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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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... is more intetested in the hotness factor of Dark CS, and, probably, the writers would be too.


I won't deny I am all in for "the temptation of Kilian Jones" but I would love to just see the UST of that and have him be the 'hero' and hold out and be part of or the catalyst to bring Emma back from Dark Swan. 


I am moderately excited by the amount of Emma in the bts photos so far.  I am cautiously optimistic Emma is actually the centerpiece of this season.  I don't think Emma has been really front and center since season 1 and I really hope this is delicious and angsty and yet doesn't ruin Emma.  I know TS:TW.

Edited by Selina K
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I have to say that this confusion with the spoilers and what is going in has me excited about the show.


I like how Emma had to become the Dark One to shed her jeans and boots and wear dresses and heels.  It's interesting that even though she's all in black, it sort of softens her a bit.  And whatever light or darkness Emma has, she seems to gravitate towards Hook all the time.

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I have been looking at the photos of Emma and Killian from today's filming and although I am probably way off I can't get away from the idea that Killian is trying to talk her out of doing something that he thinks will be bad (as in make her go dark faster) and that what she wants to do is pay that 'price' of the episode title. A&E said she desperately wants to get the darkness out at first...I suspect Arthur is going to play on that to get her to pay the price for something that benefits either just him or Camelot. But it backfies on her and sends her down that dark road. Wild speculation I know but I got a feeling.....!


I wouldn't want Hook to go dark at all. What fun would that be? Where would the angst be if he were to go dark? Plus he's worked so hard (Not the Regina kind.) to establish himself as a better person. I just like pretty people being sexy. lol


Poor Henry though. Emma is his hero and you know it's going to really suck for him.


Have we seen the dagger in any of these filming pics?

Edited by mjgchick
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Poor Henry though. Emma is his hero and you know it's going to really suck for him.


Yeah, well, Henry can take a backseat.  I still haven't forgiven the writers that line in 3x11 about how he shouldn't have gone and brought Emma because Regina loved him.  Whiplash much?  Guess he's regretting it even more now.


As far as Hook and the darkness go, he is one of 3 people who gets it (I don't know what Rumple's status is and it's like waiting for the other show to drop when it comes to him), but he's also the closest to Emma.  If he slips into the darkness, it won't be because she pushed him into it, it will be because he tried to do something to help her.  That being said as bad as 4B was (for me at least), the dynamic for CS has been set up.  He struggled a lot during all of season 4 to find his place and has now accepted his status.  It's the same way Emma accepted her magic and finally embraced who she is and once she did that, she was actually able to become an anchor of sorts for him.  The roles will just flip this season.


I'm not even going to pretend I understand anything from yesterday's filming and how this follows what was filmed last week.  I thought Emma "strutting"  through Storybrooke in the dark was sort of reminiscent of Hook being on his own after his lips were cursed or Regina being on the outside looking in or even Rumple when he came back from the Land without Magic and was looking at Belle who was inside the shop.  Being a villain or considering yourself one is isolating.  Last season when Snow was confessing what she and David did to Maleficent's child, there was this take of Emma and Hook walking together all smiles and laughter and this season she's walking in Storybrooke all on her own probably feeling alone because of what she has inside of her.

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I kind of think Rumple and Regina coming together to help teach Emma to control and temper her anger and darkness would be a good way to help them atone.

Wouldn't that be like the blind leading the blind? Or worse, the blind leading someone who's just had her eyes dilated for an exam.


Poor Henry though. Emma is his hero and you know it's going to really suck for him.

In season one, maybe. Now though, it's more likely to be along the lines of "It's awful that you're a villain now, not a hero like Regina. Because heroes are good and villains are bad, and heroes don't do anything bad, even if it's for a good reason, and you chose to be a villain."


After seeing the strutting down the street photos, I really, really need that black trenchcoat. I like the flared skirt of it. I would even be willing to move to a colder, rainier climate so I could wear it more often. Hey, we're supposed to have a colder, damper winter this year. That totally justifies a coat like that.


I didn't think the photos of Emma with Hook looked like her being cruel to him. It looked a lot like some of their angstier romantic moments, with them being really close to that forehead lean. I'm not sure we can judge what's going on in the reflections because those look like they might be distorted and from a different angle.

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The tension (and I mean the good kind) between Hook and Dark Emma in those behind-the-scenes photos is palpable. I'm excited to see how those scenes play out. As nice as it is seeing those crazy kids have romantic moments together, I kind of miss the days of UST before the Neverland kiss happened.


