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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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They sure are pouring on the damage control this season. 

Liz going on about how she and Amber are so close, they talk every day and are so much alike. 

Trent and Amber no more squabbling and acting like they hate each other, no more eye rolling from Amber and negative remarks to one another. They actually kissed last night!

The only reason I watch this is because I love their house, the renovations they have done and the beautiful property it sits on. I remember it was quite a mess when they bought it. They (or Amber I should say) has great taste. 

The three girls and Amber going to lunch at the hibachi place was cute. 

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They sure are doing damage control with Amber, however they needed to do damage control on that nasty cold sore she was sporting earlier in the episode, I think Trent had a matching one last episode. I was bored with Liz and her boyfriend of almost 3 years 11 months 28 days 4 hours and 31 seconds bowling date. I did think the video Alex did was pretty good, I hope he continues with it. I agree with @bichonblitz that I do like their charming house and the décor, the lunch was cute, I think it was the 1st time Amber actually laughed for real to me.

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

They sure are doing damage control with Amber, however they needed to do damage control on that nasty cold sore she was sporting earlier in the episode, I think Trent had a matching one last episode. I was bored with Liz and her boyfriend of almost 3 years 11 months 28 days 4 hours and 31 seconds bowling date. I did think the video Alex did was pretty good, I hope he continues with it. I agree with @bichonblitz that I do like their charming house and the décor, the lunch was cute, I think it was the 1st time Amber actually laughed for real to me.

@Mahamid Frauded Me I love you for this! 

I agree serious damage control. The renewal of the series must be in doubt.

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8 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

They sure are doing damage control with Amber, however they needed to do damage control on that nasty cold sore she was sporting earlier in the episode, I think Trent had a matching one last episode. I was bored with Liz and her boyfriend of almost 3 years 11 months 28 days 4 hours and 31 seconds bowling date. I did think the video Alex did was pretty good, I hope he continues with it. I agree with @bichonblitz that I do like their charming house and the décor, the lunch was cute, I think it was the 1st time Amber actually laughed for real to me.

I think you're right, and I also think Trent slipped up when he was with Jonah talking about Ashley and Trent threw the bomb back to Amber. She is angry about what Ashley said and seems hell bent on breaking them up.  Trent seems more forgiving.

Has anyone seen Ashley in any social lately?

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And on a purely superficial level: When they were in the car and Amber was in the back seat (dashboard camera) I was surprised by all sun spots on her face. She must wear a lot of concealer on filming days.

Lately Liz seems to have a filter or a lot of concealer on. I wonder if she is getting sun damage too with all that fishing with her boyfriend of 3 years 11 months 28 days 4 hours and 31 seconds.

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Omg how much longer until they get to this little people convention? We don't need to see them pack, get haircuts, talk about what they will do when they get there. Geesh! Get on with it, already! 

Yeah, Brice is saving up for a ring. In their minds. Then Liz goes and tells him that's what they all think he's doing.  Now they really put the guy on the spot. 

I'm liking Jonah this season but he needs to grow up and be a man. If you want to date Ashley, then date her. She's a sweet girl and has done nothing wrong. She's been waiting for him to get himself together and Amber and Trent should be happy Jonah has someone that is in his corner and is still interested in him. He's not exactly catch of the decade! 

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2 hours ago, TipseyGirl said:

Yep. We're down to Jonah getting a perm and Liz putting her boyfriend of 4 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 6d 6 hours and 39 seconds on the spot for an engagement ring. They both looked ridiculous.


So Bryce goes to church, nothing wrong with that, so now I am certainly leaning toward more that his parents do not permit them moving in together until after marriage. So big bad Amber is going to call the contractor and tell him that their bathroom has to be done, um right. They haven't used that bathroom for years, whats another couple of months. Poor Anna, I really don't think she wants to be dragged along to this LP conference just to meet a boyfriend, as it seems she prefers average size guys. 

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43 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:


So Bryce goes to church, nothing wrong with that, so now I am certainly leaning toward more that his parents do not permit them moving in together until after marriage. So big bad Amber is going to call the contractor and tell him that their bathroom has to be done, um right. They haven't used that bathroom for years, whats another couple of months. Poor Anna, I really don't think she wants to be dragged along to this LP conference just to meet a boyfriend, as it seems she prefers average size guys. 

And what was with Liz saying that once they are living together she'll be able to go to church with him? What? She can't go to church with him now because they aren't "officially" living together. That didn't make any sense at all. I think they have all been sniffing Jonah's perm fumes.

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1 hour ago, TipseyGirl said:

And what was with Liz saying that once they are living together she'll be able to go to church with him? What? She can't go to church with him now because they aren't "officially" living together.

