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Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold

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The CW has renewed eight of its shows. iZombie is probably getting renewed as well. Plus, they've committed to showing Beauty and the Beast until the end of times. They need one new show for an October premiere, maybe two if iZombie gets renewed for another short season. That's it for fall. Then they need a couple of mid-season replacements.

It's math. They've ordered four other pilots besides the spinoff. All of them from producers they either have a super close relationship with [Julie Plec] or big name folk [Marc Cherry. Kurtzman/Orci. Tom Kapinos via JJ Abrams' company]. The spinoff has to be better than at least two of those pilots to get picked up. Without a pilot.

Edit: I mean, I think it will get picked up. But the network is definitely making Berlanti and co. work for it.



I dunno, having read about these pilots, none of them seem like a sure pick. I mean, an anthology? Seriously? I don't buy it.


Crossing my fingers for iZombie renewal, though, it's fun and entertaining and I already love the heroine.


It's not yet clear how many episodes will the renewed shows get. For instance, with The 100, it's probably no more than 16 like this year, and Beauty and the Beast will likely be shown in the summer again. I could imagine iZombie getting 13 episodes again as well, who knows.


I think the show will get a pick up, personally.

BATB fills a role for CW's venture into summer programming. It also makes money for them internationally & has a strong fanbase, so it doesn't really hurt them to renew it for a short season & drop it in May to fill the summer. I feel like BATB is a guaranteed summer player for them which is why they got renewed. Figure out a cost/benefit analysis, give them a strict budget and then let the show make money for you.


iZombie & Jane the Virgin, even the 100 to an extent when you read their descriptions & premises did not seem like shows that would catch on & find an audience. All 3 have done well. JtV even got a Golden Globe, so you can't always tell what you get from just the descriptions or sizzlers. So the pilot season may turn out some surprises. They do seem to have some talented people presenting stuff.


I think the spin-off is facing some resistant from the network likely because of cost & the fact that they do not want to be seen as the "superhero"/DC network. I think they want to have a little variety in their programming. The other major problem facing it from a logistics stand point is the cross-overs. The Spin-off show would be a great mid-season slotted show like Agent Carter or a summer show like BATB, but you can't do that and have crossovers. You can have Arrow/Flash drop by the spin-off, but you can't have their plotlines constantly crossing each other if they do not air at the same time.


So the spin-off in someways seems like a scheduling problem child. Its essentially asking for a coveted 22-23 season slot without proving that it can bring the numbers/audience to that slot. Its also then asking for one of the current CW shows to vacate their slot to make room for it. All of the fall slotted 2014 full season CW shows have been renewed. The only ones without official renewals are Hart of Dixie, The Messengers & iZombie, and they were never full season shows. HOD is likely cancelled :( & if anything it will probably only get a short order & can be thrown anywhere, similar to what they did to last season of Nikita. The Messengers hasn't even aired, so no evidence to even discuss. iZombie seems to be getting some good fan interaction & buzz, so I hope it gets renewed. Perhaps the shorter season substitution with the 100s, works best in each of their favors. People have been raving about the 100 and I think a lot of that has to do with a trimmed season. The scripts are required to produce quality when they have limited time to tell stories & characters, they don't have the leeway to write some of the filler scenes or episodes. Now they could cut Reign or another low performing show to a shorter season, but even if they did that it does not open a full season slot. So it begs the question that I'm sure the CW is thinking about is where do we put this spin-off?

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Haven't they cut or minimized the budgets on Arrow and Flash, which is why they were so obviously reusing sets? If they're not able or willing to spend there how can they hope to afford a show with a CGI guy in a suit, a guy with a cold gun, something involving time travel, a woman with wings, and whatever the hell Caity is doing?

Edited by KirkB
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The Messengers hasn't even aired, so no evidence to even discuss


I've watched some clips and previews and it's got my vote for cancellation.  My gut says it's going to be an awful convoluted, dull, stupid, wooden mess.   The characters are all stereotypes and to my mind unlikable and the premise something best left to Supernatural.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Haven't they cut or minimized the budgets on Arrow and Flash, which is why they were so obviously reusing sets? If they're not able or willing to spend there how can they hope to afford a show with a CGI guy in a suit, a guy with a cold gun, something involving time travel, a woman with wings, and whatever the hell Caity is doing?

