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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Alias finale basically destroyed Irina as a character, and she was my favorite. The mythology also wasn't tied up well, but it was expected.


As for BSG, my hate for later seasons has a lot to do with Starbuck and the mess her character became (and Lee/Apollo to a lesser extent). I was unlucky enough to ship them, so you can imagine my feelings after the events in s3. But I hated the finale for many, many things, some of which have nothing to do with them. 


I would have loved Lost ending if not for the "afterlife" stuff. Jack dying almost redeemed his character for me, and I've hated him for years by that point.

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I semi shipped Starbuck and Apollo. It's what I wanted in the end but I also had come to accept that I couldn't predict BSG and yeah, the Starbucks storyline at that point was nuts so I kept my expectations low on them and concentrated on Adama and Madame President and also Helo and Athena and I was happy with their endings. I also enjoyed the karmic payback of Baltar having to become a farmer. I think the rest I ignored.

Edited by BkWurm1

I wasn't even satisfied with Adama and poor President Roslin's ending.  Sad.  I was so sure that BSG writers had some great plan back in the earlier seasons, but no...not so much.  At least the show gave me lots of fantastic actors who I continue to follow to their new projects...and pretty, pretty people as well.  Yum, scruffy Jamie Bamber.  Please join SA and Brett Dalton in the Men Who Look so Much Hotter with Facial Hair Club.  


I wasn't even satisfied with Adama and poor President Roslin's ending.  Sad.


It was very sad but at the same time the bittersweetness of it made it hurt in a good way.  She wasn't going to survive.  I was happy with Adama building their cabin and him talking to her memory.   I don't normally go for tragedy but it didn't feel like a tragedy, just an ending and for them, their people were no longer drifting lost in space and they found peace, so for them, I was good to go.


I had a bigger issue with splitting up into small groups and not using any technology but that's another subject.




Destroying Irina Derevko made me hate the Alias finale. That's why I pretend Alias only had two seasons. 

I traded Irina for a happy ending for Sydney, Vaughn, their kids, Dixon, and yes, even Sark. (I think Dixon is part of the reason I fell so hard for Diggle right away.  They remind me of each other in a way.)   


That said, I was ready to say Alias only had two seasons as well.  I only watched about 3-4 episodes in the final season and I have all the DVD's.  

Edited by BkWurm1

I quite liked Alias season five. Sure, there were a few new characters and some of them, like Rachel, felt like lesser versions of existing characters, but in an entertaining way. Amy Acker was badass and you knew every time she appeared someone was about to bite it! I need to bust out my Alias DVDs because I haven't seen the show in years. Maybe not even since it ended.

I refused to watch season 5 until I knew Vaughn's "exit" wasn't permanent.  Jennifer Garner's real life got in the way of the show for me.  Between the break up with Vartan and the pregnancy with Affleck that was being written in as Michael Vartan's character's child - it got really weird and rumor was that Affleck insisted MV be removed from the show during that time and it just pissed me off.  


Maybe someday I'll watch the rest of the season. 

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I quite liked Alias season five. Sure, there were a few new characters and some of them, like Rachel, felt like lesser versions of existing characters, but in an entertaining way. Amy Acker was badass and you knew every time she appeared someone was about to bite it! 

You know, I agree. I hated the finale, but otherwise, s5 has been pretty good - definitely better than 3 and 4, imho. Some of the new characters were interesting, too. 


I need to bust out my Alias DVDs because I haven't seen the show in years. Maybe not even since it ended.


Sadly, it didn't age well. I loved it the first time I've seen it (maybe 8 years ago?) and tried to rewatch last summer. Big mistake. For starters, I've hated Vaugh, and I actually used to ship him with Syd! I never noticed how annoyingly wishy-washy and prone to cheating he was. He almost reminded me of Robin Hood on Once Upon A Time. But Sark and Irina (my favorites) were still great. iZombie should use David Anders more, he's such a great villain.

Don't you hate it when real life screws up your TV shows?  On NCIS: LA, Daniela Ruah and Eric Christian Olsen (Kensi and Deeks) are real-life brother/sister in law, and they are supposed to be in a romantic relationship on the show, but of course we don't get to see much because it would be weird as hell filming a love scene with you husband's brother/brother's wife.  I mean, of course I'm happy for Daniela Ruah because she is married and has a baby with Eric Christian Olsen's brother, but sometimes these things affect your viewing pleasure a bit.  

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I had a bigger issue with splitting up into small groups and not using any technology but that's another subject.


This bugged me SO much...I need to step away before I get ranty.


Parks & Recreation & 30 Rock had great Endings, as did FNL. Fringe was satisfying, even if the last season wasn't.


I'm still struggling to get through Breaking Bad. 


M.A.S.H. Has a fantastic ending.


Newhart always and forever has the best ending.


