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I would love to see how TIIC would react too someone not watching Arrow not liking Laurel especially since those who are not fans of Laurel are simply upset Olicity supporters. The other student doesn't have va horse in this race. An unbiased opinion would be fascinating.

Haha, true. Her opinion was unbiased since she didn't like the show enough to keep watching. She noted that Moira, Sara and Nyssa were the most interesting female characters, and she thought it was completely sexist that the sister plot revolved around the male protagonist. She watched specific episodes and clips spanning S1-S2 like I did with Beauty and the Beast. By the time she got to Blind Spot she said she was sorry she'd chosen to analyze Laurel lol. At that time I told her that would probably be the worst episode of the series, but the writers have reset that bar this season.

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Don't know if anyone is watching Granchester on PBS, but I sometimes get strong Zach Gilford vibes from the guy playing the Vicar, James Norton.  I instantly took a liking to him, and now I know why.  Matt Saracen!!

I'm enjoying the show but I never watched FNL.  He does look really familiar to me still though.  I haven't been able to figure out why. ( I looked up Zach Gilford and I don't know him from anything.) 


Completely random and a totally different topic, but there is a new song that's been hitting the Top 40 called "Fun" by an artist named Megan Nicole (she's 13 but looks older).  I heard the song and it immediately sounded familiar and here's where I show my age.  I finally identified the melody.  It's from Bobby Brown's 1992 song "Humpin Around" and I still can't figure out if Megan Nicole is singing some kind of completely rewritten cover or if she's singing over stolen music.  The two tracks are scary similar if you can over look the heavy bass of the "Humpin Around" track.   I can't be imagining it.  Here are the songs to compare. 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FWfYF-XwugY#t=12    Humpin Around

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-fTwrJ1ww4&feature=player_detailpage  Fun


I find it extra disconcerting since one is so supposed to be so bubble gum pop cutesy. 

Excellent conclusion to last week's cliffhanger. 


You know, Castle started the season setting up a really dumb plot line, but it didn't let it consume the relationships or ruin the characters (or at least not for long)  Something has to be said for show runners that recognize what they do best and then doing their best to get back to the dynamic that works best. 

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Starfish35, it does sound like a dumb plotline but I think it did the show a lot of good. There was a new energy created from an organic conflict (after the initial plot contrivance that is) and it gave us some lovely Castle/Beckett scenes as they supported each other rather than being on opposite sides as might be supposed.



it's over now so it's safe to come back.

  Kudos to the new show--runner, because it's not easy keeping a show in it's 7th season energetic.

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I've got to catch up on Castle, because I wanted to see these last two episodes. I'm six episodes behind though. :( I kinda lost my enthusiasm when I heard (spoilered for anyone who's as behind as I am)

that he got kicked out of the precinct

back in Bad Santa.

Re the spoiler part, then you will be happy with this most current episode. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Good to hear. Maybe I'll start catching up tonight. I didn't really care for the show when Beckett was in DC and they were split up, so that was part of my lack of enthusiasm.

To be honest, I've been struggling with this season. I'm not one who's had a lot of complaints about Castle - I've been mostly a casual viewer who's been more or less happy with the show over the last few seasons. (Not saying those who were unhappy were wrong - just saying I didn't have that level of investment.)

But for some reason the way they opened this season, with the decided non-resolution of last season's cliffhanger, has kind of put me off. I'm not really sure why. The honeymoon in the Old West town episode was really good, but other than that, I've found my reaction to most of this season to be "meh". :( But maybe that will change. I have been looking forward to this two parter, so now I just have to catch up so I can watch it. :)

Starfish35, it does sound like a dumb plotline but I think it did the show a lot of good. There was a new energy created from an organic conflict (after the initial plot contrivance that is) and it gave us some lovely Castle/Beckett scenes


They had a fun dynamic a lot of the time when Castle was trying to still be a detective without being able to work with Beckett.

