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Small Talk: The Impala

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Teenage girls with PMS are hell. At least, one particular teenage girl. Ugh.


This is what I told my 8-year-old niece in reference to her 13-year-old sister being mean: Teenagers are yucky! 


I don't know it will work for an adult, but it did give the little girl a hearty giggle. ;)



I miss you guys!


Haven't been around much, and likely won't be for awhile. Found out today I have breast cancer. Found the lump just after Christmas, biopsy came back today. This sucks!


One favor, when Supernatural comes back on this week, will someone please give catrox her countdown? It would mean the world to me.


Sorry, late to the party, Mick Lady. I'm with the demented on on this: fuck cancer. Or in the words of Chuck, "This sucks ass!"

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Querell:  Snow! Snow on the back porch!





Thought you ought to know! *thud*



And here's this morning's look at a the front sidewalk:



ETA: Pics courtesy of the hubby, I'm in LA (slinks off in shame...)

Edited by SueB
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Mick Lady, so, so late with my thoughts and prayers. I haven't been on much lately. Cancer is a bitch, but thankfully, you have a much better chance of a complete recovery these days. I love your posts and quips about Mick. He has to be going through hell too, so my thoughts are with him as well. Take good care of yourself and do come and bitch and moan when you want to, because we're here to listen. ****HUGS****

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A day filled with minor frustrations that has got me totally ready to commit mayhem. Daughter was super pissy getting ready to go to school. Dog has gotten into the Christmas ornaments and chewed them up, including many one-of-a-kind. Hubby left two portions of toilet paper on the roll, and no refills in the bathroom, all discovered at the wrong time. iPad slid off what I thought was a safe place, landed on the front, and now the screen is shattered. I swear, the next thing that happens is going to make me explode.

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I hate days like that, Omegamom.


You should think of a SPN character you really dislike and go write some fanfic where they get totally wailed on. Perhaps spiders can be involved. Maybe that'll help.


Or kick the dog... I kid, I kid. That was a joke with hubby and I when we had our kitties and I was having one of my bad days where everything was driving me crazy. He'd say, all deadpan, "well, we'll go home and you can kick the cat." No matter how crappy the day was, somehow that got a little bit of smile out of me. And of course when I got home, I picked up the kitties and gave them a squishy hug.


That likely would've been funnier - in a twisted way - if I said "and of course when I got home... I kicked the cat."

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Oh hell, I love you guys so much! Thanks so much for your support!

We met today with a Surgeon, a Hematologist, and an Oncologist. I have stage CIIB carcinoma for those who know such stuff. We're still sorting it out.


I'm having surgery the 4th, to check the lymph node to see if it's spread. The treatment goes from there, but it looks like endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, than surgery to remove the tumor. They want to shrink it first.


Tell the truth, I'm petrified. Mick's a saint, but he can't stop the fear. I try to hide it, but I can't.


More later, when I'm  more together.

Oh hell, I love you guys so much! Thanks so much for your support!

We met today with a Surgeon, a Hematologist, and an Oncologist. I have stage CIIB carcinoma for those who know such stuff. We're still sorting it out.


I'm having surgery the 4th, to check the lymph node to see if it's spread. The treatment goes from there, but it looks like endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, than surgery to remove the tumor. They want to shrink it first.


Tell the truth, I'm petrified. Mick's a saint, but he can't stop the fear. I try to hide it, but I can't.


More later, when I'm  more together.

Edited by Mick Lady
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If you are okay with it, I'll keep you in my prayers.  While I'm sure I'd be peeing myself over this, I suspect Mick is right to be optimistic. Docs are pretty on top of this stuff these days.  I'm glad Mick is there to give you all the hugs.  Give him a squeeze back from us and let him know we're thinking of you both.


Thanks for keeping us informed.  

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Thanks for checking in with us, MickLady! Mick is right to be optimistic; the survival rates for stage 2 are awesome, though I'm sure that doesn't really help. You keep on top of this thing, and keep dropping in to keep us updated. Many hugs, and remember we're here for you!

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It's okay to be a little scared, MickLady. I'm sure Mick will understand and will be there for you, and together you can do this. And remember that knowledge is power, so don't be shy about asking your doctor absolutely everything - there are no stupid questions here - and that you always have a say. You know you best, so let your doctor know everything, too.