My dad never really liked Bob Newhart's style of comedy and in those days, we had one TV, which he pretty well controlled.  Well, my mom and I had to go out one night and we got home, he was joyfully telling us the brilliance of the end of NEWHART.  (Also, it could have had something to do with his mad crush he had nursed for Suzanne Pleshette for years.) 

I have a love/hate relationship with the end of Angel. Honestly, there haven't been many shows that end without it being a mixed bag. Can anyone think of one that ended great?

A little late but The West Wing finale was damn near perfect, IMO. Josh/Donna/Sam walking into the West Wing as part of the new administration was so fulfilling. An ending that was really just the start of a new story full of possibilities.

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OMG fuck yeah Eva Green got a Critic's Choice nom for her work on Penny Dreadful, that is so damn deserved, it wasn't just feat of acting, it might be the most singular piece of physical acting I've ever seen, the least she deserves is a shiny statue or gold star. I would not want to choose between her, Keri, and Taraji. Tatiana Maslany should be in Juliana Margulies place though. Please.

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This is becoming a not so sanguine place to hang out in anymore.  The snark that people are throwing at each other is kind of way over the top, honestly.  Like, I get that people don't agree, but there's no need to be rude, geesh.


I've just taking to putting loads more people on my "Ignore" list. Saves me the trouble of being annoyed by their posts (except when they're quoted. Isn't there a way to fix that?) and saves me the risk of saying stuff I'll want to take back later.

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I haven't noticed this on this board (but I'm only following a few threads here and not very religiously), but I have noticed a lot of rudeness on some other boards here. I was recently called a shallow bad boy lover (paraphrased) because I've called one character boring (and apparently, that show is pandering to my "vile desires").

Oh well. At least that person was called out.

I don't use the ignore option because then if people are responding to a post I guess I wouldn't know what they are talking about.


Hmm, FurryFury.  I wonder if I know exactly who you are talking about because there is one particular poster who shows up in a lot of forums that I visit (NOT HERE, thankfully), and I think that he exists just to irritate people.  Whenever there is a popular ship that people in the forum gush about, he insults it talking about how it's juvenile, or bland, or the show is just pandering to teeny boppers, or whatever.  Yes, I'm certain that I know who you are speaking of.


I don't use the ignore option because then if people are responding to a post I guess I wouldn't know what they are talking about.


You  can still choose to "view" individual posts by whoever you have on ignore.


I'm really amused by how much the final thirds of Arrow and The Originals are echoing one another. Babies Sara/Hope in peril, Male Leads unilaterally carrying out alienating plans....I'd love Elijah to call up TA all we will trade you Oliver for Klaus in a HOT SECOND.

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As much as I've grown to dislike Oliver in season 2, nobody is worse than Klaus. This guy is the worst. I've dropped The Vampire Diaries after s3 mostly because of Klaroline (a romance that ruined my 2nd favorite character on the show) and I had to avoid The Originals despite my love for Rebekah and Elijah, too. I just can't understand how people can root for him or like him as the hero.

I don't think Klaus is the hero. I think he's supposed to be kind of an antihero, but tbh I never root for him and he's not the most interesting character to me. My interests sometimes align with his, but I mostly still view him as the villain of the piece, and the only time I find the show tough to swallow is when it expects me to sympathize more with him than with his victims (uhhhh, that's basically everyone on the show). I like him as a character though--I mean, I find him an engaging figure, and JM is great in the role. I've found him and the show much more interesting this season, when they allowed him to grow and change a bit. And now at the end of the season, they've kinda gone back to the original formula (heh) and I'm finding my attention flagging.

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I was a huge Klaus fan on TVD. I loved him as the villain and I don't think the show has been able to top him. I always loved Klaroline. I really wanted Caroline to peace out of Mystic Falls and take a trip around the world with him. And then go to New Orlean and explore her dark side a bit.


I wasn't a fan of TVD S4. I thought they tamed him up a bit at times and no amount of fanwanking will help me understand why he didn't take off Hayleys head. But no, he slept with her. The girl who set him up to kill his hybirds. He should have tortured her for the info he needed. And then they made her pregnant. Ugh. I hate babies on supernatural shows.


I wanted to watch The Originals because I loved Klaus and Elijah and Rebecca but I didn't like what they did with the characters. And I hated how they were trying to portray Hayley as a sympathic character. And then setting up Cami as the 'Caroline' of the show.


I have a lot of issues with the show. So bitter. I wanted The Original family with Caroline and Katherine and appearances by Bonnie and Stefan.



I wasn't a fan of TVD S4.


Ha ha, NO ONE IS. Kidding. (Not kidding)


I love Klaus, as anti-hero and I do root for him, but also just as often root against him. I just find him really intriguing as a lead character, who sometimes cracks through and shows some growth, but who easily reverts to form. I obviously don't think he and Oliver are alike they are opposites I just think it's weird how much the two shows are hitting the same plot points in their final arcs, in terms of HOW CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE HIM?!! When I'm fairly sympathetic to both dudes in terms of their plans, Klaus went further because he's a vampire and monster, but I'm kinda more with Klaus and Oliver than I am Team Arrow or Team Mikaelson than I have been in the past.


