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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I don't think 5B sounds like a Hook arc, apart from him being the thing to get them there. So far it's looking like an everybody arc to me. Last ep was Snow, this one looks to be Rumple.


I desperately want Liam back, too.



I think Hook is definitely a main plot of the arc as well as everyone facing their demons. They have to save him after all.


I think wherever Emma is, that's probably where Hook is as well. They're the only two characters missing from filming.

Edited by Hookian

I think he hasn't changed because he hasn't really embraced the darkness. It's also why he's still seeing Clippy!Rumple.

exactly. ...now that I have calmed down after the horrors of last ep...i can see all the little hints (&whopping great anvils with flashing lights like supposedly full on DO Killian still seeing earworm Rumple!) Killian is still in there making conscious or unconscious decisions of some kind. Maybe he has totally surrendered to his self loathing but his hatred of the DO runs through every layer of him. The DO appears to be driving the bus but if Killian is submerged way down in the GPS. ...bus is going where he wants it to...maybe the Darkness is so distracted by thinking it is getting everything it wants it just hasn't noticed. All it will take is seeing Emma's life directly threatened. ..and we know Nimue was furious with her...and Killian is coming back to the surface. ..just my thoughts


If Hades wanted to punish her for that, she should have to work in a daycare. Crossing guard's only have to put up with kids for 30 seconds at a time.

Well, since what she did was pretty mild compared to many other child abandonment situations on Once, I think being a crossing guard fits okay.



LOL, Pan as a senior citizen caretaker!

Cruella works at the animal shelter. The Blind Witch is a pediatric nutritionist.


Is it possible Underbrooke is more of a purgatory?

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6

Well, since what she did was pretty mild compared to many other child abandonment situations on Once, I think being a crossing guard fits okay.


Cruella works at the animal shelter. The Blind Witch is a pediatric nutritionist.


Is it possible Underbrooke is more of a purgatory?


...Sounds like hell if those are the jobs these people have. Literally it's their worst nightmares.

I can see Milah feeling guilty over leaving Bealfire and not being able to watch him grow up, so being a crossing guard where she can be around and protect children makes sense. I hope season 5 isn't like season 1 in that everyone in the UW has no memory of who they are. It would be more interesting I think if they did remember, but they probably won't, because they seem to be carrying on as if they are still alive.

It sounds like the ironic hell in Wristcutters: A Love Story (good, but odd Indie movie) about an afterlife where people who killed themselves just live slightly more bleak, shittier versions of their old lives. Its just like the real world, but crappier. Maybe thats what this is? Its a hell dimension where lives are just bleak and crappy. 

So the clock has moved forward five minutes. I'm thinking there's a time limit -- they have to get out of the UW or find Hook by a certain time or they're/he's stuck there.


Ooh-- that would make sense. Sort of like a reverse Orpheus-Eurydice. They have to be out of Hades by a certain deadline, or they're stuck there for good. Since it's just 6 minutes past 8:15, maybe they need to be out of Hades in a hour. Shortest season timeline wise ever??


So, why does Hades look like Storybrooke? Did Hades get the idea from Regina's Dark Curse, or was it the other way around? Or has Hades specially prepared his realm to look like Sb to welcome the Nevengers? Do the dead remember who they were, or do they all have amnesia in the UW? They might, if they were made to drink from the Lethe. Maybe each Nevenger's quest will be to help a dead person they knew to remember their past life and move them to the next level. Very much like Season 6 LOST. The season definitely feels like it could be the last one.


If Milah has to do eternal penance for running out on her kid, just imagine what Regina and Rumple will have to do.


Why, they get rewarded by hero status, pure hearts, light magic, and more babies of course! 


I will be disappointed if Milah and Rumple meet in Scarybrooke, but not Milah and Hook. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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Angel did a variation of suburbia=hell, too. Poor Gunn had his heart ripped out every day when he'd go downstairs to get a lightbulb for the oven.

If they do it well, the not-normal can be pretty creepy and frightening.

