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Teen Mom 2: Small Talk

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I am eager for @MyPeopleAreNordic to rejoin us. Much love!

Today I am making this: https://cookiesandcups.com/peanut-butter-cup-crack-brownies/

I'm moderately skeptical of the recipe which was adapted from a better homes and gardens recipe, it seems. It looked really good but then the peanut butter/peanuts layer didn't spread. That could totally be my fault since I sort of suck at anything that requires decorating skills, up to and including making an even layer of chocolate/frosting...whatever. I'm also not sure how the rice krispy cereal will blend with the chocolate chips.

Earlier this week I made this twice.


Highly recommend it. You have to start it the afternoon before, but it turns out lovely. And don't make it in a cake pan like they recommend. Put it in a larger pan because the overnight rise expands and the sticky part will overflow the cake pan (guess who started a small sugar based fire in their oven?)!

  • Love 6

I'm so happy to hear that she's doing well. 

Now if I may be trivial for a minute. I love that I live in the boonies and I love looking out my kitchen window and seeing the wildlife, especially the deer. That said, if those beautiful bastards don't stop eating my flowers I'm going to scream!!   Every damn thing I plant up here either gets eaten by the deer or a squirrel digs them up.  I have a small fenced in area against my house where the little dogs can go and that's where I plant my vegetables but I like having flowers out in front. I have big pots of petunias on each side of my front door and they leave those alone but they get everything else.  I've planted "deer proof" flowers that were not deer proof.  I have a huge kitchen window and I have planter boxes hung up outside the window and they can't reach those. I hope. I guess I just have to make sure to keep everything out of their reach but that's such a pain in the ass. Ok, thanks for letting me vent about the deer.  

Another trivial thing but it has had me wondering for years. Ok, the shampoo and conditioner both come in the same size container and I use the same amount each time I shower. So why in the hell does the conditioner ALWAYS run out long before the shampoo does?! 

Can you all tell that I'm really bored? The old man is gone for ten days for work, the house is spotless, laundry is done and dinner is cooked. I need something to do!  We should have a PTV party at my house! I don't drink but I'll supply as much weed as you can smoke! You all bring your own alcohol and I'll supply the rest. 

I'm serious. I'm sooooo bored. 

  • Love 11

So glad to hear news from our friend @MyPeopleAreNordic! Yea! Home! Keep sending those vibes! 

I'm stealing that brownie thing and adding hash! 

@Maharincess Shampoo VS Conditioner I buy one Shampoo and 2 conditioners. I have long hair. I go through that shit fast!

19 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

@Maharincess, I always blame my husband for the shampoo/conditioner conundrum. It's convenient. His hair is longer than mine.

If you like, you can blame him too. I don't mind. 

The peanut butter brownie crack whatever is in the fridge!!! SQUEEEE!!!!

I'm totally jelly!!!!!! yummmmmm

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

So glad to hear news from our friend @MyPeopleAreNordic! Yea! Home! Keep sending those vibes! 

I'm stealing that brownie thing and adding hash! 

@Maharincess Shampoo VS Conditioner I buy one Shampoo and 2 conditioners. I have long hair. I go through that shit fast!

I'm totally jelly!!!!!! yummmmmm

It's been "setting" in the fridge for an hour. I just took it out and the peanutbutter cups in the middle layer are still warm. DAMN IT. I put it back.

I'm thinking about putting it in the freezer. I don't know how long I can take this. BRB.

  • Love 8

Those peanut butter crack brownies sound divine! I found Ben & Jerry Pint Slices at Target yesterday. I'd never seen them before and can report that the Tonight Dough slices are pretty damn good! It's just a disc of the ice cream dipped in chocolate but it does the trick and I didn't eat the whole pint.

10 days until due date for the grandbaby. Baby's in perfect position with its back forward, which is great. When their spine is facing your spine, you get that awful back labor. Every time my phone rings and it's my daughter, I about jump out of my chair. Yesterday was her last day of work (she's a teacher so with summer break and PTO, she won't have to go back to work until after Christmas).  She may take a year off, they're figuring it out. I finished a little, flannel baby quilt yesterday. Will take a pic tomorrow so I can show all you PTV Aunties ☺

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

Those peanut butter crack brownies sound divine! I found Ben & Jerry Pint Slices at Target yesterday. I'd never seen them before and can report that the Tonight Dough slices are pretty damn good! It's just a disc of the ice cream dipped in chocolate but it does the trick and I didn't eat the whole pint.

