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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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Souris, on 17 Dec 2014 - 09:17 AM, said:

Absolutely! God bless her for actually giving me something Once-related to look forward to.


It amuses me greatly when famous people fangirl/fanboy over other famous people. And if it benefits me somehow, so much the better. ;)

One of the best examples of this, and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner, is Blues Brothers 2000 (the movie). If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it just for the music alone.

The look on Eric Clapton's face near the end is priceless. He's like a kid in a candy shop.

Once the writers finally get over establishing the soulful angst of Hook, they can hopefully move on to *kick ass snarky and adoring* couple Emma and Killian. It would be a goldmine of sass and smolder. But (forgive me) they truly have to let it go with the gloom and doom and what-ifs of the relationship because they will NEVER address the depths that they set up or promise and will always leave gaping holes in the characters' development.. And it will always be unfairly dumped on Hook to be left being emotional without any resolution.


Move on to lighter CaptainSwan fare~ if they have the literary courage. Bring back the edgy banter and poking each other, knowing already that they are in love.

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Move on to lighter CaptainSwan fare~ if they have the literary courage. Bring back the edgy banter and poking each other, knowing already that they are in love.

Agree! I watched some "Hart to Hart" (wow, that's reaching back, eh?) over the holidays. What I always loved about them was that they adore each other, are both pretty, totally in love and work great together.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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I wouldn't mind a callback to Season 3 when Hook was calling Emma out on her stuff.  She should be able to do the same given the stuff that went down in 4A.  I find the whole thing a bit complicated to be honest.  On the one hand. I want Emma to tell Hook how he should have trusted her and confided in her what had happened with Gold, the Apprentice and the whole hand deal because well, it would have avoided a shitload of stuff.  On the other hand, I sort of understand why he thought she would see the worst in him since he sees the worst in himself even though he has changed.

You know, Emma has made some giant leaps in showing her feelings for Hook, granted, and they are gems, but it gets a little frustrating to constantly have all the heavy emotional debt carried by Killian. Even when Emma *finds out* things, they have short shrifted any kind of closure on those elements of their relationship's growth.


Chummy shots with Regina after his life was almost extinguished? (not over that baloney yet LOL)


YES, Hart to Hart is a perfect example! Yeah, I am older,  too (grin). A sassy, devoted couple is what this season sorely lacks. Even though Snowing has it's very enjoyable loving jabs, it  doesn't have the edge anymore to be the witty, turmoil-tumbled, head-butting but sensual lovers.

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Apparently The Words music video was partially filmed at Zelena's house!



I do wonder if that was intentional on Christina's part, or if they just needed a rural farm house to rent, and the location scout/whoever picked it by chance. Either way, "soon" better be sooner than later, cause I'm getting sick of waiting!

Is it creepy if Christina Perri got a tattoo of a hook drawing Colin drew for her, or does that just make her the ultimate fan girl?



I thought she just drew it with pen on her skin, but people seem to think it's real, and it would make more sense for her "promise" to be a real tattoo. She has quite a few, so maybe it's cool? I could never do anything like that!

Edited by pezgirl7

If she didn't have very many tattoos on her body to begin with, it'd probably be a little creepy. But she seems like the type who's addicted to ink and isn't afraid to get a joke tattoo or two. So if she's a big fan of Colin's and wants to have a fun drawing of a hook he drew for her on her body, then I say go for it girl! (Personally, I could never get a tattoo of anything. I'd just frame the drawing and put it up on a shelf somewhere.)

Edited by Curio
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She has TONS of tattoos, so to me it's just one in a string and probably not that big a deal to her to add one more. She's celebrating something that made her happy. About the only thing that would EVER make me even THINK about getting a tattoo would be if Colin drew me a hook, LOL.


