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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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How freaking good is it to see Snow with a bow in her hand! Forget the ring and the sword ....I am hoping that bow has the magical power to bring kick arse Snow back..I think she got left behind at the beanstalk and just found a way back !

But why do they keep insisting on dressing her in such dowdy clothes? I mean, yes, she had baby Neal, but putting her in big clothes isn't going to remind us how badass she really is. If she's going to use the bow, give her some flattering clothes that make it easier for her to use it.


Speaking of clothes, I do find Herc's outfit interesting. It looks like he's carrying around anchors and the cabled sweater makes me think nautical. I wonder if he is somehow connected to the sea or a boat or something. It would be an interesting thread with Hook if anything.

Edited by sharky
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Speaking of clothes, I do find Herc's outfit interesting. It looks like he's carrying around anchors and the cabled sweater makes me think nautical. I wonder if he is somehow connected to the sea or a boat or something. It would be an interesting thread with Hook if anything.

I'm tellin' ya, Herc is going to want revenge for the death of his beloved Pegasus! And because Killy's evil king probably killed it to get the feathers, Killian is, of course, all to blame (and will surely blame himself, even though he had no way of knowing).

Unless Pegasus's (pegasuses, pegasusi?) are like alpacas and can somehow regrow their feathers.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I'm not sure they would've held down Pegasus in order to pluck his feathers. 


I sort of wonder if Hercules hasn't been in Storybrooke this whole time. When everyone heads down to the Underworld, he sees this as his opportunity to get to Megara. Plus Hades is his uncle, so there's that.


Hercules is dressed in modern clothes, and Meg is in fairytale clothes. There's no reason their clothing should be different unless they're in separate worlds. I wouldn't be surprised if Hook has a completely different wardrobe because of that.


I like that they went through the trouble of having those anchors have the name of the ship they belong to. SS Won(something). SS Wonderland? I'm guessing they're gonna start dropping hints for season 6 soon enough.

Edited by YaddaYadda

Neither Colin nor Adam were on Stevenson yesterday. The longer they are in the UW, the less Colin we are going to get. I think we should start preparing for it. It doesn't matter if next arc is a "save Hook" mission, the important part is going to be the rescue party (that includes Regina, Rumple, Emma and, it seems, Hercules and Megara), not the missing person. This kind of stories are always told from the point of view of the person doing the rescue, not from the point of view of the rescued person.


I think that's a load of horse manure no offense. Nothing indicates Colin will be getting less screentime. The show is filmed 90% in studio, we know Adam has filmed for episodes that are not 11. Which is safe to say deals with him and his son. We also know Hades has filmed for every episode but he's not anywhere to be found either. By your logic and he's the big bad of 5B, he's gonna get his fair share of screentime.


I don't think it's a good idea to jump the gun just because Colin has not been seen filming with the heroes when he shouldn't be because he's gonna be split from them for a while. That doesn't mean he won't be getting any screentime. We also have confirmation again that we're getting more Hook backstory in 5B. It's very clear that they want to keep Colin filming as quiet as possible and can get away with it being a mystery because all his stuff is filmed in studio.


Hook is not Henry, he will get his screentime. He's the male lead of the show and CS is the main couple.


Not necessarily. Maybe he just wanted us to know that they were destroying, I mean, bringing Greek Mythology next.



You're quite negative minded when it comes to this show, I've noticed. Is it all because of 4x11?

Edited by Hookian
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^ Exactly.  Robert Carlyle was not seen filming for most of 3B and recently 5A, but there ended up being several scenes with him per episode because the filming was done in studio sets or building interiors.  It's pretty obvious that Colin is being confined to studio/interior scenes for a while until he's reunited with the main group.


Ditto Greg Germann as Hades, we have yet to see him filming because he's being kept indoors.

Edited by Mathius
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We also know Hades has filmed for every episode but he's not anywhere to be found either.

I went back and checked the casting announcement again and it only mentioned that Greg Germann's character is set to be a "heavily recurring" one and that he'll first appear in episode 5.12. It does seem likely he'll pop up in 5.13 (which is the one they're currently filming) too, but I don't think we know anything for sure as far as his characters is concerned at this point.

If Herc is in Storybrooke and Meg is potentialy in the Underworld, then we're basically getting Ariel/Eric 2.0? At least, seperation-wise. One may have a Storybrooke counterpart and the other may not.

Snow/Herc looks fun.

I bet Colin is having a blast trying to stay secretive and on the down-low.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I went back and checked the casting announcement again and it only mentioned that Greg Germann's character is set to be a "heavily recurring" one and that he'll first appear in episode 5.12. It does seem likely he'll pop up in 5.13 (which is the one they're currently filming) too, but I don't think we know anything for sure as far as his characters is concerned at this point.


