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S30: Sierra Dawn Thomas

Donny Ketchum
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Sierra, you're my only hope of getting rid of what's left of your tribe.  Please don't go to the dark side with them.  


Now I finally know who she and Kelly are.  I think Sierra might have a little fire inside of her.  I enjoyed the fact that the tribe swap may have screwed up the 3 amigos bro-fest.  Here's hoping, if they end up at TC before the merge, she votes with the other 3 guys.  And then flips to the remaining ladies at the merge.

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I felt bad for her when Dan was going at her at the fire.  And I suspect that he only felt like he could get away with it because he was now in the majority.  He wouldn't have done that back when he and Mike were at the bottom.  And I'm glad she basically saw right through his total non-apology and seemed to be considering jumping to Joaquin, Tyler, and Joe.


I like her.  Hope she chooses the right side, and I might root for her to go far.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I felt bad for her when Dan was going at her at the fire.  And I suspect that he only felt like he could get away with it because he was now in the majority.  He wouldn't have done that back when he and Mike were at the bottom.  And I'm glad she basically saw right through his total non-apology and seemed to be considering jumping to Joaquin, Tyler, and Joe.


I like her.  Hope she chooses the right side, and I might root for her to go far.


I also felt bad for her when they got back to camp.  It's why I was a little giddy when the swap happened, and she wound up in the position that she did.  I really wish she could have wound up on the red tribe, because I'd love to see her interact with the other girls.  She mentioned in a CBS vid that she was debating sticking with her old tribe or going with the new guys-mainly because she knows there's no way any of Mike/Dan/Rodney are likely to get votes in the end.  Which I can totally understand, and I have nothing against thinking ahead.  I just hope she heads towards the light of the other people, and leaves her old tribe in the dust.  


Sierra appears strong in challenges, so she could be a potential threat come merge time as well.  However, she seems smart and since last night was the first time I remember anything about her, I'm hopeful.  I do like her, I'll just be curious what she ends up doing.  She's in a swing vote spot, but I hope she doesn't pull the Survivor error of believing she's the only one in the driver's seat and it comes down to her.  She may end up getting surprised that way.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Sierra appears strong in challenges, so she could be a potential threat come merge time as well.  However, she seems smart and since last night was the first time I remember anything about her, I'm hopeful.  I do like her, I'll just be curious what she ends up doing.  She's in a swing vote spot, but I hope she doesn't pull the Survivor error of believing she's the only one in the driver's seat and it comes down to her.  She may end up getting surprised that way.

I'm just hoping she doesn't pull a Christy/Dolly/Sarah.  If she does, the men might all gang up on her.  But at least the previews seem to indicate she might not be in any immediate danger of getting the chop.

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I was appalled with Dan trashing her challenge performance, right after nearly voting her out.  Not only was it unnecessary and exquisitely bad timing, it also doesn't seem to be true.

Wasn't Sierra instrumental in BC winning (or at least not losing) that challenge where she was tossing the hoops?  I remember being impressed with her performance.


It cannot be said enuff:  Dan is a moron.  And, just so no one forgets:  BAMBOO IS HOLLOOOOOW!!!!!

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I was appalled with Dan trashing her challenge performance, right after nearly voting her out.  Not only was it unnecessary and exquisitely bad timing, it also doesn't seem to be true.

Wasn't Sierra instrumental in BC winning (or at least not losing) that challenge where she was tossing the hoops?  I remember being impressed with her performance.


It cannot be said enuff:  Dan is a moron.  And, just so no one forgets:  BAMBOO IS HOLLOOOOOW!!!!!


She did win that challenge for them.  Sierra is no physical liability so Dan is completely full of it.  Even though he's performed better than I expected him to, he's about the last person to be criticizing someone else's challenge performance.  I think all the women are holding their own out there physically, but Sierra appears to be the strongest.  I don't know if Sierra was the right person to be the caller in the first RC, since Lindsey had to yell back at her to talk louder.  But maybe they should have put Lindsey, Dan, or Rodney's big mouths up there instead.  


