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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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Right?  It's an independent restaurant, not a chain, and I trust they'd honor someone's request not to receive any communication other than "Your table is ready," but I don't trust they wouldn't try sending promotional shit and force people to opt out. 

But even if all they'd send was that one text, WTF?  I could see offering it as an option, especially since this place generally has more than a bit of a wait and is centrally located, so there's lots to do in the immediate vicinity while waiting -- if you'd rather be able to wander far enough away that the little pager thing wouldn't work but close enough that you could make it back to claim your table promptly upon receiving the text, opt for the text, otherwise just hang out like normal and wait to be paged/called.  But they got rid of their pagers, and are now down to either texting you or calling your name -- and expect texting to be the default. 

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Goodness, I would never give my cell phone number to any corporate entity. I accept climate change and that Oswald killed JFK but am a total cellphone denier.

I have created a sphere of personal calmness and contentment which includes leaving the damned thing turned off in a drawer for 2-3 weeks at a time until I remember to check messages. I will allow that it's less intrusive than a land line used to be, and I appreciate no longer needing an answering machine. (Historical peeve: how many of those did I go through over the years, large cassette tapes to mini, but they all failed at some point.)

My situation is atypical in that I don't have family or friends I need to stay in ever-present and immediate contact with, but I also don't mind people in public talking on or staring at their phones because that prevents them from perhaps trying to engage in conversation with me.

12 hours ago, Bastet said:

And then one of the cats decided to scare me by suddenly sitting up in bed and staring out into the hallway. So I had to turn on all the lights and do a full sweep of the house before I could get back in bed.

The cat closeness has been going on a long time with you, hasn't it, goddess? :)

Edited by lordonia
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In Chicago it's common to give the cell number to places that don't take res and have long waits (multi hour waits). That way you can go window shop or drink somewhere and return if you stay close. It used be common at Kumas Corner, The Angry Crab, and Big Star. I've done it and never gotten any solicitations afterwards.

There was a very high end pizza place in uptown  that had that policy also but since closed. They also had no substituitions or eliminations of ingredients on their ten chosen pies on the menu so many complained of their rigidity and exclusivity. 

9 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I swear to Jeebus, if my boyfriend asks me once more if his plate can go in the dishwasher, I will kill everybody! We have had the same dishes for seven years!

Do you have other plates that aren't dishwasher safe?

Follow up question: If so, why?  ;)

I assure you that nobody ever accused me of being a meticulous housekeeper, but at some point it just becomes easier to clean something myself than to spend time femalesplaining it and in the end having to re-do it anyway. It took one batch of ruined laundry before that chore was off the table for good. Three marriages and they all ended up with stereotypical work assignments of inside/outside the house.

Everybody Loves Raymond did an episode where Ray pretends to be bad at something just so Debra will do it, and while I don't think that was the case with me, there's only so much of my life I'm willing to devote to teaching someone to iron who seems to have no grasp of the concept of clothing.

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13 minutes ago, Quof said:

Get a steamer. It will change your life.

Right? Even though I no longer own anything that needs to be either dry cleaned or ironed, I still kind of want a steamer!

You know ... how hot do they get? Maybe I can buy one and use it to open my sinuses! I currently use the pot of boiling water and towel over my head method.

2 hours ago, lordonia said:

Do you have other plates that aren't dishwasher safe?

Follow up question: If so, why?  ;)

I assure you that nobody ever accused me of being a meticulous housekeeper, but at some point it just becomes easier to clean something myself than to spend time femalesplaining it and in the end having to re-do it anyway. It took one batch of ruined laundry before that chore was off the table for good. Three marriages and they all ended up with stereotypical work assignments of inside/outside the house.

Everybody Loves Raymond did an episode where Ray pretends to be bad at something just so Debra will do it, and while I don't think that was the case with me, there's only so much of my life I'm willing to devote to teaching someone to iron who seems to have no grasp of the concept of clothing.

