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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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While I was seriously delayed in seeing beyond the first 20 minutes of this episode, I had a wacky thought spurred by the realization that Rumple's remarks about killing Hook when he had the chance seem even sillier with the knowledge that Hook was apparently frequently back in that world during the long Neverland stay, and events in the episode only reinforced it. What if Hook can't be killed? Not that he's truly immortal in a Dr. Henry Morgan or Capt. Jack Harkness way, in which he revives and mortal wounds automatically heal, but if there's some fate or destiny thing that he has to fulfill, and therefore he's not allowed to die until he does it, which means constant subtle intervention by a guardian angel/fairy godmother type figure who's utterly exhausted, stressed out and overworked.


Just imagine the story from the guardian angel's perspective:

Oh no, he just had to join the navy during a war. Well, let's see, I'll adjust the wind a little here, nudge that cannonball there. Hey, an assignment to collect dreamshade? It's not a healing herb! Okay, I'll just suggest to Pan that warning them would be a fun mind game. Killian actually listened! Good boy! But now he's turned pirate, oh no. It's nearly impossible to keep someone who thinks he has nothing to live for alive. I know! He needs to fall in love. This woman's looking for an escape and she seems to like him, so this could work. Oops, her husband became the Dark One. This isn't going to go well. I'll try the "it's better for him to stay alive and suffer" thing. Villains always fall for that. And hey, my assignment was to keep him alive. Nobody said anything about him having to be in one piece. But that temper is going to be a problem, and my suggestion to the Dark One is bound to wear off. I'll send him to Neverland for a while -- no aging, no Dark One. Whew! Oh no, Pan, did you really have to send him back? And now he's pissed off a sea god and his daughter the sea witch. What did I do to deserve this assignment? And now he's back for good and looking for revenge. I'd better stay on my toes. Rum should slow him down a bit. Hey, Regina, you did notice how pretty he is, didn't you? And he could be useful. Cora, you see the pretty, too, right? And he could be useful. And now he's frozen in time. VACATION!!! Bartender, start pouring and keep 'em coming for the next 28 years. Oh well, back to work. No! You can't leave him for the ogres! You're supposed to be heroes! Hmm, keeping him chained at the top of the beanstalk could keep him out of trouble for a while. You idiot! Don't throw a sword fight, no matter how pretty and blond she is! Oh dear, and now he's going after the Dark One again. Psst, Belle, killing him would be really bad for your precious Rumple. You have to stop it before it makes Rumple go dark (snort!). Ack! speeding car! Adjust the angle a bit, maybe slow it slightly. Let's hope a few broken bones teach him a lesson. In the pit with Maleficent's zombie? Where are those two morons with their anti-magic technology? Yes! Sail away! Run from the impending destruction. No, don't turn back. Oh dear, he's going to become a hero now, isn't he? But selfishness makes my life so much easier. Hmm, shove the blonde overboard. That'll get them to stop fighting and end the storm. Giving him something to live for worked before, this might help now. Surge of magic, whew, stopped the shadow theft. Forget about your magic, Emma, he's drowning! Another magic surge, stopped the icicles. Eep! Heart being crushed! Belle, get over here! Drowning again! What we need is a mermaid. I swear, I want my next assignment to be with a monk who never leaves his cloistered cell. I deserve it after this.


And all the while, Hook is taking credit for being such a survivor.

  • Love 1

LOL Shanna Marie, that's awesome! He really does seem to be immortal. It would be an interesting twist if it were somehow true.
I just saw this interview snippet on tumblr, from the actress who played young Ursula, talking about working with Colin:

“He’s hilarious. Half of the tweets I’ve gotten actually are about, ‘How is it to work with Colin?’ Colin is a bundle of joy on set. There’s really long hours on that show, and he’s always in a good mood, cracking jokes the whole time, doing impressions, singing. He’s just going all day long. He helps the day go by really quickly, because he has so much energy.

He did [an impression of] Christopher Walken in New Orleans. He says this is a real story — Christopher Walken is in New Orleans, he goes on a ghost tour, and goes to a house, and he walks in and says, ‘Ghosts, I’m here.’ Then he’s quiet waiting for the ghosts to respond, and the ghost doesn’t respond, and Christopher Walken says, ‘Okay, there’s no ghosts’ and walks out. I’m not going to try to do the voice because that’s not going to help anything, but he did a spot-on Christopher Walken impression, with such a ridiculous story.”

—  Tiffany Boone about how Colin O’Donoghue brings the laughs on set (MTV Interview x)

It really saddens me that we've never seen any video of Colin doing impressions, or singing or dancing on set. Can't they put it on the DVD bloopers? *pouts*

  • Love 3

I've said it once, I'll say it again -- get that man to do a comedic project! And no, I'm not talking about a romantic comedy (even though he'd probably excel there, too). I want to see him do a smart cable sitcom after Once is over or take on a role that straddles both comedy and drama equally, like a Coen Brothers or Wes Anderson movie. He has the unique facial expressions and comedic timing to pull it off.

Edited by Curio
Shanna Marie, that sounds more like author interference than guardian angel assistance.

Well, the way they talk about it, the Author dictates their outcomes, while this is more of a nudging that still allows free will. All the people my hypothetical guardian angel was influencing still made their own decisions. He just whispered a little something in their psychic ears that gave them the idea to take those actions. I guess the Author might work the same way if that's how he's dictating fate. But then I have zero idea what the hell the Author thing is supposed to be about.


