over AJ while in a coma and told him to die.  Well, Sonny, you got your wish.

Sonny is a whiny, miserable, weak, lying, evil asshole.  I can only hope that he will pay for his crimes, especially this one.  If AJ is truly dead, there is no redeption here.  Even if he isn't there is none.

OH how I pray that AJ is alive and if he is, even if it is a recast, makes Sonny pay for his crimes.  Oh, and I hope Michael is beside AJ while he does this!!

Edited by LadyJaney
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Why can't this useless moobster choke to death on Olivia's "meatballs",  or at least have a deadly reaction to his tanning lotion?  Instead he sits there with Jessica Rabbit and bemoans how he betrayed his "honor", let down HISSON, didn't behave LIKE A MAN.  As if he would have ANY concept of appropriate human behavior.

I didn't think the Quartermaines could be decimated any more than they already have been.  WRONG.

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You see? The disease that is Sonny Corinthos, also known as the midget moobster has infected my fellow posters'! They're starting to type like him--meaning...I'm seeing typos abound! STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!!

I've hated this character since DAY ONE. DAY ONE. I was never so happy as the day that he left and I thought I'd seen the last of him. But no. He had to just come back.

Michael Corleone, he ain't. He so WISHES he were.

And Maurice Bernard is a HORRIBLE actor.

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  Well, it's official. AJ is dead and so is the little respect I had for Head Writer Ron Cavrilati, because chances are, AJ's death will become All. About. Sonny. The only ways I will even consider forgiving RC for killing  AJ would be if AJ's death was just another mass fake-out to get him out of the country and if he destroys Sonny. I mean utterly, completely and permanently destroys him. I want Sonny to not only lose, but to lose everything, especially Michael. I want Michael to betray, renounce and ultimately reject Sonny for killing his real father, which AJ will always be, whether Sonny likes it or not. I don't want Sonny to just feel bad for killing AJ- he should suffer as much as possible, for as long as possible and if it's Michael's doing, then that's even better.

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It amazes me how they always end up getting back to Sonny.  I am really out of charity with him over AJ.  He is certainly no better, yet he continually talks and acts as if he is.  

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I have never 'non-appreciated' a character more than I non-appreciate the Greasy Little Shit.  I haven't watched in two days and just reading about him here and at TWoP is majorly pissing me off.

Edited by Tiger
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I have never 'non-appreciated' a character more than I non-appreciate the Greasy Little Shit.  I haven't watched in two days and just reading about him here and at TWoP is majorly pissing me off.

You should have seen him and Carly today, justifying everything they ever did, because AJ is so awful and I guess they're not......the only thing more nausea-inducing would have been if the Moobster and the Howler Monkey had decided to seal the deal with a boink. Then it would have been like a particularly grueling scene from "When Animals Attack".

As LeftPhalange said, I too can't wait until Michael finds out - and boots them both to the curb I HOPE.

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  Just when it seems like Sonny and Carly couldn't get anymore despicable, the Anniversary show and yesterday's episode, where they basically danced/pissed on AJ's grave, proved otherwise. Sonny's murdering AJ is bad enough, but him getting away with it and Carly's letting him "for Michael's sake," causes me to hate them at "flames-on-the-sides-of-my-face" levels.

If either Sonny or Carly dares to show up at AJ's funeral, then they should burst into flames. If that's not an admission of guilt, then nothing is.

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I am spending too much time thinking about this. But I think that both Trevor Lansing and Deke were right about Sonny. I think that Sonny did push the sainted Adela down the stairs. I also think that the reason Deke locked Sonny in the closet was that he was protecting Adela from Sonny. I think that Sonny either sold his soul to the devil which may explain how he also gets off on all the crap he has pulled or he was born a psychopath. I think that he is truly evil.

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His not caring about his grandson is getting annoying.

He won't be able to really love his grandson until he shoots him in the chest. That's the Corinthos way.