"Heavily recurring" = Villain Du Jour.  They're almost always in every episode of the arc.

If Herc is in Storybrooke and Meg is potentialy in the Underworld, then we're basically getting Ariel/Eric 2.0? At least, seperation-wise. One may have a Storybrooke counterpart and the other may not.

Some of the photos have shown Herc and Meg filming together at Underworld Storybrooke so I think they're together -- at least right now.

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First of all, I have to be clear when i say that for 2 days we were being told all kinds of things about who of the cast would film in Steveston yesterday, so names were thrown all over the place. So yeah, Thursday people said that Bobby and Victoria would come, yet unfortunately that turned out to be false. Sunday morning someone mentioned Sean would also be there, but alas he was not. So, after a whole confusing set of info being sorted out, here’s a brief description of what happened, NOT that spoilery, as we were asked not to reveal anything (not that there was anything to be revealed):

First scene was at the docks. Noone could see anything as fans were not allowed to enter that part of the Cannery. I was TOLD (and I make this clear) by friends that were around, that Colin was there and that he filmed, apparently with guest stars (no idea who, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jonathan or Kacey). Didn’t see it with my own eyes, so take it with a grain of salt.

Second scene was Ginny and Jonathan at the docks. We heard part of the dialogue, but obviously cannot reveal. Nothing important was said though, so don’t worry ;)

Then they moved on to Main Street where they shot a couple of plain shots and then Lana, Josh, Ginny, JMo and Jonathan came. Their scene was brief. Lana, Josh and Jmo were running towards Ginny and Jon. A few lines were exchanged, everyone looked alarmed and then they split again and ran towards different directions. It didn’t last long and they had to keep filming for the next scene so Lana, Jmo and Josh left immediately after. (Bright side: I got to see Lana from up close and she looked BREATHTAKING!!!! You never get used to looking at this woman, you fangirl and cry every time!)

Final scene was Ginny, Jon and Kacey outside the clocktower. They were shooting this for GOD knows how many hours and probably did it 3 billion times. Looks quite badass tho.

So yeah, that was it for yesterday’s filming. Wish there were more but hey, for me at least it was a blast anyway! ;)





Apparently there was a scene before the Snow/Hercules scene that nobody could see being filmed. This is the second indication of people seeing Colin on set yesterday. 


I think production is making sure scenes with Colin are kept a secret.

Edited by Hookian


we know Adam has filmed for episodes that are not 11.

No, we don't. The only thing we know for sure is that he filmed one day for 4x11. The rest are rumours and wishful thinking.


And the same goes for Greg Germann's character. Is he Hades? Probably. Has it been confirmed? No.



It's pretty obvious that Colin is being confined to studio/interior scenes for a while until he's reunited with the main group.

I know he is probably filming in studio. I'm not saying that he is going to be completely out. What I'm saying is that, as long as he is apart from the main group, he is not going to have a lot of screentime. I hope I'm wrong and there is plenty of Hook in the second half of the season, but I'm not expecting it.

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No, we don't. The only thing we know for sure is that he filmed one day for 4x11. The rest are rumours and wishful thinking.


And the same goes for Greg Germann's character. Is he Hades? Probably. Has it been confirmed? No.


That picture he tweeted yesterday is from the Once set he tagged it with OUAT. Unless you think he just purposely loves taking pictures in back alleys with rusted/burnt cars all around which hey is just how the Underworld on Once looks. 


Does it have to be confirmed when it's as clear as day he is Hades? This is Once. 

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Neither Colin nor Adam were on Stevenson yesterday. The longer they are in the UW, the less Colin we are going to get. I think we should start preparing for it. It doesn't matter if next arc is a "save Hook" mission, the important part is going to be the rescue party (that includes Regina, Rumple, Emma and, it seems, Hercules and Megara), not the missing person. This kind of stories are always told from the point of view of the person doing the rescue, not from the point of view of the rescued person.


Hook is not Henry, he will get his screentime. He's the male lead of the show and CS is the main couple.

I fall somewhere in the middle of this issue, I think. It really depends on who Hook is interacting with during this time. If he is interacting with the main villain of the arc, then he will get screentime. If he is interacting with his father, who is not the main villain AFAIK, he won't. Henry was not sidelined during his rescue mission. He had plenty of screentime with his great grandPanny. Rumple, OTOH, was isolated for part of that arc and spent it talking to either Shadow!Belle or crying to a doll. Things didn't pick up for him until he started interacting with his pops. When Zelena had him, he ad a reasonable amount of screentime. So screentime really all depends on if the separated character is going to spend a lot of time with the shiny new villain, IMO. 