Anyway, it just really struck me that as much as Hook brags about being a survivor, he very seldom actually plays any role at all in his own survival, and often he's surviving in spite of himself, not due to his own actions. The most credit you can give him is that apparently for some people he's easy to forgive and really, really pretty, which may make people more inclined to help him. Like Belle stopping his heart from being crushed or Ariel pulling him out of the water, even though neither of them owed him anything. I'm sure there have been instances when he was able to save his own life in a battle or sword fight, but have we actually seen him get himself out of trouble in any other way than batting the pretty blue eyes at people (intentionally or otherwise)? It's always someone else intervening on his behalf.

Rumple does have a wee bit of Voldemort in him, doesn't he? Yeah, I could see him being all over the idea of horcruxes.


But I think it would be even more interesting (and rather ironic) if Hook's Grand Destiny ended up having nothing to do with Rumple, if it was just chance that threw them together in the first place, and Rumple had no idea he was dealing with some Destined, Chosen One, with Rumple being merely a vehicle toward prolonging Hook's life until the time was right for him to play his role. After all, with no Rumple, there would have been no extended stay in Neverland so that Hook was alive in this time to meet Emma. All this time of Rumple believing he was the one moving chess pieces around, and it turns out he was one of the pieces someone else was moving around for Hook's benefit.


Not that I think this is likely. Hook may just be this show's damsel in distress who is always being rescued by someone, but his ego insists on it being because he's a survivor rather than because he's always in need of rescue. It's also possible that I have never been able to let go of the "Hook is a long-lost prince" idea that got started from the mistaken interpretation of last year's spoiler about Hook being a prince (that ended up being about his "Prince Charles" disguise). In one of my ongoing mental fanfics, he's basically another Emma -- an infant sent away with the hope of eventually saving his kingdom, but he was lost/abandoned and hasn't yet found his way back. A spell was put on him to protect him and keep him alive until he could fulfill his destiny. Of course, his home kingdom would end up being Atlantis and it would rise again once he returned. I have a feeling I'm going to be terribly disappointed in whatever they actually end up doing with him.

  • Love 4

Damn y'all and your speculation that is far more interesting than anything this show will ever do! :)

You want interesting and imaginative?  Check out this blog.  I'm not sure if I believe even a slice of it, but damn if it isn't well thought out and researched.  And if nothing else, hella entertaining theories to read.  I'd love to believe A&E have even an ounce of the forethought and creativity that this blogger seems to think they do, but fool me once and all that...


**This might belong more the the speculation/spoilers thread, but almost all of the theories on that site are heavily influenced by Killian and his overall arc. *shrugs*

Edited by Lieutenant

I've looked at that blog before, and I don't buy the vast bulk of it. For starters, I don't think A&E put a fraction of that amount of thought into anything.


What is with this fandom's obsession with somebody being pregnant? Emma better NOT be pregnant, since we haven't even seen Hook & Emma have sex yet! I will be most put out if that is the case.

  • Love 4

I have a feeling I'm going to be terribly disappointed in whatever they actually end up doing with [Hook].


Well, considering I could watch an entire spin-off series that focused solely on Hook, I'm almost always disappointed by whatever they usually end up doing with his character. (Most of the time, it's Colin's acting that saves his storylines, not the writing.) It's like they take the time set up all of these really interesting plans for his character (his father is probably Davy Jones, he spent centuries with an annoying man child in Neverland - who unbeknownst to Hook was the father of his biggest enemy and the grandfather of the boy he wanted to take under his wing, he attended the Enchanted Forest Navy, he outran a curse, he portal-hopped to a world he's not used to, he somehow defeated Maleficent as a zombie, he traded his ship to his enemy just for the chance of seeing someone who had no memories of him, he had his heart controlled by the Dark One for several episodes and needed his savior girlfriend to react to it, etc.), but then we never actually get to see those scenes play out on screen. Instead of spending a half-season focusing on a pointless villain who will disappear at the end of the arc anyways, why can't we delve more into a main character's past that usually gets shoved to Offscreenville?

Edited by Curio
  • Love 4

Offscreenville happens to a lot of the characters to be fair (unless they're Regina).  


Hook centrics are sort of stand alone, but super relevant to the timeline, so they make sense.  Poor unfortunate Soul is on par with Rocky Road for me which happened to be my favorite episode in the first half.  I think it will be difficult to top (for me) moving forward.  I thought it hit just the right emotional notes with Hook, with Ursula, Emma.  Even at his "worst", Hook wasn't such a horrible person until he put his revenge ahead of everything.  He's also not scared of Gods apparently. He threatened to kill him then threatened to crush the shell containing Ursula's voice...Yep, Hook might have a small ship but he has brass ones.


So far, the Hook centrics have been really good for Captain Swan.


Good Form - Captain's Swan's first kiss

Jolly Roger - He admits to fake Ariel that he still loves Emma

Poor Unfortunate soul - She's his happy ending (basically wants forever and everything with her)

  • Love 3

There were some interesting theories at that site, but I do think they're stretching a wee bit. I did find it amusing all the work that went into showing how "William" could sound similar to "Liam," when Liam basically is the Irish version of "Will." Doesn't mean they're the same person, though, especially since Will Scarlett's name comes from legend, and I seriously doubt they gave Liam his name because they were planning to connect him to Will Scarlett. And I'm really not sold on the reincarnation thing because that has yet to come up as an option in this show. I took Hook saying what he did to Rumple about getting his revenge in the next life as essentially saying he'd see him in hell. Of all the characters, Hook's been the most likely to express ideas along the lines of conventional religious belief in God and an afterlife. He was begging Rumple to kill him so he'd be reunited with Milah, which suggests he hoped to see her in an afterlife. If he thought reincarnation was a possibility, you'd think he'd have been searching for her next incarnation, and he wouldn't have to die to find her again.


