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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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The thing with the memories is, if say, I don't know, Snow gets her memories first, then she will know what happened in Camelot, so she can go to everyone and tell them what it is that set Emma on her course, from the moment they showed up in Camelot, to the moment the curse was cast.

Maybe the curse has some clause in it that you can remember, but  you cannot tell your memories to somebody else who does not remember. Convoluted curses seem to be a hallmark of this show.


Has Zoso been spotted filming? He is our best known Dark One outside of Rumple/Emma, so the actor should be running around if those are Dark Ones. 


I think they put Excalibur back together in Camelot, and I think Emma knows what the price for that was.

But we've seen Emma's dagger back in Storybooke. When the return to Grannies and Regina tries to use the dagger to control Dark One Emma, Emma brandishes it in her face and says "Looking for this?". 

But we've seen Emma's dagger back in Storybooke. When the return to Grannies and Regina tries to use the dagger to control Dark One Emma, Emma brandishes it in her face and says "Looking for this?".


I know Emma is in possession of the dagger. What I was wondering is if they've put the sword back together once already, and it's been broken apart once more, you know, for reasons.

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Is it really a confirmation or just an assumption? If Nimue wasn't around dressed in the black cloak, set goers would assume everyone is Charon come to collect. There was a picture of one of those hooded figures wearing one of those skeleton and skull masks under their hooded cloak. 


I believe they heard the production team referring to the hooded figures as "dark ones". That still isn't 100% confirmation, but...


And do Gold and Emma get marked, or are they basically safe because of their Dark One status, which would actually force Emma and Gold to work together in order to fix this. If Belle is out of town, then Gold will want her back, not to mention his grandson has also been marked.


That is a very plausible solution. And probably Gold has his magic back because of whatever shenanigans caused the other DOs to rise. 


they have already messed with the requirements. . Pan used Felix's heart because of his unfailing loyalty. 


I don't see the Pan/Felix thing as a mess up. Pan literally did not love anyone, but it seems clear that he relied on Felix the most. That was the "most" he could do. 

Edited by Rumsy4

I don't see the Pan/Felix thing as a mess up. Pan literally did not love anyone, but it seems clear that he relied on Felix the most. That was the "most" he could do.

sorry my wording was too obtuse. by 'mess' I meant 'altered' or 'expanded' the definition of what the most loved was. Pan loved himself but he said something about unwavering loyalty or the such like could also be used.

I have been wondering for a while if the sword was already made in Camelot, that Merlin drove the full sword back into the stone to keep DS from getting it and cast the curse to send DS out of Camelot. well ..from yesterday's little tidbit about Emma casting the curse it sounds like Merlin didn't cast it ...but I think the 1st one is right. and that the dagger Emma has been waving about is a fake. and that the curse was cast to keep Nimue from getting remade Excalibur.

I also think that Nimue might have hitched a ride out of the DO vault when Emma materialized in EF and has been appearing as Earworm Rumple to manipulate Emma into getting Nimue what she wants...to be free and separate (or maybe I am just paranoid! )

Edited by PixiePaws1
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FuckWitFire killed himself. ..this is canon!!

I am beginning to think he picked up on his Dad's ability to see the future and realized that being a prize moron and killing himself would see him immortalized by the showrunners as a hero....doh!

Stop beating this dead horse 'show'....you ain't fooling anyone!

Edited by PixiePaws1
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Ok, this is 2 episodes running. There's something up with this.


And am I the only one who doesn't think Zelena killed Neal. i always thought Neal killed Neal.


Yes there's something up with this. Neal is definitely gonna appear again while in the UW. As a test for a lot of characters like Rumple, Henry, and Emma. I'd suggest prepping yourself although there's always the silver lining that they get Dylan back instead of MRJ.


Neal is coming back and I expect Daniel will be as well. Also Henry Sr, Pan, James, King George, Cruella, Marian, etc. Lots of dead characters will come back while they're journeying through the UW.