Have we seen any spoilers about Morrison or O'Donoghue filming? I know O'D would probably be green screen?

Sounds like hell if those are the jobs these people have. Literally it's their worst nightmares.

I never got the sense that Milah disliked kids or hated being a mother. Unless Hook was lying to Bae, she regretted leaving her son behind and planned to go back for him when he was old enough to travel with her. Her worst nightmare was being trapped in the same small village with a husband who refused to leave even though he was the town pariah. So Storybrooke would seem to fit the bill -- a small town you literally can't leave. Working with kids might be her way of coping with that hell. She may be eternally looking for the child she left behind.

  • Love 3

I wouldn't say it's purgatory since that's a Catholic creation. It sounds more like it's Greek, particularly with Hades there. The Greeks didn't see the Underworld as fire and brimstone, just the afterlife, but there's still some punishment going on apparently. And if they're talking about a season 1 vibe to 5B, I can totally see the connection. If Hades is the mayor, he could easily be pulling a Regina and making people's lives miserable either with or without the knowledge of their past lives.


This is looking awesome, but I'm getting worried. There seem to be alot of bells and whistles here with people coming back to guest star so I hope that's not too distracting. We all thought three villains sounded cool and that turned out to be a hot mess.

  • Love 1


We all thought three villains sounded cool and that turned out to be a hot mess.

I remember dreading there being three villains, but then it turned out they were easily the best part of the season. It was the Lily and Author crap that made it so over-chaotic.



I can see Milah feeling guilty over leaving Bealfire and not being able to watch him grow up, so being a crossing guard where she can be around and protect children makes sense.

So here's an interesting question - is she being punished, or is this what she wanted to? I never saw Milah as a "villain", so are we saying Underbrooke is hell or just an Underworld with different blessings or curses depending on the person?



I hope season 5 isn't like season 1 in that everyone in the UW has no memory of who they are. It would be more interesting I think if they did remember, but they probably won't, because they seem to be carrying on as if they are still alive.



I'm conflicted. I miss cursed personalities and I want to see them again, but at the same time that would prohibit development in their relationships with the alive people.

  • Love 1

Guess Emma isn't off with Hook somewhere.


Colin's interview pretty much confirmed that Hook has no plan working against the Darkness. I just pray that he breaks through to help/save Emma before sacrificing himself. Otherwise, its a MASSIVE disservice to Hook & CS. (I know, welcome to the show.)

Edited by Souris
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Colin was really good about keeping CS's future ambiguous. Have we seen him film in 5B?



Gold to Milah: This is Emma, your past lover's current girlfriend, and also the mother of your grandson.

She's also her son's former lover. It's weird thinking that Emma has dated two men in her life, yet she died centuries ago.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Guess Emma isn't off with Hook somewhere.


Colin's interview pretty much confirmed that Hook has no plan working against the Darkness. I just pray that he breaks through to help/save Emma before sacrificing himself. Otherwise, its a MASSIVE disservice to Hook & CS. (I know, welcome to the show.)


Not necessarily. Remember he said *no spoilers* in response to thinks with his father. Pretty sure he didn't mention some specific things. 

Colin was really good about keeping CS's future ambiguous. Have we seen him film in 5B?

We have not seen but we have heard he's filmed for every episode in studios.


Larry has also confirmed Colin's filmed.

Emma looks between Gold and Milah and looks shocked. LOL she's probably traumatized more now.

Edited by Hookian

Every time I'm busy, all the spoilers come out. I miss everything. :(

Interesting how Scarybrooke seems to be modern dayish alter ego stuff.

About that Colin interview: I bet if he knew more ahead of time about Hook turning into the DO, then he could have a added a few small things to adjust his performance that would have hinted at that idea. So, it's the same thing that happened with the Zarian situation.

