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S26: Harley & Jonathan

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former New Kid on the Block!


Correction: CURRENT.  Yesterday NKOTB announced they're going back on tour with Nelly and TLC this summer. 


I'll go on record to say I am a huge New Kids fan.  Also I am huge TAR fan.  This for me, is the best thing ever.  I've met Jon a few times and he's pretty damn awesome (good hugs too.) Never met Harley though.


And not for nothing, there are a lot of fans who've never watched TAR in their lives.  But they will watch for them.

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I hate celeb stunt casting on this show.  Like having people return, it's one of those concepts I think the show just doesn't need.


That said, he seems like a good guy, so it's more the whole IDEA of stunt casting I hate rather than the instance of it.  So I won't hold it against him.

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I remember seeing John on Oprah years ago, talking about his extreme anxiety and stage fright. It was difficult to watch, because he was clearly SO anxious about even being on the Oprah stage. I hope his being on this show means he's learned how to deal with that problem, or this could be really hard for him.


On a shallower note, he was always the cutest New Kid. Glad to see that he's still cute.

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I'm a little confused by folks in the episode thread referring to his "social anxiety."  I only heard him say anxiety.  I mean, I'm sure you can have both, but I thought that's what he said.  (I don't see stage fright, referred to in Chyna's post above mine, as the same thing as social anxiety really).

I'm a big ol' emotional sponge when it comes to other people's anxiety, so I am not sure I can out and out say I'll enjoy watching them per se, or not when his anxiety comes to the fore, but I like them and I feel for him.

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Based on Jon's tweets, it seems that he was recruited for it in the past but wasn't available for a few seasons.

Everything else he has said makes it sound like he wasn't recruited. His quotes in interviews have said "I've been trying to get on the show for four seasons".


So it sounds like he's been applying, but the dates don't line up if it is offered. 

Since it sounds like he is a major fan, it was maybe a mutual thing- but it seems unlikely that the producers would try to recruit random boyband guy and it turn out he was a major fan.

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I'm a little confused by folks in the episode thread referring to his "social anxiety."  I only heard him say anxiety.  I mean, I'm sure you can have both, but I thought that's what he said.  (I don't see stage fright, referred to in Chyna's post above mine, as the same thing as social anxiety really).



Sorry, I should have used the correct terminology. On the Oprah episode, I think they called it panic disorder, but obviously, I'm no expert. The thing that stands out most clearly in my memory was that it seemed like he was almost in physical agony being on that stage.

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I'm a little confused by folks in the episode thread referring to his "social anxiety."


I thought he *did* say "social anxiety" in the episode, which is why I used that term. My husband has anxiety like whoa--not to make light of it but just to say IT IS REALLY REAL--and I've never really heard or used the "social" descriptor before. Interesting.

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Social anxiety is when the specific task of interacting personally with people causes great anxiety.  Regular anxiety is more broad.  I guess social anxiety could be a subset of anxiety.  Though people who say they have anxiety disorder often can be made anxious by a number of different things.


I'm always amazed by people with this particular obstacle who become performers.  It seems to happen more than you'd think.

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I'm a bit in shock they let a former boy band member on the race.  But at least Jonathan's a fan of the show.  And Harley will keep him going.  I was impressed with how quickly they knocked out the Samurai Sake Detour.  I think with better cab luck, they might've nailed a higher placement.

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Other than Harley struggling with the Roadblock, they made no noticeable mistakes.  They cleared the Detour quickly, and then, they somehow passed up Jeff & Jackie to take fourth.  Good work by them.  Also, the Date Night must be a pretty sweet deal.

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In general, I hate (pseudo) celebrity racers. I hate boy bands even more. (Though I will admit to owning an N*Sync CD because I forgot to decline my Columbia House/BMG CD of the month once. Oops!) However, I find myself completely charmed by these guys. Sure, being gay helps, but that isn't enough for me to like the other gay couple. (That may be because that other couple exhibit more of the typical gay guy stereotype.)


The only problem I have is that they look so much alike. Distinguishing between the teams is already hard enough on a nightmare season of all dating couples. I don't think I'll never know which one is actually the old New Kid. But then again, I still don't know which is which Cowboy, and they're one of my favorite teams, and they've been on the show three (billion) times.

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Sorry, I should have used the correct terminology.


Oh, I'm sure he called it stage fright--I wasn't calling you on using it wrong--just wondering if that was why people in the ep thread kept adding the "social" modifier.

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This is stuntcasting at its most benign: perhaps it gives an additional bump at casting, but celebrities are allowed to be avid fans of television shows, and Jonathan seems like he's an avid fan. Only trouble is, he and Harley might end up with a superfan exit.

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I don't mind Jonathan on the race, because while I realize NKOTB is still an active fan, their hey-day was over 20 years ago.  He is one of the least famous of the members so I really don't think that he is likely to be recognized.  Plus, if he loves the show- why should he be excluded just because people might know who he is?


Amazing Race probably has some people tuning in because they heard a New Kid was on the show, but his actions on the show have very little to do with the fact that he is a New Kid.


It just doesn't seem that stunt cast to me.


Plus I love their team.

