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S31: Spoilers

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           “Like Selling Your Soul To The Devil” and “My Wheels Are Spinning” – Castaways’ spirits are drowning in a relentless rain storm, but a fun challenge reward offers a few players a glimpse into the Cambodian culture. Also, the “voting block” strategy used this season continues to keep Castaways on their toes, on a special two-hour SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 25 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.




These 3 are after the IC:





Spencer Jeremy Tasha Jeremy on the beach. No clue if anyone else is there. There are no pictures of the immunity challenge being played just the setup before. Makes me wonder if a big name sits out (maybe joe decides not to play?). Either way Joe's facial expressions make it look like he does not have immunity. This is probably Joe fighting for his life here. 

I can't believe Joe would sit out.  If he doesn't win and this is him going to what he believes is a majority, then the looks on the faces of Jeremy, Spencer, and Tasha are 'sorry pal'.  There seems to be more hype surrounding the second hour, which is where we may get either Stephen's advantage played (successfully or unsuccessfully).  I believe it could be any of the remaining four not speculated to go to the final 6.  Ciera who probably still is on the outs and considered more of an instigator than Abi (likely seen as a goat) or Kelley (she's obviously been targeted for being a threat, but maybe she wins immunity the first round).  Keith may be low man on the totem pole, nice guy, threat to win, challenge beast, and a wild card in voting (or he is idoled out).  Stephen because he's over playing his hand and some may be concerned how close he and Jeremy seem.  If Joe goes first, Jeremy may be ready to bid Stephen farewell.  Since we got quite a bit of screentime of Kimmi (the most since the Monica boot) I don't know if that's leading to something else or she was just against the 3 amigas-very vocally against.


I hate how they are making this voting block strategy seem like something new.  It isn't.

Edited by LadyChatts

I'm feeling very Mean Girls about the "voting block" thing. CBS, stop trying to make "voting block" happen. Flips and suballiances pulling in players on the outs has literally been happening since Australia.


I am bummed that it appears Tasha's going to keep working with Jeremy/Stephen with no issues from being left out of the vote. Maybe she's playing them and she's going to make a deal with the devil to blindside Stephen. I don't think that would make any sense for her game, but it would make me happy. I just really really want Stephen out before Ciera so that Jeremy has to feel nervous for a second. 

  • Love 1

I would argue sub alliances have been a thing since season 1.  Once the Tagi 4 got down to the final 4, it was going to be Kelly/Sue vs Rich/Rudy.  Each duo had their own sub alliance from the start of the big alliance.  It wasn't until Sue and Kelly were at odds that the plan changed.  I agree with the poster who said that CBS is probably trying to give something new and fresh and revamp it as some idea that hasn't been around since the beginning.  This isn't going to take the game in a new direction, nor do I see it as being some slow burn.  People that are on the outs are still on the outs, imo.  I guess this is there way of making every week seem like a blindside. 


While Jeremy probably doesn't idol Stephen out (unless he doesn't realize that's exactly what he's doing-maybe he plays the idol not realizing that Stephen was the true target like the Edgardo boot during Fiji), I don't know if Stephen would neccesarily hold a grudge over it.  I suppose it would depend.  However, Stephen might just respect it as good game play and getting played.  Which he's already getting played, he just doesn't seem to know it.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Ugh I am not liking the looks of this. It really does look from Joe's facial expressions as if he lost. If he did and he gets voted out (which I can't imagine they would not do!), then I am going to have a hard time scrounging up enough interest to watch. I am really not liking Tasha this time around, Spencer is barely playing and for some reason, I have never warmed up to Jeremy. Of course my DH will be watching and he is completely unspoiled so unless this bootlist completely blows up, this season will become a snooze-fest as they allow Jeremy to prance to victory. I think the only player I really like who would be left is Kelley. Sigh

  • Love 1

I do think that alliances this season have a subtle departure from SOP, but agree that it isn't actually "new". Cesternino played this way in Amazon and Jaclyn/Jon flirted with voting blocks in SJDS.

