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You Know You Watch Too Much Supernatural When....

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...a friend gives you a recommendation for a local artist to do your 20th wedding anniversary tattoo.  Which you automatically reject without seeing any of his work.  Why?  His name is... wait for it...


Demon Dean.


Hey! Congratulations on 20 years! Mick and I had out 26th last March. I love to hear about relationships that work!


I don't know about Demon Dean though. I'd be tempted...

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....watch a show with an auto salvage yard not named Singer's Salvage and you think no that's not right..

...someone on another blog you frequent says "I think my house is haunted, what should I do"....


You respond "Salt the doors and windows. Grab an iron poker for self defense if the ghost attacks you. Call the Winchesters"...

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...you are watching local news and they put up their events calendar and there's an upcoming stage show called, "Sammy, Dean, and a Little Bit of Frank," and you think that makes sense -- Frank was a minor character.

Edited by lulee
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Do they have a research department? Yeah, yeah, "continuity" and all that. They need a basic database, dammit, so "continuity" (a gangly adolescent intern, no doubt) can go through each new episode with a fine-toothed comb.

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I don't think Carver cares about continuity like at all. So even if said position existed, he'd just ignore it anyway to 'flip the script"


Hee it's probably like the insect specialist position that they supposedly had at CSI. I had heard from a fellow Entomologist that they supposedly had one, but I only saw a few episodes, and the travesties of Entomology perpetrated on that show: geesh. On one episode I was so worried people were going to freak out, because they showed this hefty 2 inch long species of cockroach crawling around in a basement which Marg Helgeberger's character collected, and I was intrigued. "Ooh what is this going to have to do with the story." And then later in the episode, the insect person supposedly identified it as a powderpost beetle - which is generally about 1/4 inch long and about an 1/8 of an inch wide. And in a different Order. I was thinking "What?!?" and "Oh, great. Now people are going to be worried that they might have 2 inch long powderpost beetles chomping on their house." Fortunately that didn't happen, however another episode had a large crane fly identified as a mosquito - at least that is in the same order as a mosquito, but still. Not sure if there's any connection, but I still get calls about people supposedly having "giant mosquitoes" that are actually just crane flies (there are no giant mosquitoes - they're all small, and bad enough that way).


That poor insect specialist. I can imagine him/her saying "here you go, some powderpost beetles." Showrunner: "Oh, those are tiny. The audience will never see those as a threat. I know: why don't we go with the giant cockroaches? Those are cool and scary. They'll never know the difference." Me, seeing the episode: *headdesk*

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EVERY TIME this song comes on the radio, I think of Dean (and then become embarrassed for myself).



Okay, then, how about:


...you wonder if all the time you spend making silly lists should lead to a job as the research department for the show.  ;-)


DD, I don't think that's a job for a show per se -- but if you love data analysis, then you could actually have a VERY bright career in it. Especially here in the DC area. That's this town's bread and butter right now, afaik.


I went to grad school for public policy (here in DC), and let me tell you, data analysis is HOT in policy right now. Ironically, I hate its use in social science, because I think that quantitative data's false precision (and the false authority that comes from its "precision") makes it too easily manipulated and misused, and that in the real world it ends up distorting and obfuscating the truth at least as much as it elucidates it. Again, I only mean that in terms of social science, though. When it comes to hard sciences, like biology, things are completely different imo. (If you want to discuss quant analysis more, though, please go ahead and PM me! :))


I still remember when I gave up on my quant classes. We were shown a bunch of data that had students' test scores from various countries. The data said that a country's GDP was correlated with its test scores; the higher the country's GDP, the better their test scores could be expected to be. The prof asked for some hypotheses on why that might be, and I said, the richer countries probably write the tests. That was just completely not the answer he was looking for. LOL I just have much more the mindset of an advocate than an analyst, and policy was not for me as a result! What can ya do.

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....you see a job posting on Twitter....