Eccentric musicians? They're about as rare as eccentric artists. (I know a few.) ;)

Edited by Souris
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Colin and Marilyn Manson became Twitter buddies after MM lent his voice to Pan's Shadow, I'd take that to mean eccentricities like people sewing ink into their skin probably doesn't put him off, even though Colin comes off as about as ordinary as soda bread when he's not in character (bless his heart.)

Edited by Faemonic
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Another behind the scenes photo from The Words, from inside Zelena's house I believe.


She looks so tiny!


So Colin is eating soup and bread, while reading a book (which sort of looks like Henry's storybook) and then later is outside chopping wood with his sleeves rolled up, then goes to a flower store... sounds like a fan fic. LOL

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She may have been using this as a chance to act out a fan fic.

Especially if the video calls for kissing and such. One thing for sure, she knows exactly what she's doing while promting this. Her crazy shenanigans apart, she has hyped this to the max (I still think the whole tattoo is cray cray, but whatever floats their boat I guess).

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Christina definitely knows what she's doing with promoting the video. The fan fic continues; her latest photo, of Colin in bed:


See Adam and Eddy? It's not not that hard to film a bedroom scene.

Edited by pezgirl7
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I saw a tumblr theory that Christina is playing a ghost in the video. It actually rather fits the pics we've seen.

I saw the same theory, and I did think it looked like Colin was not suppose to be able to see Christina in the scenes, either like she was haunting him, or she couldn't let him go. Not so much an actual ghost in my mind.

Regarding Colin working out, have you not seen his ice bucket challenge video? :D

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It will be interesting to see how many views her music video gets.  I'm assuming between Tumblr, Twitter (and I'm assuming she has a Facebook account), the likes, reblogs and re-tweets are already high enough...she really hyped up the whole thing, hasn't she?  She'll probably release it right before Once comes back from hiatus too.

I'm glad someone could look at the wallpaper. You have better self control than I do right now. The smile does me in. I'm supposed to be doing homework on communist countries in the 1970s. I haven't quite figured out a way to say that my pic looking is research, but it totally is research.

Something about the use of social media as a marketing tool, perhaps? Given all the propaganda engaged in by the Godless Commies (us, too, both sides do it!), just imagine what they could've done back in the day.

From the cast in other roles talking about accents.


I personally thought that Colin's American accent in The Rite sounded very natural although a little more general at some parts than at others. I didn't quite catch when his Irish accent slipped back in.


When playing Hook, I've heard of the beanstalk-climbing, "I love a challenge" line but I didn't hear it as Irish; the line to the prostitute (The Enchanted Forest has prostitutes what) about "in the morning, you'll be sure to tell them you'd a grand time" though, I so heard the Irish in that.


But my ear's generally terrible: I actually typed here that Michael Socha (Will Scarlett,

knave of hearts

had a Cockney accent. Back at the Buffy fandom, everyone said that Eliza Dushku's Boston accent kept slipping in this one episode when it usually doesn't, and I was just, like, "Erm...I believe you...I like those custard-filled donuts with the layer of chocolate on top..." (Like does it sound different if you're from Boston, Maine versus Boston, Massachusetts?) (Dylan Schmid is so much more Canadian in interviews than Baelfire ever was, to bring it back to Once. And on to Hook!)

Edited by Faemonic

I don't actually consider any accent lapses as Hook to be real slips (whether or not they're intentional) because for one thing, Hook is from another world rather than from a specific place in our world, and for another, I wouldn't expect a person like Hook to have a "pure" accent. He's traveled widely and been around a lot of different people from different places, so he's probably picked up bits and pieces from all over. There's also the chance that he might not have grown up in the same place he's originally from, depending on how that backstory really played out -- his father left while they were on a voyage and he must have arrived alone in a foreign place, so unless he was shipped back home, then there's the chance that he learned to talk with one accent in one place then moved to another place. His accent now would make total sense if his native accent where he learned to talk was "Irish" and then the place where he grew up was "British" (or that world's equivalents). There's been no evidence on the show, but he has been shown to change personas/moods/attitudes as needed as a survival strategy (like when he went into "too pretty to kill" mode when Regina caught him and ended up sending him after Cora), so I imagine he could bust out a variety of accents as needed.