Haha, we do, actually, but for fabulous reasons; two words: VINTAGE PYREX--those beautiful solid colors, and one with, like, Amish folks on them (that's my BF's soup-eatin' bowl). Also, a set of big plastic plates from Target with a skull drawing that looks like it's from an anatomy book (those are awesome, but a pain because they can't go in the microwave either). And a super-cool I Love Lucy coffee mug, which he never uses anyway. Our regular dinner dishes have always been fine in there, and yet...oy, guys.

Edited by TattleTeeny
2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:


I hate rain, hate snow, hate humidity, and hate freezing. 


If you don't mind ridiculously high prices and high population density, might I recommend Oahu?  It has none of those things -- well, it has rain, but it's warm, not bone-chillingly cold.  It does have vog (volcanic smog), though.  The tradewinds blow it away most of the time, but it can get bad.

Huh.  Maybe Oahu's not such a good suggestion after all....


My pet peeve today (well, one of many) is about myself. Why can I not eat anything without dropping it on my chest? This is one reason why I wear black shirts all the time.

Do you eat at a table, or just sitting on a sofa/chair (or standing at the sink, heh)?  Because when I eat sitting at a table or desk, I'm fine, but when I plop down in my recliner to eat, I tend to drop food on my chest.  Good thing I change into around-the-house clothes as soon as I get home.

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3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

My pet peeve today (well, one of many) is about myself. Why can I not eat anything without dropping it on my chest? This is one reason why I wear black shirts all the time.

Could we meet for lunch?  I met an old friend yesterday, we had a nice lunch, chatted, had coffee.  As soon as we said goodbye, I looked down and there were crumbs all over my boobs!  I wonder, if she walked away thinking "what a slob!" 
I want to have lunch with someone who walks away with the same amount of crumbs on THEIR chest, so I am not embarrassed.

Heh; I've got big "crumbcatchers," too.  That's what I'll think of from now on.

My mom had a mastectomy about 20 years ago, and opted out of reconstructive surgery, so one breast is a prosthesis.  Thus, unable to feel anything on that side, she's prone to accidentally sticking it in her salad dressing or something as she leans forward to reach for something.  She figures it's fine so long as she doesn't set her fake boob on fire. 

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I am sick and tired of the almighty 14-49 ratings reverence. First of all, it's so broad to be meaningless. Do networks really think teenagers have more disposable income than people 50 and older? Kids are apparently watching less TV now, so the totals number of these influencers is smaller than ever. I watched the least amount of TV in my twenties when I was more about going out and partying.

It just bugs me that one segment of the viewing public is separated out and reported on as if they're the only ones that matter. It's like electoral college votes overruling the popular vote.

Edited by lordonia
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12 hours ago, backformore said:

Could we meet for lunch?  I met an old friend yesterday, we had a nice lunch, chatted, had coffee.  As soon as we said goodbye, I looked down and there were crumbs all over my boobs!  I wonder, if she walked away thinking "what a slob!" 
I want to have lunch with someone who walks away with the same amount of crumbs on THEIR chest, so I am not embarrassed.

I don't have a "sizable set" but, when I am at home, I am always wearing comfy pants and one of those cheapo spaghetti-strap tanks with the built-in shelf bra. That thing is quite the crumb-catcher--which I guess is helpful to a classy lady who's always sitting on the couch late at night, cramming potato chips into her face.

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12 hours ago, corinne said:

All the people gleeful about the recent show cancellations. Hundreds, probably more, or people are dependent on the paychecks those shows provide. Being gleeful about their cancellations is in poor taste, I think.

Those people choose to work in an industry subject to ebbs and flows of subjective taste.

"Crumbcatchers" - hah!  Made me think of one of my friends who would describe a generously endowed female as "Having tata's til Tuesday - Monday afternoon at least".  Given that I fall in the more modest, possibly nonexistent, proportions, I have no way of sympathizing.

