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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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He's got a massive cut on his forehead, above his left eyebrow.  You can see it when he's laying down at the beginning but then it's mostly obscured by hair flop when he stands up.

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Does anyone else think we're missing a big CGI piece in the sneak peek? Meg seems to trip and fall for no reason, and then gets spooked by something that's not there. And then after like 2 seconds of running, she already gives up and says, "I told you it was useless!" What? You literally ran 20 feet at the furthest, girl. 


You can hear Cerebrus already. That's what she is reacting to.


Assuming they are still in the UW at this point.  Robin's death seems like it would be directly tied to Hook being able to leave the UW and setting up Regina going Evil Queen again.


No no no! Please no. I can't take it.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Does anyone else think we're missing a big CGI piece in the sneak peek? Meg seems to trip and fall for no reason, and then gets spooked by something that's not there. And then after like 2 seconds of running, she already gives up and says, "I told you it was useless!" What? You literally ran 20 feet at the furthest, girl. Are they adding something to that scene in post production, or is this yet another poorly staged action scene by the director?

If you look at the very end, there seem to be some red eyes at the end of the hall that belong to the dog.


I'm cranky that there apparently won't be a scene of them together where he realizes she's come for him. -_-

I wouldn't jump to that conclusion yet. Perhaps he has just been taking punishment from the dog and then we see him see Emma. Now, he's now determined to help someone who isn't as physically weak as him get out and send for help. I know these writers have screwed us before, but I'm not willing to give this one up just yet.


As for Robin, I would hope Emma doesn't get blamed for his death. That guy has been marked for death since the whole thing in Camelot -- and then that wraith in Storybrooke. Hell, she saved him when he was near death. So either the wraith catches up with him finally or Regina does something to cause his death. And since she's at fault, she goes very very very deep into Evil Queen.


Or maybe he somehow gets sent back to Sherwood Forest, which could help set up the King Richard vs. King John part of 6A.

Edited by sharky
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Hades seems to be taunting Emma with the hook. 


I wonder who Dead Eye the Bandit is. 



However, once reunited, [Mary Margaret] discovers that her friend is no longer the hero he once was.


Very meta. lol

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Does anyone else think we're missing a big CGI piece in the sneak peek? Meg seems to trip and fall for no reason, and then gets spooked by something that's not there. And then after like 2 seconds of running, she already gives up and says, "I told you it was useless!"


It looks like Meg has been down there for a long while. Her clothes are dirty and tattered, and she sounds like she's lost all hope, and pretty traumatized. 


About the death, Robin was filming last week after they came back from the UW, and he reunites with Roland. Whatever happens to him, it happens in Storybrooke, not in the UW.

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YaddaYadda, on 07 Mar 2016 - 8:42 PM, said:YaddaYadda, on 07 Mar 2016 - 8:42 PM, said:

It looks like Meg has been down there for a long while. Her clothes are dirty and tattered, and she sounds like she's lost all hope, and pretty traumatized. 


About the death, Robin was filming last week after they came back from the UW, and he reunites with Roland. Whatever happens to him, it happens in Storybrooke, not in the UW.

Are they really going to kill the father of two small children in a show that is about hope and happy endings? (after they're devoting an entire half season to getting someone's true love back from the dead no less.) If they are then there's some weird logic to that that I'm not seeing.


Could it be another alternate universe like they did at the end of S3 and 4? An illusion created by Arthur maybe or someone else? Zelena's alternate universe maybe? One in which Robin's (Regina's second chance) is dead and Regina is back to Evil Queen and doesn't get her happy end?

Edited by CheshireCat
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Even if Robin dies, it will be temporary. I just can't see him being killed off for good. Maybe 6A will be "SaveRobin". :-p


I wonder what makes Gold change his mind about helping Pan get out of the Underworld. It has to do with Belle finding out his secret. It will be awesome if Pan doublecrosses him. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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Rumsy4, on 07 Mar 2016 - 8:58 PM, said:

Even if Robin dies, it will be temporary. I just can't see him being killed off for good. Maybe 6A will be "SaveRobin". :-p



Let's put it this way - I don't think it would make sense and defeat the purpose of the show (and also kind of of S5B... get one guy back only to kill another at the end...) As long as it's temporary, I'm okay. Permanent would really crush my spirit and yes, hope. However, this is TV (and as a Castle fan, I've learned the hard way that showrunners can never ever be trusted especially not when it comes ot true love...  )

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Are they really going to kill the father of two small children in a show that is about hope and happy endings? (after they're devoting an entire half season to getting someone's true love back from the dead no less.) If they are then there's some weird logic to that that I'm not seeing.


