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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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I don't know. I think cars tend to mostly be luck of the draw. I swear by my 2006 Honda Accord. I bought it new off the lot and have never done anything more to it than routine oil changes. It is about to reach 150,000 miles. I've driven the hell out of that car and it's been a great and trusted friend over the years. I do need it to hang on for a few more months though until I purchase my next foreign made car (actually a mini van- subsequently I have not heard good things about the new Honda Van so am leaning toward the Toyota).

Before buying the Honda I had a Ford Explorer (affectionately referred to as The Exploder if that tells you anything) and I was ready to trade that sucker in. I'll be hanging on to the Honda as a get around town car when I'm not transporting the three babies.

This sounds like me and my Toyota Avalon. Super reliable and at 125K miles and I wouldn't hesitate to drive it across the country at a moment's notice.

 (Not that I need to do that or anything. LOL)


We had an Exploder for awhile and called it that too! And now we have a falling apart Chevy Trailblazer. I'm ready to go foreign only as well at this point.

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I'm going to add men to this. I saw what turned out to be a guy last week who I thought was a tall gal. As I got closer I realized "she" was a he wearing fugly skinny pants that gave him a figure better than mine. So, guys, unless you're transitioning and actively trying to look womanly just say no to the skinny pants.




He'd better get used to it unless he plans on shrinking. My 58-year-old husband wears 32 waist and 34 length and can hardly find pants anywhere. I don't know if it's so rare they don't buy enough or so common they sell out quickly.

My son is 6'5" and wears a 34 waist. He gets all of his jeans from Kohl's

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Oh geeze! Khols! I shop there from time to time but their pricing annoys the crap out of me. When you check out the cashier tells you how you saved $250.00 today after purchasing four items. First, I didn't really save that money because, well, it's not sitting here in my wallet is it? Secondly, this cotton t-shirt that cost me $24.99 today but was originally priced at $59.99 is bull shit advertising. The shirt should have really only cost me about $10 to begin with.

As a growing, one income family my first stop for clothes shopping is goodwill. I usually luck out there unless I'm looking for something specific. My five year olds whole summer wardrobe cost me $30.00

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Maybe I need to go to a resale shop (we have four in our smallish town) to get my son's shoes. He keeps wearing holes in them. You know when they say kids outgrow clothes before they wear them out? They never met my son.

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Skinny jeans/pants need to die. I really, really don't understand the trend of young men wearing skinny pants that hang low on their asses so that they look like they're wearing a dirty diaper. I think I've complained about this here before because I'm 40 and don't understand the kids.

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Oh geeze! Khols! I shop there from time to time but their pricing annoys the crap out of me. When you check out the cashier tells you how you saved $250.00 today after purchasing four items. First, I didn't really save that money because, well, it's not sitting here in my wallet is it? Secondly, this cotton t-shirt that cost me $24.99 today but was originally priced at $59.99 is bull shit advertising. The shirt should have really only cost me about $10 to begin with.

As a growing, one income family my first stop for clothes shopping is goodwill. I usually luck out there unless I'm looking for something specific. My five year olds whole summer wardrobe cost me $30.00




I love my local Goodwill. My son likes Khol's.

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Maybe I need to go to a resale shop (we have four in our smallish town) to get my son's shoes. He keeps wearing holes in them. You know when they say kids outgrow clothes before they wear them out? They never met my son.

I donate all my kids clothes to Good Will or a local interfaith group that runs a second hand store (wear as long as they are still in good condition).  Several outfits for special occasions have been one and done so "like new" is no joke.  I also donate a lot of clothes that still have tags on (literally).  My Mom buys all sorts of things for us that we never even wear.  I feel bad about giving away brand new clothes but Mom has a wee bit of a shopping bug.  I've asked her not too, but to no avail. 


I don't feel too bad about it though - the clothes are good quality and would retail for a decent price, but Mom has sale shopping down to an art and she'll only buy stuff if she gets a good deal on it (I think getting a good deal is the bigger rush for her).

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Skinny jeans/pants need to die. I really, really don't understand the trend of young men wearing skinny pants that hang low on their asses so that they look like they're wearing a dirty diaper. I think I've complained about this here before because I'm 40 and don't understand the kids.


Whenever I start complaining about stuff kids do, my husband says, "I had an onion tied to my belt ..."