I am thinking that there's something in the works involving his temper, which I'd consider his fatal flaw. He's a hothead, and he's prone to taking rash, impulsive action in the heat of the moment when he's angry, with no thought as to consequences. There was burning the sail and turning pirate while his grief for his brother was still raw (though that may actually have ended up being a good decision, since I doubt it would have gone well for him and his crew if they'd reported back to HQ and the king knew they knew what his plan really was). His whole vengeance quest against Rumple seemed to have been a rash decision that he held onto for centuries. There was his anger at Bae not accepting him that led to him turning Bae over to Pan. He took his anger and frustration out on Belle in Regina's dungeon. Stealing Ursula's voice was his rash reaction to Poseidon's appearance. Then there was shooting Belle. And making Blackbeard walk the plank. Belle commented on his temper in the arc opener, and Emma had to talk him down from his "I should have stabbed him with his dagger" stance. But either he learned his lesson in this episode after snapping and pulling a gun on Ursula, and this will be what helps him provide balance for Emma in whatever Rumple does to try to turn her dark, or his temper will still end up being what gets him in trouble.

  • Love 2

I am thinking that there's something in the works involving his temper

I don't know, this show is terrible with forshadowing and pay-off. But if this is leading to something is either him killing Rumple in a fit of rage and becoming the Dark One or him being about to kill him and stopping in the last second to show how much Emma's love has changed him.

Hook does have a temper, but most of his villainous actions were to further his ultimate goal of revenge. For example, shooting Belle and stabbing Rumple were both pre-meditated, although he was still angry at the time.

I think a lot of Hook's problem is that he sticks to a course once he's made a hotheaded decision. A lot of people with hot tempers may say or do things in a burst of anger that they instantly regret or realize were bad things to do. Hook makes rash decisions in a fit of anger, and then stubbornly clings to them and follows through with them, even if it takes centuries. He doesn't seem to have the cooling down "oops" moments but instead keeps building and refusing to back down. For instance, a lot of hotheads would have realized soon after the confrontation with Ursula and Poseidon that it was stupid and wrong for him to have stolen Ursula's voice and that it wasn't going to do him any good and might have gone back and tried to give it back to her, but that doesn't seem to have occurred to him until now.

If Hook decides to do something, he's all in. That can be applied to both his relationship with emma and his past actions (hunting down Rumple, etc.)

True, he does seem to be almost as impulsive and just as committed to the good things as he is to the bad things. It's just not quite as obvious when he loses his head for the non-anger things because he doesn't have the flashing eyes and nostril flaring rage when it happens. Like once he turned back and decided not to be evil and revenge driven anymore, he pretty much just dropped it and wasn't tempted until he gave up hope during the missing year. He was perfectly content to live alongside Rumple in Storybrooke until Rumple started messing with Emma and with him. It was like someone flipped a switch between "living to kill Rumple" and "so over that."


I do think that he manages a bizarre combination of premeditation and impulse. Like with his plan to kill Rumple, he pretty much came up with most of his plan of how he was going to do it (dreamshade on the hook) in the heat of the moment immediately after Milah's death, on his way to Neverland. He just managed to hold onto that impulsive, heat-of-the-moment plan for a couple of centuries. I'd bet his plan to take out Belle in some way (because that's where Rumple kept his heart) was also an impulsive, rash decision he made on the Jolly Roger right after Rumple stopped beating him. He just didn't pause to cool down or rethink it during the time it took to track them to the town line and shoot Belle, so in terms of his thought process, it was like he had a fit of rage in the immediate aftermath of the earlier incident, pulled out a gun, and shot, even though some time passed.


Maybe he needs a few anger management sessions with Archie. Or with Ariel. She may have actually managed to slap some sense into him and point out the flaws in his thought process.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that Hook was content living in the same town as Rumple.  It was just the status quo between them. 


Considering everything, the timeline of this show...they went to Neverland together for a week (two weeks?) during which Rumple was on his own stroking his daddy pain issues.  They got together for something like 2 days before they managed to save that little twit Henry.


Then Rumple sacrifices himself to get rid of Pan.


Pan's curse happens and everyone is gone for a year.


Everyone gets back to town, Hook brings Emma to SB and the whole Zelena thing lasts something like two weeks in the timeline where Rumple is controlled by her, Rumple kidnaps Hook and shoves him in the trunk of his car, Rumple tries to drown Hook because Zelena orders him to do so.  Hook let's bygones be bygones because he said he would stop and try to kill Rumple and the man was being controlled, so Hook gets that.


4A lasts about another two weeks.


So when we think about it, Hook and Rumple have really been living in the same small town for like a month, two of which Rumple was controlled and mostly out of sight.  Then we get the two weeks of timeline in 4A, where Hook goes to Rumple with David for help (veiled threat from Rumple against Emma), then Hook goes again to Rumple and blackmails him twice.  Status quo gone after basically less than 20 days of them being in the same town.


It was never going to last anyway.  The history between those two spans centuries.  This isn't Regina and Snow holding hands and singing kumbaya (even though they really shouldn't).


I'm sort of glad to see enemies being enemies.

  • Love 2

I'm a Bare Minerals kinda girl...Just splurged like nobody's business too.


Okay can we talk for a second about Hook last night?


Hook who knows what it's like to be lost in darkness and who knew Rumple before he became the Dark One, corrupted by his dark magic, turned into this man he absolutely loathes and that he is just plain scared for her?


