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Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...

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Does anyone have any ideas on how much Hotch was effected in Mr.Scratch? What are the chances of us actually seeing an episode this season showing what it did to him? 

I wish they would have delved into this. It would have been a lot more interesting than what we got as a season finale. But I agree with the others. Since they didn't address it right away, it seems unlikely that they'll get back to it. 

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They may yet. I noticed, on the schedule that Protection was on for Wednesday, The Hunt on Saturday, then nothing next week. If, and I say if, they show Mr. Scratch as the last before the premiere on the 30th, that will, IMO, be a good indicator that PTSD Hotch will show up in the front part of the season. I so hope this will happen. That was the creepiest, and most Hotch-developing episode in years.


They cannot just leave it lie.


EDIT: Well, I just noticed that, because they used up all the time left on the last 2 episodes, there's no time for Mr. Scratch before the premiere. Asshats...


Still, my statement stands: They cannot leave it lie.

Edited by normasm
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As much as I watch the show for the characters, I think there's a problem if the departure of a given character means people no longer want to watch the show. Several other long-running shows have dealt with the departure of regulars (e.g. Grey's Anatomy, CSI) without half the fanbase deciding to jump ship. The fact that this is a serious concern for CM is a symptom of a much bigger problem, imo. There's a difference between being invested in the characters and being invested in a single character while not caring about (or actively disliking) the rest.

I've been in both sides of that and it takes a really entertaining show to hook people up every week, it doesn't matter if it's a soap or a sit-com or whatever. Obviously, there are shows with fans watching out of habit just because there is nothing better handy that day. Sadly, I think that's where CM lands lately.

There are just a handful of episodes per season which are enjoyable, and that if we are lucky.

5 years ago I wouldn't have cared if someone else left the show, my fav character is Hotch but if he had got retired to raise Jack, I would have understood it.

the same way I think the show made it trough Elle and Gideon because the show was solid and it's having problems after Prentiss because the writing is awful and not because of JT* or JLH performances.

*just my opinion, of course, but I have to say Blake wasn't a very sympathetic character, she was mean to be a serious and mature agent but the lack of empathy is a major mistake when you are introducing a character, that's "script writing 101" and we are back to the major problem here.

when I think of shows I've been watching lately, no giving names so no spoilers, some of them had major deaths, a lot of deaths, but those shows were interesting enough to keep people coming for more.

IMO this show doesn't know what it is anymore, profiling made it unique in the procedural world and they want it to be some kind of action show now, but action shows need to be gritty and they are not doing that either. I didn't watch Alias, I've never watched but half an hour of that show, no offense but it was boring, it felt like a decaf Nikita (French movie), I don't say it was a bad show but it looked like a pre-teen show and that's not what I'm looking for when I watch CM.

Edited by smoker
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Does anyone have any ideas on how much Hotch was effected in Mr.Scratch? What are the chances of us actually seeing an episode this season showing what it did to him? 


while I hope they revisit Hotch PTSD, they said "what happened in Mr S would stay in Mr S", sorry it's too late to look for another way to explain their comments about the episode.

there is a chance they take advantage of the popularity of the episode, but thinking about their weak writing and Route 66, I'm crossing fingers, you know what they say about getting what you want, right?

Edited by smoker
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I would not want to watch if Hotch left. I've watched many, many shows through the years where characters came and went, but this one is different for me. I could have left years ago when the writing tanked, but Hotch is what keeps me there, and only slightly to a lesser extent, Reid. Everyone else is expendable for me, now, even though I do like the characters. I've watched some season one and two on ION in the past few days and it reminds me why I loved the show so much. I also like all the characters in the early seasons. It's much harder now to like them all, but I blame the writers for that. 

  • Love 6

I would not want to watch if Hotch left. I've watched many, many shows through the years where characters came and went, but this one is different for me. I could have left years ago when the writing tanked, but Hotch is what keeps me there, and only slightly to a lesser extent, Reid. Everyone else is expendable for me, now, even though I do like the characters. I've watched some season one and two on ION in the past few days and it reminds me why I loved the show so much. I also like all the characters in the early seasons. It's much harder now to like them all, but I blame the writers for that.

