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Small Talk: Cup O' Joe


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33 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

Inorite?  For me, a journalist who is caught in multiple episodes of plagiarism should be just as banned from the airwaves as a journalist who is caught engaging in sexual harassment.  Not given a cushy cable TV gig where he can sip coffee and try to sound pithy.

Barnicle's still basking in his Aleppo moment and he shouldn't, he really shouldn't.  He got lucky that day that Gary Johnson was that stupid.

It's sad that the show hasn't bothered discussing the civil war in Syria in months.

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On 5/4/2019 at 8:37 PM, oakville said:

I think it was rude for Joe not to show up for Bennet. Joe wrote a very special op ed praising him & encouraging him to run for President. Bennet agreed and now Joe can't be bothered to show up in NY for the interview. Joe's tax free status in Florida could be affected if he spends too many days outside Florida.

I used to like Bennett, but he's been running around the media disparaging those of us who live "on the Coasts" as if we're not legitimate members of this country. He's now dead to me.

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10 minutes ago, Eliot said:

I used to like Bennett, but he's been running around the media disparaging those of us who live "on the Coasts" as if we're not legitimate members of this country. He's now dead to me.

That's weird, considering he grew up in D.C.  But then, all the Midwest-ish candidates are draping themselves in their heartland credentials.  

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Joe needs to get that hair cut way shorter.  It looks to be quite thick, with a mind of its own.   When it grows, it just grows up, getting poofier and poofier with each millimeter.  I think the new (I assume natural) color is easier on the eyes but like you, I couldn't stop staring at it, in all its puffy glory.   It even distracted me from Mika's neon, highlighter-pen blonde, which is not easy to do.

Edited by Ladyrain
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2 hours ago, stormy said:

The last 10 minutes of the show were devoted to Liverpool v Barcelona (as was the opening). Why?

A few reasons!
1.  https://www.nbcsports.com/soccer NBC Sports' television coverage of the Premier League is potentially the best "football" coverage in the world.  It has the best commentary, best graphics, best coverage analysts, and by far the most televised games.  NBC Sports shows more PL games in the States than are shown in England.
It's a big money earner.  They dominate Saturday and Sunday mornings and the odd weekday.  It's niche, but it's profitable and growing like crazy.    So the long winded answer to reason #1 is cross promotion.
2.  "Rog" or Roger Bennett is from a TV show called "Men In Blazers."   A further niche, but wildly loved podcast, email series, and now for 5 years, TV show - https://meninblazers.com/page/about I think it's one of the best things on TV.  One of the two men in blazers is Michael Davies, an NBC programming executive.  #2 - Cross promotion again
3.  Joe loves the Boston Red Sox.  He loves the English Premier League.  The owner of the Red Sox also owns Liverpool, and so Joe is a huge fan of Liverpool
4.  Yesterday's match in Liverpool vs Barcelona is one of the biggest upsets in sports history.  It couldn't have been more exciting, unlikely, gutsy, and deserved.  If you don't think of sport as only games played by man-children in short pants, but instead as theater where exertion and contest manifests the best qualities of character like tenacity and hope, and while under incredible pressure a group selflessly moves as one... then it was hard to watch that match and not be deeply affected.  It was extraordinary.

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13 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

A few reasons!

MJ needs to decide if it's supposed to be a serious news/political program, or Good Morning America.  Right now it's mostly Joe Scarborough's vanity project, and badly done.

I like sports as much as anyone, and more than the average female, but it belongs somewhere else.  Otherwise, let's just add cooking segments and interviews with YouTube stars while we're at it.  

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21 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

MJ needs to decide if it's supposed to be a serious news/political program, or Good Morning America.  Right now it's mostly Joe Scarborough's vanity project, and badly done.

I like sports as much as anyone, and more than the average female, but it belongs somewhere else.  Otherwise, let's just add cooking segments and interviews with YouTube stars while we're at it.  

Well said, meowmommy  😼

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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

MJ needs to decide if it's supposed to be a serious news/political program, or Good Morning America.  Right now it's mostly Joe Scarborough's vanity project, and badly done.

I like sports as much as anyone, and more than the average female, but it belongs somewhere else.  Otherwise, let's just add cooking segments and interviews with YouTube stars while we're at it.  

The show has lost its seriousness a few years ago.

The soccer segments were a staple a few years ago. Joe used to host a soccer show on NBC sports.

