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S05.E13: Mackenzie's Time to Shine

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I sincerely and I do mean sincerely despise cathy.  Why that witch finds it necessary to continually go into Abby's et al dressing rooms every show she's on is beyond me. 


I know that Abby is a witch too, I get that, however, her kind of witch doesn't seem to bother me near as much as cathy's kind of witch.  She just won't stop, at all.  The name calling, the constant harrassment.  I mean this episode showed Abby (the first time cathy went into their dressing room) clearly trying to stay out of it.  And what does cathy and her lunatic mothers do, go back into ALDC's dressing room again.  Ugh.


I have watched this show from episode one and if this is going to be the norm and all of sudden cathy's team will be (after ALDC comes back from LA the next time) beating the ALDC team (with Abby's left overs) I definitely will quit watching.  It burns me that much.


Hint producers or whoever runs the show, the story line is starting to SUCK big time.


Did I forget to mention that I despise cathy. Ugh.

Edited by Jwd
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God above, Abby and Melissa's desire to live through Maddie was on full display last night.


Melissa: "I think it really sucks that I'm stuck in Pittsburgh because Lifetime is making me stay here and shoot this shitshow.  If it wasn't for that I would say 'screw the team and my other daughter, what's-her-name' and be in NYC in a hot minute."


Abby: "I'm pretending that I'm here because I love your daughters but in actuality Lorne Michaels wouldn't allow me within 100 feet of the studio"


They both suck. I don't even care at this point that it's scripted.  To me, that's even worse.  I have a daughter Mackenzie's age and it breaks my heart to even think about DELIBERATELY treating her that way. WTF, Melissa?


Here's hoping Mackenzie can eventually rise above this crap and have a healthy and normal life.  Same goes for Maddie.

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Jwd - I see something totally different. It's a staged reality show - the producers want drama- hence, telling Cathy to continually harass Abby. And sorry, I like to see Abby taken down a peg or two. Her comment to that poor girl was uncalled for and I'm glad the ALDC moms consoled her. As far as the first time when Cathy came in the dressing room, I felt that Abby did not know this was going to happen and looked extremely uncomfortable and at a loss for words. I don't think she knew what to say, without the producers given her fodder, and it showed.


I'm glad the ALDC didn't win as the CADC dance was beautiful and yes - they all looked like Kalani's. When watching the ALDC dance, my eyes were drawn to Kalani, Nia and Jojo. Kendall didn't stand out and Mac didn't seem to fit in to me. I don't think the ALDC lost because of the lack of Maddie but due to the routine itself. I'm not surprised Mac came in 2nd to Jojo as Mac does not have the technical ability that Jojo has. I do think it's wrong to put Jojo up against Mac as Jojo is closer in age to Kendall and Maddie than she is to Mac.


Raly , I have to agree with all of your statements. Melissa definitely favors Maddie. I'm sick of seeing Melissa's facial expressions. The scrunched up nose like she smells skunk when smiling.

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What is with the styling of these moms???  I thought Abby's Moms' style of dress and make up application was heavy handed, but yeesh!  Those Candy Apple Moms look like they just jumped of the stage at a drag show.  The one with the long stringy bleached hair and the dark haired one with the black line tattooed around her neck are the most distracting.  Who tattoos a permanent black choker around their neck??? And the placement of it is weird too.  It's up too high (as if there's a "right" place). 


I hope there's a large trust fund set up for Mack.  She's going to need the cash for 1) emancipation court costs 2) therapy and 3) a one way ticket out of PA.

Edited by BusyOctober
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JWD- Cathy wouldn't be allowed in Abby Lee's dressing room if the show didn't want her there. Do you really think just anybody can walk in? Nope. It's a staged reality show---emphasis on the staged. 


Yes, I caught some "staged-ness" in the rerun of last week's show.  All the CA moms and Cathy went hiding behind the curtain in ALDC's dressing room.  When the ALDC team came into their room and discovered them, they were all smirking and going "Uh-oh!", as if they were shocked, but not surprised.  

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What the hell kind if person tells a kid to "fix her ears", then to her Mom, "What's the big deal, pin her ears back"! What an EVIL rotten person!


I forget Kendall is even dancing, it's like she's just there, Nia is not a very good dancer.


