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Small Talk: a.k.a. 'The Meet Market'

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My guy friend wants to hang out again. *insert grumpy cat face here.* We just hung out on Halloween. That's 3 days ago! He suggested the Taurids and aurora tonight. *looks into the camera like Jim from The Office.*

First, like I said, we hung out 3 days ago. 2. i don't feel like hanging out tonight. 3. While the Taurids are known for their fireballs, the meteor rate is only about 2-10 meteors per hour. So there'd be little action. Also, best times are midnight and later, and I'm pretty sure I'll be sleeping. It's not quite peak time yet. And I don't really care about seeing the aurora or the Taurids either.

Sorry, these weekly venting sessions might become weekly.

HoodlumSheep, send your friend this link that says:

Being in a dark area with a clear view of the northern horizon is key to seeing the aurora. If you are trying to catch a glimpse of the aurora, you should travel to a spot that is far away from the light pollution given off by cities and towns.


Then tell him you really don't feel like traveling out of town just to look at some possible lights in the sky. Especially on a weeknight. (And yeah, it sounds like he's hinting that he wants to be more than friends. Stargazing isn't a very platonic friend activity.)

Edited by Curio

Bwah, we live in a small town, so lights aren't really a problem. But yeah, I think it's crossing into non-platonic stuff too (and I like stargazing, so I feel like it's being used against me in a way).

Either way, I'm passing on this. I'm not a night owl and I'd rather not freeze.

P.S. hugs all around. You're all so nice.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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HoodlumSheep, send your friend this link that says:

Then tell him you really don't feel like traveling out of town just to look at some possible lights in the sky. Especially on a weeknight. (And yeah, it sounds like he's hinting that he wants to be more than friends. Stargazing isn't a very platonic friend activity.)

I agree with you there. If they want to get you out at night under the stars, I'd say don't go if you don't feel "that way" about him.

I'm on vacation at a state park in Oklahoma, and the park's gift shop sells some items made by local native crafters. They have several kinds of dreamcatchers. I'm trying to decide if I want one of the small regular ones or one of the tiny ones on a beaded bracelet. And then we'll have to see how well it works for viewing or stealing people's memories. Because of course I must buy one. If I put it near the TV when I watch an episode, maybe it'll catch all the bad scenes.

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My Mom needed a new mattress so I took her shopping. After much lounging on beds, we chose one of the three Seally Serta options. My Mom was worried that they would deliver one of the other two models (they were all the same price and only varied in firmness) so we asked how we would know which one we selected (since it wasn't obvious on the sign). He pointed to the receipt and it said "Killian". Seriously? LOL.  I spent the afternoon lying on Killian. 

  • Love 3

I now have my own little dreamcatcher. Whose memories shall I steal? I felt a bit obligated to stop by the gift shop after today's hike because the lady working there helped me yesterday in planning today's route and asked me to stop by afterward so she'd know I made it back okay. Now I know why. It was a rather arduous trail that went up and down a mountain. I did about eight miles of walking, total, though some of that was on a road getting back to my car. Now I think I'm going to kick back in my lodge room and watch Tangled on ABC Family.


Oh, and as far as the Merida hair discussion in the episode thread, yeah, there's no way she'd have been running through the woods like that with her hair loose. With mine in a braid and with a hat on, I still had hair getting in my face and getting caught on stuff. I have no idea what I'll find in it when I wash it tonight.

We went camping in Traverse City this weekend. My brother and uncle participated in the Ice Man Cometh mountain bike race. They did pretty good. It was my brother's first time riding in it and my uncle has a new best time (he's done it 2 times already).

All in all, it was cold. We camped in a tent and it got down to 30 degrees. It even sleeted for a short time during the day.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is already in a couple weeks! Where has the year gone???

It's the 40th anniversary of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald today. I can't believe it's been 40 years already. I wasn't born when it happened, but it seems like it was just yesterday that it was the 30th and 25th anniversary.

We always listen to the Gordon Lightfoot song through out the month and we watched an old special my mom had taped last night.

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Does anyone else consistently add cinnamon to their hot chocolate because of this show?

Only when I put whipped cream on it. I don't just put cinnamon in regular hot chocolate, and I don't do cinnamon all the time. It depends on what cookies I'm having with the cocoa.


But that reminds me, it's time to get some whipped cream.

