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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Are Emma and Killian wearing their Dark One outfits? Also when was the last time they blocked a CS scene? Something must happen for them to block it. It can't just be a kiss.

Adam need to give these people five minutes to breathe.

I don't think they are wearing their Dark One outfits. Emma's hair is in a ponytail I believe not in a bun. But who knows. Haha.

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Adam need to give these people five minutes to breathe.


Right? I can't handle a show where 90% of the time it's pain and misery and plot holes, but the other 10% of the time is rainbows and kittens and True Love Kisses. You need more than that to consider yourself a show about "hope."


Regarding Robin's possible death—is it possible that the next arc is similar to the #SaveHook 5B arc? It could seem like Robin's death is permanent, and to make it seem legit, he doesn't appear at all in the finale. (Which is why Sean was able to leave filming a bit earlier than the rest of the cast.) But then Season 6 rolls around and Regina figures out a way to change the past and chooses to be with Robin at the tavern, and then we can finally have our Emma-grew-up-as-a-princess AU for half a season. I guess we won't find out until a Season 6 press release comes out and announces who the regular/recurring cast members are.

Edited by Curio
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Are Emma and Killian wearing their Dark One outfits? Also when was the last time they blocked a CS scene? Something must happen for them to block it. It can't just be a kiss.

Adam need to give these people five minutes to breathe.

Both Hook and Emma seem to be wearing all black clothes. Maybe this scene is after the funeral and before whatever crazy thing happens later. And the fans that were there have said that neither the CS nor the Emma/Regina scenes were blocked.


And yes, they need to slow down with the angst, the torture and the pain.

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I really hope Snowing and Hook are not separate with the others for long

if it is a real scene and not the actors

playing a little bit with the fans .

So hard to tell what really going on?

Is Robin is the dead? Probably but it is permanent? Henry,Rumple and Violet in NY.

At this point I will love to see the famous brother in a scene before the en of filming.

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i cant even contemplate Killian being sucked into a portal....again...just after he gets body & soul back together with Emma.....was death-by-girlfriend and gratuitous torture not enough....

anyways..moving on...


page Emma holding from the storybook or did she take it off that bulletin board? ?

Doesn't the page look like a picture of Hades?  Which would make sense if Zelena is in the scene.

The show has really taken on a very dark turn. It sort of bugs that they won't let up on it for 5 minutes.


The sneak peek probably plays out in the first 10 minutes of the episode. I don't think we've ever seen this much blood on this show like ever. They seem to be upping the ante with one character for a reason. This is how I make myself feel better by thinking there's more to this than just gratuitous torture.

I hate it, I think the bloodiness is out of control.  They still haven't explained why Hook looks like that and no one else does.  Why is he the only one receiving that treatment?  I think it could be just gratuitous, because really, he's already dead, so what's the point?  You think he would've just sent him down a few of those rivers to torture him instead.

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I hope we get confirmation one way or the other about Hook and Snowing's disappearances. If they are shooting out of order, this could well be part of the last scenes. If they get sucked through the door early in the episode, the separation might be temporary. They either get back to Storybrooke, along with the next villain du jour OR Emma, Regina, (and Henry) follow them through the portal to a new realm, and they are reunited there. I don't think I can take another separation for any of them. It's getting beyond ridiculous. 


Well, I think it seems clear enough that Robin is dying for good. They writers either got bored with the character, or realized that the whole storyline was poorly received and decided to scuttle it. However, the writers decided to keep Zelena?? Zelena and the rapebaby plot was the worst aspect of OQ. I liked Zelena in small doses in 5A, but I just can't see it working if she joins the Nevengers as yet another "snarky" team player. I didn't think the writers would kill off the "soul mate" of their pet character. It's not like I'm a fan of OQ (I'm neutral), but the writers did spend a loooot of time pushing it. We had a whole season dedicated to it! Emma ignored her recently-heart-restored-boyfriend to help Regina over Robin's breakup (yeah--never getting over that). I hope Season 6 doesn't devolve into Operation Dumbass Part II. 

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I hope we get confirmation one way or the other about Hook and Snowing's disappearances. If they are shooting out of order, this could well be part of the last scenes. If they get sucked through the door early in the episode, the separation might be temporary. They either get back to Storybrooke, along with the next villain du jour OR Emma, Regina, (and Henry) follow them through the portal to a new realm, and they are reunited there. I don't think I can take another separation for any of them. It's getting beyond ridiculous. 


