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On 1/25/2017 at 1:03 PM, Hybridcookie said:

An interview with Cassandra Clare where she talks about adaptions of her work


At one point she says:

"People involved in the first season, who are now gone from the show (people know the showrunner left, but not that many of the writers, crew, and even execs also left—basically a whole team left) described a female character of mine to me as “just tits and ass” and told me no one wanted to see a gay character onscreen with a man so a woman would be introduced for him to spend most of his time with. She was described to me as his “soulmate.” "

I'm glad they got a lot of crew for Season 2

This explains the Isabelle I saw at the beginning of the series and part of the reason why I stopped watching.

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The show would be greatly improved by having someone cast a spell that permanently changes Clary's looks, so it can get rid of Kat and make sense in the show. Everyone else is doing well. 

I was just thinking yesterday that they'd go a long way toward making the show better if it didn't take itself so seriously. In the books, Jace is hilariously snarky. They should let Joss Whedon do a little script doctoring. 

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I see that Alex and Izzy's mom is being rehabbed.  She's gone from being an ultra beeotch to ultra supportive, proud mom.  Ugh.  I do want to also add that the little kid, Max?, is annoying as hell.

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That was quite a kiss considering it started with her saying "it means nothing." What was funny was her kiss to Simon was more chaste like he was the one who was her almost brother. 

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Simon inviting himself where's he's not asked to be and forcing himself to go along is getting old. It seems to happen weekly, I didn't feel sorry for him either. 

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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Simon inviting himself where's he's not asked to be and forcing himself to go along is getting old. It seems to happen weekly, I didn't feel sorry for him either. 

That is certainly true and I find it annoying as well. However, I still felt a bit sorry for Simon, having to witness that long kiss between Clary and Jace and getting his heart broken must have been rough. On the other hand, Simon and Clary make no sense whatsoever as a couple (neither in the books nor on the TV show) so if that's the end of that relationship and Clary/Jace can finally really start I'm all for it. Although come to think of it Jace has more chemistry with Maia than he does with Clary (that kiss last week was so hot!), but I guess they will follow the books in that respect.

Glad Will Tudor was back this week, I really missed him in last week's episode. He certainly elevates the level of acting on this show. I'm also glad that we finally got to see a glimpse of evil Sebastian this week. I hope Izzy doesn't fall for him on the show. Raphael may not be right for her (still love the two of them together though) but neither is Sebastian! Also, Jace and Sebastian were way too friendly this week, Jace should be wary of Sebastian, not confiding in him.

I have to say I'm a bit worried about Malec. They seem to disagree and fight a lot these days and the displays of affection between them are rare. I want to see their relationship explored on screen in more detail, not these snapshots we are getting at the moment.

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8 hours ago, talktalk said:

I just want to know: who did Sebastian look up in his closet? and why?

I saw in imdb that another actor  (not Will Tudor)  is credited as playing "Jonathan" in the next three episodes.  Could it be that  Sebastian is NOT actually Jonathan Morgenstern? After all, Valentine did not recognise Sebastian. Is the real Jonathan in the closet? If so, I really don't know where they're going with this.

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9 hours ago, IntrovertGal said:

I have to say I'm a bit worried about Malec. They seem to disagree and fight a lot these days and the displays of affection between them are rare. I want to see their relationship explored on screen in more detail, not these snapshots we are getting at the moment

While I do agree that the guys are getting a bit on the short end of the story lately it looks like next week we'll be getting some movement in their story. A Malec sex scene woudn't hurt though (Hey we haven't seen Matthew shirtless once in the last few episodes!!). But I will say Alec is doing a great job as head of the Institute and it was a smart move of him to tell Magnus that just for the meeting he wanted to keep things "professional".

As for Simon yeah dude you brought this pain on yourself this time. That last scene with Izzy and Clary just tore my heart out. Yeah Iz was having a somewhat bad day but Clary had a much worse one.