Ditto, Melissa needs to stop making those ugly faces. Did anyone notice the look on her face when JoJo beat McKenzie?? Priceless! And I'm glad she beat her. Jojo's spunky and fun and full of charisma and a breath of fresh air. She rocked her solo and the group dance. Mackenzie's being doing the same old 6 steps. Time to get rid of that cartwheel in a square thing. She's done to that for 5 years. Enough with these cutesy babyish dances Abby. The kid is going on 11 years old this year, too old to be doing monkey acro dances. Cuteness can only get you so far.


And Abby PLEASE stop calling this child "Mack Z"! It's ridiculous! She was never was a pop star. This whole MackZ crap is just as cringeworthy as Nia doing that death drop.


I am just sick of hearing about Maddie. Might as well  just drop the other girls and obsess over Maddie 24/7. They basically already do, just now they get to rub it in other kids faces and drag them down emotionally and confidently to feel good about themselves.

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I am just sick of hearing about Maddie. Might as well  just drop the other girls and obsess over Maddie 24/7. They basically already do, just now they get to rub it in other kids faces and drag them down emotionally and confidently to feel good about themselves.


If Melissa were smart; which she's not, this is why she would pull her kids from this show and away from Abby so publicly. The hatred directed at Maddie is 99% of the time in direct coorelation to the desire for Abby to fail; Maddie is just collateral damage, which is terrible since she's like 12. I'm not her biggest fan; as a dancer she bores me and as an actress I don't think she's very good compared to other kids her age...but, at the end of the day, she's still 12 and because of Abby, she is set up to be hated. She's like the proxy villian. 


Whether Abby and Melissa realize or not...that will be hard to shake. Melissa posted on Maddie's FB page that due to all of the negative comments she is banned from the account for the time being...I haven't seen that happen to anyone else from the show. 

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Jeez, what a mess.


These poor Candy Apples moms and kids.  The way they go on and on and on about beating the ALDC, the bitterness they have at having being "scorned" by Abby in the past.  Its all just so desperate.  So they won the group dance - woopdeedoo! Nobody ever claimed the ALDC dancers were the best in the world, thats not the point.  Winning a competitions makes no real difference to anyone because what they, and their daughters, really want is to be on tv.  As it stands, these kids on Cathy's team barely get mentioned by name... I'm sure they would go to Abby's team in a second if they could, despite how horrible they think Abby is -- that's the worst part.


Abby is so, so wrong for making a comment about a child's physical appearance (about her ears).  There is no question about it... vile, disgusting behavior.  When she doesn't know what to say she hits below the belt.  However, why would this girl's mother - who was there when it happened the first time (because Abby said the exact same thing at the audition!) - allow her daughter to even be in the same room as Abby again?  Tell your impressionable child that Abby is a piece of trash, not worth her attention, and move on with your life.  Don't follow her around on her show trying to get "revenge"!



If Melissa were smart; which she's not, this is why she would pull her kids from this show and away from Abby so publicly. The hatred directed at Maddie is 99% of the time in direct coorelation to the desire for Abby to fail; Maddie is just collateral damage, which is terrible since she's like 12. I'm not her biggest fan; as a dancer she bores me and as an actress I don't think she's very good compared to other kids her age...but, at the end of the day, she's still 12 and because of Abby, she is set up to be hated. She's like the proxy villian. 


 Totally.  If Abby and/or Melissa were smart at all they'd realize that the best thing that could happen to Maddie's public "image" is to have Abby at least pretend to be mean to her or something.  That way she could still win, but also overcome adversity, blablabla. I don't think Abby could do it though - she lives vicariously through Maddie way too much to even pretend.  This child is literally her one and only "in" to legitimate Hollywood stuff like SNL, the Grammy's, etc.  

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 Totally.  If Abby and/or Melissa were smart at all they'd realize that the best thing that could happen to Maddie's public "image" is to have Abby at least pretend to be mean to her or something.  That way she could still win, but also overcome adversity, blablabla. I don't think Abby could do it though - she lives vicariously through Maddie way too much to even pretend.  This child is literally her one and only "in" to legitimate Hollywood stuff like SNL, the Grammy's, etc.  


And, this isn't going to last. Given what I've seen out of Sia and knowing what I do out of the fields of psychology, this is very much a phase. It's a..."she fits this part so perfectly,' but like Sia has shown the public her tastes change. Eventually she will do a video without Maddie in it---maybe not the next video or the next, but when she comes to a point where what she's envisioned is over Maddie will be left standing without Sia. Instead she'll be, "Sia's former dancer,' and then what? She could be doing A LOT of very valuable things with her time if she didn't have to film this show; acting classes, more auditions, better training and so forth and so forth. 