I bet Sierra waits until the merge to make her move of getting rid of her former BC tribemates.  In a new promo she again mentions how much she doesn't like some of her former tribe mates, but my guess is she makes it seem as though she's with them and then finds new avenues come merge time.  I really can't see her sticking with Rodney/Dan/Mike and even Kelly, if she goes back to them (and assuming they all make the merge).

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She did win that challenge for them.  Sierra is no physical liability so Dan is completely full of it.  Even though he's performed better than I expected him to, he's about the last person to be criticizing someone else's challenge performance.  I think all the women are holding their own out there physically, but Sierra appears to be the strongest.

I have zero idea why Dan would say all of those things when everything we were shown indicated that Sierra was right in the thick of things in terms of challenges.  Yes, the one true thing he said was that she switched out of doing that puzzle in the first challenge for Mike to do, but other than that, she's been a very capable challenge competitor.  Dan has no idea what he's talking about.

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Sierra is who I'm most anxious to see post-merge.  I still can't believe that any of those guys could call her weak in challenges (she hit that target in the RC on her first try; it took all the men on her team more than once to do it).  It had to have been a little satisfying to her to see the very men who had dissed her and were gunning for her a few days prior suddenly have to come begging to her for her vote.  I wish she had insisted on getting rid of Rodney over Joaquin.  


I'm very curious to see where her loyalty lies after the merge.  I can't believe she will vote along her old BC lines, unless she feels its in her best interest.  But she's low man on the totem pole of Mike/Dan/Kelly.  I wouldn't doubt her challenge performance, so she might count on winning some individual immunities to get ahead as well.  If she sides with members of the former NC/WC tribe, I actually think she might be in a better position long term.  Right now it's her and Jenn for the ladies for me (I honestly think/hope those two should team up), followed by Hali.  Carolyn and Shirin I like, but am on the fence with at the moment. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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Sierra is who I'm most anxious to see post-merge.  I still can't believe that any of those guys could call her weak in challenges (she hit that target in the RC on her first try; it took all the men on her team more than once to do it).  It had to have been a little satisfying to her to see the very men who had dissed her and were gunning for her a few days prior suddenly have to come begging to her for her vote.  I wish she had insisted on getting rid of Rodney over Joaquin.

The guys are jerks who don't know what they're talking about.  At this point, if Sierra were to flip on them, I wouldn't blame her one bit.

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I was told on another board that Sierra was enjoying the blindside. They told me it's speculated Sierra might have told Jenn what's up.


This seems "spoiler-ish."  What was the source?  Because the two shots of Sierra during the vote reading seemed to fall into the "concerned" facial expression category, rather than "enjoying."

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I also thought Sierra seemed surprised, and I can't believe they would have left that out.  Maybe she's enjoying it now, after the fact.  Pure speculation, but maybe she winds up getting close to Jenn/Hali in the game and she's happy that they were still there to align with.


I was disappointed, though not too surprised, that Sierra stuck with her blues.  I still wonder if she planned on going all the way to the final 5 with them, or was going to wait until the first couple of votes got out of the way and then turn on them.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I was disappointed, though not too surprised, that Sierra stuck with her blues.  I still wonder if she planned on going all the way to the final 5 with them, or was going to wait until the first couple of votes got out of the way and then turn on them.

I'm very surprised that Sierra didn't flip sides when she had the chance.  For all the talk of how she found Mike, Dan, and Rodney to be horrible people and how much she hates them, she's sure not proving it.


I'm hoping that she does flip on them soon enough.  Sticking with them is going to kill her, and part of her has to know that.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I'm very surprised that Sierra didn't flip sides when she had the chance.  For all the talk of how she found Mike, Dan, and Rodney to be horrible people and how much she hates them, she's sure not proving it.


I'm hoping that she does flip on them soon enough.  Sticking with them is going to kill her, and part of her has to know that.