I lol'ed at the "sending Rumple to hell=revenge" bit. Hook could have just offed him in his duel, and Rumple would have probably ended up there.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Honestly, this makes a plan against the Darkness MORE likely, since if it was just simple revenge against Rumple he easily could have killed him.  I think he wants to end the Dark One, all Dark Ones including himself, but he wants to drag Rumple down with him and save Emma from having to be.  That would also make sense since that was pretty much his S2 self too: he would do any evil things for his revenge and essentially planned on dying at the end of it all.  


If Dark Hook was purely noble, he'd just be working against the Darkness, but he's DARK Hook, he's a legit Dark One now, and he will not do the good thing unless his thirst for vengeance is satisfied in the process...at least right now, anyway.


Also, whoever said Milah wasn't a villain so she shouldn't be in Hell; Herc and Meg aren't villains either and they're there.  Chances are it's not just villains who are there, but people who somehow owe their souls to Hades.  I can definitely see a flashback with Milah and pre-Hook Killian showing that happening to Milah somehow.


Well according to Colin's interview, it sounds like Hook really did give in to the Darkness? I was almost ready to say I changed my mind about that. But, since he still sees ClippyRumpel, maybe he didn't give in fully yet?


Colin DOES say he believes there's still a part of Hook deep down that has not gone dark, so yeah.

Edited by Mathius
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So I wonder what that scroll thing Hook's hanging onto is? He doesn't look very happy being with his Papa. Lol.

Still don't know how they're going to pull all this stuff off with only 42-43 minutes. We at least have 1 flashback of bby Killy, one with Regina and/or Papa Jones. Camelot crew stuff. Dark One stuff. Belle leaves this coming episode right?

I'm just bracing myself for a horrendously paced episode. There will be no time to feel any of the heart-racing, heart-wrenching, etc stuff, because it'll be so darn rushed.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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i have practically no hope for Killian turning it around ..i think he's a full on villain again when he gets sent to Hell now...after reading Colin's interview. I am beginning to think 5b is about all of the villains having to walk through the UW to get their redemption.

I am also starting to think they go to the UW for a completely different reason than retrievng Hook...

Or Emma got pregnant in the field of flowers and goes to the UW to force him to pay Other World child support..sort of "have your damn ring back and give me the cash to support you damn kid. oh and if you see FuckWitFire...kick him where it hurts for screwing my life over twice 'cos none of this would've happened if he left his father dead! "

This is how this godawful plot line has mangled my hope!

I better be getting the most heartfelt, tasteful CS beachfront wedding at the end of all this..but i have so little faith left all i can picture right now is Emma being kicked out of SB for good, SB and her family back in EF, Killian is dead in the UW for realsies and Emma lights another single candle on a cupcake before going out to pick up another one night stand!

Colin's interview may just have left me a little bitter...does it show?

Edited by PixiePaws1

I better be getting the most heartfelt, tasteful CS beachfront wedding at the end of all this..but i have so little faith left all i can picture right now is Emma being kicked out of SB for good, SB and her family back in EF, Killian is dead in the UW for realsies and Emma lights another single candle on a cupcake before going out to pick up another one night stand!

Colin's interview may just have left me a little bitter...does it show?

^ I'd actually be fine if they eloped ala Anastasia and Dimitri.

I know; his interview doesn't really give me hope about his character being fully assassinated. If anything, it leans toward him coming to his senses rather than having a master plan.

I'm ride or die at this point, though, so I'll just hope for the best.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Well, we can hardly expect the cast to give away the main parts of the episode. All they can really talk about is what already aired, so I'm not going to worry too much.


What I find interesting about Colin's interviews is that if they're properly transcribed, I can actually hear his normal speaking voice and real accent in my head as I read them, and I don't have that many occasions to hear him speak as himself. I seldom watch online video interviews. Mostly I just have episode commentaries to go by. He has a rather distinctive cadence to his phrasing that fits his accent. But I can read episode transcripts without necessarily hearing Hook's voice in my head.