#jobs4u #jobs Assistant to Dean http://bit.ly/1VJbPWr 


and then horrible disappointment when you realize there is no cleaning the Impala or making beer and burger runs or making sure the trunk is always stocked with proper gear...and no actual Dean Winchester...or just....nothing Supernatural related at all. :(

Edited by catrox14
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When you're listening to Richard Cheese's lounge versions of heavy metal, rap and classic rock songs and you find yourself wondering if Dean would think like them or think they're sacrilege.

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...you're watching a show and someone is trapped and suddenly from out nowhere automatic weapons fire starts and you start singing 'Do You Love Me! Do Love...Do You Love"....


Yes I really did that LOL

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...You're in Trader Joe's and you hear "A Well Respected Man" and you turn to your friend "Hey, where's Dean Smith"....and then she looks at you like you have three heads....

Edited by catrox14
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Not being political, but:


Antonin Scalia: Supreme Court Justice Was With Secret Society of Hunters When He Died, Reports Say


Scalia was with members of the International Order of St. Hubertus when he died Feb. 13 at Cibolo Creek Ranch in Texas, news outlets reported. The group was founded in Austria in the 1600s.


Related to the Men of Letters?  ;-)

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...you're doing a crossword puzzle and the word is "laser" and the first thing you think of is Ronald's mandroid "with the laser eyes". And actually say to yourself "he's got the laser eyes!".

"Are you working for the mandroid?" "We're not working for the mandroid!" pops into my head far too often.

Your dad asks you to move his 1970 Impala, which you haven't driven since you were 15 (i.e. 3 years prior to the start of the series) and think "So this is what it feels like to be Dean Winchester."

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...when you are playing Words with Friends

and the tiles come up with CAS and you get sad that you can't actually use CAS in the game....

Edited by catrox14
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... You dream about how Dean can kill Amara and it starts with a tattoo with a dot and a curved line that surround Deans left eyebrow.. IDEK

Edited by catrox14
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This terrible and treacly song came on Pandora at work (a restaurant), and the other manager told me, "I want to direct a movie just to have this song as the soundtrack to a brutally violent montage." So then we were talking about how music is used in film, and I asked him, "Do you watch Supernatural?" and tried to describe that Spirit in the Sky sequence -- the one when Sam and Dean are walking through this town decimated by War and the song starts out on the soundtrack, but eventually gets sourced onscreen to a car radio. (Except I couldn't remember the name of the song, so my description was pretty vague!).


Well, the answer is that YES he does watch SPN -- which made me like him immeasurably more. He and I have had our problems, sometimes really major problems, but now all is forgiven and I'm ready to hang. LOL. Honestly, I was surprised that he'd even heard of SPN, let alone watched it. And not only does he watch it, but he said something like, "Man, it's time for me to watch that show from the beginning again. [blah blah blah] The Darkness is pretty 'meh' as a villain, amirite?" So he's really a fan, not just someone who has seen an episode. So awesome. I had to actively contain myself to keep from bringing it up again during the workday.


I am a complete dork and he and I have both been working in restaurants for a looooong time, so I kept wanting to chat about things that even nobody on here would ever care about, like, "What do you think it would be like, being on the floor with Sam or Dean? I think they'd be really fantastic to work with. Dean knows how to bust ass and I can see him having really strong floor skills/awareness. Wonder what his sales would be like, though. I'd put Sam behind the bar." LOL. Because yes, that is the kind of thing I legit think about when I watch the show. Ever since I first started watching, years and YEARS ago (S3 or 4?), I've had a special soft spot for Dean based solely on the fact that I've always had the feeling that working the floor with him would be amazing. Even when I've been basically fed up with the character, I've still always had that little thing that makes me not hate him -- I think he would fucking rock it at work. And I love that when Sam was at loose ends, he got a job as a busser.


But the other manager is probably not as much of a dork as me, so I'm going to wait to spring that nonsense on him.


Anyway, so my description of the scene wasn't good enough to jog his memory, so I pulled up that Spirit of the Sky scene on my phone and made him watch some of it -- I didn't have to make him watch all of it, though, because of course he remembered the scene once it was playing!


And to top off this saga of dorkiness, when I got home just now, I had to Google that scene and replay it because the little taste I got at work wasn't enough. It really is an amazing scene.

Edited by rue721
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