10 days until due date for the grandbaby. Baby's in perfect position with its back forward, which is great. When their spine is facing your spine, you get that awful back labor. Every time my phone rings and it's my daughter, I about jump out of my chair. Yesterday was her last day of work (she's a teacher so with summer break and PTO, she won't have to go back to work until after Christmas).  She may take a year off, they're figuring it out. I finished a little, flannel baby quilt yesterday. Will take a pic tomorrow so I can show all you PTV Aunties ☺

10 more days!! How exciting! I cannot wait. I always look forwarding to being an auntie again. It is a role I love. :-)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to the mom's on the board! That goes for those of you who have fur babies, too.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Those peanut butter crack brownies sound divine! I found Ben & Jerry Pint Slices at Target yesterday. I'd never seen them before and can report that the Tonight Dough slices are pretty damn good! It's just a disc of the ice cream dipped in chocolate but it does the trick and I didn't eat the whole pint.

10 days until due date for the grandbaby. Baby's in perfect position with its back forward, which is great. When their spine is facing your spine, you get that awful back labor. Every time my phone rings and it's my daughter, I about jump out of my chair. Yesterday was her last day of work (she's a teacher so with summer break and PTO, she won't have to go back to work until after Christmas).  She may take a year off, they're figuring it out. I finished a little, flannel baby quilt yesterday. Will take a pic tomorrow so I can show all you PTV Aunties ☺

You are going to love being a grandma. The love you will feel for that baby will amaze you, it's the same all consuming, unconditional, overwhelming love we feel for our own kids but it's so different at the same time.  It's an old cliche but being able to have fun and spoil them and then send them home is the best thing ever.  I have a special bond with my granddaughter, I was in the delivery room and I was the very first one to ever see her face, my son in law was up by my daughter's head but I was right by the action and I saw her first. She was premature and was in the NICU for a couple of months. I went up every single day for her 6:30pm feeding, even when she was on a feeding tube and I couldn't actually feel her I went and held her. I started singing "you are my sunshine" to her and now almost ten years later we sing it to each other all the time.  The best times is when she comes and spends the night with me. She comes a lot when grandpa is on the road working. I cherish every second because I know one day that going to spend the night with grandma will be the last thing she'll want to do. 

I'm pissed that my husband shaves his head so I can't blame the conditioner on him. His bald friend hates him, lol. He purposely shaves his head but when he doesn't it grows in full and thick, his friend has been almost full bald for years. The friend doesn't get why he shaves his full head of hair. 

So nobody is here yet. Let's have a party!!  We can just sit and watch crappy TV.  I'm bored. Usually I love my alone time but I'm feeling kinda lonely this time.   My daughter has to work tomorrow and my son is on a long planned camping trip so I'll be alone tomorrow.  Both kids came last night and brought dinner and spoiled me rotten with presents so I'm ok with being alone. My daughter is going to try for an extended lunch and come and see me. 

Is it obvious that I'm bored? You'll get sick of me soon. 

Edited: I hate peanut butter cups but these posts have made me make brownies. They're in the oven now. Good thing I'm a night owl.   

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

You are going to love being a grandma. The love you will feel for that baby will amaze you, it's the same all consuming, unconditional, overwhelming love we feel for our own kids but it's so different at the same time.  It's an old cliche but being able to have fun and spoil them and then send them home is the best thing ever.  I have a special bond with my granddaughter, I was in the delivery room and I was the very first one to ever see her face, my son in law was up by my daughter's head but I was right by the action and I saw her first. She was premature and was in the NICU for a couple of months. I went up every single day for her 6:30pm feeding, even when she was on a feeding tube and I couldn't actually feel her I went and held her. I started singing "you are my sunshine" to her and now almost ten years later we sing it to each other all the time.  The best times is when she comes and spends the night with me. She comes a lot when grandpa is on the road working. I cherish every second because I know one day that going to spend the night with grandma will be the last thing she'll want to do. 

I'm pissed that my husband shaves his head so I can't blame the conditioner on him. His bald friend hates him, lol. He purposely shaves his head but when he doesn't it grows in full and thick, his friend has been almost full bald for years. The friend doesn't get why he shaves his full head of hair. 

So nobody is here yet. Let's have a party!!  We can just sit and watch crappy TV.  I'm bored. Usually I love my alone time but I'm feeling kinda lonely this time.   My daughter has to work tomorrow and my son is on a long planned camping trip so I'll be alone tomorrow.  Both kids came last night and brought dinner and spoiled me rotten with presents so I'm ok with being alone. My daughter is going to try for an extended lunch and come and see me. 

Is it obvious that I'm bored? You'll get sick of me soon. 