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Hi All, I don't remember if I've posted here yet, but I have in other forums on this web site. I would like to ask a question, if I may: Why do a lot of people here dislike Clary? Is it because of the actress, Katherine McNamara, and her acting or is it because of the difference between the character in the TV series and the books? I haven't read the books but I've seen the movie and I watched last season, and the only complaint I have with her is that she's a newbie, and this year she's sort of an accomplished veteran all of a sudden. (Her fighting scenes suck though, they need to have a stunt double work with her physicality)  The only character I have a problem with is Simon. For some reason he feels like he's entitled, especially to Clary's attention and he brings zero skills to the table. He's a vampire, that's it. If it wasn't for the fact that he's one of the main characters, he would be dust by now. Everyone protects him, yet he acts like he's some badass. I have no problems with anyone else, except perhaps maybe Max. (the little shit)

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7 minutes ago, doram said:

I don't get the vibe that anyone here dislikes Clary. But a lot of people dislike Simon for the reasons you've stated. He's a very irritating character and sadly, he appears to be indestructible so there's no getting rid of him. 

Hmm, I got the impression that there was a lot of dissatisfaction here with the choice of McNamara as Clary. There are probably 1 or 2 that don't like her and I took it to be the general consensus. Thanks for responding.

I do have one thing I thought was OOC, the whole Izzy (one of the hottest women on T.V.) bringing Simon to meet Rafael's sister in the park and to have him take a picture with the woman. WTF, Izzy? That's not the kind of message you want to send to the Vamp leader. That whole incident was made worse, when Rafael and his Scoobies grabbed Simon in the restaurant and while two of the Scoobies held Simon, Rafael was going to move in and dust him. That entire incident was incredibly stupid. Neither Izzy nor Simon should have threatened Rafael that way (NOT cool) and Rafael shouldn't need henchmen to hold Simon while he staked him. What kind of macho leadership is that? Of course, Luke swoops in and saves Simon, who embarrasses himself even further by taunting Rafael and his crew.

Just a minor peeve. :-(

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On 6/27/2017 at 10:16 AM, talktalk said:

I just want to know: who did Sebastian look up in his closet? and why?

Coming late to the table and finally sitting down......I don't know if this was already surmised, but I would think the person on the phone speaking with Luke is Sebastian. (faux-Sebastian?) He set up Luke, then when Luke was in the cell with Valentine, he quickly went to Alex and told him he "discovered" the looped video feed. The real Sebastian is probably the person locked in the closet.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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On 6/27/2017 at 3:29 PM, Caroline74 said:

I saw in imdb that another actor  (not Will Tudor)  is credited as playing "Jonathan" in the next three episodes.  Could it be that  Sebastian is NOT actually Jonathan Morgenstern? After all, Valentine did not recognise Sebastian. Is the real Jonathan in the closet? If so, I really don't know where they're going with this.

Valentine did say, "do I know you?" which I thought might be a subtle nod to... who he might be. 

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On 6/29/2017 at 5:22 PM, Jacks-Son said:

Hi All, I don't remember if I've posted here yet, but I have in other forums on this web site. I would like to ask a question, if I may: Why do a lot of people here dislike Clary? Is it because of the actress, Katherine McNamara, and her acting or is it because of the difference between the character in the TV series and the books? I haven't read the books but I've seen the movie and I watched last season, and the only complaint I have with her is that she's a newbie, and this year she's sort of an accomplished veteran all of a sudden. (Her fighting scenes suck though, they need to have a stunt double work with her physicality)  The only character I have a problem with is Simon. For some reason he feels like he's entitled, especially to Clary's attention and he brings zero skills to the table. He's a vampire, that's it. If it wasn't for the fact that he's one of the main characters, he would be dust by now. Everyone protects him, yet he acts like he's some badass. I have no problems with anyone else, except perhaps maybe Max. (the little shit)

I don't like Clary because Katherine is the weakest actor of the bunch. She's beautiful, but her wooden acting just kills me. She's improving, but not as much as everyone else is. 

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3 hours ago, Pixel said:

I don't like Clary because Katherine is the weakest actor of the bunch. She's beautiful, but her wooden acting just kills me. She's improving, but not as much as everyone else is

I don't mind Clary, but her acting doesn't seem to come naturally, as if she was chosen for her appearance rather than her acting. She could probably use some tips, but I don't dislike her. I don't think very much of Simon's acting, this in spite of my regard for the character. I know some here are in thrall of Will Tudor, and I did like him as Odi in "Humans", but to me, he's just another character, although he's a fine actor. I'm not familiar with the show "Modern Family", so I don't know if that was Sarah Hyland playing the Seelie Queen, if so, I can't see her as Dominic Sherwood's [Jace] girlfriend IRL. She looks like she's about 15 yrs. old. Whoever played the Queen, did a good job.