I only know that Arrow's budget was cut from S1 to S2, nothing else has been stated publicly. They are sharing sets and cutting costs. However, I think it might be related to going CGI heavy on Arrow (with ATOM Suit).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Couldn't they still do cross-overs even if the shows air at different times of the year?  Something like the two-parter in the fall they couldn't do because the shows would be back-to-back but they could still have various characters cross-over, Cisco to work on some with Ray's suit, Laurel to visit Sara, Felicity to bring a new data program as well as Barry and Oliver.   It might even be easier to do it that way because there wouldn't be the screw-up with 318 coming before 118 again.

And they may well have had hopes of getting rid of KC at some point, we'll never know. Having a much better BC in their back pockets is excellent leverage.

I wonder if this is one of the reasons they brought Sara into the spin-off, as well as the popularity of the character, gave are giving her a Canary name.  It leaves open the prospect that if KC does leave the show, they'll still have a comics Canary who could appear on Arrow.

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The Superhero Fight Club video in the spoiler section is one reason why I think this spin-off is a "go" for sure - it is so great watching all of those characters together!  Just watching Heat Wave admire Firestorm was great.  I can't wait to see them add in Hawkgirl and Sara's White Canary to this mix.  I do think they should forget about any cross-overs that could get messed up with changing air dates and just trim both Flash and Arrow by one episode going forward (don't most shows do 22 episodes instead of 23 anyway?) and do a two-hour cross-over movie with all the characters each season.

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I'd be in favor of limiting crossover episodes to season finales, or one episode per season. That said, this is very unlikely to happen - "The Scientist" and "Three Ghosts" were ratings highlights for Arrow last season, and this season, "Going Rogue" did solidly in the ratings, and "Flash vs. Arrow" and "The Brave and the Bold" both did very well in the ratings and raised the ratings, at least temporarily, for both shows. Expect more crossovers.

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I think the spin-off is facing some resistant from the network likely because of cost & the fact that they do not want to be seen as the "superhero"/DC network. I think they want to have a little variety in their programming


CW had already picked up all its pilots when this new spinoff was announced, to me it sounds like they are desperate for hit shows which superhero shows tend to be on the network or are not very hopeful of the pilots they currently have. They renewed all their shows and have many pilots in development, so its not like they was any shortage on the schedule. So I think they added this because they really want and believe in it. Superheroes are tuning out to be a very profitable franchise on the network, since they are expanding it wont become too cramped up with that kind only.


So the spin-off in someways seems like a scheduling problem child. Its essentially asking for a coveted 22-23 season slot without proving that it can bring the numbers/audience to that slot. Its also then asking for one of the current CW shows to vacate their slot to make room for it.


It might be a short season...maybe

Wow, I had no idea Arrow was so bad for white washing. It would be disgraceful if CL played White Canary but I doubt that'll stop this team.


Yeah its becoming a disturbing trail, some of these are really key roles. Yes they did well with diversity in The Flash, but overall its very unbalanced right now. When it comes to Arrow they have gotten really lazy at being inclusive, for a while now. 

Edited by Conell

I'd be in favor of limiting crossover episodes to season finales, or one episode per season. That said, this is very unlikely to happen - "The Scientist" and "Three Ghosts" were ratings highlights for Arrow last season, and this season, "Going Rogue" did solidly in the ratings, and "Flash vs. Arrow" and "The Brave and the Bold" both did very well in the ratings and raised the ratings, at least temporarily, for both shows. Expect more crossovers.

I actually love the cross-overs so its not that I don't want them.  I just don't want story messed up with them.  So I want them used carefully - like if Flash characters come onto Arrow - its for the Arrow story with no impact on Flash and vice versa so that if airdates get messed up, it doesn't matter.  Hopefully this spin-off gets the green light and they can use that cast of characters for a lot of "cross-over" type plots as I don't think that would mess within timelines as much.  I still want a two-hour event with everyone each season. :)

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At the Winter TCAs, Mark Pedowitz said the plan is to keep the crossovers an yearly thing happening in December. He compared it to the Doctor Who Christmas specials. But of course that was before the spinoff in this team-up form was ever announced.



I'm pretty sure the spin-off is a go for at least one 13 episode run.  At this point, why not do it?  They have a chance to introduce characters that people are getting excited about (Hawkgirl, Rip Hunter) and sell merchandise related to those characters.  It seems worth it even if Ray isn't the most popular character ever.  Besides, they really need to do two things to make Ray work - 1) get him away from Arrow and 2) make him shrink.

I don't mean to toss off all of people concerns, but really, most of those concerns are how he relates to Felicity.  Once he is away from her and contributing to a team show and interacting with what sounds like a very fun mix of characters - people are going to be fine with Ray.  Maybe he won't be the fan favorite (I'm watching the spin-off for Sara and Hawkgirl) but he'll be fine.