That jumped out at me too.  It was mentioned that he was going to church with his parents.  This was so telling...because (I guess) while at home he has to do what his parents say and even though he spent the weekend at Elizabeth's, he didn't invite her to church.  My thought process is saying that Bryce's parents are not happy with the relationship  - period.  If shacking up was the problem they would definitely have a problem with him spending nights there.  I think their compromise is to let him spend some overnight time there, but not commit to anything permanent.  And I really don't know what Bryce wants.  It's no secret what Elizabeth wants though.  She wants to get married.  I don't think Bryce is ready for that step. He seems somewhat immature and unclear about what direction he wants his life to take.  I just hope Elizabeth doesn't get hurt.  I remember the show where her high school boyfriend dumped her and she found out about it on social media.  She was devastated.  Even though she's older, I don't want to see her go through that kind of heartache again.

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21 hours ago, Evagirl said:

That jumped out at me too.  It was mentioned that he was going to church with his parents.  This was so telling...because (I guess) while at home he has to do what his parents say and even though he spent the weekend at Elizabeth's, he didn't invite her to church.  My thought process is saying that Bryce's parents are not happy with the relationship  - period.

I thought EXACTLY the same thing.  To quote Shakespeare, something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  

Edited by Kid
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1 hour ago, Evagirl said:

He seems somewhat immature and unclear about what direction he wants his life to take. 

Liz is 20, I assume Bryce is the same or maybe a year or 2 older.  Liz needs to calm down, and so does Amber.  How did getting married at ~20, and dropping out of college to have babies, work for you, Amber?  

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I would be very concerned if I had a family member marrying into that family.  Ugh….Amber and Trent….omg, their on air behavior has shown them to be controlling, manipulating, bossing, judging, anxious, etc.  they even admit to this…..no thanks.  Bryce’s parents probably have dealt with more than their share over the years. Bryce seems like he might just go along with what they say.  Wait til one of their kids hooks up with a feisty partner and puts them in their place!  Lol.  I’d like to see that.  The closest we came to that was with Anna a few seasons ago.  

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On 10/15/2022 at 11:01 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I would be very concerned if I had a family member marrying into that family.  Ugh….Amber and Trent….omg, their on air behavior has shown them to be controlling, manipulating, bossing, judging, anxious, etc.  they even admit to this…..no thanks.  Bryce’s parents probably have dealt with more than their share over the years. Bryce seems like he might just go along with what they say.  Wait til one of their kids hooks up with a feisty partner and puts them in their place!  Lol.  I’d like to see that.  The closest we came to that was with Anna a few seasons ago

“Bryce seems like he might just go along with what they say.” Bingo…and I’m afraid Liz is about to have her heart broken. She’s not my fave but I don’t wish that on her at all.

I’ve had the feeling for a while now that Bryce is not—and maybe never has been—100% on board with the whole living together sitch and he’s just not mature enough to tell Liz so directly. The I-need-to-save-money excuse barely passes as plausible. I wonder if he’s buying time because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, be the bad guy or have to deal with the fallout. But I also suspect his parents are not thrilled in the least, so that would certainly be a convenient nail in the coffin if he decides to use it.

Don’t forget, though, that he’s actually low-key saving up for a ring!🤦‍♀️ Ugh, the passive-aggressive desperation! That was such a bucket-head move on Liz’s part. 

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I’m wondering how Jonah is going to really excel in life when living with his parents.  Amber was in fine form tonight…..omg, she’s a total control freak.  She comes right out and all but says she’s scared Ashley is going to get pregnant and trap her son. Lol. I’m not sure Jonah will ever be able to appease his parents.  Ashley may be better to move on.  Jonah’s parents have made it clear they will not welcome her into their family.  Who wants to start out a marriage like that?  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m wondering how Jonah is going to really excel in life when living with his parents.  Amber was in fine form tonight…..omg, she’s a total control freak.  She comes right out and all but says she’s scared Ashley is going to get pregnant and trap her son. Lol. I’m not sure Jonah will ever be able to appease his parents.  Ashley may be better to move on.  Jonah’s parents have made it clear they will not welcome her into their family.  Who wants to start out a marriage like that?  

Not only that, but Amber also accused Ashley of being just as big of a lazy ass as Jonah. Saying Ashley wouldn't motivate Jonah and just lay around and sleep all day just like him. Run, Ashley. Regardless of what Amber says, she is offended by your PRIVATE TEXT COMMENTS to Jonah. She will never get over that.

What was that comment that Liz said to Emma about partying and "When in doubt, pull it out"? wtf??

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I must have missed the Liz comment.  

