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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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By the way...what the heck does "snuffing the light" even mean? What does that accomplish? Does it kill all people who have lightness in them? Does it just make the entire world a bunch of villains with no capability for empathy? Does the series become one black screen because they turn off all the lights? A little explanation about that before the finale would have been nice.

They probably came up with the explanation while writing the Fall finale. :-p

Enjoyed the Sneak Peek, but gloating against Rumple has never ended well for Hook.

  • Love 3
By the way...what the heck does "snuffing the light" even mean? What does that accomplish?

That strikes me as like the common villain goal of destroying the world. Why would you want to do that, unless you're suicidal? You're in the world, yourself. Destroying it isn't going to make things better. Would even a Dark One really want to live in a totally dark world? If everyone's dark, doesn't that just mean they're all being nasty to each other? It seems like even a Dark One would like having good people around, if only to serve as a steady supply of easy victims.

  • Love 2

That strikes me as like the common villain goal of destroying the world. Why would you want to do that, unless you're suicidal? You're in the world, yourself. Destroying it isn't going to make things better. Would even a Dark One really want to live in a totally dark world? If everyone's dark, doesn't that just mean they're all being nasty to each other? It seems like even a Dark One would like having good people around, if only to serve as a steady supply of easy victims.

This reminded me of Spike's speech in Buffy Season 2. Ha! This is what bothers me about this plot, because under the influence of the darkness or not, it seems against Hook's character to want to destroy the world. Hook left Greg and Tamara in Season 2 because they were going to destroy the town. Also, they probably annoyed him. So they're saying the darkness is making him do it. and he doesn't care as long as he gets his revenge, but IMO that doesn't track. To me this is different from the collateral damage he caused in his quest to hurt Gold in Season 2, because his revenge was a much more impossible task than it is now. 

They probably came up with the explanation while writing the Fall finale. :-p

Enjoyed the Sneak Peek, but gloating against Rumple has never ended well for Hook.

So he's goading Rumple, and he basically goads Emma in the promo. Hmmm....

Hook is like an evil puppy in that sneak peek. Seriously. He's so excited that Rumple took off the "hero" mask for two seconds.

This reminded me of Spike's speech in Buffy Season 2. Ha! This is what bothers me about this plot, because under the influence of the darkness or not, it seems against Hook's character to want to destroy the world. Hook left Greg and Tamara in Season 2 because they were going to destroy the town. Also, they probably annoyed him. So they're saying the darkness is making him do it. and he doesn't care as long as he gets his revenge, but IMO that doesn't track. To me this is different from the collateral damage he caused in his quest to hurt Gold in Season 2, because his revenge was a much more impossible task than it is now. 


I was thinking the same thing! I've always loved Spike speech about how he wants to save the world because there are "billions of people walking around like Happy Meals on legs."  He realized that while ending the world could be the worst thing you could do as a villain, it doesn't mean that it's worth it. There was nothing in it for him. This is why I really don't get what bringing the Dark Ones to Storybrooke is going to get Hook when he could have easily gotten his revenge on Gold on his ship. Now he's just screwing over everyone in town too just because? 


But seriously, where is the press release and promo pics? *whines* It's so weird to get a sneak peek before them. 

  • Love 3

I wonder if he knows Emma was chewed out by Henry and then being told how Rumple has changed.


Now that Belle isn't around, Rumple has no reason to stay "good".


Maybe this is why Dark Hook wants to destroy the town, he's upset they let Rumple onto Team Hero so easily while they keep making him jump through hoops. ;)

  • Love 1
That strikes me as like the common villain goal of destroying the world. Why would you want to do that, unless you're suicidal? You're in the world, yourself. Destroying it isn't going to make things better. Would even a Dark One really want to live in a totally dark world? If everyone's dark, doesn't that just mean they're all being nasty to each other? It seems like even a Dark One would like having good people around, if only to serve as a steady supply of easy victims.


Replying in the Speculation thread.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

This is an unpopular opinion, but as I said before, I prefer Hook to be out of control than pushing Emma away "for her own good". There is "puppy Killian", and then there is "unnatural saint Killian". It's more natural for him to be angry and want revenge, after having been made a DO against his will and feeling betrayed. That's how Hook reacts.