Players have theoretically operated this way since Borneo's "Barbecue Alliance", but I don't remember a post-merge season with so many possibilities. Up til now we've only seen a huge "flip" this week (since last week was an Idol play), but based on the bootlist, I suspect we'll see a lot of "voting blocks" involved in the Ciera, Joe and Stephen boots.

I don't actually think this "style" will last past this season, though. As has been mentioned, this is only really possible thanks to returning players and so many tribe swaps.

Edited by Oholibamah
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I think sub-alliances have been a thing forever but these do not feel like sub-alliances. Sub-alliances tended to talk to one another and decide on a move together and that did not happen this week. There have always been people willing to use the minority alliance but this last week felt different.


I am not ready to say that the alliances and sub-alliances are gone in this season, I think they are still there, but they do seem to be far more flexible then past seasons. It will be interesting to see this play out.


I also think that it is easier to do this in seasons where people have played together and know how the game works. I think it would be harder for a cast of new players pull it off. I don't think there is the same understanding of strategy and paranoia in your first season as in your second season. This is why returning players are so much more likely to win when they play with new players. There is a steep learning curve to this game and it shows.

Edited by ProfCrash
  • Love 2

Even if it was thats not really spoiling much. The only people with a shot at winning this game right now are Jeremy and Kelley. No one else has a realistic chance.

I think sub-alliances have been a thing forever but these do not feel like sub-alliances. Sub-alliances tended to talk to one another and decide on a move together and that did not happen this week. There have always been people willing to use the minority alliance but this last week felt different.
It felt similar to the Ozzy boot in FvF to me, especially if Tasha and Kimmi are just back in the fold this coming week. 

I just had a random realization:


IF the bootlist is true and Ciera is next to go, do you think she goes because of what she said about Jeremy (winning should he make F3) on the spa reward last episode? In the press images this week, there's a shot of Joe, Tasha and Spencer (all of whom were on the reward and listened to Ciera) and they're talking with Jeremy on the beach. Do you think Joe might lose immunity and throw Ciera under the bus to Jeremy in order to save himself? Maybe he got Spencer and Tasha to help him throw Ciera under the bus. I guess we'll find out if it's relevant if it shows up on "Previously On...". If they show that, then it likely plays a role in the episode. I hope this doesn't happen and we get a surprise Joe boot instead. Ciera is MUCH more interesting as a player than Joe in every single way (except athletically, of course). If Spencer and Tasha actually do side with Jeremy and boot Ciera next episode, then I can't wait to see them lose the game to Jeremy at F3.

I'm really hoping for a Joe boot in the first hour and a massive Stephen blindside in the second. I'd even be okay with Keith going this week. Please let the bootlist be wrong again lol. 

Edited by bdestroyer88

I haven't seen Ciera anywhere in the press images.  I'm thinking Joe probably goes either the first or second hour.  I'm not comforted with the pics of him and the alleged final 3 of Jeremy/Tasha/Spencer.  I don't think those 3 would go along with keeping Joe, even if Ciera did say that.  Ciera's way less of a threat in the challenges, and likely has little chance of winning.  The only reason I see Ciera going is if the others are concerned that she/Kelley/Abi might actually get into a power position of 3 and being able to keep numbers.  Kelley could win immunity or be willing to throw Ciera under the bus to survive, and Abi's probably seen as a goat.  Those 3 are more an alliance because they have to be, not because they probably want to be.  If it meant kicking Ciera to the curb to last 3 more days, I'm sure Kelly and Abi would jump on it.  I'm curious what this "something happens that never happened before" that Andrew was talking about (hopefully it isn't Stephen's advantage...because, zzzz).  I wonder if Joe crafts a fake idol and threatens to use it, and people believe it so they vote elsewhere.


Anyway, I'd be somewhat surprised if Keith goes next week.  My guess is Joe/Stephen/Ciera.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Yea going with the family rumor, I'm 95 percent sure that Keith should be safe. I guess Stephen could self destruct and target Keith as a way to keep the pressure on Joe but I figure at some point his other allies have to realize that they have to break up that strong alliance of three hanging in plain sight.  So I'll choose to believe the list Ciera then Stephen.