I donate all my kids clothes to Good Will or a local interfaith group that runs a second hand store (wear as long as they are still in good condition).  Several outfits for special occasions have been one and done so "like new" is no joke.  I also donate a lot of clothes that still have tags on (literally).  My Mom buys all sorts of things for us that we never even wear.  I feel bad about giving away brand new clothes but Mom has a wee bit of a shopping bug.  I've asked her not too, but to no avail. 


I don't feel too bad about it though - the clothes are good quality and would retail for a decent price, but Mom has sale shopping down to an art and she'll only buy stuff if she gets a good deal on it (I think getting a good deal is the bigger rush for her).


Our Good Will store isn't that good, and neither is the Salvation Army one. The stuff never seems really clean. I'm sure it is, but it doesn't smell clean. But we have two others downtown that are just local. One benefits the nonprofit hospice, and the other benefits the homeless shelter and Habitat for Humanity. They always have really good stuff because a lot of the rich people donate to them, and they only put out stuff in really good condition. Stuff that's not good they send to Good Will, who makes rags from it. We also have another one run by the Episcopal church. It's OK. You sometimes find weird stuff in it.


I often forget about shopping at the stores because they aren't open very convenient hours during the week. It's understandable because they are run by volunteers, but it still makes it difficult to shop there without going on Saturday. I need to go, though, because all my clothes are wearing out. I was never good about buying clothes for me, but since the boy was born, I almost never do it. I always think I can make my stuff last a little longer. But when your entire heel comes out of the sock, it's done.

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I occasionally shop at Goodwill, but the prices at our Goodwill are outlandish (huge pet peeve of mine). Most of the time I both shop at and donate to an animal rescue thrift store and another that helps children. Both have great prices, and the animal rescue one is the cleanest thrift store I've ever been in. You'd never know you were in a thrift store based on smell alone let alone how well cared for it is.

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That's how the two I like here are. They are set up like real stores without everything crammed together so you can see stuff, but it's still not overpriced. And since many of the rich people in town donate stuff to them, you can find some really nice clothes. I did find a pair of jeans today for $5. I also tried on a pair that I think was bought in the 80s and apparently hardly ever worn. They were still dark blue and they had the feel of 80s denim jeans (I swear the denim they use now feels different) and the fit of 80s jeans, including the  highest rise I've seen on jeans since then. Also, even  though they were size 12, they were way smaller than any other size 12s I tried on.


Except for the extra high rise, I would have loved them if they'd fit. I can't find jeans now that have the feel I think they should have. The denim always feels too thin and slick. And far too many of them have that faded bit down the thighs, which I think makes my thighs look bigger than they are. I don't need that.

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I shop pretty exclusively at Old Navy, and they don't make jeans without polyester in them now. They used to be cotton, which is, you know, DENIM. Polyester and cotton blend isn't denim. I hate the "new" denim. Cotton is more expensive now, so manufacturers substitute cheaper textiles in its place.

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Except for the extra high rise, I would have loved them if they'd fit. I can't find jeans now that have the feel I think they should have. The denim always feels too thin and slick. And far too many of them have that faded bit down the thighs, which I think makes my thighs look bigger than they are. I don't need that.

Since styles are cyclical, for $5 I would have bought them when the high waist comes back around (if they had fit).


I loved how denim feels when it is broken in, but this new stuff is sold pre-broken in by changing up the fabric content.  Growing up (in the dark ages) it was common to take new Levis (there were no choices on wash or color) and lay them up on the roof (weighing them down with rocks) for a couple of weeks.  Between the sun and rain in Florida, it did a decent job of making them almost wearable.  The neighborhood tough guy just threw his on the roof so they landed however they landed and came down with a random mix of faded and new sections.


Now I have to go yell at those damn kids (in their low rise skinny jeans) to get off my lawn.

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OK, finally I've remembered a pet peeve (that I keep forgetting to mention until I see an example) that drives me nuts.  Why do women put their hand on their husband's/boyfriend's chest in posed photos?  What is that all about?  This stuff started maybe 10+ years ago and it looks so peculiar to me.  What does it mean? Is the woman showing off her ring(s)?  Is it a statement of ownership of the dude?  It's not as bad as the rare times I've seen a man put his hand around the back of his wife's/girlfriend's neck (now that really bothers me!)

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OK,  since we're talking about jeans, my pet peeve is the scornful, derogatory way people refer to "Mom jeans".  I know, originally, it was an SNL skit about those pleated-front, tight ankle jeans that women wore in the 80's, and some women continued to wear.  But - WHY did women wear that style?   Because the jeans manufacturers decided at one point that it was the style, so it was pretty much all you could buy in women's sizes. 