It looks like I'll be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. I was already going to go over and help my mom get it ready because her health hasn't been great and she's really not up to hosting the whole thing. But now my dad is having cataract surgery on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, which involves follow-up appointments the day before Thanksgiving, so I'll be doing the whole thing without supervision. I know how to cook and am a pretty good cook, but I haven't cooked this particular meal before, and I'll be doing it at my parents' house while they're off at the hospital (I offered to go and drive them, but there's apparently no room for more than one person to wait), then will be having to serve it to my snobby brother and sister-in-law. My brother is also one of those tradition freaks, so it has to be the same way we've always done it. I won't be able to get away with finding my own recipes. I'll have to go by memory and family lore. Well, sort of. Part of the tradition is creating on the fly. The plan is to get it all done by the day before so we just have to reheat on Thanksgiving when everyone's there.


Since I'll be at the house alone, maybe I'll bring DVDs and have a mini marathon and relieve stress by snarking back at Regina on the TV while I cook.


You know, I feel somewhat robbed that we've never seen their Thanksgiving celebration after David made that wisecrack about their family. They may not celebrate it in their world, but Henry's from our world and would probably expect it. The potential is too fun for them to never do something like that.

It's my mom's turn to host Thanksgiving. I've volunteered to make a pie. I've only made one pie before, and I've already begun mentally preparing to make this one. It's a recipe out of taste of home.

I'm one of those tradition freaks. I just don't like change when it comes to certain stuff, like holiday activities. Like, I can't miss watching the Macy's Day parade on tv in the morning. It's unheard of. I know it's the same floats everywhere, but I just can't miss it. I'll freak out.

Also, my whole family believes in the "no Christmas music/stuff" until after Thanksgiving. We don't really like how Thanksgiving gets looked over due to the Christmas rush.

We're going to Disney World for Christmas/New Year. And yes, I know that is THE worst time to ever go to Disney, but we're going to visit my aunt who hardly ever gets to be with the family on holidays (she's a nurse). So, I've been put in charge of planning stuff like rides and finding the cheapest places to eat possible.

One day at Disney (after Christmas), one day at Universal (Harry Potter y'all), and New Year's Eve at Epcot.

It's going to be rough, but I'm not afraid of bowling children over if need be.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Thanksgiving just got a lot more interesting. My sister-in-law has apparently gone on a drama spree, so we don't know if she'll be coming or if my brother will be coming without her. She sent a cryptic e-mail to my mom, saying unfortunately she wouldn't be able to come because she and my brother just don't see eye-to-eye anymore and asking my mom to call her. My mom called my brother instead. Apparently, when he got home from work on Thursday, she was drunk and started throwing things at him and claiming that he was cheating on her, then when he had to leave to catch his flight for a big meeting where he was representing his company, she told him that if he left before they worked it out, she was filing for divorce. He claims that he isn't cheating, though considering their relationship started when he was cheating on wife #1 with her, I can see why she might be paranoid. She's been drinking a lot and hanging out with single friends who are big into hating men, which may have something to do with it. What's weird is that ten years ago she pulled a similar stunt at Thanksgiving, breaking up with him via a company-wide e-mail (they worked together at the time). Yeah, he got back with her and even married her. But oh, the drama. If he comes alone, that means he'll be staying at the house with my parents and me (I call dibs on the good guest room) while my dad is recovering from surgery. If it's like the last time, he'll be flouncing out of the room every time one of those "buy the woman in your life a diamond" ads comes on during a football game. I hope he's matured a little since then.


I just realized how much their relationship is like Outlaw Queen and how much she reminds me of Regina.

My workplace needs to be staffed 24/7, and we rotate holidays, so I work.  Thursday and Friday.  My family will gather without me, and possibly in the evening I will have leftovers.  Hopefully I can convince my sister to hide some stuffing for me.


I'd claim it'll be drama-free, but Thansgiving is a painful time at my workplace, so there may be drama, yet.  (I work with at-risk teens.)

Weekly check-up time! How's everyone's week been? It's snowing here, and it's about 29 degrees F. It looks so pretty outside. our cat's going bonkers though. It's a very wet snow. Otherwise, nothing much has been going on for me. I have to help make a coffee streusel cake for a gathering tomorrow, that's about it.

Galavant has its first promo out now, which makes me extremely happy (the first tv promo is airing during the AMA's).

Basically, lots of cozy feels right now.

