Trini July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 Relevant to previous wishes in this thread: Arrow’s Stephen Amell Sings “O’Canada,” Shows Why We Need an Arrow/Flash Musical Crossover 4 Link to comment
Trini August 11, 2015 Share August 11, 2015 I hope they follow up on a few things from last year's Arrow-Flash crossover event; specifically I want Oliver to amend his statement to Barry about "not getting the girl", and I want to see Iris to find out her crush is the Arrow and her reaction! 3 Link to comment
BkWurm1 September 1, 2015 Share September 1, 2015 I hope they follow up on a few things from last year's Arrow-Flash crossover event; specifically I want Oliver to amend his statement to Barry about "not getting the girl", and I want to see Iris to find out her crush is the Arrow and her reaction! Now I want that ...I was going to say double date but Barry and Iris wouldn't be dating so how about a group dinner. Let there be drinking involved and tongue's loosened. How about Iris gets a bit tipsy and SHE instead of Felicity gets to be the one that says ridiculously inappropriate things and Felicity asks if she sounds like that and nobody wants to answer that question. Hey, the good times just write themselves. 3 Link to comment
bettername2come September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Now I want that ...I was going to say double date but Barry and Iris wouldn't be dating so how about a group dinner. Let there be drinking involved and tongue's loosened. How about Iris gets a bit tipsy and SHE instead of Felicity gets to be the one that says ridiculously inappropriate things and Felicity asks if she sounds like that and nobody wants to answer that question. Hey, the good times just write themselves.Just picturing that in my head was great, with Caitlin's terrible wide-eyed lie face as she chugs her drink rather than answer.Also, I want the CW series to acknowledge the Supergirl series. I understand if they can't bring them together for real, but since we're establishing multiple worlds on The Flash, please have Cisco reference something about that series only to be like, "wait, never mind, wrong universe." 3 Link to comment
Trini September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 Also, after being on the police's most wanted list and being hunted as a vigilante, I want to see Oliver's reaction to Central City having a 'Flash Day' celebration. 3 Link to comment
BkWurm1 September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 Hopefully the parade will coincide with the opening of the Flash Museum. :D Link to comment
wingster55 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 ^ I want that to come later. I want all the crossovers. I don't see why they fully take advantage of that now...Iris can crossover to see Felicity for instance. Or Thea can actually be aware of the Flash. 2 Link to comment
bettername2come October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 I want Felicity as CEO of Palmer Tech to go through, and then I want her to buy STAR Labs since Wells is gone. 3 Link to comment
David T. Cole October 15, 2015 Author Share October 15, 2015 Hi, this is the old DC TV Universe crossover topic. I moved it into Flash (no particular reason for Flash vs. Arrow, etc). Each show can support its own take on this topic but I just didn't want to lose this big thread. The mods might retitle it. Link to comment
bettername2come October 19, 2015 Share October 19, 2015 I want Felicity as CEO of Palmer Tech to go through, and then I want her to buy STAR Labs since Wells is gone. Okay, and now that Barry owns STAR Labs, I will be just as happy with some good-natured corporate rivalry. 1 Link to comment
TobinAlbers October 21, 2015 Share October 21, 2015 Earth -2 or another Earth's Tommy Merlyn (maybe a little darker or edgier but not without his heart) crosses over to tell Malcolm of Earth -1 that his son wasn't a failure, HE was and then promptly kicks his ass and hands the mantle over to Nyssa to rule and goes back to home to his Earth where we realize that he grew up as one of the Robins to that Earth's Batman. 2 Link to comment
bettername2come November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Barry finds out Laurel got to bring her sister back from the dead and gets super-annoyed that him pulling that stuff breaks the space-time continuum. 1 Link to comment