  Eventually, "Mom Jeans'   referred to any jeans besides the latest, most fashionable, hip-hugging jeans that the fashion industry was pushing.  Jeans at your actual WAIST?   Mom jeans alert!  You are out of fashion!    

Saying someone is wearing mom jeans is just going along with the fashion industry telling women that what is cool and hip this year needs to be discarded next year or you will be mocked.  

 Skirt length, clothing colors, jacket length, whether pants hit the shoe, the ankle, or mid-calf.   An entire industry dedicated to telling us what clothes to wear, make sure those clothes are the only styles available,  then make fun of us for wearing those same clothes only a few months later.     

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I'm sitting here at the venue waiting for my concert to start this evening and its making me realize just how much I dislike people.

I've been here less than an hour and have encountered so much rudeness and so many drunks that I just want to go home. I'm having to use my wheelchair today and as we were coming in, I was almost knocked over 3 times by rude people who just had to get there before the handicapped person so they just ahove my chair to the side with me in it and go on their way.

The handicap parking and seating is awesome though.

I've been looking forward to this for months and it feels awesome to be out of the house but these assholes just make me want to go home and get in my bed.

Why are so many people ao rude?

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In my short time so far wearing the immobilizer boot on my sprained foot, I've seen that most people are largely the same obnoxious assholes they always are--racing me for the elevator, not holding it for me, not giving me extra room to walk, passing me in a huff. I can't imagine how it is for you every day, Maharincess. I have a new appreciation for those of us with mobility issues, and a renewed hatred for the assholes among us. Maybe half of the people I encounter are decent, but the rest can fuck right off.

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I was in a wheelchair for only TWO days several years ago, and much to my surprise kids were the most polite. They didn't rush to beat me to an aisle. They'd hold doors for me. They'd step aside and make room for me. Adults on the other hand....horrible, horrible behavior. I've always remembered that and try not to act like that with handicapped people or old people.

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Yeah, people are horrible, I've been bumped and kicked, I lost count of how many people have run into my chair and some drunk bimbo spilled beer down my back. I don't touch alcohol and I smell disgusting.

I know I'll never do anything like this again. I was so looking forward to hearing some good old rock and roll but I just want to leave.

Oh well. Show starts soon so hopefully it'll be worth it.

I'm seeing Kid Rock. He's not one of my favorite favorites but he has some good songs. I'm going to smoke me a little something and hope for the best!

Have a great night all!!

Edited to add, I'm here with my husband and 2 of his friends all of which are 6 foot one or more so at least I feel well protected.

Oh yeah! I also had some b**** ran ahead of me and go into the handicapped stall. Everybody booed her when she came back out which was cool. Lol.

Edited by Maharincess
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Maharincess - That sounds perfectly dreadful!


My peeve is a self peeve today.  Yesterday I did a load of laundry, but did not turn on the light in the laundry room since there is a window and it had some natural light (although on the dim side).  But, I'm familiar with the machine, my kids know what to bring down when I say "doing a light/colored.dark/red load" so about the only thing I worry about is did my daughter empty her pockets.  Checked that and good to go, right?


I open the machine to lots, and I mean lots, of wadded up and soggy little brown paper balls - WTF?  I'm thinking someone did NOT check the pockets very well and what the hell is she carrying in said pockets?  Daughter swore she did check the pockets and has no idea what this yuck is.


Turns out it was a very dissolved Trader Joe's grocery bag.  I normally use fabric bags, but get the paper ones to use for packing recyclables and newspapers in.  I store them on the shelf in the laundry room.  One most have fallen in without me knowing it and the laundry loaded on top.


Yes, I do a separate load of reds.  My son's favorite color and he has a multitude of red t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts plus a few items from my daughter and I.  When he got old enough to write Christmas Lists, a new red t-shirt was always the first item listed.  Whenever we have to get a present for someone, he always suggests a red t-shirt (if he likes them.  If he doesn't, he'll offer no gift suggestion). 

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Attention, plus sized clothing designers: we're not all short, OK? Some of us are tall and would like pants that can handle that fact. Also, size 12 is now plus sized? Huh? I wish women's clothing could all just get along. Can't we just have one giant rack of pants, from size zero to size 1000 and figure it out?


Attention bathing suit designers: please, please add some length so those of us who are tall can actually pull up the entire suit without getting serious thong.