During one of the World Cup games in 2010 , Mika went to a sports pub with Joe & Willie. She had a few alcoholic drinks and got up on the table and starting shouting USA. She fell down and broke the table and several glasses. The photos of the debris were featured on Morning Joe.

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1 minute ago, oakville said:

The soccer segments were a staple a few years ago. Joe used to host a soccer show on NBC sports.

Now if my Bruins go on to win the Stanley Cup, and Barnicle, being from Boston, gets the party going, I will absolutely let all of this slide.

4 minutes ago, oakville said:

She fell down and broke the table and several glasses. The photos of the debris were featured on Morning Joe.

It's bad enough that she did something like that, but why would they want to publicize it?  Again, that's evidence that they're just not serious about this show unless they can monetize their infamy.

Honestly, has anyone ever seen Mika's name mentioned in the news world for anything other than she said or did something stupid, or her facelift kerfuffle with 45?

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8 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

Now if my Bruins go on to win the Stanley Cup, and Barnicle, being from Boston, gets the party going, I will absolutely let all of this slide.

It's bad enough that she did something like that, but why would they want to publicize it?  Again, that's evidence that they're just not serious about this show unless they can monetize their infamy.

Honestly, has anyone ever seen Mika's name mentioned in the news world for anything other than she said or did something stupid, or her facelift kerfuffle with 45?

Mika refused to report on Paris Hilton going to jail in 2007. She took the paper report she was reading from & set fire to it on live it. She threw the paper that she lit on fire into a waste paper basket. Willie tried to put the fire out.

The clip went viral. Mika said she would only read serious news from now on.

Edited by oakville
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3 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika refused to report on Paris Hilton going to jail in 2007. She took the paper report she was reading from & set fire to it on live it. She threw the paper that she lit on fire into a waste paper basket. Willie tried to put the fire out.

The clip went viral. Mika aid she would only read serious news from now on.

I rest my case.

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5 hours ago, meowmommy said:

MJ needs to decide if it's supposed to be a serious news/political program, or Good Morning America.  Right now it's mostly Joe Scarborough's vanity project, and badly done.

I like sports as much as anyone, and more than the average female, but it belongs somewhere else.  Otherwise, let's just add cooking segments and interviews with YouTube stars while we're at it.  

I honestly don't know what to call this show anymore???? Meowmommy's post was sooooo on target. I think the days of it being a serious program of any kind are long gone. Now, it's a big advertisement for all things KYV, and just wait until Joe's "memoirs" are published and plugged non stop. Poor Willie!

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I posted this morning on the MJ board, why isn't there a legal expert on while discussing Rudy's trip to Ukraine?

Nicolle had Joyce Vance, Frank Figliuizzi (and panelists) to do just that.

Plus clips of Adam Schiff's and Jerry Nadler reactions to Rudy's public statements.

It was horrifying, to say the least.

Edited by stormy
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Donny better watch it or he's going to lose his seat at the MJ table.  He had Nicolle on his show tonight and he couldn't have been more complimentary to her saying how smart and insightful she is and how she's one of the best at the network (paraphrasing a bit there but you get the idea).  Scoop isn't going to like that as clearly Donny is missing her value.

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6 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

Donny better watch it or he's going to lose his seat at the MJ table.  He had Nicolle on his show tonight and he couldn't have been more complimentary to her saying how smart and insightful she is and how she's one of the best at the network (paraphrasing a bit there but you get the idea).  Scoop isn't going to like that as clearly Donny is missing her value.

Chloesmom you are so right!

Donny was so out of it last night he couldn't even read the teleprompter (or ad lib if that's what he does) that I was thinking a show with him and Mika hosting would be a riot.

34 minutes ago, stormy said:

Just straight out Mika.  

I think he's drunk on the "power" of having his own cable show.  He does better IMO, when his friends aren't his guests

Oooh, a cable talk show on Saturday night, which he probably got only because they can charge more for ads on a first aired show than the reruns of All In and Rachel Maddow. 


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I have never been able to tolerate Susan Del Percio...she seems like a dour, humorless know-it-all - making her a good fit with Meeka.  I thought I was the only one who thought so because I have never mentioned my dislike of her to Mr. Kemper.

Today she was on MTP with S Kornacki and got into a dust-up with another guest.  Mr. Kemper had been watching (I had not) and said it was a thing of beauty, mostly due to Kornacki's shock at having to handle it.  Then Mr. Kemper told me he didn't like Ms. Del P because he had never seen her smile.  