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24 minutes ago, paulvdb said:

The Seelie Queen was not played by Sarah Hyland. According to IMDB she was played by Lola Flanery.

Okay, so she's even younger than I thought, she just turned 12. Well, reports were that Sarah Hyland was supposed to be in this episode, but I guess she wasn't.

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11 hours ago, Pixel said:

I don't like Clary because Katherine is the weakest actor of the bunch. She's beautiful, but her wooden acting just kills me. She's improving, but not as much as everyone else is. 

Yep. That's how I feel too. Not saying the acting is great on the show, but it's definitely improved since the first season. Emeraude Toubia is way better than the first season. I think Dominic Sherwood is one of the stronger actors, and Harry Shum Jr is lot better this season too.

I want to like Clary, I love her in the books and I liked Lily Collins playing her in the movie (although I thought she spoke too fast), and I do think Katherine is really pretty, but something doesn't click with me, I think part of it is the writing, but a lot is to do with her acting.


I did think this episode was an improvement over the last couple. I thought Lola did a good job as the Seelie Queen, and I really like Meliorn.

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Maia rubs me the wrong way. Her and  Simon do have chemistry and are much more compatible, but the fact is she knows that BOTH guys are in love with Clary and and still  chooses to be petty / jealous hearted and sleep with Jace. All because she can't have Simon smh. 

Clary can be a bit annoying it times, to me because she impulsively throws herself into situations like she is a pro when she is an amateur. 


 Izzy & Raphael have electrical, amazing chemistry. I really was confused about his celibacy situation. Maybe I should read the book. I do think they care about each other but an underlying factor will always be that they could potential hurt one another in an unhealthy way.


The young lady who played the Seeli Queen was excellent. She gave so much intrigue and inspired a little bit of fear LOL. Can't wait to see tonight's episode 

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3 hours ago, epdal said:

  Izzy & Raphael have electrical, amazing chemistry. I really was confused about his celibacy situation. Maybe I should read the book. I do think they care about each other but an underlying factor will always be that they could potential hurt one another in an unhealthy way.

I would recommend the books.  However, you won't find any answers to this situation in the books.  I wouldn't say Rafael is a minor character but he's certainly not a main character and he's much more prevalent in the show.

Edited by MV007
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On 30/06/2017 at 7:28 PM, xtwheeler said:

Valentine did say, "do I know you?" which I thought might be a subtle nod to... who he might be. 

Im sure now that the real Sebastian is in the closet. Will Tudor is what the real Sebastian looks like, so Jonathan has taken on Sebastian's appearance (in the same way that Valentine glamoured himself to look like Michael Wayland). Since they made a big deal about having cast Will Tudor, and I am sure he is meant to stay on the show, I am guessing he will be sticking around, which presumably means that after Sebastian is found out or reveals himself as Jonathan, he will continue to wear Sebastian's face.

On 28/06/2017 at 9:08 AM, doram said:

Maybe the guy we're thinking is Sebastian is glamoured to resemble the real Sebastian, not just stealing his name. The show did the same thing when they revealed that Valentine raised Jace glamoured to look like the late Michael Wayland. 

Actually since the show has established this "glamour" magic, and since it uses technology and the tools that come with it - databases, and facial recognition, it only makes sense that Jonathan won't just dye his hair black to pass as Sebastian, he'll have to steal his face, too.  

I think you're right. The Sebastian we're seeing is what the real Sebastian looks like. Jonathan has glamoured himself.

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5 hours ago, Caroline74 said:

I think you're right. The Sebastian we're seeing is what the real Sebastian looks like. Jonathan has glamoured himself.

Well that theory was certainly confirmed tonight. Damn what the hell happened to Jonathan. He looks like an extra from one of the "Hellraiser" movies.

Damn tonight was certainly one for the teary eyes. Harry and Alberto were outstanding in those painful moments. I really hope Simon gets a new girlfriend by the end of the season, mopey sad Simon is heart-wrenching.

I also hope that the Clave doesn't come down to hard on Alec next week. He's really trying to be a good leader, and he couldn't have foreseen "Sebastian's" pulling a blackmail move on one of the guards (and speaking of my favorite Shadowhunter.....heloooo shirtless Alec!!! Damn Matthew is sex on a stick.)