I remember back a few seasons ago when Abby talked about Maddie and peaking too soon...she compared her to Brooke; that she peaked too young and then fell off. Maddie is peaking now...without more dedication to the things that can keep her famous (because this show maybe has another season before cancellation comes) the peak won't be sustained once Dance Moms is off the air. 

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I felt bad for McKenzie. Set up to see if she can come out of her sister's shadow against JoJo, and Abby goes with the babyish acro dance again. Good Grief, the child is never going to win at her age doing that cr*p. Give her something lyrical or a jazz number with some technical difficulty in it - she's done it before. That said, I like JoJo too, she's a lot of fun and I like her positive, give no f*cks attitude.

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That Mackenzie dance was dreadful.  She could have done that years ago and the feathers?  The dance had nothing to do with the song.  There was about 1 second of maybe interpretation.  None of which is Mackenzie's fault.

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Just another typical "Maddie is the bestest in the whole wide world and the rest of you suck without her here to secure the win" episode.  JoJo is a much better dancer than Mckenzie will ever be and her showmanship is light years better .  JoJo's mother was right when she said that Mac's tricks don't cut it anymore and that at some point you have to be able to dance. Those CADC moms were hideous.  One of them looked like a walking lawsuit against a plastic surgeon for whom "incompetent" would be a compliment. God lord, what do these women see when they look in a mirror?

Edited by cali1981
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Typically I don't care for Nia's dancing or facial expressions, but she really drew my eye in the group dance.  I re-wound it to watch the other dancers, and found myself again drawn to Nia, but also Kalani.  I think Nia should stay away from lyrical and stick with jazz and (fake) hip hop.


Abby's a moron if she thinks the producers of this show care about her or her reputation.  If they did, they would never have let us see her attacking that poor girl.  I try to avoid referencing Abby's weight, but she invites my cruelty by attacking a child.


I like the concept of another dance studio competing with Abby's, but I'm over Cathy.  In her own way, she is just as cruel as Abby.  She constantly picks on Kendall, but she's after Nia now.   Cathy crying over losing last week pushed me over my tolerance cliff.  This woman doesn't train her team, she doesn't choreograph the numbers, and we all know that the producers track down these girls and arrange for them to be on her team.  Cathy stands in the studio dressed to the nines, clown makeup in place, coffee in hand, and gives what she probably considers an inspirational speech.  That's the extent of her involvement.  I'm grateful Vivi is no longer dragged in to give her flat affected facial expressions.

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I, too, thought Nia was great in that dance.  She had the upper body and her facial expressions very into it and drew my eyes also.  Mackenzie looked out of place to me and Kendall vanished into the background.  The costume did her no favors in disappearing either.  

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God above, Abby and Melissa's desire to live through Maddie was on full display last night.

Melissa: "I think it really sucks that I'm stuck in Pittsburgh because Lifetime is making me stay here and shoot this shitshow. If it wasn't for that I would say 'screw the team and my other daughter, what's-her-name' and be in NYC in a hot minute."

Abby: "I'm pretending that I'm here because I love your daughters but in actuality Lorne Michaels wouldn't allow me within 100 feet of the studio"

They both suck. I don't even care at this point that it's scripted. To me, that's even worse. I have a daughter Mackenzie's age and it breaks my heart to even think about DELIBERATELY treating her that way. WTF, Melissa?

Here's hoping Mackenzie can eventually rise above this crap and have a healthy and normal life. Same goes for Maddie.

That's so sad hoe Melissa treats her younger daughter. Ever since day one it was always my daughter not daughters. Melissa is very unstable.

Typically I don't care for Nia's dancing or facial expressions, but she really drew my eye in the group dance. I re-wound it to watch the other dancers, and found myself again drawn to Nia, but also Kalani. I think Nia should stay away from lyrical and stick with jazz and (fake) hip hop.

Abby's a moron if she thinks the producers of this show care about her or her reputation. If they did, they would never have let us see her attacking that poor girl. I try to avoid referencing Abby's weight, but she invites my cruelty by attacking a child.