Edited by Hookian
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And if Henry is who Emma most loves, it shouldn't work with anyone else.


One would think, IF the writing was consistent.

Which we all are painfully reminded over and over, it isn't.

There is an easy one sentence do-over/remedy/erasing for just about everything~ until it is convenient to re-instate it.


The parade of the band of Dark Ones is interesting but I have little hope that it will follow through as anything cool. The fans' imaginations have always been much more involved in the story potential than the writers. They have travelled so far off even the "off"-beaten path, I don't know that they will ever find their intelligent way again. It is much less stressful to just watch the spoilers and whatever happens to make it onto the screen with an *Oh Goody, more WTF insanity* attitude than expect anything that makes any sense.


The costumes, CGI and the music, I am sure, will be entertaining.

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So I guess that extravaganza might turn out to be a Mills women sympathy hour.

I really want Zelena to meet Cora. Either they'll be birds of a feather or she'll realize how right Regina was about how awful she was.



I'd suggest prepping yourself although there's always the silver lining that they get Dylan back instead of MRJ.

Dylan would add some delightful creepiness. Great for Rumple, not so great for Emma. I want a Forsaken!Neal tainted by his time in the Underworld. As I said before, since his life was the cost of resurrecting his dad, and the Fury was collecting for the same price, it's safe assume he went there.



That script tease makes me rage.

The lines of dialogue should be flipped:

Zelena: "I killed Neal. Ready to kiss and make up?"

Emma: "I don't believe that."

Edited by KingOfHearts

That script tease makes me rage. I let Adam know about it too on twitter (don't worry, I kept it civil) Zelena did NOT kill neal!!!! She didn't even touch him! He was literally warned that there would be a heavy price to pay! And he blatantly ignored the warnings and said he didn't care!!!!!!!!


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I was thinking about something ... we got last week's Merlin flashback via Emma's dreamcatcher. It would be cool if that's how we get the Papa Hook/Baby Hook flashbacks. That would allow Emma to learn about his past and for us to see her reaction to that knowledge without them having to write any icky and boring (in their view) conversation scenes. Plot-wise, that might be how she puts together what she learns from his memories with whatever she's learned from Merlin or other memories to figure out how he fits into the picture, if he does have some kind of destined role with Excalibur rather than just meeting whatever hero qualifications.

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if the number of people marked equals the number of hooded figures then I think each previous DO needs a soul /life to escape the UW but I think Gold's blood closes whatever doorway was opened and Killian is trapped.


I think that theory makes sense, which is why the arc ends with it looking like Hook is trapped there & his death will be permanent, like the TVLine Blind Item said. The hiatus is going to be HELL! 


I'm thinking the Dark One's vault may come into play again. It was cavernous and had passageways. What if one leads to the Underworld? Of course, they'd have to get back to the EF, but I'm sure they could catch the next Express Train.


Ugh, we are so going to have to see that fuckwit Neal (who bloody well killed himself in a Death by Stupidity) again in the Underworld. Thank heavens MRJ is a regular on a midseason show on NBC so it'll be a short visit.

Edited by Souris

I think that theory makes sense, which is why the arc ends with it looking like Hook is trapped there & his death will be permanent, like the TVLine Blind Item said. The hiatus is going to be HELL! 

LOL, except by the time it airs we will have a million pics/candids/reports of Colin still filming in Vancouver, so it will be the lamest "cliffhanger" ever.

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LOL, except by the time it airs we will have a million pics/candids/reports of Colin still filming in Vancouver, so it will be the lamest "cliffhanger" ever.

Maybe as soon as next week even. But the show is not written for spoiler chasers, and I have doubts we won't find out by the end of the episode that Hook is alive and well.

And if Henry is who Emma most loves, it shouldn't work with anyone else.

What if they put a temporary memory spell on Emma?


