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Winner Edit vs. Loser Edit: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

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PG said in exit interviews Woo wanted Jeff gone because his TC comments annoy him and he can't trust him.  So he must be playing at least somewhat and we're just not shown it.  

And if she'd just listened to Woo and not zeroed in so intensely on Abi, she'd still be there now.

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PG said in exit interviews Woo wanted Jeff gone because his TC comments annoy him and he can't trust him.  So he must be playing at least somewhat and we're just not shown it.

Maybe Woo has adopted Brenda's strategy and now sings all his strategix talks on tunes that CBS cannot get clearance for at a cheap enough price.


So he's been given the tool edit that he already had the first time, but because it didn't do him any harm in real life the first time he's ok with it and even SEEKING it - the shock!


Of course, this is an extreme interpretetion and YMMV - but still, a girl can dream, no?

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That's hilarious.  I love Stephen.  


But is it really hard to 'catch' a giant clam?  Aren't they just sort of lying there on the ocean floor, like rocks?  

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"Million Dollar Quote," from Keith tonight.  Though it was more specific to making Final Tribal than winning the show.  Add the inclusion of the "Final Five," talk and both of Keith and Joe's talking heads from tonight...


Stephen is right about the pro-Spenser edit through the start of the season.


I didn't see the appearance of a replacement Narrator for this episode.  But then again, this did seem more like a self-contained episode, rather than a season-arc one.  (Ala Drew Christie's exit.)

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I don't know what a winner's edit looks like (seems all over the map to me), but here are the ones who IMO are getting real favorable edits:





Kelley Went


Also that five-person alliance formed last episode seemed a bit anvilicious to me, to go deep.  Of that alliance, Kelley is my pick now in the early season. 

Keith is one person I really hope does not win.  The idea that a floater/coaster can win Survivor just does not sit well with me. 

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So far only Jeremy and Tosha have had confessionals in every episode. So I think that bodes well for them. Who's not getting a winning edit:

1p. Abby, though getting a lot of screen time, is edited to make all of America despise her.she might last, but only as a goat and only because she's getting a lot of screen time.

2. Sierra is invisible.

3. Steven looks inept and has no strong alliance

4. Kass and Joe are getting positive edits but they haven't been to tribal, I think it's just window dressing and they won't last. They're just getting fan favorite time.

5. Savages getting the smug edit edit. No way he wins

6. Woo is getting a better at it than before, but little screen time, and virtually no Allies, maybe Tosha.

7.Terry not a chance, way too cocky and no real allies

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I don't know what a winner's edit looks like (seems all over the map to me), but here are the ones who IMO are getting real favorable edits:





Kelley Went


Also that five-person alliance formed last episode seemed a bit anvilicious to me, to go deep.  Of that alliance, Kelley is my pick now in the early season. 

Keith is one person I really hope does not win.  The idea that a floater/coaster can win Survivor just does not sit well with me. 


5 person alliances that go deep are usually shown a bit earlier in the season. Considering the lack of development of some of the 5 (Ciera and Kieth), I doubt this group are the end game.




So far only Jeremy and Tosha have had confessionals in every episode. So I think that bodes well for them. Who's not getting a winning edit:

1p. Abby, though getting a lot of screen time, is edited to make all of America despise her.she might last, but only as a goat and only because she's getting a lot of screen time.

2. Sierra is invisible.





Jeremy, Spencer, Kelley. and Abi are the ones with a confessional every ep/

Tasha had zero in E2.

Edited by wonald
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wonald, I also think they are unlikely to make F5.  But if they are still together at merge, that's a power group others better fear and respect.  


I expect another shuffle before merge.  Maybe that will weaken their bonds.   

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5 person alliances that go deep are usually shown a bit earlier in the season.


They couldn't have shown it any earlier because they weren't all together before the tribe swap.


Based on the edits my main guesses for winner are Spencer, Jeremy, Tasha, or Kelley.

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Alliances we know about now:

Jeremy Savage Tasha ,(Woo or Abi) Kimmi Stephen Spencer (?)

,Joe Kass Keith Kelley Ciera

Terry Kelly


We don't really know about the first alliance due to the swap and Terry and Kelly are probably not together anymore either.

But yea there's a five man alliance

Jeremy Stephen Kimmi Spencer ( he's around for the moment to be a vote.)

Savage Tasha Woo Abi

Terry and Kelly are on the outside looking in

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Kelley has had a confessional in every episode and has gotten tons of screentime. Probably more so than anyone but Spencer actually.



Ha ha ha ha!  Okay, no more multitasking for me!  

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Kelley has had a confessional in every episode and has gotten tons of screentime. Probably more so than anyone but Spencer actually.

I would've guessed everyone on Angkor has gotten more airtime than anyone on the other tribes.  I don't feel like I've seen much of Kelley.  Maybe she's just been forgettable to me, though, outside of finding that idol and throwing Terry under the bus. That's all I recall from her. 

