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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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They do not have a home set for Regina at the moment either, that's the reason she was always in crypt during 4a. The House they used for her home was sold early during the Season and the new owners do not want to rent it out for filming. Same thing that happened with the pink House they used a few time as Mr. Gold's home in Season 1 and 2, hence every Belle and rumbelle scene that should take place at home happens in the Pawnshop, like Belle packing clothes for the New York trip.

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Not strictly true, during Season 1 and 2 the inside of Granny's dinner and the front room of the Pawnshop where filmed on location in Steveston, but they rebuild these sets in studio during the hiatus and have been using them ever since.

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So it is true about Regina's house then? If that keeps Emma from moving in with her, I'll send the new owners a fruit basket. Though maybe why they can't afford a place for Emma is that they're spending the money on a Regina house set.

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and false eyelashes.

Well, eyelashes are important Amerilla.  Really important. 


Also, they probably spent a few dollars on push-up bra padding for the villainesses.  That's important, too.

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Forget a new place for Emma or a work around for Regina. Just build a whole new set for both of them! You can either go nutty and have them move in together or, like someone suggested above, have one basic apartment set with two different types of decorations. Regina isn't mayor so the house has magically evicted her and Emma needs a place and lo and behold! They move into the same building, which is easy because Gold isn't there to collect rent checks and Henry can move between both places easily. Problem solved!

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I'll buck the trend. The spoiler photos with Rumple and Robin made me more interested in what happens there. 1. I like watching Rumple mess with people, preferably people who are not Hook 2. Rumple messing with people is infinitely preferable to Regina moping 3. I have a small hope that Rumple messing with Robin could ignite the resumption of animosity between Rumple and Regina and I really enjoyed their one up manship dynamic of season one.

I'm looking forward to Cruella too, just in general. I hope she is a big bag of unapologetic crazy. I have more hope for her than Maleficient and Ursula who sound more like they are getting the oh so sad childhood made me evil.

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I'm actually sad about that tidbit with the McDonald house. That place is so beautiful, I kinda hate that I won't see it again. Same with Gold's actually. I love me some architecture.

Why wouldn't they just rebuild the sets on a sound stage though. Not all of them, but like maybe Regina's living room and Henry's bedroom, that couldn't be that expensive.

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Yeah the spoilers this week have definitely piqued my interest. I always like seeing fairytale characters dealing with the real world. And I want to know how Rumple gets back to Storybrooke, and I also hope it involves evil manipulation. 


YVRshoots says the red carpet scene was not OuaT.


Actor playing the peddler is back in Vancouver. 


Big call:


victoria smurfit ‏@VictoriaSmurfit
just read the best script of my working life @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC #Can.Not.Wait
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Yeah the spoilers this week have definitely piqued my interest. I always like seeing fairytale characters dealing with the real world. And I want to know how Rumple gets back to Storybrooke, and I also hope it involves evil manipulation.


I won't lie, I'm intrigued.  I'm also assuming that Rumple is going to Robin to collect on his debt, since too dim to live thinks he owes the Dark One something.  I walked past a Robin Hood novel the other day (2-3 months ago) and I would have normally picked it up because you know, Robin Hood, and flipped through it but I actually rolled my eyes and kept walking.  This version of Robin Hood has ruined the love I had for him.  Thank you A&E for that.  I will cry bitter tears if they bring in King Arthur because they'll make him a coward and an asshole.


victoria smurfit ‏@VictoriaSmurfit

just read the best script of my working life @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC #Can.Not.Wait


So I'm thinking she's getting her centric in 418?  So far, we got Maleficent and Ursula but not Cruella.  I don't think this arc will be done by the end of the season.  It's probably going to end on a cliffhanger where they'll do a time jump before they pick up again next September.

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You're probably creeped by all werewolf/shapeshifter romances in fiction, then :) (Hmm, how many guys has Ruby slept with? Nobody seems to care that she is a girl who can turn into a wolf).

It's creepy because Emma did not know he was part-monkey, but HE did. At lesst he was not originally a simian. Haha

As to the spoilers, I don't feel like I care to see a Will Scarlet flashback right now. He's barely been on-screen, and I don't see it changing in 4B.

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You know, we've seen Gold filming with the Queens in Storybrooke already, right? I'm wondering how he's able to pass between there and New York. Is seems pretty convenient that he can cross the town line when no one else can.

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You know, we've seen Gold filming with the Queens in Storybrooke already, right? I'm wondering how he's able to pass between there and New York. Is seems pretty convenient that he can cross the town line when no one else can.

I think Robin/Gold will be a flashback of sorts.  I think he's one of the two stops Rumple is making in NYC except that we won't get to see it right away.

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victoria smurfit ‏@VictoriaSmurfit

just read the best script of my working life

@AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC #Can.Not.Wait

I know it's bad, but my first initial reaction to this was, "You must not have read many good scripts in your life, then."


