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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I think Merlin may have died in Camelot. Perhaps Emma accessed the Nimue portion of the Dark One in order to cast the curse by crushing Merlin's heart -- Merlin being the one that Nimue loved most.


At least we know that the curse and Dopey turning into a tree has Nimue's hands all over it.


I'm still not convinced that Nimue loved Merlin as much as he loved her. I'd like it if they decided to turn the curse on it's ass a bit and decided that this time, you should use the heart of the person you hate the most instead. 


ETA - Is it possible that Emma finds out about the curse, and a whole of a lot more when she starts looking into Merlin's past in 5x07?

Edited by YaddaYadda

Yes, I think after Hook dies, Emma goes back to herself for the very, very end of the episode.

In the scene Colin and Jennifer filmed together the other day at the lake, she had her Savior Emma hair, not the Dark One hair. So it happens before he dies (if he really dies, I'm not sure yet).


ETA - Something I'm pretty sure, and more after last night filming is that by the finale Hook is also the Dark One, maybe he is sharing the curse with Emma, or maybe he is the only DO and Emma is lying to everyone else about it.

Edited by RadioGirl27

In the scene Colin and Jennifer filmed together the other day at the lake, she had her Savior Emma hair, not the Dark One hair. So it happens before he dies (if he really dies, I'm not sure yet).


ETA - Something I'm pretty sure, and more after last night filming is that by the finale Hook is also the Dark One, maybe he is sharing the curse with Emma, or maybe he is the only DO and Emma is lying to everyone else about it.


I think the CS scene they filmed could be her communicating with his ghost.


I'm also sure Hook is a Dark One at this point. I too considered that Emma could be lying about being the DO, but then it would be odd for her to change her look when he dies but not before.

I'm not even going to pretend that I understand what's going on.


That makes two of us. The speculations make zero sense at this point. I know mine aren't adding up. But it's a good thing, it keeps the interest, and the wanting to know what's going on well and alive. 


Last season, we already had most of the stuff figured out.

  • Love 2

I think the CS scene they filmed could be her communicating with his ghost.


I'm also sure Hook is a Dark One at this point. I too considered that Emma could be lying about being the DO, but then it would be odd for her to change her look when he dies but not before.


That's what I think as well, the finale ends with them on their way to the UW while Hook reunites with his father whom is immortal. 


Hook and Emma are tethered to Excalibur so one of them has to pay the price, and so I think Hook takes it upon himself to pay the price for both of them. Hook's body is dragged to the UW and then the others give chase.


Yes, I think after Hook dies, Emma goes back to herself for the very, very end of the episode.



Won't be the very very end of the episode but it will be near it. The cliffhanger will be us seeing Hook in the UW and the others on their way.


. It's possible Hook may be in on it and asks Regina to do it, but I'm doubting that. And then Emma will thank Regina for killing her boyfriend.



I'm sorry but I cannot see Regina thanking Emma for killing Hook especially looking at the pics. Regina will probably say he wanted this but I o not see Emma thanking Regina when Killian is the one that made the sacrifice. Perhaps Killian advises her what needs to be done beforehand and she protests because as I've said they're gonna build this friendship of Regina and Killian the same way they've done Killian and Belle. They will grow fond of each other and value each other as friends.


If anything I think Regina will tell Emma that they're gonna get him back much like Emma told her the same thing in 4x11 about her happy ending. Maybe then she'll say thank you but I absolutely do not expect she will thank her if she kills Hook. 


Personally I think Hook stabs himself with Excalibur making the ultimate sacrifice as only he and Emma can pay the price, since they're the ones tethered to Excalibur.

Edited by Hookian
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Excalibur sure sounds like the gift that keeps on giving. Why would anyone want this thing? Pulling it from the stone, or having your name etched upon it sounds like a curse to me.


Arthur lost his way, and either Emma or Killian will have to die because of it. 


From the speculations, sounds like 5A will end exactly like 3A did, when Rumple stabbed himself to get rid of Pan.


ETA - 


About the script tease, with DS going to visit Zelena, Andrew Chamblis tweeted asking, he wonders what she wants to talk to her about?


I know we're knee deep speculating about the finale, but what would Emma wanna talk to Zelena about? I mean she clearly breaks into her cell under the hospital, she is seeking her out. What does she want from Zelena that she can't do or find out as Dark Swan?

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 1

Excalibur sure sounds like the gift that keeps on giving. Why would anyone want this thing? Pulling it from the stone, or having your name etched upon it sounds like a curse to me.


Arthur lost his way, and either Emma or Killian will have to die because of it. 