And the whole lighting on the docks, Hook is usually the one who is shown in the darkness, but there was a reversal of that last night's episode.  His face was lit and hers was sort of darkened.  Nice change given that Emma is off kilter right now and doesn't really know who she is and what she is.

  • Love 2

I'm a Bare Minerals kinda girl...Just splurged like nobody's business too.


Same! I can't live without my BareMinerals.


And yes -- Hook (and Colin's acting) has been one of the only things getting me through this tepid 4B arc so far. I love how he came clean right away about what Ursula revealed to him, and even though jealousy isn't a good color on anyone, I thought it was totally realistic for him to act that way about August. I think any time a significant other has a close bond with someone else, there's always that initial feeling of "hmm, okay so how close are you guys?" I think Colin did a good job of not overacting that scene too much, and Jen also did a nice job of playing off the situation with comfort. There were some suspect directing moments in "Best Laid Plans," but that scene definitely wasn't one of them.


And for some reason, seeing Hook's insecurity about Emma's friendship with another man made me wonder if we'll ever see his other insecurity play out on screen again - his hook. Or, rather, the lack of a hand. We saw the beginning of that insecurity during the date episode, but then that entire plot was just dropped out of the blue. We've seen him in the hospital bed in Season 2 with his left arm bandaged up and he still was able to put on a strong bravado, but when it comes to physical intimacy (like going on a date with Emma), I think his insecurity starts to bubble up again. I doubt it would happen this season, but I'd like to actually see what the arm looks like bare without any straps or bandages on it, since I doubt he's shown that to anyone since Rumple cut the hand off.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 1

Another BareMinerals person here!


I mentioned on the episode thread that maybe it was for the best that Emma was brought up with all the hardships she had in this world because the kind of upbringing she might have had with an anxious helicopter mother as a princess might not have been that great for her. She might be a better person this way. And it occurred to me that the same kind of thing might apply to Hook. He might be a better man now because of what he's experienced and done than he would have been if he'd just remained Lt. Jones (well, remained the naval officer -- I'd hope he'd have moved on from being just a lieutenant). Lt. Jones was pretty rigid in his uprightness and didn't seem like the kind of person who'd have a lot of sympathy for human frailty. He held himself to a high standard and expected the same of everyone else. On the other hand, reformed Hook is acutely conscious of his own failings, which gives him a lot more empathy for others. His experience with darkness may be what allows him to pull Emma through all this, and he wouldn't have had that if he hadn't fallen so far, himself.


Then again, Lt. Jones was very young, possibly even still in his late teens, and kids that age generally feel they know it all. Life would probably have knocked him around a little bit, and being in a war would have seasoned him a lot, so I don't think that Naval Captain Jones would have just been an older version of the Lt. Jones we saw. Plus, he did have all the ingredients that led to Hook, including being a hothead with a rash temper and enough stubbornness to stick to his rash decisions, so even if he didn't do something on a par with turning pirate, he likely would have gotten himself in trouble at least once or twice. But I'm not sure he'd have faced quite the same level of darkness without going through the unique chain of circumstances that he faced.

  • Love 3
Same! I can't live without my BareMinerals.


Complexion Rescue is awesome, btw, if you haven't tried it.  Is it just me or does this actually seem like an appropriate thread to discuss makeup?




And yes -- Hook (and Colin's acting) has been one of the only things getting me through this tepid 4B arc so far. I love how he came clean right away about what Ursula revealed to him,

I think he's finally learned his lessons regarding keeping vital information to himself.  I guess this would be on par with the lip curse.  This is Emma's life we're talking about.  Her going dark can't be good for her or anyone.  I thought it was gutting how scared he was, so much so that she felt the need to reassure him.  




and even though jealousy isn't a good color on anyone, I thought it was totally realistic for him to act that way about August. I think any time a significant other has a close bond with someone else, there's always that initial feeling of "hmm, okay so how close are you guys?" I think Colin did a good job of not overacting that scene too much, and Jen also did a nice job of playing off the situation with comfort. There were some suspect directing moments in "Best Laid Plans," but that scene definitely wasn't one of them.


Remember Emma's reaction to Tink and Hook..."wait, were you two...?"  And they weren't even a couple though for me it was clear as day that Emma had made her choice and was going to give it a go with Hook.  Emma and Hook are very much a team and they do seem to be a lot more open about what's going on in their heads and proactive about tackling their issues before they fester, which is exactly what they should be doing.  


Yesterday was a direct parallel with 407 when Emma's magic went on the fritz and Hook tried to reach for her and she ran.  The exact same thing happened yesterday.  He reached for her, but she pulled away from him and she left.  But she didn't go hide where he couldn't find her, she went to the docks where he spends a lot of time and where his ship is.  



And for some reason, seeing Hook's insecurity about Emma's friendship with another man made me wonder if we'll ever see his other insecurity play out on screen again - his hook. Or, rather, the lack of a hand. We saw the beginning of that insecurity during the date episode, but then that entire plot was just dropped out of the blue. We've seen him in the hospital bed in Season 2 with his left arm bandaged up and he still was able to put on a strong bravado, but when it comes to physical intimacy (like going on a date with Emma), I think his insecurity starts to bubble up again. I doubt it would happen this season, but I'd like to actually see what the arm looks like bare without any straps or bandages on it, since I doubt he's shown that to anyone since Rumple cut the hand off.

The thing is, Emma and Hook paralleled so much during 4A that I'm still convinced it was going somewhere.  I think that Frozen just got out of hand.  


