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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I noticed the last two spoiled episodes have new(?) writers on them. Not too much to celebrate, but maybe some new blood will help spruce things up a bit.


Well the co-writer on 4x03 is from Wonderland and the designated Will writer, which makes sense if that's a Charming and Will episode. I read somewhere that the co-writer of 4x04 is actually not new to Once. She was a junior staff writer on Once that was just promoted. Also they lost Christine Boylan to some other show, I'm forgetting which one. I don't know what she wrote so not sure if that's a great loss or not.


None of them really stands out besides Jane E. Well at least she was until they moved her from writing for Rumple to Woegina. I think it speaks volumes that all her memorable and acclaimed episodes are the Rumple ones and not Woegina's. David Goodman said he was assigned to writing for Rumple in S3 which was true for the Neverland arc but since Rumple didn't get a single centric episode in 3B it's hard to tell if that's still true. His first episode for S4 is Charming's and Rumple's centric is most likely 4x04. A&E seems to write most of Emma's material but that could be coincidental since they only focus on her in the premiere and finale usually and A&E always write those. Does Snow and Charming have an assigned writer for their stuff?

Also they lost Christine Boylan to some other show, I'm forgetting which one. I don't know what she wrote so not sure if that's a great loss or not.

Looking at IMDB, it seems she was a co-writer on both Tallahassee and God Form among others. So it could be a loss for Hook or a gain depending on who they may assign Hook-centric episodes to now. We haven't gotten any spoilers yet about any Hook-centric episodes so who knows what will happen then. And if their sticking with the same general formula, we probably won't have one until episode five, maybe six?, so we have a bit more time before we could potentially hear about that one.

Ah, green screen is very interesting indeed! I think that does scream something happens with Emma's magic.



Or Little Miss Frozen or Whoever Elizabeth Mitchell Is or Regina does something from the sidelines. It's always hard to tell with the way they block shots. I read in one of the set reports that Lana was filming last night, but out of view of the crowd. 


They've been so wishy-washy with Emma's "magic" that I wouldn't be surprised if it does turn out ot be the kiss. But if they go the "Emma's love for Hook/Hook's kiss is so powerful that sunbeams shoot out of her ass" route or something equally cheesy, I think I'm just done.   

Edited by Amerilla
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Looking at IMDB, it seems she was a co-writer on both Tallahassee and God Form among others. So it could be a loss for Hook or a gain depending on who they may assign Hook-centric episodes to now. We haven't gotten any spoilers yet about any Hook-centric episodes so who knows what will happen then. And if their sticking with the same general formula, we probably won't have one until episode five, maybe six?, so we have a bit more time before we could potentially hear about that one.

Tallahasee is more Emma's than Hook's, and really the "love story" between Emma and Neal is wrong on so many levels that I think it's not that bad to loose her.

Anyway, I don't think we are having a Hook centric so soon this season. Right now, the spoilers about him are very few and not very intetesting so I don't think he's getting an episode, unless they decide to give him an epidode about shopping new clothes, with a flashback where he buys his leather pants.

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Does Snow and Charming have an assigned writer for their stuff?

I don't know if they have an assigned writer per se, but I really like how Andrew Chambliss writes Charming. He always seems to be the writer when there's a really good Charming script. Snow just seems to have a huge grab-bag of writers, which probably explains 50% of the character's problems right there.


David Goodman is awful. No wonder Rumpel was such a snooze in S3. I'm so pissed they keep giving Charming centrics to him. He sucks so bad.


Boylan was a mixed bag. She had some good episodes, but then some very blah ones (she was a co-writer on 'The Evil Queen,' which, yeah).

Edited by stealinghome

Tallahasee is more Emma's than Hook's, and really the "love story" between Emma and Neal is wrong on so many levels that I think it's not that bad to loose her.

Anyway, I don't think we are having a Hook centric so soon this season. Right now, the spoilers about him are very few and not very intetesting so I don't think he's getting an episode, unless they decide to give him an epidode about shopping new clothes, with a flashback where he buys his leather pants.

To be fair, it sounds like they're not too far ahead between scripts and shooting. When they got to Comic Con, they were only hinting at episode 4 things at the most. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Hook episode later then and they maybe haven't even finished writing it or haven't pushed it through to production and actors yet, which is why there isn't much out there about it.

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To be fair, it sounds like they're not too far ahead between scripts and shooting. When they got to Comic Con, they were only hinting at episode 4 things at the most. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Hook episode later then and they maybe haven't even finished writing it or haven't pushed it through to production and actors yet, which is why there isn't much out there about it.

