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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Why would Emma give Regina back her memories first (if that's what the script tease is about?).  I'm more likely to believe that Regina and Emma team up because suddenly Snowing is saying give the dagger to Arthur and don't think about freeing Merlin because Arthur says it's a bad idea.  The whole reason everyone is in Camelot is to free Merlin, that's what the apprentice said to do.  The only way for Emma not to be the DO is to free Merlin.  I think even Grumpy would pick up on the fact that something is really wrong with Snowing.


I think it's likely they are working to free Merlin vs. giving Regina her memories back.

The party seems like a slap in Emma's face but it may be part of the distraction while Killian & co break into the basement.

in the photos it looks like Snowing are asking Regina to hand them the Dagger. Regina looks hesitant at least. In what looks like the same setting Emma looks very upset.

However, we know that Killian and co go to the block party.  Storybrookers don't know that Arthur is evil yet, it makes me wonder why Emma isn't trying to stop him. If she has her memory, why doesn't she know to tell everyone Arthur is bad?

We're assuming the dreamcatcher is in the present, but it could be in the past.


Emma is said in the press release (I think) that she looks in a dreamcatcher to see how someone can be turned into a tree, which yeah, totally not Emma's curse.


So maybe they're looking in a dreamcatcher in the past to see how to free Merlin from his cage. This is the episode they free Merlin.

The story I read is that Emma uses the dreamcatcher to specifically see how Merlin was trapped in the tree. My guess is we'll get the camera zoom in on the circle and ....queue the entire flashback sequence. ...which isn't how we saw the it work when she looked at it for Pongo's memory.

Edited by PixiePaws1
Emma uses a Dreamcatcher to look into the past to see how Merlin was transformed into a tree. Together, Emma and Regina figure out the critical ingredient they must acquire to free Merlin, but it's a race against Arthur, who does not want Merlin released.


I stand corrected, PixiePaws. I totally misread that!


Speculation stills stands though that the script tease is happening in the past. And about the final ingredient, they have the reliquary open, so I'm guessing the final ingredient they need to release Merlin is in it.


If he's trying to preserve the future, then why is he trying to influence it so much? If he foresaw Emma pulling the sword and the consequences are terrible ones, then him going to her and warning her against it means that he's not trying to preserve the future, but trying to change it.


Big picture? He worded it vaguely enough. Maybe it's not so much as making sure every little detail happen as is but to keep the realms intact. Say he sees DS and Excalibur which led to end of the world, then his job is to make sure that apocalypse doesn't happen, not that he has to make sure DS does exactly what he foresee. Or maybe it's like one of those choose your own adventure books and he sees every path and choices available and he's trying to make sure the path taken is the one with the least damage for the universe. Who knows. Also that kid Emma scene was thrown in at the last second so it doesn't have to make sense. These writers don't worry about stuff like that. If they say Elliot, Merlins's job is so and so and they repeat it often enough onscreen while showing some utter nonsense, what can we do?


I just want to see Merlin's pretty face onscreen and I'll be happy. The "story" like usual has been a big letdown and I didn't even have high expectations to begin with.

So Papa Hook was filming with Hook in his old pirate outfit. Or at least they were on set at the same time. 


I need to know what is happening! Obviously we'll be getting a Captain Hook flashback. It seems odd that they would both be filming at the same time, but different scenes, so maybe dear old dad really is immortal or has been hanging out in the underworld.

Obviously we'll be getting a Captain Hook flashback. It seems odd that they would both be filming at the same time, but different scenes, so maybe dear old dad really is immortal or has been hanging out in the underworld.

I wonder if there will be multiple flashbacks from different time periods in the same episode -- like wee Hook being abandoned, then something adult Hook does in his piratey past.


Depending on what age Killian was abandoned and last saw his father, would he recognize his father if he ran into him? It's not like he'd have photos of him. If Papa is somehow immortal, he could have been keeping tabs on him all along without Hook knowing. That might be how they run into each other. Or not. They may have just been having fun for the camera.

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So Papa Hook was filming with Hook in his old pirate outfit. Or at least they were on set at the same time. 


Papa is immortal and this is all leading up to Killian being trapped in The Underworld and reunited w/ his father Davy Jones. All these flashbacks in the episode, it's so clear it's Hook going to the Underworld. 


S5B is gonna be Hook/CS AF. Which will be such a middle finger to haters because they always say how irrelevant he is.

Edited by Hookian
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I still think the flashbacks don't necessarily mean Hook and Regina interacting in the past. I think they will have separate flashbacks (like the ones presented in 3x11), and that their "adventure" is in the present (or at least during the end of the Camelot six weeks).

I too, am wondering if we'll see Hook flashbacks from different time periods, because he is wearing his normal pirate get-up.

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I lean toward PapaHook keeping tabs on Hook at various points in his life. And it does look like he'll be of the immortal or at least very well-preserved persuasion.


I'm just not going to be able to take it from an emotional and fandom chaos perspective if they leave the midseason finale looking like Hook is dead.