If they decide to bring say Hook's father in the mix, then I can see those insecurities bubble over.  We don't know who Hook is.  I know everyone's headcanon is that Hook's mother died, his father abandoned him because he was a fugitive (which is what he said to Baelfire) and he mentioned to Emma something about the scars left that tend to linger (which I thought for sure was a set up for his story, but that hasn't come, so who knows), then Liam found him and took him in and we sort of know the rest.  I personally have a very difficult time believing that Hook lived on the streets trying to survive.  I don't think they teach waltz at the naval academy.  Maybe he was lied to when told that his father was a fugitive, like Emma lied to Henry about his father dying a hero.  If his parents are some big deal, a lot of insecurities can come from that.  


This is why I'm not in a forgiving mood that this shit regarding what Hook did was discussed during the six weeks that we did not get to see.  I went to Gold to get my hand back and everything spiraled out of control.  That's such an important moment, an important talk for someone like Hook who is filled with self-loathing.


Thanks for the missed opportunity show!

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 5


Yesterday was a direct parallel with 407 when Emma's magic went on the fritz and Hook tried to reach for her and she ran.  The exact same thing happened yesterday.  He reached for her, but she pulled away from him and she left.  But she didn't go hide where he couldn't find her, she went to the docks where he spends a lot of time and where his ship is.


I thought that scene showed he'd learned something from before. It seemed like after the sheriff's station incident that Hook realized that they should leave Emma alone for a bit when she asks them to. Here he tried to reach for her, but when she pulled away and walked out, he didn't try to stop her or chase after her. He let her go. And then when he walked up to her later, she said she needed some time and I think he respected that, so he was ready to tell her about August and leave. Notice that she was the one who hugged him first. He respected her need to be alone to process and wasn't going to force himself into the situation.

  • Love 4
It seemed like after the sheriff's station incident that Hook realized that they should leave Emma alone for a bit when she asks them to.


Are we talking about after she realized he was lying to her about Ursula?  Because I swear I thought he made himself scarce because he was worried she was going to end whatever they have.  Even when he walked into the station, he was all business "why did you summon me, Swan".  I thought he was just ready for it.  Poor idiot man.  It kind of reminded of Monica and Chandler on Friends when they have their first argument and Chandler thinks the relationship is over.  But yeah, Hook fibbed which is worst.


He had that line in 408 after she took off for the whole night where he was like maybe we can't find her because she doesn't wanna be found because she bloody told us.


Here he tried to reach for her, but when she pulled away and walked out, he didn't try to stop her or chase after her. He let her go. And then when he walked up to her later, she said she needed some time and I think he respected that, so he was ready to tell her about August and leave. Notice that she was the one who hugged him first. He respected her need to be alone to process and wasn't going to force himself into the situation.

Notice also that they didn't finish the conversation about August because of the sleeping spell and he just took that opportunity to finish it and wrap it up with one line by telling her that her friend will be fine.


How can anyone not like (love) this man and this relationship.  It's the most normal thing on this show.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 5
I know everyone's headcanon is that Hook's mother died, his father abandoned him because he was a fugitive (which is what he said to Baelfire) and he mentioned to Emma something about the scars left that tend to linger (which I thought for sure was a set up for his story, but that hasn't come, so who knows), then Liam found him and took him in and we sort of know the rest.  I personally have a very difficult time believing that Hook lived on the streets trying to survive.  I don't think they teach waltz at the naval academy.

I don't know about in that world or in our past, when officers would all have come from the gentry or nobility and would already have been trained, but at least as recently as 25 years or so ago, they were having formal balls in the various military training programs (the service academies, ROTC, places like VMI) where the cadets were taught how to behave because the social life and all that is pretty important in the military.


But that actually was the reason I came up with the idea that Killian might have been adopted by the Jones family, because it bridges that gap between kid abandoned on the way to a foreign land by a fugitive father and highly educated naval officer who knows how to behave at a royal ball. If the Jones family had some kind of position -- like maybe if Papa Jones was an admiral, or something -- then that would explain Killian's educational level and social graces (when he chooses to use them) and the fact that both sons had fairly responsible positions on what appeared to be a prestigious ship (you don't call your training barge full of nobodies "Jewel of the Realm"). That seesaw from abandoned to finding a family to losing his brother might explain his total snap when Liam died, because he was back where he started, especially if the adoptive parents had died in the meantime and Liam was his last link to that found family, without which he'd be alone in the world again. The adoption idea also explains why there was no mention of Liam in the story he told Bae. I suppose he could have been intensifying the story for effect by leaving out his brother, but he doesn't really have a track record of doing that. When he's told of his woes, he tends to be either vague or clinical rather than overly dramatic. He might have yelled a lot about what Rumple did to him and Milah, but he never exaggerated it for effect.


But I suspect that I have put far more thought into this than the writers have, and given their track record, they will have zero concern for making whatever backstory they eventually bother to give him (if they even bother) fit what we've already been shown or told.


I wonder what the revelation about Poseidon means for the idea that Davy Jones might be his father. Would both Poseidon and Davy Jones exist in the same universe? Aren't they both kind of gods of the sea? If Davy Jones is a fellow sea god, would Poseidon have recognized his son? Not necessarily in the "hey, you look just like your dad" way, but possibly sensing something about him?

"a king whose crown was hard-won, and the fight to keep it has taken a toll"


Yeah, but they didn't delve into any of that.  I thought Poseidon was rather weak.  Actually, is this even the description for Poseidon because I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be a recurring role which might have been dropped altogether.  I think we assumed it was either Stefan or Poseidon.