Just know that we are thinking of you and are here for you. And thank you for letting us know how it's going.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Good vibes and positive thoughts heading out to you and your family Mick Lady.  Cancer sucks, and is so scary, but try not to be overwhelmed by the fear.  There's a lot of people, both real and online, pulling for you.

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Mick Lady, try to remember that courage is facing something even when you are afraid. And you're doing that, so you are one very courageous lady. Mick will support you even if you show some fear, so don't worry if you can't hide it all the time. Thanks for letting us know what's going on. We're all here for you! ****HUGS****

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Tell the truth, I'm petrified. Mick's a saint, but he can't stop the fear. I try to hide it, but I can't.


More later, when I'm  more together.

Oh hell, I love you guys so much! Thanks so much for your support!

I totally get the fear as I've dealt with several scary stuff in my life.  I've been lucky that none of my tumors were cancer, but I've dealt with other stuff that could have been life threatening.  So here is the advice I can give.


Focus on the positive, try to visualize seeing yourself healed and healthy.  Get clear on your intentions and allow yourself just to feel the moments.  Don't make it mean anything.  If your scared, acknowledge it, cry, try to do something creative if you feel up to it.  It can be just finding some happy pictures of what you want to have in three months, 9 months and so on.  Something to shift the feelings to something to look forward to.


Allow Mick to support you, and know we will do our best to support you too.  You're not alone and how you feel matters.  The good, the bad,  the ugly.


I know the last scare I had, I found myself focusing on how I was getting stronger, even though getting through the day wore me out.  People kept telling me, how they couldn't believe how well I was doing and it wasn't as scary as your issue.  But because I felt I could do  - I did so much better.  But for a little bit, I got lost in the fear because I was dealing with it alone.  I started listening to how difficult it was and scary and suddenly my energy vanished.  My health got worse.  Then I got it together, and started focusing once again on seeing myself getting better.  


So allow Mick to share your experience, to be there for you and it is okay if you both cry together.  Courage is facing the fear, acknowledging your vulnerable but being willing to keep moving forward.  It is okay to be afraid.


Don't know if anything I said was helpful, I hope it was.  but sending positive energy and prayers your way.

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Mick is absolutely right to be optimistic.  My father was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer (a tumor was taking up 75% of his stomach).  He was given 4 months to live.


11 years later, he's still with us.  A little more ornery, perhaps, but he's alive and in full remission.  Miracles do happen.

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My 30-year-old blender bit the dust in the middle of makings a smoothie. Now I have a glass a half full of smoothie and half full of chunks of frozen pineapple, strawberries and blueberries. Ah, well. I knew I was overloading the poor thing. Time to get a NutrBullet!

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Okay, I'm calmer now! Thanks so much for your support, you have no idea what it means to me. I don't care what anyone says, on line friendships are very real, and help so goddamn much!. Thanks again guys.


I won't know anything more until the 9th, when all these results from the surgery come back (I have 3 doctor appts on the 9th!!), so I'll fill you in then.


I have great support here in the mean time. My sister and her wife are driving me crazy calling all the time and wanting to fly out (They're  on the east coast), and my girlfriends here have been wonderful. I can't say enough about how loving and considerate Mick has been. I don't know what I ever did to deserve him!


So, when all is said and done, the most pressing thing in my life right now is, "When the hell will Sam and Dean realize Cas isn't Cas, but Lucifer?"

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Mick Lady, I'm glad that your loved ones are being so supportive. You deserve it :)


The only thing I can ever think to do whenever anything goes wrong is to offer food. I HATE THAT I CANNOT GIVE YOU FOOD.


At least tell me what your comfort foods are so I can cook them in a "pour one out for my homies" kind of way. Not being able to feed you at least a motherfucking bowl of matzo ball soup is driving me nuts.

Edited by rue721
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Mick Lady I'm so glad to hear things are looking positive.  I think sometimes you do connect to folks on line and you can get support in a different way than you do in person, because maybe your more open than you would be in real life.


That said, I guess my roller-coaster ride is going for a another wild loop.  My dad suffered a major heart attack and is in ICU.  I'll be calling and having to decide if my flying out will help or not.  My mom freaks over the littlest stuff when she's stressed, so I may be waiting till later when he's home if they need some help.    But he's in the best place for now and they think the got everything moving in the right direction. 