I wonder if Amber and Trent have considered who is going to be better for Jonah.  I guess they want a parental figure woman who will keep tabs on him, assign him chores, register him in school and boss him around like they do.  It’s not likely that a young man is going to stay celibate for their parents sake.  They might should let Jonah and his professional treatment providers work on goals and behavior.  The parents are within their right to have house rules about those who live there, but boy they sure aren’t smart about it.  Maybe, this is reverse psychology and they want Jonah to move to NC and leave them be.  Lol. 

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Tell me what parent, rather than raising their children to be responsible for their lives and decisions, decides to pick a mate for them that will basically parent the perpetual child that the parent raised!!!  And what an insult to Jonah. Amber is basically saying he will never change so he needs a woman that will keep in line just like her.  No wonder he has issues.

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3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I must have missed the Liz comment.  

It was the morning of their flight and they were all wheeling their luggage through the kitchen. It seemed like such an inappropriate and weird statement. Of course Liz laughed at her clever self while everyone else ignored the comment.

I also hope that Anna says her interest is Joose. I have a feeling she's just pulling their chains and it's going to be CRUISER. Lol.

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Joose is so adorable and his mother is lovely. Amber should take note.

I think Joose and Emma would make a great pair.

Has Amber taken a good look at Jonah? He's not great looking or a good catch. What makes her think he can do better than Ashley? Not that there's anything wrong with Ashley. She seems like a really nice girl. In fact I think she's the one that could do better. 

Brice was laying it on thick this episode. Telling Liz he loves her cooking, loves her and can't wait to move in with her. Huh? Not the impression we got a week ago. 

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On 9/27/2022 at 10:28 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Amber almost got perturbed when Anna said she wanted to date an average size man.  Amber didn’t like that at all.  I wonder if she’s jealous of who Anna might date.  Has she forgotten that Liz’s boyfriend is average size?  Lol

That comment - which was repeated when they were all at Michael's buying supplies for Anna's jewelry business - pissed me off. Especially when Amber said (paraphrasing) the only reason average-size men want to date LP women is for the novelty.

Full disclosure: I'm 4'2" tall and proportional. I've been married (15 years) and had several, long-term (multiple year) relationships (yes. I'm old.) and they've ALL been with average-size men. I simply haven't encountered many LP men and those I have I haven't been attracted to.     ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

IMO, Amber thinking LPs should only date/marry other LPs is no different than if she were to say Blacks should only date/marry other Blacks or whites should only date/marry other whites. (It wouldn't surprise me one bit to discover she has those beliefs, too, unfortunately).

Amber should hope her children find partners who love and respect them, with whom they share interests, life goals, and similar morals - regardless of whether they are 3'10", 6'2", or any height in between. 

And Jonah needs to grow a pair and make it clear to both of his parents his relationships are off-limits as a topic of discussion. He's a 22-year-old man who doesn't need his parents interfering in his personal relationships. They need to butt out.

I also hope as soon as he's able he gets himself a new cell phone and his own account (I have unlimited talk, text, and data for $60/month) and refuse to put a location app on it or give his parents his PIN. They have no business reading the texts or emails or any other private conversations between Jonah and anyone else he chooses to communicate with. 

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On 10/19/2022 at 9:47 AM, TipseyGirl said:

Not only that, but Amber also accused Ashley of being just as big of a lazy ass as Jonah. Saying Ashley wouldn't motivate Jonah and just lay around and sleep all day just like him. Run, Ashley. Regardless of what Amber says, she is offended by your PRIVATE TEXT COMMENTS to Jonah. She will never get over that.

What was that comment that Liz said to Emma about partying and "When in doubt, pull it out"? wtf??

Does Amber forget that when Ashley's there, she's technically on "vacation?" Lots of people sleep a lot on vacation. Amber's probably really also mad that Jonah and Ashley probably aren't just sleeping while they're in bed all day.

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When Trent told Elizabeth that he wants Brice to go home at 8, she replied you mean “AM”.  She is really too much. I feel sorry for Brice, because she seems to be putting a lot of pressure on him.  I have a feeling his parents are not  on board with their relationship. If this were Anna, Amber would have put her foot down a long time ago.  As for Ashley and Jonah, she could do so much better.  Jonah is unattractive and unemployed.  Not much of a catch if you ask me.  Whatever Ashley said about Amber in those text messages must have been awful, because she is royally pissed off.

Edited by Adeejay
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I think Liz is really angry that her "white picket fence" plans aren't coming off on schedule as expected; it's coming out in snide little comments, such as when she threw shade at Bryce going to church without her and even at Jesus himself, that don't make her more attractive to anyone, including probably Bryce and his already reluctant parents.  My suspicion is that they worry about dwarfism/disability/health problems with the grandkids and also don't like seeing their meek son lassoed into marriage like a rodeo calf.  Liz might have to resort to an "accidental" pregnancy.