I read the Marvel comic strip on Hook btw.  It was for one thing very, very short.  It's pre-Hook days, the JR is stuck in a nasty storm and then they go into this sort of mist where they see another ship, a smaller one, so when they board it, there's only one person and it's Liam.  Killian of course is all happy that his brother is back, but the first mate is telling him how they saw him die and that given the nature of the place they are, it's likely not Liam even if he acts like him, speaks like and so on.  There's a monster that lives in the waters where they are and they wanna leave those waters, but the monster...so they decide to get rid of it.  They arm both the JR and the other ship, Liam goes to the other one, they attack the sea monster, but Liam's ship catches fire and they sort of run down a few ideas to go get him, but none of them are viable.  In the end, Killian chooses to let "Liam" go and they make it back into the storm. 


I literally turned in my bed, picked up the tablet, checked my emails, read the story and it was like 5-10 minutes at the most.

  • Love 1

Yeah, but they didn't delve into any of that. I thought Poseidon was rather weak. Actually, is this even the description for Poseidon because I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be a recurring role which might have been dropped altogether. I think we assumed it was either Stefan or Poseidon.

I read the Marvel comic strip on Hook btw. It was for one thing very, very short. It's pre-Hook days, the JR is stuck in a nasty storm and then they go into this sort of mist where they see another ship, a smaller one, so when they board it, there's only one person and it's Liam. Killian of course is all happy that his brother is back, but the first mate is telling him how they saw him die and that given the nature of the place they are, it's likely not Liam even if he acts like him, speaks like and so on. There's a monster that lives in the waters where they are and they wanna leave those waters, but the monster...so they decide to get rid of it. They arm both the JR and the other ship, Liam goes to the other one, they attack the sea monster, but Liam's ship catches fire and they sort of run down a few ideas to go get him, but none of them are viable. In the end, Killian chooses to let "Liam" go and they make it back into the storm.

I literally turned in my bed, picked up the tablet, checked my emails, read the story and it was like 5-10 minutes at the most.

^ So Liam was just a figment of ALL of their imaginations, or just Killy's? Was it magical mist? And the ship that his ghost or whatever was on was real if they boarded it?

As I was reading your summary I thought the story was going down the road that the evil sea creature was liam in disguise, kinda like the whole siren thing with Charming. Glad it didn't go that way. I don't think my heart would handle him having to put an end to his "brother."

Poor Killy. Poor crew. They all miss Liam. :(

This is what I wish we'd get more with Killian's backstory. Some Odyssey-like adventures.

First off, I want to see when his daddy ditches him/them. They could pick and choose the rest and I'd be happy with whatever I think. They could do so many different things: show more jobs he did for Pan, adventures when he was Captain Jones, him avoiding the 3rd dark curse, navy adventures....the list is endless.

And knowing our luck we probably won't get to see much of it.

  • Love 1

Thanks for the summary, YaddaYadda. I'm debating if I want to actually purchase the physical book version of the comic, but if his story is as short as you make it sound, I don't know if it's worth the money.

First off, I want to see when his daddy ditches him/them. They could pick and choose the rest and I'd be happy with whatever I think. They could do so many different things: show more jobs he did for Pan, adventures when he was Captain Jones, him avoiding the 3rd dark curse, navy adventures....the list is endless.

And knowing our luck we probably won't get to see much of it.

I'm going to show my extreme Hook-bias here, but my ultimate wish is for this show to focus a half season arc on his character - similar to what they did with Zelena and the Snow Queen. Screw bringing in a random villain no one knows about and will ultimately leave by the end of the season anyways. Why not explore a character who's already on the show, already well-liked, and has a ton of interesting past stories we've never seen play out on screen? You have Colin freaking O'Donoghue (who, in my opinion, is knocking it out of the park with upping his acting game this season), so why not utilize him more? 

  • Love 7

The story is really that short.  I literally read it while I was still in bed.  I can type up the whole thing and post it later today if you guys are interested in reading it.  I know that this is supposed to be considered canon basically, so it's extra sad that Killian gets his brother back only to lose him again in the end.


I think Jefferson's story is focused in Camelot which is interesting since there's already a set up for it in the show (not through Jefferson, but through Lancelot, the gauntlet and the fake sword in the stone, so I'm thinking it's a realm that will be explored), so I will be giving that a read and I really don't care about Regina or Rumbelle, so I will be very likely skipping that altogether.


ETA - Because this needs to be said, Liam did not voice any kind of disappointment in Killian because he became a pirate.  There was absolutely none of that.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 1

I can type up the whole thing and post it later today if you guys are interested in reading it.


That would be pretty awesome, not going to lie.


Also, this page (oops, pezgirl beat me to it) might have convinced me enough to purchase the book. (Ugh, I have a soft spot for sibling love.) I wish there was a way I could just pay for individual .pdf pages, I'm not interested in any of the other stories.

Edited by Curio



The high seas of the Enchanted Forest.


KJ: Look sharp out there! Secure that tieback!  It's leaping around like a fish in a net!  And YOU, get below decks!  I don't care how seasick you feel, this is no place for a cook!


Cook: Captain Jones, Sir, I...I just need a breath of...


KJ: Better sick than drowned.  Go on, get below!

KJ: Incoming!


Cook: Aaahhh!


KJ: Damned fool.


Cook: Help!


KJ: Grab a hold of the line!


Cook: *cough*sputter*cough Thank *cough* thannk you, Captain...


KJ: Ger below Now!  I may not waste a line next time!


Lewis: No point in sugarcoating it, Captain.


KJ: I know.  Not one of your easier days, Lewis.  She's not settling right.  We're taking on water.