Wife and I were taking a "staycation" at a hotel for a wedding we were attending. Went down to the pool for a relaxing swim. Oh my god. Who in f*ckity f*ck thought it was  OK to let over twenty boys ages 8-12 just go "play in the pool" with zero adult supervision? Total Lord of the Flies. Assorted toys flung everywhere, shrieking, running, jumping, one kid looping  a towel around another's neck and dragging him through the water. Once in a while, an adult would venture in and just stand there for a minute, then leave. I mean...come the f*ck on. I know kids like to play and I have no problem with some screaming and throwing toys in a hotel pool (I did this myself many a time as a kid). But....over twenty of them? With no adult to tell them to at least stop with the worst of it? Not OK. Not OK at all.


One of the idiots decided it would be fun to play on the accessible lift. So, that's when I'd had enough. I stood up, pointed at him and, in my best "mean adult" voice, yelled "Get off there right now. That is NOT a toy. Don't MAKE me call security." 


Miracle - not only did he get off (although not without smirking), every other kid suddenly decided to leave the pool and crowd into the hottub, away from the mean adult! Freakin' awesome -- I must use this again. 


My final peeve is strollers and people who think strollers entitle them to automatic right of way. Not talking about the small ones used to take a kid for a walk outdoors. I'm talking the SUV-sized double-wide models that people insist on shoving through crowds. I will gladly yield for a wheelchair or for someone with mobility issues and no choice in how to get around a zoo, fair, or other crowded place. But don't you dare shove your mammoth stroller into my leg and then give me a dirty look. You don't want to go there. 


As [deity of choice] is my witness, I swear I don't hate children. 








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I just asked my 17-year-old girl if she'd hang around 'til 20 with me. I promised her a little family party. :) Heck, we'll celebrate 18 and 19 if we're lucky enough to see them first.

I've had her since I was 22-23, in my first job out of college, in a studio apartment in a scary part of town. I cannot imagine a life without her.

Was going back to look for a post with a link and read this out of context.  Pretty creepy that way!

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Yes, I do a separate load of reds.  My son's favorite color and he has a multitude of red t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts plus a few items from my daughter and I.  When he got old enough to write Christmas Lists, a new red t-shirt was always the first item listed.  Whenever we have to get a present for someone, he always suggests a red t-shirt (if he likes them.  If he doesn't, he'll offer no gift suggestion). 

You're not the only one!   Just make sure to send him off to a college where RED is the school color, and he'll be happy.   My son's favorite color was always red, and just my happenstance, he attended a university with a redbird mascot.   Fridays were "Wear your red"  days, and across the campus, students all wore their Redbird shirts on Fridays to show school spirit.  It was a pretty cool sight. 

And my son learned to do a load of "reds"  when doing laundry, and by college age, he could fill a washing machine with red shirts. 

Edited by backformore
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potatoradio - 


Wife and I were taking a "staycation" at a hotel for a wedding we were attending. Went down to the pool for a relaxing swim. Oh my god. Who in f*ckity f*ck thought it was  OK to let over twenty boys ages 8-12 just go "play in the pool" with zero adult supervision? Total Lord of the Flies. Assorted toys flung everywhere, shrieking, running, jumping, one kid looping  a towel around another's neck and dragging him through the water. Once in a while, an adult would venture in and just stand there for a minute, then leave. I mean...come the f*ck on. I know kids like to play and I have no problem with some screaming and throwing toys in a hotel pool (I did this myself many a time as a kid). But....over twenty of them? With no adult to tell them to at least stop with the worst of it? Not OK. Not OK at all.

There are hotels who rent out "party rooms"  for kids birthday parties.  Kids have a party in the room, and then use of the pool.   Drives me crazy, as the parents often don't supervise the kids very well, and the kids are not told what the appropriate behavior is. The parents hosting the party assume the hotel/lifeguards/other staff will take on the responsibility, the hotel staff assume the parent hosts will provide supervision.   They'll even have hotel rooms so the party can be a sleepover.  Kind of kills it for anyone in the hotel who wants quiet and relaxation.    And young boys in groups, egg each other on, and end up being increasingly outrageous UNTIL someone tells them to stop.  Good for you that you drew a line.  

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My favorite color is purple and my closet looks like a lavender/purple rainbow so I do a separate purple load.

The concert itself was great, so it was kind of worth all of the bs I went through.

As we were leaving somebody came up to me and said it looks like I've had a hard night and he handed me a bag. It had a concert T-shirt, a poster, some stickers, a wine glass and some other concert stuff in it.

That was so nice.