Could it be another alternate universe like they did at the end of S3 and 4? An illusion created by Arthur maybe or someone else? Zelena's alternate universe maybe? One in which Robin's (Regina's second chance) is dead and Regina is back to Evil Queen and doesn't get her happy end?


It's this show. Anything is possible.

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Are they really going to kill the father of two small children in a show that is about hope and happy endings? (after they're devoting an entire half season to getting someone's true love back from the dead no less.) If they are then there's some weird logic to that that I'm not seeing.


Could it be another alternate universe like they did at the end of S3 and 4? An illusion created by Arthur maybe or someone else? Zelena's alternate universe maybe? One in which Robin's (Regina's second chance) is dead and Regina is back to Evil Queen and doesn't get her happy end?


I could see it from a showrunner perspective assuming 1) that they recognize problems (not likely) and 2) they take the most expedient route to fix problems (more likely)


1) They love writing for Evil Queen and the Evil version of Mayor Mills.  And frankly, with Regina redeemed, every storyline has fallen into a rut where the band of heroes standing around gibber jabbering about happy endings and stuff and its getting kind of tedious.  There are way too many scenes where a half dozen people watch two people have a conversation.  Robin dying could bring EQ back to Storybrooke.

2) Having the heroes torture themselves over the good person Regina could be is something they loved to do before there was any reason for it.  They could use the death of Robin to do the same thing but with an actual plausible explanation of why they don't kill her outright.

3) I like the actor a lot.  But they really botched the introduction of Robin Hood.  Badly.  I could see them deciding to start over with a new love interest for Regina instead of trying to fix the problems with Robin's characterization.

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ParadoxLost, on 07 Mar 2016 - 9:43 PM, said:

I could see it from a showrunner perspective assuming 1) that they recognize problems (not likely) and 2) they take the most expedient route to fix problems (more likely)


1) They love writing for Evil Queen and the Evil version of Mayor Mills.  And frankly, with Regina redeemed, every storyline has fallen into a rut where the band of heroes standing around gibber jabbering about happy endings and stuff and its getting kind of tedious.  There are way too many scenes where a half dozen people watch two people have a conversation.  Robin dying could bring EQ back to Storybrooke.

2) Having the heroes torture themselves over the good person Regina could be is something they loved to do before there was any reason for it.  They could use the death of Robin to do the same thing but with an actual plausible explanation of why they don't kill her outright.

3) I like the actor a lot.  But they really botched the introduction of Robin Hood.  Badly.  I could see them deciding to start over with a new love interest for Regina instead of trying to fix the problems with Robin's characterization.

But with all the support Regina has would she really become the Evil Queen again? She didn't back at the beginning of S4 when she was still a lot more likely to revert back to her old ways. The only way I could see it happening were if someone evil/bad had cause the death and she wants/needs to tap into dark magic to avenge the death. But apart from the support of Snow, Emma and Charming, there's Henry, there's all those people who'd tell her that she can't go back to being dark for Robin and then there's also Roland.

I think if they wanted to bring back the Evil Queen they could have found a way to do so before. Many times in S4, actually. But they chose not to, so I'm not sure they actually want to do that.

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I agree CheshireCat. I really can't see the writers reverting Regina to Evil Queen at this point. That's too much of a reversal, even if A&E do like to repeat plots


What's up with all the gravemarkers for the Nevengers? Maybe Robin is not dead, but Granny and Dwarfs are having a funeral for all of the Nevengers, and they show up at their own funeral. lol

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Also would they kill Robin off after telling us that they are soul mates or whatever? Even Captain Swan doesn't have that. Captain Swan just have their feelings, connection and dedication to each other to prove their love for one another.