With all this talk about flash forwards and time jumps, I'm wondering if the title "The Once and Future King" might actually play out to literally mean the future king. Maybe there was a King Arthur who lived centuries ago, and now this is a future Arthur? (Probably not...but the more I keep seeing behind-the-scenes photos of Liam as Arthur, the more I think the casting department knew exactly what they were doing by finding someone who looks like Colin, and it's not just coincidence. I'll hold on to this crack theory until proven wrong!)

Edited by Curio
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With all this talk about flash forwards and time jumps, I'm wondering if the title "The Once and Future King" might actually play out to literally mean the future king. Maybe there was a King Arthur who lived centuries ago, and now this is a future Arthur? (Probably not...but the more I keep seeing behind-the-scenes photos of Liam as Arthur, the more I think the casting department knew exactly what they were doing by finding someone who looks like Colin, and it's not just coincidence. I'll hold on to this crack theory until proven wrong!)



The whole resemblance between Liam and Colin makes me feel like I'm being trolled.


I've got my own crack theory on all of this and I want it like really badly.  I don't agree that Arthur lived centuries ago as much as he has been alive for centuries in a place that is much like Storybrooke where time just stood still.  My theory is crazy elaborate which i'm certain makes it completely wrong.


That being said, seeing those BTS with Arthur make me really look forward to him.  The guy seems to exude a certain charisma

I feel like the only one who doesn't think that Colin and Liam look a like. They both have dark hair and facial hair, but that's all the resemblance I see. But I'm still excited for his character!


I want to know what Emma is wearing under her coat. Is it her skirt that is making the coat flare out? Jen talked about sexy, sleek dresses that Hook might like.

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Henry is more judgmental of the so called "heroes" than of Regina. I have a feeling that Henry will pull away from Emma now that she is the Dark One, and might stick with Regina even more than ever. That will probably push Emma further into Darkness, and drive a wedge between Emma and Henry. I am a little concerned that Emma might be cold towards Henry, and not care about Henry's well-being all that much. But I'm not going to worry too much, because everything will be resolved by a hug once the Dark Curse is broken.


I love Emma's coat too! I'm glad JMo gets to wear different Dark Swan outfits.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I want to know what Emma is wearing under her coat. Is it her skirt that is making the coat flare out? Jen talked about sexy, sleek dresses that Hook might like.

This picture from yesterday makes it look like the jacket has a flare to it. You can sort of see under it to see what looks like a tight skirt that stops just above her knee. It's almost as if the dress underneath is more of a little black dress or a business suit or dress of some sort with most of the drama of the costume in the jacket. It will definitely be interesting to see what's under that awesome coat.

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I think that Liam looking like Colin is just a coincidence, the casting department having a "type", and that it has nothing to do with the present storyline. The actor playing Blackbeard also looks like he can be related to Colin.

Yeah, I remember when young Owen was cast, people were swearing up and down it was young Killian for a flashback. This happens once a season, but maybe A&E can surprise us! But watch them chose a blonde when they actually cast a Killian relative.

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I didn't think Liam and Colin looked alike at all when they announced the casting.  And I remembered the actor from "Pillars of the Earth".  I hated the character in the book, so I couldn't even like him in the series.  But the side by side in the BTS from last week is what had me wondering a bit.


I'm still wondering what Merida's role is or if she's going to be just like Ariel basically.


And the timeline is confusing as hell.  If that's a flashforward with the knights arriving in Storybrooke, then why are the dwarves attacking them?  Or is it in the present where they arrive in Storybrooke because someone allowed them to pass through, or they have a portal like Jefferson's hat where they can't bring more people along with them on the trip back?  


I can buy a flashforward, but Arthur and his knights arriving in town is like a hair landing in the soup.

I think there could be several explanations for Arthur and his knights to be in SB. He's obviously connected (via Merlin) to the Dark One. So maybe he simply follows Dark Swan to Storybrooke? It's also possible Merlin has given him the order to kill the Dark One - maybe the dwarves feel some freaking loyalty to Emma after all she's done for the town, and they try to stop them? 

Clearly, at this point, Dark Swan and the town are not exactly "at war". She seems to be having conversations, however antagonistic, with Hook, Regina and Henry. They probably all think she can be saved. What if Arthur - wasn't he described as someone ruthless, who would go anything to get what he wants? - doesn't think she can be, or he thinks she's collateral damage for getting rid of the DO once and for all? And yes, I know technically killing Emma would make someone else the DO, but what if Merlin has found a way to kill the DO and the host at the same time?