  • Love 2

Colin has always tended toward the A&E School of Spoiling in that he tends to make things sound worse than they are. He follows their lead and really tries not to spoil anything. He did that with the Ursula ep, making it seem like Hook had done THE WORST THING EVER TO HER SOUL. And he did it pre-S4, telling people to be ready for Hook to do bad & piratey things to Rumple, when it was just a bit of stupid blackmail. So while the interview did leave me bummed and make me sure Hook doesn't have a plan, I still think there's room for it not to be as bad as it seems and for Hook to come to his senses. Colin is always firm in that Hook loves Emma, and I liked that he put the kibbosh on any of the Milah fretting.


But tables are being procured from Ikea.

Edited by Souris
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I lol'ed at the "sending Rumple to hell=revenge" bit. Hook could have just offed him in his duel, and Rumple would have probably ended up there.


But that's not theatrical enough (DOs seems to love the theatrics). I bet Hook wanted Rumple to see his grand plan (he says that in the CTV promo, no?). The duel was just a red-herring. 


From the interview:

Hook, like all Dark Ones, wants to bring the Dark Ones back and use people to open the portal back to hell, and that's what the darkness does. In doing so, that essentially would allow him to get his revenge on Rumpelstiltskin because he would be one of the people who would be sent to hell, or to the underworld.


Colin pretty much gave the plot away. I mean we pretty much had guessed, but... I think everyone who is marked by Nimue is supposed to go to the UW in place of a DO or something. Even after the Darkness is defeated, the Mark works like a pass for the Nevengers to enter the UW. 

That was a very important thing for me to get to explore because he, obviously, was such an important part of forming who Killian Jones came to be as a person.


Aw... am so happy for Colin. 

They should be prepared for a heartbreaking, heart-wrenching, huge, epic mid-season finale.


NOPE. Not prepared.


ETA: It's horrendous Colin only found out about him being Dark Hook when he got the script. Ugh...

If anything, it leans toward him coming to his senses rather than having a master plan.


That's what I'm leaning toward ever since my rewatch.

Edited by Rumsy4

Colin's interview may just have left me a little bitter...does it show?

Yeah. After reading it I have lost the tiny bit of hope I had left for the finale. It's frustrating to see how the writers have thrown three years of character development through the window for a ridiculous twist.

I am also starting to think they go to the UW for a completely different reason than retrievng Hook...

Really, that they are there for him is more fandom speculation than a real spoiler, so it's possible that they are there for something totally unrelated to him.

  • Love 1

Probably when Emma's getting choked out by Nimue is when he will kill her.


BTW I feel like once Nimue dies they won't be marked anymore. Remember the price has to be payed for all these DO's being resurrected and that would by why Nimue marks them to pay the price for her and the others. But if Nimue dies wouldn't the marks disappear?


Otherwise why is Rumple opening the portal to the Underworld with the dagger if they're gonna be dragged down their regardless? Seems to me that the plan is to go and save Hook so that's why Rumple opens the portal. 

Really, that they are there for him is more fandom speculation than a real spoiler, so it's possible that they are there for something totally unrelated to him.


"I agreed to get your pirate and get the hell out of here". Hardly just fan speculation also Emma wearing his ring on her neck.


For goodness sakes you guys Colin is not gonna reveal any spoilers and he's always gonna make things look doom and gloom. He did the same thing for episode 15 and that was just a joke when he said that's the worst thing he's ever done to someone.

Edited by Hookian
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I know this will sound ridiculous, but does anyone have those photos that Colin took backstage at the Cirque de Soleil show a couple weeks ago? If I recall correctly, they were taken they had started filming 5B and he still had his hair parted on the wrong side. Given that he confirmed in the interview today that parting it on the wrong side was part of the transformation to Dark Hook, I wonder if he is still evil when he goes into the Underworld.


Also, I know a lot of people are using the on-set quote about getting "your pirate and getting out of here" (or whatever it is exactly), but I don't think that was ever officially confirmed as actual dialog or as coming from Regina. Anyway, all this to say that the last ep coupled with Colin's interview and recent set spoilers have me pretty discouraged about what's to come. Or maybe it's just me bracing myself for the worst, but I just can't with all the theories going around Twitter and Tumblr about TLKs and tearful sacrifices. Sorry to be such a downer :(.