I'm more confused with the dynamic of BC than I was with the former WC at this point.  From this interview with Kelly:




Tom Santilli: Sierra was very upset when Lindsey went home and seemed very unhappy with you and the other blue collars. Yet last night, we didn't hear from her at all and she seemed totally in line and solid with the blue collars in voting out Jenn. Was she, or were you at all worried about where Sierra stood at that point?


Kelly: Nah, Sierra came right back to the blue collars. I know she was really upset when Lindsey got voted out, but then afterwards we talked, all of us together, and sort of brought her back in and explained why we did it. I definitely felt she was back with us.



Yet from the confessionals, Sierra seemed so ready to flip on her tribe once the swap happened.  Had Joaquin not been so tight with Rodney, or if he was willing to vote for Mike/Dan over Joe, would she have voted with him and spared him?  Or was she sticking to her old blue collar lines because she thinks she has a better shot.  In one of the videos from last week, where Sierra talks about both sides needing her vote, she mentions voting between Rodney and Joaquin.  Joe's name isn't brought up in that vid.  So now I wonder if maybe she was trying to get Rodney ousted, but realized it wasn't going to work so she just went with Joaquin.  Sierra voted with her old tribe last night, and while I still think she is just waiting for the right time to make a move, I am beginning to second guess that theory a little.  I don't know if Kelly was just oblivious to how Sierra really felt.  I mean, Sierra didn't have a lot of options at the moment other than to forgive and forget.  She was still stuck with her old tribe until the swap happened, then she got new people.  Kelly also seemed to have some sort of alliance with Rodney, even though her loyalty was more to Mike.  I am hoping that something happens next week, that the former Nagarote stays intact (though Will can hit the road at this point), but I really hope Sierra does flip.  I think she would be in a better spot doing that than she would staying with the blues.  Her, Carolyn, and Tyler would have more to work with. 


ETA: When you watch that TC again, at the very end when Jeff is going through all the various visuals of violence that they talked about, Sierra is the only one that looks happy.  Or at least a look like she knew they got played.  Everyone else looks grim and upset (Will, Rodney, Carolyn, Dan, and Mike-we didn't see Tyler's face, but he seems to have the same expression at every tribal they've been to).  I wonder if this will give Sierra the motive to make a move.  I hope so.  I liked what she had going for her when it looked like she was going to flip.

Edited by LadyChatts
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The merge episode was nice in that we got to hear what every potential swing vote was thinking and where there head was at this point: Carolyn, Tyler, Kelly, Will, Rodney, and Shirin.  All except Sierra, that is.   I was disappointed not to hear what her plans were.

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The merge episode was nice in that we got to hear what every potential swing vote was thinking and where there head was at this point: Carolyn, Tyler, Kelly, Will, Rodney, and Shirin.  All except Sierra, that is.   I was disappointed not to hear what her plans were.

Apparently, according to Kelly's post-show interviews, Sierra had decided to go back to the Blue Collars despite how much she hated Dan and Rodney.  That's why there was no confessional from her.  She'd already decided to stick with her old tribe and wasn't a swing vote.

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Well, as far as short-term plans go, obviously if there was any chance she would have flipped, we would have heard from her.  But I would have still liked to hear her reasoning, as well as any longer-term plans she has (which Kelly may not be privy to).

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Apparently either the Dan Sierra thing has been edited to be seem more hateful that it was or she gets over it.


She attended Dan's viewing party in Maine (with Mike and Tyler) and was sitting right next to him when they aired her saying "that was a terrible apology".  She also said that she snuggled next to Dan for warmth in the shelter. 


At this point all I can hope for is for Carolyn to get her nose seriously out of joint with someone and go off her nut and do something stupid. 

Edited by marys1000
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From the sounds of it, either stuff was heavily edited, or they really just let bad feelings roll of their backs this season.  With all Sierra went through with the guys, ready to turn on them, but still stayed true.  I question if Joaquin was fine to get rid of Rodney, if Sierra would have actually gone along with it or if that was another bluff.  And then hearing Kelly say they never really lost her after Lindsey was voted out, that they all talked it out and she was staying loyal.  I don't know if Sierra was really the last man on the totem pole and didn't know it, or what.  Maybe that's why Jeff likes this season so much (if he isn't just hyping because he has to pretend it was good), is that there isn't the bitterness at the end with the jury and people who got played.  I doubt that's it, but it does seem like a surprising mix of people who are especially close post show.


