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Like Sand Through an Hourglass: Behind the Scenes of DOOL

Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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Here is a photo gallery of DOOL cast members, both current and former, at the 19th Annual DOOL James Reynolds Celebrity Basketball Game.


It's nice seeing Nadia (Chloe), Rachel (Chelsea), and Shelley (Stephanie) again.

Thanks for sharing. I have to give big props to AZ who showed up appropriately dressed for basketball and looks like she actually knows how to shoot. And Shelley Hennig gets points for at least having appropriate footwear. NB and RM - who you fooling?

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So, I watched DooL from around....1992-1997-ish and came back last year.  I had to research after seeing this post:



Really sweet.  I was never a fan of Daniel and Chelsea but that shot of Shawn Christian and Rachel Melvin was really nice to see.  They actually look age appropriate, lol.


Ga-Ross!!  YUCK!  Now I get all the comments on this board about how skanky he is. 

So, I watched DooL from around....1992-1997-ish and came back last year.  I had to research after seeing this post:



Ga-Ross!!  YUCK!  Now I get all the comments on this board about how skanky he is. 

You have no idea how slutty Daniel is. He tried to work his way through the Roberts/Reed women.  First Chelsea, then Kate, he even tried with Billie who actually turned him down.

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Don't forget that he groped Chloe on the examination table in his office and that began their love story...He is a disgusting pervert and my beloved Jack was sacrificed for that Jackass...Unbelievable! I will do a cartwheel when Daniel leaves Salem for good and Parker is revealed to be Philip's...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Man, and I just thought he was a sanctimonious ass-hat.  What a jackwad hypocrite!

The only time Daniel has had any self-realization was when he met Billie.  That first encounter when she tells him that she knows who he is and that she is Chelsea's mother.  Daniel actually has a look of shame and embarrassment and tells Billie he knows that she doesn't care for him nor does she like him very much.


As far as Lucas, even outside of the Chloe affair, Lucas has a right to resent Daniel messing with all the women in his life.  First he dates his niece (Chelsea), then his mother (Kate), then has an affair with his wife (Chloe).  Then proceeds to date his sister (Jennifer), then tries to date his other sister (Billie) unsuccessfully. 


Ironically if Daniel had been a different character I can see him and Lucas being best friends/cousins/brother types considering their connection through Maggie.  Hell, Daniel even took Maggie away from Lucas.

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He also stole Victor from Lucas. Lucas and Victor had a father/son bond when he first came on the show with Deborah Adair's Kate. They were very close when Kate, Victor, Philip, Will and Lucas lived at the Kiriakis mansion..I find Victor's hate for Will out of character..He loved Lucas and Will..He always hated Sami, but he never held that against Will. Victor  written in character would have been anti Paul and be trying to keep Wilson together..Victor was never a hypocrite and sanctimonious. Family is everything to him. Will being Sonny's husband, Philip's nephew, Kate's grandson and Lucas' son would have been reason enough for him to stay neutral.  look at how he was when Will lied about being the father of Gabi's baby. He encouraged Sonny not to hold it against Will.. Justin would stay out of it as well....This show  has its pets like Sparkle and Dr. Tan and they must be propped at all cost...Even if it does not make any sense...

Edited by Apprentice79
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He also stole Victor from Lucas. Lucas and Victor had a father/son bond when he first came on the show with Deborah Adair's Kate. They were very close when Kate, Victor, Philip, Will and Lucas lived at the Kiriakis mansion..I find Victor's hate for Will out of character..He loved Lucas and Will..He always hated Sami, but he never held that against Will. Victor  written in character would have been anti Paul and be trying to keep Wilson together..Victor was never a hypocrite and sanctimonious. Family is everything to him. Will being Sonny's husband, Philip's nephew, Kate's grandson and Lucas' son would have been reason enough for him to stay neutral.  look at how he was when Will lied about being the father of Gabi's baby. He encouraged Sonny not to hold it against Will.. Justin would stay out of it as well....This show  has its pets like Sparkle and Dr. Tan and they must be propped at all cost...Even if it does not make any sense...

Amen.  I hate when they try and pretend that Will and Sonny weren't part of the same family growing up.  As close as they tell us Victor and Sonny are, we actually saw Will grow up as part of Victor's family.  I like that Victor was never an obstacle to Sonny and Will getting together.  I like Victor when he has more sympathy towards Will.  Victor has been around the block long enough to not take sides with Sonny and Will.