I didn't notice but on the way home the guys I was with said that the couple who gave me the bag was sitting behind us during the concert.

There are some nice people out there.

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potatoradio - 

There are hotels who rent out "party rooms"  for kids birthday parties.  Kids have a party in the room, and then use of the pool.   Drives me crazy, as the parents often don't supervise the kids very well, and the kids are not told what the appropriate behavior is. The parents hosting the party assume the hotel/lifeguards/other staff will take on the responsibility, the hotel staff assume the parent hosts will provide supervision.   They'll even have hotel rooms so the party can be a sleepover.  Kind of kills it for anyone in the hotel who wants quiet and relaxation.    And young boys in groups, egg each other on, and end up being increasingly outrageous UNTIL someone tells them to stop.  Good for you that you drew a line.  


I will put this on my list of things never to do when my son gets older -- not that I probably would anyway unless I win the lottery between now and then, and probably not even if that happens. I'm not spending that kind of money on a birthday party. I don't really even like spending $50 to rent the park pavilion, but if we don't do that, it's have the party at our house. I'm afraid my son is going to have the worst parties of all the kids because I'm not going to fork over $200 to rent a space somewhere. Or maybe the kids will love them because they'll just get to run around the park and yell, which seems to be what little boys (and probably girls, too) like best.

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My kids remember the backyard barbecue or pizza birthday parties they had at home and have no recollection of the times we went to a big rented venue.

I think kids are just fine with an inexpensive party at home or in a park.

I remember my 7th birthday because my brothers hit a baseball in the backyard, broke the kitchen window and got glass in my cake.

Over 40 years later and I still tease them about it.

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Latest pet peeve -- the "new & improved" Diet Pepsi without aspertame!  It is absolutely horrible!!  I drink 1/2 to one 16 ou. bottle a day and didn't realize they'd changed it.  After drinking a half bottle I poured the rest down the drain thinking it was just flat and opened a new bottle.  Same thing.  Took an hour to get the aftertaste out of my mouth (even brushed my teeth & used mouthwash -- it was that bad!)  Went on the internet & learned that Pepsi "rolled out" the aspertame free a couple weeks ago.  I returned the rest today and bought a 6-pack of Diet Coke.  Apparently Pepsi didn't learn from Coke's fiasco years ago when they changed their ingredients.  Grrrrrrrr!!!! 

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Latest pet peeve -- the "new & improved" Diet Pepsi without aspertame! It is absolutely horrible!! I drink 1/2 to one 16 ou. bottle a day and didn't realize they'd changed it. After drinking a half bottle I poured the rest down the drain thinking it was just flat and opened a new bottle. Same thing. Took an hour to get the aftertaste out of my mouth (even brushed my teeth & used mouthwash -- it was that bad!) Went on the internet & learned that Pepsi "rolled out" the aspertame free a couple weeks ago. I returned the rest today and bought a 6-pack of Diet Coke. Apparently Pepsi didn't learn from Coke's fiasco years ago when

they changed their ingredients. Grrrrrrrr!!!!

In fairness,some studies claim that aspartame is HORRIBLE for the body. The company might have removed it for health reasons.

Edited by Sara2009
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Attention, plus sized clothing designers: we're not all short, OK? Some of us are tall and would like pants that can handle that fact. Also, size 12 is now plus sized? Huh? I wish women's clothing could all just get along. Can't we just have one giant rack of pants, from size zero to size 1000 and figure it out?


Attention bathing suit designers: please, please add some length so those of us who are tall can actually pull up the entire suit without getting serious thong.


Wife and I were taking a "staycation" at a hotel for a wedding we were attending. Went down to the pool for a relaxing swim. Oh my god. Who in f*ckity f*ck thought it was  OK to let over twenty boys ages 8-12 just go "play in the pool" with zero adult supervision? Total Lord of the Flies. Assorted toys flung everywhere, shrieking, running, jumping, one kid looping  a towel around another's neck and dragging him through the water. Once in a while, an adult would venture in and just stand there for a minute, then leave. I mean...come the f*ck on. I know kids like to play and I have no problem with some screaming and throwing toys in a hotel pool (I did this myself many a time as a kid). But....over twenty of them? With no adult to tell them to at least stop with the worst of it? Not OK. Not OK at all.


One of the idiots decided it would be fun to play on the accessible lift. So, that's when I'd had enough. I stood up, pointed at him and, in my best "mean adult" voice, yelled "Get off there right now. That is NOT a toy. Don't MAKE me call security." 