Is it just me who thinks she is a royal pain?  I know why Joe isn't asked to guest host but one would think Meeka would jump at the chance.

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13 hours ago, Kemper said:

Today she was on MTP with S Kornacki and got into a dust-up with another guest.  Mr. Kemper had been watching (I had not) and said it was a thing of beauty, mostly due to Kornacki's shock at having to handle it.  Then Mr. Kemper told me he didn't like Ms. Del P because he had never seen her smile.  

Is it just me who thinks she is a royal pain?  I know why Joe isn't asked to guest host but one would think Meeka would jump at the chance.

I can't take Kornacki, he's just too excited about polls which as we know don't mean too much a year before primaries, so I don't watch anything he's guest hosting. I even turn off a show if he's just there doing his polling nonsense.  He's not very good at guest hosting, he only came to fame when he was on Up on the weekends and Christie's bridge gate thing was big news. Kornacki had covered NJ politics so he knew a lot of people and got them booked on his show. 

I don't pay attention to Susan. She does seem kind of a Debbie Downer.  She, Elise, Michael Steele, want to give Dems advice like they're all so brilliant. Blech. 

Since JoMika are hosting remotely I don't think the network would tolerate it on another show, and besides who wants them?  I've noticed Yasmin has been pulling double shifts lately. She tweeted a photo of herself out running in the cold NYC rain yesterday just to get her adrenaline going so she could guest host The Beat. I'm wondering if the network is trying to get her a prime time slot. She is really good at handling panels. 

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I don't know if anyone saw the Daily Show special "Desi Lydic - A Broad" but if Mika really wanted to make the point about women knowing and earning and having value, she should do something like what Desi did. 

The US is 49th in gender equality in the world. Iceland is number 1, Namibia ranks higher than the US. A small African nation. 

Desi traveled around the world and pointed out how other countries have done more to give women a voice in gov't, closing wage gaps, etc. 

Of course it has humor which Mika wouldn't be able to do since she has none, but illustrating how women have done something more than attend a shaminar and drink white wine with the woman who defines sleeping your way to the top.

In Namibia, women fought in the military and then demanded to be given a role in the new gov't, there is equality in their legislature, equal numbers of women to men.  

FYI, Mika, we still haven't ratified the ERA, almost 50 years after it was introduced. Why don't we ever hear you talking about that? 

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

Because she hasn't yet figured out a way to monetize it?

It's interesting that Mika's method for "helping women know their value" is getting them to give her money.

Do we notice that Mika and Joe are a LOT like a person they claim to despise? 

Making everything about themselves, arguing and being belligerent if someone disagrees with them, self pitying, self promotion, taking credit for others' success, using media to cover up any type of scandal, pretending to be an expert on something they know little to nothing about...

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Intentionally antagonizing that person trying to get him to Tweet about them . . . 

Histrionic Personality Disorder


According to the DSM-5, for a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder to be given, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • Self-centeredness, feeling uncomfortable when not the center of attention
  • Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
  • Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
  • Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
  • Overly concerned with physical appearance, and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
  • Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details
  • Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion
  • Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
  • Is highly suggestible (easily influenced by others)
  • Useful 2
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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

According to the DSM-5, for a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder to be given, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • Self-centeredness, feeling uncomfortable when not the center of attention
  • Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
  • Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
  • Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
  • Overly concerned with physical appearance, and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
  • Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details
  • Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion
  • Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
  • Is highly suggestible (easily influenced by others)


  • LOL 1

I had a friend who, back in the 70's, had two kids, went to college almost full-time, had a husband and worked (she did) at a pancake house on weekends for mostly tips.  When she had a few glasses of wine she would say that she wanted to come back in the next life as 1) blond 2) with a huge chest 3) long legs and 4)not a brain in her head.  She said women like that got along well in life.  Meeka is almost there; except she is savvy enough to promote her foolishness and make money off of it.  So maybe she is smarter than we think.  And she did it herself; meaning she knew her value before the rest of the world did.

I guess Meeka figures if she doesn't shill non-stop for herself and tell everyone how fabulous her life is...then who will.  Mindfulness my foot.  And her boobs seem to be spreading outward and upward.  It's a gift.

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I may never forgive Nicolle for giving Mika a platform today to shill her fucking book.  