I know this will sound ridiculous, but does anyone have those photos that Colin took backstage at the Cirque de Soleil show a couple weeks ago? If I recall correctly, they were taken they had started filming 5B and he still had his hair parted on the wrong side. Given that he confirmed in the interview today that parting it on the wrong side was part of the transformation to Dark Hook, I wonder if he is still evil when he goes into the Underworld.


I doubt Hook will have time while he's in the Underworld to get a haircut so him having the same hair length as when he's Dark Hook means nothing. Especially since once Nimue is destroyed and he dies the darkness will be gone and he'll be back to normal. Since there won't be anymore darkness, once the source of it is destroyed.

I don't think it's going to be either as horrible & downer OR as romantic & wonderful as some assume.



I definitely don't see any kind of TLK happening.

Emma meeting her could've been mother in law and current (maybe?) boyfriends ex. This show is so weird.

Henry's the one who needs to meet Milah, and her to meet him. She needs to see her grandson, and he should get to meet his other grandma. Though does he even know that his grandfather murdered his grandmother? You know, the grandfather he's okay with and trusts, in spite of his numerous evil deeds, because he's "changed"? Then again, he's totally okay with the adoptive mom who conspired to murder his mother's grandfather (or does he know about that?).


"I agreed to get your pirate and get the hell out of here". Hardly just fan speculation also Emma wearing his ring on her neck.

This line means nothing. It's just something someone says she heard on set, but it's not something official or something that cames from multiple sources. And neither does the ring. Emma kept the Swan necklace to remind her of Neal's betrayal.


I assume it will be rushed and anticlimactic, because TSTW.

Well, that's a given.

Edited by RadioGirl27

This line means nothing. It's just something someone says she heard on set, but it's not something official or something that cames from multiple sources. And neither does the ring. Emma kept the Swan necklace to remind her of Neal's betrayal.


Oh man don't you freaking compare the Swan necklace to the ring Hook gives Emma. Just don't, two completely different things.

Edited by Hookian
  • Love 2

I know this will sound ridiculous, but does anyone have those photos that Colin took backstage at the Cirque de Soleil show a couple weeks ago? If I recall correctly, they were taken they had started filming 5B and he still had his hair parted on the wrong side. Given that he confirmed in the interview today that parting it on the wrong side was part of the transformation to Dark Hook, I wonder if he is still evil when he goes into the Underworld.



Just throwing  out another possibility--if he is still in Dark Hook costume/hair/makeup, and if Underbrooke is a "punishment you deserve/will hate," not necessarily an obvious torture kind f place?  Having him continue to dress as a Dark One could be part of his puishment.


What could be worse for him, than seeing Milah in a day-to-day drudge job she (possibly) hates and ran away from, dressed in the Dark One outfit, which is a slap at Milah--who was killed by Dark Rumple, and at the same time dressed as someone who torpedoed Storybrooke and attacked Emma?


It would torture him through two people he loved, and in the end of relationships where he was fairly stalwart and true.

Edited by Mari
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Honestly, this makes a plan against the Darkness MORE likely, since if it was just simple revenge against Rumple he easily could have killed him.  I think he wants to end the Dark One, all Dark Ones including himself, but he wants to drag Rumple down with him and save Emma from having to be.  That would also make sense since that was pretty much his S2 self too: he would do any evil things for his revenge and essentially planned on dying at the end of it all.  


I just realized something. Emma's plan was to put the darkness in Zelena, and kill her. 


What if Hook's plan is to put the darkness in Rumple, and kill him.


Emma went through the things that Zelena did. Zelena killed Marian, she killed Neal (still scratching my head over this one). Would the world lose something if Zelena isn't in it? No. So she plans to kill her.


For Hook, Rumple is at the center of his suffering. All his flashbacks in the vault had Rumple at the center of them. And he hates the man. Rumple may not be the Dark One, and Hook can dissociate the two very well, but Rumple is still the face of evil, and darkness for him.