The next couple weeks will likely set the course.  I'm thinking Tyler and Carolyn may turn on each other, since they can't hide that they are a power duo forever.  Especially if Shirin outs them.  I haven't seen enough of Tyler to know if he'd flip on Carolyn first, but I don't know that I'd trust Carolyn.  Too much seems to be missing from the strategy stand point, which is probably one of my biggest gripes this season.  It's been a big surprise seeing people not turn on each other (except Will), and hearing post-show that things weren't as they were shown from the booted castoffs.

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Sierra is Kim Spradlin light. She's there, not doing much, not running the game and not causing any problems. I really, really like her but she's kind of meh for me. Hopefully, she comes a little more alive when (and, if) she makes the Top 7. I think that's when she will have to decide if she wants to go with the majority and have to maybe make some tough decisions.

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Right now, I think Sierra, Mike and maybe Tyler or Carolyn have the best chances of winning.  I would say Joe, but I have my doubts he can keep his immunity run up to get to that point.  Sierra I'm curious about, but I find myself liking her less and less each week.  I guess it's just her sliding back under the radar, and not seeming to have any strategy.  That we're shown, anyway.  She just seems wishy-washy, and that may be what costs her.  I wonder if her dislike for the men on her former tribe is really just a ploy to play the other alliance, make them think she's with them, and then turn and vote along her blue lines.  I have my doubts Sierra will flip at this point.  She might be playing the smart strategy of keeping people around that she knows have no chance of winning, but what happens when she gets down to the final 7.  Assuming Rodney's final 4 plan is legit and doesn't fall apart, she's going to be in trouble.  

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ByaNose, I get the "light" part, but not the "Kim Spradlin" part.  By this time in her season, Kim had taken total control.  Sierra is at best a follower.  What do the two of them share in common, other than a sort-of resemblance? 

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I understand letting stuff that happens out there roll off your back post-show (and give people credit for doing it), but I really don't get Sierra hanging out with these guys. She was spot on when she said they were crappy people. 


Her edit really sucks. I think she's probably way more interesting than what they're showing us and I think it goes back to the fact that the poor edits usually fall to the attractive women on the show. Not cool.

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Kiki, I think when I said light I meant the total opposite of Kim. Sierra isn't even in the same zip code as Kim. I guess I was going more by her look and interactions with the woman. She seems nice enough. That said, Kim got along a lot better witht the guys. Unfortunately, the guys this season are a bunch of jack****. She might be able to pull out a win if she's in the end with Dan. I think it looks to be a final 2, right? Good odds for her. LOL!!

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{Replying to bolded part mine] How could she win? So far I see NC women + Shirin disappointed in her not going for Dan. Rodney and Mike might vote for her if she helped eliminate the other one while not having blood on her hand in their own elimination. And also, who else can she beat at FTC with the rest of the jury? She's played very passive to me so far.



I won't rule out Sierra winning yet, but if all she's done is be a follower and expect to get handed a million for taking 2 goats to the end, she may have a tougher time than she realized.  I don't see her beating Mike at all, and given the turn around Rodney has had, I don't know that he's so beatable anymore either.  If Rodney has no part in voting off Tyler, Carolyn, and Will, they may give their votes to him should he land in the final 3.  Hali thought his game was being underestimated.  Joe said he was looking for an underdog and someone that had to fight to be there, in one of his interviews.  Sierra might fit that since she was on the outs early on, but I guess it will all depend.  And, she has to get there.  If they believe she could win for being nicer, and they don't need her vote, she'll be joining the gang at Ponderosa.  The only two I could positively see her beating are Shirin and Dan.  But weirder things have happened.  After all these years, I'm still surprised Jenna Morasca won in such a landslide.  And if there's a mentality of voting for someone older over younger, then that might also hurt her chances with some of the jurors.  