I'm cracking up at crumbcatchers. My chest is not what I would consider substantial, although maybe it is for someone of my petite size, and it tends to catch things as well. Oddly enough, I seem to only get things on my shirt when the shirt in question is purple, so I stopped wearing purple as much, which has seemed to work.  I'm sure the food has no idea what color I'm wearing, so I don't know why it works, but I'm not going to question.

Today's peeve is people who give the right of way when they have it. It's not being polite, all you're doing is creating a dangerous situation.  

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I don't have a "sizable set" but, when I am at home, I am always wearing comfy pants and one of those cheapo spaghetti-strap tanks with the built-in shelf bra. That thing is quite the crumb-catcher--which I guess is helpful to a classy lady who's always sitting on the couch late at night, cramming potato chips into her face.

You sound like my kind of lady. I might have gone on a potato chip massacre Friday night. I'm not proud.

1 hour ago, janestclair said:

Today's peeve is people who give the right of way when they have it. It's not being polite, all you're doing is creating a dangerous situation.  

This makes me curse at the other driver. I don't care if they are trying to be polite; that's not how driving works!

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Well, you should be proud! The other night, my BF said that I have two distinct "drinking at home in front of the TV" modes. One is falling asleep after one cocktail, and the other is getting a second wind way too late for a work night, proceeding to eat everything that is salty/crumbly/messy, and maybe even trying to do some kind of dance routine (e.g., "Step in the Name of Love" or "The Scarn" from The Office).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Ha - a friend lived with me for a while in my first post-college townhouse, and sometimes we'd wake up wondering why our legs were sore and then remember that after a few drinks we'd popped in some '80s CDs and danced around the living room.  Nice aerobic exercise to burn off those alcohol calories.

Salty, crunchy snacks are my kryptonite.  For "dinner" last night, I made a big bowl of spinach, artichoke & cheese dip and made my way through half a bag of tortilla chips.


Today's peeve is people who give the right of way when they have it. It's not being polite, all you're doing is creating a dangerous situation.

Not to mention an annoying one.  I'm usually in my car yelling, "Thanks, asshole!  You may have all the time in the world, but now I have to wait, too."  Yes, I have road rage, and fellow drivers are lucky I am anti-gun.

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I am not kidding--I am eating homemade vegan spinach-artichoke-cheese dip right with tortilla chips right now!

I'm probably lucky that genetics (and spontaneous drunken dancing?) keep me on the scrawnier side, because it certainly is not restraint or discipline. Though maybe a little more in the crumb-catching region would be nice.

ETA: Back in my 20s, a group of friends and I went to this notoriously awful Jersey club that had four different rooms, one of them with a "stage," complete with pole, behind the oval-shaped bar. Well, we got up there and proceeded to use that pole in a manner so far from its intended purpose; instead of being sexy (or wrongly thinking we were sexy, like most of the other people who used it), we were running at it and flinging ourselves around it like a jungle gym. The next day, we were all sore as hell!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Unfortunately, genetics have not been kind in the body department, except for my large rack and oily, oily skin that has mostly kept the wrinkles at bay. And hair--I have good hair, and lots of it. When I am an old(er) lady, I will dye my hair purple and keep it long.

What good is getting older if you can't spit in the face of whoever thinks up all the "fashion over whatever #" rules and do whatever the hell you want? I'm sticking with the micro-minis until the mirror tells me to cut the shit. Also, I don't have a good answer for the endless "what will you do when you get old, wrinkled, and saggy?" question about my tattoos. I guess be old, wrinkled, and saggy in technicolor?

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I haven't stopped getting tattoos; I'm 41, have been getting tattoos for 20 years, and am planning my next one if I could get an artist to respond to me. Seriously--why even post your email address on your Instagram portfolio if you don't respond to emails?? I'm not going to a "flash" production shop where I can just walk in without a consultation, then an appointment, so we need to set something up. If you want my business, and I have deemed that you are talented enough to mark up my body permanently, answer your freaking email.

