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S01.E04: Hero

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Posts are one barometer of how many people are watching the show, how well it's going over. I was seeing more posts on inferior shows like Scorpion and Extant in their first episodes. Of course, those are broadcast network shows, and this show is on a cable station that isn't even included in the basic cable tier. I just want the show to get a decent chance. Plus, I enjoy the conversations, so the more posts, the better pleased I am.

After four episodes, this show has 881 posts. Fargo (ten episodes on FX) only has 788 posts. Both shows had a built-in audience (and both had Bob Odenkirk), making them a good "apples to apples" comparison.

So I think Better Call Saul's generating plenty of buzz.

Edited by editorgrrl
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It's not the posts, but the posts are one barometer of how many people are watching the show, how well it's going over.

It's really not much of a barometer at all in the real world.  NCIS is one of the most watched dramas on TV and each episode doesn't make a page.  There's another board I read (not previously tv) and Empire is lucky to get one post an episode while it's a monster ridiculous crazy hit that adds hundreds of thousands of new viewers each week. 


That's not to say that I want discussion to end here because I do enjoy it and want to thrive but it will have no bearing on the staying power of the show.  As any Television Without Pity refugee can tell you, some of the lowest rated shows generated the most traffic/posts.  The Veronica Mars forum was crazy busy and the ratings were pitiful. 


BCS essentially kept its audience from Ep 2 to Ep 3 and actually rose in the Live + 3 when DVR viewing was added in.  Ep. 4 slipped a bit in the overnights but not much and we'll have to wait to see what the L + 3 numbers are.  It is a Monday night and I wouldn't be surprised to see some of that viewing move to DVR.


It's starting to seem almost detrimental in a way to have watched Breaking Bad, as it's seemingly making people anxious for things they would neither know nor care about if they hadn't.

I don't know if that's the majority of the viewing audience, though.  It's hard to believe but the internet is not necessarily a representative of a general viewing audience.  We obsess over things more.  BCS will succeed or fail based on itself as a show. 


I like it. I like the comedy. I prefer the comedy.  I've already seen one man break bad in a dark way and I loved it...but I don't need a repeat of that kind of story. 

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I don't know if that's the majority of the viewing audience, though.  It's hard to believe but the internet is not necessarily a representative of a general viewing audience.  We obsess over things more.  BCS will succeed or fail based on itself as a show. 


I like it. I like the comedy. I prefer the comedy.  I've already seen one man break bad in a dark way and I loved it...but I don't need a repeat of that kind of story. 

Very good points. I do continue to worry about the expectations of the Breaking Bad fandom, because this show isn't that show (and I agree I don't want it to be). And that is the target audience, really. But I guess only time will tell.

So I rewatched last night and I just love when the college journalist guy yells, "Dude! The dude!" when Jimmy's pal removing the billboard falls. 


Also, I realized that I didn't have any idea where Jimmy was going with that at all. Even back in the courthouse. When the UNM student walks by and he notices her sweatshirt, I thought he was noticing the line cutting through the letters. I figured he'd do the same to HHM and then claim he wasn't infringing on their logo. I didn't realize he was concocting the idea to hire a student to tape the story he couldn't get any real journalists to go for. 


I guess all these non-realizations could make me feel dumb, but I actually appreciate a show that keeps me on my toes. 

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Can anyone with more creativity than me at the moment make a Mike and also a Speculation thread? 

Maybe something about stickers? :)


Speaking of...I'm getting so antsy about Mike, to find out what his night-job is at the moment. Should he be working for Gus by now? If not, he's got to be into something. (He was doing some really dirty work during BB.) 

I need more Mike!


Anyone is free to start a thread. If you have a half an idea and want to work it, reach out to me or Dougal and we'll kick it around.


Speaking of ... If Tuco is in the game, then the cartels are in ABQ, so Gus is likely a player. Mike is probably doing drops at night. I'm dying for more Mike.

  • Love 7
I'm developing a * crush on Bob Odenkirk.  Yep. There it is. Sigh.


I'm *right* there with ya.  It's funny I never perceived him as remotely attractive in other TV shows, like How I Met Your Mother - or even BB.  But there's just something about him on this particular show that's really working for me. 

If you hadn't seen BB, would you even know his name is Mike? They haven't actually called him by name yet, have they?



You would if you went to the BSC page on AMC's website... or IMDB. 

Speaking of...I'm getting so antsy about Mike, to find out what his night-job is at the moment. Should he be working for Gus by now? If not, he's got to be into something. (He was doing some really dirty work during BB.)