Miracle - not only did he get off (although not without smirking), every other kid suddenly decided to leave the pool and crowd into the hottub, away from the mean adult! Freakin' awesome -- I must use this again. 


My final peeve is strollers and people who think strollers entitle them to automatic right of way. Not talking about the small ones used to take a kid for a walk outdoors. I'm talking the SUV-sized double-wide models that people insist on shoving through crowds. I will gladly yield for a wheelchair or for someone with mobility issues and no choice in how to get around a zoo, fair, or other crowded place. But don't you dare shove your mammoth stroller into my leg and then give me a dirty look. You don't want to go there. 


As [deity of choice] is my witness, I swear I don't hate children.

A person who lives in LA told me awhile ago that a sz 4 in considered "plus size" there.

Edited by Taylorh2
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Whenever I start complaining about stuff kids do, my husband says, "I had an onion tied to my belt ..."



Our Good Will store isn't that good, and neither is the Salvation Army one. The stuff never seems really clean. I'm sure it is, but it doesn't smell clean. But we have two others downtown that are just local. One benefits the nonprofit hospice, and the other benefits the homeless shelter and Habitat for Humanity. They always have really good stuff because a lot of the rich people donate to them, and they only put out stuff in really good condition. Stuff that's not good they send to Good Will, who makes rags from it. We also have another one run by the Episcopal church. It's OK. You sometimes find weird stuff in it.


I often forget about shopping at the stores because they aren't open very convenient hours during the week. It's understandable because they are run by volunteers, but it still makes it difficult to shop there without going on Saturday. I need to go, though, because all my clothes are wearing out. I was never good about buying clothes for me, but since the boy was born, I almost never do it. I always think I can make my stuff last a little longer. But when your entire heel comes out of the sock, it's done.

There rule of thumb is to shop at thrift store in uppper middle class areas. They always get the best items and the stores are well kept.

People are actually surprised the upper middle class neighborhood actually have thrift stores. On Saturday dh  & I went to a Goodwill in a really nice neighborhood here (CO) named Highlands Ranch.The prices are the same as in any neighborhood.

Edited by Taylorh2
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My niece shops at them all the time for her toddlers clothes.  She finds really nice stuff, barely used at good prices.  She's solidly in the upper middle income range.


In warmer climates, people who move from colder places often unload their winter coats there.  Fantastic place to shop for a college kid going to school where it gets colder or even for northerners to shop for winter gear while visiting.  As a bonus, you can find some nice vintage or retro stuff.

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Latest pet peeve -- the "new & improved" Diet Pepsi without aspertame!  It is absolutely horrible!!  I drink 1/2 to one 16 ou. bottle a day and didn't realize they'd changed it.  After drinking a half bottle I poured the rest down the drain thinking it was just flat and opened a new bottle.  Same thing.  Took an hour to get the aftertaste out of my mouth (even brushed my teeth & used mouthwash -- it was that bad!)  Went on the internet & learned that Pepsi "rolled out" the aspertame free a couple weeks ago.  I returned the rest today and bought a 6-pack of Diet Coke.  Apparently Pepsi didn't learn from Coke's fiasco years ago when they changed their ingredients.  Grrrrrrrr!!!! 

Soda is bad for you. Drink water. ;-p

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Soda is bad for you. Drink water. ;-p

Unless your concerned with various extras (at no extra cost!) like lead, copper, arsenic, nitrates and bacteria.  Aspertame vs Contaminents?  Not sure which wins...


I joke - I drink my tap water now, but when I lived in Southern California I bought gallons of water every week because the tap water was way too funky.  After several years, it dawned on me that buying a Pur water filter was much cheaper and saved me the hassle of lugging around so many gallons.


ETA:  My peeve!

I hate the pop ups on sites to ask you to sign up for email or whatnot. to whatever site you are visiting.  I have Ad Block, but it doesn't stop these since they are from the actual place you intended to go.  Anyway, often the X to get out of there is so small or light that it makes it hard to find. 

Edited by DeLurker
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My niece shops at them all the time for her toddlers clothes.  She finds really nice stuff, barely used at good prices.  She's solidly in the upper middle income range.


In warmer climates, people who move from colder places often unload their winter coats there.  Fantastic place to shop for a college kid going to school where it gets colder or even for northerners to shop for winter gear while visiting.  As a bonus, you can find some nice vintage or retro stuff.