I've learned that my sister-in-law will not be coming for Thanksgiving, but my brother will be coming on his own. That means he'll be arriving early enough to help me with the cooking. It seems that their arrival very late Wednesday night every year was largely due to her, in part because she got off from work later, but mostly because she's the kind of person who interprets "we'll leave at such and such a time" as "at such and such a time I'll start thinking about what I need to bring." My brother will already have all his stuff in the car so he can leave as soon as he's out of a meeting. I'm a good (prize-winning) baker, but my meal-type cooking is very much cooking for one. I've never done a big family dinner other than big batches of soups and stews. My brother does all the cooking in his house, including doing holiday meals for his wife's family, so he'll get to take care of the turkey. It sounds like his marriage is probably over, which is sad in some respects, but I don't think this woman was good for him or that he was ever happy with her. I just hope he finally figures out that he can't keep getting with clones of the same woman and expect things to work out differently. He seems drawn to drama queens from clingy, demanding families, then once he gets married to them, he gets fed up with all the drama and resents her family taking over their lives.


This afternoon I'm supposed to go see Spectre with that male friend who's kind of in love with me, but I've had either bad allergies or a cold for about a week and don't feel much like going anywhere. Unfortunately, we've had plans for today for a long time and he's already remarking on how bad a hermit I've been lately, so I shouldn't cancel. At least we cancelled our planned hiking trip when the forecast said it would be cold with strong north winds. So a movie won't be so bad, and I hope I don't cough and sneeze all the way through it. We're planning on Mexican food afterward, and the place in my neighborhood has amazing tortilla soup.


I'm going to my parents' house on Monday, and I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them, even though it'll be a crazy week. They live kind of in the country -- a one-street subdivision surrounded by farms. They have a huge back yard with a pasture behind it, and when the horses in the pasture see me in the yard, they come over to get their noses scratched. I'm not sure when I'll be coming home. I was planning to stay until Saturday, but they're now talking about a possible ice storm Friday evening, so I may head home earlier.

I hope you get to feeling better, Shanna Marie! I've had a bit of allergy problems the past week. Sinus and a cough that won't seem to go away. I think I've developed winter allergies. Last year I had a horrible winter after I slipped a disc in my lower back and then I get pretty darn sick from allergies right after that. I hope it doesn't happen again this year, although we'll be in Florida for Christmas, so maybe I'll get lucky.

I don't know much about cooking for a bunch of people either. All I know is that my mom says 2 potatoes per person for mashed potatoes. luckily, I only have to bake a pie. I need to dig out the recipe.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Well, the new wife refuses to be in the same room with me. She is apparently intimidated by me even though I'm not the least bit intimidating. We agreed The boys and I would spend the day before thanksgiving with his mom and sister baking pies like every year. He and the new bit... Sorry wife will take the boys for thanksgiving. First year ever spending thanksgiving alone.

I need some fic recommendations, movie recommendations, nothing angsty or sad.

I find that the movie Enchanted usually works when I need cheering up. Slightly less goofy, with some serious tones, but also with Amy Adams, there's Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. I think I'm going to wear out my DVD of that one. There are a couple of scenes that make me cry, so it works as catharsis, but the overall tone is upbeat and the ending is happy. For marathoning, Parks and Recreation or The Office work pretty well, though probably not the last couple of seasons of The Office (I never even got around to getting those on DVD).


If I need to work out some aggression or anger issues, I turn to stuff like Aliens or The Terminator.


I also have this weird thing where my favorite stress relief is watching Band of Brothers or WWII documentaries. That has a way of putting everything in perspective.

  • Love 1

Two things. First, I found out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant, and found out last week I'm pregnant with twins. Second, my nausea and hormones can not take this nonsense of evil hook. I'm grateful for all of you who are offering up theories that don't make me want to pregnancy rage quit this show. Xox


Watt, congratulations!! You're part of the Once baby boom! :-) I hope the show doesn't make you pregnancy rage quit.


Well, the new wife refuses to be in the same room with me. She is apparently intimidated by me even though I'm not the least bit intimidating. We agreed The boys and I would spend the day before thanksgiving with his mom and sister baking pies like every year. He and the new bit... Sorry wife will take the boys for thanksgiving. First year ever spending thanksgiving alone.

I need some fic recommendations, movie recommendations, nothing angsty or sad.


Ugh, I'm so sorry! That is tough. I always get sucked into "The Princess Bride" or any version of "Pride and Prejudice." Here's one out of left field that hardly anyone else has seen (my friends & I were the only ones in the theater): "Down With Love" with Ewan McGregor & Renee Zellweger. I found it a satiric hoot. It made me laugh and laugh. For "stuff done blowed up good," I agree that "Die Hard" is great, as well as "Speed."


Have you read "Ready Player One"? Really fun, exciting book! 


Also, if anybody hasn't been watching "Fresh Off the Boat," I highly recommend catching up on it. It is SO funny! Constance Wu is amazing.