Some artists will even post, "I'm terrible about responding to email!" Well, I guess you're terrible about getting my sizeable project and cash infusion.

Edited by bilgistic
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I'm 45 and got my first when I was 19 (and no one came with me, those jerks!). I've increased the frequency of new ones because (A) a friend was dating a tattooist who is now my friend; I get to skip consults and can just text him. And, at this point, he knows my style and preferences (I've learned I am not a black-and-gray kind of girl). And (B) about 5 years ago, my BF started giving me tattoo gift cards with my other holiday/birthday presents. It's perfect; we aren't taking up valuable floor/shelf space with more tchotchkes that need to be dusted and he doesn't have to try to guess my size or agonize over picking clothing.

Edited by TattleTeeny
19 hours ago, Bastet said:

Heh; I've got big "crumbcatchers," too.  That's what I'll think of from now on.

My mom had a mastectomy about 20 years ago, and opted out of reconstructive surgery, so one breast is a prosthesis.  Thus, unable to feel anything on that side, she's prone to accidentally sticking it in her salad dressing or something as she leans forward to reach for something.  She figures it's fine so long as she doesn't set her fake boob on fire. 

Your Mom sounds lovely! What a marvelous attitude. :-) Here's hoping she remains unsinged.

Oh! And that would be a plus to the "crumbcatcher" moniker - it might be a fake boob, but it remains an authentic crumbcatcher no matter what. (You guys totally cracked me up with your catching of crumbs...)

Yea. You definitely don't want to skimp on tattoos. I got mine done at deluxe tattoo in Chicago it's pretty well ranked as highest quality/best regarded in Chicago for 6 yrs now. 

But I mean if you are messaging like, dr woo or bang bang, yea they won't respond. Good artists have waiting lists of over 6 months sometimes. And they probably get 70 messages a day. 


Funny, I just painted my nails with matte. Only thing I hate about nail polish is when darker colors rub off on my paperwork.

The other thing I really like is that the matte nail polish tends to set pretty quickly so, even though the nail polish underneath is wet, the top is dry so you can worry less about messing it up.

Edited by corinne
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The one thing I indulged in during chemo, was manicures and pedicures. I needed something to make me feel like I was still female. I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror for any longer than I had to. So I get a gel manicure (which lasts me a good month and isn't as bad as acrylic) and pedicures, though the latter not as often.

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On ‎05‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:56 PM, Quof said:

I started as a latchkey at age 7, doing all the cooking by age 9 and all the housework by about 11.   My brother had no household responsibilities because a penis is a get out of jail free card.

My brother is five years older than me - he was the one with all the responsibilities and I didn't have to do anything.  Being the baby got me out of a lot back then.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Jaded said:

I hate that nail polish NEVER wants to stay on my nails. Nothing helps it doesn't matter what kind of top/under coats or any other type nail stuff I use. It's so frustrating.

I had that problem all the time, nail polish would peel right off.  Then I learned that I was moisturizing my hands and cuticles before applying polish -  Now I use nail polish remover (not the kind with moisture, the kind with just acetone)  on my nails just before using polish - it helps a lot .

The problem I have is that if I use a base coat, two coats of polish, and a topcoat, it's too thick, and my nails are smudgey by morning.  Plus, who has time for all that?   I've been using Sally Hansen "complete manicure" -  one coat and done.  I'm very impatient. 

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On 5/15/2016 at 1:03 PM, janestclair said:

Today's peeve is people who give the right of way when they have it. It's not being polite, all you're doing is creating a dangerous situation.  

Oh. I could not agree more. The rules are set up for a reason.  I mean, sometimes it's okay to let somebody turn left out of a dangerous intersection because you're both stopped and that guy is NEVER getting out unless somebody lets him go and you're already stopped.  But the numb-nuts who stop in the middle of a 50 MPH road and wave somebody out who would get out safely six seconds later need to have their cars pushed into a ditch before they cause a massive accident.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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