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S20: Rumer Willis: G.I. Jane 2.0

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I cannot hate on that girl, because I admire that she's been willing to pay her dues and take whatever she can get. She might not be the most talented or pretty nepotism case there is, but I prefer the hell out of her over someone like Jayden Smith. Rumer has clearly been working her ass off to have a career and I can't help but be cool with her for that reason.

Edited by methodwriter85
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So I only got to watch part of yesterday's rehearsal, but seeing Rumer in her fox costume (because of the foxtrot) and Val in his lemur costume (because it was there), it occurred to me that this is an opportunity for couples to present however they want to. They're not restricted to the usual minute or so over a week that TPTBs pick out to push their agendas.This is a good thing.


They spent like the first seven minutes doing selfies and tweeting them out to tell their fans they should watch NOW, but this is their first go; I strongly suspect they'll get it done ahead next time. Val taught how head tilt and expression go with different dances, and they rehearsed the bit they did at the photo shoots, which I thought looked good. Hmm....


One thing I noticed watching their rehearsal was how strong Rumer is in her core. She's trained in aerial work so she's used to holding beautiful positions while being suspended. When Val lifts her a couple of times in the rehearsal the shape and form she takes is really lovely. She also has a lot of strength overall in her body- really points her toes and stretches and extends her arms and legs. She's going to be a force to be reckoned with in terms of her ability to move well. I think her biggest challenge is going to be whether or not she can turn on a great dance performance when it counts on the live shows. During the rehearsal she seemed lovely but also a bit shy. I'm really looking forward to their next rehearsal.

Edited by missysays
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I only caught a bit of their rehearsal, but it was the part where Val was trying to coach her into a look that's not "fierce" and "strong," which I think might be her biggest challenge? I only know her from coming across pictures of her and a little bit from catching her on Janel's instagram, and she seems to drop into "fierce and strong" as her default, which has the danger of coming across as standoffish if it's the only face she gives. (I've seen many a celebrity dismissed by online fans for their "resting bitch face"). It was interesting to see Val pick up on that immediately and start coaching her on presenting as more inviting. 


In terms of ability I think she's definitely a contender - I have her in my preseason prediction for the finals for sure. The aerial work and theater work set her up well, and I think she has the ability to bring sexy smolder with Val on the dance floor without it seeming like a forced showmance off the dance floor. 

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  On 3/4/2015 at 5:19 PM, Apocalypse Cow said:

I know she's not conventionally "pretty", but I find something very interesting about her face that I prefer to just being cute or pretty.  I'm hoping she's good. Her body is lovely and strong looking.

I think what's interesting about Rumer is that she comes off better when she's in motion rather in a static picture. I also like how the social media she's put out there so far is giving us a good idea of who she is as an individual. I feel like I'm getting to know her as a person. And that's what DWTS is all about.

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I watched Rumer and Val's livestream and I think it's safe to say that she will be the best dancer this season. She's an impressive dancer with such natural ability. Her foxtrot is going to be amazing from the little bit that they showed. The one thing that caught my attention though was her personality. I love that she tells like it is and has no filter, but I'm not sure how the public will react to her. There were moments where she was criticizing Val's approach and verbalized that he should smile more because she feeds off of his energy. She wasn't complaining, but I could see it perhaps turning off the tv viewers if they see her as someone who is whining. I understand where she was coming from though because Val is so particular about the technique and getting every single little detail perfect that it kind of takes the fun away from the experience. He is very patient though so I hope she realizes that he is excellent teacher and is showcasing her abilities very well.


I do think that part of the awkwardness of this rehearsal came from the fact that they didn't want to give their dance away. Rumer especially did not want to share parts of the dance and at one point got frustrated when Val I guess showed a little too much.  I understand where they are coming from, but they need to figure something out for the future. They ended on a good note so I hope their next rehearsal is less awkward. I like this pairing and I hope they make it to the finals.