Well, I think it seems clear enough that Robin is dying for good. They writers either got bored with the character, or realized that the whole storyline was poorly received and decided to scuttle it. However, the writers decided to keep Zelena?? Zelena and the rapebaby plot was the worst aspect of OQ. I liked Zelena in small doses in 5A, but I just can't see it working if she joins the Nevengers as yet another "snarky" team player. I didn't think the writers would kill off the "soul mate" of their pet character. It's not like I'm a fan of OQ (I'm neutral), but the writers did spend a loooot of time pushing it. We had a whole season dedicated to it! Emma ignored her recently-heart-restored-boyfriend to help Regina over Robin's breakup (yeah--never getting over that). I hope Season 6 doesn't devolve into Operation Dumbass Part II. 

Trying to confirm here, is everyone thinking they get sucked through the door because of the pictures of Snowing, Hook and Zelena goofing off during rehearsal yesterday?  Just because they went through the door doesn't mean they actually do.  Also, this isn't the finale that they're shooting yet.

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something major must've happened for Zelena to have moved to the good side, to be trusted with the wand, and to be one of the people to oversee the peeps from Camelot and the Merry Men off. 


She's probably instrumental in them leaving the UW as well. I guess there's an epiphany all around after 5x19 happens since I'm guessing this is her turnabout. She gets to meet Cora. Maybe she realizes her mother is batshit crazy and selfish. It reminds me of that line in 5x01 when Hook told Zelena he had that potion to remove a heart and explains to her how Regina asked him to kill Cora, "you can't be surprised your family has issues."

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Is that what he said? I heard four to five. 45 is much sassier.

Yeah, 45. Team hero never has a plan though. It's pretty sad.


I loved him telling them that they needed to clean up the loft.

Henry should get on that since he learned to "sweep" last year.

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I really think the BTS was just Gosh and Colin messing around. There would be one of those huge fans if they were actually being sucked anywhere. Perhaps the camera man saw them fooling around with the door and shot them screwing around for the blooper reel.

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Some people are saying Hook, Snow, & Charming are getting sucked through the portal, but there is no consensus as to whether the cast were just goofing around or not. Seriously another CS separation at the end of the arc would be ridiculous, even for this Show!


ETA: Sneak Peek. The Hook torture porn continues. :-(


I've seen completely conflicting set reports about the door. I've seen nobody but the Camelotians/Merry Men go through. I've seen that the door reopens after they go through & sucks the others in. I've seen that it sucks in only Snow.


I really, really, really don't want a CS separation for the THIRD FINALE IN A ROW.


Add me to the "LIGHTEN UP, ALREADY!!" chorus. The show has certainly gotten a lot darker, and I'm tired of it. I need a break with some fun and lightness.

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The Season 1 finale was also like that. Nobody was seperated or even in imminent peril, the story arc was wrapped up and the coming of magic was the "it's not over yet" part like the Elsa scene was in the Season 3 finale.

But on the bright side: the door scene appears to be the end of 5x22. We still have 5x23 left.

Also, MORE Snow/Regina "bonding" in the script tease. Christ, it never ends!

Edited by Mathius
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I kind of wonder if the Snow/Regina bonding isn't setting up Snow v Regina part II. For example, if Snow is responsible in some way for Robin dying (even very tangentially), they could set up some tension in the group that's badly needed and give Regina a chance to handle things differently this time around. She can still slide a bit to the dark side for a while, but give her a choice to not be evil and set up a real redemption arc where everyone stops worrying that she'll become the Evil Queen when something bad happens in her life. 


I'd also really like it if this new arc was in a world without magic or where magic is seen as completely bad and have it be completely unrelated to any of the main characters. This world has never even heard of the Enchanted Forest. Then Regina can meet some guy and start fresh with someone who knows nothing about her history and would expect her to stand on her own without magic.

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I'd also really like it if this new arc was in a world without magic or where magic is seen as completely bad and have it be completely unrelated to any of the main characters. This world has never even heard of the Enchanted Forest. Then Regina can meet some guy and start fresh with someone who knows nothing about her history and would expect her to stand on her own without magic.

I don't know, I'm getting kind of tired of tossing the Nevengers in random realms. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Then Regina can meet some guy and start fresh with someone who knows nothing about her history and would expect her to stand on her own without magic.


