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2015 Tryouts and Training Camp Spoilers and Spoiled Speculations

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Interesting that DCC practice uniforms are now from Rebel Republic and not the company infinity that 3 former DCC work for....amy Reese, Lauren williams and Jackie bob. So much for that marketing strategy working it for the company...gets free promotion MTT

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I hope not. This upcoming season should focus less on her and more on the aspects viewers prefer to see.

This viewer didn't mind Melissa and her tutoring. I liked her. Just sayin' we're not all the same as far as preferences go. :) 

What I wouldn't mind seeing is a bit more focus on the returning Vets. It's like we get to see them (some of them) as Rookies, then they practically disappear!  I liked S7 where we got to see the Vets doing things outside of TC.

Edited by Kaedee
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It's Sandie Newton and she does not work for The Star, that is Kristie Scales.  Sandie is an on-air reporter for The Hallmark Channel's morning show.  Both Kristie and Sandie are judging this weekend . Thandie Newton is an actress.

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I wish we knew who all the judges were. I know there's Jay Johnson the trainer, the DCC stylist, the DCC photographer, the DCC dentist, looks like a coach from the DCs...  But I don't know who anyone else is; the judging panel wasn't ever introduced. Anyone got more tidbits of who's who to add?

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Cami Branson is insanely gorgeous and if she can really dance, she would be a DCC media darling with all those followers.  I clicked through a few photos on her IG page, and have to say though, I found some of the hair and makeup for those cheer performances kinda strange, like a Minnie Mouse sized bow with equally large, helmet hair and such intense makeup I kept thinking Stepford wife.  Oh, the world of Texas cheer, pageants, and big hair--it's a whole other aesthetic.


I wish the show included some explanation about the candidates they recruit during the year, who get "passes" into semi-finals.  I wonder how many there are each year, and think that would bump up the number of candidates a little beyond the total of preliminary auditions candidates.  Maybe 20?  Does anybody know more about how this works?  I recall reading that Katie Marie, for instance, was recruited and got a pass into semis, and I think Sydney did too.  It's interesting to me that Cami, who certainly would have been seen by DCC scouts, is starting at prelims.  

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With all of Cami Branson's fans, we can all expect Making The Team's rating to go up.

And if she makes the team, I wouldn't be surprised if more cheer girls auditioned so they could be teammates with one of their idol lol.

Edited by Bailey3606
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Judges are in deliberation (have been for at least 30 mins based on Courtney Lynn's picture). Finals candidates should be announced soon.

Thanks, pink!

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Why is Taylor Nicole (insta tnsracing) wearing the EXACT same outfit to prelims this year as last year when she was cut? That seems like bad luck to me. I do agree that she seems "soft" and IMO her look is not DCC.

I am rooting for Cami Branson, if she is a good overall dancer, and that one redhead Tristen who is a TOTAL babe.

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This viewer didn't mind Melissa and her tutoring. I liked her. Just sayin' we're not all the same as far as preferences go. :)

What I wouldn't mind seeing is a bit more focus on the returning Vets. It's like we get to see them (some of them) as Rookies, then they practically disappear! I liked S7 where we got to see the Vets doing things outside of TC.

Yep. I liked her personally.

Why is Taylor Nicole (insta tnsracing) wearing the EXACT same outfit to prelims this year as last year when she was cut? That seems like bad luck to me. I do agree that she seems "soft" and IMO her look is not DCC.

I am rooting for Cami Branson, if she is a good overall dancer, and that one redhead Tristen who is a TOTAL babe.

Ha, I thought the same thing about Taylor's outfit.

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Why is Taylor Nicole (insta tnsracing) wearing the EXACT same outfit to prelims this year as last year when she was cut? That seems like bad luck to me. I do agree that she seems "soft" and IMO her look is not DCC.

LOL I wondered that too!

DCC sent out a tweet saying they're about to announce the finalists.

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I get that Cami Is "famous" with a huge following, but honestly I think that doesn't play well with the DCC. I'm not sure standing out that much from the group would be considered a positive.

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She probably messed up the dance. She is an all star cheerleader after all which is not as much about pure dance. I'm sad though because I would have liked to see her on the show. Bummer!

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Even clearer (but cuts a girl off on the left side)..




I see Amy Simone, TNS racing Taylor, Courtney Lynn, Christina 'cant jump split', TLD Whitney, I think I see the one people said looks like Cassie (forgot her name)


EDIT: I give them nicknames so I can remember them all.

Edited by pink317
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Regarding having a "celeb" on the team. Kelli and Charlotte have to decide if they want someone who comes in as her own brand and would that in any way overshadow the DCC brand. Remember how pissed they were at Lauren Castillo for saying she made the uniform not the uniform makes the girl. DCC is the star. Interesting question for them.

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I'll be interested to see Cami's audition when the show finally airs

Kelsey (50yards on a football field from last years interviews) made it to finals. She's on the left hand side of the picture. They just posted a pretty clear picture to Instagram

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Kelsey (50yards on a football field from last years interviews) made it to finals. She's on the left hand side of the picture.

I'm watching MTT9 to refresh my memory and just saw her interview. She is very pretty - dark hair, really blue eyes. Hope she does well in finals!

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Did Christina from last year's TC make the finals? I can't see...

Also, apparently another good year for being a brunette. lol

Yes, she is the one I called 'Christina 'cant jump split' due to her never doing the jump split in MTT9...then I realized my nicknames probably only make sense to me.


I think being one of the only blondes is advantage and thus they have a better chance. The team only had a few blondes last year and half of them retired. Could be a very good year to be blonde.


Also seems like a good year to be ethnic? I'm loving the diversity!

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I see amy Simone made it to finals and taylor but I feel taylor is bottom soft so I'm not sure if she'll make it into training camp

Does anyone know if the Victoria girl who changed her name to DCC made it?? And also Colby Hanks she had been working with michelle keys a lot?? I can't see from the pic that was posted

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I don't see anything about Colby yet...her training partners did though! (kat rodgers and kaleigh walker) 

Yep Colby is in the back row, fifth from the left

oh! yay!! i like her, i hope she does well with solos. 

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Any idea why the girls are to wear the same outfit they wore the previous day for prelims? No wonder why another poster here thought prelims and semis were on the same day!

And shame on Christina going with Kelly's makeover and bashing her old blonde ways. Her brunette do seriously makes her look mousy. I have a feeling they went brunette on her because their M.O was to have her lookalike Kelsey Bond go more blonde and they didn't want them looking too alike. Those two look like twins. Also there are a lot of girls that look like younger versions of currently retiring vets or old vets, like the Kat Cassie girl and there was a blonde I saw that looked like currently retiring Ashley and Cami Branson is almost like Caila.

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This girl, Jenny Smith, tried out for the Houston Texans cheerleaders for the past two years in a row and didn't make it either time.

Here is her instagram. She looks like Kate Hudson, very pretty!! However, from the videos I've seen of her, she isn't a strong dancer. Maybe she can improve.


I don't know about y'all, but I am disappointed in the finalists this year. Most of them look soft and out of shape, and the ones who are in shape dance like Breelan.

Edited by Emilyhitch
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I don't think there's really enough info to judge the talent yet honestly. The girls who are the break out stars every season tend to be the ones who fly under the radar, not the ones who advertise themselves and post lots of pictures/videos. I'm sure there will be plenty of fresh talent.

ETA Jenny Smith looks more like a clone of Katryn Dunn to me than Kate Hudson. She's super overly made up, which is the same thing I don't like about Taylor Nicole's look.

Edited by Oranaiche
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