bettername2come November 29, 2015 Share November 29, 2015 (edited) Ok, better get this post in before the actual crossover, so: Team Arrow finds out about Cisco's powers and nickname. Felicity says something inappropriate about the name Vibe. Felicity and Cisco do that finishing each other's sentences thing. Quentin/Joe scene. Because these superhero children are exhausting, man. Caitlin, Felicity and Iris all talk to each other at the same time. They all like each other individually, so put them together. Cisco/Laurel interactions. Because he made her smile and she asks him for weapons nicely rather than kidnapping him. Iris speaks to Oliver knowing he's the Green Arrow. Cisco finding out Ray's not dead. Team Arrow being concerned about Barry getting his ass kicked on television two weeks ago. Diggle reacting comically to stuff getting even weirder in Central City since he was there. Bonus points if he finds out about Grodd. ETA: Bolded things that actually came true. Edited December 3, 2015 by bettername2come 3 Link to comment
Trini November 29, 2015 Share November 29, 2015 Quentin/Joe scene. Because these superhero children are exhausting, man. Hee! Actually, these two really should hang out more. Iris speaks to Oliver knowing he's the Green Arrow. Yes -- I also mentioned this before; I need to see what happens when she finds out; especially after she was crushing on him so hard last crossover. 1 Link to comment
Trini December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) I hope they follow up on a few things from last year's Arrow-Flash crossover event; specifically I want Oliver to amend his statement to Barry about "not getting the girl", .... Check! Also, after being on the police's most wanted list and being hunted as a vigilante, I want to see Oliver's reaction to Central City having a 'Flash Day' celebration. Check! (Okay it was a reaction to the Flash drink, but close!) .... Or Thea can actually be aware of the Flash. Check! ---- I'd like to see Iris crossover to Supergirl so she can get some of girl-bonding time. (Apparently, that's the place for it.) Edited December 6, 2015 by Trini 1 Link to comment
Actionmage December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 I love Glen Morshower, but loathe his General Sam Lane ( Lois and Lucy's dad), so 'port him over from Supergirl and have him go up against Waller and her shady folks by trying to recruit Barry to be a spy. Especially as he knows that shady rogue, Green Arrow. Of course, Gen. Lane is the absolute worst, with his denigrading Barry for losing all the villains he did that time and also for working with the man who caused all the mess in the first place. Also, surely, something something Father bugged out quick didn't he. ( Because Sam's a charmer.) Link to comment
zannej December 5, 2015 Share December 5, 2015 Even though I'm not a big fan of kids, I thought the kid playing Oliver's son was a decent enough actor that I wouldn't mind seeing him again. It would be interesting if there was some sort of hostage situation in Central City that plays out on the news, Oliver sees his son as one of the hostages and calls Barry to ask him to make sure his kid doesn't get hurt. OR, Oliver is actually present with his son when metahumans take them hostage and Barry rescues the kid and says "Hi" to him. I wonder if Oliver would ever ask Barry (as the Flash) to visit the kid for his birthday. I got the idea from an actor talking about his kid saying Iron Man was going to be at the birthday party so he called Robert Downey Jr and he showed up at the party pretending to be Tony Stark and gave the kid a ton of Iron Man toys. I'd also like to see how Felicity and Oliver react to meeting Earth2 Wells and maybe Wells commenting about Robert Queen being the Green Arrow on his world. Link to comment
Trini January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 'How often will Legends of Tomorrow crossover with Flash and Arrow?' Link to comment
johntfs January 15, 2016 Share January 15, 2016 We've already had John Constantine pm Arrow, so how the Swamp Thing? Then we can see if Felicity really does have chemistry with a lump of wet tree moss. Link to comment
Actionmage January 17, 2016 Share January 17, 2016 (edited) I would like Dr. Fate and John Constantine team up to put the kibosh on Darhk. Barry has to bring some artifact from Cairo over, and he's there to see the insanity. He the swears to stick to science. *g* ( This is, of course, after this current season is over. Team Flash are dealing with thefts of various mystic artifacts from colleges and museums. This is how they are tied in to the Team Arrow side. John C. pops up on Arrow while Doctor Fate shows up here. Upside? More time with Neal M.!) Edited January 17, 2016 by Actionmage Link to comment
