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Ratings and Scheduling: Hail to the Gods


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I would predict that those who love the idea of Ra's and comic books will be excited, and those who are unhappy with writing for the plot this season won't as much. It will be interesting to see which group is greater.


Does anyone know how last week's repeat episode did?  I wonder how tonight's Uprising will compare to when the episode first aired.

This is actually the first hiatus since I've been watching where I wish it was longer. I'm reasonably sure I'll still tune in next week, but this is the first time since I've started watching the show that I've considered skipping. Seems like this next stretch might be easier to take with some episodes banked, mainly because I'm not looking forward to more continued idiocy.

So I'm curious what the ratings will be for 3x16 as well-I wonder if more people are feeling unenthused like I am.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm wondering if DST will affect Arrow's ratings at all.  People always like to use that as an excuse for why ratings have dropped, anyway.  I'm at the point with Arrow where I just don't care much about the show at the moment, I haven't watched most of the episodes after Christmas, and I will continue to not watch since I won't be home on Wed. nights.  The problem is that I'm becoming less and less interested as I marathon the shows on my DVR.  I had the last three episodes of 12 Monkeys on there, and those were really entertaining.  I've got several episodes of The Americans waiting, a few episodes of Black Sails, episodes of The 100, episodes of The Musketeers, etc.  All of these shows are far more entertaining than Arrow and take priority at this point.

I have no enthusiasm for the next episode at all, with Oliver considering the offer and Felicity sleeping with Ray, but I feel like I want to skip to the back of the book and read the ending to find out if it's worth sticking around for the middle.


Banking up the episodes is easier than expected, especially with spoilers be so uninspiring and MG being such a troll.


I think binge watching does make the show more enjoyable when the writing is subpar and annoying characters are featured too much. I'm also totally spoiled so I can see when it might be worth watching week to week again.

Edited by Genki

Sigh.  I was rooting for a drop in the ratings to express my displeasure in what we'd seen but I enjoyed this episode so much and I'm afraid that they will get less than stellar ratings and then tell themselves they shouldn't write wonderful episodes like this one.  So now I'm worried about the likely drop in numbers due to the hiatus and the warmer weather and the Daylight savings issues. 

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Sigh.  I was rooting for a drop in the ratings to express my displeasure in what we'd seen but I enjoyed this episode so much and I'm afraid that they will get less than stellar ratings and then tell themselves they shouldn't write wonderful episodes like this one.  So now I'm worried about the likely drop in numbers due to the hiatus and the warmer weather and the Daylight savings issues. 


Wouldn't they be expecting that though? And do ratings for individual eps really matter that much? Like, if the previous episode was poo and no one tuned into this one, would they really consider this episode at fault for the drop? 

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Wouldn't they be expecting that though? And do ratings for individual eps really matter that much? Like, if the previous episode was poo and no one tuned into this one, would they really consider this episode at fault for the drop?


I just don't know so I worry.  They won't worry about ratings renewal wise but who knows how they use it as a gauge of good or bad. 

They should use it as a tool to gauge good or bad overall, if it was consistently good like Empire then people would choose to watch Arrow live. Empire proves what good word of mouth can do for a show. Viewers choose it over other shows, but they've made this Arrow season so bad there's no way I'd choose Arrow live over Empire.

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Not gonna lie. I watched Empire live. It was a pretty easy choice. Empire has been consistently entertaining and fun all season and Arrow hasn't. Also Empire is a social media event; It seemed like everyone on my very diverse Twitter TL was tweeting about it.


I'm not sure how much crossover there is between the Arrow and Empire audiences, so there may not be much effect on Arrow's ratings. I'm watching the episode now on my DVR, but I still haven't watched 315 and have no desire to. Perhaps that wasn't the best episode to leave off on before a three week break.

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I have to work tonight, which kinda sucks. So I couldn't watch either live, but I could record one. Im not gonna lie, I really really wanted to record Emprie, but at last minute I chose Arrow. Usually I would have recorded Arrow because I want to see it as soon as able. However, this week I optd to record it so I wouldn't contribute to the online viewing ratings. I don't have a nielsen box so it doesn't really matter what I watch live. Its sad when your strategically trying to not bring up the ratings/views just to send a message to the EPs. Not that Empire needs it, but I will gladly stream that finale and boost their ratings there. Empire is just amazing!

