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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I hate Merida a lot, and I especially hate the talk about seeds for season 6.


And as I hate Merida, I actually love Arthur, so I have no problem with him coming back at all. He can even stay and provide the crazy.

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Arthur was a non-magical villain and with the primary magic users out of town (the fairies are worthless), they could have made a really fun b-plot out of Snow, Robin & Belle, who stayed to take care of the babies, fighting against his plans to make a new Camelot. I liked non-magical Arthur who used magical items to fight. They need more of that instead of jazz hands all the time.

Merida will probably kill Emma in revenge because it's very, very important for Emma to be punished some more and that will lead to S6.

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The problem with Merida is that this should've been resolved back in 5a instead of being dragged along into 5b which is already chock full of guest stars and subplots.

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Arthur was a non-magical villain and with the primary magic users out of town (the fairies are worthless), they could have made a really fun b-plot out of Snow, Robin & Belle, who stayed to take care of the babies, fighting against his plans to make a new Camelot.


I'm sad this never happened.

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Well that sneak peek was horrendously boring. Lana's Evil Queen acting has definitely gone downhill. (Not as much psychotic ferocity as it is hammy high school drama.) I still need to watch the episode, but it looks like Snow vs. Regina 235489543. Unless... Snowing are just illusions created by Black Tooth?


A very odd sneak peek choice considering all the Underworld marketing.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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That sneak peek did nothing to boost my enthusiasm for the show coming back on Sunday. Watching Snow vs. Regina Round 2389475 and seeing Regina lick pie filling is way more useless than Regina pulling down horse ribbons. At some point, the writers need to acknowledge that the Snow vs. Regina flashbacks are completely dry of any interesting or new material.


I can't believe they chose to spend time on this for the 100th episode milestone.

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Well, if they were going for a Season 1 feel - mission accomplished. I'm pretty sure that scene was from Season 1. Honestly do we need to keep revisiting that same time period? I can't even imagine that fans of the Evil Queen can get excited about a scene like that... 

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Well, if they were going for a Season 1 feel - mission accomplished. I'm pretty sure that scene was from Season 1.

They basically combined the fairy dust trap scene in 2x10, the village scene in 3x02 and the murdered groom scene from 4x20.


Maybe I'm giving the show too much credit, but I believe there's more to it.

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Maybe I'm giving the show too much credit, but I believe there's more to it.


Even if there's more to it, that's still 3 minutes of repeating a Snow/Regina scene we've basically seen multiple times before. 3 minutes is a lot on this show and it could have gone towards giving another character some more spotlight during this 100th episode "celebration."

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They basically combined the fairy dust trap scene in 2x10, the village scene in 3x02 and the murdered groom scene from 4x20.


Also the village scene from 3x21 when Emma and Hook watched from the bushes. Honestly - been there, done that!

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Yes, but at least it's a NEW old scene. Remember when the writers thought it was a good use of time to reair Daniel's death in the middle of an episode? Silver lining, people!

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Also the village scene from 3x21 when Emma and Hook watched from the bushes.

Also the Marian scene from 4x01 where Regina taunted her to spill Snow White's location.


(So, just to recap...we've already listed 2x10, 3x02, 3x21, 4x01, and 4x20 as copycat scenes. Any more?)

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I think it's time they retired the Evil Queen/Snow flashbacks. 


That dude she Dart Vadered might be important since they gave him an actual name as opposed to #possiblymurdered villagerwhodoesn'tmatternumber51000.


Maybe he ties in the Underworld and the flashback together? Yeah, I'm typing this and realizing how little I care.


I've already moved on from 5x12.

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Why is Regina roaming random villages on her birthday anyway? Wouldn't the Black Knights be throwing her a party (against their will) or something? It's like she's going to her day-job for fun... not that it isn't fun for her.



Yes, but at least it's a NEW old scene. Remember when the writers thought it was a good use of time to reair Daniel's death in the middle of an episode? Silver lining, people!