Edited: I hate peanut butter cups but these posts have made me make brownies. They're in the oven now. Good thing I'm a night owl.   


Let's party! It is high time let's go see Barb!

Edited by badhaggis
  • Love 9

I can't remember if I mentioned this in the TM OG small talk thread or this one but I got a new job!! I've been struggling a little the last six months financially and not being happy at my job. I went on a great interview and was offered the position. I start tomorrow! The commute will be worse (an hour drive instead of my previous 30 minutes) but I am getting a substantial salary increase. I'm nervous and excited and I'm ready to make the best of this opportunity. I hope I'll still be able to keep up with the boards and everyone here, I had a lot of downtime at my old job but this new job will be a little different. I'll keep everyone updated! Happy Mother's day to everyone and @MyPeopleAreNordic hope you're doing well!

  • Love 17

This is the little quilt. Three years ago, I was shopping for fabric for table runners for their wedding and saw some pre cut strips and squares in cute baby flannel. I bought them and stashed them away. A month or so ago, I was cleaning and trying to get my sewing/yarn/fiber room organized and found them. It's not my best work but will be a soft and cozy blankie for the wee one ?



  • Love 15

@lovesnark my best wishes to you and your daughter and the new grand baby coming into your life. What an exciting time this must be for you. That is a lovely quilt. I am jealous. I wish I could make something like that. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you. Mother's Day to me means more than just those who have children. It is to all those ladies who have bestowed motherly love to others including animals. Our hearts can stretch out and spread so much love to people in a motherly fashion. Have a wonderful day everyone.

  • Love 9

@lovesnark, the quilt is beautiful. I made a set of blankets for my granddaughter,  I made 2 crib sized and 3 small infant seat sized. She now uses the small ones for her dolls. I recently made her one for a full sized bed, that one took forever.    Do you know if it's a boy or girl? 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

@lovesnark that quilt is beautiful! You should open an Etsy store.

@MaggieG Congratulations and best wishes for your new job! I'm very happy for you.

@Maharincess I don't know how to quilt but cutting squares from your kids' baby clothes and making it into a quilt is very creative and adds sentimental value. 

Happy Mother's Day everyone! 

  • Love 4

Story time: I was totally into sewing in college. I decided I would make a crazy quilt out of the remains of my favorite outfits I sewed. I made the top (queen size...2nd mistake after deciding to make a crazy quilt instead of an actual patterned quilt). I bought a quilt frame. I bought the backing. I bought batting. And I lost everything through the last 25 years except for the top. 

Because quilts are fucking hard. And I'm in awe of their beauty. So much skill!

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Story time: I was totally into sewing in college. I decided I would make a crazy quilt out of the remains of my favorite outfits I sewed. I made the top (queen size...2nd mistake after deciding to make a crazy quilt instead of an actual patterned quilt). I bought a quilt frame. I bought the backing. I bought batting. And I lost everything through the last 25 years except for the top. 

Because quilts are fucking hard. And I'm in awe of their beauty. So much skill!

I took sewing in college thinking it would be an easy A. Boy was I wrong. I'm in awe of anyone who can sew and/or quilt. 

  • Love 3

We don't know the sex of the baby. It'll be a surprise for us during delivery! I've knitted with a lot of green, yellow and natural colored yarn in the last few months!

My granny taught me how to sew when I was 6 years old and it's something  I've always been glad I learned how to do. It came in so handy when I was a youngster and just starting out on my own. Dumpy places to live can be made to look less dumpy with some new curtains and pillows (along with some paint). I really got into quilting for a few years but haven't done much for the last couple years. Knitting and spinning took over. But, it's very nice to be sewing again. It's a helluva lot faster to sew than to knit, that's for sure. The mailman brought me so e new fabric yesterday for another quilt for the baby. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

I don't do quilts, but I do make scrapbooks. I wish I had more time to focus on it as I am so far behind. I have tons of photos waiting to be put in a scrapbook. I love buying those stickers they sell in the craft stores. When they go on sale, I buy them in bunches.

I decided to do a scrapbook of our vacation in Maui. Bought a beautiful book, tons of paper, enough fancy stickers and cutouts to open my own store, several tools, etc. They're all resting comfortably in my sewing room 13 years later ?

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I decided to do a scrapbook of our vacation in Maui. Bought a beautiful book, tons of paper, enough fancy stickers and cutouts to open my own store, several tools, etc. They're all resting comfortably in my sewing room 13 years later ?

You too? LOL 

When I buy the stickers, my spouse reminds me how he is still waiting for the scrapbook from one of our vacations from 9 years ago.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

You too? LOL 

When I buy the stickers, my spouse reminds me how he is still waiting for the scrapbook from one of our vacations from 9 years ago.