I like the concept of another dance studio competing with Abby's, but I'm over Cathy. In her own way, she is just as cruel as Abby. She constantly picks on Kendall, but she's after Nia now. Cathy crying over losing last week pushed me over my tolerance cliff. This woman doesn't train her team, she doesn't choreograph the numbers, and we all know that the producers track down these girls and arrange for them to be on her team. Cathy stands in the studio dressed to the nines, clown makeup in place, coffee in hand, and gives what she probably considers an inspirational speech. That's the extent of her involvement. I'm grateful Vivi is no longer dragged in to give her flat affected facial expressions.

In Defense of Cathy a lot of studios bring in choreographers to choreograph. And I think there's enough crazy stage parents who would love to have the exposure. Even if it means being on Cathy team

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God above, Abby and Melissa's desire to live through Maddie was on full display last night.


Melissa: "I think it really sucks that I'm stuck in Pittsburgh because Lifetime is making me stay here and shoot this shitshow.  If it wasn't for that I would say 'screw the team and my other daughter, what's-her-name' and be in NYC in a hot minute."


Abby: "I'm pretending that I'm here because I love your daughters but in actuality Lorne Michaels wouldn't allow me within 100 feet of the studio"


They both suck. I don't even care at this point that it's scripted.  To me, that's even worse.  I have a daughter Mackenzie's age and it breaks my heart to even think about DELIBERATELY treating her that way. WTF, Melissa?


Here's hoping Mackenzie can eventually rise above this crap and have a healthy and normal life.  Same goes for Maddie.

Melissa only stayed in Pittsburgh to keep her cash cow husband happy, keep an eye on the other moms and because she's contractually obligated, oh yeah, and then there's Makenzie.


Raly , I have to agree with all of your statements. Melissa definitely favors Maddie. I'm sick of seeing Melissa's facial expressions. The scrunched up nose like she smells skunk when smiling.

Right now she does, but if Mak would take off as a pop star and supercede Maddie, she'd jump on Mak's bandwagon and leave Maddie in the dust.


Cathy.  In her own way, she is just as cruel as Abby.  She constantly picks on Kendall, but she's after Nia now.  


She picks on Kendall bc they studio jumped, and she's still mad at Jill. Cathy has a problem (as does Abby) separating the plotline from reality.

I did love how the ALDC moms rallied around the girl Abby insulted.

I did, too, and I thought it was hilarious that Abby threw out that barb at that sweet little girl, and ran as fast as she could from Mama Bear. I would've loved it if Mama Bear had clocked Abby. Abby deserved that. I also hope that girl, who is an excellent dancer, grows up to be absolutely gorgeous, wider ears and all, and rubs her success in Abby's face.

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Jojo was the one shining ray of hope in this horrible episode. I don't know what it is about her but she's just so damn lovable. She rocked that solo and honestly has the most healthy attitude of any of the girls in this group. 

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Considering that Abby already has or had a case, not sure if it's been decided, against her for psychologically damaging a child - I'm surprised the producers continue to allow the "below the belt" comments to anyone - especially a child, and one not on her team and used to the browbeating. Abby can't really say - she's made anyone a star. She was one of thousands of dance teachers and except for the show, would have remained unknown in the real world except to her students and other dance teachers in the area. In the beginning, we tuned in to see the girls dance and the mom's disagree with Abby. Abby was just that teacher who yelled a lot. Through the exposure - the girls became stars. Abby in turn did make contacts in Hollywood ect through Dance Moms and AUDC - but I believe the girls, due to their following have pretty much opened their own doors for opportunities.

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I'm not sure when I started rooting for Jojo, but I did.  Not her mom, but her.  Maybe because she's one of the few that hasn't been around long enough to have been beaten down Abby and she actually has some spark up on that stage.


The moms kept making comments about how Mack's new solo was more grown-up.  I don't get it.  It looked like every other solo she's ever done.


I won't say too much on Cathy because all of that was scripted to the max.  People just can't barge into each others dressing rooms like that. 


But I'm starting to fear for little Mack.  She's a smart little girl and none of this is good for her psyche.   On top of which, I've seen some things of late which are making me start to think she's becoming a bit of a brat.  If Melissa isn't careful this girl is going to be acting out very soon in an effort to get some attention from everyone else off in Maddieland. 


If I had the time or inclination, I would have counted the number of times Maddie's name was uttered in this episode.  Seriously, it was like every other word.

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If I had the time or inclination, I would have counted the number of times Maddie's name was uttered in this episode.  Seriously, it was like every other word.