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I think Rumer and Nastia will be the two best technical dancers.  I don't know if I can say Rumer will be the best of the best because I don't see how Nastia won't be pretty amazing herself.   But the show is going to pit Derek and Val against each other yet again.  Yawn.  Rumer also is not shy about the fact that she wants to win and badly, so I'm also not sure how that will come across to people.  Wanting to win is awesome, but when people want to win so badly it often goes off the other side and into desperation territory.  Think Gilles Marini 2.0.


For instance, Rumer is the only celeb who I've seen on the livestream who has been concerned about giving away their routine and who actually referenced going home and watching the other livestreams.  Usually it's the pro holding back the celeb from doing things on the livestream and giving away the routine, not the celeb.  Nothing wrong with that, but Rumer seems pretty intently focused on winning and I'm not sure how that is going to read to the pubic.  I don't entirely blame Val for being a little annoyed that she was calling the shots about what they should/shouldn't show in terms of the routine, as that shouldn't really be her call to make.  They only have so many hours in the day to rehearse and they probably did miss a good deal of rehearsal time while in Chicago, so being told that Rumer doesn't want to rehearse their routine on the livestream is understandably annoying if he just wants to get on with it.  It's a foxtrot.  How much excitement could we be missing?


Plus at one point she was telling Val how much she liked Emma's way of teaching (based off the livestreams) and I guess I'm not sure it's smart to tell your pro you prefer the way another pro teaches with direct examples?  Or at least there is probably a better time and place for it than mid-rehearsal.

Edited by spanana

I may be in the minority here, but it was my understanding that when watching the live feeds, I would actually be watching... well... DANCING! Not hair-tossing, asking lame get-to-know-you, "what is your favorite color"-type questions, and staring at one's cell phone answering Tweets for an hour. I want to see the instructors teach, and the students learn. I understood both Rumer's and Val's points yesterday. He needed to get practice in; she told him the best way to teach her and make her retain information. I thought the whole "I don't wanna show them any of the routine" was a little silly. Without the costumes, music and ambiance of the studio, most of those dances look alike to me (and I've been watching since season 1). Even though they bickered, it was the first "real" rehearsal I've seen so far, and I very much appreciated it. She's lucky she has Val; the more easy-going of the brothers. 

I saw their rehearsals and I think they are going to do well this season. She is talented, so there is the opportunity for Val to work on the finer points of technique. I appreciate that because so much of this show is about pros ramming a silly routine together with very little technique because the celebrity can't handle it. Nor am I a fan of flashy moves, and sitting back on the celebrity's experience instead of actually teaching something.  I want to see technique at least attempted.  


But I am not interested in seeing this every week.  I agree with Rumer, just as I agree with most rehearsals that are closed by anyone who is in entertainment.. That's the time for creating.  I understand why she doesn't want to show anything in the "raw"  there is a reason why we don't see professionals in rehearsal before we see a show or a play. It ruins just a bit of the magic that we get when we see the final product.

Edited by Andiethewestie

What a sweet surprise Rumer turned out to be! She's lovely - looks uncannily like her mother at that age, but somehow I find Rumer even more attractive (Demi's good looks have always been woven with a certain abrasive quality). She is outspoken, but radiates warmth and steadiness. She's got a great core and she and Val were incredibly good in the hold (first episode, no less) and she has tremendous elegance.

I didn't watch the Livestream so I have no opinions about that, I just know I loved what they brought to last night's performance.


Their next dance is a Cha Cha, for "My Jam" week.  ZZ Ward tweeted her to which she replied she hoped she could use her song. We don't know if it's for this week, but her tune "Put the Gun Down" would be a cool Cha Cha 


Ha I stand corrected. The next song is Rumour Has it....Val mentioned that to Access Hollywood.   Rumer Has It.  