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Valentine doesn't stuck me as someone who would be content with a son looking like that! I hope Jonathan do something about his appearance - permanently. 

Simon should just get a boyfriend, stop pining after Clary, it is not going to work. 

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On 6/30/2017 at 9:22 PM, Pixel said:

I don't like Clary because Katherine is the weakest actor of the bunch. She's beautiful, but her wooden acting just kills me. She's improving, but not as much as everyone else is. 

On 7/1/2017 at 9:07 AM, Hybridcookie said:

Yep. That's how I feel too. Not saying the acting is great on the show, but it's definitely improved since the first season. Emeraude Toubia is way better than the first season. I think Dominic Sherwood is one of the stronger actors, and Harry Shum Jr is lot better this season too.

I want to like Clary, I love her in the books and I liked Lily Collins playing her in the movie (although I thought she spoke too fast), and I do think Katherine is really pretty, but something doesn't click with me, I think part of it is the writing, but a lot is to do with her acting.


I did think this episode was an improvement over the last couple. I thought Lola did a good job as the Seelie Queen, and I really like Meliorn.

Katherine is terrible and they've had to sideline her quite a bit because of how weak she is. I don't know if this Simon on a bender plot is in the books, but it could have been easily cut to show more of how Clary was feeling in the wake of the breakup. They didn't because they don't think Katherine could pull it off. They gave Dominic the heavy lifting when Jace and Clary found out they were siblings. The writing isn't great, but they've had to write around Katherine. So Clary ends up as a spectator in her own story because they didn't cast an actress who could perform the way they need her to.

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Is Katherine a weak actress?  Of course she is.  But they're all weak imo.  It's one of the main reasons I stopped watching the show about midway through season one.  I've only just begun watching again because I was reading Lady Midnight and kind of got caught up in the world again and decided to give it a try.  

I think the guy who plays Jace is fine.  The guy who plays Valentine is good.  I've been impressed with the guy who plays Sebastian.  Everyone else is weak.  From Luke to Simon to Isabelle, I cringe and ask myself why I watch once or twice an episode.  

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On 7/12/2017 at 11:06 AM, doram said:

My problem isn't the actors. It's the writing. The story sucks. If not for my interest in the books, I won't be invested in this show at all because it's boring. I literally don't care about any of these people on screen. 

No argument there.  The writing on the show is poor

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I decided to try reading the books again because I'm binge-watching the series and liking it. The end of chapter 6 sums up why I hate Clary and SImon.



Clary: "I think we might as well try talking to her. What have we got to lose?"

Jace: "Once you've spent a bit more time in our world, you won't ask me that again."


Mostly because "I'mma totally ignore your life-long expertise on a subject I know jack shit about and do what I want" is their goddamn motto every time they are involved in any decision. I mean, I'm watching 2x14 right now and those two chuckleheads are "Durr, durr, bringin' Simon along to the Seelie! Suck it up, Jace!" WTF? Have these two never read fairy tales? Seriously, I'm surprised that Simon didn't become a vampire because Jace insisted they wear garlic necklaces on a mission and Simon and Clary show up with basil tied around their neck because 'garlic is so stinky! You can still make spaghetti sauce with this though, so it's just as good!"

Redhead is a terrible actress, and saddling her with that character and her idiocy does Not Help. Simon's actor does slightly better, but it's some crap writing to work with.

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On 7/11/2017 at 7:53 PM, HunterHunted said:

Katherine is terrible and they've had to sideline her quite a bit because of how weak she is. I don't know if this Simon on a bender plot is in the books, but it could have been easily cut to show more of how Clary was feeling in the wake of the breakup. They didn't because they don't think Katherine could pull it off. They gave Dominic the heavy lifting when Jace and Clary found out they were siblings. The writing isn't great, but they've had to write around Katherine. So Clary ends up as a spectator in her own story because they didn't cast an actress who could perform the way they need her to.

You speak as if you have insider knowledge. Is this fact or speculation? I only ask because I wouldn't be even a little surprised if it's true. 

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Nice job at Directing from Paul Wesley ("The Vampire Diaries").  The story was interesting despite the fact that they glossed over a few things like how did the portal travelers return to the Institute. I suppose whoever made the portal for Izzy, just brought them back but how did they manage to communicate with the portal-caster without a Stele?

Did Simon seriously consider admitting that he was a Vampire to his family?  C'mon Yom Kippur is not the ideal time for such a reveal.