I also disagree that Hook is the male lead of this show. There is no male lead.

  • Love 4

Know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I have these scenes in my head with Colin and Gregg snarking and sassing each other so brilliantly (cos Gregg is a superlative actor with the off hand put down and both actors are known for how giving they are towards whomever they play scenes with) that I know I'll be rolling around the floor in fits of hysterical laughter (yeah...could be an issue if I am at work! ).

I am going to need this to keep me sane if they keep CS apart for the whole arc and we get 30 seconds of "There you are, I've worked my way back to you, Babe, now don't wander off again cos you leaving is my worst nightmare ever! Ok, you're good to go but Regina broke a fingernail and I have to go do shots with her" in the finale.

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Emma not wearing the ring necklace. ..anyone think they are using it for a locator spell?



The ring seems to sort of come and go, you know. It didn't look she was wearing it in 5x12, but then JMo posts a picture of her in Charon's boat (or what looks like it), and she has the ring on.


They should ask Megara since she seems to be living in the Underworld.

Here's the thing, if Snow is filming with Hercules and Megara and then supposedly Hook was filming with Hercules, it can't be that difficult to find Hook. There's no big quest if they're all in an area the size of Storybrooke. I question the idea that this is simply a search for Hook if the guest characters are already interacting with both the searchers and the searchee.

I'm wondering what kind of version of Herc/Meg we'll be getting too. They both seem young, so would it be pre-Hercules, or are A&E going to shake things up and mess with things? Maybe they get tricked by Hades again and Meg ends up in the Underworld again (except for alive this time). Or maybe Meg got "marked" or whatever and was dragged back down to the Underworld like Killian supposedly has, because she also cheated death kind of (thanks to herc).

I don't know. The sword Herc has looks...more fake than normal? I know it's styled after the one he has in the movie, but there's something about that looks like it was hand crafted out of cardboard or something. I find the size of it to be a bit odd.

^ lol. You know what I meant :P!

Thinking in terms of the Disney movie, I'm thinking of possible other characters we could see.

Cerberus, the centaur, or the Hydra (or one of the Titans I guess, thanks for the idea , Jane) could fit the "monster of the season" theme, like the flying monkeys, marshmallow, the fury, etc.

Zeus and Hera could show up for Herc's inevitable backstory. If we see Pegasus at all, I'll bet it'll only be for an episode or 2 at most.

I actually think we won't see pain and panic (unless they have human forms somehow).

I'd be fine with the 3 spinsters who raised Rumple turning out to be the fates would be a good chance for some continuity.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Zeus and Hera could show up for Herc's inevitable backstory.

Bonus points if Hades is the misdirect and Hera is the actual Big Bad.



Weren't there only 2 spinsters?

Maybe one is missing? Their speech pattern reminded me of the Fates from Hercules. (Answering each other quickly, etc.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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From Variety (link in the Spoilers Only thread)

We’ve already heard that a number of dead or otherwise absent characters are returning for the 100th episode, including Peter Pan (Robbie Kay), Cora (Barbara Hershey), Sidney Glass (Giancarlo Esposito), and the Blind Witch (Emma Caulfield). Can you reveal how we’ll see them, if not why? Perhaps in flashbacks, visions or another realm?
Kitsis: How about all three?


Edited by RadioGirl27


I guess the link between the two episodes is the object Zelena and Arthur are looking for to destroy Emma before they kill the people she loves.


It still bugs me that the 2 episodes are completely separate though. I get that this was likely another last minute thing from ABC, and it's great for Once that the network is asking for an extra hour, but still...

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The Ruby comment grates me. I will not for a single minute believe that granny would forget about Ruby. If Ruby was to randomly go missing, there needed to be at least one line of dialog from granny concerning the issue.

That is why I'm hoping that it'll be revealed that granny knows Ruby ended up back in the EF somehow. And it makes me question whether the likes of Snow, etc. know she's been gone too.


And the King Wicked (Wicked King? Wicked Camelot? Wicked Excalibur?) team up obviously must fail in their mission, because they probably have to end up back with the Nevengers before the curse). Also, Zelena has to end up in her maid clothes again, and presumably cuffed again.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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What i want to know is how did Mulan not end up with Robin and the other Merry Men during Snow's curse? They explained why Ariel didn't get swept up and why Hook didn't lose his memories like the rest but are they going to explain why Mulan didn't end up in Storybrook? With Ruby i can just fanwank that she's been around Storybrook this whole time because i can't see Granny just allowing her to leave without her.

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Kitsis: How about all three?

That tells us nothing. There's probably some hokey explanation that will only make half-way sense.