The only big thing that people seem to be complaining about that could follow him off Arrow - is that he looks more like Phony Stark than Atom.  So, make him shrink and problem solved. I mean my fiancé doesn't like Ray, but not because of Ray - just because he doesn't belong on Arrow.  I think once he is on a show he is supposed to be on - things will change.


Good post, I agree mostly.

I have to say, after watching tonight's Flash crossover, I really hope they get their continuity right if they're going to try crossing over THREE shows. There were errors in tonight's timeline with The Flash and Arrow that weren't to do with the scheduling change.


That'll get frustrating real quick IMO.

Edited by apinknightmare
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CW had already picked up all its pilots when this new spinoff was announced, to me it sounds like they are desperate for hit shows which superhero shows tend to be on the network or are not very hopeful of the pilots they currently have. They renewed all their shows and have many pilots in development, so its not like they was any shortage on the schedule. So I think they added this because they really want and believe in it. Superheroes are tuning out to be a very profitable franchise on the network, since they are expanding it wont become too cramped up with that kind only.

I think they are interested in the show which is why its in development. But I'm not sure I would go as far to say that they really want it. If they did, then it would already be confirmed. And Mark Pedowitz has gone on record about being concerned about audience fatigue. The CW wants to make $$, and superheroes have been profitable to so far. But if this show costs too much or does not hit the creative notes they want it to, it won't get beyond the preliminary/pilot/development stage. I've been reading Mark Pedowitz comments for at least 2 years now and he has a very specific vision about how he sees the CW, the audiences and how he plans to make it all profitable. Variety, Quality & Profit are consistent themes he brings up.


I remember last year, Mark Pedowitz seemed really into having the Supernatural Spin-Off and it never made it to series. Supernatural has made a lot of money for the network over the 10 seasons it has been on the air and has a large fanbase, so it had similar things in its favor as this spin-off. The CW & Mark Pedowitz are romantics and enjoy making all these grand gestures with their pilots & development projects. Creatively I think they also like to explore all of their options. But at the end of the day, they think with their wallets. The only way this show is making it to the roster is if it brings in money/profit. Now the one thing in the favor of all of the shows vying for a spot on the roster is that the CW does think out of the box (shorter seasons, around year programming). Thus more spots available than on other networks with a more traditional schedule. So there is good hope that this spin-off will be signed, the superhero fight club promo was a promising sign that they are trying to market all these team-ups. And the finales seem to indicate more team-ups. But I think Upfronts will give more insight and possible confirmation.


Source regarding Pedowitz's comments:

http://screenrant.com/arrow-flash-crossovers-annual-atom-spinoff/ All quotes below from article.


His direct quote - “We are having some preliminary discussions about expanding [that] universe, but we have not vetted them out. Could there be another hour in that universe? Possibly. As long as there’s no audience fatigue.”


About passing on Supergirl - " 'We were aware of it, [but] you don’t want to become just one thing.' However, according to previous reports, the possibility of the series crossing over to The CW is on the table.Although it may seem contradictory for The CW to pass on Supergirl then begin talks for another DC universe television series, it likely comes down to timing. If CW had picked up Supergirl, it would have debuted a year after the network launched The Flash. That doesn’t provide the network with enough time to determine 'audience fatigue' as Pedowitz put it."

Edited by kismet
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I'd be in favor of limiting crossover episodes to season finales


I think too much stuff is usually happening toward the end of the season for crossovers to not come with a lot of tricky issues.  Sure, show up as manpower, but not for character stuff. 



What, you didn't love it when Ray said at the dinner that he has no secrets from Felicity?


I guess it was technically true since the timeline (after most of 3.17) puts it after he finally came clean about the suit.  



I have to say, after watching tonight's Flash crossover, I really hope they get their continuity right if they're going to try crossing over THREE shows. There were errors in tonight's timeline with The Flash and Arrow that weren't to do with the scheduling change.


That'll get frustrating real quick IMO.

What stood out as a time line error?   (I mean knowing that it was supposed to be before 3.18)   But yeah, I agree they need to be careful about timing.  It makes it a lot less fun if you spend half that time stopping and saying, but wait didn't....

What other secrets do you know of that he is still keeping from Felicity?


If this episode was between 16-17 that line would've been shit. But if it's in episode 17 (between Felicity thanking Oliver and Ray having that meeting with the Mayor) then there aren't any that we know of. I guess, I still think that line was kinda bull because Ray kept secrets from Felicity before, what will stop him from doing that later? I guess I just don't believe that it's possible to ever tell the complete truth to someone. 