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Emma looks rather pensive in this video of her strut. She is also clenching and unclenching her hands repeatedly as she walks--it seems like a rather childlike gesture of nervousness and/or vulnerability. Maybe she is feeling sad after (presumably) being rejected by Hook, and after her conversation with Regina over Henry. I feel bad for her! If this flashforward thing in going to continue all season, it's going to be rather painful to watch Emma pull away from everyone yet again. 

Edited by Rumsy4
It almost looks as though Emma is feeling abandoned by everyone she loves.


I wouldn't go as far as that.  She's basically back to square one trying to figure out her place in the world yet again.  She struggled a lot with her magic, being the Savior, accepting the universe that she is actually from and now she's right back where she started.


What I find really hard is that what she did was noble but she's paying such a really terrible price for it and it just doesn't seem fair.  I doubt anyone will be abandoning her. The BTS are also just snippets.  


about tonight's filming...


Looks like we're going all out for Camelot, huh?

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She's basically back to square one trying to figure out her place in the world yet again. ... What I find really hard is that what she did was noble but she's paying such a really terrible price for it and it just doesn't seem fair. 


Well said! Poor Emma...


I doubt anyone will be abandoning her. 


I agree. However, Emma's perception of reality is probably a little warped now that she's the Dark One. So, she may feel abandoned, even when that is not the case. Emma's struggle with abandonment has been her greatest stumbling block. It seems likely that the Darkness will encourage and enhance those feelings within her. 

Edited by Rumsy4

Well said! Poor Emma...



I agree. However, Emma's perception of reality is probably a little warped now that she's the Dark One. So, she may feel abandoned, even when that is not the case. Emma's struggle with abandonment has been her greatest stumbling block. It seems likely that the Darkness will encourage and enhance those feelings within her. 

Fingers crossed that Hook will be helping Emma patch things up between Emma and Henry just like he did with Emma and Snowing.

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So the filming today...

Pre-DO Emma (as fans have taken to calling her, "Grey Swan") and Hook filmed, but then wrapped, and there was a secret scenes with Snow yelling "What are you doing?" that didn't feature either of them. So that can't be Emma doing something evil (or pre-evil!), right?

But I don't know how filming works. Maybe it is Emma, doing some sort of magic (there's fog, so setting something on fire?) but they don't need Jen for it? They're filming the reactions to the magic only? I don't know, is that possible for a filming/technical point of view?


Ok. I was starting to get really excited by the pics. I initially thought Hook and Arthur didn't look like each other until I saw a side by side BTS pics. I got excited that we would get Hook's back story. That maybe Hook always was intertwined with the dark one and part of Arthur's family. Maybe Arthur was the reason Merlin tethered the darkness to a person and a relative, ie Hook needed to be the one break/destroy the dark one.

And then I went to another forum I like for spoilers and they pointed out that Arthur's coat of arms is the same as Robin's tattoo. I like like Sean but I don't want to watch a storyline centered on Robin, we had that in 4B. All other photos look good; hopefully A&E forgot that the lion tattoo is the same as Arthur's shield.

Edited by kitticup

Robin is linked to Regina so is way more possible that he is related to Camelot than Hook.

Really, I stopped waiting for some Hook's backstory and for Hook to be front and center in a storyline a long time ago. My only hope for him is that they don't destroy him like they have done with Snow, Henry and Charming, and they have almost done with Emma (I'm waiting to see how this season go to see if her destruction is complete).

Edited by RadioGirl27

So Regina's 'What I should have done in Camelot!' Statement is giving me iced chills ....I think this makes it clear that Camelot is past timeline. I get the impression this scene is like a last stand against the Dark Swan. They've been running to get away but whatever Emma sent after them had caught up to them. But where's Killian...with Emma? Dead?

Edited by PixiePaws1
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The spoilers are getting more interesting--seriously, this, reblogging CS gifs, and fanfic, are the trifecta of why I'm still watching this show. lol

I don't think we are on to the "last stand" with Dark Swan already. Emma was apparently doing a sad catwalk in Storybrooke just a short while ago. She looked nowhere near murderous yet.