I flove colored glassware. ( tall/different shaped vases/containers) I go to thrift stores every other weekend to look for some. No i;m not a hoarder. I actually rotate items. lol

Edited by Taylorh2
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Soda is bad for you. Drink water. ;-p

I'm addicted to Dr Pepper and I always say that the main ingredient in my soda is water.

It's actually one of my pet peeves when people who drink alcohol lecture me about my soda drinking.

My evil b**** sister in law lectured my husband and me about drinking whole milk one night when we were over there for dinner she went on and on about how bad it is for us. This was after she had snuck into the bathroom at least 4 times to do more lines of meth.

Edited by Maharincess
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My evil b**** sister in law lectured my husband and me about drinking whole milk one night when we were over there for dinner. This was after she had snuck into the bathroom at least 4 times to do more lines of meth.

Give her this link : http://time.com/3734033/whole-milk-dairy-fat/

from a recent TIME magazine article: 



A recent review published in the European Journal of Nutrition of the existing research on dairy fat came to some surprising conclusions: People who eat full-fat dairy are no more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes than people who stick to low-fat dairy. When it comes to weight gain, full-fat dairy may actually be better for you, the review found.

“In terms of obesity, we found no support for the notion that low-fat dairy is healthier,” says Dr. Mario Kratz, first author of the review and a nutrition scientist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Of the 25 studies included in his team’s review, Kratz says 18 reported lower body weights, less weight gain, or a lower risk for obesity among full-fat dairy eaters. The other seven studies were inconclusive. “None of the research suggested low-fat dairy is better,” he says.

but lecturing anybody about anything when you're a meth user is just ridiculous.

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My husband has gone to 2 percent milk but I still drink my yummy full fat milk.

I just saw a pet peeve of mine on another site. People who use "desert" island when they mean "deserted" island.

A desert island is an island with desert terrain which may or may not be inhabited, a deserted island is always uninhibited.

It's a small thing but it bugs me.

Edited by Maharincess
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Unless your concerned with various extras (at no extra cost!) like lead, copper, arsenic, nitrates and bacteria.  Aspertame vs Contaminents?  Not sure which wins...

Dasani is Italian for "Coke just sold you tap water."

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I *DON'T* wanna start anything, but I have to vent...

My current Pet Peeve is that elected County Clerk in Kentucky (who happens to be on her *4th* marriage, by the way) who still refuses, as of today--despite having been ordered to do so by *multiple* US courts since SCOTUS' pro marriage equality ruling, including at the appellate *AND* Supreme Court levels (SCOTUS as of yesterday)--to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because it's against her religious convictions, & who also won't issue them to straight couples so as not to be seen as being outright discriminatory against gays (but she's actually, in my opinion, still being discriminatory--to ALL couples--since she won't issue them AT ALL).

That's fine if she feels the way she does, I guess. But... she needs to suck it up & do the job she was elected to, as prescribed by law, REGARDLESS of how she feels about this. Or she needs to resign, which she says she won't do. She can't be fired since she's an elected official, only impeached. She can be held in contempt of court, & sued for not doing her prescribed duties, however. And the Governor of Kentucky previously sent out a Memo, or something, specifically ordering ALL Kentucky County Clerks to abide by SCOTUS' marriage equality ruling & issue marriage licenses to *ALL* eligible couples, gay or straight. So she's going against a State (Commonwealth) order as well.

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I don't drink milk nearly as often as I did growing up but I buy full fat raw milk. It is delicious. Anything else tastes like dead, watered down stuff to me. I'm trying, for the umpteenth time, to break my Coke Zero habit. I truly believe it's bad for me. I hate my own weakness. I don't really drink alcohol (less than once a year) & rarely drink juice, but soda is my downfall. I drink a lot of water & some tea, but I lust for soda. Ugh.

The idea of renting a party room at a hotel is beyond me. My kids don't even like having friends over for their birthday. After a few small family oriented parties when they were little now we just do kid's choice day. Pick a restaurant & a few gifts afterwards with just me & my kids & possibly my parents. They don't like going to big parties either. The production parties with themes & large crowds annoy them. Kids used to bug them about why they wouldn't go so I told them to blame me. I don't care if I'm thought of as the dud mom.

This might belong in the family thread but I'm pet peeving at myself. I need to write my sister a letter. She did some things while visiting this summer that were so unacceptable I'm willing to risk our limited relationship to address them. I wouldn't care as much if it were me but my children were hurt. I have written it 100 times in my head but I'm procrastinating because I know what I'm doing once I send it. I only have the one sibling.

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The Kentucky clerk's actions are so far beyond a peeve.