Ok you guys were right. I watched three episodes tonight - Bad Santa, Castle P.I., and Private Eye Caramba. I was worried about how it would work with them separated, but the new dynamic actually is a lot of fun. So apologies for my doubts. :)

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I'm behind on nearly every show I watch lol. Last year it took me all summer to catch up and I've already ruthlessly cut a few (New Girl, Continuum, Sleepy Hollow, some others I can't remember right now.) Unless it's just stress-free guilty pleasure viewing or something I'm really interested in, I don't have the time. The ones I keep up with get a pecking order - some I try to watch right away, and others pile up until there's a hiatus (like winter break, summer break, etc.) I'd like to watch 12 Monkeys because I liked the first two episodes, but I hesitate to add anything else to my viewing list.

Last year I dropped Arrow mid-season 2 even though I had bought the iTunes pass. I'm at a point where nothing is enjoyable about the show, so I have a feeling it's going to drop to the bottom of my viewing list again within the next couple of episodes. I have a few Castle eps I need to catch up on anyway :)

If I watched this season of Arrow like I watched the first season and half of the second - via binge - I doubt I'd have as many problems with it as I do. I didn't notice/care about most of the plot discrepancies/character discrepancies during that time because I didn't really give myself time to stew on any of it, I just moved on to the next episode and all the dumb stuff that I wished would be resolved was resolved in relatively quick fashion. I need all TV to go to the Netflix model, where the whole season is released on the same day and I don't have to wait for anything (<---I'm assuming Netflix releases all seasons like they do OITNB, which is the only original programming I've watched from them). 

Well, I binged the second half of Arrow season 2 in June. I was still irritated by some things - mostly the way the Slade plot completely fell apart - but I think I was less irritated about the plot in general and more or less just ready for the season to be over. It wasn't so much a feeling of "Can't wait for the finale!" as it was a feeling of "Thank God I'm almost at the end!"

I saw the Katia Winter interview on TV Guide's website the other day, so I went over to the Sleepy Hollow forum to see if it was already posted.  Damn, people don't like Katrina at all, do they (not a criticism, just an observation)?  Seriously, the level of dislike seems to rival Laurel's.  I watch Sleepy Hollow when I can (there are way too many shows on in that time slot on Monday night!), not a Katrina fan, and it's looking like the fans could possibly succeed in getting rid of Katrina.  I'm sad because I was hoping for a similar scenario on Arrow :(  

I stopped watching Sleepy Hollow when it became less about Abbie and Ichabod (with Irving and Jenny). I saw the promo for EvilKatrina during Gotham, but that still wasn't enough for me watch it. Henry's dead which is good and Katrina being evil is also a better path for her character, I just need to know that both of those will stick. I'm not going to watch until I know the answer to that. 

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I was shocked last night when Sleepy Hollow made Katrina, whose been the biggest problem with the show this season, turn evil and Henry die.  Could it be that the show-runner clued in?  Maybe there's still hope for Arrow, because the middle of s2 was awful too but they pulled it together at the end.


Didn't Fox step in and order some changes, after not liking the direction that the showrunner was determined to go in? If that happened on Arrow, then things might improve, but I think the CW buys into teen angst and nonsense more than any other network.


I might need to actually catch up on Sleepy Hollow, if they've actually finally figured out that Katrina was a potential showkiller, and they've given Abbie her rightful place back, front and centre.

The ratings on Sleepy Hollow were falling fast as the show focused more and more on Katrina and less on the Duo + friends. It wouldn't surprise me if the network staged an intervention. The critics and fans were really in universal agreement at what wasn't working on the show.


Arrow's ratings have never took that kind of beating when it focused on less popular characters. They've been down, but never in a free fall. 

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I'm still hanging in with Sleepy Hollow. TPTB at Fox demanded changes and the course corrections back to what worked i.e. remembering that the leads of the show are Abbie and Ichabod, not Katrina or anyone else.  She was supposed to die in the pilot but they changed that and then elevated to way above her pay grade and talent level(IMO) at the expense of the other characters.  Fixing the Katrina problem is much easier than fixing the Laurel problem since BC is a big deal in the DC world.

