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S03.E01: Mercenary

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I can't say I'm enjoying Ragnar's new coif. It looks like somebody hot-glued a bit of my welcome mat onto his head.


Thank you.  I'd been trying to figure out what it reminded me of.  I miss the plait.  It was very jaunty in a way that always made me wonder how much time he spent washing blood out of it.


It's amusing to me that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to Viking hair.  It's just "shave that and braid this.  Yeah, that looks good."

Edited by nodorothyparker
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I do not for one hot second believe that Daughter in Law would have spent the time to do those ridiculous little plait hoops in her hair (on top of the one-sided mohawk) just before battle -- so I not only question the character's priorities but (in this case), I question the series' attention to historical accuracy.


Conflating Rollo's role is one thing (can you say "Braveheart"?  Good Lord -- that was all over the historical map but was still mighty enjoyable) but her hair was absurd.

Edited by Captanne
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I think the stylists are just having fun in Ye Olde Braidery. Frankly, I look forward to seeing what they do next.

Lagertha's hair is often elaborately braided as well, and she doesn't have a stepmother-in-law hanging around to help her with it, like Porunn does.

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The weird scene was between Ragnar and Athelstan at the beginning.  We know Athelstan is all "go, team pagan" with a few guilt-filled moments when handling crosses or killing innocent fellow English or reading illuminated manuscripts.  But Ragnar mentioned he was the same in the opposite way and even mentioned John the Baptist (?!?) in that convo.  Ragnar dipping his toes in multi-religion leanings?  (More Gods, more victories!).  Do not tell Floki about this.

In the last episode of last season Ragnar and Athelstan said the Lord's Prayer together.   I remember it as a particularly powerful scene, and the only words Ragnar spoke during that episode.



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Funny thing, I just finished reading Joe Abercrombie's Half the World, and the main character is a female fantasy-Viking warrior who eventually gets her hair half shaved like Porunn. Thorn could totally kick Porunn's ass, as well.

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I do not for one hot second believe that Daughter in Law would have spent the time to do those ridiculous little plait hoops in her hair (on top of the one-sided mohawk) just before battle -- so I not only question the character's priorities but (in this case), I question the series' attention to historical accuracy.

Not only that; but it looked like she visited Sephora on the way to Wessex.  Hate the inauthenticity (is that a word?) of putting makeup on the women!!  It takes me right out of the moment.  At least seems as if they've left Lagertha face alone for the most part (Of course KW is out of this world gorgeous and doesn't require a stitch of makeup.)


Sephora aside....


I dug this episode for the most part  Loved the Athelstan/Ragnar/Eckbert exchanges.  Wondering where it's all leading.  I'm rooting for a Athelstan/Lagertha/Ekbert 3-way.  Ekbert's daughter in law all gaga over Athelstan is intriguing too.   Did you see his Ekbert's son (can't recall his name?) give Athelstan the ol stink eye?  Heh.


All the guys eagerly anticipating the journey to get away from the women cracked me up. 


The Floki/Helga exchange was bizarre. But that's Floki for ya....bizarre.  Little Helga is adorable.

Edited by jnymph
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Regarding the makeup, specifically eye makeup, I wonder if that was the norm back then, because the some of the men (like Floki) seem to use it too.  So I didn't think Porunn's makeup was all that strange.

Edited by Ohwell
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I love watching Ragnar slouching, leaning & observing.  Travis Fimmel does so much with eyes and smirk. The scene with the boys was so cute,; my heart breaks for little Ivar though.


I want to be Lagertha when I grow up, LOL.

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I really like this series and didn't mean to create "hairgate" -- I just thought those little loops of plaits on Porunn's hair (now I know her name!) were ridiculous and they took me out of the moment entirely for no good reason.  


Here's a controversial statement but a true one:  Am I the only one who has thought Floki is a fuckhead for the entire series?  He's just the worst.  The worst of the worst all the fucking time.  Ugh.  Can't stand him.  Whenever he does something crazy and awful (like, constantly) I always say out loud, "You are such an asshole I can't imagine why anyone keeps you around for more than five minutes.  Go be awful by yourself you dickwad."