Yeah, I know. I'm just a bit bitter about the new season. Really, the only spoiler for season 4 I'm kind of excited is the kiss they shoot yesterday. And I'm talking in general, not only about Hook. But the romance should be the cherry on top of something else and not the only thing I'm looking forward.

Edited by RadioGirl27
They've been so wishy-washy with Emma's "magic" that I wouldn't be surprised if it does turn out ot be the kiss. But if they go the "Emma's love for Hook/Hook's kiss is so powerful that sunbeams shoot out of her ass" route or something equally cheesy, I think I'm just done.

Because Snow's Twu Wuv for Charming that allows her to have her heart literally split in half, one half slapped inside Charming's heartless chest, and revive him from the DEAD is less cheesy??? I'm sorry, but I don't think anything will EVER top that in terms of drippy, goopy, cloying, cheesecake factory Twu Wuv bullshit.


At least Emma's magic going wacky when she's emotional is something that has been noted before, so a passionate kiss between her and Hook (whom she clearly has feelings for) that sends her magic off kilter won't make me cry foul.

Edited by FabulousTater
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Finally some good spoilers! :) How am I going to get any work done for the rest day? I find it so odd that they can kiss passionately, and then just break away when the director yells cut and then act like normal. Are we sure that the screen is a green screen, and not a lighting screen? I've only seen the video of the kiss, and couldn't really see it that well. I really hope Hook isn't transported to another land, unless he can go on some cool adventures and meet some interesting people.


Boylan was a mixed bag. She had some good episodes, but then some very blah ones (she was a co-writer on 'The Evil Queen,' which, yeah).


I actually liked Evil Queen. It was the one episode where there were bright neon flashing signs pointing out how effed up and delusional she was and made it clear she wasn't some victim or farting rainbows and sporting a halo. I think one of my favorite lines in all of S2 was in there, where Woegina is whining yet again for the umpteenth time about evil Snow and how no one loves her poor victim self and Rumple points out how maybe they can't see her so-called good heart over all the dead bodies.  Hmm maybe that's why they fired Boylan.


Baby Snowflake was taping yesterday too right? I'm still going with Emma hurts the kid with her magic. It'd be the most obvious thing to do considering the Frozen stuff.


I was about to reply, but then FurryFury just mike-dropped it, so  ... mostly what FurryFury said.


I will add that I totally understand Emma feeling some guilt over it, because she's a good person and doesn't want to hurt anybody. But I will think it stupid if it goes to the level of self-punishment, colors her life in a major way or is presented as something she SHOULD feel guilty over, the way they've done with child Snow's actions. Emma should never let any guilt she feels over the unintended consequences on Regina's weeklong romance of her SAVING AN INNOCENT'S LIFE affect her life or decisions. I worry about how the show will handle that, given the way they've handled Snow's way-out-of-proportion guilt.


As far as the lack of video of the previews, I read somewhere that fans were indeed told not to tape them.

You say mike drop, I say difference of opinion.  It's cool.  


So much Regina hate on this forum.... 

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So much Regina hate on this forum....

It may be just me, but it could be because it's one of the few forums that still remembers these "little" moments (among others):








Regina has offered ZERO apologies for any of the above ( actually said "I don't regret any of it!" ) and yet..."She's a HERO!"

...The more you know...

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In general, Mary Sues are infinitely hateable. Mary Sue victims that the entire show revolves around and coddles and in which the entire cast of characters are thrown under an 18 wheeler to prop her ass is the worst.  Unless you love Woegina fanfiction, there's no reason to like her.  And if you are fans of other characters that were ruined for her benefit or get zero screentime or character development but have to watch every single moment Woegina passes gas and makes sad victimy faces then there's a whole lotta reason to hate her.


Will was the most popular character out of Wonderland right and seems to be liked by the writers? I'm hoping the characters I like spend all of their screentime with Will and Elsa/Frozen characters so that there's minimal screentime left over to play Woegina prop duty.  That might be the only negative thing about Snow's diminished role due to Ginny and baby.  Others will have to pick up the propping void left by her. Going back earlier to what Stealinghome said, the reason Emma and Charming work so well is, they just do shit. They don't stand around agonizing and moralizing every single little thing like Snow. The trio of Charming, Emma and Will could be so much fun. They should bring back the "case of the week" stuff and have those 3 bumbling around town solving crime. It doesn't even have to be big. I will watch "the case of who stole the neapolitan ice cream from the Snow Queen" at this point.