They know they need to cast the Dark Curse and Hook is judged the only viable option (probably reasoning that everybody else has kids (which is kind of a gross message to send - you are disposable if you have no kids) and/or only half a heart anyway. Belle and Rumple have no loved ones to sacrifice. The "not a parent" reason also explains why they dragged all those kids along and rarely show them. Hook can look at all their sad little faces and offer himself as tribute)). So, Regina brews up a memory curse to make Emma forget about Henry. We know TLK won't work if you don't remember your TL, so neither should they remain the one you love the most. Maybe, they also make her forget her parents. That leaves Hook as the only possible victim. Maybe they even force her to kill him by using the dagger.


While the Dark Curse is doing its rolling thing, they restore her memory of Henry and Snowing. Maybe they give her back the dagger for safe keeping and Emma goes dark in those few moments realizing what they have done.

Edited by kili

This spoilers for the half season finale are convoluted and make little sense, so I have stopped trying to come up with a theory.

I think that theory makes sense, which is why the arc ends with it looking like Hook is trapped there & his death will be permanent, like the TVLine Blind Item said. The hiatus is going to be HELL!

I don't get why some fans are so sure that blind item is about OUAT and Hook, when it talks about a co-lead, something the Hook is clearly not and there are so many options of actual co-leads in other shows that can be left in this situation. Edited by RadioGirl27
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I don't get why some fans are so sure that blind item is about OUAT and Hook, when it talks about a co-lead, something the Hook is clearly not and there are so many options of actual co-leads in other shows that can be left in this situation.

I agree. I think something is going to happen to Hook in the finale, but I doubt it'll be as dire as what the Blind Item implies. Plus, didn't Ausiello write the Blind and Mitovich said he had no idea what show it was about? That eliminates OUAT, IMO, because Matt is the who follows and reports on OUAT, while Ausiello is more disinterested. If someone were to get a big scoop about OUAT, it would be MM.


Also, Hook is not a co-lead. Emma and Regina are the co-leads, with Snow also qualifying in season 1 (well, I'd argue Emma and Snow were co-leads in S1) but not anymore.

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2 thoughts on what Emma is talking to Zelena about...

Find out the particulars on how Neal resurrected his dad. I don't know that Emma ever got the full story. She might not know where that triangular key used came from/went to and maybe she wants it or to make another.

If it was in Camelot she might be asking about the memory spell she used to hijack Snow's version of the Dark Curse.

Also with all these filming spoilers of Dark Hooded figures...it's a long shot but it could be future vision of Dark Ones preying on the town if Emma doesn't do something she very much doesn't want to...(I don't believe this to be the case but thought I'd float it for interest's sake)

Edited by PixiePaws1

Maybe as soon as next week even. But the show is not written for spoiler chasers, and I have doubts we won't find out by the end of the episode that Hook is alive and well.


Actually if we find out all main cast are working besides Colin then yeah safe to say he's in the UW. If this is the episode where they give chase then it's very likely they'll find a way to make a portal to get to the UW and that could be what is filmed. Like when they filmed them making the tornado to Camelot and the end of the S4 finale.


It will also be a dead giveaway if next week we see no hooded figures at all in SB then it's safe to say hell has not come to SB.


Colin trapped in the underworld is clearly where all of his scenes will be filmed for a while. If we find out that he's filming w/ the person they case as Hades also a dead giveaway.


I do agree with you that by the end of the winter finale we'll know that Hook is still alive in the UW and I still say the final shot will be him reunited with his father whom is immortal.


Next weeks filming will confirm...


A. If hell has come to SB 

B. If _ character is going to the Underworld to save Hook


So next weeks filming will definitely answer some questions.

Edited by Hookian

The one problem I see with that is the UW will most likely be shot indoors similar to the Neverland arc. So Colin may be in the UW, but I doubt we'll get many spoilers about who he's filming with. If anything, he lucked out because he won't have to do any outdoor shoots during the dead of winter in Vancouver. ;)


As for the blind item, TVLine put together a 30-pane gallery of different fan suggestions. Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina were included as well as many non-Once characters. There are plenty of options that aren't Hook.