A few days ago, I asked what was up with the hate for Katherine, and I was led to believe that maybe 1 or 2 people felt that way on this board. It seems that there are a lot more than two. Oh well, she might as well note the disapproval and try to step up her acting. I don't have a problem with her acting, I've seen worse, it's just her physicality that I find lacking.

If anybody can answer this question, I would appreciate iI: Was Maryse flirting with Luke when they ran into each other at the Institute? We're they ever more than just friends? She looked like she was ready to start something new.

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Once again, Maia is IRRITATING!! She KNOWS both Jace and Simon love Clary and still is going to sleep with both of them ugh!! Now I like her and Simon together, they complement each other as the dinner proved. But this is going to be trouble down the line when Clary finds out she slept with Jace. True enough Clary was dirty because she chose Simon on a rebound deal and their relationship was gag worthy lol. 

Anyway, they didn't even address Clary knowing the portal rune (maybe next week?). And the Valentine scenes with the brother were pretty slow (why do villains always need an extra long monologue lol!!) I miss Magnus and Raphael. They both provide a more interesting element to the show for me. So how many more episodes does this season have?

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Yay the Idris on the show is still close to the Swiss border. :)  They have changed the books' mythology so much on the show that I'm always pleased when they insert little stuff like that from the books. I really would have liked to see Alicante, but I guess they are saving that for a later episode.

I enjoyed the scenes between Will Tudor and Alan Van Sprang, they had a believable rapport. This episode nicely demonstrated that Sebastian/Jonathan is an even bigger psychopath and sadist than Valentine.

Glad Maia kept Simon from coming out to his family as a vampire, that was really not the time or place.

I missed Magnus and Raphael as well. Hopefully, they will be back next week. And Alec'd better not lie to Magnus.

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Huh. Maia has great chemistry with anyone she's paired with, while Clary continues to fall flat, even with the love of her life  

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On 7/16/2017 at 6:16 PM, CoyoteBlue said:

I decided to try reading the books again because I'm binge-watching the series and liking it. The end of chapter 6 sums up why I hate Clary and SImon.

Mostly because "I'mma totally ignore your life-long expertise on a subject I know jack shit about and do what I want" is their goddamn motto every time they are involved in any decision. I mean, I'm watching 2x14 right now and those two chuckleheads are "Durr, durr, bringin' Simon along to the Seelie! Suck it up, Jace!" WTF? Have these two never read fairy tales? Seriously, I'm surprised that Simon didn't become a vampire because Jace insisted they wear garlic necklaces on a mission and Simon and Clary show up with basil tied around their neck because 'garlic is so stinky! You can still make spaghetti sauce with this though, so it's just as good!"

Redhead is a terrible actress, and saddling her with that character and her idiocy does Not Help. Simon's actor does slightly better, but it's some crap writing to work with.

That has always bugged me about them too.  I've always disliked Clary (even in the books).  She's always going off half-cocked and causing problems and drama.  I think she's supposed to be confident and brave but I always interpret it as stupid and childish instead.  I figured it was because I'm more than a few years past the target demo for the books.

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4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

 I figured it was because I'm more than a few years past the target demo for the books.

Congratulations on your 16th birthday.

Season 1 of this show was bad in a funny drinking game kind of way. Season 2 is just bad. Part of it is the acting. Part of it is the writers being scared of the incest plot line. Part of it is that the narrative is completely unfocused. I think I'm going to wait until the end of the season then binge the episode with a bottle of gin. I suspect that's the only way to watch it.

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  1. I'm glad they decided to go there with Sebastian kissing Clary.  It doesn't make up for completely glossing over the whole potential incest while Clary and Jace try to keep their hands off one another, but it was at least something.
  2. Katherine (Katharine?) was better this week. Emeraude was worse. Until the next episode, I'm going to assume this is a fluke.  The best acted scenes by far are those with Valentine and Sebastian. You can really tell who the strongest actors are of the bunch. Dom's not bad either, but he waxes and wanes depending on who he's doing a scene with.  
  3. I was really hoping to see the Seelie Queen this week. I like her.
  4. Did they really make the Mortal Mirror into a woman's compact? Really? 

    If that's not a big misdirect, I'm out. I give up. I thought that Lake Lyn being the mirror, right there obvious in Idris all along, was one of the most clever things Cassandra Clare came up with in the books.  