As for Hook and Elsa, maybe Hook is originally from Arendelle and worked for her parents? It would make the time line wonky but what the hell, no one ages on this show anyway except for Henry.

Edited by Jean
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The trio of Charming, Emma and Will could be so much fun. They should bring back the "case of the week" stuff and have those 3 bumbling around town solving crime. It doesn't even have to be big. I will watch "the case of who stole the neapolitan ice cream from the Snow Queen" at this point.

I would watch the shit out of this webseries, not gonna lie. Hell, I would pay good money to watch it!


Though with that said, while I agree that a Charming/Emma/Will trio looks to be great fun--it would probably explain a lot about Charming if he was Will's long-suffering best friend growing up!--I'm still apprehensive about how Will is going to fit into the show. I'm just not sure what he offers that we don't already have in the form of Hook (or, to some extent, Robin). The Once writers really need to learn that just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

If the Knave was swept in with Curse 2.0, which pretty much has to happen to avoid a plot hole, you'd think Ana would have the White Rabbit go look for him there.

It seems that the curse-caster can cherry pick specific people out of other realms, a la Jefferson and Whale. When Snow did her version of the curse, she probably short listed "Robin Hood and all his Merry Men," causing Will to be snagged from wonderland as a side effect. And there are lots and lots of realms - how would Ana know where to send the rabbit to fetch him back?

If Elizabeth Mitchell is going to now own a shop right next to Granny's, I hope it will be shown to be an effect of the changed timeline. In the original time stream (where Regina got to kill her future boyfriend's wife the way the universe wanted her to), that urn also continued to exist in the past. Maybe Anna, Kristoff and Elizabeth Mitchell were all in the Enchanted Forest looking for the urn. In the old past, they found it, released Elsa, and left the EF, meaning they weren't part of Storybrooke Round One.

Because the urn went forward in time, the other Frozenites stayed longer in the forest and got caught up in the curse. That would explain why prior to Emma and Hook's time travel there was no ice cream shop, but now we have to accept that all of these characters have been there all along.

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And there are lots and lots of realms - how would Ana know where to send the rabbit to fetch him back?

The Rabbit found him in Storybrooke right after Curse 1.0 was broken, and Cyrus and Alice visited his apartment in Storybrooke, so you'd think Storybrooke would be the first place to look for Will if he suddenly vanished. The Rabbit should be able to find it again, and Cyrus and Alice would also know a good place to look if Ana went to them, so at least some handwaving should be done to explain why the Rabbit hasn't already shown up to take him home if he was brought by Curse 2.0. I hope that at least part of Will's storyline is some effort to get back to Wonderland and Ana.


And maybe if the writers review the Wonderland series when writing Will's stuff, they'll learn a thing or two about redeeming a villain who was twisted around by Cora, with the villain seeing what people think about her and realizing where she went wrong and then trying to make amends.

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Though with that said, while I agree that a Charming/Emma/Will trio looks to be great fun--it would probably explain a lot about Charming if he was Will's long-suffering best friend growing up!--I'm still apprehensive about how Will is going to fit into the show. I'm just not sure what he offers that we don't already have in the form of Hook (or, to some extent, Robin). The Once writers really need to learn that just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

As I have said before, this show has too many characters (regulars, recurring and guests), almost all of them underwritten and underused. But if the writers thought the show needed one more, they should have created a new one. No matter what they do to explain Will's presence in Storybrooke, in the end they are going to either create a plot hole bigger than the Great Canyon or they are going to totally destroy what they created for him in Wonderland. I mean, if he stays in Storybrooke in season 5, what happens with Anna, isn't she supposed to be his true love?

No matter what they do to explain Will's presence in Storybrooke, in the end they are going to either create a plot hole bigger than the Great Canyon or they are going to totally destroy what they created for him in Wonderland. I mean, if he stays in Storybrooke in season 5, what happens with Anna, isn't she supposed to be his true love?

I get that this will be very annoying for Wonderland fans, but to play devil's advocate: From the writers' perspective, they have this great and popular character/actor, Wonderland will never return, and only a small percentage of OuaT's audience actually watched it (according to Nielsen, anyway; obviously more could have seen it online or whatever). So I can kind of understand if they feel like the trade-off is worth it. 