From the speculations, sounds like 5A will end exactly like 3A did, when Rumple stabbed himself to get rid of Pan.


The difference is the price when it's payed, the darkness will be destroyed for good. There will be no more DO.


I don't expect the finale will end without us seeing Killian alive especially when the next arc is the Underworld. So by the end of the episode they have to show us him trapped their and the others on their way or doing something.

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Now please resume your usual frenzied, polite posting.



DS probably wants the Captain Swan fanfics Zelena's been writing because watching Robin and Regina bores her. Ha. I have no clue what she wants with the woman who almost killed her little brother.


I can see Hook sacrificing himself because he's lived a lot longer than most of them but sheesh this is what Emma probably wanted to avoid. Merlin, bro just tell these people instead of letting them figure it out.

  • Love 1


I know we're knee deep speculating about the finale, but what would Emma wanna talk to Zelena about? I mean she clearly breaks into her cell under the hospital, she is seeking her out. What does she want from Zelena that she can't do or find out as Dark Swan?


I wonder if Emma wants the cuff. Could she be killed if she was wearing it? Or could she put it on someone like Hook so he couldn't hurt anyone with magic once he became a second Dark One? Or it could be used to remove any power the "hero" would derive upon the removal and reunification of Excalibur.


I think people are going to be very, very disappointed in their speculation about the wonderous idea of Hook and the Underworld. I don't really understand tumblr, but I sometimes go in and look at what people are thinking and I just can't even be bothered at this point. Everyone's so wedded to their theories that it's tedious. I'd like to point out that in addition to Cora (who's dead), several alive people are coming back in 5B. They include further appearances for Ruby and Mulan. Whale will return as well. Where do these characters fit into this grand scheme where everyone goes to rescue Hook from the Underworld? Plus, Zelena is said to give birth in 5B. She isn't going on this rescue mission. Hook may be dead and he may have sacrificed himself (which will irritate me to no end because it renders Emma's previous sacrifice and pain and the destruction of all her relationships moot), but I don't see Save Hook! as being a rallying cry for anyone besides Emma.

Edited by KAOS Agent
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If the TVLine Blind Item is about Hook, which I'm convinced it is because it ticks all the boxes IMO, then we're not going to get any hope or clue at the end of him in the Underworld or the group setting off after him -- that said the fans would be left believing the death is permanent.


As far as the Underworld goes, I think they could go there for one or two eps (seems like great fodder for the 100th ep), then return to SB but accidentally leave open a "door" that allows Hades, etc. to invade SB.

Hook may be dead and he may have sacrificed himself (which will irritate me to no end because it renders Emma's previous sacrifice and pain and the destruction of all her relationships moot), but I don't see Save Hook! as being a rallying cry for anyone besides Emma.

This. I keep reading those posts and metas about how much everybody in Storybrooke love Hook and how everybody would be more than ready to go to the underworld to save him, and I wonder if I'm watching a different show because that's not what is shown. What we have in canon is Regina treating him with disdain and Snowing ignoring him.

And, really, Hook dying, even if it is temporary, makes everything Emma has been through this half season pointless.

If the TVLine Blind Item is about Hook, which I'm convinced it is because it ticks all the boxes IMO, then we're not going to get any hope or clue at the end of him in the Underworld or the group setting off after him -- that said the fans would be left believing the death is permanent.

Which one? The one about a co-lead in a drama show dying? I love Hook, but he is not a co-lead on this show. If it was about him they woukd have said "fan favourite". To call him co-lead woukd be really stretching it. Edited by RadioGirl27
  • Love 4


DS visiting Zelena could have something to do with Operation Brave. If she wants to up the ante with Rumpel, and Merida somehow fails, Zelena would certainly not have any compunction about doing something to Belle in return for her freedom or baby or just for the pleasure of screwing with Rumpel.


I have been thinking that the Belle Rumpel is protecting is an avatar and not the real Belle. Why wouldn't Belle just get on the phone and call in the others for help? Why would Emma let Rumpel & Belle talk about anything regarding her plans? Also, what if Belle actually dies? That would be counterproductive. Zelena could pose as Belle and control how things go down all with the added bonus that she can twist the knife all the more about the current state of their relationship.

  • Love 3

I think people are going to be very, very disappointed in their speculation about the wonderous idea of Hook and the Underworld. 