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Amen.  I hate when they try and pretend that Will and Sonny weren't part of the same family growing up.  As close as they tell us Victor and Sonny are, we actually saw Will grow up as part of Victor's family.  I like that Victor was never an obstacle to Sonny and Will getting together.  I like Victor when he has more sympathy towards Will.  Victor has been around the block long enough to not take sides with Sonny and Will.

Exactly...Will was family to Victor..He would have been understanding and encouraging Sonny not to give up on his family. He would have  told Sparkle to stay away from Wilson...I always wanted the show to acknowledge that Sonny and Will are connected through so many  people in Salem...It is shocking to me that Wilson never met as kids....The one time that Sonny and his whole family were in Salem, they were not shown onscreen. Plus, Will was in Europe with Carrie and Austin after he shot EJ..


.I never understood why the show abandoned the Willl/Austin bond..They lived as father and Son for 2 years and that added another layer of resentment for Lucas when it came to Austin. In his mind, Austin stole Carrie, Kate and Will away from him..Austin should still be an influence in Will's life and been a part of Ari's life.He should have been at Wilson's wedding....Austin was devastated when he lost Will as a son, he named him after Billie...I hated how Will supported Abigail over sami, forgetting how she played games with his beloved uncle Austin and aunt Carrie. I would love to see Bill Horton come back and interact with Lucas, Will, Ari, Kate, Jennifer, Abigail and JJ. This show and the missed opportunities to create storylines is astounding to me....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Ken Corday needs to retire. I have no doubt he is behind the destruction of both Will and Wilson..He is truly an idiot...

Without a doubt, I was told by a former prominent member of Salem that all Corday cares about is the music and he sits around composing that shitty garbage (my words) all day that we are forced to listen to and cringe at. He's basically L.Ron Hubbard in a cabin at this point.

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I don't think Days has the budget to afford his salary...Everybody has deep conversations on a park bench...lol...

It's okay on GH they all have it out on the docks where so many people basically died. Don't want Geary here anyway. Would be happy for the return of JKJ. They really need to build up the DiMeras first though, or recast EJ it's looking sad over at DiMansion and I know Higley loves their feud as much as I.

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If TJ Hoban is a recast EJ, I think I will still get my wish.  AS/Sami is only visiting Salem.  Sami could have moved on, and when she finds out EJ is alive, she wants a divorce.  Making the movie reminded Sami of all the reasons why she never trusted EJ, all the horrible things he did to her, and why Sami always chose Rafe and Lucas over EJ.

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Disney, re Eileen on RHOBH -- she rocked that gig. Along with Lisa Rinna, to a lesser extent (there was a whole big thing with Kim Richards that didn't flatter either Lisa or Kim). But Eileen? She was awesome. Came across miles more mature, successful and down to earth than her co-wives. And her husband Vince was a riot : )

Edited by Lastwaltz
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Is Tony alive or is Andre alive?  I hope it is Tony.  Although now I am back to wondering if Days has been cancelled with all of these returns.  Unless the Network and Sony have finally told Ken Corday he is no longer allowed any input whatsoever since he was the one who believed characters like Bo, Steve, and Tony were not necessary to the canvas.


I don't think Days is cancelled..I think that they realize that Ken Corday is an idiot....I hope Jack is back as well....That would be the  icing on the cake.....If it is Tony, I want Anna back along with Carrie, Austin and their baby..I always loved Carrie's relationship with Tony, Roman, John and Marlena. I want a  Carrie/Anna storyline..At the end of the day, that is what soaps are all about..Complicated relationships..I am getting excited you guys..I am actually hopeful about the future...I want Tony to be Sparkle's father...John never did a DNA test and Dena loves Tony.....Thaao is on contract..The old sets are coming back, where is the show getting all this money.....Mmmmmm..

Edited by Apprentice79
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He is the marketing director now, that is part of his job to do that..

He's not "the" marketing director.  Nerium just gives that title to any and all sellers who reach a certain amount of sales. It's an empty, cosmetic title. They do that to help sellers sound more important. He isn't doing anything now that he was doing before he got that title - no responsibilities and people to manage like an actual Marketing Director at a Fortune 500 company would have. He's just selling, same as he was.


Does that mean that she will not be back for the anniversary?

Is the anniversary supposed to be a specific "date in time", or are they celebrating over the course of a few months?  I'm assuming that all the actors coming back are not involved in one big storyline so I assume that they will be "in and out" over a long stretch of time.


For example, does "Days 50th" run from September 2015 to February 2016, covering two sweeps period.  Or is the year of 2016 supposed to be the "celebration of the 50th"?

Edited by JBC344
Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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