From the description of his character on the AMC website, I was thinking that he truly was attempting to stay on the "straight and narrow" at the moment...  but that some situation with Saul is gonna suck him back into the life in later episodes.  Just a guess though.  

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From the description of his character on the AMC website, I was thinking that he truly was attempting to stay on the "straight and narrow" at the moment... but that some situation with Saul is gonna suck him back into the life in later episodes. Just a guess though.

I think Mike's situation right now is relatively straightforward: he's a retired cop supplementing a meager pension with a relatively undemanding job because (unlike his previous job) it's low-risk, interaction with the public is at a minimum, it doesn't require much effort to do well, and it allows him plenty of time after work to play with the grandkid(s). Only downside being the pay is probably for shit.

Edited by Nashville
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I think Mike's situation right now is relatively straightforward: he's a retired cop supplementing a meager pension with a relatively undemanding job because (unlike his previous job) it's low-risk, interaction with the public is at a minimum, it doesn't require much effort to do well, and it allows him plenty of time after work to play with the grandkid(s). Only downside being the pay is probably for shit.


Well, that and the jerks who never get the correct number of stamps—no matter how many times you tell 'em.

  • Love 5

I'm *right* there with ya.  It's funny I never perceived him as remotely attractive in other TV shows, like How I Met Your Mother - or even BB.  But there's just something about him on this particular show that's really working for me. 

I saw Bob Odenkirk on The Daily Show when Breaking Bad was in its final push and I remember thinking how handsome I found him.  I'm still not attracted to Saul but Odenkirk?  He can get it.


Speaking of ... If Tuco is in the game, then the cartels are in ABQ, so Gus is likely a player. Mike is probably doing drops at night. I'm dying for more Mike.

I don't know if the show is ready to introduce Gus yet.  I would think they may want to explore him.  I know I selfishly hope Giancarlo Esposito doesn't get a regular TV gig before BCS can snap him up but I don't think that'll happen for a few seasons.


I don't mind the Mike slow burn but I think there is a heavier Mike episode coming up and I can't wait. 

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I have liked all the episodes so far, a lot. However, this one I didn't like at all. A lot of the scenes (the scene with the blonde lawyer in the nail salon is the one that sticks out the most) went on too long and the guy falling off the billboard scene seemes cheesy and dated to me. It was more like somehing you'd see on a 70's cop show like Chips. Edited to add: I feel bad saying this because I like this show a lot!

Edited by Soobs

Well, as it has been stated in the assorted BCS episode threads -- eventually, as BCS detaches itself more and more from BB, the thoughts of and references to BB will fade off in to the mist.   That may not happen until Season 2.  Who knows?  If more BB character cameos and inside jokes pop up, the BB references will probably continue. 

Except this isn't a sequel that has the freedom to go it's own way, it's a prequel has to stay on a collision course into BB (per Vince Gilligan).

  • Love 1

Except this isn't a sequel that has the freedom to go it's own way, it's a prequel has to stay on a collision course into BB (per Vince Gilligan).

It actually has quite a bit of freedom because Saul and Breaking Bad don't collide until Walt & Jesse walk into his office.  They are otherwise pretty separate entities.  The only things BCS needs to show is how Jimmy becomes Saul, how Mike works with Saul and possibly how Jimmy added to his team.   It's not like, once Walter White & Jesse met Saul, they discovered they had a huge amount of common connections.  Things were still separate enough that it's feasible BCS could go into the BrB time period and never have to show Walt or Jesse. 


They didn't need to show Tuco.  It was clearly a grab and a nod towards Breaking Bad fans to give them a reason to watch the second episode.  And it's fine if they do that but my guess is that the show is going to solidly become its own show throughout the season and the "crutch" of BrB references will be less necessary....in fact, they could become distracting. 

  • Love 3

Except this isn't a sequel that has the freedom to go it's own way, it's a prequel has to stay on a collision course into BB (per Vince Gilligan).


You quoted me, and I pretty much agree with you (I'm not sure if you thought I felt otherwise)!  I'm not one of the ones who thinks that the BB cross-referencing in the BCS threads is uncalled for (with the exception of the thread that is supposed to be a BB-free zone), excessive, unnatural or unfair to BCS.  In line with what you said, it's not as though BCS is like spin-offs of other series in the past, where a clearer detachment could be made.  This is a different situation.   BCS has to basically segue into BB via Jimmy/Saul and Mike, seamlessly and effortlessly (even if there is a time lapse in between the two series).  If BCS flash forwards to post-BB life, then that has to tie in as well.


I do think that there will be plenty of BCS episodes and story lines (over time) that don't evoke thoughts/talk of BB in any way, but there will probably be other episodes that completely evoke thoughts of BB and may blatantly feature characters from BB. 


