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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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Not dumb at all I am very addicted I am thomas_gil288


By the way my Granddaughter SKYE was born last night at 7:10AM.....Grandpa's first words to her "Hello Blaze" 


Far too much Luke Spencer in me LOL

congrats Nothing like a granddaughter. All the love none of the responsibility. Mines names Alexis .Not my choice. .her  parents don't watch GH.

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I'm Franco now!

I was quitting my shit bartending job and my (insert Uncle Sonny words here) boss had issues with that. My boyfriend has a great job and financially we're good. I'm going back to school to finish my psych degree. But apparently she wanted revenge, so she "fired" me rather than let me finish.

No more dealing with barware for me! I'm Franco! I can sponge off my boyfriend and finger paint with my cats!

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So I had a soapy and somewhat scary thing happen to me tonight:

I found out I am on someone's revenge list. Apparently I'm on the list because I'm "a liar by omission."

Months ago I was told something that was none of my business. The person who made this list never asked me about this situation, but now because I didn't voluntarily reveal the information, I am "a liar".

Oy vey.

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So I had a soapy and somewhat scary thing happen to me tonight:

I found out I am on someone's revenge list. Apparently I'm on the list because I'm "a liar by omission."

Months ago I was told something that was none of my business. The person who made this list never asked me about this situation, but now because I didn't voluntarily reveal the information, I am "a liar".

Oy vey.


Was it Nina?

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Haha, no its a guy who is married to a friend of mine from college. She found his journal with the list and his explanations this morning. Apparently he found out something she did months ago and has been planning revenge on her and everyone who knew for months.

I thought he was a really cool dude, but now I am creeped the f out.

Haha, no its a guy who is married to a friend of mine from college. She found his journal with the list and his explanations this morning. Apparently he found out something she did months ago and has been planning revenge on her and everyone who knew for months.

I thought he was a really cool dude, but now I am creeped the f out.


I would be too.

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Since the holidays have rolled around once again (Seriously I feel like I'm in one of Ron's time machine episodes, how the hell is it November again already??), I guess I'll be chained to a stove/oven for three days making too food that'll barely last the entire day and then suddenly the whole bunch of slaggards I call "kin" will vanish when I ask who'll be doing the dishes and helping to clean up.


If only I had my own Alice...

Since the holidays have rolled around once again (Seriously I feel like I'm in one of Ron's time machine episodes, how the hell is it November again already??), I guess I'll be chained to a stove/oven for three days making too food that'll barely last the entire day and then suddenly the whole bunch of slaggards I call "kin" will vanish when I ask who'll be doing the dishes and helping to clean up.


If only I had my own Alice...


And that is why restaurants were created!  :-)

Are you watching Survivor Series....GASP! FOR FREE on the WWE Network this Sunday?

YUP! And at all other times it's…say it with me, $9.99. We just got the Network (after trying out the free week in the past). I already watched Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy for the belt and the first TLC tag match between the Hardys, Dudleys, and Edge and Christian. Also, a bunch of the Countdown stuff and random Attitude Era matches. It really is a great bang for your buck.

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YUP! And at all other times it's…say it with me, $9.99. We just got the Network (after trying out the free week in the past). I already watched Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy for the belt and the first TLC tag match between the Hardys, Dudleys, and Edge and Christian. Also, a bunch of the Countdown stuff and random Attitude Era matches. It really is a great bang for your buck.

I got it from the beginning. They charge me tax. No lie. I pay 10.84. But, NXT is worth it.

The WWE are LIARS!!! Lying liars who lie…they said $9.99! LOL. I love it. I'm trying to find the whole Ministry of Darkness storyline which leads into the McMahon-Helmsley era.

That would be around um 99-00. Jericho was either there and not being used or about to debut. There's a lot of boring stuff before where Steph and Test are engaged. Steph carries the story. Really, when Steph/Jericho/HHH feuded, Steph and Jericho had more chemistry then they ruined it when they were together. Face Jericho and heel Steph are still my everything.

I remember the storyline, I watched it when it originally aired. I just want to find just the matches, promos, etc. for that storyline, not the whole shows. I'm going to tinker with it a bit and see what I can find. After I catch up on my Masterchf UK The Professionals and before Survivor Series starts. I watch entirely too much tv. LOL. But you are right, Stephen and Jericho had/have amazing chemistry. I just wish they explained why Kurt Angle tried to be up in her business back in the day.

So, who are you rooting for? Team Authority or Team Cena? I stopped being a Cena fan when they turned him into Super Cena. But even if I was still a big fan, I'd be Team Authority. They haven't even broken the surface of how awesome and ruthless they can be. I'm so disappointed in WWE's story-telling these days. Just awful. I think they take lessons from Ron.

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I want Heel Ziggler back. Won't lie, Erick Rowan being on Team Cena and Cesaro faking Cena out were the best parts of Raw. I think they're teasing Cena Heel Turn again, as Cena is now the Sonny of WWE. He stole Zack Ryder's girl a few years back and Friday they showed this interview where he goes "I'm responsible for my team members." Smackdown ends with all members destroyed. At least Team Authority is making sure their people are okay. Cena recruits, watches them get beaten up backstage, and comes out to promo. Cena is the worst. But Heel Ziggler is amazing, so I'm like........

I want Ziggler to turn heel or Brock to f5 everyone because I'm like ehh. Why isn't HHH wrestling?

I think Ziggler will turn heel, Reigns and Orton will return.

And for some odd reason, I think Punk is on his way back. He tweeted about training with a shout out to Paul Heyman today. Punk is not Jericho. He won't troll people. Not like that. And everyone is saying Sting debuts tonight.

So that is my prediction.