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Folks, let's stick to discussing OUAT spoilers - you're posting more in here than ever (you're even out posting the weekly episode thread at this point), and we don't really need to have the conversation about the TVLine blind item. In fact, there is a topic on that item over in Everything Else TV, so please feel free to speculate over there.





The one problem I see with that is the UW will most likely be shot indoors similar to the Neverland arc. So Colin may be in the UW, but I doubt we'll get many spoilers about who he's filming with. If anything, he lucked out because he won't have to do any outdoor shoots during the dead of winter in Vancouver. ;)


As for the blind item, TVLine put together a 30-pane gallery of different fan suggestions. Hook, Mary Margaret and Regina were included as well as many non-Once characters. There are plenty of options that aren't Hook.


Very true also if we know Hades is cast and he never appears in Stevenson safe to say he's in the UW set in studios along with everybody that's going to save Killian and also Hercules and Megara.


I kind of suspect Hercules will befriend Emma and Co while Megara will befriend Killian.

Okay, now that I've watched a Merida-heavy episode, and the brothers problem was solved, what will her problem center around during the Mulan/Red/Merida episodes?  


(And, wow, how very much am I dreading that, now.  After this last Merida/Belle centered episode, I'm not even sure Mulan will save it, and I've liked Mulan.)

I'm all for an Arthur/Zelena team up. It sounds fun. As for the Merida/Mulan/Red stuff, I hope it's true that the plots tie together by the end of the 2 hrs.

Still wonder how Red got to the enchanted forest. So they'll have that to explain and the stuff that Mulan's been up to.

I'm not upset about Hook not being the one to pull out the sword. It'll be interesting to see how his name gets on it in the next 3/4 episodes, though.

And knowing our luck, the grave in mention is Nealfire's.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
I'm not upset about Hook not being the one to pull out the sword. It'll be interesting to see how his name gets on it in the next 3/4 episodes, though.


I hope it gives those "he's a king" speculations/canons a rest. Camelot already has a king, his name is Arthur, and he's an asshat. But he's their asshat, so they can deal with him. Maybe they'll have the first democratically elected leader in the Enchanted Forest.


Last night's episode made me even more curious about Nimue, and what she is exactly.


Was that really Merlin talking, or was it some kind of thing that has been planted? More importantly when was this message "recorded"? Was it a really long time ago when Nimue and Merlin were friends, or after he was put in his tree?


We know he can leave the tree, or at least project himself out of it.


As always, more questions than answers, which bit surprise, not!

Given that the theories that Hook pulls the sword out of the stone were proven to be false, then I think we must re-assess all the theories based on that.


I think this half-season may not be about Emma, so much as the Rumple redemption arc. This is the arc where he sets right all the things that went wrong for him to become the Dark One.


Last night, we got him facing his fears. While before, he hobbled himself so he would not have to face the ogres, now (with the help of supportive Belle) he faced the equivalent of an ogre - an overs-sized, killing bear. He becomes a hero and is deemed by the power of the sword to be worthy enough so that he can pull the sword from the stone. He closes by telling Emma that he is a new kind of hero foreshadowing that he alone can defeat her.


I think we must also re-examine the sword fight on the JR. The fact that Hook did not pull the sword and his jewelry is dark probably indicates that he is the evil one in the scene. This is the opportunity for Rumple to re-do the scene they reminded of us earlier this season. He will go to reclaim (probably Belle) who is in the clutches of now evil Hook. Despite having to face Hook who is wielding the greatest sword ever, he will bravely fight him  and defeat him.


Finally, we will see Rumple tempted to stab Emma and take the Dark One powers, but he will bravely do whatever is necessary to stop the Dark One altogether.


Then, Regina will do something to save the day too because she must have her share as well.