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I get that this will be very annoying for Wonderland fans, but to play devil's advocate: From the writers' perspective, they have this great and popular character/actor, Wonderland will never return, and only a small percentage of OuaT's audience actually watched it (according to Nielsen, anyway; obviously more could have seen it online or whatever). So I can kind of understand if they feel like the trade-off is worth it.

But is he really that popular? You said it, no one saw Wonderland ( I didn't).

And, really, if they decide to change what they did in Wonderland because the audience was small, it would show such a lack of respect for their own work that I don't think I would be able to keep watching Once, or anything done by them.

I watched one episode of Wonderland and he was the only thing that actually felt normal.  The actor was good and the character not bad, but that's from episode 1.  I'm  not interested in them bringing in any other characters from Wonderland.  Will can stay recurring like Archie and co.


ETA - I actually do really like Archie, just using him as an example of someone who just pops up here and there.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I get that this will be very annoying for Wonderland fans, but to play devil's advocate: From the writers' perspective, they have this great and popular character/actor, Wonderland will never return, and only a small percentage of OuaT's audience actually watched it (according to Nielsen, anyway; obviously more could have seen it online or whatever). So I can kind of understand if they feel like the trade-off is worth it.

But for me, this then goes back to why, exactly, they're bringing him on. Like, I'm not denying that Socha's very fun in the role--I watched a handful of Wonderland episodes, and he was definitely the best thing about the show--and Will was clearly the breakout character from the spinoff. But for me, "he was popular on our other show!" is NOT a good justification for bringing him to the parent show. Because what, exactly, is he bringing to Once? From where I'm standing, he basically looks like Hook Lite, with perhaps a dash of Robin (actually, he may be a male version of Emma, come to think of it). We already have that character type covered; we already have too many characters in general (many of which get short shrift when it comes to story and screentime); we don't lack for charismatic actors. So my answer to what unique thing he's bringing to the parent show is essentially nothing; he's going to be another redundant character that both won't get enough screentime and will take precious minutes away from the Charmings (because let's be real, Regina and Rumpel ain't getting their screentime cut into).


I guess what I'm saying is, I don't really see what Socha/Will really brings in the trade-off--past "ooh, shiny, another 'popular' toy we get to play with," anyway.

Edited by stealinghome
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I guess what I'm saying is, I don't really see what Socha/Will really brings in the trade-off--past "ooh, shiny, another 'popular' toy we get to play with," anyway.

Oh, no arguments here. And to clarify, by "popular" I meant that he was popular with the people that did watch Wonderland and they presumably think regular Once watchers will have a similar response. I wouldn't defend his addition to the show -- I'm just saying I get why the writers probably don't see potential plot holes as a massive impediment to bringing him on.

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he basically looks like Hook Lite, with perhaps a dash of Robin (actually, he may be a male version of Emma, come to think of it)


Yeah I think he's a lot closer to Emma in characterization than Hook or Robin (or at least S1 Emma), except Emma is more prone to emo-ness. He's got Hook's snark but he lies closer to the good side than bad. Maybe a combo of Hook and Emma. Robin is so bland, nothing is like him except a wet dishrag. The only good thing about him is his kid, Roland and that is just sad.


I don't know how big of a role he will have. Maybe he's just the "Ruby" to Charming.  It's such a shame they threw away Ruby and Ruby/Snow. 3x22 highlighted that Snow really does need Ruby. Or maybe they think Charming needs someone to play off of now that Snow is out of full time commission. But knowing this show EM's character, the evil Snow Queen is probably his mom.


There were so many spoilers yesterday I missed this. Apparently the town still thinks Elsa is the bad guy wanting to destroy Storybrook? But at this point Emma's already buddies with Elsa and she's obviously investigating the ice cream shop with Will and Charming. Is there a reason they're keeping stuff from the town? And how does Rumple fit it? I'd love it if those 3 and Elsa/Hook were playing some con game with Rumple and EM's character. They really need to smarten up the bad and the good guys. I missed S1's back and forth with Rumple and Emma and everyone else.

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The only words I can clearly hear Colin say are "I'm sorry" and "Emma." (If I had to try and make out what he's saying... it sounds like it could be: "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... Emma, sweetheart. -- Edit: Okay, every time I listen to it, I hear something different. Feel free to ignore or disprove me everyone! Also edited to add: God, what has this show done to me that I'm now re-watching a 15 second clip over and over and over...