I also wonder if Sierra was just full of a lot of hot air when she talked about voting her blues off.  She might not have wanted to flip too soon and overplay her hand, but I wonder if it was just a ploy to get people off her back and not have them go running to someone else and scheme against her.  Since there seems to be a lot left out, maybe she's doing a better job at the strategy aspect than we're seeing.  I still don't know if waiting too long to flip will backfire, especially if she doesn't realize Rodney has a final 4 going on outside of the blues.

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Sierra cant flip if its down to final 7 BC/WC. I has to include the 2 NC. Either next 2 episode is her chance, or Mike vs Rodney will just do it own their own, and she'll lay low again, and people say she didn't do anything.

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They don't allow luxury items anymore, otherwise I might assume she brought make up along with her.  Maybe she smuggled it in.  My cousin had a disorder that caused her to pluck all her eyelashes and eyebrows off repeatedly, as well as pulling out her hair.  She eventually had eyebrows tattooed on.  I wonder if that is the case with Sierra.  Just another mystery from the invisible blonde out there.  Now that she's wearing those headbands, I actually remember she was there at the end of each episode.


Sierra cant flip if its down to final 7 BC/WC. I has to include the 2 NC. Either next 2 episode is her chance, or Mike vs Rodney will just do it own their own, and she'll lay low again, and people say she didn't do anything.



TBH, I think they would have been better off getting Mike out of there before Joe.  He never would have seen it coming.  They could have used the argument that he was too busy paying attention to what Joe was doing than to what was going on around him.  The NC + Shirin should have voted him off over Kelly, even though their reasoning for Kelly made sense.  I believe that if Sierra flips, it won't be her own idea.  And I'm still thinking it'll be too late.  They should have taken Mike out when he wasn't expecting it, got the idol out of play, and they still would have had the numbers to get rid of Joe/Jenn/Shirin. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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Taking out Mike shifts the dynamic. Mike was calling the shots, take him out and someone had to step up, or a group decision, or something just to get the passive people talking, which creates opportunities.


Rodney was pretty vocal as well when it was down to 2 tribes. When Joaquin got voted out, then switching Hali's vote to Jenn, Rodney became quite. Tyler and Carolyn always been laying low, selling their votes to the majority, which could take them far.


Or maybe its just b/c of the editing. Anyway, so just b/c someone's making the decisions doesn't mean they have the power. Mike is acting a certain way, other people is reacting thus a certain way b/c of it.


There's also the virtue of landing with the majority. It's a bit unfair to say the minority is not playing hard or good or whatever.

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According to Jenn's exit interview on RHAP (Rob Has a Podcast,) Sierra admitted to her that the "women's alliance" was never going to happen.  Something along the lines of, "If I make it to F3 with Hali/Joe/You, ..., you're all too likeable.  I'm better off where I am."  


Normally, the "vote for me, I didn't do anything in the game, but at least I'm not this guy (or guys,)" isn't viable, but in this dreadful season it seems Sierra may have correctly read the room.

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Sierra is probably very lovely outside of the game.  But after last night, this season just has me sour on all of them left.  Sierra is just so boring.  She has more action in the extra videos than she does on the actual show.  I can understand her logic, and it probably was smart strategy.  But she would be one of the worst people to win this game.  Even winning over just about anyone left I'd still rank her as near the bottom.  She's done absolutely nothing to deserve it.  She could have shaken this game up long ago.  And what was with her suddenly flipping?  She really thinks she's better off with Rodney's camp?  Which again, what are we missing in editing that she thinks she could beat Carolyn or Tyler in the final 3.  Even Rodney at this point I would say stood a better chance over her.