When he repents and sacrifices himself that will still be him pushing the Darkness away, ultimately justifying Emma's faith in him. A temporary backsliding under the influence of a powerful Darkness is easier to believe than Hook successfully fighting off the Darkness right from the start and coming up with a master long con in 5 minutes.

I don't think it has to do with good and evil though. Even if this is a con, Hook isn't being good. He is the Dark One. Hook is angry at Emma, he does want to toy with Gold, but IMO, it has to do with Hook knowing who the real enemy is here. They have repeatedly drilled into our heads that Hook hates the Dark One more than anybody. The Dark One, not Rumplestiltskin. Hook has seen how the Dark One makes deals. Milah was going to give the bean to him and he killed her. If he has really made a deal with the Dark Ones to get him his revenge, and that revenge is only on Gold and Emma, then they are destroying something integral to the character to make him do it, because logically he should be pissed as hell at Nimue, even with the darkness, even with the anger at Emma.

  • Love 6
Can we keep Dark Hook's sexy look when he inevitably turns back into good Hook? Because he is smoking hot in all of those scenes.

I like the mussed hair. I know they've mentioned switching how he parts his hair, but it looks more to me like the hair is so messy that it's just sort of falling rather than being parted. You know, maybe the reason recent pictures of Colin off the set have had the switched part have nothing to do with what's going on with his character but are because his wife agrees with us about that look.


It seems to me like Hook's goading of Rumple about Belle might be rather mild compared to what he has the ammo to do, considering that Hook seems to have been Belle's sounding board, support system, and shoulder to cry on after she kicked Rumple out of town. Hook now has all kinds of information about what she thinks and feels that he could weaponize and twist to really dig the knife in.


But Rumple is right that we've only seen parlor tricks so far. Dark Hook has been very Diet Coke of Evil (to use an old phrase from Buffy discussion boards days) so far. He makes a lot of noise but hasn't done much that's all that bad, aside from the Merlin killing.

  • Love 3

I don't think it has to do with good and evil though. Even if this is a con, Hook isn't being good. He is the Dark One. Hook is angry at Emma, he does want to toy with Gold, but IMO, it has to do with Hook knowing who the real enemy is here. They have repeatedly drilled into our heads that Hook hates the Dark One more than anybody. The Dark One, not Rumplestiltskin. Hook has seen how the Dark One makes deals. Milah was going to give the bean to him and he killed her. If he has really made a deal with the Dark Ones to get him his revenge, and that revenge is only on Gold and Emma, then they are destroying something integral to the character to make him do it, because logically he should be pissed as hell at Nimue, even with the darkness, even with the anger at Emma.


I just like everything you say basically all the time.

  • Love 2

I don't think it has to do with good and evil though. Even if this is a con, Hook isn't being good. He is the Dark One. Hook is angry at Emma, he does want to toy with Gold, but IMO, it has to do with Hook knowing who the real enemy is here.


Hey, you know what this kind of sounds like? Which other True Love couple on this show had a big argument this season where they were legitimately mad at each other, and for the entire episode the writers made it appear they were on opposite sides, but in the end it was actually a ruse, because even though they admitted they were genuinely mad at each other they knew who the real enemy was? Oh great, now I'm putting hope back into the Hook Long Con idea. Off to read Colin's interview for a splash of harsh reality...

Edited by Curio
  • Love 10

I just like everything you say basically all the time.

Oh wow, thank you! 


Oh great, now I'm putting hope back into the Hook Long Con idea. Back to read Colin's interview for a splash of harsh reality...

No, no stay here with me! I didn't even think of the Snowing fight, but do we really think the writers would let team hero trick the bad guys twice in one half season? Oh great, now I'm back in harsh reality land. 