It seems like "martyr" Regina is back, and Mary Margaret is again trying to save her life. Whatever that "thing" was, was against Robin, perhaps? Maybe it hitched a ride with them from Camelot. Emma is not there to help because she couldn't be bothered to "save" anyone. I hope Hook is with her. haha


I've seen a gif (I'm sorry, it was on my phone when I was out at lunch and I can't find it anymore; I assume it will turn up soon) of filming from last night where Robin is on the ground and Regina is leaning down to kiss him. Are they doing TLK with them already? It was really reminescent of Daniel's death scene. I would honestly laugh so hard if they gave OQ an anticlimatic episode 2 TLK because it would fit so well with how anticlimatic everything else about their relationship has been.


Re: reports, the line "What I should have done in Camelot" is really weird. Are they NOT in Camelot? They're filming in the forest.


EDIT: found the kiss here

Edited by Serena
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I need to bitch about something and obviously we know nothing about the context of the scenes and we don't know what happened in episode 1 and the one they're currently filming but this frustrates me to no end.  So I'm gonna bitch then move on.


Emma gets a hold of the dagger and is about to sacrifice herself and everything that she is to the darkness so that everyone can live.  David yells "No", Killian tries to stop her, Snow stands there with her mouth gaping open.


Regina is about to do something she should've done in Camelot, Snow is all "Regina what are you doing" then grabs her hand according to set reports.  WTF, Snow! Your first born, your child was about to sacrifice her very soul to the darkness and you say nothing to her, you just stood there.  Is Regina Snow's secret child that I don't know about?  [/rant]


As far as the scenes go, I got nothing.  I noticed this tree that they added in the middle of the structure they were building, so I'm gonna go ahead and say that Merlin is the one behind the attack because someone woke him from his sleep.  I thought that maybe the characters were existing in both Storybrooke and Camelot, but that has sort of been debunked by last night's filming.


ETA - I just saw that OQ maybe TLK and it doesn't feel like it's earned.  I get that if this is happening in the future, then it might change things, but why are they moving at warp speed with them like that?  Is Robin going to die or something?  I don't get it.  

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I get the impression this scene is like a last stand against the Dark Swan.

Nah, the big confrontation would be in the half season finale or in the season finale. It depends on how much they want to drag this Dark Emma storyline.

But where's Killian...with Emma? Dead?

He is probably taking care of the babies. Someone has to do it and Belle would be too busy taking care of her husband. Really, per the bts pics and spoilers, even Grumpy is more involved in whatever is going on than Hook.

Are they doing a TLK with them already?

I don't know if they are going to have it in episode 2 or later, but I'm quite sure that they are going to have one before Emma and Hook. Edited by RadioGirl27
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Not all kisses are TLK. Remember that Emma kissed Hook to save him from drowning and that wasn't a TLK. At least that's what I'm talking myself into.


Maybe Emma's probably tied Killian up some where. That guy gets tied up every season he's been on this show.

I kind of approve of this. ;)

Edited by sharky
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I would honestly laugh so hard if they gave OQ an anticlimatic episode 2 TLK because it would fit so well with how anticlimatic everything else about their relationship has been.


100% this.  If OQ gets a TLK in episode 2 to me it just cements how lame their relationship is and how it is an afterthought.  I mean even Regina and Henry had to wait until what, episode 18? 19? in Season 3.  No build up or plot structure to support on OQ TLK just random 'look, we're really true loves!'  I could see them doing it if they introduce the Camelot arms and we learn all the Knights of the Round Table have the tattoo. 

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You know what I find strange?  How much Lee Arenberg has been taping (or at least it seems like it) and it's weird because Grumpy is the town crier and gossip monger and that's basically about what his character is good for. 


Crack theory: Grumpy is Uther Pendragon who has been masquerading as one of the seven dwarves this whole time.  Wait, I changed my mind, he's Arthur's kid and because he was born with a beard and beanie, Arthur freaked out and had Merlin send him far far far away.


Also, I really don't care what OQ does at this point, though it seems that Robin's life is in mortal danger 2 episodes in a row.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I would laugh my head off if it turned out Robin wasn't Regina`s OTL, and was just some random guy with a tattoo. It would work pretty well with the randomness of that pairing. 


I am really confused by these spoilers. Why are Snow and company holding hands, power of love style? Why are they in the forest? When were they in Camelot? Was Regina going to use magic to remove the Dark Oneness from Emma, and now she is going to try again? Is that what Merlin is going to do in Camelot? 

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With that tattoo, it's possible that Robin was the only one with it typically in the area. It could be a thing in Camelot. Maybe Robin did something noble (can you imagine?) and got rewarded with it, or he got it to disguise himself. However, with everything this show has done to say their destined True Loves, I doubt this will happen.