Edited by Souris
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I love Down with Love. It's especially funny if you're familiar with all the old Doris Day movies it's spoofing. I saw it at the theater, then dragged my mom to see it. There are parts that make me laugh until I hurt. The split-screen bit where they're talking on the phone is classic.


The Princess Bride almost goes without saying.


Back to Ewan McGregor, here's a really odd one. It's not really a good movie, but it is a distraction: A Life Less Ordinary. Ewan McGregor gets fired from his job as a corporate janitor, goes to confront the CEO, and snaps, kidnapping his daughter (Cameron Diaz). But she's pissed at her dad, too, and they decide to team up to get ransom money out of him. The problem is that Ewan McGregor's character is basically a nice, mild-mannered guy who's the worst kidnapper ever. It's kind of like Ruthless People as a romantic comedy, except that there's a truly bizarre twist involving the pair of guardian angels (one of them played by Holly Hunter) assigned to try to get this destined couple together who keep complicating matters every time it seems like things are going well. That part of the movie is so out of left field that it almost seems like someone came up with it later and they shot and edited it into the existing movie. It pops up on one of the lesser HBO channels every so often, and I have to watch in utter fascination. It's a rare case of Ewan getting to use his real accent, and there's a big musical number that happens when they go to the one bar/restaurant in the town where they're hiding out. They've been using the cover that he's a European rock star taking some time off to hide from his fame, so they insist on him singing something. When it starts, because he's this awkward, shy guy you're cringing for him, but since he is played by Ewan McGregor, he ends up utterly killing it. So if you want to spend a couple of hours going "What the huh?" and drinking, with almost zero real angst, that's your movie.

  • Love 1

I love Down with Love. It's especially funny if you're familiar with all the old Doris Day movies it's spoofing. I saw it at the theater, then dragged my mom to see it. There are parts that make me laugh until I hurt. The split-screen bit where they're talking on the phone is classic.



OMG, yes! Yay, somebody else loves that movie, too! It has such a specific tone, but it really hit my humor sweet spot. (It is more spoof than satiric.)


"A Life Less Ordinary" sounds utterly bonkers.

Ugh, I'm so sorry! That is tough. I always get sucked into "The Princess Bride" or any version of "Pride and Prejudice." Here's one out of left field that hardly anyone else has seen (my friends & I were the only ones in the theater): "Down With Love" with Ewan McGregor & Renee Zellweger. I found it a satiric hoot. It made me laugh and laugh. For "stuff done blowed up good," I agree that "Die Hard" is great, as well as "Speed."

I love Down With Love, it's great. But, really,  I love anything with Ewan McGregor.


I find that the movie Enchanted usually works when I need cheering up. Slightly less goofy, with some serious tones, but also with Amy Adams, there's Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. I think I'm going to wear out my DVD of that one. There are a couple of scenes that make me cry, so it works as catharsis, but the overall tone is upbeat and the ending is happy.


I also have this weird thing where my favorite stress relief is watching Band of Brothers or WWII documentaries. That has a way of putting everything in perspective.

Oh, yeah, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day is a wonderful little gem. I think I need to rewatch it. And Band of Brothers is like my favourite tv show ever. It's amazing.

Edited by RadioGirl27

Oh, Grosse Pointe Blank. Love that damn movie. And another vote for Die Hard as well. Also, if you want more stuff blowing up, Speed with Keanu Reeves is always a favorite of mine. Totally cheesy '90s action but still fun,


I have to confess the only stuff I've been reading lately is romance novels. So if you want fluff, I highly recommend anything by Julie James. Jennifer Crusie is also good -- quite a bit wacky but good. And another vote for Ready Player One if you want to go the nerd route.

So, I'm thinking, princess bride, tangled, enchanted, Benny n Joon, Never Been Kissed, Move Over Darling and The Ghost and Mrs Muir. I know I said no angst but I'm feeling that peaceful movie right now. I know peaceful angst doesn't make sense but all the ocean scenes are peaceful and the angst is mild.

Now to get The Princess Bride back from my boss...

I love all the Down With Love fans coming out of the woodwork! I really thought hardly anybody had seen that movie. 


Never Been Kissed! Michael Vartan! Although the most far-fetched thing about that movie is a copy editor with her own office…. I literally had to stop the tape and roll around in laughter over that one.


Has anybody else read the book that The Princess Bride is based on? It's hysterical, too!

Edited by Souris


Never Been Kissed! Michael Vartan! Although the most far-fetched thing about that movie is a copy editor with her own office…. I literally had to stop the tape and roll around in laughter over that one.

I forgot about that! Based on the newsrooms I've worked on, a copy editor is lucky if they get a cubicle that has walls higher than a foot or two above the desk.

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