Alas, I have changed my mind. I no longer think this is a long con. Based on Colin's interviews and the sneak peek, I think Hook is well and truly batshit mwuhahahaha evil and has been since he was "turned". I still have hope that he'll snap out of it before the end, but even that hope is dwindling. I now lay 50-50 odds that the "heroes" thwart his plan and throw him into Hades along with all the other Dark Ones. It's probably Emma who does it, and that's what the "sacrifice" is: she has to throw her true love into Hell in order to save her family. (She herself is no longer a Dark One, because Regina has tricked Hook into taking all the darkness into himself through this "test" of hers, so that Regina is the one who saves Emma, not Hook). Maybe as Hook dies there's a split-second in which he's Killian again, and that's what makes Emma decide to go and get him.


I do think the writers' endgame is that Hook is redeemed from this horrible relapse into villainy, and that he and Emma are a happy couple. I just think they have a multi-season plan for that arc, and this is just the beginning. They are breaking his character down to the nubbins, so they can build him back up again, stronger than he was before. They want his redemption to be long and hard-earned, and honestly, if they do it right, so that it feels believable and makes we want to stand up and cheer for him, I will be fine with that. But I'm convinced Hook is not going to defeat the darkness in himself in 5A. He was right; he is not strong enough. Maybe someday he will be, and maybe it's even by the end of 5B. Or maybe not.

  • Love 1

Brigitte, Eddy, etc.. are giving hope that Hook is not permanently going back to being a villain. Because there are a lot of people who think Hook has fallen back into evil for good. There is nothing to suggest they are encouraging people to think he is playing a long con on everyone.


Even if this is a con, Hook isn't being good. He is the Dark One. Hook is angry at Emma, he does want to toy with Gold, but IMO, it has to do with Hook knowing who the real enemy is here. They have repeatedly drilled into our heads that Hook hates the Dark One more than anybody. The Dark One, not Rumplestiltskin. Hook has seen how the Dark One makes deals. Milah was going to give the bean to him and he killed her. If he has really made a deal with the Dark Ones to get him his revenge, and that revenge is only on Gold and Emma, then they are destroying something integral to the character to make him do it, because logically he should be pissed as hell at Nimue, even with the darkness, even with the anger at Emma.


I certainly would be happier if Hook is doing both. But I'm not sure how far I trust the writers to maintain character integrity. I do think Hook will be the one to destroy the Darkness for good and take it to the UW with him. But even if he had a long con planned to destroy the Darkness, I don't think he initially planned to be the sacrificial goat himself. It's more likely to be Gold. 


Also, good point, Curio.

  • Love 2

Hey, you know what this kind of sounds like? Which other True Love couple on this show had a big argument this season where they were legitimately mad at each other, and for the entire episode the writers made it appear they were on opposite sides, but in the end it was actually a ruse, because even though they admitted they were genuinely mad at each other they knew who the real enemy was? Oh great, now I'm putting hope back into the Hook Long Con idea. Off to read Colin's interview for a splash of harsh reality...


That's interesting. I could see it.


One thing, Emma is back in possession of the sword again, so either Gold gives it to her, or she takes it from him.


I don't wanna pile on too much on Gold, because yeah, he hasn't changed all that much, and we really don't know if he has an endgame, but this stuff is also reminding me of last year with the hat situation, where Emma, and Hook were the 2 people he needed for his plan to cleave himself from the dagger. When his Emma plan failed, he moved on to the fairies.


So now, you have two Dark Ones, one Clippy and Nimue find useless, and the other one who is doing their bidding. I really have to wonder if there isn't something to this.

  • Love 1

I wonder if there an extra layer to this sacrifice that is alluded to by this music. Given David's comment about hoping Emma's faith in Hook isn't misplaced says to me that it isn't. ..trying to be positive here...if they set up a rough parallel to Snowing...David went under the arrow to save Snow. If Hook turns on Nimue at the 11th hour and Nimue tries to take him out...Emma may get hurt trying to take the hit for him...which pulls him all the way to hus senses and he really goes about knocking off the Darkness.

I have often thought he gets taken to the UW as a price for escaping death by Excalibur.....

  • Love 1

Darn, no Merlin. In fact, no Camelot actors at all? 


When they face-off with the fate of Storybrooke at stake, Hook's actions will devastate Emma in a way no one saw coming.