I just want to see Stephen go before Joe.  It would seem to come full circle either way-he outlasts Joe or his plan to get Joe out backfires and he is sent packing.  I doubt Jeremy would play an idol on Joe as a goodwill gesture, especially if it costs Stephen.  I really can't believe anyone would keep Joe if he lost immunity at this late stage.  But maybe I'll be proved wrong.  I also don't think it'll be some master plan blindside Stephen puts on Joe.  Also, if Stephen uses his advantage, would that be before the vote?  I only ask because if he announces someone's vote is voided out and he's getting an extra, I wonder if that will suddenly change anyone's minds on who to vote for.


Question, how exactly does the loved ones visit work?  I mean, would it be possible if the visit was at the final 6, Keith's wife (or whoever was supposed to be out there) could have still flown out with the remaining six loved ones, but just not got to go on the visit?  I'm wondering if that's where the rumor came that Keith made it to that point.  I'm thinking he gets idoled out, then Jeremy goes on an immunity run until the end.  I can see how the final 6 shapes up now that we are almost there.  I knew there had to be a logical reason how Abi made it this far!  I am kind of disappointed, though, that 3 of the final 6 are in Jeremy's little crew (including Jeremy that's 4 of the final 6).

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 1

I think I'm more curious now how Kelley makes it to the final 4.  Right now she's on the outs (regardless of how this past week went, I still think she's on the outs) and has been deemed a threat.  If she happens to go on an immunity run or finds some last minute power idol TPTB throw into the game, then I can understand it.  I can understand how the others probably fall where they do.  I'm just wondering how Kelley finishes that high.  And, if Jeremy's idols are used up and he doesn't win immunity, why he isn't booted instead.  Unless it is very much a loyalty thing.


Also, since we've heard about Tasha's nasty side, yet haven't seen it (or much of her since Angkor, minus the Kass boot) I wonder if they will bring that out to justify her losing.  Or are they just going to edit her and Spencer as being goats that take loyalty over strategy in terms of sticking with Jeremy.  Since it seems like Spencer is a sheep to Jeremy, I wonder if anyone will do a Woo/Tony comparison (my guess is Kass).

Edited by LadyChatts
?  I mean, would it be possible if the visit was at the final 6, Keith's wife (or whoever was supposed to be out there) could have still flown out with the remaining six loved ones, but just not got to go on the visit?
Yes, I believe so. So I think the bootlist is accurate that Keith is the last to go before final 6. Which means even with non-100% accuracy in the bootlist, we've a pretty limited set of choices for the double episode boots. 


I think I'm more curious now how Kelley makes it to the final 4.
Yeah, I'm curious about this, too. It would seem to me like the logical thing actually would be for Spencer/Jeremy/Stephen/Ciera/Kelley/Abi to stay aligned and pick off Kimmi, Keith, and hopefully Joe. If Tasha isn't too mad about the blindside, then Jeremy/Stephen/Spencer/Tasha then outnumber Ciera/Kelley/Abi to get to f4. If she is too mad, then add Tasha to the list of people to vote out. Jeremy has the idols and Stephen has the advantage so even though they don't trust Ciera/Kelley/Abi, it seems relatively low risk. Kimmi and Tasha both hate at least some of Ciera/Kelley/Abi, so it's not like it would be easy for the three women to flip even if they want to. 


But clearly that's not going to be what happens. 

I agree that if its Ciera/Joe the boot list is still right. If theres a bonus Stephen boot fine, but if not he's not "scheduled" to go anyway so he can really go whenever at this point. Since Stephen didn't get booted going next in logical order is Ciera Joe so any combination of Stephen Ciera Joe will keep it on track as far as I'm concerned. As far as Kelley no clue I guess it could be wrong, but she's getting so much content she has to be there. I think Spencer has to be in that final 6. As does Jeremy and Tasha. The only ones I think that could possibly be wrong are Abi and Kimmi because Abi is in the witches and Kimmi is expandable. It wouldn't shock me if Stephen replaces one of them. I wonder if that confusing TC is this week?