Stuff the darkness in Rumple, send him to hell. Problem solved.


But let's see how it will probably play out is:


1. Hook dies and has a 15 second goodbye with Emma.

2. Emma goes to have a drink with Regina.

I say this with love...you suck. Remember, it's said with love.

  • Love 8

I think Nimue marks them to take her and the others place and get sent to the UW. However once she dies, the others will die and that price will be made null and void. So I don't think that the others will be forced to go to the UW or dragged into it. The mark would disappear upon her death.


We know Rumple cuts his hand with the dagger and opens a portal to the UW, we've seen these pics and we know now what it means. Why would he open a portal to the UW if they're gonna be dragged their regardless like The Fury did with Robin?


It wouldn't work that way. 

Edited by Hookian

I don't think Rumple is opening a portal to the UW for them to travel there at that point, because there's the later cemetery filming in 5x12 that may or may not include a grave marker for Killian. I think Rumple's portal brings Hook back for the Hook/Emma scene that was the last scene filmed that night. I think they get to say a goodbye, but Hook has to return to the UW -- or it's just his ghost that is brought. The next morning is the cemetery scene, then the group takes off for the UW -- them going to the UW has to be really soon after the Rumple blood scene, because they're all wearing the same clothes.

What if Hook's plan is to put the darkness in Rumple, and kill him.

Stuff the darkness in Rumple, send him to hell. Problem solved.

That could well be...

Alternatively, he knows killing newly minted "hero" Gold won't send him to Hell. He'd likely end up in Elysium. Sending him through a portal to hell opened with his own blood would make for a more poetic vengeance.

At this point, I'm preparing for a last-minute turn-around. I don't think that necessarily means it's going to be under-developed. However it plays out, Emma is holding Killian's Ring when Gold is about to open the UW portal again. So, I'm pretty sure Hook sacrifices himself willingly and tells Emma to come and get him back. Just like Emma did when she took on the Darkness.

Another thought: Emma will probably do something heroic to make up for some of the Dark things she did. Otherwise taking the Darkness out of her will end up less satisfying.

Edited by Rumsy4

I don't think Rumple is opening a portal to the UW for them to travel there at that point, because there's the later cemetery filming in 5x12 that may or may not include a grave marker for Killian. I think Rumple's portal brings Hook back for the Hook/Emma scene that was the last scene filmed that night. I think they get to say a goodbye, but Hook has to return to the UW -- or it's just his ghost that is brought. The next morning is the cemetery scene, then the group takes off for the UW -- them going to the UW has to be really soon after the Rumple blood scene, because they're all wearing the same clothes.



I think that's the purpose of the magical ale that was brought in 5x09 and Merida is leaving in this episode. I'm very sure she'll be giving this to Emma and the others probably as a way to say thank you. I'll be shocked if that ale does not come back.


I still hold firm to Rumple opening a portal for them to travel to the UW since now we know his blood can do that. Also the clothes they're wearing are the same as they wear the scene Rumple cuts his hand so I don't think it's the next morning.

Edited by Hookian

Well I'm not sure how Hook is going to kill Nimue given that he left Excalibur with Rumple. And I guess the CTV promo show that Emma gets it back from Rumple? Maybe that's Hook's contribution -- he sets Rumple up to save them all.

I don't think there's a long con in play -- Hook is just being very Heathcliff right now. I think Hook will come to his senses when Emma is threatened, have his Vader moment, and do something to stop Emperor Nimue. That's gotta happen to avoid total character destruction.

But I also think the repercussions will extend far into 5B and Hook will be feeling a lot of self loathing while he's isolated from the rest of the group. And that's a long time to put the lapead couple though angst. It's gonna need huge emotional payoff. It's Snow and David levels of torture. Which has been paid off at least.

I also need Emma to say unequivocally to Hook that she's coming to hell to get him back and won't let anything stop her.

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