Talk about what you hear and what someone says.  I thought it was a mild one and it was a massive one, the artery that was clogged 100% is nicknamed the widow maker.


My sister, had her surgery, I think it was about 4 to 5 hours and she is in ICU and will have to be incubated to deal with the pain.  With her having a pace-maker, I think it is required so that she responds better. Her husband reported that she did well during this surgery.


No family member lives near her state, so none of us are with her, but we are keeping in touch by phone.  We aren't telling her about my dad's heart attack because that would put too much stress on her right now.


For some reason I have a headache and can't sleep.  :)  I'm hoping I can find some energy to write, as I think I need to harm something.  Any suggestions on who I should pick on?  I guess it's time to play Farmville 2 as it is mindless and sometimes that calms me down.  I know I talk to much.  :)



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7kstar, there is never "too much" on the Small Talk thread when you are dealing with something. And you clearly ARE dealing with something. I'm a fan of mindless activity when I'm overstressed. OTOH, sometimes mindless fun is good too. If you haven't watched Galavant, it's worth a binge. Timothy O is the epitome of "delightful". And the Tunes are catchy.

Since you are in an energy depleted state, I suggest just chillin'. If you need to "move", nothing like a little classic rock to get you up on your feet.

Good luck over the next week or so (I imagine it should settle by then). You're also in my thoughts and prayers (if that''is okay).

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I don't think I would have survived with what little remains of my mind and heart after the past two years with my mom's health issues and being her caregiver, being unemployed, her death and  the family drama surrounding that if I didn't have this place and another forum to help me detach and compartmentalize and decompress. 


So not to be cliched but thanks for making this a safe place for that.


Also, SueB, I LOVE Galavant. I would also highly recommend Crazy Ex Girlfriend for the same kind of silly fun with heart.  It's a poorly titled show IMO, but it's really delightful. 

Edited by catrox14
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Wow, that's a lot to deal with, 7kstar. I hope that your dad and sister get out of the ICU ASAP, and that your mom is able to keep it together in the meantime. I hope nobody is in too much pain.


Personally, my barometer is *terrible* for things like how involved to get when someone is in trouble. So I really have no idea whether flying out would be a good idea or not. But you know your family and yourself, and you'll make the best choice :).




It's hard to know how involved to get because simultaneously, you want to fix everything for everybody, and you feel fundamentally powerless. It's so tough when other people are hurting.

Edited by rue721
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Thanks everyone.  I'm not going up right now, since they are limiting who can be in ICU and it would cause another worry for my mom.  She starts freaking if I'm spending money...so keeping in touch by phone and that way if I need to go later and she really needs the support I can have the days to do that.  Right now just praying and trying to do normal.


Also, SueB, I LOVE Galavant.


Oh I love Galavant and the Librarians.  Last night I was in shock, I think.  I couldn't eat and well just now starting to get motivated to do something. 


I know if he can be active he'll do better but I just found out he got hurt just before the heart attack.  So lot's going on for him. 


ETA:  Both my sister and Dad have been moved to a regular room.  For some reason I'm tired and doing nothing.  Guess I'm the whimp.  I didn't stay up all night with my dad.   I should be doing something...but I don't wanna!  Me bad. :)

Edited by 7kstar
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I should be doing something...but I don't wanna!


And sometimes that's all good, 7kstar.


Looks like I missed a bunch being away today. Sorry I wasn't here to give my support, 7kstar. I'm sending positive thoughts your way.


And I agree with catrox14. A few years ago, I was dealing with a lot of family tragedy. My online Buffy friends provided me a lot of support and helped me to stay strong. You can come here and vent whenever you need to.

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Hell, it seems all of us are going through a bad patch! 7kstar, I don't know how you do it, I honestly don't. Between teaching and your family you are carrying one hell of a load!

catrox, you of all people are due a break. It never seems to let up for you, and that just plain sucks.

I think we should all get together and get rue cook for us (just so she could, you know, feel better!) and let SueB and Omegamom  remind us how good we all have it, because we have each other. Now if Awesome would get off her ass and start writing....


On a lighter note, Mick's bass player Hayward,(who's super worried about me, bless him) came by today and gave us the first four seasons of "Game Of Thrones". We have never watched it on HBO for some reason, and after two episodes, we're hooked! Well, except for the puppy part, but as Taarna (our Lab ) told us, "They're actor puppies!"