    It better not be a fucking compact.

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(New watcher, binged all episodes last week, haven't read the books.) 

I'm having a hard time with Max entering the mission phase of things, and I think it's because he's so little compared to everyone else that it seems like a comically bizarre idea to send him into the field.  There are no other children around, he's not training with anyone who's the same age, and there doesn't seem to be a pressing reason to start giving him missions except that he wants them?  (I get that there's big important stuff happening, but it doesn't even seem to occupy all the adults, let alone require the assistance of a little boy.)  At least if there were some other kids around doing the same sorts of things, he wouldn't seem so out of place.

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Everyone knows that Sebastian is Jonathan thanks to the Amazing Miracle Max. 

On 7/26/2017 at 0:31 PM, strippedhalo said:

(New watcher, binged all episodes last week, haven't read the books.) 

I'm having a hard time with Max entering the mission phase of things, and I think it's because he's so little compared to everyone else that it seems like a comically bizarre idea to send him into the field.  There are no other children around, he's not training with anyone who's the same age, and there doesn't seem to be a pressing reason to start giving him missions except that he wants them?  (I get that there's big important stuff happening, but it doesn't even seem to occupy all the adults, let alone require the assistance of a little boy.)  At least if there were some other kids around doing the same sorts of things, he wouldn't seem so out of place.

This episode reinforces your very salient points about Max training and being out on missions. Jonathan just tossed him about like a rag doll and ended up near death because of it.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Question: What did Clary stab Jonathan in the neck with? It appeared she stabbed him in the abdomen with her knife; Jonathan then twisted the knife out of her hand, Clary reached behind her, swung something up, knocking the Mirror out of his wide open pocket and stabbed him in the neck with her...? I thought it was her Stele, which she had lost in the lake, and stuck it in Jonathan's neck before diving through the door where she once again, Stele in hand, drew a rune on the Mirror before that disappeared.

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Jonathan just tossed him about like a rag doll and ended near death because of it.

And yet, for all that Jonathan is Super Demon Fighter, he couldn't manage to off a rather small child.

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On 7/23/2017 at 7:37 PM, doram said:

Yeah, this I don't get. The incest plot line is a big part of the novels. The writers knew this going in. The series is an international bestseller in spite or maybe even because of it. So why did the writers suddenly need to backtrack from this?

It's like someone who decided to adapt Game of Thrones, then decided to not to do Lannister-cest or Targaryen-cest.

Americans are so weird. 

Advertisers, which is the same reason that they don't use a ton of swear words on basic cable. The FCC has no jurisdiction over cable, but advertisers frequently complain and pull their ads when they feel like a program doesn't fit with how they want their product to be perceived. 


7 minutes ago, CoyoteBlue said:

And yet, for all that Jonathan is Super Demon Fighter, he couldn't manage to off a rather small child.

Too be fair, Jonathan was interrupted by Clary. If Max hadn't managed to drag himself away, I'm certain that Jonathan would have killed him.

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I think the Cardinal rule is, "Don't kill off kids". They did it in Cary Grant's movie "Penny Serenade" and it depressed viewers. However, Max is such a little shit, I don't think too many people would have missed him. The son in "The Strain" had viewers actively seeking HIS death because he was worse than a little shit. But Max is more powerful than a locomotive, so his survival was never in doubt. The best thing was to NEVER have him on the show at all.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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So is the whole tv agenda to push guy/guy  or girl/girl relationships or make everyone Bi? lol. Because to me they have pushed Alec's/Magnus' relationship into overkill. Its like their the only one's getting all the love fest airtime. Same thing on Stichers. 

I was hoping Jonathan wouldn't be super crazy but alas he is lol. 

I was just re-watching earlier episodes and found it interesting that Clary spent all Season One agonizing over finding her mom, then treated her mom like sh-- when she came out of the spell coma, only to lose her mom in a fluke demon attack. 

Max sadly got a bit of what he deserved because he should have immediately given that intel to his sister instead of confronting a full grown man he assumed was the demon. Sheesh. But I can't totally judge him because he is still a little boy. Clary is older and does stupid things all the time lol. 

They aren't explaining (from a dialogue standpoint) well how Clary has a lot more useful abilities than other shadowhunters. 

The guy who is playing Jonathan/Sebastian is a very good actor. 