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mjgchick, on 07 Mar 2016 - 10:05 PM, said:mjgchick, on 07 Mar 2016 - 10:05 PM, said:

Also would they kill Robin off after telling us that they are soul mates or whatever? Even Captain Swan doesn't have that. Captain Swan just have their feelings, connection and dedication to each other to prove their love for one another.

Yeah, soulmates kind of sounds like there can't be someone else after that. ... But maybe this has something to do with the gravestones which suddenly appeared. Did I miss it or is there at least one (Charming) missing?

Edited by CheshireCat
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Probably just don't have a picture of it. I'm wondering why we have Regina Mills but Snow White. Weirdness.

Perhaps SB is under the impression that they aren't coming back. Or someone else said they're filming out of sequence so this could be a later episode. Will the season finale have a "It's a Wonderful Life" vibe maybe?

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What's up with all the gravemarkers for the Nevengers? Maybe Robin is not dead, but Granny and Dwarfs are having a funeral for all of the Nevengers, and they show up at their own funeral. lol

Maybe the Nevengers have been gone so long that they've been presumed dead? But then again, Killian Jones' tombstone is there, which means this is probably in the Underworld. Boy, I'm confused.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Did Rumple say everyone who goes to the Underworld has a tombstone or did he say who ever dies?

I'm a confused mess.


I believe he said something like "Everyone down here has a tombstone." Given that the only people down there until now have been dead people....

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Personally, I think that would be too good to be true... But that's just my humble opinion.

I was just going by the twitter report that everyone, including Colin, filmed for the funeral except RC and Bex Mader....
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There are conflicting repports. I've seen pics of Hook, Emma, some of the dwarfs, Granny and Merida. Not sure about the rest.

And Sean has posted a pic in his instagram from set so he was also there.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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What if it's Rumple's funeral?? That would be a huge twist (which A&E love) and also a repeat of a previous storyline (which A&E love) and I know people have been speculating for awhile that RC would want to leave the show ASAP once his contract is up, which was only for 5 seasons.

I'd love it to be Rumple. RC is a great actor, and I know Rumple was a big part of the show's origins and mythology, but the character has overstayed his welcome at this point imo. Either actually redeem him or kill him off. No more "redeeming" for 2 episodes, then betrayal/backstabbing/secret evil plans, then "redeeming," wash-rinse-repeat.

Or Zelena. I don't care if they've seen Bex filming. I've enjoyed her character in 5a, but she's overstayed her welcome too.

Also, it would be good to whittle down the number of main characters just a tad. In which case, Zelena and Rumple (technically Belle too, but thay aren't going to kill off a disney princess) are what I consider the expendable ones. All the other mains are romantically attached to one another.

Or A&E pull a fast one and it's a minor character that's bit the dust.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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But someone else said everyone was there except Sean. So who was there and who wasn't?

It depends who you ask.


Merida was there, which weird.


Some say Sean wasn't there, so I think he instagrammed that picture of his chair to make sure people didn't freak out all over Twitter. 


Some people say Emilie was there, others say she wasn't, and then some say it was her stand in. Robert, not there.


So if we go by that, it seems RB are not part of this funeral thing. I don't know that the town would be at the Dark One's funeral, but maybe they are out of respect for Belle.


You know what I really wanted? A chill episode of fluff, happy, happy, HAPPY characters after they came back from the UW. Something light hearted. I'm getting someone's funeral instead.


After 5A ended, I needed a break from the show because that was some dark stuff. And I think that I will be needing the same after 5B comes to a close.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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You know what I really wanted? A chill episode of fluff, happy, happy, HAPPY characters after they came back from the UW. Something light hearted. I'm getting someone's funeral instead.


After 5A ended, I needed a break from the show because that was some dark stuff. And I think that I will be needing the same after 5B comes to a close.

I agree, this is suppose to be a fun fairytale show and this year we've gotten stilted and tortured main characters in both half seasons.  Wasn't the Camelot ball the last time anyone really smiled and that was October?  I don't like the dark, dark, dark, especially when it looks like that's leading us into Season 6.  Even season 1 had hope and a resolution, in season 3 they didn't keep us waiting with the lost year, but here in season 5 it just gets darker and darker.  What's going on with the constant death with main characters when we know they'll be back anyway.  Angst for angst!