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In case anyone's interested, I created a "what will the spinoff be called?" poll here, over in the Flash forum.


I wonder if Berlanti has a full-time script continuity coordinator on-staff, to make sure that the crossover appearances (which would be written by the other show's staff) actually sync up.

Edited by MarkHB
Fixed link
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So, I've finally seen Ray on The Flash, and he was... OK, I guess? But nowhere as good as Barry was on his first appearance on Arrow. From this one episode, I wouldn't say he could work as the real lead character, so I definitely understand why The CW didn't want The Atom show and converted it to a team effort. I didn't hate him at all, so I wouldn't mind him on the spin-off, as long as it would focus on him being a lighter comic-y character (I guess he could contrast with Sara well in this case, she has enough angst for the whole team, or maybe Captain Cold, if he'll be a reluctant ally) and not on his inevitable manpain which every male not called Cisco is required to have in the Flarrow universe.

Edited by FurryFury
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I was watching #TheFlash hashtag on Twitter during the East Coast airing last night, it was interesting how very few Palmer mentions there were. Lots and lots of FELICITY! tweets, but Palmer? <crickets> And most of the commentary about him was of the mocking kind, bunch of lesser Iron Man jibs... EXCEPT during his interaction with Cisco. Spontaneous response to that one was very positive.


I hope someone at the CW is taking notes on what makes people spontaneously connect with Palmer, because that's where they have to go with the character on the spinoff.

  • Love 5

I was watching #TheFlash hashtag on Twitter during the East Coast airing last night, it was interesting how very few Palmer mentions there were. Lots and lots of FELICITY! tweets, but Palmer? <crickets> And most of the commentary about him was of the mocking kind, bunch of lesser Iron Man jibs... EXCEPT during his interaction with Cisco. Spontaneous response to that one was very positive.


I hope someone at the CW is taking notes on what makes people spontaneously connect with Palmer, because that's where they have to go with the character on the spinoff.

Cisco makes everything better, but he's not going to the spin off. They're going to have to find another way to make Ray work. Or another character for him to bounce off.

  • Love 4

So, I've finally seen Ray on The Flash, and he was... OK, I guess? But nowhere as good as Barry was on his first appearance on Arrow. From this one episode, I wouldn't say he could work as the real lead character, so I definitely understand why The CW didn't want The Atom show and converted it to a team effort. I didn't hate him at all, so I wouldn't mind him on the spin-off, as long as it would focus on him being a lighter comic-y character (I guess he could contrast with Sara well in this case, she has enough angst for the whole team, or maybe Captain Cold, if he'll be a reluctant ally) and not on his inevitable manpain which every male not called Cisco is required to have in the Flarrow universe.

I thought Ray and Cisco played really, really well off each other.  And now that I think about it - I think Ray will be the Cisco for the spin-off.  Of all the characters out there, he's the only one I think that will be goofy and make me laugh.  As he is written, I wouldn't have put him as the show lead but I think he'll be great on the team up.  And they were totally setting him up for the suit to shrink at the end of that episode!


Oh and as far as the CW not wanting a bunch of superhero spin-offs - I actually think the team up show is a great way to deal with that.  If any character gets a lot of traction from Arrow and Flash, they can now keep them alive on the spin-off.  It's a rather brilliant way of dealing with fan demand for "more" masks while not sacrificing more time slots to these types of shows.  Besides, let's face it - Arrow will be in its 4th season once this show airs.  Clearly the CW will let shows run forever if they have the audience (I cannot believe how long Supernatural has been on), but that doesn't mean Arrow will go back 6 or 7 seasons. 


The new team up spin-off allows them to have a vibrant DC universe and keep fan favorites around (like Felicity) even if Arrow decides not to go more than 5 or 6 seasons.  It also allows them to measure which character might be perfect for a solo show when Arrow does end. 

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I thought Ray and Cisco played really, really well off each other.  And now that I think about it - I think Ray will be the Cisco for the spin-off.  Of all the characters out there, he's the only one I think that will be goofy and make me laugh. 

Cisco, and Felicity, can interact with almost any character and make it a fun experience for the audience (I say almost because, well, Laurel). I don't think the same can be said for Ray. I don't think it was Ray making those scenes pop, I think it was Cisco.


What the spin off needs is another Cisco/Felicity type character, who has chemistry with everyone. None of the already established characters do this, so it's up to Hawkgirl or Rip. If it's going to happen, my money is on Rip, because Arthur Darvill can be very funny.