I pulled the audio from Youtube and enhanced it some (I know, I know), and I'm pretty positive it is "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... Emma, sweetheart," though it could be "Swan, you have to listen to me" or "Sorry, Emma, listen to me" or something like that. It sounds like "sworry." The "sweetheart" also could be something else, but I just can't think what. If it is that, he kind of says it like "swee'har'" which, while British-esque is not Hook's usual clipped enunciation (but his accent does seem to roam a little, and I know it's harder for actors to maintain consistent fake accents while yelling). 

Ummm...I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Socha is the thing I'm most excited about for this season (outside of CaptainSwan).  I love Michael Socha in general, and I actually think one of the reasons Wonderland didn't work is that Socha had more chemistry with a CG tree than Alice and Cyrus had with each other (I shipped Alice/Knave 30 seconds into the pilot and found the predetermined romantic interests to be trying).


And really, I watch very little of this show for the plot.  I watch it because I enjoy individual characters and relationships.  And from my perspective, Socha will be more of that.  He'll be given a lot of stupid crap, but I think he'll make it entertaining.  It could be a total train wreck, but I'm giving this one the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

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We also don't know what 4B is going to bring. If they bring Will in now as a background piece, I can totally see him becoming more of a player if they do in fact take 4B to Sherwood Forest. Plus if they do that, they already have Robin Hood, Marian and the Merry Men so there wouldn't be too many more characters to add at that point.


I also like the idea that he is a friend of David's from the past. Everyone complains about Hook not having others to be with aside from Emma but what about David? Right now, there's not much for him outside of Mr. Snow White and with Ginnifer's screen time cut back for now, they have to find another outlet for David. Of course, David and Hook could develop a bromance and two problems would be solved, but why do that? ;)

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Ummm...I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Socha is the thing I'm most excited about for this season (outside of CaptainSwan).  I love Michael Socha in general, and I actually think one of the reasons Wonderland didn't work is that Socha had more chemistry with a CG tree than Alice and Cyrus had with each other (I shipped Alice/Knave 30 seconds into the pilot and found the predetermined romantic interests to be trying).


And really, I watch very little of this show for the plot.  I watch it because I enjoy individual characters and relationships.  And from my perspective, Socha will be more of that.  He'll be given a lot of stupid crap, but I think he'll make it entertaining.  It could be a total train wreck, but I'm giving this one the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

I agree (except I'm not into CaptainSwan).  I think he actually stole the show in Wonderland.  We really have no idea where he will fit into any new or ongoing plot, but I'm pretty sure he can add some zing to this show which is drifting and sagging a lot.  It's a mileage may vary type of thing, but he cracked me up consistently in a way that nobody on Once has done except occasionally.

Ah, those photos give a clearer idea of what Granny/Grumpy/Archie are doing -- looks like they walk past Elizabeth Mitchell's character while she's conveniently writing the sign outside her ice cream shop and loudly mention that some mysterious woman with ice powers has arrived in town. Which still doesn't tell us if she's the ice queen or the mother (or both), of course. But I'm guessing whatever they filmed with her in the park comes after this (because everyone is in the same clothes). We know Elsa, Emma, Hook, Charming, and Rumple all filmed then (though not necessarily together) and that there was a big ice wall. Anyone want to attempt to tie all this together?


ETA: ABC's Season 4 description has apparently been updated. I can't remember what it said before, so I'll take tumblr's word for it. Sadly "master storytellers" remains, and it is still poorly written (it helps if you imagine they're trying to mimic the style of teasers for bad fan fic, which they basically have, if not deliberately). I will add some much-needed paragraph breaks to make it easier to read:


The Storybrooke residents do not know what Elsa has in store for them. Back in the past, in Elsa's kingdom of Arendelle, we will discover what happened to her, her sister Anna and Kristoff, and how and why Elsa became a prisoner of Rumplestiltskin.


And now that Emma has brought back Robin Hood's wife, Marian, and possibly sparked the end of Regina's relationship with him, will she return to her old, evil ways and do everything in her power to get even?


And newlyweds Belle and Rumplestiltskin continue to be deeply in love with each other. But Rumple is hiding a secret from Belle -- one that, if found out, could destroy their happiness - he continues to be the master of the dagger that calls upon him to be the Dark One.


Can Emma and Hook commit to one another, and can these two damaged people take their love to the next level?


Mary Margaret and David have a new baby, Prince Neal, and are looking forward to raising him into a proud, brave and loving adult. But they are still sad that they were not able to do this with Emma, instead helping her escape the curse when she was first born and not meeting her again until she was 28 years old.