Yeah, she's going to be devastated because he's going to sacrifice himself. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 5

The actors have got to be loving the new challenges and angles after being so flat line for a long time while A&E fell all over the opportunity to ruin three villains last season and Disney tie-in marketing got their jollies with bleck and braindead Merida this season. I don't blame any of the actors at all.  But honestly, for me, the creators and writers in their obsessive overdrive for plot fuckery have already butchered much of what they spent seasons building. It's pointless to even try to understand where the hell they are coming from or going to. It will be too much jammed into too short a time...the *Granny's bathroom hallway* treatment... anyway.

I've resigned myself to forgetting that these episodes are supposed to be progressive and think of them as stand alone bits of fantasy, with some interesting moments.


The spoilers do nothing but perpetuate the idiocy of this whole *twist* and are most likely not anything that they seem. Certainly not anything cohesive or logical anyway.


The latest spoiler was highly entertaining because I adore both Colin and Carlyle. They are mean-assed and mean it. Gold doesn't know who the hell he is anymore than Hook does, but these actors are thoroughly engaging. Though I would love to see Hook follow through with his revenge, it would mean the end of Rumple and that's no fun. I relish their edgy shit. *Your DEAD son*,  *nothing but parlor games...* Good meaty growling.

I still think Hook in his intense torment has a personal death wish along with the head splitting insanity of his drive to destroy the Crocodile. He seems to want put out of his misery but can't let go of the anger the Dark One power has given him long enough to let someone do the deed. (He is too good at portraying the depth and scope of emotions his character is dealing with. His talent is beyond the writers' capabilities.)


The WTFness will continue no matter how the fans try to make sense of anything. So let the roller coaster go forward full throttle. Three months of the Great Nothingness will allow the fandom to come up with a half dozen better script scenarios until they rev up their particular brand of eye rolling lunacy in the spring.

Edited by BoPeeps
  • Love 4

From the press release: "When they face-off with the fate of Storybrooke at stake, Hook's actions will devastate Emma in a way no one saw coming." Um....about that....we all see it coming. All of us.


"the Evil Queen tests Hook's mettle by forcing him to confront a demon from his past before contracting him to dispatch one from hers" And again, obvious. I'm a little interested in why she sends him off to his father before she makes him go to Wonderland to get Cora. I guess it's not retconing per se, but it's definitely shoehorning a story into a small space there.


"Eric Keenleyside as Maurice" No idea why he's going to be back. What does Belle have to do with anything? "Scott Hylands as Captain" Can't find anything much about anyone with that name on IMDB. Could they be just some extra on a ship somewhere? And then if so, what the hell is up with that?

So...if Regina and Hook come face-to-face during these flashbacks, that'll seal the deal for another continuity error. Unless they communicate via messenger or something, where they don't formally make contact.

Bad thought: I wonder if Hook kills his dad. But a lot of other outcomes are possible too.

Can anyone find a photo of the actor who plays "boy?" I'm not having any luck. Just because I'm wondering if that could possibly be a young liam.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
If he has really made a deal with the Dark Ones to get him his revenge, and that revenge is only on Gold and Emma, then they are destroying something integral to the character to make him do it, because logically he should be pissed as hell at Nimue, even with the darkness, even with the anger at Emma.


Sadly, nothing from the last episode makes me think that there logic is given any consideration in the writer's room.  I don't think there was a single scene where I wasn't going "What?!?" So, for logic to be magically injected into the final is something the Snow would hope for and Regina would snark at her about it.


I think if we do manage to figure out what happens in 5x11, it will be a lucky guess because there are very few clues sprinkled throughout the episodes and logic and character consistency are something that A&E too easily throw in the garbage for an Amazing Twist.  Whereas we could look at themes and foreshadowing and clues in other shows, I don't think they are reliable indicators in this show.  In fact, we could almost use the themes, foreshadowing and clues as an indication of what will not happen because the love of the Amazing Twist is too strong in the writer's room.


So, the Dark Ones will probably all die when Grannie starts playing Country Music and then Grumpy uses a baseball bat to spray glasses of water on them while Archie injects a computer virus into their boat. Emma is immune because Regina quickly throws a rain-poncho over Emma's head. Scarybrooke was created by Vampire Space Bunnies who attack the town and eat Hook (well, the eat Killian and his hook is all that remains).