Edited by Souris
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I'm hoping the Hook and Evil Queen flashbacks are separate, too. (I still don't get why we're getting yet another Evil Queen flashback, but alas...) I've always gotten the impression they never interacted much in the past together, and I'm totally fine with their only interaction being that one time in Season 2 when Hook snuck into Belle's cell. There really isn't much history to mine between those two characters together in the past; there's more tension between them now in the present. Unless they're going back and fixing that retcon of how Regina gave Hook the heart tearing vile.

Edited by Curio
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I lean toward PapaHook keeping tabs on Hook at various points in his life. And it does look like he'll be of the immortal or at least very well-preserved persuasion.

If it turns out that Papa Hook has been keeping tabs on his baby boy and has something to do with Hook's survival tendencies, then this forum should get some kind of screen credit, since we were using that as a hypothetical example of a good retcon in all the eggnapping discussion, how instead of seeming like a retcon it would be a case of "oh, that explains it!" if we learned that someone has been intervening on Hook's behalf all along.

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I lean toward PapaHook keeping tabs on Hook at various points in his life. And it does look like he'll be of the immortal or at least very well-preserved persuasion.

It could be that they were just filming at the same time (but not together) and managed to get a pic

taken togeher. So who knows.

We need more details!!!! Looking at Adam C's twitter feed...he's at 13.8 k followers now. Just last week he was at like, 11 k. I guess that's still a 2k+ jump, but still, the Hook/CS fandom does not mess around.

I like his outfit though. I like the warm colors.

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Ok...I am going to mention this here because I am not sure if it is an actual spoiler but the new writer posted om OUATSpoilers a funko doll tableau of Hook doll holding a sword standing next to an Emma doll lying down with her head pulled off and they are both on a script. She tweets that she took the Emma doll out of the box and the head just came off but .... looks kind of 'something' to me so thought I'd share ...just wish I could link it properly.

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if we learned that someone has been intervening on Hook's behalf all along.


Well, it might be a stretch, but Merlin intervened once on Hook's behalf when he sent Ingrid to the Land without Magic in exchange for the hat.


Also, Hook's father costume looks pretty close to Inigo Montoya's Princess Bride costume.

Ok...I am going to mention this here because I am not sure if it is an actual spoiler but the new writer posted om OUATSpoilers a funko doll tableau of Hook doll holding a sword standing next to an Emma doll lying down with her head pulled off and they are both on a script. She tweets that she took the Emma doll out of the box and the head just came off but .... looks kind of 'something' to me so thought I'd share ...just wish I could link it properly.


Haven't seen the photo, but that sounds very disturbing and is a weird thing to post! It must mean that Hook decapitates Emma in the finale, becomes the new dark one, and sails off into the sunset alone with a bag of onion rings.

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Also, Hook's father costume looks pretty close to Inigo Montoya's Princess Bride costume.

Oh good, I'm not the only one who saw that. I even started to post it and erased it. His hair isn't quite as long, but is still longish enough to fit that mental image.


But I kind of think Arthur looks more like a Hook relative than the actual Papa Hook does.

  • Love 3

Ok...I am going to mention this here because I am not sure if it is an actual spoiler but the new writer posted om OUATSpoilers a funko doll tableau of Hook doll holding a sword standing next to an Emma doll lying down with her head pulled off and they are both on a script. She tweets that she took the Emma doll out of the box and the head just came off but .... looks kind of 'something' to me so thought I'd share ...just wish I could link it properly.



The writer later said it didn't mean anything and it was just a joke. I don't think she's quite learned yet how the fandom overanalyzes things.


I swear, if they have Regina swoop in at the last minute and save Emma after all this CS setup, more heads than Funko Emma's will roll!


I don't see how they're going to cram everything into the midseason finale. I'm worried it's going to be rushed as hell just like 4x11 and CS will get screwed out of a payoff AGAIN.

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I kind of wish we could have a scene at the end of the Dark Swan arc where Merlin has to face a very resentful de-darked Emma, who sees her life as being decided by puppet masters like him and Rumple who were constantly pulling strings, whether they had good intentions or not, and she never truly had free will to choose, as she thought she did when she chose to be with Hook.


I think that's more likely to be Arthur. He is the one who let his life get completely messed up by Merlin's prophecies.


As neither Merlin nor Lancelot are in present day Storybrooke, I think they're both dead. When I thought Nimue was the original DO, I thought Merlin's heart would be crushed to cast the Dark Curse. But Lancelot seems to be the frontrunner now. Arthur could have gained control of the Dagger and forced Emma to recreate the DO curse. Then, he might have mind-controlled Guin into crushing Lance's heart as the final ingredient. As others have predicted, I think Emma merely added the memory-wipe into the mix in order to thwart Arthur's plans. As to why Arthur would want to come to Storybrooke, I don't know. Maybe the magic-sand effect was reversed, and Camelot turned back into being a Broken Kingdom.

Edited by Rumsy4

Here's what I don't get. Why would Emma be okay with Arthur hanging around her son, her boyfriend, her parents? That part doesn't make sense to me. If Arthur did all these things, then I don't know what Emma is thinking. I mean there is so much command you can give her.


I've actually been wondering if they don't start redeeming Arthur in Camelot, where he sees the error of his ways, and decides to reclaim his honor pre-Excalibur.