Mika starts with talking about getting pitched an idea from Daniela about women from small towns trying to get jobs, as if that's a shockingly new idea, talking about Daniela as if she isn't sitting right there, talking about lying on every line of job applications like it's a badge of honor (I'm sorry, but regardless of how you feel about undocumented immigrants, that shit is not ok), and some shit about her getting one callback from P.Diddy, and eventually being hired by Mika to run scripts and get coffee.  Like no one's ever blown out of a small town and done what they had to do to start their career.  Well, no one in Mika's universe, anyway.  And she keeps babbling about how it's Daniela's story, but fuck all, ain't it Mika billed first in front of the damn book.  Way to co-opt Daniela's life and her ideas.

And Heidi asks a question about Daniela's experience, so of course Mika has to answer it.  Nicolle was jammed so far up Mika's ass, I may never watch her show again.

Edited by meowmommy
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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

I may never forgive Nicolle for giving Mika a platform today to shill her fucking book.  

...Nicolle was jammed so far up Mika's ass, I may never watch her show again.

I lost respect for Nicolle for her Mika segment, and for referring to Mika as her mentor. This is why Joe and Mika crow about having “their people” on the network, and why they have, or are perceived to have, such power there. 

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I didn't see Nicole's show yesterday; but I think it would be the other way around...Meeka should get mentoring from Nicole on how to know one's value.  I don't know all that much about Nicole W (other than her career creds) except that she hosts a well-rounded show, lets her guests talk, can laugh at jokes (and can also make her own jokes) and converse intelligently and professionally with anyone who comes on her show.  She doesn't delve all that much into her personal life, diet, outside activities.  She does her homework and is present on her own show.  She is everything that Meeka is not.

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Meeka's book is selling very well on Amazon?  Is it just us?  Are we the only ones who think she is a shallow, needy, entitled princess?  On the best-selling list?    

I would hate to think my daughter would take any kind of advice from her or put money in her coffers by purchasing this book and latching on to her vanity project.  What hypocrisy.  But.  I guess I really can't criticize too much - Meeka has seen an opportunity and capitalized on it.  So good on her.  I guess.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

I didn't see Nicole's show yesterday; but I think it would be the other way around..

She was positively sycophantic and giggling that Mika was on her set.  I was appalled.  My wife and I watched with our mouths hanging open.  We were like "what has gotten into our Nicole?"  We had to mute it.

Edited by Landsnark
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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Meeka's book is selling very well on Amazon?  Is it just us?  Are we the only ones who think she is a shallow, needy, entitled princess?  On the best-selling list?    

Maybe she and Joe are pulling a Mayor of Baltimore scam and buying them up.  Granted I'm the biggest political junkie of my friends but I don't know anyone who thinks Mika has anything smart to say. They watch MJ because it's on in the morning but they think Joe & Mika are idiots. 

I noticed Joe is tempering his "Biden is going to run away with it" talk this morning, Eddie Glaude mentioned yesterday on another show that "yeah Hillary was up 30 points this time in 2007".  I wondered if he pointed that out to Joe this week, or just figured "why bother". 

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13 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

Nicolle needs zero help from the Scarborough's in terms of helping her career.   Good grief what is going on at NBC/MSNBC that they encourage this crap?

I couldn't believe how much Mika was yakking while the author of the book was sitting right beside her.  Watched for maybe 2 minutes and got sick of the blonde bombshellac running her mouth nonstop, & changed channels.  I didn't know anything about the author and I kept wondering why it was ok with her to be sitting there quietly while her life/book was being discussed by others as she just nodded her head over & over. Very weird. MSNBC is getting weirder by the day 😒

Edited by annzeepark914
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56 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

For me, the day the Gold Dust Twins cross-pollinate Rachel Maddow is the day I start watching Faux Noise.  Because civilization as we know it will have ended.

It had to be pressure from Joe on Phil Griffin to book Mika on other shows. She's probably whining to Joe while stress eating 5 lbs of chocolate cake. 

1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

I couldn't believe how much Mika was yakking while the author of the book was sitting right beside her.  Watched for maybe 2 minutes and got sick of the blonde bombshellac running her mouth nonstop, & changed channels.  I didn't know anything about the author and I kept wondering why it was ok with her to be sitting there quietly while her life/book was being discussed by others as she just nodded her head over & over. Very weird. MSNBC is getting weirder by the day 😒

I'm going to torture myself and listen to a little of the podcast of this episode. I will be rage posting later.😠

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