In the description it mentioned 'a daring move'.  While it doesn't elaborate what that is or whether it even applies to TC, I'm thinking it could be this week.  Good week to do it, too, with a double episode, especially if the first half is predictable.  I agree it would probably be in the best interest of Jeremy/Spencer/Stephen to stay aligned with the girls-and I wonder if that's what Stephen anticipates happening.  However, Jeremy might be considered about burning bridges in the jury if he sticks with them.  And who knows, Ciera/Kelley/Abi might break from each other this week.  Abi's certainly unpredictable, and Kelley didn't vote against the group with the Kass vote because she was hoping that would prove loyalty.  So if someone offers one of them something better, they might go for it. 


I also won't be entirely surprised if someone in the presumed final 6 winds up just short of it.  Though I can see how Abi and Kimmi could make it; Abi might just luck out and be seen as expendable/goat.  Same with Kimmi, and she appears very loyal to Jeremy.  We've seen Stephen overplaying and strategizing and awkwardly trying to fit in, I just have a hard time believing he makes it to the end.  I'm sticking with he overplays and gets blindsided.  That's also wishful thinking.

Edited by LadyChatts

In the description it mentioned 'a daring move'.  While it doesn't elaborate what that is or whether it even applies to TC, I'm thinking it could be this week.  Good week to do it, too, with a double episode, especially if the first half is predictable.  I agree it would probably be in the best interest of Jeremy/Spencer/Stephen to stay aligned with the girls-and I wonder if that's what Stephen anticipates happening.  However, Jeremy might be considered about burning bridges in the jury if he sticks with them.  And who knows, Ciera/Kelley/Abi might break from each other this week.  Abi's certainly unpredictable, and Kelley didn't vote against the group with the Kass vote because she was hoping that would prove loyalty.  So if someone offers one of them something better, they might go for it. 


I also won't be entirely surprised if someone in the presumed final 6 winds up just short of it.  Though I can see how Abi and Kimmi could make it; Abi might just luck out and be seen as expendable/goat.  Same with Kimmi, and she appears very loyal to Jeremy.  We've seen Stephen overplaying and strategizing and awkwardly trying to fit in, I just have a hard time believing he makes it to the end.  I'm sticking with he overplays and gets blindsided.  That's also wishful thinking.

I was convinced Stephen gets blindsided and him and Jeremy turn on each other because Jeremy didn't tell Stephen about the idols, however, then I saw that pic on instagram saying they are friends for life and now it has me doubting any Jeremy Stephen rifts.

I was convinced Stephen gets blindsided and him and Jeremy turn on each other because Jeremy didn't tell Stephen about the idols, however, then I saw that pic on instagram saying they are friends for life and now it has me doubting any Jeremy Stephen rifts.


Would they rift over that, though?  I'm not saying there aren't Survivors who don't hold a grudge over stupid game play, but if Stephen is such a superfan so-called master of the game, I would think there would be no hard feelings if something like that happened.  It is game play, decent game play, that is meant to keep you in the game.  However, I may be wrong.


Since the idol rule changed where you have to use it before the vote has read, has anyone successfully won the game while having idols and not had to use them?  I'm still trying to figure out what Andrew meant.  Sometimes it's why I wish the castoffs and TPTB wouldn't throw teasers like that out there.  Sometimes whatever they are talking about happens, yet you don't realize it because you are expecting something bigger and better.

I was convinced Stephen gets blindsided and him and Jeremy turn on each other because Jeremy didn't tell Stephen about the idols, however, then I saw that pic on instagram saying they are friends for life and now it has me doubting any Jeremy Stephen rifts.

It's just a game. I think everyone has gotten over most of the things that have happened to them in the game. Plus, I don't think Stephen is the bitter type. He'll try to make a move against Jeremy, Jeremy will play his idol, and Stephen's out. Why be bitter over that? You tried and got outplayed. Get over it. Even Savage wasn't bitter at Kelley for her idol play. 

Edited by bdestroyer88

It's just a game. I think everyone has gotten over most of the things that have happened to them in the game. Plus, I don't think Stephen is the bitter type. He'll try to make a move against Jeremy, Jeremy will play his idol, and Stephen's out. Why be bitter over that? You tried and got outplayed. Get over it. Even Savage wasn't bitter at Kelley for her idol play. 