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I really like this series and didn't mean to create "hairgate" -- I just thought those little loops of plaits on Porunn's hair (now I know her name!) were ridiculous and they took me out of the moment entirely for no good reason.  


Here's a controversial statement but a true one:  Am I the only one who has thought Floki is a fuckhead for the entire series?  He's just the worst.  The worst of the worst all the fucking time.  Ugh.  Can't stand him.  Whenever he does something crazy and awful (like, constantly) I always say out loud, "You are such an asshole I can't imagine why anyone keeps you around for more than five minutes.  Go be awful by yourself you dickwad."


Since the beginning I've not been able to stand Floki. I think he does have his moments and his place on the show, but if he disappeared, I wouldn't really miss him.

Even so, I'd still take him over Ragnar any day. Now that's a character I just don't understand the love for. I've been over him since about half way through season 1.

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Regarding the makeup, specifically eye makeup, I wonder if that was the norm back then, because the some of the men (like Floki) seem to use it too. So I didn't think Porunn's makeup was all that strange.

Oh I definitely hear ya on the eye makeup ! I can buy that; as even ancient Egyptians used kohl (?) on their eyes but I just have a hard time envisioning it being used in a "modern" sense ... But I can see it being used all crazy such as Floki as you mentioned. For instance in the opening sequence w the Seer... Lagertha had perfectly modern eyeliner/shadow/soft pink lipgloss & perfectly shaped/tweeted eyebrows ...as did Porunn going into battle. Wish they'd have at least did the crazy Floki look.

I dunno .... Maybe I'm thinking about it too much LOL!

Just sitting down for rewatch - see if it bugs as much

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I can't say that I ever "liked Floki (especially his hatred of Athelstan and I get nervous for him every time Floki is around him) but I think he's fascinating to just watch.  The way he moves around like some kind of elf or animal--I've never seen a human move like that.  He reminds me of an animal whose name escapes me.

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Hasn't makeup of some sort been in use pretty much always? Cavewomen were probably using berries and stuff to pretty themselves up.


I mean, if the ancient Egyptians/Greeks/Romans/etc. were using face makeup, then by the time of the viking era, it would've been rather common I'd think.

Edited by Gumdrops
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Here's a controversial statement but a true one:  Am I the only one who has thought Floki is a fuckhead for the entire series?  He's just the worst.  The worst of the worst all the fucking time.  Ugh.  Can't stand him.  Whenever he does something crazy and awful (like, constantly) I always say out loud, "You are such an asshole I can't imagine why anyone keeps you around for more than five minutes.  Go be awful by yourself you dickwad."


Not at all.   I know I've posted "Floki is a douche" at least once in past season threads.  He's annoying as hell, especially when he's being dickish in that lilting, sing-songy voice.   I think the Floki actor is under the impression that the series is really about him.

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The character of Floki is interesting to me mostly only in the way he moves.  He has a very serpentine quality that I think I could enjoy watching with the sound off.  I agree there's something fascinatingly otherworldly about it.  But the character himself?  Not so much.  


Maybe it's a cultural translation thing, but I don't understand how he doesn't get on every other character's last damn nerve with the nonsensical sing song all the time.  And maybe it's because I love Athelstan so much, but his continual picking at him and general nastiness is also really tiresome.  It's been what?  Seven or eight years now in showtime?  Given how wrapped up in his bromance with his favorite former priest Ragnar is, I'm always a little surprised he's never told Floki to knock that shit off.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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I don't like Floki, but I enjoy the character, if that makes sense. Every town, every culture, has its oddballs. Sometimes they're outcasts, sometimes they're integral parts. I don't like Floki, but I'd miss the character if they killed him off.

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Floki is instrumental to Ragnar's enterprise, that's a fact.   He builds the ships.   That probably buys him a lot of leeway.  He was also the most vital component of Ragnar's plot against King Horik.    He's a good warrior, too,


Skilled shipbuilder/fierce warrior/loyal unto death  VS.  Annoying asshole.


You can see why Ragnar keeps him around.

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Floki is the truest viking of them all.  Totally old school.  He has visions, feels the planks in trees, seeks the roots of mountains and honors the Norse Gods.  His take on life is totally a non current day take and his almost magical abilities at times have been lost from most of modern day men which is more the pity.