I do think that would have been the ideal way to pair Regina with someone. But I donno. It would be odd if Regina immediately got a Love Interest in S6 right after she loses Robin Hood. Again. If/when the writers decide on another Soul Mate for Regina, I hope they will develop the character better. I saw some people on tumblr suggesting that Dragon Queen might be a good pairing (Regina/Mal). It might... but there's no way it will happen.

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KAOS Agent, on 16 Mar 2016 - 8:12 PM, said:

I kind of wonder if the Snow/Regina bonding isn't setting up Snow v Regina part II. For example, if Snow is responsible in some way for Robin dying (even very tangentially), they could set up some tension in the group that's badly needed and give Regina a chance to handle things differently this time around. She can still slide a bit to the dark side for a while, but give her a choice to not be evil and set up a real redemption arc where everyone stops worrying that she'll become the Evil Queen when something bad happens in her life. 


I'd also really like it if this new arc was in a world without magic or where magic is seen as completely bad and have it be completely unrelated to any of the main characters. This world has never even heard of the Enchanted Forest. Then Regina can meet some guy and start fresh with someone who knows nothing about her history and would expect her to stand on her own without magic.


Haven't we been down this road already in S4 - Regina was at the verge of killing Marian, she even had Sidney find the moment in the past and then she saved Marian instead of killing her. She also didn't blame Emma after Robin left with Marian though technically this whole thing was started by Emma and she also didn't do anything to Zelena when the author could have written her out of the story. I could see her losing hope if anything happened to Robin, however, if it's not unexpected then I could see him telling her to "keep it together" (to put it simply) and her owing it to him (and being reminded that she does) to live. And if she and Zelena "kiss and make up" then she'd also have something else to fight for because then she'd finally have a blood relative, well, two actually, since the baby is her niece, who she could have a good relationship with. Something very drastic would have to happen for me to buy Regina playing the blame game again.


And I hope they're not going there because that would be nothing more than a simple repeat of S1+2.

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Milah's unfinished business must involve finding out what happened to Bae, and possibly Killian as well.


If she in fact helps them save Killian, then I'm hopeful that she won't totally be depicted as Rumple's shrewish ex.

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I don't know, I'm getting kind of tired of tossing the Nevengers in random realms.

Staying in Storybrooke is just as bad, though.

Ideally, they should stick to having one half of the season in a realm, and the other half in Storybrooke. That worked well in Season 3; much better than in Season 4 where both halves were confined to Storybrooke, and in Season 5 where both halves were about being in other realms (but featuring Storybrooke in some roundabout way because the writers are still traumatized by the vocal minority of viewers who posted angry comments online during 3A about wanting Storybrooke back.)

If she in fact helps them save Killian, then I'm hopeful that she won't totally be depicted as Rumple's shrewish ex

Yeah, I can see a mutual love of Killian and mutual anger at Rumple be a bonding point between Milah and Emma.

Edited by Mathius
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I like the premise of sneak 2 with Rumple suggesting only he and Emma go to get Hook. It's apparent the person they'll get to help is Milah. It'll be an interesting reunion/meetup. I would think Hook could be apart of Milah's unfinished business as well as Rumple. I do hope she gets to meet Henry before she moves on. Of course, Rumple surely has an agenda like pitching Hook into one of those rivers or a showdown with Hades, etc.

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Rumple's agenda is probably to get Milah to move on, which means another Nevenger has to stay in the Underworld. Once all of them are confined to it, then Rumple will be allowed by Hades to leave. Things will clearly hit a snag when Belle makes it into the Underworld.

Edited by Mathius
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Then Regina can meet some guy and start fresh with someone who knows nothing about her history and would expect her to stand on her own without magic.


I always thought that Regina needed to find a True Love who actually knew about her past, unlike Robin who seems to be in the dark about most of it, and is a grey character/villain...which is why I could see Sam Witwer's new character being a possible new love interest if Robin dies. Regina being paired up with a goody two-shoes (even though the writers claim Robin had a "darker past") never seemed to click with me, but I do think Robin was essential in pulling Regina's character more towards the light. Now that she's not batshit insane anymore, I think it would do her good to bring another villain to the hero side. (I'm still skeptical about Zelena ever being fully redeemed.)

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I'm wondering if the mental hospital thing is connected to the NYC excursion.