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Yea, I think Sierra is making a big mistake. Sure, she could easily beat Will and Dan (hopefully!), but Tyler would definitely beat her, Rodney played a better game than she did and isn't as awful as Dan or Will so he could beat her, and Carolyn and her did the same amount of nothing and I think Carolyn has more friends than she does so could beat her. But I guess she figured if she flipped to Joe/Jenn/Hali/Shirin she had little chance of making the finals at all and an even smaller chance of winning, so I can't say I really blame her. Honestly, she should've probably looked at the big picture and seen she had no real shot at winning and decided to make sure a bunch of dicks didn't get to the end and win.

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So Sierra once again talks about making a move, but then doesn't.  Is she ever going to, or is she just all talk?  Her moment to strike may have passed.  She's at the bottom of her alliance, and if Mike wins immunity, that may seal her fate if Rodney's group of 4 holds tight.  She may get a reprieve if Dan and her join Mike and use Dan's extra vote to force a tie and possibly get someone from the other side out.  But would that really be her doing or just being very lucky?


Shirin seemed to have a harsh response to Sierra's inaction during the Will blow up in her Ponderosa vid.


This was a response Sierra gave to someone on twitter asking about her edit (or lack of):


Sierra Dawn Thomas‏@sierra_dawn_  ·
@KidLego09 none taken but I have no control over what they show or NOT in editing .. Just saying #girlsgotstrategy


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In a traditional Pagong situation, contestants "make their move" as soon as they hear they're going to be voted out in the next TC, and not a minute before. The "move" is usually running around and hopelessly pleading with everyone and making promises that no one cares about.

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Sierra Dawn Thomas‏@sierra_dawn_  ·

@KidLego09 none taken but I have no control over what they show or NOT in editing .. Just saying #girlsgotstrategy


I think Sierra's strategy is pretty obvious. I just think she miscalculated it and she really has no real chance to get to the end at all let alone win now. But I don't really blame her for the strategy she decided to go with. Once she decided not to switch sides during the first couple merged TCs she really had no choice but to stick to this alliance and just hope Rodney would take her to the end.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wish she could win some individual immunities. At least, then I could say she's a challenge threat but she's not even doing that. She's a likely goat but against someone like Dan and Will she could win. Doubt it but it's something. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I think Sierra's strategy is pretty obvious. I just think she miscalculated it and she really has no real chance to get to the end at all let alone win now. But I don't really blame her for the strategy she decided to go with. Once she decided not to switch sides during the first couple merged TCs she really had no choice but to stick to this alliance and just hope Rodney would take her to the end.


I don't know if Sierra has attempted anything and, like the 3 NC+Shirin before her, she just didn't have the numbers.  It is unfortunate the lack of game play going on this season.  One person has an idea, the rest jump on the bandwagon and wait until it is too late to ruffle any feathers.  Rodney had a solid 4, at the merge Mike, Dan, and Kelly wanted to vote off Jenn.  So as some have said, even if she wanted to flip she probably couldn't.  But it just seems like there's a lot of talk coming from her about making moves, and then nothing.  Even in one of the extra vids from back at the start of the merge, I think she commented she was better off sticking with her blues because they were easier to beat.  I said all along, let her get there first.  The only 2 I can totally see her beating are Dan and Will.  She'll lose against Mike and probably Tyler.  She might have a chance against Rodney and Carolyn.  But with those 2, if the jury feels they played a good game and actually were productive in getting themselves there, that may come back to bite her.  At this point even Dan's extra vote might be for nothing if he doesn't use it next week.

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So Sierra once again talks about making a move, but then doesn't. Is she ever going to, or is she just all talk?

What move would you have had her make?

She was absolutely right that they needed to take Tyler out and not worry about Shirin because she was no threat. She, Mike and Shirin were only 3 votes of the 5 needed to take out Tyler so she had to find 2 more votes.

I thought she did a pretty good job talking to Rodney but he was just not having it for whatever reason. Sierra was also smart enough to understand she couldn't push him toi hard or he'd get suspicous.

We know (and I suspect she did too) that she wasn't going to get anywhere with "flippers never win" Dan. Rodney may have been able to convince him but he would never listen to her.

No chance at all that Carolyn votes Tyler and, again, I think Sierra knew that as much as we did.

