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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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So, not sure if there really is a place for this here. But I read something online this morning about Steve Martin's tweet about Carrie Fisher and how he deleted it. Apparently, he dared to basically say she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and was also witty and bright. And some people on twitter jumped down his throat and called him "sexist" for mentioning her physical looks and not her accomplishments.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned. Maybe I'm just "mellow" and easy going and it's hard to ruffle me unless there's a true injustice going on. Maybe I'm just too old and tired and lazy to care. But what in the ever loving world is wrong with someone complimenting someone they considered beautiful, first of all? He obviously admired her. 

What kind of sad, angry, petty, stick up their butt,  seriously misguided person considers this an insult?? I don't get it. No, he didn't mention her accomplishments. So what? It's like, these days, no one can disagree with anyone and no one is allowed to simply just speak their mind and have their own opinion. If anyone disagrees with the popular opinion, or goes against whatever is "politically correct" they are called a hate monger. It's all so ridiculous. The man didn't say anything bad. The world has gone crazy.

Never mind that by believing mentioning her brains and beauty and wit is apparently wrong, that these people don't realize they are ALSO stereotyping her by defining her by her accomplishments only. What woman wouldn't love to be called beautiful, witty and smart?

I just don't get it.  I'm glad quite a few people jumped in to defend him, but still. He let a bunch of strangers affect his decision about the post. How sad is that. If you believe something, say it, and if someone can't handle it.....tough. They don't have to read or respond to your comments. Why is that so hard?

Rant over.

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So since I started one rant: about the mentally handicapped white man who was attacked by four black people. I get that maybe no one could tell on the video who the man was. But it was live posted on FACEBOOK. Why in the ever loving world did it take TWO DAYS for this to be discovered? And only then because police found the man wandering the streets? Are/were the "friends" of the person who posted it on their account, so despicable that absolutely none of them came forward and reported this to the authorities?

Forget it being about Hilary versus Donald. Our country is going to crap because people are spineless cowards. So, so sad.

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Is anyone else here still having trouble posting on some of threads? I know PTV said something was wrong because of embedding Tweets, but I'm still having trouble posting on a few boards, especially the GH News Thread here. I try to scroll down, but every time it starts to freeze and goes slowly enough that I often can't even bother to read the posts there anymore. There are some forums, meanwhile, that are easier to access than others, and even though some of my posts come really slowly as far as typing, I'm at least able to post there (and correct misspelled words if I need to edit something). Thankfully, this board seems to be acting normally, and my typing here is fine.

Anyway, I know some were posting about this back in November, on a technical difficulty thread, but I'm still experiencing some trouble on threads I really want to read and comment on, especially the News thread here, and no one has answered me when I've brought it up on my posts recently. It makes me sad, because I miss using those threads with you guys and I don't want to permanently stop using them or reading them because I can't get them to work anymore. :( 


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I know they think this is oh so clever, but I find it kind of annoying. Why are they hiding behind fake names?

This makes me think they are trying way too hard.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Faith was my favorite character (possibly favorite of all time fictional characters), so I was disappointed that Eliza wasn't there.

I liked both Buffy and Angel, and Buffy and Spike back then, until he tried to rape her. And now I can't stand David Boreanz, so it kind of ruins both of them for me. But they did have chemistry. As did her and Faith lol.

EDIT: Sarah looks so fab in that dress.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 1
18 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Faith was my favorite character (possibly favorite of all time fictional characters), so I was disappointed that Eliza wasn't there.

Man, I wish they could've gotten Eliza for it. And, of course, ASH. I wonder why they, particularly ASH, couldn't/wouldn't do it?

I give props to Charisma for doing it. Joss fired her and treated her character like shit becasue she got pregnant, so it was pretty awesome of her to be in the same room with him for the fans.

Which brings me to my Joss Whedon hate. How such a dick wrote my fave show of all time is quite the mystery to me.

I think it's stupid Angel got his own cover over Buffy/Willow/Xander, but whatever.

Edited by peachmangosteen
35 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Because Angel is the most well-known after Buffy.

That's probably it. They could've at least done a Scooby Gang cover too then.

I don't even think of Angel as being from Buffy tbh. I think of him as being from Angel, which is many ways was actually the superior show. I need to rewatch Angel lol. I, like @tvgoddess, can't stand David Boreanaz though, so that might color my perception of the show now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's probably it. They could've at least done a Scooby Gang cover too then.