IDK. We know the Dark Ones are gone, Emma is restored and Hook is dead. We just hope they have a logical reason for wanting to get him back.

  • Love 2

Darn, no Merlin. In fact, no Camelot actors at all? 


That has to be some kind of typo. They wouldn't hold off on resolving the Camelot stuff until 5B, would they? Or maybe they actually learned their lesson from 4x11 and don't want to cram too many plots into the winter finale again. I'd be okay with holding off on Camelot if it means actually resolving the main Dark Swan/Hook stuff instead.


Didn't realize we were getting young Killian this soon...

  • Love 3

No, seriously, where are the Camelot actors? I doubt they're shoehorning them into 5.12 and we know they filmed scenes wrapping up that story. 


"Eric Keenleyside as Maurice" No idea why he's going to be back. What does Belle have to do with anything? "Scott Hylands as Captain" Can't find anything much about anyone with that name on IMDB. Could they be just some extra on a ship somewhere? And then if so, what the hell is up with that?

Wasn't there a spoiler that Maurice sees Belle off at the town line?


The captain could be the captain of the ship Hook was left on, if we actually see the scene of his father leaving him.

Good lord Hook looks like he's on a serious binge in that sneak peak.


I'm glad the actors are having fun with this half of the season at least when it comes to Jen, Colin and Robert. It's probably the only thing that doesn't make me to depressed. Oh and yeah Hook's probably going to commit suicide because these writers are weird. First Emma now Hook. Now her folks will go to hell for her because for once somebody got to fight for Emma and since the person whose been doing it since they became friends has lost his damn minds it's time her parents and her so called friend does.



ETA: Didn't we see Merida have that twerp Arthur tide up going back to Camelot? Somethings up.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 2

There are BTS shots of the Camelot crew, so they clearly haven't put the names of all their guest stars in there. We know for certain Henry and Regina are seeing these people off.


ETA - They didn't even give Hook's father's last name in the press release. If we didn't know Adam Croasdell was, we would have no clue who he is in the story.

Edited by YaddaYadda

 Oh and yeah Hook's probably going to commit suicide because these writers are weird. First Emma now Hook. 

And Rumple and Ingrid and kind of Neal (Zelena did not kill him la la la I can't hear you writers). One trick ponies. 


ETA: And my hopes for Zoso are dashed too. And none of those figures looked like a boar either! Hmph. I think these are false dark ones. 

Edited by InsertWordHere

They're being vague on purpose. Probably cause the last two weeks have given away some pretty big spoilers. So they're hiding some surprises including guest cast aka Merlin.


The official press releases haven't given away the spoilers -- it was stuff from the ABC Advisory panel. You have to be a member to access it, but someone who was took screenshots.


And yeah, I think Hook is definitely sacrificing himself. The press release for "Birth" had similar wording: "Emma has to make a gut-wrenching choice nobody saw coming," and that's when she found out she really was trying to destroy the darkness all along.

  • Love 2

The official press releases haven't given away the spoilers -- it was stuff from the ABC Advisory panel. You have to be a member to access it, but someone who was took screenshots.


And yeah, I think Hook is definitely sacrificing himself. The press release for "Birth" had similar wording: "Emma has to make a gut-wrenching choice nobody saw coming," and that's when she found out she really was trying to destroy the darkness all along.


They're not listed some people we know are in the episode like Merida and the Camelot gang. That might not be the person they're trying to cover up for.


They did this in the S3 finale to make sure it didn't leak that Marian was coming back.

Edited by Hookian

Yeah, she's going to be devastated because he's going to sacrifice himself. 


Yes. Sobs.


(Still doesn't mean this was his plan all along. Sorry. :-p)


They listed none of the Camelot actors. Oversight? I mean, there was a scene filmed showing Arthur and co. leave. I guess we won't be hearing about Lance any time soon.

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 1

(Still doesn't mean this was his plan all along. Sorry. :-p)

I agree, but I would still like it better if it was. I don't think anything in the press release points either way, but I think it does indicate that Emma (or Regina) don't have to kill Hook unless he asks them to. 