Henry is very happy to have both of his mothers back in Storybrooke. But with biological mom Emma and paternal grandfather Rumplestiltskin's blood running through his veins, he will be tested by both the light and the darkness.


Finally, Will Scarlet (Michael Socha, "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland"), a former member of Robin Hood's band of Merry Men, has traveled across many lands to make his way to Storybrooke. He finds himself intertwined in the goings-on in town for the first time as his mysterious past pushes him to an unknown future.


As the season continues, new fairy tale characters will be revealed and old acquaintances will be revisited. But not everyone can be trusted.


Okay, reading this now it has definitely changed. They're seriously going to make Henry have a "dark" side because of his relation to Rumple (does that even make sense? Rumple's evilness was nurture rather than nature, though it's true his great great grandfather was a real asshole)? Lame.


This also reads like they haven't figured out what to do with Will yet, it's just going to be a "mystery" until they can come up with something.


I am, however, willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that the ABC marketing intern who wrote this didn't have much more than the first four scripts to go on. 

Edited by retrograde

And now that Emma has brought back Robin Hood's wife, Marian, and possibly sparked the end of Regina's relationship with him, will she return to her old, evil ways and do everything in her power to get even?

It appears they still don't know how grammar works.

But with biological mom Emma and paternal grandfather Rumplestiltskin's blood running through his veins, [Henry] will be tested by both the light and the darkness.

So... they're talking about puberty, right?

Finally, Will Scarlet (Michael Socha, "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland"), a former member of Robin Hood's band of Merry Men, has traveled across many lands to make his way to Storybrooke. He finds himself intertwined in the goings-on in town for the first time as his mysterious past pushes him to an unknown future.

Interesting that they talk about his "mysterious past." Considering he had an entire Wonderland series worth of stories to tell us about his past, I wonder if something bad has happened post-Alice's wedding in his land, so it's his job as the White King to figure out a solution.

Edited by Curio

I don't know how big of a role he will have. Maybe he's just the "Ruby" to Charming.  It's such a shame they threw away Ruby and Ruby/Snow. 3x22 highlighted that Snow really does need Ruby. Or maybe they think Charming needs someone to play off of now that Snow is out of full time commission. But knowing this show EM's character, the evil Snow Queen is probably his mom.


There were so many spoilers yesterday I missed this. Apparently the town still thinks Elsa is the bad guy wanting to destroy Storybrook? But at this point Emma's already buddies with Elsa and she's obviously investigating the ice cream shop with Will and Charming. Is there a reason they're keeping stuff from the town? And how does Rumple fit it? I'd love it if those 3 and Elsa/Hook were playing some con game with Rumple and EM's character. They really need to smarten up the bad and the good guys. I missed S1's back and forth with Rumple and Emma and everyone else.


Yes, it would be awesome if the good guys were smart for a change!! Alas, I do not expect it.


As for the town thinking Elsa is a bad guy, eh, the "mob" is being led by notorious hot-head Grumpy, so he's probably still mad about his engine and the snow monster and going off half-cocked. I imagine that there's some random freezing of things happening and he blames Elsa and spouts off to others about it. But Elsa says she didn't do it, and Emma believes her and tries to get to the bottom of what's going on. So it's not so much hiding things from the town as there being two trains of thought on Elsa. Maybe Hook also thinks Elsa is behind it, does something against Elsa, and that's why he's apologizing to Emma.


It appears they still don't know how grammar works.

So... they're talking about puberty, right?

Interesting that they talk about his "mysterious past." Considering he had an entire Wonderland series worth of stories to tell us about his past, I wonder if something bad has happened post-Alice's wedding in his land, so it's his job as the White King to figure out a solution.


Wow, the disgruntled, unpaid intern was also drunk when they wrote this synopsis. It's actually really pathetic that that is an official output.


Honestly, we learned very little about Will's past on Wonderland. Basically, he was a poor rogue and had a sister who drowned. So he's a pretty blank canvas in terms of his past. I'm with @retrograde in that they probably haven't figured it out yet or are waiting for 4B for most of his story. I'd just really like to know how they're going to explain him being in Storybrooke instead of Wonderland. As somebody who actually watched and enjoyed Wonderland, I do not want them to rewrite his true love with Ana or anything else that happened on the show. I think it's an awful narrative cheat to say, "Oh, well, hardly anybody watched it, so it doesn't matter if we change things." I'm a firm believer in sticking to what you've previously established in your world-building. If it's not what you want now, too bad, suck it up and deal with it. (Of course, I realize that they aren't necessarily of the same minds!)