As Irlandesa stated above, I am hoping for some Gus Fring action on BCS, and that he doesn't get so tied down with other projects that he can't break free to appear on BCS at some point. His past is so intriguing, and we know for a fact that he was connected to Mike -- so it's just a matter of when and how he and Mike started working together, and if BCS will stay on the air long enough for us to get some sort of Gus reference.

Edited by Sherry67
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I do think that there will be plenty of BCS episodes and story lines (over time) that don't evoke thoughts/talk of BB in any way, but there will probably be other episodes that completely evoke thoughts of BB and may blatantly feature characters from BB.

Agreed. The only Breaking Bad references I can think of off the top of the head in this episode were Betsy Kettleman telling Jimmy he's the kind of lawyer guilty people hire. It's a callback to Jesse describing Saul to Walt as a criminal lawyer.

And Jimmy admiring a loud shirt at the tailor. Again, very subtle.

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Honestly, from my memory, Saul never knew Gus.  He knew Mike, and Mike arranged the little deal for Gus to look over these new cookers in town and decide if he wanted them to be part of his crew.


I guess there could be a Mike/Gus meet, but didn't Saul tell Walt he didn't know the guy (or his name) or even what he looked like?  "I know a guy who knows a guy..." wasn't it?

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Honestly, from my memory, Saul never knew Gus.  He knew Mike, and Mike arranged the little deal for Gus to look over these new cookers in town and decide if he wanted them to be part of his crew.



This rings true to me. I think the phrase was "I know a guy that knows a guy." When Saul introduced the possibility of Mike when Walt got into trouble with Crazy8? Unsure about the last part.


There is some off topic chatter about the possible arc for the show. I will generally tolerate anything as long as it's reasonable and inclusive. I may later move the posts into the spoiler discussion thread or somewhere else. As the conversation is growing, I'll leave it alone. I prefer to have your thoughts than to have a perfectly arranged forum. Feel free to reach out privately with any suggestions.

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I guess there could be a Mike/Gus meet, but didn't Saul tell Walt he didn't know the guy (or his name) or even what he looked like?  "I know a guy who knows a guy..." wasn't it?

Yep.  I don't think Saul knew Gus.  The reason I do think having Gus would make sense is only if Mike's side of the story becomes much larger than it is now.  I think it will but it's also why I don't anticipate a Gus Fring appearance for a few more seasons.

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I was assuming that Gus -- if and when he ever shows up in BCS (which may never happen, for a variety of reasons) -- would interact with Mike.  Or, he could just be a passing verbal reference made by Mike in a conversation with Saul (i.e., "I just started working with this guy who runs a chicken business...").  Mike is the one that we know Gus is connected to, but we just don't know how and when they met.   I didn't expect that every character on the show would necessarily be directly tied in with Saul.   Mike is a character that probably has lots of connections that are interesting, some of whom will probably have to seek Saul's help and some of whom will not -- but we may catch glimpses of them or hear a bit about them anyway. 


BCS is so new -- right now it's hard to tell exactly where it's going in terms of how Mike is going to fit in, how big of a role he will play, and if he will have story lines separate from Saul, etc.  At this rate, we don't even know how long the series will be on the air.  It was renewed for Season 2, but beyond that...who knows?

Edited by Sherry67
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Saul may not know Gus per se, but he does eventually find out that Mike knows/works for someone involved in the drug trade.  So somehow Saul comes to learn that Mike is involved with or does some work for a highly placed drug runner of sorts.


I would love, though, for Mike to someday arrange a meeting with Saul at the chicken place and Gus to walk over and say "hello, how is your meal today?" just so he could see/know who Mike was talking to.  I'm pretty sure that while Saul doesn't/didn't know who Gus was, Gus did know exactly who Saul is.

  • Love 1

Saul may not know Gus per se, but he does eventually find out that Mike knows/works for someone involved in the drug trade.  So somehow Saul comes to learn that Mike is involved with or does some work for a highly placed drug runner of sorts.

By the time BB rolls around, I would expect Saul to be savvy enough to know the major players in town, even if he isn't sitting at the game table with them.

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Dammit, I feel like an idiot, because the pre-credit scene was pretty much a dead giveaway that another scam would probably happen in this episode, and yet I totally fell for the billboard scene.  Totally got played like a chump.  Not sure if I blame the writing or Bob Odenkirk just being so good at making Jimmy sell that scene, but they sure fooled me.

I'll do you one better.  When Saul pulled billboard guy up and said something like "what took you so long?" here was my thought process..."what an ingrate...ohhhh (duh)!" :)

Edited by ByTor
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