Trini February 14, 2016 Share February 14, 2016 The cross-network crossover with Supergirl and Flash gives me hope that a DCTV musical is possible... someday. Still not sure how they'd do it, but there's just too much talent to waste! I only just found out that Jeremy Jordon has some musical talent. (I didn't watch Smash.) 1 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule February 14, 2016 Share February 14, 2016 The cross-network crossover with Supergirl and Flash gives me hope that a DCTV musical is possible... someday. Still not sure how they'd do it, but there's just too much talent to waste! I only just found out that Jeremy Jordon has some musical talent. (I didn't watch Smash.) You mean like Batman Beyond did, where Kevin Conroy sang the lead, and Adrienne Barbeau sang the chorus in "Out of the Past?" Bruce: "You really hate me, don't you?" Tim: "It's schway!" Bruce: "It's Schwarbage." 1 Link to comment
bettername2come February 23, 2016 Share February 23, 2016 Ok, wishes before tonight's episode: Iris actually meets Diggle and/or Lyla. Diggle's comical reaction to Cisco using his powers. Remembering that last time they met, Caitlin saved Lyla's life. Diggle or Lyla reaction to Joe's opinion that Oliver's crazy. Whether they agree or not. 2 Link to comment
bmoore4026 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 Flash goes to the 30th Century and meets his future grandchildren, Bart and Jenny. Flash has a grand ol' time with the Legion of Super-Heroes (hopefully in variants of the Curt Swan, Dave Cockrum, and Chris Sprouse designed costumes) and they get their own spin-off (a more optimistic 100 or something) while Bart goes to the 21st Century with Barry and becomes Kid Flash. Wally fucks off and is never seen or heard from again. 1 Link to comment
Trini February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 Well, crap. Marvel beat DCTV to doing a musical number with the latest episode of Agent Carter. (Loved it, BTW. I was surprised at how long it went on!) 4 Link to comment
zannej March 1, 2016 Share March 1, 2016 The next time they crossover with Arrow, I would like to see how Iris reacts to the knowledge that Oliver Queen is the Arrow and I would like to see how Oliver reacts to E2 Dr. Wells and vice versa. I'd love to see Captain Lance and Joe meet up again. I really liked how well they worked together. 1 Link to comment
Trini March 7, 2016 Share March 7, 2016 From the episode thread: As to GG constantly crying, crying, and more crying.Several possible solutions:1) Another crossover with both The Arrow and SuperGirl bitchslapping the Flash and saying: "There's no crying in Super Hero-Dum!" Better yet get Tom Hanks to voice it as a new meta human. Have Cat Grant give him a talking to -- no time for tears in National City! Link to comment
bettername2come March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 Supergirl Crossover Wish List: 1. Race and/or karaoke competition. 2. Red K vs. Rainbow Raider guilt trips. 3. Superhero flirting. Just cause. 4. Some kind of acknowledgment of similar characters, i.e., Winn vs Cisco, Lyla vs. Alex, etc. 5. World comparison convos - You got aliens? Kimye? 2 Link to comment
Trini March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 6. Acknowledgement of illegal prisons in each world. 7. "Secret" identity discussion ("How come you don't wear a mask??") 1 Link to comment
Trini March 25, 2016 Share March 25, 2016 Now that this crossover is actually happening, I thought of a way to get Iris into the Supergirl universe: Next season the Big Bad threatens Iris, and Barry thinks the only place she'll be safe is another universe. Then she gets to hang out with Kara, and get some journalism tips from Cat Grant. 3 Link to comment
bettername2come March 25, 2016 Share March 25, 2016 Now that this crossover is actually happening, I thought of a way to get Iris into the Supergirl universe: Next season the Big Bad threatens Iris, and Barry thinks the only place she'll be safe is another universe. Then she gets to hang out with Kara, and get some journalism tips from Cat Grant.Suddenly feeling the need to write this fanfic, because you know we'll never get it in series. 3 Link to comment
Trini March 25, 2016 Share March 25, 2016 (edited) As long as you include her appreciating Hot Jimmy James Olsen, because Hot James Olsen. ;-) Edited March 25, 2016 by Trini 3 Link to comment
bettername2come March 25, 2016 Share March 25, 2016 (edited) Duly noted. ETA: I was not kidding. Edited March 26, 2016 by bettername2come 3 Link to comment
Trini March 27, 2016 Share March 27, 2016 Ha! Cool. Link to comment
CletusMusashi March 27, 2016 Share March 27, 2016 Now that this crossover is actually happening, I thought of a way to get Iris into the Supergirl universe: Next season the Big Bad threatens Iris, and Barry thinks the only place she'll be safe is another universe. Then she gets to hang out with Kara, and get some journalism tips from Cat Grant. I suspect Cat might feel a bit threatened by some of Iris' workplace attire. Actually, so would Kara. She's probably spend half the episode asking "Are you guys sure she's not a supervillain?" 2 Link to comment