Right now Hotch is the one reason I keep watching, but back in season 5, I would have watched some episodes here and there until I got tired of it, like I did with CSI or cold case, but these didnt have a character I totally love like Hotch

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I think so, and I think her systems were also hacked by the replicator. 

Since what Garcia does is  normally 100% illegal what are the chances of her actually getting in trouble? I know what she does helps find murderers but sometimes she's on the phone with the persons system she's hacking and is telling them what she's doing. Can't they take some kind of legal action against her?

There was a time when Garcia got in trouble just because she was following files she shouldn't have, and a guy from internal affairs was after her. It didnt help she got away back then, but at least there was a consequence for her actions (minimal as it was).

Nowadays, she perform illegal activities every single Wednesday and she even laughs about breaking the law, sitting right in the FBI offices.

It is astonishing how much this show has changed.

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Oh, but, MCatry, they are "our Heroes" so what they do is OK! [sarcasm] Yeah, them having agents going in several times without a warrant - and having Reid actually say they don't need one once - is just bad writing, poor understanding of what is supposed to be the core of this show: ways in which they are courageous in trying to bring serial killers and (more recently) spree killers to justice without breaking the law. In some of these circumstances, the actions of Garcia and/or the others with warrantless takedowns would result in mistrial or worse - that is, in the cases where they don't kill or suicide-by-cop the unsub.


But yeah, we are circling back to this topic. I can't wait til the 30th. Even though they'll probably continue all this stuff.

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It might make for an interesting episode if the BAU had to take on a serial killer who got off because of their shoddy police work...but then again, as seems so often these days, they'll just resolve it by breaking the law again and shooting the criminal dead.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, though- if the BAU wound up killing a criminal revealed through shoddy and even illegal detective work, wouldn't they get a reprimand anyway?)

  • Love 5

Hee---I always suspected that Henry was hiding a couple of tape recorders and maybe a weapon or two somewhere in that conspicuously uncut hair of his...it's all coming together now! ;) 

Except his hair has since been cut. I always thought AJ's little boy was a cute kid.But I thought he was even cuter once his parents had his haircut.Hmm It sort of reminds me of somebody else where their hair is also concerned. Guesses anyone?

  • Love 3

Here is a press release I found on Spoilertv for episode 11x02 The Witness written by Sharon Lee Watson.



Hmm. Well that doesn't sound so much like a serial killer. Sounds like something from NCIS: LA.


Although I am quite excited for Tim Kang :)

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I've just read on spoilertv predictions about several shows for next season, they are no good for criminal minds, they say the show lost audience last season and the competition (Empire, Supernatural, Law and order: svu) will be a killer in the next one.

As much I complain about the quality lately I don't want let it go. It must be the Stockholm syndrome.

Edited by smoker
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I've just read on spoilertv predictions about several shows for next season, they are no good for criminal minds, they say the show lost audience last season and the competition (Empire, Supernatural, Law and order: svu) will be a killer in the next one.

As much I complain about the quality lately I don't want let it go. It must be the Stockholm syndrome.

Yeah, this is definitely tough for me.  But, at least Law and Order SVU will be in syndication until the end of times is upon us.

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sorry, I left that out, but I did it because they didn't even consider it a rival, I've never watched that show, so I can't judge

I actually watch Blackish on VOD. I find it quite entertaining. All the characters are good. But I find both Junior and the grandfather especially funny. And we need to remember CM's real competition comes from other CBS dramas.Last season the only 2 dramas that were any sort of competition for them, and I am talking demo wise, was NCIS and Scorpion

  • Love 2

I actually watch Blackish on VOD. I find it quite entertaining. All the characters are good. But I find both Junior and the grandfather especially funny. And we need to remember CM's real competition comes from other CBS dramas.Last season the only 2 dramas that were any sort of competition for them, and I am talking demo wise, was NCIS and Scorpion


This is true, I would say, although stiffer out-of-network competition could mean it pulls lower numbers than it could if it was matched up against "lighter weight" competition, although here it's important to remember that the only non-network competitor that could get the same viewers that CM gets (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) is a show that CM has always consistently outdrawn, and outdrawn by a large margin. Empire might be gangbusters right now, and Black-ish and Modern Family might be modest hits of their own, but none draw the same kind of audience that CM does, so I think comparing them is a moot point.