If you had a drinking game for every mention of Maddie, you would have been blitzed before the first 15 minutes had gone by.  It's all so very sad.  This artificial bubble of "stardom" and entitlement that has surrounded Maddie is going to get punctured at some point and then where will this kid be?  She will probably not be a "star" and if she wants to be a professional dancer, it's going to take more than the kind of training that she's getting now.  Think about some of the younger contestants on So You Think You Can Dance.  Does anyone see Maddie being as good and well trained as any of them?  Does she and her horror show mother really understand how difficult a dancer's life is and how often rejection occurs?  Perhaps Melissa thinks that professional jobs are just going to be thrown at Maddie's feet.  Not likely, especially once the sheen of DM wears off.  Who knows, but some choreographers might shy away precisely because of the DM exposure. 

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I decided to stop watching when I realized that I was beginning to strongly dislike a 12 yr old because of the correlation of disliking Abby, and the best way to get to Abby is Maddie. I came here to see if I made the right decision and it sounds like I did.

What I find ridiculous is that after all the crowing Abby did about her knowing how to win, she put that spice girls dance up as competition!? (I did see the dances) it has nothing to do with Maddie being in the dance, and everything to do with that dance sucking. If she is that vindictive that she will have the rest of the girls lose to elevate Maddie... That just cements my decision to not watch.

As far as Cathy is concerned... I think she's just playing a character, all be it that she plays it badly, she is not a good actress...but hopefully an adult is not really behaving like this. It has to be set up by production for Abby to come to their dressing room... Do they really expect me to believe there is not some sort of guard and that people just come and go as they please!? It's just old and quite frankly childish.

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I just started watching this show after googling to find out who the dancer was on SNL. Whoa, did I get dragged into a hornet's nest! Those moms: the nails, the hair, the jewelry, the fur vests...who dresses like that on a weekday to watch little girls sweat?

I also have to agree with the people that like Jojo. I have not been watching long enough to really understand the interpersonal dynamics, but she tugs on my heartstrings every time she gets yelled at or criticized. She seems like a pretty determined, talented, resilient young girl and I am really taken with her. The way she had to sit there and take it when the rest of the team had to tell her about her good points and shortcomings...I just wanted to give her a hug when it was over.

I know my comments really don't relate to the current episode, but I binge-watched a bunch of episodes so they are all blending together in my memory now.

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If you had a drinking game for every mention of Maddie, you would have been blitzed before the first 15 minutes had gone by.  It's all so very sad.  This artificial bubble of "stardom" and entitlement that has surrounded Maddie is going to get punctured at some point and then where will this kid be?  She will probably not be a "star" and if she wants to be a professional dancer, it's going to take more than the kind of training that she's getting now.  Think about some of the younger contestants on So You Think You Can Dance.  Does anyone see Maddie being as good and well trained as any of them?  Does she and her horror show mother really understand how difficult a dancer's life is and how often rejection occurs?  Perhaps Melissa thinks that professional jobs are just going to be thrown at Maddie's feet.  Not likely, especially once the sheen of DM wears off.  Who knows, but some choreographers might shy away precisely because of the DM exposure. 


Thinking about the younger SYTYCD dancers - where do they end up anyway?  Touring the comp circuit, I think. 


Maddie, like many child performers, will either make it as an adult or she won't and she'll do something else.  Why worry about it?  If that's the case, no one should allow their child to train to be a dancer because odds are, they won't make it.  Most of those pre-teen girls who are "stars" in the videos of competition dances won't become professional dancers. 


Maddie is set apart from them because she is known outside the dance competition world and she gets paid a ton of money.  I'll bet she'll do just fine, whatever she ends up doing.  Many of us out there have crazy mothers and we do just fine!

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What I find ridiculous is that after all the crowing Abby did about her knowing how to win, she put that spice girls dance up as competition!? (I did see the dances) it has nothing to do with Maddie being in the dance, and everything to do with that dance sucking. If she is that vindictive that she will have the rest of the girls lose to elevate Maddie... That just cements my decision to not watch.

Funny you should mention the craziness of Abby putting this dance up; in fact she did not. She posted a pretty blistering comment on Instagram some months ago (when this competition really happened) about how she's been respectful of production's routines but that she was not going to own this routine. She also said that she tried to bring in a replacement for Maddie and was not allowed to do so; not even someone from her own studio. 