Meanwhile, the fact that Hook was not strong enough to avoid turning dark again, will result in him having to pay the price and being sucked into the Underworld. Emma will insist on saving him (with support from now super Hero Rumple) because everybody deserves a second chance. This was foreshadowed by Regina telling Hook not to touch the sword or it will kill him (it does result in his death) and Hook being unsympathetic in this episode to giving Rumple another chance.

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I highly highly doubt it's that simple. Also pulling it means nothing when we've seen how shady as heck Arthur is. It's all about the one whom wields the blade and that definitely is not Rumple.


They're filming at a cemetery with main cast, green screen and thick smoke. I say portal to the Underworld.


I highly doubt it's as simple to say that one's a villain and the other is a hero in that scenario. I think Hook and Emma are tethered to Excalibur yes and Hook will pay the price to save everyone and destroy the darkness. 


Hook is not gonna go down as the villain in this scenario, because clearly most of them are gonna go down to the UW to save him.

Edited by Hookian
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I still think the sword is about sharing the darkness. Once the sword is put back together, there's going to be a balance of darkness and light in it, and I'm assuming the same will go for both Emma and Hook. This sort of tracks back to 5x04 when Hook talked about Emma letting him share her burdens with him. 


At the same time, with the whole Rumple situation, in 5x03, Arthur told David that a rock made him a hero, which is exactly what happened with Rumple. I'm sure Arthur did plenty good things, even heroic things when he was a knight, but pulling the sword out of the stone changed him. Rumple did two good things, he went back for Belle, and he got Emma to return Merida's heart. But it also made him sort of cocky about it. 


There has to be a good reason Merlin doesn't want Emma to pull the sword out of the stone. But Emma really seems to be skirting the issue by using blank slate Rumple, and then villain Zelena. Who is the next person she is going to go to for assistance? 


I'm wrong about a lot of stuff, but I don't think I'm wrong when I say that Emma is trying to re-write history, change fate. I mean that was a super big theme last night. That's what Emma is trying to do, she's trying to change fate.

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I was thinking the same thing: wielding Excalibur, like Hook is seen doing, suggests Hook as more of the hero than Rumple, since pulling it out of the sword is no guarantee of heroism as seen by Arthur.  I suspect the writers are trying to flip good and evil around here again, with Emma and Killian being "dark" but fighting for a good cause (filming spoilers definitely suggest this for Emma), while Arthur and Rumple are "light" but fighting for selfish reasons.


Also, Robbie Kay is quite possibly going to join Barbara Hershey in the 100th episode.  HELL. YES.

Edited by Mathius
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Robbie Kay may be back for the 100th episode. Yay! What's the Underworld without that little sh*t! ;-D


Yeah--we all went a little overboard with our theories after seeing Killian's name on re-forged Excalibur. I agree that this is yet another arc not really about Emma at all, and she won't get to save the day or destroy the Darkness. What else is new? :-/


However, I don't agree that this is going to be Rumple's redemption arc. I was really angry and upset yesterday, but in mulling it over, I don't think Rumple is going to continue being the "hero" he suddenly thinks he is. At the end of the day, he will revert back to his core personality and start seeking power again. I think at the end of this arc, Killian will take the Darkness with him to the Underworld. I seriously hope Rumple doesn't become the DO again, but one never knows. 


I find it hilarious that apparently Killian's first decision after sharing the Darkness with Emma, is to part his hair the other way. hehe

Edited by Rumsy4
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I'm wrong about a lot of stuff, but I don't think I'm wrong when I say that Emma is trying to re-write history, change fate. I mean that was a super big theme last night. That's what Emma is trying to do, she's trying to change fate.

But if Emma is trying to change fate and save Hook and yet he dies because you can't change fate, what's the point of them going to the UW to save him, if you can change fate?

My dream of Cora & Pan sharing the screen may yet come to fruition. Most excellent news for a Monday.


