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S14.E06: 13 Chefs Compete

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WHAt are the odds????

A gay man is in a national TV competitive cooking show, and his team, manages to win a reward. On that reward, one of the people at the place where they are dining begins service and recognizes him as someone she dated in high school.

Tell me.... is this real or setup?

If the women had won, it would have never made the show. But the guys won. And there she was.

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I am still laughing at the way Adam was looking at Ramsay during the wine tasting/drinking. He was like a love struck teenager.

Didn't Ramsay tell the guys ahead of time they were going on a safari? And there was Brendan in his dress shirt and tie. I'm glad he's gone but there are others I wanted to leave more than him.

What set Milly off? Was it just a part of the discussion because it seemed out of left field to me.

I STILL don't understand why they can't cook scallops. I flove scallops so I would be willing to eat the mistakes. Is there an application I could fill out for that position?

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Bret just creeps me out. Randy is the only guy that I don't detest. Milly's rant came out of left field, imo.....even thought the right guy got sent home.

Since Monique got booted last week, I don't think I mind any of the women that are left.

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I see we've moved past the casual sexism portion of our program and right into the casual racism portion. Milly was raising his voice while seated, got up and moved away from Brendan, and Adam is still hovering over him like he's ready to break up a fight that never happened. Gee, I wonder why.


Hilarious that the reward challenge had to be a line service (with no creativity or taste component involved) to get the blue team a win.


The red team's win was pretty telegraphed, but it seemed like that kitchen benefited from a leader. They seem to have a larger...competency gap (for lack of a better word) between their most talented and least talented chef than the blue team does -- which is probably why their performance seems to vacillate dramatically from week to week.

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I see we've moved past the casual sexism portion of our program and right into the casual racism portion. Milly was raising his voice while seated, got up and moved away from Brendan, and Adam is still hovering over him like he's ready to break up a fight that never happened. Gee, I wonder why

You think it was because Milly is black?? I think Adam would have stepped in no matter who it was. It looked to me that Milly was getting agitated.

I was getting annoyed with the diners hollering for food. I wouldn't like waiting that long either but I would have just left. I know it's just a reality show but don't throw your manners out the window.

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Bret just creeps me out. Randy is the only guy that I don't detest. Milly's rant came out of left field, imo.....even thought the right guy got sent home.

Since Monique got booted last week, I don't think I mind any of the women that are left.

Got the feeling that the rant was editing monkeys at play. While it appeared out of left field, if you look, all the guys seemed to be completely exasperated atthe point where Milly began. I suspect that just as we heard Branden trying to blame Nick for his failures, the men had been hearing it for some time and Milly exploded becuase Branden spends all of his time bragging, but wouldn't own his ish. I could be wrong, but this is what I suspect.

As for the show itself, who didn't know that this week the men would win the challenge and then lose the service since they haven't lost someone in at least two weeks.

I honestly don't know why I watch this show other tha the fact that with the newly adapted shorter seasons, most of my fall shows are over.

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For a moment there, I was really afraid Meghan was going to have a meltdown like Joy last season (or the season before that?) and just quit. She may be tough in the kitchen, but she gets stuff done! I like her.


And oh yeah, Brendan, you're totally Ramsay's loss! Delusional.

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Ever notice when the women win rewards, they rarely insult the men?  But the men do so excessively to the women whenever they win rewards?


Loved the rare lunch service challenge, and I loved the women finally winning another service.


Won't argue with the boot.  Brendan was the right one to go home.  He's been pretty incompetent for a while now.


Still think Meghan, Michelle, T, and Alison are the best ones of the women.  Christine and probably Sarah will go down soon.  Of the men, Randy and Milly are the only two really good ones.

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Ever notice when the women win rewards, they rarely insult the men?  But the men do so excessively to the women whenever they win rewards?


In fairness, the men have won so few challenges this season it's actually kind of hard to compare them. Though from season to season it tends to vary; in S12 the women were way worse for going on about how glad they were that those stupid men weren't getting to enjoy themselves, and last season they were pretty equal from what I remember.


Last night was the first time T really struggled, though she seemed to get it together for service. Meghan's taken over as the front-runner, but barring one of them imploding I think we're going to have those two in the final. The men are just looking generally "bleh" at this point; I think we'll be in for a repeat of last season, where they did well to start with, but then started dropping like flies after the halfway point.

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Meghan got the inspirational talk from Ramsay.  That usually signals either she's going home that episode (she didn't, obviously) or sticking around for the long haul.  She's been pretty competent throughout so no real surprise there.


I can't figure Sarah out.  She's done some very good individual dishes but seems completely clueless otherwise.


Not sure I can tell many of the guys apart other than Milly (and Brendan because of his glasses but he's gone now).

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Ever notice when the women win rewards, they rarely insult the men?  But the men do so excessively to the women whenever they win rewards?