Will? I haven't seen anything to suggest that she's close enough to him to trust him not to run right to Tyler and blow her up. Not to mention it would require Will to work with Shirin.

So yeah, I can't see any move she could have made. I don't think it's a fair assesment at all to say that she's all talk.

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Yea, at this point in the game, Sierra has no choice but to do as she's told by the power group and just hope she gets dragged to the end with unlikable people. She had options at the tribe swap and at the merge, but she decided that she wanted to play with the assholes because she felt she had a better chance of beating them than the NC group. The problem is, she now has little chance to even get to the end and even if she does she can probably only beat Dan and Will, maybe Carolyn, so she'd have to find a way to get them in the F3 with her and I don't really see how she'd make that happen.

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What option did she have at the tribe swap? Rodney/Joaquin/Tyler or Mike/Dan/Joe. Rodney was clearly tied tightly to Joaquin and Sierra couldn't trust that she would be four in that group given her negative interactions with Rodney. So she goes with Dan/Mike/Joe where she probably can trust Mike and sees Dan as a goat.


At the merge it was clear that Carolyn was with the Blue Collars and would not work with Shirin. Carolyn had been pretty vocal about this with Kelly. Tyler is coupled with Carolyn. Will flips to the Blue Collars pretty fast. So the No Collars plus Shirin are in the minority. Where does Sierra have room to maneuver? She cannot control that Shirin had annoyed Carolyn so badly that Carolyn refused to work with her. Dan is the one proclaiming that flippers never win so Dan is not leaving a Blue Collar alliance.


There really has not been an opportunity to make a move. Sierra never had the numbers and the strong anti-Joe and anti-Shirin play made it pretty much impossible to make any moves. So why should Sierra flip and drop herself from third of fourth, believing Blue Collar strong or six or seventh if Rodney's alliance is in control to potentially eighth or lower because she flipped?


Sierra does not seem to be a very dramatic person and has been lost in the insane drama of the season. She is not one of the drivers in the game, she never had a chance to be with the sexist men she was stuck with at the beginning. The strong animosity towards Shirin prevents folks from flipping because she is so disliked by enough people that they refuse to work with her.  


I kind of would like to see her play in a season without the overly dramatic asshats just to see how she would actually play.

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I kind of would like to see her play in a season without the overly dramatic asshats just to see how she would actually play.


Me too.

I kinda forgot about her before, but I really wish she'd be one of the people from this season that was on the list for next season.


She really got the short end of the stick when it comes to editing. Surprise surprise, a woman got marginalized in editing again. I have loved what she had to say in all the confessionals she's gotten and in the extra vids. And Shirin speaks very highly of her as being a really sweet person.


The fact that she went to Maine to visit Dan really gives me pause though. She's probably too nice for her own good.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I kind of would like to see her play in a season without the overly dramatic asshats just to see how she would actually play.

And in what fairy-tale season would there be a lack of asshats??  One can only dream ...


I don't know what to think about Sierra.  From post-game interviews it seems like most of the jury members who have been voted off so far liked her, so that makes me want to like her a little more.  But from just what has been on the show, I'm not very impressed by her strategy.  It's true, she's never had the numbers to make a big move, but isn't that a bit of a problem in itself?


The fact that she went to Maine to visit Dan really gives me pause though. She's probably too nice for her own good.

Maybe it was pure curiosity about who his family and friends are, and who really likes him and likes hanging out with him when they have a choice.  I admit to having some curiosity about that myself.

Not that I'd go to Maine for it.

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I don't know what her strategy is because it has not been shown to us. They have been too busy showing us sexist, bullying behavior is up to. Heck we don't really know what Dan or Will's strategy is either.

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This outpouring of sympathy for Sierra as a good player confuses me.  I haven't seen her make one move of importance -- or even try to make one.  She isn't good at challenges either.  She's still in the game for one reason: her dominant tribe/alliance has carried her the entire time. 


If anyone can explain her untapped potential, I'm eager to listen. 

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