I dunno someone also asked Jeremy if he would have turned on Stephen and Jeremy acted like the person was crazy to even ask that and said Stephen had his back out there etc. Just not getting that vibe of either turning on each other all of a sudden. Maybe Tasha is the one with the daring move? This devil thing with her has to come up soon.

Edited by anthonyd46

I dunno someone also asked Jeremy if he would have turned on Stephen and Jeremy acted like the person was crazy to even ask that and said Stephen had his back out there etc. Just not getting that vibe of either turning on each other all of a sudden. Maybe Tasha is the one with the daring move? This devil thing with her has to come up soon.

I could see that. 

Guest Levi Rinno

I dunno someone also asked Jeremy if he would have turned on Stephen and Jeremy acted like the person was crazy to even ask that and said Stephen had his back out there etc. Just not getting that vibe of either turning on each other all of a sudden. Maybe Tasha is the one with the daring move? This devil thing with her has to come up soon.

Tasha did look pissed off about the vote switch.  If she figures out that Stephen was behind it (or someone tells her that he was), she could lead the charge to get him voted out, which could cost her his vote.

I doubt Jeremy would play an idol on Joe as a goodwill gesture, especially if it costs Stephen.  I really can't believe anyone would keep Joe if he lost immunity at this late stage.  But maybe I'll be proved wrong.

I've thought about this a bit.  Between Joe and Stephen, whose continued presence benefits Jeremy most in the game? 

Consider these points:

  1. Physical:  Thus far in the game, Joe is the primary physical threat - but at least part of that is due to Jeremy's active efforts to minimize his own appearance as a physical threat.  Also, Joe as the Let's Get Physical poster boy cuts both ways; Joe remains a very serviceable meat shield to Jeremy (and any ally of Jeremy's) whenever the discussion turns to concern about physical threats.  Stephen offers nothing on the physical aspect, unless your master strategy involves throwing LOTS of challenges.
  2. Social: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but Joe has an acceptable level of positive social relation with almost every other remaining player in the game* (excepting Stephen, of course).  In contrast, Stephen brings nothing to the table, socially speaking.
  3. Strategic: Joe presents much less of a strategic threat than Stephen; Joe's strategic game is minimal at best, while Stephen's game is 100% strategic.  The flip side of that, of course, is Joe provides much less strategic support than Stephen.


IMHO Joe brings more to Jeremy's table than does Stephen - which might be impetus for Jeremy to use one of his immunity idols to preserve Joe's presence in the game, especially if Jeremy can engender some loyalty and/or an alliance (however temporary) with Joe in the process.  It is entirely possible that Stephen's continued presence in the game offers something more to Jeremy which I am missing, however, other than an in-line vote at TC and/or the two-vote-swing presented by Stephen's advantage.  If so, I would love to hear it.


* On a personal level, I actually find it curious NOBODY appears as threatened by Joe's social game as they do his physical game.  I guess the physical side of Joe's house is simply that big of a distraction.


I also don't think it'll be some master plan blindside Stephen puts on Joe.

Purely an issue of semantics here, but I don't see how the term "blindside" could in any way be applied to a vote against Joe.

The very term "blindside" intrinsically infers the victim doesn't see it coming - is, in fact, "blind" to the prospect of eviction.

The moment Joe doesn't win individual immunity, the ballot box is going to be overflowing with slips of paper bearing his name.

And Joe knows this - he's said so in his THs. 

Everybody else in camp knows this as well.

Hell, my neighbor's cats probably know this, and I don't think they even watch Survivor.

So how could it correctly be called a blindside?

  • Love 3

Is there anyone who doubts Jeremy will win? It seems so obvious. Just look at the alliances, voting blocks, other players, his social & strategic game and two HIIs (that no one knows about--very smart). I'm happy if he wins since he has played a good game but the season would be more interesting if his win wasn't so obvious.

My only other candidate is Kelley. She is given so much random content for a female. However I have like Jeremy at 90%. 




Weird preview. Now the episode is called How does she do it?  Stephen to the brink of quitting? Maybe this is a voluntary vote out.


Also remember Stephen was not seen by anyone for a month after filming concluded. Maybe he got pretty sick out there.