I don't even think of Angel as being from Buffy tbh. I think of him as being from Angel, which is many ways was actually the superior show. I need to rewatch Angel lol. I, like @tvgoddess, can't stand David Boreanaz though, so that might color my perception of the show now.

I think, with Buffy, a lot of the individual episodes were fantastic, but overall Angel the series was more cohesive and consistent in quality. When Buffy was good it was very good, but when it was bad, it was very bad.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's probably it. They could've at least done a Scooby Gang cover too then.

I don't even think of Angel as being from Buffy tbh. I think of him as being from Angel, which is many ways was actually the superior show. I need to rewatch Angel lol. I, like @tvgoddess, can't stand David Boreanaz though, so that might color my perception of the show now.

Angel was better to me, as well, but Angel was practically my favorite character, so I'm biased.

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I never thought I would end up liking Angel as much as I did. I thought his series did a very good job expanding and layering his character without totally changing from who the character had been on Buffy. It would have been easy to be tempted into making him super suave or super snarky (especially this), but they didn't.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Yea, I like Angel a million times better on AtS than I did on BtVS. Ugh I need to do an Angel rewatch. I kinda don't really remember exactly what went on with a lot of stuff like particularly that Cordeila/Connor mess so I need to refresh my memory.

And I just saw that Joss Whedon is directing the Batgirl movie. Sorry, Batgirl fans!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Man, I wish they could've gotten Eliza for it. And, of course, ASH. I wonder why they, particularly ASH, couldn't/wouldn't do it?

Apparently Eliza wasn't invited because she wasn't a series regular cast member. I never really understood why Oz was a regular. He didn't do that much except when he wolfed out.

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That video reminded me of how boring I found Angel on Buffy. David Boreanaz was just so horrible to me then.

Each time I rewatch I hate Oz and Willow so much. I remember loving each of them individually at the time, but they're both insufferable to me now.

Apparently Xander is horrible, but I never pay much attention to him when I rewatch lol.

woo someone else who isn't enamored of Oz/Willow. I liked them fine but I didn't love them. I wanted Xander/Willow, so that's partly why. :D

I wish there had been more of Angel and Oz together though. That little exchange with them in the third episode of Angel was hilarious. "Hey." "Hey."

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

Xander has a lot of misogynistic tendencies, and he can be kind of an asshole. But I loved him with Cordy back then. I liked him and Anya, but again he just always seemed like he straddles the line between like and dislike most of the time.

Back when it aired, I hated Dawn. But on the rewatches, she's not that bad. She kind of grew on me.

Angel being boring had nothing on Riley being boring.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

I loved him with Cordy back then. I liked him and Anya

Same here. I especially liked that he didn't hold her reticence about their relationship against her. He understood it came from her insecurities about herself. With Anya I thought he got very condescending with her at times, and I hated that he left her at the altar.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Angel being boring had nothing on Riley being boring.

Possibly my biggest Buffy related UO is that I liked Riley lol. I mean, he was boring, but it somehow worked for me. I didn't care for him with Buffy though and I didn't care that he left.

I don't think it was the character of Angel that was boring per se, but DB just did nothing for me for a long time. He was just charmless to me. But the AtS came along and I fell in love with Angel.

I was never that into Xander/Willow or Xander/Anya. Or Xander/Cordelia. Or Willow/Tara. Basically I didn't give shit about most of the canon couples.

Now, Anya/Giles on the other hand. Swoon!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I loved Riley. IDC. I thought he and Buffy were a great couple, though I get why they weren't going to ever be OTP. I'm glad he came back for "As You Were" and drew a line under things.

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

DB just did nothing for me for a long time. He was just charmless to me.

I think it was a matter of lacking experience. He hadn't done much before BtVS, and it showed. Once he relaxed, Angel didn't seem so wooden (heh) to me.

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49 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think it was a matter of lacking experience. He hadn't done much before BtVS, and it showed. Once he relaxed, Angel didn't seem so wooden (heh) to me.

Yeah, DB was extremely green at the start.

But, for me, his chemistry with SMG was palpable and it distracted me. They'd look at each other and I'd be like, "Where am I? What's happening? Gah."

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