About 5x11, I'm assuming we find out in Jones senior flashback why he left his kind behind. The flashbacks with Regina probably have to do with looking for something to do with him, which they don't know that it's the father they're looking for. And then I'm guessing Regina brings him up in the present timeline.

I've actually been wondering if they don't start redeeming Arthur in Camelot, where he sees the error of his ways, and decides to reclaim his honor pre-Excalibur.


I'm not sure if Arthur is going to start redeeming himself in Camelot. But it's a possibility. At some point someone drives Excalibur back into the stone. It might be Arthur himself who does that in order to keep Dark Swan from getting a hold of it. 


About 5x11, I'm assuming we find out in Jones senior flashback why he left his kid behind. The flashbacks with Regina probably have to do with looking for something to do with him, which they don't know that it's the father they're looking for. And then I'm guessing Regina brings him up in the present timeline.


Regina probably interacted with Daddy Jones as Evil Queen. Not very happy they are tying him in with yet another Regina flashback, but with A&E's penchant to "explore" Regina's story, it was inevitable.


I don't know if we'll be getting the "why" part of the abandonment story yet. They might save that for a bby Killian flashback episode in 5B. But it certainly seems like Hook interacted with Daddy Dearest post-becoming "Captain Hook". Maybe during one of his cake runs for Pan? ;-)

Edited by Rumsy4

I know I’m probably the only one that’s not even remotely enticed by these spoilers, but come on. They’re filming 5x11 that’s entitled “Swan Song”, it should be about Emma finally being free of The Dark One and her story, and yet….all the spoilers point to it being all about a Hook backstory with his MIA dad, and The Evil Queen running around in the background. UGH. NO. No, no, no, no, no! It's BS like this that makes me hate this show. *shakes fist at screen with impotent rage and sullenly walks off to pout in a corner* 

Edited by regularlyleaded
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Thanks for the new link. I liked this Sneak Peek. I always enjoyed Rumple/Emma conversations in S1/ S2. This reminds me of that. Depowered Rumple still seems a tad manipulative to me with all his sob stuff.


Merida seems out of place no matter what Emma's plans are, and I definitely didn't like seeing Emma torturing someone using their heart. 

Aha Rump doesn't know a thing about Excalibur which means Emma came by the info in Camelot. Also this just goes to show how clunky their writing is with the exposition of using head DO Rump. It's so sad. They and Robert clearly still want DO Rump in some capacity and I do too but they don't know how to do it.



Why would Emma be okay with Arthur hanging around her son, her boyfriend, her parents?

What can he do? He's got no magic of his own. She probably thinks she's in control in that town with the most powerful magic.



Depowered Rumple still seems a tad manipulative to me with all his sob stuff.


I think he was being sincere but still has his own goal, which is to get free. It reminds me of their conversation with the hat. I think Robert said that Rump was being genuine with her because he knows that's what works on her but that it's all tied up in his own desires too.

Regina probably interacted with Daddy Jones as Evil Queen. Not very happy they are tying him in with yet another Regina flashback, but with A&E's penchant to "explore" Regina's story, it was inevitable.

We don't know for sure if their backstories are going to be tied together somehow. I still think it's going to be a "Going Home" stituation. Hook and Regina will probably interact with each other in present day or during the Camelot trip, and until A&E or whoever say that their flashbacks are connected, I'm choosing to believe the former, because when I read that bit about their adventure I interpreted it as taking place in Camelot. Blame the punctuation in that article; it could be interpreted a couple different ways.

Anyways, I'd rather Papa Hook be involved with Rumple (or Pan) out of the two. It would make more sense and would keep the Hook vs. Rumple feud alive.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

About the script tease, I'm guessing it's the dreamcatcher that Hook is looking at in the promo photo while the others appear to be ready to leave Emma's. I love that Emma told Hook about the dreamcatcher, but sad that it happened off screen. At least we're getting hints of things that are helping to build character development.

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About the script tease, I'm guessing it's the dreamcatcher that Hook is looking at in the promo photo while the others appear to be ready to leave Emma's. I love that Emma told Hook about the dreamcatcher, but sad that it happened off screen. At least we're getting hints of things that are helping to build character development.


As much I adore Captain Swan, the show isn't going to spend too much time having characters talk to each other about their pasts unless it's information that's new to the audience as well. It would get too exposition-y otherwise. I like that they've found a way (twice, now!) to establish that Emma and Killian have definitely spoken to each other at length about their pasts, even some of their most painful memories.

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God now even the script teases show continuity fail.

Rewriting* Emma's history with Nealfire is the only way to erase the fact he was a total douchecanoe to Emma. (*and by "rewriting" I mean totally fabricating lies about what actually happened).


Emma was the one who found the dreamcatcher a family had left behind in the motel room they snuck into, and she showed it to him and had to explain to Douchefire what it was because he didn't even know. But sure, writers, feel free to rewrite that as "Baelfire gave it to her". JFC. I've rolled my eyes so hard their having an intense conversation amongst themselves in the back of my head.

Edited by regularlyleaded
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