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19 minutes ago, epdal said:

They aren't explaining (from a dialogue standpoint) well how Clary has a lot more useful abilities than other shadowhunters. 

The guy who is playing Jonathan/Sebastian is a very good actor. 

I thought they explained Clary's abilities enough to understand. I haven't read the books, but supposedly Valentine infused even more Angelic material into their genes (Clary and Jace) than a normal Shadowhunter. Now where he got that genetic material I don't know.

The actor who plays Jonathan/Sebastian and seems to have the female audience all atwitter is Will Tudor, he plays the Android "Odi" on the TV series "Humans" and I agree, he's a damn good actor.

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5 hours ago, epdal said:

So is the whole tv agenda to push guy/guy  or girl/girl relationships or make everyone Bi? lol. Because to me they have pushed Alec's/Magnus' relationship into overkill. Its like their the only one's getting all the love fest airtime.

I haven't read the books, but from what I understand, Alec and Magnus are a thing in them, so I don't think you can blame their relationship on the "tv agenda".  And from my perspective (which is admittedly pro-Alec/Magnus), I don't think they've been pushed into overkill or are getting all the relationship airtime.  YMMV, but I think we've had a lot of Simon and Maia in the last few episodes - less explicitly, maybe, but they're in an earlier stage of their relationship - and there was lots of Simon/Clary earlier in the season.  *shrugs*  LGBT+ people exist in real life, I don't have a problem with them existing on TV, too.

Edited by strippedhalo
Fix the spelling of Maia
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So, I just started binge watching the show for the first time a few days ago and have already caught up. I kept seeing the show pop up in my Youtube recommendations, so that's what made me finally decide to give it a shot. I haven't read the books (yet) so I don't know how much of the books is really incorporated into the show.

I find myself having an issue with Max being integrated into the show like he is. Maybe it's because I don't really like many child actors and this kid isn't all that appealing. His confidence in his abilities does feel more like cockiness. We keep hearing about how amazing of a Shadowhunter he is but I find myself not caring at all. I think my problem is that there aren't any other kids around, so he's being thrown into this new role with the adults, and he's just out of place. If there was a group of other kids around and he was doing missions with them, then maybe I would be more fine with Max finding Jonathan and being more involved in the plot.

I mean, it's refreshing that a kid character isn't just standing around, pointing at stuff and mumbling through their lines, but Max seems distracting to the overall show. I'd rather if he wasn't part of the show at all. 

Also, I find myself not only bugged by Maia, but I've now fast forwarded through all of her scenes with Simon for the past two/three episodes. I don't know; Maia's not an interesting character for me. I mean, Maia has had some good scenes here and there, but I am not really in it for her romance with Simon, especially since I have a gut feeling like she'll just be killed off soon. I like Simon in certain situations, but not in very many. He's kind of been annoying for most of this season. The first time I've really liked him is a few episodes ago, when he was in that vampire den club. The actor finally showed off that he can be more than a comic relief character. 

I like the couple of Malec, but I'm not totally loving them as much as I could. They're a nice couple, and the actors have some chemistry there, but I think that I don't find Matt Daddario as good of an actor as he could be, so some of his scenes fall flat. He's gotten a lot better since season 1, but I'm not so sure some about some of his acting choices. Harry Shum Jr seems to sell their relationship a little bit better for me. I do prefer the character of Alec, though. 

Isabelle is a hit or miss character. I like her most of the time, which is good, but her babysitting/training her little brother is far from interesting for me.

Dominic Sherwood is a surprisingly great actor. I didn't think so season 1, but the material he's gotten this season is heaps better. I also am loving Will Tudor as Sebastian/Jonathan. I thought I knew the actor from somewhere else, but sadly, I have not seen any of his previous work.

As for Clary, I like her sometimes but not all of the time. She's mostly irritating and I like when she's more of a supporting character. 

I don't find this show terribly good in any sense. The writing is pretty bad, most of the actors are either mediocre or just plain bad, and the plots either drag on or happen too quickly, but for some reason, I'm still going to watch. 

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8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I also am loving Will Tudor as Sebastian/Jonathan. I thought I knew the actor from somewhere else, but sadly, I have not seen any of his previous work.

Watch the English show Humans. Will Tudor has a supporting role only but is absolutely amazing. Also, unlike this show, that one is really excellent.

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