Edited by anthonyd46
  • Love 1

My only other candidate is Kelley. She is given so much random content for a female. However I have like Jeremy at 90%. 




Weird preview. Now the episode is called How does she do it?  Stephen to the brink of quitting? Maybe this is a voluntary vote out.


Also remember Stephen was not seen by anyone for a month after filming concluded. Maybe he got pretty sick out there.

I think the episode title in the preview is just a typo. You can see it also say S27 in the description. The episode title is still "Like Selling Your Soul To The Devil". 

I think the episode title in the preview is just a typo. You can see it also say S27 in the description. The episode title is still "Like Selling Your Soul To The Devil". 

Yea I see that I wonder if Stephen is out due to sickness now though which would make sense.


This is what Stephen tweeted about it:



Edited by anthonyd46
  • Love 1

Wow. The weather conditions look terrible. It's going to suck really bad for the people who get really far in the game (Kelley, Kimmi, etc...) and don't win the million. Having to go through all that misery only to end up short and not win is terrible. I'd honestly rather be voted out now than delay the inevitable and suffer for however many more days. 

Edited by bdestroyer88

If Stephen volunteers to get booted I will be really sorry that he made it back.  I have a feeling that is a red herring, though I won't be surprised if he ends up getting eliminated anyway.  Stephen has had a lot of focus this season, none of it positive.  I'm hoping he and his crying and whining go, finally.

I meant like a Mercy boot not a quit. 

This speculation - which is far from spoilers - is not going anywhere. None of them are quitting and I dont have a problem with anyone crying after having to deal with a week straight outdoors in the middle of a monsoon.

Again I did not say a quit. I am thinking along the lines of Stephen might not have been the target but everyone agrees to get rid of him because they know he is miserable. Like James In HVV.

The Facebook spoiler is done it was 4/5 so not bad. The bootlist is back on track for now. Its next victim is Ciera if its right. The only "unspoiled" boot is Stephen, however, if he goes in Savage's spot we can say they were switched. If he doesn't then he will remain the mystery boot for the time being. Usually these double boots are one very strategic player and one UTR person. Ciera I think would be the strategic one and then I wonder if we get a Kimmi or Keith boot after that. They usually don't do 2 strategic players in a double boot episode, but I guess anything could happen. I need more press photos and videos before declaring anything. I can finally quote posts again at least. Any luck finding that Stephen is running the game quote?


Is the FB spoiler the same list that was floating around Sucks? Can someone point me to where I can see it? Thanks.

I have a fear that Stephen is being given an "evolution" edit, to go along with all of this talk of the evolution of strategy.  He starts out the clumsy oaf, then gets his power, then survives a breaking point next week and then gets more powerful as his power becomes greater as there are fewer votes.  I really think (and hope) I'm wrong, but his edit has been nagging me for a bit now.

Edited by pennben
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With the prominent spoiler being right so far except for Savage (I also believe it got Savage and Stephen mixed up), I wonder how Wentworth ended up going all the way to 4th place, considering she's been a target before and after her idol play, and she's on the very minority alliance. It is possible she does go on an immunity run but so far she hasn't been impressive in the individual challenges.

It could be as boring an answer as Keith and Joe are viewed as bigger immunity threats. If Stephen is taken out by either a mercy boot or by a Kimmi/Tasha play (as a way to secure their place in f4 with Jeremy), there won't be any numeric threat to Jeremy. So Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi/Spencer don't need to rush to take out Abi/Kelley. Kelley hasn't been great in the individual challenges, but she only needs to win one challenge to edge ahead of Kimmi for f4. 


It seems to me that the last really interesting boot is going to be Stephen's (assuming he goes in one of the double boot positions).

I wonder if that's what the drawing of rocks are for. No one probably volunteered so Probst was forced to have them draw rocks and those who drew the loser rocks were forced to sit down.


I can't believe they can force someone to sit out of a competition that could guarantee their safety that night during TC and another 3 days or more in the game.  To me, that's almost cheating someone out of their fair chance.  If no one offered to sit out, they'd probably edit it.  I thought in the past they typically had people raise their hands or step forward, but maybe the rocks are so people can't be influenced by what others are doing.  I don't even think Probst would let them draw rocks if they couldn't decide, so they wanted to be fair.