::Please let the Jabberwocky be loose and flitting around realms. Please let the Jabberwocky be loose and flitting around realms. Totally want to see her have a go at Regina and Rumple.:: Maybe Ana is pregnant and that's why Will has to do whatever needs to be done in Storybrooke. Given the timeline compression in this show, he could be here for four seasons and still be back before her third trimester. I did notice that Will isn't wearing a wedding ring, though I don't know if he had one on during Alice and Cyrus's wedding or not, or if he and Ana actually got married (given they're the White King and Queen, one would imagine so).


Hmm, light vs. dark in Henry. Could be interesting, could be ugh. At least this might give him something more grown-up to do.

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Unimportant//Did MM get a new car? That doesn't look like the vehicle from Season One that had "tramp" spray painted on it.//unimportant


I'm not worried about how they're going to explain Will's presence because I've given up on expecting that sort of thing from these writers. Chances are the explanation will be contained within a line of dialogue or a magical MacGuffin and that will be that.

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I think it's an awful narrative cheat to say, "Oh, well, hardly anybody watched it, so it doesn't matter if we change things." I'm a firm believer in sticking to what you've previously established in your world-building. If it's not what you want now, too bad, suck it up and deal with it. (Of course, I realize that they aren't necessarily of the same minds!)

But they don't even stick to stuff they've established on this show! Asking them to stick to stuff they established on another show (that no one watched) is like asking my dog to perform calculus. Physically impossible for them.


Unimportant//Did MM get a new car? That doesn't look like the vehicle from Season One that had "tramp" spray painted on it.//unimportant

I was wondering the same thing, actually. Maybe she and Charming upgraded when they found out they had a baby on board? Or maybe Snow's big requirement from the new curse was a nicer ride!


I'm really digging Emma's new leather jacket and that particular plaid shirt on David. Emma's boots are pretty rocking too. Though she, Charming, and Will do look like some sort of hilariously demented wannabe biker gang.

Edited by stealinghome
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Though she, Charming, and Will do look like some sort of hilariously demented wannabe biker gang.

Make room for one more in that wannabe biker gang once Hook gets his new jacket.


As somebody who actually watched and enjoyed Wonderland, I do not want them to rewrite his true love with Ana or anything else that happened on the show. I think it's an awful narrative cheat to say, "Oh, well, hardly anybody watched it, so it doesn't matter if we change things."

I also surprisingly liked the Wonderland series after I got past the first 5 or 6 awfully cheesy episodes, so I'm curious (and curiouser) about how much the writers will trust the audience's memories once they introduce Will to this show. And by that, I hope they don't spend a huge chunk of time giving him lines like "Oh, this reminds me of that one time I was helping Alice out and we got stuck in a pool of marshmallow goop and oh by the way Cora ripped my heart out this one time but it's all good now." But I am okay with letting him have some throwaway lines like "Well this situation would be much easier to resolve if I were a genie again" and then everyone being like wait what?


And call me naive, but I actually think the writers won't screw around with anything they've already established on the Wonderland show. They already had Robin crossover into the Wonderland series and meet Will, so they can't screw up that narrative at least.

Edited by Curio
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To keep going on the crazy spec topic: in this picture, it looks like Charming may be glowering at Will a little. If they really are boyhood friends, perhaps they had a bad friends breakup when Will started to go all rogue-ish and David stayed on the straight and narrow? (Alternately, it could just be that Will had really obviously checked out Emma and Daddy Charming wasn't too pleased.)


I gotta say, they're going to have a hard time selling me on Charming and Will as boyhood friends simply because Michael Socha is noticeably like 7ish years younger than Josh Dallas.

Edited by stealinghome

My expectations for the new season were already low, but after reading that sinopsis they are definitely gone :-(

At least, spoilers are still funny.

I pulled the audio from Youtube and enhanced it some (I know, I know), and I'm pretty positive it is "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... Emma, sweetheart," though it could be "Swan, you have to listen to me" or "Sorry, Emma, listen to me" or something like that. It sounds like "sworry." The "sweetheart" also could be something else, but I just can't think what. If it is that, he kind of says it like "swee'har'" which, while British-esque is not Hook's usual clipped enunciation (but his accent does seem to roam a little, and I know it's harder for actors to maintain consistent fake accents while yelling).