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Most times, NELs frustrate me because they save teams who come in last from their own mistakes and screw-ups and thus don't deserve the save.  But this is one time I'll be okay with it, because these two came in last through no real fault of their own.  The flights were clearly crazy, and I wonder if TPTB knew it, too, hence it being an NEL?  They made no mistakes that I could see in the leg, so the NEL was deserved.


Can they overcome the Speed Bump, though?  Well, if there's a bunch-up, probably.  If not, then it'll depend on how far behind they really are.

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These two are so super-sweet.   (I had to resist using the word "adorable" again!)  I was so happy for the NEL because their my favorites out of the ones left.  There's a bonus clip on the CBS website that shows more of their "Date Night" (they joke that it's really a Date Day).  The clip has background music, which makes me think that it was cut out of the episode so that they could show god-knows-what.  (The editing seems really jumpy this season so far, as if they don't have enough time to show everything they want to.)

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They are absolutely adorable (wink at lingo). What impressed me the most was the absence of drama or bitching when they thought they were going to be eliminated. This couple has a dynamic I wish on all couples!

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I can't say I'm surprised by this ending.  I had a feeling they were too far behind last week, and that bore out terribly this week.  Sad, too, because they seemed to make no real mistakes on this leg.  With a better bunching point, they might've stayed in it.


I wish them well, though, and hope they had a wonderful time on the race.

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I wasn't surprised at all by their elimination and have a feeling they were far behind the other teams, but I'm still very sad to lose my favorites. I'm way too old to have been a NKOTB fan and had only vaguely heard of Jonathan Knight before, but now I'll always think of him - and Harley - with great affection. Loved the way they were determined to enjoy everything on the race - and especially enjoy and appreciate each other.

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They were the best. So sorry to see them go. I really loved Jonathan's reactions to the cats, despite being allergic, pointing out the tiger cat, grumpy cat, etc., with a big smile on his face. I would love to meet these guys.

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I think Dan Fienberg summed up why these two are some of my favorite races ever. Jonathan would acknoweldge he had an issue (phobias, lack of skill etc. - and dude seriously you travelled the world with a pool table in your bands dressing room and you were worried about making one shot?) with the task but it was not an excuse, it was just a fact because he then immediately jumped in, didn't complain, and be in good spirirts throughout and Harley was game for anything and would always help and encourage. I am sad that they got eliminated from the race but I will be sadder than any other couple from this show if they break up because they are clearly such a solid team in life!

Edited by biakbiak
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This leg needed more tasks with variables that could effect the time spent doing them. Really, the only one was the carburetor and that didn't have that much variation (unless you're Rochelle). Jon and Harley didn't have a chance. On the other hand, they seemed to know that they were going to be last, so they weren't completely devastated on the mat.


Still, given their supportiveness and appreciation for each other, it would have been nice to see this team keep going. (They were also nice to look at.)

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Too bad there wasn't anything involving building things as Jon's "side job" is real estate (he flips houses.) 


As a long time NKOTB fan, I was thrilled he was on, but even if I didn't know who he was, I would have like this team anyway.  I can see them making the short list for the next Unfinished Business/All stars edition. 

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I'm not a 'boy band' fan, for the most part, and have very little familiarity with NKOTB's music, but I am now a Jonathan-and-Harley fan for life. Lovely people, great attitude while racing (which I suspect may be their attitude towards life in general... I'm more irritated than usual with the poor construction that would not allow them to have a reasonable chance, with effort, to catch up and survive. I doubt I'll ever forget how, as Phil was expressing his regret at their elimination, all they could do was hug and kiss each other and show their rock-solid love.

And now there's something in my eye...


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How nice to know that they are even better than I thought. They understood so many things that contribute to making the Race a great experience, win or lose. They were creative, they faced difficulties with equanimity (loved their affirmation that getting stressed and throwing a temper tantrum can't benefit anyone). They did a hell of a job making up time - and I agree that if they'd flown to another country for this leg, they'd have had an even better chance of staying in the game - and faced each and every challenge head on. Plus they don't seem to have a negative word to say about anyone. Imagine how well they'd have gotten along with last season's Racers!


And even during the episode, I was commenting on the fact that they never, ever gave up, no matter what. They were bringing urgency to every single task. A lot of Racers seem to give up during such circumstances.


Love them!


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Not sure where else to put this, but I was reading an interview with the male vocal group (kinda boy-band from the 1990s) All-4-One, and one of the members said the following.  I wonder which season this was for:




Delious Kennedy: I would love to do [Celebrity Apprentice], I love watching that show, I love the experience of it. What I would do reality wise, there's two shows I would do, I would do Survivor, and actually not too long ago, me and another buddy of mine from 98°, Jeff Timmons, were in the final producers round for The Amazing Race before we got cut. They took 12 people, there were 14 of us, and they only took 12 and somehow, we were the ones that got cut. I was so mad. We would have been the Boy Banders Team, that's what they would've called us, and we would've ran around the world and just sang. Oh yeah, we know that song, great; take us to where we need to go. They were like 'We can't have you on the show, you've been everywhere we're going.'


Edited by Camera One
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