Of course he hates Athelstan because Athelstan represents the new God and the new culture that doesn't respect his Gods.  His way of life is threaten.  Nay, his very ground of being and purpose for existence.  Much like the Native Americans' way of life was threaten and largely destroyed by the arrival of the white man.  His reaction is quite understandable if horribly unfortunate for Athelstan. 


Ragnar sees the future too and is trying to seek a middle ground.  Ditto for Ecbert.  But people like Floki on one end and Whatever-wulf (Ecbert's son) on the other are too invested in their particular outlook on life which defines them as human beings.  Anytime there are two cultures meeting in world history this type of person -- which I would argue is the overwhelming majority in most cases -- gets frightened by change and reacts harshly one against the other.  Always has been this way and unfortunately will probably always be so.  So I don't get upset at Floki because it is totally understandable what he is going through.  I feel for him. 


I do feel for Athelstan more though.  He is basically a man without a country (culture/religion) now having one foot in each and unable to find a comfortable bridge between the two.  Both he and Floki are having a hard time with the meeting of the two worlds each in his own way.  Because when two worlds meet they don't meet in the abstract.  They meet in the flesh and blood and hearts and souls of all those that live that meeting.  I think the creator of this show has been brilliant in dramatizing this so well.  Kudos to him.

Edited by green
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Brilliantly put green. I thoroughly enjoyed your post. I feel badly for Floki  because his world is progressing and changing too fast for him. All he thought going West would mean would be killing but he forgot about the "learning" part of the journey. Ragnar is looking for something but he isn't sure what it is. He does do a lot of quiet observing and absorbs many details which he stores for future use. Athelstan feels so torn between the worlds even though I get the impression that he doesn't believe he truly belongs completely in either. Each man draws my eye for different reasons. 

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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Who could resist my girl Lagertha? :-) She and Ecbert would make a hawt couple. This season looks great.

Loved how Athelstan was the translator, Ecbert was shooting heart eyes at Lagertha.

It was hilarious. They would be an attractive couple.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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I wish we'd found out Athelstan's answer to Ragnar's threesome question because I'm sure Ragnar would have arranged that in a heartbeat.. and if Lagertha wasn't down for it I'm sure our good King Ecbert would have been.

I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing the triangle with Ragnar, Athelstan and Ecbert.. I was half expecting the three of them to go off together before Ragnar went to fight and Athelstan to the farm with Lagertha.

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5 hours ago, Kalliste said:

I wish we'd found out Athelstan's answer to Ragnar's threesome question because I'm sure Ragnar would have arranged that in a heartbeat.. and if Lagertha wasn't down for it I'm sure our good King Ecbert would have been.

I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing the triangle with Ragnar, Athelstan and Ecbert.. I was half expecting the three of them to go off together before Ragnar went to fight and Athelstan to the farm with Lagertha.

Just wanted to pop in and say it is great to see a newer Vikings viewer here and one I see in the Mr Robot thread too.  That's great.  Looks like you will get caught up in time to join us for the second half of Season 4's premiere.  Whenever that is.  Got to be right around the corner though.  I hope.

I can't really say much about your posts right now because I might get the timeline messed up and spoil something but yes I remember being one of the ones that agree with the above in that Ragnar and Ecbert both seem to care for Athelstan as well as see him as a "kindred spirit" in the sense that both leaders are open to learning more about the world outside their own people and knowledge in general.  Meanwhile Ecbert's son Athelwulf seems more Floki's counterpoint in thinking other cultures and religions are bad news and one should be very suspicious and/or hostile to them.

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Thanks @green! I've been planning on watching the show for ages but others always came in line first. Part of me is sad I didn't watch it earlier but then again, after everyone's misery at the time between seasons 2 and 3 it also good to be able to watch it all at once (for now of course). 

I do really enjoy how Ecbert and Ragnar are very similar and see how valuable a person like Athelstan is although Ecbert seems to be more inclined to exploit his skills rather than the plain curiosity about the world around him like Ragnar.

I can understand Floki's point of view that suddenly (well, it has been 6 years now, get over it Floki!) his faith has been questioned and he's not happy with this false god calling to Ragnar. I am curious to see if he will ever relent to the one God or forever believe in the many.

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