This is an interesting twist, though.  I thought it would be like the old days where they could voluntarily sit out for food.  This could put a target on someone, but for the opposite reason.  However, I can't blame anyone for not wanting to sit out.  Joe would be stupid to.  He loses immunity he is gone unless he finds a last minute idol.  I'm wondering/hoping the lack of description, teasers, and promos so far means that a lot more happens that is unexpected but they don't want to give it away.  I hope Stephen goes, don't really care who the second person is.  Of course I want Joe to stick around, but I won't be surprised if he doesn't.  At the very least, at least 5 people have to sit out, so hopefully he isn't the only one to pick immunity.  At least anyone else who picks not to sit out can hopefully take some heat off of him.


I know coddling and caving to whining contestants goes back to the days of Borneo, but seriously, they might as well move them into the Big Brother house and combine the two shows at this point.  No wonder people don't learn anything about fire or shelter building.  Eat up all your food day 1, build a crappy leaky shelter, and know that production will have you covered.  I get I can say this watching from the comfort of my nice warm house, but this is what they sign up for.  They've all done this before. 

  • Love 3

I can't believe they can force someone to sit out of a competition that could guarantee their safety that night during TC and another 3 days or more in the game.  To me, that's almost cheating someone out of their fair chance.  If no one offered to sit out, they'd probably edit it.  I thought in the past they typically had people raise their hands or step forward, but maybe the rocks are so people can't be influenced by what others are doing.  I don't even think Probst would let them draw rocks if they couldn't decide, so they wanted to be fair.

Well, maybe that's what drawing rocks are for - of course, no one wants to give their shot at safety but it had to be done. And instead of Jeff just pointing out who will sit, or guilt-tripping someone so they sit, they draw rocks instead. You get lucky or you don't. I don't see it any different than dropping buffs and doing a tribal swap or drawing rocks at TC after the second tie vote. There are just some things out of your control and sometimes, you need luck to be on your side too.



I know coddling and caving to whining contestants goes back to the days of Borneo, but seriously, they might as well move them into the Big Brother house and combine the two shows at this point.  No wonder people don't learn anything about fire or shelter building.  Eat up all your food day 1, build a crappy leaky shelter, and know that production will have you covered.  I get I can say this watching from the comfort of my nice warm house, but this is what they sign up for.  They've all done this before.

From what I'm reading though, and at least saw in the previews, it looks like a really bad case of rain/storm that went on for weeks. I know you play the elements in this game but the production also has to balance it with the health of the contestants. It's different when one contestant drops out or quits because of an isolated event, like a tummy or eye infection, but if most contestants end up suffering from say, hypothermia, then I think it's a different issue in which producers have to step in. And Probst is bartering at this point. He's not giving it to them for free anyway, and I think the stakes in exchange of a proper shelter is very high.

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought Jeff was giving them a choice-5 people sit out for better accommodations, or else not enough people sit out and they don't get the better shelter.  That's where I don't think they can force anyone to sit out, if this is a voluntary thing where they can reap a huge reward or not.  I kind of think it is different than a tribe swap; that all comes down to luck and game play, imo.  Sometimes it does put a contestant at a huge disadvantage those ultimately costs them, but again, I consider that more luck of the draw than TPTB forcing contestants to sit out of a challenge and possibly cost them a spot in the game.  My guess is the rocks are colored, with two colors representing if they are sitting out or not.  They probably do that so they can't be guilt tripped into sitting out.  Besides, that'll lead to way more drama if not enough people sit out, or if certain people don't.  Or, if only a couple of individuals chose to participate in the challenge, maybe that will ostracize them, even if they do get their shelter.  Maybe the boot list is OOO again and this explains how Keith goes!


I do get what you are saying about the health risks associated with being exposed to these elements.  I guess TPTB have just upped these rewards and luxurious for so many seasons, it is an eye roll at this point when they have to bring in professionals to build them a better shelter and cover for their fire.


So is this where the title 'like selling your soul to the devil comes from'.  Kind of disappointed if it is, I was hoping something was going to happen that was more exciting because of that.

Edited by LadyChatts
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