Edited by Andiethewestie

Their next dance is a Cha Cha, for "My Jam" week.  ZZ Ward tweeted her to which she replied she hoped she could use her song. We don't know if it's for this week, but her tune "Put the Gun Down" would be a cool Cha Cha


Ha I stand corrected. The next song is Rumour Has it....Val mentioned that to Access Hollywood.   Rumer Has It.



Oh My... If Adele's "Rumour Has It" is her next song, that is not a Cha Cha song.

  On 3/4/2015 at 5:19 PM, Apocalypse Cow said:

I know she's not conventionally "pretty", but I find something very interesting about her face that I prefer to just being cute or pretty.  I'm hoping she's good. Her body is lovely and strong looking.

Maybe it's the makeup, because from photos in the past I thought she only looked superficially like her Mom, but in this dance I'd say she almost looked like a taller, but otherwise dead ringer.

Although.... RUMOR has it that Rumer has had some work done (on her chin and cheekbones).

In some ways Rumer's story touched me more than some of the more calculated heartstrings packages. That she should be bullied and pilloried online because of who her parents are... some people are simply low class.

Rumer, I hope you know that you are absolutely beautiful.  I enjoy every  single moment you are on my tv screen and you're also the kind of person I'd love to meet for lunch (not that it's ever going to happen, but don't bring your parents, who I like very much. It's you I'd want to get to know!)


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  On 4/7/2015 at 3:07 AM, LotusFlower said:

Rumer is a beautiful dancer, and I sympathize with how hard it must have been growing up and getting called ugly in such a public way. BUT, her speech about finally accepting herself for who she is and what she looks like was total bullshit. She's had a lot of work done - as in plastic surgery, fillers, etc... If she looks in the mirror now and likes what she sees - it's her changed appearance that made the difference, not any newfound confidence or her sister's strength in admitting her struggles. That really pissed me off.


It wasn't said, but implied (in my opinion), that she finally accepted that even after all the stuff she's done to her face, she is still called ugly.  She has realized that she simply needs to accept her (current) looks.  And somehow that seems even sadder to me.


I think the "ugly" comments may have hit her a little harder than her sisters.  Around the time of Striptease, Rumer looked a lot like Demi.  Rumer probably heard these comments, and interpreted that she was a pretty girl.  But as she aged and suddenly looked like Bruce, the comments became incredibly cruel.   It's speculated that she's had surgery on her nose, chin/jaw, boobs, lips, teeth, as well as fillers.   I can't imagine how it would feel to keep having these surgeries, yet the comments continue unabated.   I don't think she's done herself any favors with the too thin nose, and too large teeth, but I understand the insecurities of why she had them done.

  On 4/7/2015 at 6:07 PM, TudorQueen said:

In some ways Rumer's story touched me more than some of the more calculated heartstrings packages. That she should be bullied and pilloried online because of who her parents are... some people are simply low class.

Rumer, I hope you know that you are absolutely beautiful.  I enjoy every  single moment you are on my tv screen and you're also the kind of person I'd love to meet for lunch (not that it's ever going to happen, but don't bring your parents, who I like very much. It's you I'd want to get to know!)


She really did not have much of a story IMO.  She did not like her looks, so she spent what had to be substantial amounts of money fixing what she did not like.  Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to afford that.  


Her own Mother has had work done, so she probably grew up thinking that it is normal to let the doctor "fix" you.

Reading the comments on Facebook Rumer has hit a chord with lots of people who never felt they never measured up. Most feel she was underscored, and they seem to warm to her. I think she was underscored last week, but I think there's still room to improve.She seems to have found a way to connect with her audience by being vulnerable. To be the victim of bullying, privileged or not, is not a good place to be.  

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Rumer is shaping up to be one of my favorites this season. I wasn't sure what to expect from her considering her famous roots, but she seems like a genuine person and not a typical crazy celebrity kid. There's just something so endearing about her, and she definitely has raw talent. She actually reminds me a lot of her character from that movie House Bunny - awkward and dorky in some ways, but a good person who seems like she'd be an awesome friend!