So if Cruella's centric episode is 4x18, that leaves us 4 more episodes to wrap up the season. Am I being too optimistic to think these three villains might actually transfer over to next season? If 4B is one big set up for The Author to create an alternate universe that takes over all of 5A's arc, I'd actually be down with that.

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I know it's bad, but my first initial reaction to this was, "You must not have read many good scripts in your life, then."


Curio, my thought was "Dude, you just got done playing a badass bisexual Victorian vampire-killer. You got to wear costumes that make the Evil Queen look like she's dressing from the Walmart clearance rack. You got to make out with Jonathan Rhys Meyers. WTF "best script"?"

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JRM is creepy. If this OUAT script has ever making out with Robert, I don't blame her for preferring it! BTW, I'm betting on Rumple making out with at least two out of three Queens of Darkness.

Edited by Serena
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I don't think this arc will be done by the end of the season.  It's probably going to end on a cliffhanger where they'll do a time jump before they pick up again next September.

Nah, thing would move painfully slowly until episode 20, with the 4 villains soliloquying about their plans and the heroes looking dumb, and then everything would be solved in a rushed and unsatisfying way in the last two epidose. And they would even have time to introduce the villain(s) for 5A in the last ten minutes of the finale.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Would the actors have the 4.18 scripts already? I thought it was normal on these kinds of network shows for them to only get it a day or two before the episode starts filming?

That depends on the episode. I remember some actor (maybe Stephen Amell?) saying he could get them from 10 to 2 days before filming. 

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Curio, my thought was "Dude, you just got done playing a badass bisexual Victorian vampire-killer. You got to wear costumes that make the Evil Queen look like she's dressing from the Walmart clearance rack. You got to make out with Jonathan Rhys Meyers. WTF "best script"?"



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Am I being too optimistic to think these three villains might actually transfer over to next season?

The writers seem to be allergic to multi-arc continuity when it comes to villains. (Along with most everything.) I've been ticked off after every villain slaying and I plan to be disappointed again.

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BTW, I'm betting on Rumple making out with at least two out of three Queens of Darkness.


Oh god please no. Enough is enough. Dude has had more love interests than any other character on the show except Emma (I think both are at 4). Just let Cruella and Ursula hook up with each other or whatever.

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Basically a whole lot of nothing, but here's an EW "spoiler":

Anything on Once Upon a Time’s Regina?? — HeySomeOtherMe
Finding the Author’s library was a big step towards achieving her happy ending, but there are still bumps in the road ahead. “This is a quest that has been quite difficult for Regina,” Lana Parrilla tells me. “With all the research she’s done thus far and Operation Mongoose, she keeps hitting dead end after dead end. She’s lost some faith in ever finding this author, but she’s still not going to give up. A lot of that positive reenforcement comes from Henry in being the heart of the truest believer, who keeps her afloat and keeps encouraging her to not give up. He plays a huge part in finding clues. They work together and start to find clues leading to the discovery of this author, so that will play out for the remainder of the season.”

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"She’s lost some faith in ever finding this author, but she’s still not going to give up."

Yet another detail I think the writers intended to express but failed to. Even if this whole Author crap is true, someone needs to point out how ridiculous it is. If the Queens of Darkness live for it, you know it's screwy!

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You know, the more they talk about the Author and Operation Idiocy, the crazier it sounds. I keep waiting for the "ha, fooled you" where they reveal that this is all setting Regina up for a downfall because it's just so insane. Do they really want to send the message that the way to get a happy ending is to track down some mysterious "author" who's responsible for your fate, rather than, oh, I don't know, making better choices, being nice to people and pulling yourself together and moving on when you have a setback rather than obsessing over every little bad thing that happens to you?


I mean, if Emma were Regina, she'd still be wallowing and obsessing over Graham and wouldn't have even noticed Hook. Snow would never have gotten around to having children because she'd have been so sidetracked by getting revenge on Regina. The reason the good guys have happy endings is that they deal with life the way it is rather than going to extreme measures to try to force it to be exactly the way they want it.


So, yeah, she should be giving up on finding the Author because she should figure out just how stupid the idea is, and instead she could try to be happy with what she has.

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No, she'd still be screaming at August and wanting revenge on him for convincing Neal to abandon her and set her up for the fall to go to jail.

But Graham came first, didn't he? I mean, with her knowing what happened. So she'd have been so obsessed with losing Graham that she wouldn't have even noticed August showing up. Did she ever actually find out about August's role in Neal abandoning her? Or is that like Graham's death, where I guess it doesn't count if no one knows what really happened?

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Did she ever actually find out about August's role in Neal abandoning her?


Yes, from Manhattan;

Emma: You left me… And let me go to prison, because Pinocchio told you to?


“This is a quest that has been quite difficult for Regina,” Lana Parrilla tells me. “With all the research she’s done thus far and Operation Mongoose, she keeps hitting dead end after dead end.