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Grr I had a long and detailed post about how most people are getting the same edit they got the first time around, except Kelley and Keith, and how Kimmi is maybe getting some on the Natalie (in regards to Jeremy) edit, and after hitting one wrong key I lost it all :( 


Have to go now but maybe will try and rewrite it some other time. 

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I personally like getting to see both tribes, regardless of who goes to tribal, so I am glad we got a lot of Bayon or whatever the heck tribe that is, who even knows anymore.  But it sure is interesting, let's say, that we've gotten plenty of Hapless Stephen, plenty of Spencer Learning How To Feel, plenty of Joey Amazing Doing Stuff At Camp, etc, but Kimmi is completely invisible until she plays and takes out Monica, then disappears entirely again the next week; Ciera is even more invisible until she plays and takes out Woo, and I'll bet dollars to donuts she's invisible again next week.  That's twice that invisible women have affected the game more than any of our prominent white boys, but I guess they don't matter as people, only as moments of gameplay.  It's like the editors only show them when the actual conditions of the game are such that it's literally impossible not to.  Even Abi, who is the only woman with anything like the amount of screen time of these guys, seems to have been shown only because she was the only true driver of the game in the first few weeks--now she, like the rest of the ladies, is vanishing before our very eyes.


Kelley and Kass seem to be to some degree exceptions, they have been shown at times when they weren't directly influencing the game.  So I would say, of all the women, they have the closest to a winner's edit I can see.

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Even Abi, who is the only woman with anything like the amount of screen time of these guys, seems to have been shown only because she was the only true driver of the game in the first few weeks--now she, like the rest of the ladies, is vanishing before our very eyes.

And ironically, Abi was absent this week when the very story she was driving for the first month (her feud with Woo) reached its culmination.  She was even the one who turned the vote against Woo in the first place yet that was inexplicably left offscreen.  It just went from Ciera targeting Savage to "ok, let's get rid of Woo."


This show is so weird about how it sometimes portrays women that it's hard to read a winner edit/loser edit into the proceedings thus far.  Recall S23, when Ozzy/Brandon/Coach/Cochran took up literally 90% of the confessionals and airtime, then Sophie won anytime.  Or when the first half of S29 was all Jeremy, Josh and John Rocker's side feud yet all three were gone before the final nine.

Edited by Trick Question
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I theorize Joe got so many viewer votes they about had to give him a little air time in every episode.  

This is the first season when Survivor has tangible, mostly-legit evidence of how popular each of the players is, so the editing could be focused more towards "giving the fans what they want" than providing a direct narrative of the game as in past seasons.  Maybe we're getting so much of Joe, Savage, Stephen, etc. because they generated the highest vote totals, not because their "stories" play any huge role in how the season really unfolds.  (Then again, I suspect any season with Savage returning would give him a big spotlight due to the Probst factor.)

Edited by Trick Question
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With his whopping ELEVEN confessionals in E7, Andrew is now tied with Spencer for the most confessionals this season with 27. Dafuq?


Jeremy, Kelley, and Spencer still remain the only 3 who has gotten one confessional every episode.

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Jeremy had a confessional this episode?  I don't remember him saying anything but I will take your word on that.  He got a winner's edit in his first season too so I never know what to think.  I just think the editors like him for which I am glad for.


There were like 5 million Kass confessionals, and a loooooot of Kelley too.  It was all Kass/Kelley/Ciara to I guess try and make us think that somebody else besides Kass was in danger.  I totally bought into it.  I didn't think Kass would go so easily.

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Jeremy had a confessional this episode?  I don't remember him saying anything but I will take your word on that.  He got a winner's edit in his first season too so I never know what to think.  I just think the editors like him for which I am glad for.


Yes, he got one. Obviously not a big one.



eta: it was a line about splitting the votes.

Edited by wonald
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Jeremy, Kelley, and Spencer still remain the only 3 who has gotten one confessional every episode.


And those are really the only 3 I can seeing winning at this point.


I think the winner is gonna be Kelley or Spencer. Those two continually get confessionals even when they are not directly involved in the drama of the ep.


But it seems hard to see them actually getting to the end since neither has any real allies.


Jeremy is pretty clearly the person running things. He has like at least 5 people just doing his bidding. And he too is getting plenty of confessionals. But for some reason I just think Spencer or Kelley is going to be the winner.

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 I just think Spencer or Kelley is going to be the winner.


If I had to pick the winner this moment, I would choose one of those two as well.  They've gotten the best, most consistent edits. 


Those two idols they hold don't hurt their chances either. 


ETA: ouch.  I misread what you said.  My mistake.  Spencer, Kelley and Jeremy look best to me, though I think I'd choose Kelley and Jeremy at the top. 

Edited by kikaha
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I am not so sure that we are seeing normal edits this season. The Producers know who received the most votes and the least votes. I suspect that we are seeing people based on their game play but also on the amount of votes that they received. The Producers are pushing the people who got the most votes because those are the folks people want to see.

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But Joe probably got the most and we're not seeing much of him.


My winner guess is still Jeremy, with Stephen back in #2 position.  