All I know is that they better not be ripping off Buffy again (and with Emma Caufield in the current lineup to boot) or a whole mess of tables will be flipped!

Edited by Jul 68
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I always thought that Regina needed to find a True Love who actually knew about her past, unlike Robin who seems to be in the dark about most of it, and is a grey character/villain...which is why I could see Sam Witwer's new character being a possible new love interest if Robin dies. ... I do think Robin was essential in pulling Regina's character more towards the light. Now that she's not batshit insane anymore, I think it would do her good to bring another villain to the hero side. (I'm still skeptical about Zelena ever being fully redeemed.)


Robin is well aware of Regina's past. He was an outlaw in the EQ's kingdom himself. He just doesn't care because they're Soul Mates or whatever. I just hope Regina's next love interest won't have been directly affected by her evil acts. You have good point about Regina being less insane now. She might now be capable of having a partner who doesn't agree with her all the time like Robin does. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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Staying in Storybrooke is just as bad, though.


True. My problem is that when we visit somewhere like Camelot or Neverland, there isn't much exploring of the realms themselves. The characters aren't well-integrated into them either.

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All I know is that they better not be ripping off Buffy again (and with Emma Caufield in the current lineup to boot) or a whole mess of tables will be flipped!

This is exactly where my brain went when I read the casting news yesterday.

Edited by KateJones
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Why is everyone suddenly so convinced that Robin's death is a permanent one? Did I miss something?

Sean's gone back to LA and his agent put out an announcement saying he was available for new work from mid March onward. So it appears he's done on the show

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I don't get why they couldn't have Robin decide to go back to the Enchanted Forest because Storybrook was nothing but madness. They basically killed Robin for Regina pain and for the two sisters to form a family. or whatever.

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They basically killed Robin for Regina pain and for the two sisters to form a family. or whatever.

They'd have formed a family before he dies though, so it's literally just for more Regina tears.

Or because the huge audience drop is S4 was blamed on OQ by the execs (it DID happen right after the crypt sex.)

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Mathius, on 16 Mar 2016 - 11:56 PM, said:Mathius, on 16 Mar 2016 - 11:56 PM, said:Mathius, on 16 Mar 2016 - 11:56 PM, said:

They'd have formed a family before he dies though, so it's literally just for more Regina tears.

Or because the huge audience drop is S4 was blamed on OQ by the execs (it DID happen right after the crypt sex.)


If it were because of Regina and Robin then the ratings should have gone up again after he left Storybrooke, so I doubt the execs blame it on that since that didn't happen.


And great that they're saying that Regina is on a journey, but do characters actually have to die all the time? There are less painful ways to get rid of them. (And it's not exactly a storyline which inspires much hope for someone who just lost someone themselves... Just saying) And poor little Roland! I am curious though if Robin's death has anything to do with the Fury. If so, I wonder if it was planned from the start.

Edited by CheshireCat
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You know, if they say it was planned, I may actually believe them this time, with the Fury thing. Unlike Neal, which I think they just decided to kill off because they realized they did NOT want to write for an "Average Joe" character who didn't even have chemistry with Emma. 

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Unpopular opinion but I'm all for Killian and Snowing being stranded together looking for a way to get back to Emma in the season finale. It gives them time to bond and for Killian to ask Snowing for Emma's hand in marriage. 

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Milah does not look pleased to see him, thank goodness they don't appear to be making her grovel at his feet for being a terrible mother. But still, Rumple could look a little more repentant considering he MURDERED HER.


I'm hoping they properly address this, but I'm not holding my breath. Even though A&E say, "I can’t think of a couple that has more unfinished business than Milah and Rumple, considering the last time they saw each other, he killed her and then cut her new boyfriend’s hand off,” I still don't trust them to resolve all of that in a satisfying way.

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Unpopular opinion but I'm all for Killian and Snowing being stranded together looking for a way to get back to Emma in the season finale. It gives them time to bond and for Killian to ask Snowing for Emma's hand in marriage. 

Killian has never asked for the Charmings' permission to do anything regarding his relationship with Emma and he better not start now.


Considering Little John is Roland's real father anyway, I don't see the problem with his bio parents being both killed off.

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I'm looking forward to 5x14.


For how little Milah has been on screen, she has been such a polarizing character, and at the same time, the writers did a really good job keeping her alive on the show without throwing her name left and right. I don't think she was mentioned once after season 2 until 5x10.