  • Love 6

In case anyone's interested, I created a "what will the spinoff be called?" poll here, over in the Flash forum.


I wonder if Berlanti has a full-time script continuity coordinator on-staff, to make sure that the crossover appearances (which would be written by the other show's staff) actually sync up.


Based on last night's episode, I think it would be a good idea to have one, especially if they start doing crossovers between all three shows.

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I actually really liked Ray in the crossover, I thought he was adorkably charming, not more than Barry but still good. I'm starting to think that it may just be that he really doesn't belong in Starling City and that the Arrow writers just had absolutely no idea what to do with him. Additionally keeping him and Felicity sequestered all season didn't help. It's possible he could have been an interesting foil to Oliver if they had put him in a similar role as Isabel and had them both at the company, but with Ray controlling more than Oliver. But this third season has just been so over packed that nothing makes sense (I'm looking at you OUaT)

If this goes to series I could see Ray as the behind the scenes science guy, suiting up every once and awhile when they need his help. That would cut down the cgi budget.

Sidenote: I loved Barry totally jealous of Ray and denying it.

  • Love 5

In case anyone's interested, I created a "what will the spinoff be called?" poll here, over in the Flash forum.


I wonder if Berlanti has a full-time script continuity coordinator on-staff, to make sure that the crossover appearances (which would be written by the other show's staff) actually sync up.

FYI, the link to the poll wasn't included in your post.  

I'm beginning to wonder if Cisco might be the Floater. He's got connections to all 3 shows and it would make sense for the guy that now creates their weapons and costumes to travel between the groups as part of his job.  although, my money is still on Lyla.


Based on last night's Arrow episode.  Is it safe to say that Opal City is the location of the spin-off show?  Why else mention that Meta's are popping up in another city?

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I'm thinking maybe there will be time & reality disturbance holes. Not just in Opal but other places. I think perhaps the Spin off will be our superheroes searching them down and dealing with the consequences, ie: Things coming from the future, the past and alternate realities. kind if like a superfriends version of Supernatual in a way.

Edited by tarotx
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I'm thinking maybe there will be time & reality disturbance holes. Not just in Opal but other places. I think perhaps the Spin off will be our superheroes searching them down and dealing with the consequences, ie: Things coming from the future, the past and alternate realities. kind if like a superfriends version of Supernatual in a way.

that actually sounds interesting.

I'm thinking maybe there will be time & reality disturbance holes. Not just in Opal but other places. I think perhaps the Spin off will be our superheroes searching them down and dealing with the consequences, ie: Things coming from the future, the past and alternate realities. kind if like a superfriends version of Supernatual in a way.


They need to get an awesome car then. Maybe a Delorean. 

Why must every city called Something City? It sounds absurd.


I'm not sure cloning The Flash's formula with "lots of villainous metahumans not clever enough to leave the place where superheroes live" is the way to go, though. 


That's thanks to the old newspaper strips and the way they were syndicated - since the strips ran in multiple city newspapers, the syndicates/papers didn't want them associated with any specific city. Thus the generic "Metropolis" for Superman - the creators had Cleveland in mind and based their first strips on that, but had to keep it generic for publication.


I kinda agree about most of the cities - Starling, Central, Opal, whatever - especially since this show has referenced the very real Hong Kong and Vegas - but I also like the nod to comics history.


I'm liking the idea of a DC team up group that runs around the country in a Delorean :)

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I.don't think he's the.floater although it.would totally rock.if.he was

From the interviews being posted - it doesn't sound like it.  But if they either want him for Titans or they bring him in as a guest star in the spin-off and Arrow next season, I can work with that.  I just want to know he is alive and well and maybe even doing the vigilante thing somewhere else.  And heaven help me, I want Thea to know where he is at all times.  As much as they talked about running away together - I want her to have the option to be with him at least off camera whenever she wants.

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Titans would not be connected to the CW shows.

I've read a lot of interviews that said it will likely exist in the same universe and they might share some characters - they said the same could happen for Supergirl.  I think it's based on who owns what (CBS being co-owners of CW and TNT being a sister network somehow, etc...) - but no they wouldn't be run by the same people. 

I've read a lot of interviews that said it will likely exist in the same universe and they might share some characters - they said the same could happen for Supergirl.  I think it's based on who owns what (CBS being co-owners of CW and TNT being a sister network somehow, etc...) - but no they wouldn't be run by the same people. 

Was this speculation or comments from Pedowtiz?  Because I've read a ton articles speculating about it but I've only ever seen one comment from Pedowitz which was a "maybe".

Edited by Morrigan2575
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