Edited by kismet

People who watch Arrow and don't follow spoilers are just going to make their decision whether to watch or not based on previously aired episodes.  If ratings are down, it'll be a combination of the hiatus, Empire competition, and dissatisfaction with previous weeks' Arrow episodes (imo).

Edited by tv echo
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I'm not surprised - it's been trending forever on Twitter. The gifs I've seen on Tumblr make me want to watch it. This does too, haha. 


To keep it on subject - hopefully Arrow's ratings aren't down too much, although if they are I suspect this might be the beginning of an upward trend if the communication and plot-needed stupidity are finally coming to an end. 

Wow, I think that's pretty good because Empire literally blew everything and everyone out of the water! HOLY CRAP a 6.0 and a 6.8??? JFC

I joked about SPN but I don't think there's much overlap between Arrow and Empire as far as viewers go.  Arrow skews young male...Supernatural is more evenly split between male/female viewers.  Arrow is pretty much on par with it's year ago ratings (0.8/2.42), which suggests Empire had nothing to do with the ratings.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I joked about SPN but I don't think there's much overlap between Arrow and Empire as far as viewers go.  Arrow skews young male...Supernatural is more evenly split between male/female viewers.  Arrow is pretty much on par with it's year ago ratings (0.8/2.42), which suggests Empire had nothing to do with the ratings.


Hm, you may be right. I hope it adjusts up because the show needs to know that this is what the viewers wanted and not the crap we've been fed since episode 10. 

I know I watched Empire live because the Arrow promos did nothing for me, but the episode ended up being pretty good. My timeline on twitter was all Empire (I follow mostly Arrow/O/F fans), I know that's not much but I do think Empire had some affect on Arrow. Also, hiatus always hurts CW, Flash was down too. I think you're right & they could adjust up, if not they can make up for it next week w/Suicide Squad.

I know I watched Empire live because the Arrow promos did nothing for me, but the episode ended up being pretty good. My timeline on twitter was all Empire (I follow mostly Arrow/O/F fans), I know that's not much but I do think Empire had some affect on Arrow. Also, hiatus always hurts CW, Flash was down too. I think you're right & they could adjust up, if not they can make up for it next week w/Suicide Squad.

Oh no doubt there's some overlap, i just don't think there's a large overlap.

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The Flash also dropped three tenths in the demo in the initial overnights, but was adjusted up a tenth in the finals. Arrow likely will be too - they usually are. So....to me it's hard to say that these numbers mean anything in particular. They might, or they might not. The first episode after a hiatus (and coming out of a not particularly well received episode), the first episode after DST, competing with the massive Empire finale....all of it could have had some impact.

Edited by Starfish35

I really don't think they care about ratings. They've got s4 in the bag. It doesn't matter.


I don't think they don't particularly care about ratings in March and April. They do care about ratings in May - those ratings, along with February/November ratings, will help determine how much the CW will be willing to pay per episode next season.


CBS continues to state that CW shows (including Arrow) make more money in post views than in live views, so it's possible that the WB might take that funding into consideration when setting Arrow's budget for next season, but I don't know how likely that is. (I also still don't have any numbers breakdown per show from CBS - just the repeated statement that CW shows earn more in post-views. How much I don't know.)

Edited by quarks
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It started out .8 last week too and then went up.  People who like Laurel/BC are saying the ratings are the best this year they've ever been, which is sort of true but also not.


I think Guggenheim is like Christopher Chulack was on ER -- good at writing individual episodes (Chulack is a director I think) but bad at steering the ship.  I'm beginning to think the same about AK over on The Flash.  Berlanti has spread his people too thin.

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It started out .8 last week too and then went up. People who like Laurel/BC are saying the ratings are the best this year they've ever been, which is sort of true but also not.

I think Guggenheim is like Christopher Chulack was on ER -- good at writing individual episodes (Chulack is a director I think) but bad at steering the ship. I'm beginning to think the same about AK over on The Flash. Berlanti has spread his people too thin.

no it didn't, last week it scored a 1.0 in the overnights and held steady in the finals.


Now, if you're talking 3/18 then it had a 0.8 in the overnights and adjusted up to a 0.9 in the finals. Which could very well happen again this week.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Does anyone know why the CW moved Supernatural to Wednesday? If I remember correctly, it had better ratings on Tuesday.


As for Arrow, I would like to think that the poor run of episodes is finally starting to catch up with them, but it could be just the CW's annual ratings slump in spring.

Edited by strikera0
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