Colin said in one of the Comic Con interviews something about Hook trying to help and doing something wrong. This probably has something to do with it.


And now that Emma has brought back Robin Hood's wife, Marian, and possibly sparked the end of Regina's relationship with him, will she return to her old, evil ways and do everything in her power to get even?


It appears they still don't know how grammar works.


Or they mean it. Emma will turn out to be the real big bad behind everything, kinda. Her original self was an angry and hurt orphan, who somehow accidentally was thrown back in time and space to the Enchanted Forest, learned what happened, decided to change everything, and succeeded. Emma the good (Jennifer Morrison) and old Emma the bad (Elizabeth Mitchell) will soon battle each other in Storybrooke...  (I need more coffee to come down to the real world, lol)

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Can Emma and Hook commit to one another, and can these two damaged people take their love to the next level?


I like Captain Swan and all, but can Hook actually get something outside of the couple?  I like how Will Scarlett has this whole mysterious past going.  Jeebus!  Hook lived for 300 years.  I'm not saying give me a blow by blow of all his years, but still...


Yeah, I'm bitter.

  • Love 3

I like Captain Swan and all, but can Hook actually get something outside of the couple? I like how Will Scarlett has this whole mysterious past going. Jeebus! Hook lived for 300 years. I'm not saying give me a blow by blow of all his years, but still...

Yeah, I'm bitter.

Yeah, Hook is one of the few characters I still like (the others being Emma and Charming) but the show it's making it so difficult for me to care. I like romance and all that, but I want something else. Right now he is the female version of Belle and all the things we know about his role in the new season are so sad. It's been reduced to "he is going to kiss Emma"and "he is going to change clothes". Superexciting stuff. Edited by RadioGirl27
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I like Captain Swan and all, but can Hook actually get something outside of the couple?



I only half-jokingly contend the whole reason they killed off Nealfire was because they simply couldn't figure out to do with a character that had a connection to two main characters at one time - how to give equal weight to his relationships with Emma AND Rumpel. It was easier just to get rid of him than to think creatively.


I've been arguing for a while that *nobody* is going to be entirely happy now that the Captain Swan ship is sailing. Many CSers are going to be annoyed that Emma isn't going to instantly pack Henry off to military school and move in with Hook. Non- and semi-shipping Hookers are going to be disappointed that Hook will almost certainly never again have a story that doesn't relate back to Emma somehow. Non- and semi-shipping Ugly Ducklings are going to get sick of Hook hanging off Emma like a leather handbag.


And those of us who don't like Hook, don't care much one way or the other about Emma, and want to set things on fire when the two of them are on-screen together just so SOMETHING in the room is generating heat? Well, I suspect we're going to spend our Sunday nights playing a lot of Scrabble and watching the show mostly through YouTube videos. :-)

Edited by Amerilla
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Character connections can't buy you screen presence or charisma, however. See Henry for example. I bet A&E are kicking themselves or their casting director over that one. That they chose to keep no talent can't act Emilie and no connection Belle instead speaks volume. I knew he was a goner when they didn't bother to connect Neal and Woegina over Henry. Michael Socha would've been a better Nealfire. I'm looking forward to see him interact with Rumple.


From the S4 synopsis it sounds like Will goes to Storybrook for a reason. Maybe Ana is sick or dying and he's looking for help. That would take care of the Ana not in Storybrook angle and can either bring her on later or kill her off.

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Henry is very happy to have both of his mothers back in Storybrooke. But with biological mom Emma and paternal grandfather Rumplestiltskin's blood running through his veins, he will be tested by both the light and the darkness.

After reading this part from the official description, maybe Henry is the one who blackmails Rumple.

It seems it's Hook who starts the kiss this time, and, thank God, Emma doesn't back off,  or I think I would have heard the rapist! cries from the haters from Spain.

I was half joking when I wrote this, but I already hear the screams. It seems that there is people complainig because he grabs her arm with too much force when she leaves Granny's.


Many CSers are going to be annoyed that Emma isn't going to instantly pack Henry off to military school and move in with Hook.

I didn't know that was a popular desire from CSers. It's funny, most CS fanfics seem to consist of Hook, Emma, and Henry all living together as a family (which probably isn't going to happen anytime soon), not Henry left to the wolves or forced over to Regina's. I've yet to see anyone from any ship want Henry in military school.


I guess I don't think we're going to get too much of anything in these first few eps, unless it's too much pointless running around by Emma and her posse and some bonus Regina angst. This show has a formula.

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