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Ok - since I think some of you are reading my fan fiction and, I hope, liking it I thought you might like to know a little more about the author.


I have had a kind of strange life but I wouldn't change most of it for anything. I just turned 41 a few months ago and I work with Early Childhood Education programs. It took me almost 20 years to find this job and I love it - something I definitely couldn't say when I was working for a major insurer for almost 10 years.


I was a volunteer EMT for almost 10 years along with my late husband. He was also a volunteer firefighter and he passed away in the line of duty. It has been almost 9 years but he left me with two beautiful daughters. My girls are in their 20's (full disclosure, I adopted my husband's two daughters and it was the best thing I have ever done) and have blessed me with 3 grandchildren.


I love horror movies (duh, my user name was a big hint on that one) but I am a big fan of film in general. Some of my favorites include Notorious, Laura, The Philadelphia Story, Singin' In The Rain, John Carpenter's The Thing, Evil Dead 2, Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo (my go to movie when I'm sick) and The Creature from the Black Lagoon.


I am also an avid reader (God bless the creator of the Kindle) and am amassing a hard cover collection of Stephen King books. I also have every book of the Kinsey Millhone books by Sue Grafton in hard cover. Always on the lookout for new authors, suggestions welcome.


Thank you to everyone who has been reading my latest story. I hope you are enjoying it and have another one forming in my crazy little head. 

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cmahorror, I've been enjoying your fanfic. How do you get the storylines from your head to paper/the screen? I have ideas, they just never make it out of my head.

I have a couple of sci-fi authors I love, if you are interested. There's also a book recommendation thread on this site under books. I've a list of things I want to read from there.

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Thank you!


I have always been somewhat of a frustrated writer, many projects started and stopped. I have found when I know people are actually reading my writing I am more likely to continue it and finish it, which is why this forum works well for me.


Generally, I just talk it out as I am writing it (I live by myself and my two cats don't mind lol). I kind of see it as a scene from the show in my head and see if it works when I try and type it out. Then I read it out loud to myself after I have finished it. Every couple of days I will go back through and reread the entire story to see if what I have added fits with what I have already written (yes, I care about the history of my characters - suck it Ron!).


I'll have to check out the book forums - anything available on the Kindle is great since that goes everywhere with me.

I think Ziggler will turn heel, Reigns and Orton will return.

And for some odd reason, I think Punk is on his way back. He tweeted about training with a shout out to Paul Heyman today. Punk is not Jericho. He won't troll people. Not like that. And everyone is saying Sting debuts tonight.

So that is my prediction.

I would love it if CM Punk returned. That would make the show for me…as long as his wife retains her belt, of course. And Team Authority wins. Yeah, I'll beat that dead horse until the 1-2-3. I hope Roman and Orton return. I still think they should have revisited the amnesia storyline with Steph and paired her with Orton for a bit (back in his "he needs anger management" days).

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cmahorror, I just discovered your fan fiction last night. I really enjoy it. Great  job You certainly  do it better than  Re-Ron. Keep going. I also like Old movies AMC and TCM are two of my favorite channels. I love Casablanca, To have and have not, Martie, The, Seven Brides or seven brothers, favorite is West Side Story.  Could go on forever. Love to read also. Kindle has The Hunger games .Don' like horror Use to like Mary Higgens Clark before she started to write to many books in to short a time.Now they all blend together

I would love it if CM Punk returned. That would make the show for me…as long as his wife retains her belt, of course. And Team Authority wins. Yeah, I'll beat that dead horse until the 1-2-3. I hope Roman and Orton return. I still think they should have revisited the amnesia storyline with Steph and paired her with Orton for a bit (back in his "he needs anger management" days).

I agree. Ugh. I forgot Nikki Bella had another title shot.

I feel like Sting returned at Survivor Series to negative the crappiness that was the PPV. Frankly, I was done once AJ lost. WWE needs to stop pimping the Bellas. They are the WE NEVER CARED of the WWE. I know they have that stupid ass show, and they are fucking two of the top guys, but that doesn't mean they deserved shit they haven't earned. I had no more interest after AJ's match because I knew Team Cena would win. So lame. And now what? Sting will be in charge? GMAFB. I saw this on TNA last year or whatever. Thanks for not even trying, WWE!

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When Cena hugged Ziggler, I was ready to throw stuff. IF they played his music. But since Ziggler did the Cena schtick better than Cena - because Ziggler can sell moves- it didn't make me mad. I fell in love with Sting when he got mad at Jeff Hardy during Victory Road. Admittedly, I don't watch much TNA. I know they weren't feeding Kurt Angle for a bit, One Dudley is a great heel, and I did like Beer Money. But I really hate the Hardys.

I also loathe Total Divas. It hath dethroned AJ, given Eva Marie and Cameron jobs, and now Bellas non stop. Ugh.

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Holy ####! Did NBC hire Kristin Alderson & Michelle Stafford as acting coaches for this Peter Pan Live shit?!? I only made it through a little more than 20 minutes. I've never felt so much second-hand embarrassment before.

I've been sitting on the couch the entire day (felt sicky) and have watched everything TV has to offer. And I couldn't get through a minute of Peter Pan, so yeah. Haha.

Hoping this is okay to post here - I couldn't find a better fit elsewhere.

I had iTunes gift card money to burn, and I found myself landing on the CBS version of "Cinderella" this afternoon. (50 years in 2015! Wow!)

I'm old enough to have seen the original airing and the various repeats over the years. As a child, I recall thinking Stuart Damon was such a stiff dweeb (or "dork." It was the 60s...).

Today, I found myself thinking, "Damn, he was HOT!" Still silly looking in the tights, still stiff in line delivery. But wowza. Boy was seriously good looking.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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