In The Rite, what I noticed in the parts that sounded very consciously American was something that tends to come up in foreigners trying to sound American. They move their vowels to a different place in their head, which can go a bit nasal. As a result, a lot of foreign actors sound like they're from Chicago when they do American accents, since that gives a rather flat midwestern effect to the sound. It kind of worked here, as the character was from Chicago. But it also means the accent slips become more obvious because it changes the tone of the voice. It's not just that the word is pronounced differently, but it comes from a different place in the head and sounds different in tone and sometimes even pitch. And then there were a number of times when the American accent sounded really natural, but that meant his voice was so different it sounded like a different person talking. There was one moment where he said something like, "Dude? Seriously?" and it sounded so genuine but at the same time like the exact opposite of what I've come to expect to hear from him that it cracked me up (it was early in the movie, so I was still having cognitive dissonance issues).


Does anyone know if Colin is an Irish speaker? I've noticed that he doesn't use the Anglicized pronunciation of his last name -- that Irish "gh" is very much there when he says it. That's likely to affect accent issues, if he doesn't just have an accent from living in Ireland but also from speaking Irish.

True. His brother's name was Liam, and even though the worldbuilding is sort of choppy in-show, Liam and Killian (that I type out just fine but keep wanting to pronounce as Kieran, but that might be my high school Japanese lessons haunting me) are kind of West-of-Englishlund sounding.


Colin also speaks French, or at least I read on his IMBD page that he went to France to learn to speak French. I don't know what level of fluency he accomplished if so, but I imagine that it eases a transition into natural-sounding put-on accents if you speak another language. It worked for Holly Golightly!


Now I'm wondering if Robert Carlyle speaks Scottish Gaelic. And if two people can speak Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic respectively and understand what the other would be saying. 

Edited by Faemonic

Does anyone know if Colin is an Irish speaker? I've noticed that he doesn't use the Anglicized pronunciation of his last name -- that Irish "gh" is very much there when he says it.


 I doubt Colin speaks much Irish. He's from somewhere outside of Dublin and the Irish speaking community in and around Dublin is very, very small. It's grown in more recent years, but not when he was growing up. I have a good friend from Dublin whose family spoke only Irish in their home and she explained how very few people there were like her family when she was young (she's roughly Colin's age). Most of the Irish speaking places are in the west.


To veer completely off topic, I thought my friend's story was cool because she said her family started speaking English when she started school, so her younger sisters aren't quite as well spoken in Irish as she is. It sounded similar to my grandfather's story of how he spoke Swedish at home until he started school. It was interesting how her family in Ireland changed just like my grandfather's family in the US did.

Edited by KAOS Agent
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You know, that really had to have been a dream role for a young, unknown actor. Yeah, the budget was small, the script wasn't great, it wasn't a huge hit and the reviews were kind of mixed, but he had Rutger Hauer playing his father, he had scenes with Toby Jones and Ciaran Hinds, and his primary scene partner was Anthony Hopkins. It must have been like being paid to take a master class in acting with some of the best mentors anyone could hope for.

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You know, that really had to have been a dream role for a young, unknown actor. Yeah, the budget was small, the script wasn't great, it wasn't a huge hit and the reviews were kind of mixed, but he had Rutger Hauer playing his father, he had scenes with Toby Jones and Ciaran Hinds, and his primary scene partner was Anthony Hopkins. It must have been like being paid to take a master class in acting with some of the best mentors anyone could hope for.

Colin had also fallen in love with the script of The Rite, according to an interview, because of the subject matter that he'd gone through his own journey with until he was comfortable enough in his beliefs. I think he did a pretty good job of it, too, but then again I watched it after watching Once and his Saucy!Killian, his Tragedy!Killian, and his Young!Puppy!Killian! and maybe if I watched The Rite first I would have written him off as just another Hollywood pretty boy.