phoenics March 29, 2016 Share March 29, 2016 I suspect Cat might feel a bit threatened by some of Iris' workplace attire. Actually, so would Kara. She's probably spend half the episode asking "Are you guys sure she's not a supervillain?" LOL. Link to comment
bettername2come March 29, 2016 Share March 29, 2016 I suspect Cat might feel a bit threatened by some of Iris' workplace attire. Actually, so would Kara. She's probably spend half the episode asking "Are you guys sure she's not a supervillain?" Are we even gonna pretend that Iris's first question to Supergirl wouldn't be "Where can I get those boots?" They'd be fine. 3 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule March 29, 2016 Share March 29, 2016 So Supergirl is gonna be on tonight's episode, right? Or am I totally confused and Barry was only showing up on Supergirl and if so, I'm supremely bummed that Kara Melissa and Barry Grant didn't at least sing a few bars of a tune or something since they can both sing and both were on Glee. Or am I talking out of my ass? In other words, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about? 1 Link to comment
KirkB March 29, 2016 Share March 29, 2016 I'd like to find out Wells screwed up the coordinates and instead of monkey world Grodd instead landed on Kara's Earth and joins Non. Barry, meanwhile, takes another wrong turn and somehow ends up in Gotham. Wally goes street racing so fast he ends up in Smallville (the show), coincidentally in that stupid street racing episode, where in and Pete crash into each other and are removed from their respective shows. Oliver gets thrown through a breach and lands in New York while the chitauri are attacking in the Avengers but is no help to anyone because he and Hawkeye end up in a shooting contest. 1 Link to comment
Maverick March 29, 2016 Share March 29, 2016 I'd like to find out Wells screwed up the coordinates and instead of monkey world Grodd instead landed on Kara's Earth and joins Non. Gro Grodd was sent to the Earth were Zoo takes place. Look for him on season 2, coming to CBS June 2016. 2 Link to comment
Trini March 29, 2016 Share March 29, 2016 Zoo is sooo bad. A telepathic gorilla might actually improve that show. 1 Link to comment
Trini May 16, 2016 Share May 16, 2016 With Supergirl coming to Vancouver, we're that much closer to a musical crossover. :) 1 Link to comment
benteen May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 I can't wait for more Supergirl Arrowverse crossovers. Though I badly want a crossover with 1990 Flash and Tina....or at least an older version of those two characters. 1 Link to comment
Trini August 11, 2016 Share August 11, 2016 More arguments for a crossover musical (with videos): 'This Year's DC/CW-Verse Crossover Should Totally Be a Musical, You Guys' Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule September 15, 2016 Share September 15, 2016 I just finished rewatching Supergirl and I just don't have enough words to describe how Adorkable Barry and Kara were in "World's Finest" and I'm hoping she has the most crossovers. I can't WAIT to see Cisco's reaction to her! 2 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule September 16, 2016 Share September 16, 2016 I forgot to also mention, like, how cute and adorable was this exchange: Barry/Flash: "How'd you do that?" Kara/Supergirl: "I'm Supergirl." Barry/Flash: "You're who now?" ******** Kara/Supergirl: "Who are you?" Barry/Flash: (laughs) "I'm the Flash." Kara/Supegirl: "The who now?" Me: Awwwwwww!!!!! Snicker/giggle/snort. Ah Hell, just see below! And then tell me it doesn't get you in the FEELS! You do, and I'll call you a dirty, rotten Liar! 3 Link to comment
legaleagle53 September 16, 2016 Share September 16, 2016 The two crossovers that are planned are, I think going to be the most popular crossovers of the upcoming season on both shows! 1 Link to comment
scarynikki12 September 16, 2016 Share September 16, 2016 I rewatched that episode last night and my hope is that they manage to keep the same tone. Whatever else is going on with both shows, I want Kara and Barry to have fun together. Preferably with ice cream runs. 4 Link to comment
Trini September 18, 2016 Share September 18, 2016 On 9/16/2016 at 7:52 PM, scarynikki12 said: ... Preferably with ice cream runs. We never got to see them eat donuts; can we haz that? Link to comment
bettername2come September 18, 2016 Share September 18, 2016 Also, consider the possibilities of Kara and Barry at an all-you-can-eat buffet. They get kicked out. 1 Link to comment
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