On CBS itself, the only new show that could stir up the hierarchy is Supergirl, and that doesn't come until the end of October. Having said that, I can't see Scorpion holding its place very long...I mean, it'll likely get to S3 (and thus S4) and probably on to a S5, but I can't see it remaining the runaway hit it is now, since numbers tend to go down as a series progresses. Plus, I personally don't think it's really anything special- it's just NUMB3RS with people who can do a bit more than just math, and it's yet another procedural...but that's just me. I sometimes don't get NCIS either, but not much I can do there.

  • Love 4

Except his hair has since been cut. I always thought AJ's little boy was a cute kid.But I thought he was even cuter once his parents had his haircut.Hmm It sort of reminds me of somebody else where their hair is also concerned. Guesses anyone?

Hmm, is this particular someone a certain gentleman who looks like he combs his hair with an egg beater?

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But it's not The Reid Show, we don't need to see everything that goes on in his life in major detail.


In my opinion, this is the non-argument to end all non-arguments. It doesn't have to be "The Reid Show", just like it doesn't have to be The JJ Show That Sometimes Features Morgan And Garcia", but since the latter tends to be what we get once MESSer took over, I think there should be some kind of balance. I'm not asking for the pie in the sky world I write fanfic about, where he's happily involved with Elle. Maybe he is perfectly happy being single, as lots of people are. But even just the hints they used to drop about the characters' lives away from the field would suffice.

  • Love 5

Qwerty, if it's Shemar, as I think it will be, I believe he'll leave for some reason, and it may be that they'll leave the door open for his return at the end, especially if they get picked up for season 12, and there's a stink about his going. I highly doubt they'd kill Morgan off, it's not necessary.

Watermelon, I agree there's way too much BAU-on-the-takedown!! action, it's very unrealistic. Their job is to find out who and possibly where the unsubs are, not to apprehend them....

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My very first thought is that Reid was on the verge of killing his father and Morgan was trying to talk him down. Which of course would go a long way to explaining Reid's apparent absence in episodes nine and 10. But of course after thinking about it, I figured I was just overexcited in my initial impression. Because I can't see Criminal Minds killing Diana offscreen (the anger in the fandom would be phenomenal). So it is probably something as simple as the person Morgan is talking to, has a gun on Reid or is holding him hostage in some way. 


And the reason I deleted my initial post is because I initially thought Shemar was hinting at something far more monumental than what is likely happening. So I felt a bit odd about getting excited about it. 

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If you listen to both clips, the girl has a gun on Reid and is trying to get Morgan to stand down. Morgan is threatening to shoot her if she won't surrender and go into custody with Reid. They are talking about the girl's father, because Morgan says to her she can  testify against him, and she says that's not good enough.

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I'm not sure the girl in the clip is anyone other than the stage manager reading Reid's lines (or whomever's lines they are) just so that they shoot Morgan's reaction to whatever is happening in front of him. I don't hear Matthew Gray Gubler's voice so I'm assuming he's doing his part of the scene later for some reason.

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It may be that Reid is standing between the female and her father. I think the "go into custody together" refers to the female and her father, because Morgan indicates she can talk to him en route. He might be trying to keep her from committing a murder.

Nice to have something WITH Reid to talk about, instead of just anticipating his absence.

  • Love 4

I think Normasm is right. The female 'unsub' is probably holding a gun to Reid....not wanting to be taken in. Derek says if she shoots him (I'm assuming Reid here) that he'll have to kill her and she won't be able to testify against her father. I can't make out what Reid is saying (looks like they're filming this scene for the Derek's reactions part, and it will be reshot, or has already been shot with the camera on Reid/Unsub) the dialogue may end up being looped for clarity. 

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repeated listening to....and I cannot make out what Matthew is saying. I hear Morgan clearly, because it's obviously his angle being shot. I can hear the woman saying 'that's not good enough' but I cannot hear what Reid said, and that may make a difference as far as what exactly is going on.


Shemar's caption says Baby Boy is *helping* Pretty Boy so I think he's just trying to take down the baddie and rescue Reid.


And clearly, I'm not gonna be able to sleep until this is resolved :-(

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