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I made some contentions in one of the epi threads about Rumer using "more-appropriate-for-males" assertive language in interviews after the first show and it being held against her.  For anyone who is interested in this phenomenon, coincidentally, I ran across this article today, which expresses some of the ideas to which I was referring:



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  On 4/7/2015 at 10:12 PM, smiley13 said:

She really did not have much of a story IMO.  She did not like her looks, so she spent what had to be substantial amounts of money fixing what she did not like.  Not everyone is privileged enough to be able to afford that.  


Her own Mother has had work done, so she probably grew up thinking that it is normal to let the doctor "fix" you.


I tend to believe her that she hasn't had plastic surgery but mainly because she seems like the type who wouldn't bother lying about it.  Those girls have been very open about their struggles.  

  On 4/8/2015 at 6:16 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I tend to believe her that she hasn't had plastic surgery but mainly because she seems like the type who wouldn't bother lying about it.  Those girls have been very open about their struggles.  

How do you explain her chin then?   It is noticeably smaller than it used to be.   There has to have been some sort of cosmetic procedure done on it, whether she chooses to call it plastic surgery or not.

  On 4/8/2015 at 6:47 PM, smiley13 said:

How do you explain her chin then?   It is noticeably smaller than it used to be.   There has to have been some sort of cosmetic procedure done on it, whether she chooses to call it plastic surgery or not.

It's still large, I think.  It's plausible that she's gotten better with makeup and hairstyles to hide it, or her face has changed on its own over the years.  Most of those really awkward pics of her were from adolescence, I think.  


Some say she's had Juvederm lip injections.  Sounds plausible to me.  


Good for her.  I don't judge her either way.  

Edited by Guest
  On 4/10/2015 at 10:37 PM, Catgyrl said:

There is a Jonas Brothers version that is upbeat (though still doesn't feel like a samba beat, to me), that I think they're using.


:( I just googled that version and it is terrible. If that's true I feel bad for them this week.


The whole fun of Poor Unfortunate Souls is Ursula's campy sinister delivery. (Speaking of, I'll be disappointed if Val is not Ursula to Rumer's Ariel. He can get Mark's makeup person to paint him purple and borrow someone's black bustier, it would be faaaaabulous.) 

We will see.  While I don't trust Pure DWTS for their rather biased opinions on how numbers are coming together, they do have an insider on set that gets basic information right.  So supposedly Rumer is Ursula and Val is playing an eel?  Which okay, Val.  Play an eel.  Also they weren't stuck with Poor Unfortunate Souls if rumor is to be believed.  Supposedly they were offered other Disney songs and Val is the one that chose this, so it's kind of on him at this point.  I know they originally switched from tango to samba because Val felt the tango was too limiting for what he wanted to do.


I think one thing in general that is funny with Val and Disney week is he didn't grow up on this stuff, so I don't think he much cares if he plays an eel or an iconic Disney character.  I have a feeling to him, based on things he's said before, it's all one and the same.  Whereas I'm sure somebody like Mark was salivating over the idea of playing an Alice in Wonderland character and going all out.  Val did a great job choreographing Danica's Beauty and the Beast routine last time, but Disney just isn't his thing.  At all.

  On 4/13/2015 at 2:48 PM, spanana said:

We will see.  While I don't trust Pure DWTS for their rather biased opinions on how numbers are coming together, they do have an insider on set that gets basic information right.  So supposedly Rumer is Ursula and Val is playing an eel?  Which okay, Val.  Play an eel.  Also they weren't stuck with Poor Unfortunate Souls if rumor is to be believed.  Supposedly they were offered other Disney songs and Val is the one that chose this, so it's kind of on him at this point.  I know they originally switched from tango to samba because Val felt the tango was too limiting for what he wanted to do.