The Fates might have fostered Rumple because they knew he would become the Dark One or possible the third Fate. That way they could keep an eye (no pun intended) on him until he grew up. After Rumple dies, perhaps he'll become one of them because of the Seer powers.

Edited by KingOfHearts

So what could DO!Killian's goal be? We know he swordfights Rumple, but really? Killing him is not grand plan. Would they pull the "Playing bad but actually has a noble goal" thing twice? Maybe for some reason he's convinced Emma's plan won't work and he needs to die, so he fakes being bad to "force" Emma or Rumple to kill him?

I think (hope) he is trying to give Rumple the darkness back to complete Emma's plan, just with Rumple instead of Zelena. I think Rumple does end up with a share of the darkness before they head to the Underworld. Is it because of whatever happens with the marks on people's hands?


Was the snowglobe seen in any other spoilers for future episodes or was it just a dropped plot thread in this one? Part of me believes Hook and Rumple cooked up a plan but it seems really unlikely now. 


If Hook does sacrifice himself to end the darkness, then Emma really needs to let him go, unless he gives her an invitation to come get him. Maybe she says something like "I will find you" and he responds with "good" or "I know."

I think whatever Dark Hook/Dark Emma do in Storybrooke to cut off the Darkness results in cutting off the Light instead. Maybe Dark Hook gives in to the temptation and cuts off the Light intentionally. Hence we have all the Dark Ones running free in Storybrooke. So, Hook decides to sacrifice himself and take the Darkness with him into the Underworld. 


I too hope Emma doesn't go after Hook to the UW unless he is okay with that.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I think Dark Hook will release all the previous Dark Ones. He will try to hurt Emma by having all her loved ones "marked" to be taken to the Underworld in exchange for the Dark Ones. He's going to be MAJORLY Dark, because he's far worse than Rumple, don't you know?


I'm hoping that at the last moment he overcomes the Darkness and sacrifices himself to put a stop to the Darkness. But I think it will be Emma who kills him to save everyone else. That fits with Nimue's words about having to kill somebody even though you love them when they're trying to take something from you.


This is going to be hella bleak.


I do wonder about his fight with Rumple, though. There's no way Rumple could realistically win against a Dark One intent on killing him without magic. Unless Dark Hook stops himself for some reason.

Edited by Souris

Nimue should be back in 5x10, so maybe he's pissed at her? Or Merlin?


okay, I don't know.


During the sword fight, clippy!Rumple is there, so I'm guessing he's in Hook's head. I wonder if Hook won't manage to get rid of him. He obviously doesn't maim or kill Rumple. So if things end well for Rumple, I'm guessing Hook manages to push down the darkness.

  • Love 4

Yes, I want to know if the snow globe is a dropped plot point too. At least it wasn't nearly as relevant as say, that dropped phone call in 4a. Less damage would be done in this case. It'd be easier to forgive.

Well, Still recovering from the episode, but let's see:

Maybe Hook is Pretending to be evil so Rumple will get a hold of excalibur and off the darkness in him. Therefore, he'd be "hurting" Emma like she did to him. She was selfish (although I don't really blame her) and made him the Dark One. What better way to get "vengeance" and "hurt" her than to be defeated and basically undo everything she worked for as the DS?

I don't know if we'll see Killian do many evil things other than getting revenge on Rumple, etc. because that was his main drive for 200 yrs.

It's interesting that he wants to repeat the duel even though him being the DO would basically give him an advantage and be bad form.

We see Clippy! Rumple during the duel, but what does that mean now that we know Killy's the DO rather than Rumple? If Hook was completely Dark, why would Clippy show up? Clippy could possibly be goading Hook on to kill Rumple, which also hints that Hook's still struggling with the darkness. Hopefully we see Killy struggle in the last few weeks of Camelot so his "180" will feel..less 180ish?

And another Underworld connection was made in the Merida episode. i wish A&E would just come out and say the Underworld is next.

Have we seen any behind the scenes photos of what Hook looks like in 5B past the 100th episode? I'm beginning to wonder if Dark One Killian might actually become the 5B villain. If Hook's dad is anything like Cora, I'm nervous they're going to make Hook do a Season 2 Regina where they make him do a comically 180° turn to villain, and then is prompted to become even more evil by their long-lost parent who just conveniently comes back into the picture, only to be redeemed at the very end of the arc.

I'm pretty excited for the Dark!Hook story line if only because I know that Colin O'Donoghue is going to absolutely kill it in the role. I've watched the promo for the next episode why more times than is healthy, and it seems like he's using a Dark One voice in it. His diction sounds even more clipped and precise than usual.  

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