Haha! I also have enough fabric, yarn and spinning fiber to open a store. And, I bought yarn online this morning.  They were having a Mother's Day sale, I HAD to!?

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Story time: I was totally into sewing in college. I decided I would make a crazy quilt out of the remains of my favorite outfits I sewed. I made the top (queen size...2nd mistake after deciding to make a crazy quilt instead of an actual patterned quilt). I bought a quilt frame. I bought the backing. I bought batting. And I lost everything through the last 25 years except for the top. 

Because quilts are fucking hard. And I'm in awe of their beauty. So much skill!

You should take that quilt top in and have it quilted! You could enjoy it and remember all your fave outfits every time you look at it. If there is a quilt shop in your area, call them and ask who does machine quilting in your area.  I love and respect hand quilting but I hate doing it. Machine quilting is the only way I quilt anything. If it's too big for me to fit around my machine, I take them to be done.

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I never learned how to knit but I've been crocheting since I was ten.  I've made baby blankets for every baby I know and then the adults started asking me if I made big ones so I then made them for all of the adults. This Xmas everyone is getting scarves and hats. I already have the grandkids made and I have the yarn to make everyone else's.  

I had a pretty good day today, I knew it would be a quiet day.  My honey is on the road, my daughter is working and my son just had to have his cat put to sleep and he's in no mood to do anything which I totally understand. Cosmo was his first pet as an adult in his own home and he's heartbroken. He's never had to be the one to make the decision to do that and he feels so guilty. 

 A big van came up my hill a couple of hours ago and brought me a big box of Sees candy and a bouquet of stargazer lilies which are my favorite, favorite, favorite flower.  My honey had the card from the candy signed with all of our pets names and the flowers were from him.  I spent the day with my daughter and granddaughter yesterday and wasn't expecting anything for today so it was a nice surprise. 

I hope all of you ladies had a great day. I made myself a big lasagna and I was able to put as much cheese as I wanted because nobody else was here, that was the best part of my day.  I love my cheese. 

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Since the kids moved out our dogs and cat are our babies.  I've had people say that they want to be reincarnated as one of our pets.  We always put their names on our Xmas presents to each other and stuff like that. We're empty nesting weirdos. We have 3 small dogs and one of them,  Murphy the Schnauzer,  is my husband's road dog, he goes on all of the long haul jobs with him and he loves it. All we have to do is say the word truck and Murphy does his happy dance. The 2 girl doggies are older and like to stay home with mama's lap. We had to put our Border Collie down a while ago and I'm looking at the rescue we got her from again. I need a big dog. I love my little guys but I like big dogs and being alone so much living up here in the boonies, I need a bigger dog. We're looking for one like our last one who had a rough start in life. It was almost a year before our last BC fully trusted us because she'd been abused so badly. 

Thank you SPLAIN,  My poor son is heartbroken, I think he's surprised at how grief stricken he is. He's always been an animal lover, it runs in the family, and he got Cosmo a week after he moved in to his first apartment so he's been with him a long time. He had a blood clot that the emergency vet didn't find.   The next morning he still wasn't acting right so they took him to their regular vet and they said with a clot like that in a cat there was nothing that could be done.  My son is a "manly" kind of guy, he's 6 foot 2 and works out with weights,  he makes furniture and he's an outdoors, rough and tumble type guy. Yesterday morning when he had to put Cosmo down he called me crying like a little boy. It broke my heart because I knew exactly how he was feeling and that pain sucks. 

Damn, there I go rambling on again. Too much alone time! 

  • Love 6

@Maharincess you aren’t rambling and at least for me I like reading about your every day life.  All your stories (and all the others who post in this forum) make me feel like I’m reading journal entries and I feel connected to parts of the world that I’m not normally aware of.   It’s like we are all pen pals and man, as a kid, I wanted a pen pal so bad!   This is how I wish Teen Mom was like.  We don’t need manufactured drama to be interesting.  We are all so fantastically mundane (if that makes sense)

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, LBS said:

@Maharincess you aren’t rambling and at least for me I like reading about your every day life.  All your stories (and all the others who post in this forum) make me feel like I’m reading journal entries and I feel connected to parts of the world that I’m not normally aware of.   It’s like we are all pen pals and man, as a kid, I wanted a pen pal so bad!   This is how I wish Teen Mom was like.  We don’t need manufactured drama to be interesting.  We are all so fantastically mundane (if that makes sense)

It makes sense to me! You said what I was thinking but couldn't articulate.

  • Love 7

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