I don't doubt Abby's machinations, but I think the producers are all over this show and I believe every word of what Abby posted. I can't see her going up against Cathy without a strong routine and team that she really thought could win. She's known to put the pressure on the girls whenever they are facing CADC so why would she pull this hot mess out of her hat instead of one of her traditional Lyrical routines? 

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Thinking about the younger SYTYCD dancers - where do they end up anyway?  Touring the comp circuit, I think. 


Not hardly.  Many of the SYTYCD contestants go on to be working professional dancers and quite a few have also become choreographers.  The show is a well known gateway to a career in dance.

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Yeah Mckenzie's solo seemed identical to all her old ones. What is up with that thing where she does the cartwheels in a circle EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ??


Also seriously JOJO is adorable. Look at this: 

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Funny you should mention the craziness of Abby putting this dance up; in fact she did not. She posted a pretty blistering comment on Instagram some months ago (when this competition really happened) about how she's been respectful of production's routines but that she was not going to own this routine. She also said that she tried to bring in a replacement for Maddie and was not allowed to do so; not even someone from her own studio.

I don't doubt Abby's machinations, but I think the producers are all over this show and I believe every word of what Abby posted. I can't see her going up against Cathy without a strong routine and team that she really thought could win. She's known to put the pressure on the girls whenever they are facing CADC so why would she pull this hot mess out of her hat instead of one of her traditional Lyrical routines?

Exactly, that was my point, why would she even think that the spice girl would be competitive at all, so that makes sense that she wasn't behind that dance. I hate having to defend Abby because a lot that she does is still reprehensible, but that did seem uncharacteristic, that she would knowingly put up a dance that isn't truly competitive, I think she does that in solos, but not the group dances, unless she's in competition with herself.

Edited by leighroda
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Yeah Mckenzie's solo seemed identical to all her old ones. What is up with that thing where she does the cartwheels in a circle EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ??



That's why I hated Melissa' comment "JoJo's solo was cute, but eh it was typical JoJo solo".


Um...Mackenzie's solo was a typical Mackenzie solo. They all look the same with her doing that damn spider cartwheel every time. I don't understand why Melissa keeps saying this was a mature solo for Kenzie.???

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Funny you should mention the craziness of Abby putting this dance up; in fact she did not. She posted a pretty blistering comment on Instagram some months ago (when this competition really happened) about how she's been respectful of production's routines but that she was not going to own this routine.


I call bullshit.  I know that she gets annoyed often about production, but even if production insisted on the theme for this dance, Gianna could have done a very good jazz piece to it, there was simply no dancing in the whole number.  That's why it sucked, had nothing to do with Maddie being there or not, the piece was a joke for the junior "all tricks all the time" division.  The costumes sucked as well - Mackenzie looked ridiculous.


And even if, this was Abby's means of protest against the production team, how mature to make the girls look awful for her own agenda, pure Abby.

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Thinking about the younger SYTYCD dancers - where do they end up anyway? Touring the comp circuit, I think.

Maddie, like many child performers, will either make it as an adult or she won't and she'll do something else. Why worry about it? If that's the case, no one should allow their child to train to be a dancer because odds are, they won't make it. Most of those pre-teen girls who are "stars" in the videos of competition dances won't become professional dancers.

Maddie is set apart from them because she is known outside the dance competition world and she gets paid a ton of money. I'll bet she'll do just fine, whatever she ends up doing. Many of us out there have crazy mothers and we do just fine!

But many of us aren't on tv trying to embarrass ourselves. Many dancers dance because they love it not for fame. It's a fact that Maddie and Melissa want fame. However it's not the right kind of fame. I see Maddie needing a ton of therapy. Abby's gonna drop her like a brick. Melissa is going to try and market her and poor maddie is in the middle. I feel sorry for the kid.

Most sytycd dancers do end up at professional jobs.

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I call bullshit.  I know that she gets annoyed often about production, but even if production insisted on the theme for this dance, Gianna could have done a very good jazz piece to it, there was simply no dancing in the whole number.  That's why it sucked, had nothing to do with Maddie being there or not, the piece was a joke for the junior "all tricks all the time" division.  The costumes sucked as well - Mackenzie looked ridiculous.


And even if, this was Abby's means of protest against the production team, how mature to make the girls look awful for her own agenda, pure Abby.


I think it was probably more like production wanted them to lose this time so the dance had to be bad - not that they determined the theme.  Or maybe they determined the theme too - but the important part was probably the fact that it had to lose. 