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Apparently, set spoilers put that scene with Merida outside Town Hall into perspective: a fan said that Emma actually has Hook's soul in a container and is angry because someone stole his body.  Given that Colin also said he filmed stunt scenes with Liam Garrigan, then I think we can naturally assume that the body thief is Arthur, and that Emma will reunite the soul with the body just in time so that Hook can kick his royal ass and Merida can finally take him into custody afterward.

Edited by Mathius
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Apparently, set spoilers put that scene with Merida outside Town Hall into perspective: a fan said that Emma actually has Hook's soul in a container and is angry because someone stole his body.  Given that Colin also said he filmed stunt scenes with Liam Garrigan, then I think we can naturally assume that the body thief is Arthur, and that Emma will reunite the soul with the body just in time so that Hook can kick his royal ass and Merida can finally take him into custody afterward.

But how is dead Hook walking around with out a soul?  Is Arthur really carting the body around?  And why?  What the.

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Dead Hook in the Underworld is his soul made tangible, as is every other dead character down there.


Once they leave the Underworld and get back to Storybrooke, he obviously would not just be walking around. We saw his body taken away in 5x11, so its clearly still in Storybrooke. How Arthur escaped jail and why he stole the body I don't know, I suspect it's some sort of ransom plan in exchange for something.  It doesn't really matter, since it's pretty early on into Part 1 of the two-part finale and mainly just there to resolve the Camelot plot threads. Arthur's a plot device.

Edited by Mathius
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probably for leverage. If he knows that the heroes are gone and might come back to take care of him, he'd be dumb not to try and think of a possible getaway plan or a plan to gain an advantage over them.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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But how is dead Hook walking around with out a soul?  Is Arthur really carting the body around?  And why?  What the.

You mean dead Hook in the UW? I think everyone who is dead in the UW is a corporeal soul. 


In Storybrooke, I'm assuming that he has been restored.


ETA - Mathuis, do you have a link to that?

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Sean being there means nothing, he can still be dead and they are showing him in the coffin. And, even if they were shooting a funeral, it doesn't mean it's real. It can be a dream sequence or a hallucination.


I just want a bit of happiness for Hook and Emma, but it looks like that's not going to happen.

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I just...I have blocked that from my memory. What Jiminy boobs? What? Huh?

David should keep an eye on Archie once in a while when it comes to Snow.

Emma restoring Hooks soul better spend more than .2 seconds of them just kissing.

Edited by mjgchick
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Mathuis, do you have a link to that?


It's from an anti-Hook/anti-CS/SQ source, but here it is. http://anothershadeofgreen.tumblr.com/post/140646658963/from-what-ive-heard-going-around-its-what-weve


The report of Colin saying he filmed stunt scenes with Liam came from the recent Vancouver convention.


That Sinqua Wales was at the con also makes me believe that we'll get Guinevere/Lancelot and closure on them too.

Edited by Mathius
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Oh my god I accidentally scrolled down that link and I just...have no words.

Since Emma has Hooks soul will she still need to do the splitting heart thing? I guess that's the TLK and maybe the kiss to wake him up.

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But how is dead Hook walking around with out a soul?  Is Arthur really carting the body around?


Okay, now I'm envisioning "Weekend at Bernie's". Check out the Rabbit Hole. Arthur probably has Hook propped up in a chair wearing sunglasses.

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Okay, now I'm envisioning "Weekend at Bernie's". Check out the Rabbit Hole. Arthur probably has Hook propped up in a chair wearing sunglasses.


I'm not going to lie...I would totally watch the heck out of a "Weekend at Bernie's" episode where Arthur and dead Hook got into crazy shenanigans the entire hour. Compared to the rest of the season, it would be their lightest and most fun episode to date.

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I'm not going to lie...I would totally watch the heck out of a "Weekend at Bernie's" episode where Arthur and dead Hook got into crazy shenanigans the entire hour. Compared to the rest of the season, it would be their lightest and most fun episode to date.


As much as I want to punch Arthur in the face every time he appears on screen, I'd watch an entire half-season of "Once Upon a Weekend at Bernie's". They could even throw Merida into the mix and it would still be appointment television for me.

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