Amber is just too much; my jaw drops!  Why any of these kids still confide anything relating to their personal life to her is beyond me.  Anna's got the right idea; "loose lips sink ships" once control freak Amber sticks her nose into their private business.

I see zero chemistry between Emma and Joose (this was Amber's hope), but he and Anna would make a great pair; go, cougars!  I think "her man" is someone else and Emma is unofficially back with her boyfriend, and hopefully they keep it on the QT.

Agree that Jonah is incredibly lucky Ashley has stuck with him this far; I'd like to see him try to do better, although he seems to think he and his hair are all that and a bag of chips.  I see nothing but trouble for Ashley ahead, though, so RUN, ASHLEY!

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On 10/21/2022 at 8:58 AM, Adeejay said:

Whatever Ashley said about Amber in those text messages must have been awful, because she is royally pissed off.

I have a feeling Ashley has her accurately figured out and that is what pissed off Amber.  Ashley needs to move on.  She can do so much better.

Edited by Kid
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On 10/22/2022 at 9:32 AM, Kid said:

I have a feeling Ashley has her accurately figured out and that is what pissed off Amber.  Ashley needs to move on.  She can do so much better.

Amber: "You need a person that is going to light a fire under your ass. With Ashley, I don't see that." "With Jonah and Ashley I see through it. This is not a good fit. And it is going to end up failing."

Amber says she's not holding anything against Ashley, but she clearly is. Otherwise, Ashley must have some pretty big secrets she has hidden from the rest of the world that only Amber knows.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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On 10/19/2022 at 9:45 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

IMO, Amber thinking LPs should only date/marry other LPs is no different than if she were to say Blacks should only date/marry other Blacks or whites should only date/marry other whites. (It wouldn't surprise me one bit to discover she has those beliefs, too, unfortunately).

Is she really thinking that, though? Liz is not with an LP and both Amber and Trent don't seem to have a problem with Bryce. They seem more obsessed with pre marital sex. 

They pick and choose who they think should be paired with an LP which is what I find strange.  Amber likes to bust Anna's balls at every opportunity and what ever Anna does Amber is going to take the opposite stance. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 7:52 AM, Ms.Lulu said:

Amber: "You need a person that is going to light a fire under your ass. With Ashley, I don't see that." "With Jonah and Ashley I see through it. This is not a good fit. And it is going to end up failing."

Amber says she's not holding anything against Ashley, but she clearly is. Otherwise, Ashley must have some pretty big secrets she has hidden from the rest of the world that only Amber knows.

I couldn't believe what Amber was saying, when she doesn't even know Ashley that well. Amber thinks her son needs to find a woman just like her, pushy, insulting, refuses to apologize, and will cook and clean for her prince of a son. Ashley needs to run from this toxic, meddling family. I would have loved if Ashley and Joose coupled up... Amber would be furious.

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I don’t read much about Trent and Amber’s fans.  I wonder how they view the parents’ controlling behavior.  It sort of makes you root for Jonah to escape.  If he’s ready, I hope he can launch out on his own and find happiness.  I’m not sure that could be with Ashley, as there’s so much history at this point.  He has serious parental enmeshment issues.  How do you fix that?  Ugh…..Could he really stay at arm’s length from the parents?  They’d be so angry, if he was not under their rule, I can’t see them being nice about it.  

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On 11/6/2022 at 12:08 PM, Chalby said:

Ashley needs to run from this toxic, meddling family. I would have loved if Ashley and Joose coupled up... Amber would be furious.

Amber is dissing Ashley because she's still angry about Ashley saying she was being overbearing or bitchy when Jonah lied to her and said his parents were to blame for him not visiting.

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29 minutes ago, TipseyGirl said:

According to folks on Reddit, they have broken up. It seems as if her Instagram has been wiped clean of any photos of Brice. I have no idea if all this is true.

Thank you, that probably explains the change in IG picture. They were together for quite a few years. 

Took a look and yes, no trace of Brice. The last post was December 2022, but I really thought she had posted this year. I really hope it wasn’t as devastating as her first breakup. 

Edited by SMama
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On 2/22/2023 at 11:08 AM, TipseyGirl said:

According to folks on Reddit, they have broken up. It seems as if her Instagram has been wiped clean of any photos of Brice. I have no idea if all this is true.

It makes me wonder if there's a lot of women DMing Brice because they view him as boyfriend material, but for them - not Liz.

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