Lewis: There's no ship truer than the Jolly Roger, but even she's got limits, Killian.


KJ: We've been through worse.


Lewis: Aye, but not by much.  The way this is looking...I don't know that we'll make it to the Southern Isles.  Or any other port for that matter...


KJ: So you've given up, then?  Ready to hang up the old skull and crossbones?


Lewis: Hardley, Captain.  Just speaking my mind.


KJ: Well, I for one, am holding out hope.  There has to be a safe harbor close by.  And as they say, it's when you least expect it that...wait!  I see something!  Calm waters ahead, and possibly our salvation!  Hard to port!


Lewis: What makes you so sure those waters are calm?


KJ: I spotted some mist in that direction.  No fog could cling to the kind of waves we've got here!


Lewis: Let me see!  Captain, no!  Didn't you get a good look at those mists?  They're...


KJ: Green as our seasick cook, aye.


Lewis: So you're purposely driving us into the Leviathan Shoals?


KJ: I'd sooner we take out changes with the legendary sea beast over there than die out here.


Crew Member: Captain, the bilge pump's overwhelmed!  We must 'ave popped a seal but the men can't find it, the way we've been pitchin' around.  If we take on any more water...


KJ: Sorry Lewis, it doesn't sound like we've got much choice.  The Shoals it is.


Lewis: But the mists-they can cloud the mind, induce visions, madness...even drive men to murder!


KJ: I'm not too concerned...I've yet to meet the pirate who didn't indulge in a little madness and murder from time to time.




KJ: Now that's better.  These waters are gentler than a woman's touch.  All right, men, let's look to those repairs!  We'll not be spending a moment longer here than we have to.


Lewis: You there!  Get that corner secured, looks like the wind had its way with it!


(someone yelling Killian's name)  Killian...Killian...


Lewis: What is it?


KJ: We're not alone.  Move to intercept that vessel!  And don't lose sight of it!  The damnable light here plays tricks on the eyes!


Lewis: What's another vessel doing all the way out here?  Think it's a trap?


KJ: Most likely.  But perhaps we can do the trapping if we keep our wits about us.  Ahoy there!  It can't be...


Liam:  Killian?  Brother, is that really you?


KJ: Liam?  Hang on!  You're...you're alive!


Liam: I never thought I'd see you again, brother.


KJ: Neither did I.  The last time I saw you, you were poisoned by that dreamshade from Neverland...I thought...you were dead.


Liam: No brother-it only appeared that way.


KJ: But Liam...your body was lifeless.  It watched you sink to the bottom of the ocean!  How is any of this possible?


Liam:  It's...I myself am not sure how to explain it...


KJ: I'm sure you'll have an easier time once we get you a hot meal and some fresh clothes.


Liam: Once I tell you my tale, you'll have to tell me yours.  How does an officer of the royal navy end up a pirate?


KJ: I had plenty of reason to turn, Brother.  If it wasn't for that "king" of ours, I never would have lost you in the first place.  The last time we were in these quarters, I held you in my arms as the dreamshade's poison crept back into your veins.  The magical waters from Neverland failed you once we were home...


Liam: I remember.  I remember the pain of it...and then the darkness...There were no dreams, no feeling...


(flashback to Killian holding his brother "Liam, no!")


Liam: When I finally awoke, I found myself marooned on a desolate island.  There was fresh water and abundant fishing, but no people, no landmarks I could recognize.  The loneliness was almost too much.  I don't know how long I was ther before a boat arrived on the island's shores, blown off course during a storm.  I begged them to let me on board, though their vessle was small.  They agreed and I thought I was on my way back to you, Killian.  But then a storm blew up, more ferocious than any I'd ever encountered...when the waves suddenly calmed, we thought were had been miraculously spared.  We gave thanks to the Gods of the ea.  It was only once the madness struck th ecrew that I knew without a doubt where we were.  The Leviathan Shoals.  Hysteria spread amongst the men, each succumbing in turn as our attempts to escape the Shoals failed.  For each time we tried to flee, we were thwarted by the Monstrous Leviathan that inhabits this cursed realm of the ocean.  I was the only one aboard my vessel who survived (Killian is looking at his brother with a raised eyebrow)


Lewis: Captain, a word?


KJ: What is it. Lewis?  Has the creature shown itself?


Lewis: Not yet, Captain.  I wanted to speak to you about a more pressing issue.  You realize that man below cannot be your brother.  It's not possible.


KJ: Obviously, it is.  He must have been alive when we cast his body overboard.


Lewis: I saw what the dreamshade did to him.  There was no way we were mistaken or we would not have buried him at sea.  So whatever is your cabin eating our soup is not your brother.


KJ: How can you be so sure?  We've seen many odd things in our travels.  Perhaps the dreamshade only put Liam in a deep sleep, or a mermaid placed him under an enchantment...the man below deck is flesh and blood.  and I see my brother looking back at me from his eyes.


Lewis: I merely wanted to remind you that this region is known for its phantasms...


KJ: All right men gather 'round.  We'll be departing these Shoals with haste!  Now listen closely (Killian to Liam) We have at best one shot at defeating the creature who rules these Shoals...this monster is used to chasing one target at a time but if that target should split into two and if those two should then attack it...aye, that should toss quite a distance...it might provide enough of a distraction and buy us enough time to flee to honest waters.  The Jolly Roger is ready to set sail.  Good luck, Brother (Liam is on the ship he was initially on)  And know this...though you helm a different vessel, you will always be at my side.


Liam: Awfully sentimental for a pirate, aren't you?


KJ: Just like an older brother, making jest of everything.