I keep seeing this sentiment, and I think it needs to be remembered that there's a difference between being wrong and being disappointed about being wrong.  Someone last week or so brought up the Prince Killian specs that happened when the season 3 finale was filming, and yeah most of those specs were wrong, but the thing is no one was really upset about that because they liked what we did get.  Yeah, I'm sure there will be people upset if their very specific theory doesn't pan out, there always are, but that doesn't mean there's going to be some mass let down.  The spoilers point to Killian having a fairly significant role in the finale of 5A, whatever that is.  He's clearly involved with Excalibur.  For a lot of Hook/CS fans that's automatically an improvement over last season. I don't have the first clue what to make of a lot of this but I'm very much enjoying thinking about the possibilities.  

  • Love 10

I don't know why you quoted my post which was referencing 5B expectations and then assigned my comments to the finale. Hook is clearly featured in the finale. We know that. Enjoy the possibilities. Speculate away. It could be epic. It will most definitely be better than a 23 second scene in a bathroom hallway. But I am looking at the full cast in what's going to happen in 5B and Regina/Robin will get a focus and the Rumpel stuff will need to be addressed and Zelena is going to have a baby and not dead characters will return to Storybrooke and these things don't fit with a grand season long Hook rescue mission by the entire cast. Why is it wrong to point out that these spoilers give a different picture than a lot of people are absolutely convinced is going to happen and that perhaps they'll be disappointed when it doesn't? 

Edited by KAOS Agent


I agree that it's probably because she wants the cuff for some reason, even if it means releasing Zelena.

The problem with releasing Zelena is that she will be hell-bent on finding a way back to Oz. If Dark Swan doesn't care, there's no one to stop her because she's so overpowered. (Unless Regina pulls white magic again, but that's unlikely.) I think Zelena's goals need to change before the writers cut off her leash in order for her to be a relevant threat that isn't redundant. (But then again, most threats are on this show.)


So we've got Team Princess 2.0, Underworld, Cora, Dark Lady, and Hook wielding Excalibur against Gold. How does Zelena in a Wicked Witch costume work into all that? That's sticking a major icon in at a strange time.



Why is it wrong to point out that these spoilers give a different picture than a lot of people are absolutely convinced is going to happen and that perhaps they'll be disappointed when it doesn't?

I think we're all expecting the show to make sense of these spoilers once it airs. But like always, it will probably be even more confusing then. There's probably some convoluted reasoning as to where things are going the places they are.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Doesn't he already have someone magic on his side? Someone had to have enchanted the sword and found/created the GoPro pendant. But I'm very interested in Zelena being the Wicked Witch again. She filmed last night with Regina/Robin which makes me wonder what her story is. I'm not a huge fan of Zelena, but she is a wildcard if she's running around loose. 

Title of Episode 512 & The 100th Episode is:

"Souls of the Departed"

I'm guessing we are gonna get some returning guest stars.


I'm guessing during the whole arc we'll get a bunch of returning guest stars as tests for all the heroes going to the Underworld.


I expect Cora, Daniel, Henry Sr, Marian, James, Cruella, Snow's Mom,  and nanny, Bae, Malcomn, Collette, and for Rumple and Regina all the people they killed to find them in the UW.


That also doesn't count the people Killian will meet in the Underworld. I'm sure his father is immortal and is trying to get him out but I'm sure we'll see Liam and Milah*gag* again.


So excited for 5B.

Edited by Hookian
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I keep seeing this sentiment, and I think it needs to be remembered that there's a difference between being wrong and being disappointed about being wrong. Someone last week or so brought up the Prince Killian specs that happened when the season 3 finale was filming, and yeah most of those specs were wrong, but the thing is no one was really upset about that because they liked what we did get. Yeah, I'm sure there will be people upset if their very specific theory doesn't pan out, there always are, but that doesn't mean there's going to be some mass let down. The spoilers point to Killian having a fairly significant role in the finale of 5A, whatever that is. He's clearly involved with Excalibur. For a lot of Hook/CS fans that's automatically an improvement over last season. I don't have the first clue what to make of a lot of this but I'm very much enjoying thinking about the possibilities.

When I say that some fans are going to be disappointed I'm not (only) talking about the finale, but about 5B as a whole. Some fans are convinced (without evidence) that everything in the second half of the season is going to be about Hook and CS and only about them, with the rest of the characters just supporting them. And this is something that is never going to happen.

Edited by RadioGirl27
  • Love 4

When I say that some fans are going to be disappointed I'm not (only) talking about the finale, but about 5B as a whole. Some fans are convinced (without evidence) that everything in the second half of the season is going to be about Hook and CS and only about them, with the rest of the characters just supporting them. And this is something that is never going to happen.