I like to think Julie and Marc eat in the same lunchroom and traded notes at some point.

Edited by blixie
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Has anyone else been feeling a distinct lack of excitement for the end of the season?  It might be a combination of lacklustre TV and the sporadic airing of the shows I watch but this is the first year since I can remember that I haven't felt the thrill and anxiety building up to the season finales of a lot my shows.


Madam Secretary - did not even realize it was the finale until a few days later; Agents of Shield - I like most of the parts but the whole is not greater, somehow. Person of Interest - no urgency like there was last year; Arrow - the only burning question I have is if they can stick just enough of the landing that I'll tune in next year.  Flash is the only one I'm truly anticipating and that's just because I want to see what happens with Wells; otherwise, meh...


Has it been that bad a year, or just the particular shows I watch?  Is it primarily the scheduling with the 2 weeks on, 3 weeks off problem?

While Legends of Tomorrow obviously got most of the press, I'm curious about this Cordon show The CW picked up as well.  Mainly because Claudia Black will be a regular, and I can't wait to see her on the TV again (I know she is on The Originals, but I never could get into that franchise.) Added bonus is another former Spartacus folk: Hanna Mangan Lawrence, who played Seppia in the Vengance season.  The CW really has become an haven for actors from that show, between this, everyone who appeared on Arrow, Liam McIntyrie on The Flash, and I'm pretty sure I've seen Craig Parker in a bunch of the Reign previews.


Also looks like we might have already gotten the first "surprise" renewal: sounds like Galavant will be coming back.  I heard its ratings weren't the best, but I guess other factors helped it out.  Still, I'm sure its fans are happy!


Not sure if there are any Mindy Project fans on this forum... But so bummed that Fox cancelled it. Here's hoping that the rumours are true and Hulu may pick it up! That may be a blessing in disguise for the show since it won't be held down by network rules & restrictions.

Aww!  I really grew to love The Mindy Project.   It only got funnier when she and Danny got together.  Hope it gets saved.  


While Legends of Tomorrow obviously got most of the press, I'm curious about this Cordon show The CW picked up as well.  Mainly because Claudia Black will be a regular, and I can't wait to see her on the TV again (I know she is on The Originals, but I never could get into that franchise.) Added bonus is another former Spartacus folk: Hanna Mangan Lawrence, who played Seppia in the Vengance season.  The CW really has become an haven for actors from that show, between this, everyone who appeared on Arrow, Liam McIntyrie on The Flash, and I'm pretty sure I've seen Craig Parker in a bunch of the Reign previews.

I had no plans on watching Cordon...and then I saw Claudia Black's name and yep, I'm watching.   I saw snippets of her in The Originals and it made me really miss her. 

Has anyone else been feeling a distinct lack of excitement for the end of the season?  It might be a combination of lacklustre TV and the sporadic airing of the shows I watch but this is the first year since I can remember that I haven't felt the thrill and anxiety building up to the season finales of a lot my shows.


This has happened to me too.  I only found out that Madame Secretary was the finale from your post and only realized I'd watched the Gotham finale when there wasn't  a promo for the next week.  Same thing with The Big Bang Theory.  


I can't say I haven't felt anxiety though, Arrow has taken care of that for me.  


About The Big Bang Theory, really enjoyed the episode and yeah partly because of the long discussion about if Sheldon should start watching  The Flash or not, his hesitation based on the disaster that was Smallville.  I'm sure Sheldon's reasons for thinking it was a disaster and mine differ but I'm still petty enough to enjoy the dis. 

Edited by BkWurm1

I've enjoyed a ton of shows this year The Originals had a mostly great season, it's stumbling at the end, but it largely has kicked ass and mostly held together. I love iZombie, Agent Carter, Jane the Virgin, Empire, The Americans, Peaky Blinders, and The Flash, and even TVD has improved a ton and I've mostly enjoyed the show for the first time in years. The sitcom front is pretty dire though with only Blackish and Undateable remotely making me laugh.


I'm very sad about Forever being cancelled, but it wasn't wholly unexpected and I'd rather see another season of Peggy Carter, but I wish they'd ditched long in the tooth Castle instead, the immortality spin on the procedural was my favorite yet, and for once I actually bought the chemistry between the fish out of water and the cop partner.

TV shows just haven't been good this year with the exception of few and Netflix shows (minus house of Cards. Season 3 was such a drag)... I really do wonder why...

I really can't agree. I've loved this year. So much great stuff. Yeah,I had to drop Arrow and The Flash turned out to be a dud after starting out so promising, but all my other shows had much better years than last season. And I got a few new favorites as well - Agent Carter, iZombie, Daredevil...

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