Liam: well, hear this, for it is not in jest.  Take care, Killian and may luck be with you too.


KJ: All right, boys, it's now or never!  Steady on!  We're nearing the edge of the Shoals!  


Lewis: Killian, look!  The waves ahead.


KJ: Keep the course and we'll make it yet!


Sean Monster comes out of the water.


KJ: Men, veer to starboard!  We have to circumvent the beast!  The gunpowder, Liam!  Now!


(Liam tosses the gunpowder at the monster)


KJ: It's working.  Hit him, again, Liam!  


Liam: Open wide...(explosives sail into the monster's mouth, Liam's boat catches fire)


KJ: Brother!  Your boat, Look out!


Liam: Oh, no!  (tries to put out the flames with his jacket)


KJ: Liam!  Abandon ship!  There's no time to lose!  Jump and we'll haul you aboard!


Liam: Are you mad, Killian?  Who's to say there's not another sea beast lurking in these waters?


KJ: Then we'll send out a lifeboat!  


Liam: One of these monsters could swallow a lifeboat whole.  You have to come back for me with the Jolly Roger!


KJ: But we're so close to freedom.


Liam: There's no reason we have to leave tonight, Killian!  Let's stay in the Shoals a bit longer!  Search out other lost souls who may be hidden in the mists.  We can try for free waters another day.  Please come back for me!!


Lewis: Captain, it's just as I said.  This is all some sort of trick.


KJ: Lewis, still your tongue.


Lewis: You know as well as I do that Liam was a fierce lad, a man brave enough to face any waters no matter how treacherous.


KJ: Perhaps you're right.  That man looks like my brother but the brother I knew would never give up so easily.  Even so, this is not your decision to make.  It's mine.  And I say we pull for our freedom, no matter what we're leaving behind.


Liam: Killian, no!  You left me once..don't do it gain!  Please don't go!


Lewis: Captain...you have to know we wouldn't have had another chance like that.  You saved us.  


KJ: I know.  I just wish I could be sure I didn't leave my brother to die.


Killian holding his rum bottle: May the stars guide you home, Liam, wherever you may be...until then, your spirit will never leave my side.


The End.

  • Love 4

"And know this...though you helm a different vessel, you will always be at my side."


"May the stars guide you home, Liam, wherever you may be...until then, your spirit will never leave my side."



*sniff* Thanks for typing that all out! I wouldn't call that an origin story though, as some of the press did, just a little tidbit from Killian's past.

Edited by pezgirl7

^ YaddaYadda, you're an absolute treasure!

;__; I don't know if I should weep with joy of the fact that we finally have a bit more of Killy's backstory, or if I should weep from Jones Bros. Feels.

Agh! My heart is aching! Liaaaammmmm!!!!!!

Leviathan Shoals? Crazy green magical mist? A crew member named Lewis? Who calls Killy Killian, and not Captain, so they must of been close-ish?

The crew loved Liam so much. *sobs*

Was Lewis first mate? Did he live to see the days of Milah, was he killed in battle, did he die when they returned to Neverland? Is he still one of the 4-5 crewman still alive?

Answers! I need answers! I want more!

I am now demanding that we get a new Killian comic once a week.

Thanks, yaddayadda!

What a heartbreaker!! Poor Killian--what a tough choice he faced! He chose his crew's safety over phantasm!Liam. Not sure if post-Milah Hook would have made the same choice. He seemed to care for nothing but his revenge after that point,

If that had been Snow in Killian's place, and Regina was in the other ship, Snow would have chosen the "hard path", and gone back for Regina, da*n the crew. *g*


Here are scans from the graphic novel:



The style is kind of cool, but I just can't get past the way Killian looks, because I know Colin would rock those scenes and show so much more emotion on his face.


ETA: Here's a sketch of fancy pants Capt. Killian Jones, from the bonus materials. It's dated 2012, so I wonder if that's a sketch for the actual show character? Looks like they were undecided between long or short hair. Thank god they went for the short (slightly messy) hair.


Edited by pezgirl7
  • Love 1

You guys are welcome.  Obviously, there is no visual but it gives you an idea at least.


since this is supposed to be back of Hook's backstory, then him getting his brother back only to lose him again and not being sure whether it was the real Liam or just phantasm is all kinds of heartbreaking and it makes his choice to save his crew over saving his "brother" all the more heroic.


Pirate or no pirate, Killian Jones is most definitely a special man.

  • Love 4

Between this comic and the Ursula flashback, it's looking more and more like Hook was never so much a real villain as he was a decent man with some serious anger management issues and a lot to be angry about. He became a pirate in lashing out after his brother's death but was willing to risk giving up someone who might have been his brother in order to save his crew. He was genuinely touched by Ursula's plight and trying to help her until he had a hissy fit about Poseidon getting in the way of his revenge. If he wasn't such a hothead and so stubborn he wouldn't have been so bad because his better impulses are still there.

TI'm going to show my extreme Hook-bias here, but my ultimate wish is for this show to focus a half season arc on his character - similar to what they did with Zelena and the Snow Queen. Screw bringing in a random villain no one knows about and will ultimately leave by the end of the season anyways. Why not explore a character who's already on the show, already well-liked, and has a ton of interesting past stories we've never seen play out on screen? You have Colin freaking O'Donoghue (who, in my opinion, is knocking it out of the park with upping his acting game this season), so why not utilize him more? 

I'll go one further and say my ultimate wish is for a Hook spin-off series.


Regarding Colin, I hope when this show finally ends, we get to see him in film roles or another series worthy of his talents.

  • Love 2

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