There's a possibility we'll say goodbye to the Camelot crew at the beginning of 5.12, but it seems like they would be hella out of place in the 100th.

  • Love 2

I agree, but I would still like it better if it was. I don't think anything in the press release points either way, but I think it does indicate that Emma (or Regina) don't have to kill Hook unless he asks them to. 


There's a possibility we'll say goodbye to the Camelot crew at the beginning of 5.12, but it seems like they would be hella out of place in the 100th.


The Camelot crew filmed for 5x11 not for 5x12.

  • Love 1

I agree, but I would still like it better if it was. I don't think anything in the press release points either way, but I think it does indicate that Emma (or Regina) don't have to kill Hook unless he asks them to.

There's a possibility we'll say goodbye to the Camelot crew at the beginning of 5.12, but it seems like they would be hella out of place in the 100th.

Nonsense, they'll just claim that they're part of the parade of stars we're supposed to get in the hundredth. How many were we at so far???

Instead of being smushed into the beginning of the episode, they might be exiting the show near the end of 5x11 before the Nevengers go to the UW.

So Scott Hylands looks like your typical old sea captain, i can't find anything on Sebastian West ("boy"). He might be a newbie. How am supposed to know if he could end up as a young Liam???

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 1

That is a bad, bad thought. Though they did have Regina kill her father, and damn these writers love their parallels....

Well got to wonder about that father of his who looks like he's been drinking out of the fountain of youth.


This is pre-curse, post-Neverland. His father is very well preserved. It looks like he hasn't aged a day since Hook last laid eyes on him. And now they've been piling on on the whole we've been at this for centuries, I've wanted this for centuries, this feud started centuries before you were born.


Hook aged, and his father didn't, and he should be older than Rumple, so what gives?!

That is a bad, bad thought. Though they did have Regina kill her father, and damn these writers love their parallels....


Papa Hook has filmed for episodes past 5x11 so even if Hook kills him, that's not the end of it. Also how the heck could Papa Hook still be alive in the time of this test? Unless he's immortal which would mean he can't die.

It could be like a few of the times we've seen Hook try to kill someone before. He plunges his hook into his father only to figure out Dad's heart is somewhere else or he's immortal or he's on his once every ten years visit to the EF from the Underworld. Like Cora, who Hook tells Regina he killed. Will we seem the same thing here? Brennan and Hook working together to trick Regina? Or will Hook actually kill his dad?


Edit: If Regina is testing Hook to see if he will kill her mother by sending him to kill his father (assuming she knows he's his father), then her plan is stupid. Wouldn't it be better to send him to kill a random stranger with no connection to him? That's what Cora was to him at that point. And if this is in the middle of the Queen of Hearts flashbacks and not before (which it could only be if there's a memory/disguise involved), then she just saw him about to kill Belle.

Edited by InsertWordHere

Bad thought: I wonder if Hook kills his dad. But a lot of other outcomes are possible too.

Thr same bad thought flashed through my mind. If post-Neverland Hooks sees his dad alive and well after centuries, it won't go well for his the latter. They may use that as an example of Hook's ruthlessness to contrast with his sacrifice in the present. Even immortals can be killed with the right weapon, if Daddy Jones is one. This won't discount Hook encountering his father in the UW. Didn't they say this flashback will show how Hook became so revenge-focussed (even though we already knew that?!). Rumple killed his father. It is inevitable that Hook does too.

This plan seems very simple to me.

Hook wants revenge on Rumple. He decides to kill him.

Nimue wants to bring her army of immortal DOs back to corporeal form to wreak havoc without constraint of being tethered to the dagger. She needs to swap a living person for every DO she brings back from hell.

She convinces Hook to adopt her plan as his revenge plan by telling him that this is better than outright killing Rumple because he will go to hell in place of a DO -- if Hooks kills him he goes wherever heroes go since Rumple is now no longer dark of heart.

As a bonus Hook gets to torment Emma by sending everyone she loves to hell while she is fated to live out eternity as a DO.


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