I think one thing in general that is funny with Val and Disney week is he didn't grow up on this stuff, so I don't think he much cares if he plays an eel or an iconic Disney character.  I have a feeling to him, based on things he's said before, it's all one and the same.  Whereas I'm sure somebody like Mark was salivating over the idea of playing an Alice in Wonderland character and going all out.  Val did a great job choreographing Danica's Beauty and the Beast routine last time, but Disney just isn't his thing.  At all.


Ooh, the eel thing sounds fun, and it's topical, Ursula's minions are eels: Flotsam and Jetsam. That was actually my second choice of casting for the song, if Val's not going to be in drag to be Ursula. 


The only think I don't like is the Jonas Brother's cut of that song. This is one of the only times I've thought, "I hope the band sings this one" because that's the only actual chance it's got of it sounding any good. (The band's singers are consistently terrible, but better than the Jonasi sound on that song.)

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I thought it was wonderful. She looked glamorously evil and danced the hell out of the thing. She seemed to be having more fun, and I loved that she actively sought to play a villain rather than a 'Princess'.

She actually reminded me more of Sherie Rene Scott's take on Ursula in the live Broadway "Little Mermaid" than Pat Carroll in the animated film (both are excellent, though).


  • Love 2

Rumer will be an interesting contestant tonight. I doubt she will gain immunity, I think either Nastia or Willow will get it, Nastia because of the rough week having to change partnerships for the performance or Willow because I think she may have been a forgotten a bit, but Mark will pull out a big production on the Jazz.

Rumer will have to fight to stay in if she does not get those extra points in the dance off. She will have formidable competition from those who have beat her in other dances. I suspect the dance off will be either Cha Cha, Rumba or Jive.  Fingers crossed her Jive will be well received this evening.  I could envision her against Riker, on the jive and if the technique is off Riker could take it.   Robert and Noah dance off the Rumba and maybe Willow vs Chris for the Cha Cha  But we will see there could be other combinations in the mix like Salsa as a dance off piece. The upshot of course is the losers in the dance off might have to worry about week 8 double elimination if the dance off counts for next week.. 

Edited by Andiethewestie

I will riot if this girl goes home tonight. Rumer has been an incredible dancer from the very beginning. Her movements are inundated with lyricism, her extensions are beautiful, and there's this hypnotic ease with which she moves. Just as well, she has captured the character of every dance without fail. I agree with Bruno in that you can be a technically proficient dancer, e.g. Nastia, but if you don't capture the character of the dance, then chances are that I won't have fun watching you. And that's the thing. Rumer is technically proficient, and on top of that, she understands how to encapsulate the character and spirit of every dance. Based on dancing merit, she deserves a spot in the F2. It absolutely blows my mind that she might end up in fourth because of wonky judging, unwarranted coddling, and emotional manipulation. 

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  On 5/12/2015 at 3:25 PM, crowceilidh said:

ITA.  I think an argument could be made for Riker or Nastia winning over Rumer, but no ethical argument can be made that Rumer does not deserve to be in the final three.

Sure there can, she is just not that good to me and her bad attitude with those comments earlier in the season make me hope that she gets the boot tonight.


Add in the fact that she has been overpraised and overscored this season and she just comes across as not a very nice person.  And I am tired of seeing her family.

  On 5/12/2015 at 4:03 PM, smiley13 said:

Sure there can, she is just not that good to me and her bad attitude with those comments earlier in the season make me hope that she gets the boot tonight.


Add in the fact that she has been overpraised and overscored this season and she just comes across as not a very nice person.  And I am tired of seeing her family.


This is not an ethical argument when 1. "Good" is subjective, and whether or not Rumer is good has nothing to do with ethics, 2. Noah has also been overpraised and overscored, and 3. Rumer's dancing prowess has nothing to do with her family supporting her. YMMV. However, I see why her comments very early on in the season might have rubbed some viewers the same way. I forgive her for them because she has shown no trace of ego since then and continues to state how grateful she is for the experience every week.

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