I completely forgot about that. Was that supposed to be foreshadowing for the Underworld? Reminding the audience about the stable boy?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Speaking of the stable boy's death, has there been any hint that Daniel might appear in the Underworld? I'd think that if anyone had unfinished business, it would be the guy who was murdered just as he was on the brink of running away with his love, and then whose love devoted most of her adult life to getting revenge in his name before Frankensteining him and then killing him again. That's one confrontation I'd love to see -- Daniel's reaction to everything Regina did in his name (and when he's moderately lucid, unlike the FrankenDaniel version of him).

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As a subsection of the Regina Exception Clause, every ex-boyfriend of Regina's realize she's actually the nicest, most amazing hero ever when they die, so they automatically go to heaven and don't appear in the Underworld. Thus, why Graham and Daniel won't be there.

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Even for the Evil Queen, that was laying it on too thick.  The acting in that sneak was awful using the normal Evil Queen as a comparison which has never exactly been understated.


Things that it might not be a good idea to remind the viewers about while the setting is the Underworld...all the murdered villagers.  I presume there is going to be some Underworld logic that keeps anything but a token confrontation from happening with Regina and her victims.  And by token, I mean they will find the one victim who deserved it.

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I always assumed Graham's unfinished business was being one of the first people to get his memories back oh and being away from his rapist. Sucks all he got from Emma was a kiss and a "heart attack"

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Seriously! Another scene of the fight between Snow and Regina? Ugh! What a lame scene too, Snow actually shows up in this one and it's Regina that flees? Earth to Regina, you have magic, finish the job if you must.

So there's room for this dumb scene but Hook's only in 10 seconds or so? You know, Hook, the whole reason they go to the Underworld?!

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If Camelot and Merida return in the finale, I wonder if they are doing more than wrapping up 5A but also setting up 6A.  Because English and Scottish folklore could lead to the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. 

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I wonder if they are doing more than wrapping up 5A but also setting up 6A.

I don't expect more than the Frozen wrap-up in 4x11.


In the sneak peek, Snow challenges Regina and Regina agrees. Then she poofs away. Odd.


Also... love that tease from Ginny that Hercules is going to remind Snow of who she is. Take that, Mary Margaret!

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That sneak peak was trash. Not only because Lana has been having trouble playing the Evil Queen but also why did Snow not shoot the arrow or Regina with the fireball? They all just stood there looking like idiots. The writers forgot that these people once hated each other.

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Lana's EQ acting has gotten truly atrocious.

I'm looking forward to the Snow centric stuff with Herc though.

I think Merida's actress is just being hopeful about possible tie-ins to season 6. I don't know if she realizes that arc characters are basically one and done after their arc concludes.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I'm shocked that some Regina fans are also complaining about the sneak peek. The OUAT Reddit page is usually pretty pro-Regina, and even they're complaining about the repetitiveness of Evil Queen vs. Snow and the over-the-top scenery chewing. 

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"That’s been really fun for me, because it’s also been a chance to explore a part of Emma we haven’t seen before. It’s sort of like between the abuse and before the walls, so she’s highly emotional in a way we haven’t seen her before. That’s also been a fun experience, and it’s been fun to bounce that off some new the actors as well.”

That is interesting wording by Jennifer Morrison. What does "between the abuse" refer to? Was she meaning to say "after" the abuse (by Douchefire)?

I guess the climax will be something like Emma's mentor dying, and Emma putting on the red leather jacket to indicate her walls going up. Poor Emma! She kept losing people.

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There isn't going to be a follow up with Lily (Agnes Bruckner) before the end of Season 6. "Lily's not coming back this year," Kitsis said, though showrunner Adam Horowitz promised, "We haven't forgotten the story and we want to get to it."

Didn't A&E imply at one point that Lily wouldn't be in 5A but in 5B? Sounds like she got the Will treatment. I doubt her pregnancy is the primary reason.



Henry has a lot of family, but in this episode, he has a chance to meet someone we never expected him to come face to face with – his namesake, and though the scene is short, it brings ALL THE FEELS.

Not gonna lie... I want to see this.



Hades does evil in the way that all good villains do, like it’s an afterthought. Like he’s not really trying.