Typical Regina. 4A lasted about a week and for part of that week she was battling with Sydney, trying to save Marian, yelling at Emma and shagging Robin. She still managed to come into possession of an alternative reality page and find the author's house. Pretty good results for about 2 hours of research. Of course, she feels hard done by. What else would I expect from a woman who murdered an entire village yet still feels that the mansion, beloved son, fabulous wardrobe and forgiving victims she now has means she is being unfairly punished. If the author hadn't immediately walked into the room when she first had the thought that she wanted to meet him, then life was being mean to her.


I am hopeful that the search for the author will reveal that Regina needs to make her own happy endings and appreciate what she has (and that she hasn't been executed for her many crimes), but every leak I see makes me think that A&E really do think that Regina has been treated unfairly and that she does have the worst life of all the characters. How they can think that after having written Emma's and Snow's life, boggles my mind.

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It's probably Marian's family's house, and we're going to see the story of how Robin and Marian met and how she changed his life -- and this will all be meant to show why he needs to find a way back to Storybrooke to be with Regina.

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I think she's gone to the Merry Men.  I doubt Hook would live in the woods ever (I think you were being sarcastic).  I find it interesting that Emma is doing this with her mother since this is something she would normally do with Hook.  So, plot point discussion about the relationship is coming.

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I find it interesting that Emma is doing this with her mother since this is something she would normally do with Hook.  So, plot point discussion about the relationship is coming.

I'm all for some mother-daughter quality time (unless they use that time to talk/prop/encourage Regina, then no thanks). And I hope we have some David/Hook quality time, they work really well together.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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I think she's gone to the Merry Men.  I doubt Hook would live in the woods ever (I think you were being sarcastic).

I was just spitballing ideas. Of course, after I posted it, I thought it was actually possible since I wouldn't put it past A&E to get a place for Killian but then say that they didn't have enough money to "build" an apartment for Emma.

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I was just spitballing ideas. Of course, after I posted it, I thought it was actually possible since I wouldn't put it past A&E to get a place for Killian but then say that they didn't have enough money to "build" an apartment for Emma.

He'll eventually run out of doubloons.  I hope he's checking on the price of gold so that they don't screw him over.  They will never address anything regarding Hook and money.  Unless Hook has some enchanted purse like Hermione where he stuffed everything he owned when he left his ship, he is bound to run out of Gold.


The other thing is that someone like Aurora was brought over with the second curse and we don't know how she is faring, but she was dressed nicely and looked good in her one scene during 4B.  I'm sure she has no money either.

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They will never address anything regarding Hook and money.

At least they have a decent hand-wavey excuse for Hook, though. How are the merry men getting by? What about Regina now she is no longer mayor?


None of the town's economics make any sense, really. How does Granny get supplies and ingredients? They will never address money in Storybrooke period.

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Nah, they are never going to show us any of this stuff (Hook and money, Granny's supplies, etc.), they think it's too boring and that the fans aren't interested in that kind of things. They are wrong, but it's too late for them to change.


Anyway, Mark Isham has posted this pic of Cruella in his Instagram. She is the only thing from 4B I'm midly interested.

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None of the town's economics make any sense, really. How does Granny get supplies and ingredients? They will never address money in Storybrooke period.


Although there is apparently now an ATM machine in town.  But I agree, nothing regarding money makes any sense in this town, but people pay for stuff from the looks of it.

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Anyway, Mark Isham has posted this pic of Cruella in his Instagram. She is the only thing from 4B I'm midly interested.


I'm mildly disappointed that they've brought Cruella onto show this way.  Its the same as how I'm always disappointed when they go to New York.  I think it would be very interested to have the EF characters in New York and do a fish out of water tale where Emma is the person that fits in best.  101 Dalmations is the fairy tale version of that where Emma would fit in best with Cruella's world and they went and stuck her in the EF with two decidedly EF villains.


It will be interesting (that's too strong a word) to see if they pick up on the fact that Rumpel and Ursaa have the same modus operandi of giving their victims wha they want before the other shoe drops..

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Nah, they are never going to show us any of this stuff (Hook and money, Granny's supplies, etc.), they think it's too boring and that the fans aren't interested in that kind of things. They are wrong, but it's too late for them to change.

Well, I can only speak for me, but I'm not especially interested, really. I would prefer it made some sense and they had thought it through better to begin with, but I'm not super interested in storylines about money or jobs, really. So long as I'm enjoying the actual storylines on the show, I'm willing to handwave a lot of the logistical stuff. 


In other news: exactly four weeks to go as of today (and god am I feeling it on this evening of Nothing But Sportsball)! Hope they release a few more substantial spoilers now we're headed into the home stretch. (Though my hunch is that they don't want to give much about the Trio or Rumple or the author away, which narrows the options somewhat.)

Edited by retrograde
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