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Not sure why this is so surprising. Sonny always only thinks about himself and how things affect his mooby ass. If he weren't so absorbed in HIS pain for AJ "forcing" him to shoot AJ, and thus seeing how much Michael is in pain, maybe, just maybe he might show some interest in Ben.

Who knows? Who CARES?

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Not sure why this is so surprising. Sonny always only thinks about himself and how things affect his mooby ass. If he weren't so absorbed in HIS pain for AJ "forcing" him to shoot AJ, and thus seeing how much Michael is in pain, maybe, just maybe he might show some interest in Ben.

Who knows? Who CARES?

BTW, according to the latest cable guide spoilers, Sonny does have the nerve to show up at AJ's funeral.  Monica is, not surprising, none too please.

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He insists on speaking at Robin's funeral, despite her husband asking him to leave and her daughter clearly being frightened by his presence.

Now he shows up at the funeral of the man he murdered in cold blood?!?

Just when I think i couldn't possibly hate the Greasy Little Shit anymore than I already do. . .

I hope Monica stabs him in the neck with her high heel and then if Patrick is present, he watches as Sonny bleeds out.

Edited by Tiger
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I think I will have to pray for my TV. If those rumors about Sonny being at the funeral are true, I may throw something at the screen & break it.

Sonny is loathesome & nothing will justify his greasy stutter-barking ass going to AJ's funeral. I thought him showing up at Robin's funeral, staying whe asked to leave & the getting up to speak was disgusting. Showing up to the funeral of the innocent man you killed is beyond disgusting & vile.

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What? Is AJ's funeral going to be made about his murderer? WTFF?

Both AJ and Konnie's murderers are walking around with no worries. Meanwhile, sfbs like Liv and Carly get to piss on AJ. Liv didn't even know him. Even Dante is all what a bad man AJ was. It blows.

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I can't add much to what has been already eloquently stated upthread, but I will say that IMHO Sonny Corinthos is to GH what the iceberg was to the Titanic.  When RC/FV came on board GH, I started watching again, but having Sonny murder A.J. - and at least so far, getting away with it - has put me straight back on the barge again.  I don't think GH will get me back as a viewer until they have Sonny lose BIG TIME, and I'm not even sure about that.

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Will tptb ever see what we see ass the character of Sonny? He is the biggest joke on the show right behind FrankenRon.. I try to watch only whe someone says AJ was on and Sonny sees him. When AJ gets to win ,I am a viewer. When its others I don't bother to watch. Any room on the barge. Maybe someone can find Faison, drag Sonny top the barge,and dump him in the drink, ala  Jason.????

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Its a good thing I didnt see Sonny in the Q manse yesterday or I may have thrown something.

Its bad enough the bitch has 7 sets of his own, now he has to infest the home of the woman whose children he killed. Yes, I know Jasus and Emily didnt die by his hand, but they were killed because of Sonny. I also think there is an argument to be made that Alan's death is also Sonny's fault.

Edited by Tiger
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Sonny today became the clown from Stephen King's novel "IT".  Although without any of the charm, intelligence or personal hygiene.


Couldn't you just SMELL the coppertone oozing off him?

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Seriously, there is nothing lower than fucking your son's girlfriend in the crypt of the man you murdered in cold blood.

As much as I hate Sonny, I never fathomed that he'd sink this low.

Edited by Tiger
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Seriously, there is nothing lower than fucking your son's girlfriend in the crypt of the man you murdered in cold blood.

As much as I hate Sonny, I never fathomed that he'd sink this low.


Bu....bu....But he LOVES HIS FAMILY AND IS A GREAT DAD!  Isn't he??  That's what everyone in Port Charles says - and nobody says it more than Sonny and Carly.


Yeah, he's Father of the Year material.

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I wouldn't have thought he'd stoop to the point of boinking his own son's Cougar but in a crypt?  The Quartermaine Crypt?  In front of Lila?  "Oh!! Mr. Corinthos!!!!!!  How could you??"  My Sonny hate has been in full force for 20 years now.  And yes, I scream it to the rooftops - Maurice Benard sucks as an actor.  He has for years, but no one seems to want to take him aside and let him know.

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