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I don't buy that Savage is getting so much screen time because he got so many votes to return. I think he's getting so much because he's friends with Probst and probably knows a fair amount of the crew as a result. 

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Savage gets so much screen time because he's an alpha douche who doesn't know it so he gives good confessionals. I think Savage of all people is the reason for Abi's drop in screen time. since the editors apparently seem to think that we can only concentrate on one delusional twit at a time.

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We see plenty of Joe being Joe. We don't see a lot of his confessionals probably because they have not been all that important up until now. We saw him hanging hammocks, building stuff, fishing, slathering oil on his body, in all the challenges, trying to save Kelley Wentworth.


I am not counting confessionals but I would say we are seeing Joe about the same amount of time as Jeremy and Joe is getting more of a provider edit then Jeremy. Spencer has gotten a ton of confessionals but he has been on the losing tribe a bunch and they are trying to frame his Pinocchio storyline.

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I am not so sure that we are seeing normal edits this season. The Producers know who received the most votes and the least votes. I suspect that we are seeing people based on their game play but also on the amount of votes that they received. The Producers are pushing the people who got the most votes because those are the folks people want to see.


This has me even more convinced Kelley is winning since I know there's no way in hell she got one of the top number of votes.

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I can see her being high on the womans vote. Young, pretty and a recent player. She would be better known the T-bird, Peih Gee, Abi, Monica and pretty much all the woen I can't remember who didn't make it. I don't think people fully remembered her but she is young and pretty and that would get her lots of votes.

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I would love the source for that. I can buy the bottom three. I would have thought Shirin and Kelley would have been higher on the list. I thought Kelly Wiglesworth would be the number one vote getter.


Off the top of my head I would have thought:


Kelly Wiglesworth



Kelley Wentworth






Peih Gee


But that is my head and obviously not reality

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I hope so and I agree.  Though I had Jeremy as my vote until you said it. 


And after listening to Joe's RHAP exit interview praising Spencer's game play for punking him good, and recalling that Stephen did the same, and them both being jurors, I'm more sold on it.

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My editing tea-leaf reading skills have been called into question, but to me the best edit has been Spencer's.


After the last two seasons my editing tea-leaf reading skills are probably not up to snuff either, but I agree with you on Spencer. I think the single biggest story arc this season is Spencer's journey. There's really no contest in that arena imo. Spencer also has the highest average confessional count of those left. Also, I feel like we're being given a very good representation of what his game is and exactly how he's playing it. With Jeremy I don't think we are really being given enough info on his game tbh. But that might just be because he's playing such an UTR game and those are hard to edit. 


I also think it's possible Jeremy is actually getting a better edit than he deserves, which makes me wonder if he is actually the winner. I think Tasha is getting a good edit, too, but based on everything else I just can't see her winning.


Earlier I thought Spencer was the winner but I thought Kelley might be a great possibility, too. Now I still think Spencer is the winner, but I think Jeremy is the one with the next best chance.


I've basically given up on Kelley being the winner. I think I'm just trying to prepare myself so I'm not disappointed.

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In the Kelley versus Jeremy dynamic I was going to say that it looks like while Jeremy may have been in control of votes at the start of the game, Kelley has been in control lately.  I just have all these memories of Kelley nodding sagely after a tribal boot is announced.  And memories of Jeremy kind of trying to scramble and do what the majority is doing already.  But a closer look makes me think it actually just ping pongs between them from week to week.


I already forget what happened with Savage.


Wiglesworth:  Kelley is in charge; J-S-S team up with the WC to vote out Wiglesworth.

Ciera:  Jeremy pulls a move to save Stephen.  Jeremy momentarily in charge.

Stephen:  Spencer is in charge.  Spencer teams up with the WC to vote out Stephen.  (My memory is really bad BTW)

Joe:  Kelley (?) is in charge (?)  That's what I think anyway.  J-S-T work with the WC to vote out Joe.


I don't know if Jeremy is getting some amazing edit.  I also don't think he's "overrated".  I think there's just people out there like me who really like him and root for him.  I guess there's some possibility he runs around doing offensive and annoying things we're not being shown, but meh.  Hard for me to believe after 1.5 seasons of watching him I guess.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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My editing guess:


Jeremy wins.  Game play totally aside they have hyped his love of Val and his kids so very much.  And how much the money would mean for his family's future.  Yeah it has happened before a player mentions how much the money will mean and the player hasn't won but this time they have given that edit on multiply episodes.  The family reunion one was the icing on the cake.  Long, lingering shots of Jeremy in tears.  The whisper about the baby being the boy and his face ligting up.  He is edited to be the really great, feel good winner to me.


I mean I'm sure other players have mentioned how much the money would mean to them.  Keith is a fireman too.  But no edit about how the money would change his life.


Spencer has more the robot to becoming human to being in love with a girl growth arc edit.  Kelly is the outsider who fought hard and went further than people expected.  I don't think any of the remaining players could win though Tasha is getting a good edit from what people say.  But not good enough to be the winner.  Plus I don't think any of these three could get enough votes to out score Jeremy on the jury. 

Edited by green
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