I think that save Hook is a big arc in 5B but I don't at all suspect it's the only arc. All the characters will be tested with the ghosts from their past in the Underworld. It's a big test for everybody.


That's not even including all the Greek Mythology background we're gonna get like on the God's, Hercules/Megara, Mount Olympus, etc.

Edited by Hookian

I haven't seen anyone saying Hook will be literally the only storyline in 5B, just hoping and theorizing he'll have a major arc.  They are basing these theories on filming spoilers and things the writers have said and prop analysis.  And yes, they might be wrong.  But they aren't just making things up without evidence like keeps getting implied.  Certainly no more so than assuming everything is going to be about Robin/Regina when there is nothing that points to that other than the baby storyline needing some kind of resolution which could be dealt with in a single episode if A&E decide they have a new shiny toy they want to play with.  


I'm a lot more convinced about the underworld theories now that I see the 5.12 title.  That alone could mean different things, but combined with the dude on the boat from episode 2 and the comments about the second half of the season being 'hell' I think it's pointing more strongly that way.  Not entirely sure of Hook's involvement or whether they go to the underworld or the underworld comes to them, but I'm excited either way, and it's been a long time since I was excited about this show.

  • Love 6

It's always interesting to me what they intentionally leak -- that JMo's tenure as DO is coming to an end in the front half and that there's hope whoever is dead (Hook)

is only mostly dead.

I will say this season is shaping up to be better than I thought. I could also really ship Magic Beauty since Belle could actually be a smart powerful woman with Merlin. I guess one of the biggest questions is where did Merlin go? Think maybe Dark Emma imprisioned him again to keep Hook alive?

  • Love 1
Not entirely sure of Hook's involvement or whether they go to the underworld or the underworld comes to them, but I'm excited either way, and it's been a long time since I was excited about this show.


I'm still not sure Hook dies, dies. If he dies, and Emma sets out to bring him back, they're opening a whole massive can of worms. They can just say that he is now living a life of servitude, ferrying souls to the underworld.


If his body stays behind, then dead. If his body gets taken too, then not dead. I mean at the end of the day, it's the soul that goes to the UW, not the body.


I am confused about how this episode is supposed to be 46 minutes long. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Still not convinced they are going to the underworld. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hook showing back up after finding his own way out of the underworld (pirate) and showing up on Emma's doorstep a'la New York City Serenade at the end of Swan Song with a year later indicator.

Unfortunately his escape lets loose some souls of the real dead to haunt Storybrooke for 5B. The main arc will be closing the door to Hades.

  • Love 6

Still not convinced they are going to the underworld. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hook showing back up after finding his own way out of the underworld (pirate) and showing up on Emma's doorstep a'la New York City Serenade at the end of Swan Song with a year later indicator.

Unfortunately his escape lets loose some souls of the real dead to haunt Storybrooke for 5B. The main arc will be closing the door to Hades.


These are my thoughts exactly. He goes to the UW where no one can follow, or should be able to follow. A year jump is too much, because I'm assuming they want baby Green to be born during 5B. They can easily do a 4-5 month time jump though. Get the birth out of the way with minimal Regina pearl clutching, and woe is me tears.

  • Love 1
The Undertakers Ministries are probably in Storybrook because someone messed up something.


I don't get why they would come to Storybrooke and not go after both David and Robin. It's convenient for the writers to forget that no price was paid when Snow cast the curse to bring everyone back to SB in 3B, or that Regina hasn't paid the price for magic because of the cheap Guardians of the Galaxy knock off.

I'm wondering about who we'll see from the Underworld or escaping from the Underworld or whatever if that's what's happening. Would all the dead people end up in the Underworld/hell? I can imagine Cora and the other villains, Snow's parents (cause they are the epitome of evil apparently), James, etc. but would we really see the good people stuck in a horrid place too? Never mind, I guess if I go off of what I know from Hercules and stuff I guess they would all end up in the same place. Although, knowing our luck, Nealfire's sitting comfy in heaven.

If they do a time skip, wouldn't they finally have to upgrade Baby Snowflake? Wouldn't he be almost a year old? They can't keep him swaddled forever.

I'd be down with a possible Arthur/Zelena team up.

Well, the Underworld doesn't have to be an horrid place. There are also the Elysian Fields, where the good people end up. The Underworld/Hell is only for the bad people.

Oh bless you for this. I was trying to figure out a way to describe the "nice section of town" for an Underworld fic I'm writing. This is perfect!


And yea, I'm thinking the Underworld is just post-Earth life, although that may be because I want to see Liam and Killian hanging out together. There is just something about those Jones boys....