I agree with the peeve of people with their own unhealthy habits harping on the unhealthy habits of others.  I don't drink soda (regular, because of the massive amounts of sugar, or diet because of the massive amounts of artificial ingredients), but I drink alcohol.  I'm not going to start lecturing soda drinkers; we're just being unhealthy in different ways.  My "favorite" are those who freak the fuck out at marijuana but think nothing of drinking alcohol.  Marijuana is (largely) illegal for a host of reasons that have nothing to do with public health, so it's pretty silly to get fired up about it over martinis.

Edited by Bastet
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I'm trying, for the umpteenth time, to break my Coke Zero habit. I truly believe it's bad for me. I hate my own weakness. I don't really drink alcohol (less than once a year) & rarely drink juice, but soda is my downfall. I drink a lot of water & some tea, but I lust for soda. Ugh.

I gave up soda years ago. I found I missed the bubbles more than the taste, so I drink a lot of Perrier.

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Hi.  My name is DeLurker and I am a coffee junkie.

It started in college - a cup here or there to help me stay awake to study, ....


Since the new school year started, I've upped from 2 cups per day to 4.  I get up about the same time as before, but somehow having to be up at that time and mentally focused is too much to ask without my coffee crutch.  I stopped using a coffee maker years ago to prevent me from mindless pouring another cup a million times throughout the day.  I use an AeroPress (manual gadget) that makes a kickass cup of coffee plus, I have to be aware that I am making one.


WARNING:  Earworm in spoiler tags.  Proceed at your own risk!

Oh jeez - I just started mentally hearing

Basketball Jones

while changing the lyrics to coffee/soda/cigarettes..

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My current pet peeve is "toxins".  There are toxins in the air!  Toxins in the water!  Toxins in your skin!  Your organs!  Your muscles!


Give me a break.  If there were as many toxins out there (or in there) as certain magazines would have you believe, we'd all keel over dead.

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This might belong in the family thread but I'm pet peeving at myself. I need to write my sister a letter. She did some things while visiting this summer that were so unacceptable I'm willing to risk our limited relationship to address them. I wouldn't care as much if it were me but my children were hurt. I have written it 100 times in my head but I'm procrastinating because I know what I'm doing once I send it. I only have the one sibling.

If you want to provide more details and maybe get some input on how to view the matter in a less drastic way (if possible), that might help.  Understandably, sometimes we just aren't comfortable exposing so much about ourselves in even an anonymous forum.  Sorry that things happened that hurt your children.

My current pet peeve is "toxins".  There are toxins in the air!  Toxins in the water!  Toxins in your skin!  Your organs!  Your muscles!


Give me a break.  If there were as many toxins out there (or in there) as certain magazines would have you believe, we'd all keel over dead.

And is that magazine delivering toxins in the ink it is published with?  Probably!

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Except for the extra high rise, I would have loved them if they'd fit. I can't find jeans now that have the feel I think they should have. The denim always feels too thin and slick. And far too many of them have that faded bit down the thighs, which I think makes my thighs look bigger than they are. I don't need that.

Was just shopping for some clothes for the kiddos when the temp drops and guess what?  The stores are carrying jeans labeled High Waisted again!  Not sure how it compares to the high rise of yesteryear....

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I kicked the pop habit after my husband started buying diet pop, thinking it was healthier - it isn't, and it tastes nasty to me -  leaves a weird aftertaste like you've been sucking on pennies.  Anyway - we buy the flavored seltzer water - La Croix was the best brand, with the most flavor, but now there are a number of cheaper alternative, so we buy whichever brand is on sale.  It's just water, bubbles, and a little fruit flavor - no sugar, no artificial sweetener.  


As for COFFEE - I'm hooked.  And I just read ANOTHER article about health benefits to coffee, in the paper today -  Patients with colon cancer had less recurrence of tumors of they drank at least two cups a day of coffee.  Decaf and tea did not show similar results - only the coffee.  Coffee has also been found to have some protective benefits especially for women in a lowered incidence of Alzheimers, MS, and Parkinsons disease.  


A few years ago, some passive-aggressive person "anonymously"  posted in our break room at work, an article about how green tea was so much healthier than coffee.  She posted it next to the office coffee pot.  So, I out-passive-aggressed her (I know, it's a made up word)  by finding articles on the healthy benefits of coffee, and posting those in the break room.  Others joined in.  It was pretty funny, but mostly because she didn't think anyone knew she had started it, and WE ALL KNEW.  

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