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Mick is absolutely right to be optimistic.  My father was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer (a tumor was taking up 75% of his stomach).  He was given 4 months to live.


11 years later, he's still with us.  A little more ornery, perhaps, but he's alive and in full remission.  Miracles do happen.


Daisy, from what you've posted about your Dad, for him to die someone will have to shoot him! He sounds like a real hoot!

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Now if Awesome would get off her ass and start writing....


I'm writing, I promise. This chapter is an emotion (mess) one. Those are sometimes the toughest for me to write. One of the scenes has been in my head for quite a while, and sometimes when it finally comes to that part in the story, I have to make sure the scene actually plays out so that it fits the story. I'm about 3/4 done, so it shouldn't be too much longer.


I'm working hard on it for you. And Omegamom too, of course.

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A rant: Goddamit, PTV's site has become almost useless for me. I am typing this in a separate document, then c-and-p-ing it into the reply box because the site is so borked. I surely hope the new version works better, because I am damned tired of having to wait minutes for the page to take a break from loading and let my typing through, and I am sick to death of it taking my carefully thought out, precious words and losing enough keystrokes that it confuses autocorrect into tossing total gobbledygook in, and I am sick of having the page barf and reload just before I finally - finally! -- get to hit the "post reply" button.

Am I the only one this #*% is happening to?

And big supportive hugs and thoughts to7kstar and MickLady -- I just can't type them out.

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A rant: Goddamit, PTV's site has become almost useless for me. I am typing this in a separate document, then c-and-p-ing it into the reply box because the site is so borked. I surely hope the new version works better, because I am damned tired of having to wait minutes for the page to take a break from loading and let my typing through, and I am sick to death of it taking my carefully thought out, precious words and losing enough keystrokes that it confuses autocorrect into tossing total gobbledygook in, and I am sick of having the page barf and reload just before I finally - finally! -- get to hit the "post reply" button.

Am I the only one this #*% is happening to?

And big supportive hugs and thoughts to7kstar and MickLady -- I just can't type them out.


Nope it happens to me often enough, too, sometimes eating my entire post.

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A rant: Goddamit, PTV's site has become almost useless for me. I am typing this in a separate document, then c-and-p-ing it into the reply box because the site is so borked. I surely hope the new version works better, because I am damned tired of having to wait minutes for the page to take a break from loading and let my typing through, and I am sick to death of it taking my carefully thought out, precious words and losing enough keystrokes that it confuses autocorrect into tossing total gobbledygook in, and I am sick of having the page barf and reload just before I finally - finally! -- get to hit the "post reply" button.

Am I the only one this #*% is happening to?


I'm not currently experiencing any difficulties, Omegamom, but I used to quite a bit when I used Internet Explorer and sometimes Safari was a pain in the ass at work. Since I've switched browsers both at home and at work, the only problems I've had is it lags a bit from time to time. Nothing too serious though.

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@Omegamom.  I use firefox and I don't have this issue.  I have had a few times where the page wouldn't load at all.  I come back later, usually the next day and it works.


I have had my entire post lost  a few times, so I would open up microsoft word and type it there and copy and paste when I got it ready.  Not having any problems today.


Vent ahead, can ignore...I may delete it later.


Not sure why I'm reacting like I am.  Usually I compartmentalize the issue and after a day of doing nothing I go on as normal.  Taking the morning off work, since I couldn't sleep or do anything all weekend.  I really don't have time for this, it's one act play season and we have less than a month to get ready.


Dad may go home tomorrow, so things are looking up on that front.  Sister hasn't answered the phone when I called, so all I know is that the surgery was a success and she is recovering.  I haven't been the one to stay up all night with my dad.  I haven't even had to change my routine.  So not sure why I'm being such a whimp right now.  Grades are due, so perhaps a deadline can get me doing what I should have done this weekend. 

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X-Files premiered to 50 million viewers worldwide according to Fox.  I would LOVE to see what Supernatural does if they count the ratings the way Fox has here....mind blowing




That virtually guarantees a season 11..X files is will be at 208 at this end of this run. If they get another 13 episodes in s11 that will be 221. Right now SPN is at 229 and will have SPN will have 241 by the end of s11 right? So maybe SPN goes to 250 nice round number to secure their place in history as longest running sci fi/fantasy show....

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