Between Rumple extending her dead aura so that they can go and get Hook, and whatever the rest of the episode is, I'm hoping they give her a good send off. 

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I'm not buying Robins death yet. Will they really kill off both of a kids parents?

Well Sean is back in LA and can take on new work and they just sent Roland through the door with Little John to wherever, so I'm guessing the Robin Hood story is dead for now.  Why would Roland leave Storybrooke without Robin?  Robin hasn't been seen since the "funeral" was shot.

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For how little Milah has been on screen, she has been such a polarizing character, and at the same time, the writers did a really good job keeping her alive on the show without throwing her name left and right. I don't think she was mentioned once after season 2 until 5x10.


Hook mentioned her name in the secrets cave in Neverland in Season 3, and Rumple brought her name up in front of Hook when he had him tied to the fence in Season 4.

But I definitely agree about the writers doing a good job of keeping her dead character alive through other characters' stories. (They've done a much clumsier job attempting to do that with Neal, and didn't even attempt to do it with Graham.)

Edited by Curio
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I'd forgotten about those 2 episodes, Curio. Thanks for the refresher.


They've done a much clumsier job attempting to do that with Neal, and didn't even attempt to do it with Graham.


The clumsy attempt comes from them turning Neal into some kind of a saint.  Speaking of Neal, the opening scene for 5x12, there was also NYC in the background for that. The bug is parked right under the sign "revelation", and right next to it is the New York skyline.


I guess they were already foreshadowing the New York trip for 5x22.

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The clumsy attempt comes from them turning Neal into some kind of a saint.  Speaking of Neal, the opening scene for 5x12, there was also NYC in the background for that. The bug is parked right under the sign "revelation", and right next to it is the New York skyline.


That's odd. Wasn't their original visit to the amusement park in Portland? "Revelation" is actually a ride at the amusement park they filmed at. It would be interesting to learn if they filmed in that location in the park to get that sign or because they wanted to film in front of the cork-screw roller coaster. The coaster could also be a sub-text for what was going to happen this half season (lots of ups-and-downs and upside downs and by-the-seat-of-your-pants stuff).


I guess they were already foreshadowing the New York trip for 5x22.


Or was it reflecting back to them meeting again in New York?


Looks like Roland is off to the EF with Little John. I bet this will be via Robin's request so that Regina will not be blamed


It also makes sense. Roland has only met Regina  a couple of times and eaten ice cream with her. Even while Regina has been dating him, Roland has either been away from her in New York or she has been away in Camelot. Meanwhile, he's known Little John all his life. If Robin is gone, Little John would make the best parent substitute. Staying with Regina would make no sense.


Perhaps Robin dies saving Pistachio. Then A&E get to recycle their Charming-from-the-Pilot story (he was originally supposed to die before the execs said "No" - thanks execs!), Robin goes out a hero and we at least get a good reason for him being dead (Neil's death was stupid for stupid reasons. He stupidly chose to take the bait when he knew it was bait and they would have found out Zelena's identity with a little bit of patience).


I think the insane asylum is in the real world and the character/warder are fairy tale characters out of place. One claims to remember the fairytale world and gets locked up. The villain of the story is the warder and is smart enough to keep quiet about the fairytale world.  So, the fairytale we are looking for features a male villain and protagonist. I would think Lion King or even the Jungle Book, but that would be missed opportunities to cast minority actors (IMO).  We've already done Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Hercules and The Sword in the Stone. Aladdin already has its Jaffar. How about something from HCA? The Tinderbox would give the CGI guys another crack at making a believable monster dog. The Brave Tin Soldier?

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It also makes sense. Roland has only met Regina  a couple of times and eaten ice cream with her. Even while Regina has been dating him, Roland has either been away from her in New York or she has been away in Camelot. Meanwhile, he's known Little John all his life. If Robin is gone, Little John would make the best parent substitute. Staying with Regina would make no sense.


It is easy to forget, (and I don't remember actually seeing Roland in Camelot), but he went with the gang to Camelot via tornado, and presumably spent off-screen moments with Regina and Robin together. He also doesn't have memories of New York. Now, I completely agree that Roland is better off going back to the EF with Little John. He will have a much more stable childhood there. However, Robin's death, combined with leaving Storybrooke for the EF, will have a huge impact on the little kid, even if he may not be able to articulate it fully.

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