I can believe it.  They need to lose to the Candy Apples sometime, otherwise the "rivalry" kind of doesn't exist and that storyline is dead.  


Agree with everyone that Mack's solo looked exactly the same as always. 

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I guess I'm in the minority - I liked the Spice Girls dance! It was a nice palate cleanser from the ad nauseum lyrical (and I say this as someone who took ballet and lyrical for 15 years.) Not a competition winner by any means, but I thought it was fun and cute. As for the Candy Apples, I thought their dance in the gold costumes from the previous episode was better than this one.

Mackenzie's solo was sad and hard to watch - do a trick, run, roll on the ground, do another trick! It was like watching a dog in an agility course. Also, did anyone notice that, after Mackenzie said she liked it when Maddie wasn't there, Melissa immediately went, "Madeline! I mean, Mackenzie!" Nice save, Mom.

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Mackenzie's solo was sad and hard to watch - do a trick, run, roll on the ground, do another trick! It was like watching a dog in an agility course. Also, did anyone notice that, after Mackenzie said she liked it when Maddie wasn't there, Melissa immediately went, "Madeline! I mean, Mackenzie!" Nice save, Mom.


That's even more crazy considering Maddie is actually a Madison, lol. ;)  But I get what you say about Mack's routines.  To me, they look more like gymnastics floor routines, where a gymnast tries to cram as many tumbling moves/passes as possible to get the most points.  I would assume dance judges are more about the quality than the quantity, but I really have no idea.  It's a shame because Brooke was still winning comps with really pretty, controlled acro routines as teenager.  


I think there was speculation, going back to that creepy fan dance in Season 2, that production gives Abby a theme to work with, and she and Gianna create the dance.  I think the costumes are even provided for them.  And yes, I think the ALDC was set up to fail this week, with the Spice Girls theme.  It makes sense that Abby would be denied a sixth dancer as it would ruin the theme.    

Edited by Shell76
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I heard Madison too; and not that I would defend Melissa, but as a mom of 2 I have literally said the wrong name while putting my hand on the right child. That stuff just happens. And my two girl's don't even have similar names. 

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In Defense of Cathy a lot of studios bring in choreographers to choreograph. And I think there's enough crazy stage parents who would love to have the exposure. Even if it means being on Cathy team

Yeah, but not such a lot of other studios bring in choreographers and dancers to pose as students. I wonder if Candy Apples even has any real students left, or did they all escape in humiliation.

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Yeah, but not such a lot of other studios bring in choreographers and dancers to pose as students. I wonder if Candy Apples even has any real students left, or did they all escape in humiliation.

She does have real students. And they do quite well.


Cathy is strictly for the show---those dancers are strictly for the show. 

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As much hate as there is for Cathy - I feel bad for her. The producers have staged her studio and performances so much that there is no reality left.Abby has complained for years about Cathy not doing her own choreography - sorry but neither does Abby - she also has guest choreographers and Gianna choreographing the dance. Abby complained about Cathy bringing in outside dancers - what has Abby been doing the past few seasons? At least Cathy can actually still dance.


The fact that Mac made that comment about Maddie, just goes to show how even her sister is sick of being reminded who really matters to Abby

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Yeah, but not such a lot of other studios bring in choreographers and dancers to pose as students. I wonder if Candy Apples even has any real students left, or did they all escape in humiliation.

I heard all of her original kids left. And Cathy said she wanted to get off the show but can't sue to contract stuff. The bringing in different kids are all producers drama. Just like Abby. Kalani and jojo are there for drama.

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Omg when Melissa said she'd rather be in NYC with her daughter but that she had to be here for the team... then corrected herself and said for Mackenzie? Ouch. I think at this point the best to hope for is that Mackenzie only resents her sister a little and finds her own path as she grows up. I can see her moving far away from home for college (if she gets a good enough education to be admitted!).


At the same time, Maddie is in for a rude awakening when she grows up and Sia is done with her and no one else wants to work with her because the charm has worn off (plus dealing with her mom and possibly Abby). Sia's relationship with Maddie kind of reminds me of the book Johnny Tremain, where the wealthy socialite adopts the younger sister of Tremain's love interest almost as a pet to dress up and play with. I'm sure there are other literary references, but Maddie will grow up and will stop being the fun toy and will be cast aside so hopefully she's cultivating other opportunities.

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