Or perhaps there is another guy, but Regina chooses Robin anyway? I don't know. Whatever angst happens between those two in Camelot just better not have to do with her dead victims. (Unless Robin had a problem with it, which he clearly doesn't.)

I'm actually surprised we haven't seen Lily film at all. I guess she won't come up until her father's identity becomes a plot point in the latter half on 5A.

Edited by KingOfHearts

So Regina is in full-on Savior mode now. Pretty obvious to me this season is going to be more about Regina becoming the Real Savior than the struggles of Dark Swan and her loved ones. Raise your hand if you're shocked. Lana has filmed every single day so far. Every. single. day.


The spoilers also tell me it's probably SB is present day with Camelot as the flashbacks. So we'll get Dark Swan in the present with flashbacks of how she got there. Sounds like Regina was supposed to step up in Camelot (to save Emma?) and didn't. But now she's accepted the mantle of The Bestest Most Sacrificing Savior EVAH! And, yes, Snow still cares about her more than her own daughter.


Also, looks like OQ is getting another knock-off CS scene, this time the drowning scene with Zelena. If it's a TLK, it's a total laugher. But, yeah, they'll 100% get one before CS.

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Is it too much to hope 50 shades of grey Emma is trying to murder Robin in retaliation for what happened to sheriff?

That would be awesome and actual continuity to Season 1...therefore, it won't happen.


Regina is about to do something she should've done in Camelot, Snow is all "Regina what are you doing" then grabs her hand according to set reports. WTF, Snow! Your first born, your child was about to sacrifice her very soul to the darkness and you say nothing to her, you just stood there. Is Regina Snow's secret child that I don't know about?

Unfortunately, it isn't a huge secret that Snow's relationship with Regina has been stronger than her relationship with Emma for the past 1.5 seasons. I guess both Snow and Emma are blinded by their huge guilt complexes when it comes to Regina and they feel the need to overcompensate.


I would honestly laugh so hard if they gave OQ an anticlimatic episode 2 TLK because it would fit so well with how anticlimatic everything else about their relationship has been.

Yeah, it would basically be on par with how poorly the pairing has been set up throughout the series. We've known about Regina and Robin being "soulmates" or "True Loves" ever since the Tinker Bell episode "Quite a Common Fairy" 3x03, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that Regina can TLK Robin at this point. It's not like Emma and Hook where we're still technically waiting for that verification on screen (even though it's pretty obvious to the audience).

Edited by Curio
It's not like Emma and Hook where we're still technically waiting for that verification on screen (even though it's pretty obvious to the audience).



I can't even get excited about a TLK just because it's the answer to everything now.  I want them to get creative and go down a different way for CS.  They're my ship, I want more for them than a TLK.  

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I think we are going to have to accept that Regina is going to play a big role as a/the "savior" this season, but I don't see the point in getting all gloom and doom about it already. I feel like the season is shaping up to have more focus on Emma than the last several. At least we will be seeing Emma in both the present and flashback/forward stories, unlike character-centric flashbacks!


ETA: Also, I'm revising my theory about the Dark Swan timeline. I no longer think that the present day Storybrooke scenes are a preventable future. The two stories of Emma giving into the Darkness, and Dark Swan being saved, will be told in parallel. I think that will be exciting (or at least, has the potential to be... ;-)). 

Edited by Rumsy4
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Ok...so if it's a parallel universe type of thing where Camelot is happening at the same time as what's happening in Storybrooke, and everyone is in Camelot at the same time that they are in Storybrooke, maybe that's the reason Arthur is the one to go to Storybrooke ahead of those furies/harpies, so that the other characters don't run into their own doubles?  It would be maybe like the whole time travelling situation with the two Hooks?  


I looked up the furies quickly, 


In Greek and Roman mythology, the Furies were female spirits of justice and vengeance. They were also called the Erinyes (angry ones). Known especially for pursuing people who had murdered family members, the Furies punished their victims by driving them mad.


I sort of stopped at this because who do we know who has murdered family members?  I'd wager there's no one in that group from last night except for the heroest of all heroes, Regina.


About Emma's Dark One clothes that we've seen so far.  Has anyone noticed how the first one we saw from last week's BTS is very Enchanted Forest like and the one she was wearing during the shoot on Wednesday was modern looking and something one would wear in the LwM?  I think the differentiation is kind of cool.

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