I like the idea that Hades is so powerful and experienced that scuffles with mortals are beneath him. He just doesn't care. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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My mind went to King Richard and Prince John for that TVLine brothers spoiler.


What about Geoffrey? "No one ever thinks of crown and mentions Geoff, why is that?"

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Yeah, that one didn't sound very Scar and Mufasa to me. More Richard and John, if we're going closer to the reality of Richard rather than his depiction in the Disney Robin Hood. Or if the version in the Disney Robin Hood was given the Once Upon a Time "there's no hero we won't twist into something negative" treatment. And that would give Robin an actual purpose on the show, but then that also gives us yet another kingdom within walking distance, and if Robin actually was robbing the rich to give to the poor in defense of the people against corrupt rulers, it makes his love for Regina even more baffling. I could imagine that being the source of romantic conflict early in a relationship until they got to know each other, but it seems late to bring it up, now that they're supposedly "stronger than ever" because they've "been through so much" (when you've literally walked through hell and battled ultimate darkness for each other, come talk to me about how much you've been through together).

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Yeah, so did mine. But the History teacher in me hates this possibility.

King John and King Richard seems like a step down to me. In 5A, our heroes fought Darkness manifested. In 5B, they're going against a Greek god. So for S6 it's a tyrannical king again? If that's the case, I hope there's a lot more to it. This speculation may have interested me in S4, but not so much now.

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Its possible I could be blanking on some OUAT history, but isn't Scar & Mufasa kind of hard to do since they were you know Lions, and they haven't done actual Non-Humans yet have they? Once again its possible I am blanking out completely as my memory is pretty bad about stuff sometimes. Unless they were at some point magically turned into Humans, or we go the Narnia route and they are just talking Lions. We think some of the CGI is bad now.. that would be interesting. Haha. 


My first thoughts went to The Brothers Grimm. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Looking at the description again:

one who is physically imposing, brutish, morally corrupt and willing to destroy his family in the pursuit of power, and the other who is weaker and desperate to escape his older bro’s sinister shadow

It really only fits Richard and John if they're giving the usual OUAT twist. I can't think of what else a strong, corrupt older brother and weaker (and probably nicer and smarter) younger brother might map to. It fits the generic fairy tale pattern, in which the older brother is too arrogant to help the older person or animal and ends up failing in the quest without supernatural aid, while the seemingly weaker younger brother shows kindness and therefore gets help that allows him to win.


I guess it's too much to hope that we'll finally meet the Jones brothers' corrupt king.

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I vote for the morally corrupt one being Jacob Grimm. Only someone as evil as Regina could have written something as diabolical as Grimm's Law, forcing innocent students to memorize that meaningless babble centuries later! I have PTSD just thinking about it.

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Well that would be a good spin. Grimm vs. Grimm and Author. Of course my first thought was that they could bring Liam back story in if one of these kings is corrupt.

And I'm not sure I like this idea. Didn't we just do a royal storyline with Camelot? It seems too similar.

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So this sounds like it will be the Once version of Jacob and the Man In Black from the casting call posted on the All Spoilers thread. A&E don't have an original idea between them.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Based on Little John & Roland filming, they're back in SB in 5x21 -- and Zelena is with them, so she didn't stay behind.


Maybe everyone kissed and made up, and they're now this huge happy family. I like how Little John might really have been the one taking care of Roland. 

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Little John (NOT Jorge Garcia) & Roland filming today.


That takes away much of the Outlaw Queen angst for 5B. We know that they happy reunite with Roland and Zelena isn't killed. This is my problem with OQ - they're constantly at this lovey-dovey plateau. Any conflict is neutralized a short time after being introduced. You're not going to see Robin practically burned alive like Hook any time soon.



Anyway, Zelena could still be Persephone (six months in the UW and six in SB).

And during her months in SB she can visit Pistachio.

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So will everyone make it out of the UW, then? Robin & Zelena were the two most likely not to make it back. We haven't seen Rumple recently.

I hope Rumple stays behind, but I doubt it.

Anyway, Zelena could still be Persephone (six months in the UW and six in SB).

At this point I just want Hook and Emma to be happy, but I doubt it would happen.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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