Didn't the showrunners say that Emma does something terrible to her parents? Was it this next episode where Snowing filmed at Emma's house? I'm really hoping she stole the baby and won't give him back until they promise to change his name to something less inappropriate.

  • Love 14

My dream of Cora & Pan sharing the screen may yet come to fruition. Most excellent news for a Monday.


Didn't the showrunners say that Emma does something terrible to her parents? Was it this next episode where Snowing filmed at Emma's house? I'm really hoping she stole the baby and won't give him back until they promise to change his name to something less inappropriate.


Did they say that? Also, very awesome suggestion.


I wanna say that it's episode 5x08 that Snowing and Regina go to Emma's place. I think it's the episode with that Icelandic director, the one with the huge beard, who kept popping in pics. Josh was the first one to take a pic with him and post it.


How long is episode 100? I'm sure they're gonna be announcing more actors.

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Elliot Knight Guest Stars as Merlin, Liam Garrigan as King Arthur and Joana Metrass as Guinevere

“Nimue” – In Camelot, Merlin spearheads a mission to reunite the dagger with Excalibur so he can use the weapon to save Emma from the darkness threatening her soul. With Zelena in tow, Hook, Mary Margaret, David, Regina and Robin steal into Arthur’s castle to take the broken sword from the maniacal king. Meanwhile, Merlin brings Emma along on a journey to confront his ancient nemesis and retrieve the sacred spark he’ll need to reforge Excalibur. Both parties are tested, but one suffers a blow that could derail the entire operation. In a flashback to long before the Age of Arthur, young Merlin finds purpose after he is blessed with magic and immortality, but when he falls in love with a young refugee named Nimue, everything changes for Merlin, as their romance starts a chain of events that touches every one of our present day heroes, on “Once Upon a Time,”SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

“Once Upon a Time” stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O’Donoghue as Hook, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills, Sean Maguire as Robin Hood, Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch/Zelena and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.

Guest stars include Beverley Elliott as Granny, Elliot Knight as Merlin, Liam Garrigan as King Arthur, Joana Metrass as Guinevere, Caroline Ford as Nimue, Darren Moore as Vortigan, Graham Verchere as Young Apprentice, Jackie Minns as Woman, Max Haynes as Young Man and Jason Simpson as Adda.

“Nimue” was written by Jane Espenson and directed by Romeo Tirone.


This PR confirms that Excalibur when it's united with the dagger can destroy the darkness. That's what Killian is gonna do.

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How long is episode 100? I'm sure they're gonna be announcing more actors.

I'm going to be super disappointed if Cora and Pan are only back for one episode. By the way, I just realized that Cora, Pan and Neal are all tied to magic causing death. Cora died from the candle, Pan died because the Dagger did a thing, and Neal died trying to resurrect Rumple. None of them died in a normal way, so it could be that they didn't "die" at all... but rather went to the Underworld. Maybe magic itself can't cause true death.


That would explain why Cora was available for the seance. 

Edited by KingOfHearts

So, Nimue and this Vortigan character are different people. Didn't Vortigan's imdb description say he was the first Dark One? Does this mean Nimue is NOT the first Dark One? Hmm... 


Both parties are tested, but one suffers a blow that could derail the entire operation.


Clearly the Emma/Merlin faction doesn't succeed.

Edited by Rumsy4

So, Nimue and this Vortigan character are different people. Didn't Vortigan's imdb description say he was the first Dark One? Does this mean Nimue is NOT the first Dark One? Hmm... 


Plus we're not meant to see his face, because it's a different actor who is playing him.


Vortigan is very likely the man Merlin tethered the darkness to.

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Vortigan is very likely the man Merlin tethered the darkness to.


Looks like it. Then I wonder why Merlin refrains from stabbing him with the Dagger. Did Vortigan kill Nimue? Did she also become a Dark One later? Why is she is Storybrooke looking like a DO? So many questions. 


Nimue/Merlin look gorgeous in the episode stills. 

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