Although I think Tragedy!Kovac and Tragedy!Killian have different expressions. Tragedy!Killian has a consistent one (compare him trying to convince Bae that he didn't kill Milah, trying to convince Emma that the past decade was a memory implant of an evil morally ambiguous evil sorceress, and trying to convince his talking phone that he's sorry for the blackmail that would culminate in Emma's hatting) but it's furrowed deeper than Kovac's or something.


I saw on his website that he played Cassio in Othello. I would have loved to see that!

Edited by Faemonic

I enjoyed his characterisation of Spike, but his accent always sounded off to me (though it got less bad as the seasons went on). But in the same way you can handwave Hook's accent as fine because he's from a fictional place, I can handwave it as an upper class guy affecting a lower class accent + many years traveling around the world + many years living in the US. 


More on topic, the most Irish-sounding Hook line I can recall was "Long enough for me to know that I miss him too" in 3.01.

I hear his Irish come through fairly often, but it's usually only a word or two, so it's not really noticeable. I agree with whoever upthread said that the one line that he really showed his Irish was his telling the prostitute to say they had a grand time. The use of the word grand is so very Irish that it made it doubly noticeable. Like if some guy from Boston was trying to fake a Fargo accent and then suddenly slipped "wicked" into a sentence where he also dropped some r's. 

Edited by KAOS Agent
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I thought Hook's most Irish sounding, or maybe just different sounding, line was in Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home, when Hook and Emma are sitting outside Midas' castle, and he says "A predictable excess of pomp and grandeur." Just the way he says it sounded strange to me. I downloaded The Rite off of OnDemand last night, and watched about half before it was time for bed. I still didn't hear any Irish slips in Colin's accent. :) But like I said before, I kinda suck with accents. Maybe it's because I'm from Wisconsin, and we just have our own inflections that are a little different than everyone else, and I am far from being a world traveler.

Edited by pezgirl7
Although I think Tragedy!Kovac and Tragedy!Killian have different expressions. Tragedy!Killian has a consistent one (compare him trying to convince Bae that he didn't kill Milah, trying to convince Emma that the past decade was a memory implant of an evil morally ambiguous evil sorceress, and trying to convince his talking phone that he's sorry for the blackmail that would culminate in Emma's hatting) but it's furrowed deeper than Kovac's or something.

Well, they're very, very different characters. Kovac was very bottled up, not only shutting himself off to everyone else but also to himself. He'd more or less made himself numb. Hook wears his heart on his sleeve. He may not always talk about why he's feeling what he's feeling, but he very seldom shuts down to the point that he's denying he has feelings. When I was skimming through reviews on The Rite, deciding if it was something I could handle (since I'm a bit of a weenie and don't like horror, though it turned out not to be horror), I noticed that while a lot of the reviews mentioned that this was a young actor you're likely to see a lot more of or that he more than held his own with Anthony Hopkins, there were also some who accused him of being wooden or stony. If you hadn't seen him outside that role, either in another role or as himself, I can see why you'd think that, but having seen him play Hook and having seen interviews or panels where he was being himself, it's clearly an acting choice for that character. Hook is very out there, and even though Colin seems to be rather quiet and very shy, he has a very expressive face, where you can read just about every thought that crosses his mind (those ComicCon interviews where he was paired with Jen and she did most of the talking while he just sat there were amusing because you could almost pull quotes for him out of his facial expressions). I hope he either doesn't play poker or draws upon his acting skills to shut down his face because otherwise you could probably read his entire hand in his eyes.

Well, they're very, very different characters.

Some actors can't get away from their mannerisms, though, especially if the talents are young and pretty and so many roles are written for "young and pretty" so they don't need to ever actually be, you know...good.


So Colin really is a gem, like everyone in the Once cast. Too true about being able to pull quotes just from his facial expressions!

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