  • Love 1

I'm still not sure Hook dies, dies. If he dies, and Emma sets out to bring him back, they're opening a whole massive can of worms. They can just say that he is now living a life of servitude, ferrying souls to the underworld.


If his body stays behind, then dead. If his body gets taken too, then not dead. I mean at the end of the day, it's the soul that goes to the UW, not the body.



I think it's that simple. They're gonna separate this death from the rest because his body is taken as well. Which is there way out of the rabbit hole.

Still not convinced they are going to the underworld. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hook showing back up after finding his own way out of the underworld (pirate) and showing up on Emma's doorstep a'la New York City Serenade at the end of Swan Song with a year later indicator.

Unfortunately his escape lets loose some souls of the real dead to haunt Storybrooke for 5B. The main arc will be closing the door to Hades.

Well if that's the case then the center of the 5B flashbacks would be Hook-centric explaining how he got out of the UW in the first place. Much like 3b was all about what happened with the Zelena situation between the six weeks and DS another 6 weeks. So if Hook does escape the UW in a time jump scenario then yeah I'm willing to bet that the focus of flashbacks would be on what happened to him down in the UW and how did he escape unleashing Hades on the land of the living.

Edited by Hookian

I kind of hope she is one of the dead and pops Robin upside the head for being stupid.


She is going to tell Robin that she's totally happy that he is with the Evil Queen, and that Roland has a new Mommy. 


Leo, Ava, Cora, Henry Sr, Daniel, Liam Jones, Pan/Malcolm, Graham, the Nealster, Joana, Marian, Cruella, Stealthy (poor Stealthy!), James, Jack...


I don't know if they can get Jamie Dornan now that he's 50 shades famous. I also have doubts about Michael Raymond for Neal. They might be able to get the kid who plays Baelfire, though that would be odd. Henry Sr., Liam Jones, Malcolm, James are all good possibilities. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 1
And really, another sacrifice?


Another memory curse? Now we can just open another portals? 


This is how this show rolls.


I think the biggest thing about Hook going to the UW is that they cast his father. There's that. Plus the whole darkness destruction, though there seem to be a million Dark Ones running about town, on top of people dressed in terrible skull masks. There's the BTS of Emma back as Emma, with the ring around the chain looking distraught. So, I guess there's a bunch of clues going either way.


Still think the hooded figures are coming for David and Robin though. 

  • Love 2

I don't know if they can get Jamie Dornan now that he's 50 shades famous. I also have doubts about Michael Raymond for Neal. They might be able to get the kid who plays Baelfire, though that would be odd. Henry Sr., Liam Jones, Malcolm, James are all good possibilities. 

Well, he's going to be in Vancouver in February filming the sequels, and he seems quite close with the cast (JMo and Gosh went to his wedding), so I wouldn't rule out him agreeing to doing a quick scene of Emma and Graham meeting in the Underworld as a favour to them. But who knows?

Leo, Ava, Cora, Henry Sr, Daniel, Liam Jones, Pan/Malcolm, Graham, the Nealster, Joana, Marian, Cruella, Stealthy (poor Stealthy!), James, Jack...

Am I the only one that wants to see Milah come back too? I mean, Hook literally gave his hand for her and she was his first love. I don't think it would interfere in the Captain Swan storyline and would actually be a good reminder than he's moved on and changed but can still have the power to be deeply in love and loyal when he finds the right person.

  • Love 3

I think Hook goes to the Underworld in 5x11 and gets rescued in 5x11. In that process, somehow the bumbling fools of EF opened up a portal from the Underworld to their town leading to 5B. I bet the last shot of 5x11 is Cora in Storybrooke and she's the big cheese of 5B with Hades.


That's why Hook isn't in any of the filming where DS and Rump seems to be running around town with the rest of the crew. The rescue is part of how DS gets de-darked. Maybe the former DOs including Nimue are in the "in between" world and they're roaming free cause the portal is just starting to crack. The DO vault could be the in between. Or all former DOs got recruited to be Hades' minions.


I just want Ingrid, Cruella and Pan back. Don't care about the rest. And if somehow Merlin died, his sexy butt better be back too. Then again, the longer they stick around the more chances they'll be ruined. See Cora.

Edited by LizaD
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Am I the only one that wants to see Milah come back too? I mean, Hook literally gave his hand for her and she was his first love. I don't think it would interfere in the Captain Swan storyline and would actually be a good reminder than he's moved on and changed but can still have the power to be deeply in love and loyal when he finds the right person.

I'm pretty sure Milah and Liam will make appearances while they're in the Underworld.

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