This year, they have been relatively mellow, yes. Personally I really hate the trashtalk because it invariably leads to the men, no matter what season, making a series of sexist comments about the bitches. SInce its obviously producer inspired, I've always wondered how Gordan would feel about his daughter having to listen to how her vagina makes her a shit cook.


It's also not helped that this show clearly casts the men on how physically messed up looking they are. The women, sure there will be a few not so attractive sorts but there's always a few who will look nice in a bikini. The men? Always gross trolls or weird looking or oddly boyish.

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Brendan was long overdue to go home.  I don't know what led to Milly's rant, but I can totally believe he was just fed up with the new levels of irritating that Brendan brought to the game.  From previous weeks it seems like Milly is a pretty good team player, but Brendan's been a drag on the team from the start.


I realize Bret was trying to stall to give the blue kitchen time to get caught up, but when he was serving table-side and trying to wipe the sweat from his forehead he was gross.  I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine, but waitstaff serving table-side need to leave the floor for a moment sometimes so they can wipe their faces when they're NOT in front of customers.  


I don't mind any of the women that are left.  I like T and Allison, and Michelle may be okay but I still can't get a read on her.  Sarah is two people, and I think one of her could end up in the final four if the other one of her stops acting like food is a new thing to her.  Meghan's meltdown annoyed me because I don't think the majority of her team deserved it, but I'll give her a pass this once.  If she continues to act like she's the only competent cook, though, I could start disliking her.

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WHAt are the odds????

A gay man is in a national TV competitive cooking show, and his team, manages to win a reward. On that reward, one of the people at the place where they are dining begins service and recognizes him as someone she dated in high school.

Tell me.... is this real or setup?

If the women had won, it would have never made the show. But the guys won. And there she was.



Being in LA myself, I totally bought that. Happens all the time here I run into someone waiting tables that I met at a party or knew from elsewhere. Seemed normal to me.

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I see we've moved past the casual sexism portion of our program and right into the casual racism portion. Milly was raising his voice while seated, got up and moved away from Brendan, and Adam is still hovering over him like he's ready to break up a fight that never happened. Gee, I wonder why.


Well, I can't say for sure why Adam got in the middle of that, but I know why I would have. 


Because Milly is easily 6'5" and close to if not 300 lbs, and Brendan is the size of my 16 year old nephew.  And Milly was fired the F up.  I'm not going to pretend Milly wasn't flashing his peacock feathers and looking for a confrontation.


And it was most certainly Milly that had entered the casual racism portion of the evening, telling Brendan to go home and get on the line with a bunch of Mexicans.  Also, and I wasn't aware of this, apparently Brendan is personally responsible for gender and race-related salary inequality in the U.S. 


"I been seeing cats like you my whole life, making more money than me, know more than me, but you get on the line and you can't burn.  You soft, dog.  Get the f**k out of here.  You be scared as f**k on that line, dog, and then everytime I say something to you, you second guessing me.  And then you can't even burn, *&@*^?" 


That was all before Milly stood up.

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Stop it with the constant flirting with customers/people associated with the challenges. It's so skeevy. Yes, male contestants, we get it. You're masculine, you're virile. You don't need to ogle every woman that crosses your path.


Also, stop making the contestants do challenges in their chef jackets. I really, really hope they have a rotating set of jackets, because I sure as hell wouldn't want to wear the same one all day doing challenges and whatnot.

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Stop it with the constant flirting with customers/people associated with the challenges. It's so skeevy. Yes, male contestants, we get it. You're masculine, you're virile. You don't need to ogle every woman that crosses your path.


Also, stop making the contestants do challenges in their chef jackets. I really, really hope they have a rotating set of jackets, because I sure as hell wouldn't want to wear the same one all day doing challenges and whatnot.


Bret was uber creepy with the flirting. Even if the guy didn't come off as one bad service away from storming the dorms with an assault rifle, he still comes off as creepy. I think Josh is his creepster buddy.


Meghan did become a controlling beeyotch, but she can back it up with skill. T's faltering a little on the chicken but I think she's going to stay strong. Allison is still in there, I think. Not sure about the rest of the women.

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Okay, Milly never tasted, let alone ever made an enchilada before?  Ever?  In his entire life?  Didn't know what was in an enchilada, didn't know what one tasted like.  Did I hear that correctly?  Man, Mexican food is pretty standard fare even for Philadelphia.  And according to Milly supposedly there are a lot of Mexicans working in kitchens for less money than Brendan.  But the burning question still remains.  Why is Milly even on a cooking competition show if he doesn't know how to slap together a basic enchilada let alone even know what one tastes like.  He is skating dangerously into Monique territory.  Oy.


And speaking of dumbfucks I ditto RE:  Is Sarah that effing stupid?  (Sorry people.  I know I'm firing off a shitload of questions back-to-back).  Ummm.  Sarah is a CULINARY INSTRUCTOR ?  Sarah was taking notes and saying stuff like - "Make sure pan is hot before adding oil".  GTFOH.  No wonder Meghan wanted to put herself up for elimination.

Edited by beesknees
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