With Sleepy Hollow, it was the penultimate episode.  Maybe they got worried that people wouldn't come back for a season 3. I certainly wouldn't have, I'd quit watching a couple of months ago and only went back because there was nothing else on.


Katrina was supposed to die in the pilot?  Wow, they should have kept that.  (Carol was supposed to die in ER's pilot but she was a better character and fit the show.)


With Arrow, there is enough of what other people like (like the Green Arrow TV people) that the ratings aren't going to go low enough to force the changes.


Although getting a season 5 will be a tougher sell than season 4 because they'll already have enough for syndication.

I saw the Katia Winter interview on TV Guide's website the other day, so I went over to the Sleepy Hollow forum to see if it was already posted.  Damn, people don't like Katrina at all, do they (not a criticism, just an observation)?  Seriously, the level of dislike seems to rival Laurel's.  I watch Sleepy Hollow when I can (there are way too many shows on in that time slot on Monday night!), not a Katrina fan, and it's looking like the fans could possibly succeed in getting rid of Katrina.  I'm sad because I was hoping for a similar scenario on Arrow :(  

Not the fans really, except in the sense that making Katrina and Henry so prominent was killing what had been good about the show in the first place, Ichabod as a fish-out-of-water and the Ichabod/Abbie chemistry and the ratings reflected it.  The worst was the painting one a few episodes ago when most of it was Ichabod and Katrina on a date at an exhibition with Henry doing whatever, and the three black characters Abbie, Jenny and Frank (kickass every one) were stuck in one room in the station house.

Yeah, I've found I'm far less critical when binge watching than when I'm watching one episode a week and have time to think about everything that didn't work. It's not foolproof - for example, I still thought the last season of Lost Girl had issues, even binge watching it. But I'm much less likely to be very negative about shows I'm binge watching.

Yeah, I am still with Sleepy Hallow, flaws and all. The last few episodes have been in constant course correction made. It seems like Fox is listening to critics and fans, even if the writers didn't. The hatred of Katrina, especially on these boards, is pretty much unanimous. I think she might be even more hated than laurel! 


Personally, I think her turn to the dark side was pretty quick, and not very earned, but I`ll take it. She was actually a teeny bit interesting, and it means the show could return to its former glory! We are heading back to enjoyable crazy, and not painful crazy. It got a ratings bump last night, so now we might be able to see where they go in season 3. 

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I watched Grimm at first because I thought it was an interesting take on the genre but after awhile the episodes started to blend together and I just completely gave up on it after they took Nick's powers away and it didn't look like they were going to give them back any time soon, plus a bunch of other stuff was going on I didn't really care about.


I adored Sleepy Hollow's first season. I was excited for the second one but somewhere along the line I started to lose more and more interest (not coincidentally, as Katrina became more and more prominent for starters) and eventually I realized I had missed several episodes and didn't really care. I may catch up later on demand when the season ends but probably not.


Meanwhile. Gotham keeps sucking me back in. It's not a great show by any means, but I am genuinely interested in seeing what happens with Penguin, who I like more than the rest put together pretty much. Fish is better in small doses, though I can tell Jada is enjoying herself and this makes me enjoy it too. Bullock is also a lot of fun to watch. Oddly Gordon, ostensibly the star, is the least interesting part of the show to me.


The fact Castle has all but forgotten it's premiere and the 'mystery' of what happened to Castle should bug me a lot more than it does. I'm more or less fine with it because I really don't care. I want to see Castle, Beckett, Ryan and Espisito working together. Beckett and Castle's romance. Who got killed in what horrible way this week. That's the important stuff to me.

Edited by KirkB
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I'm actually really getting into Grimm this season. I was exasperated with him losing his powers but he did get them back, and I'm really interested in where they're going with the new storyline for Juliette.

She had to take a potion to reverse what was done to Nick and it turned her into a Hexenbeist.

In Friday's episode there was

a major 'beist fight between Juliette and Adalind and Juliette kicked Adalind's ass. It was kind of awesome.

Edited by Starfish35
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 The ones I keep up with get a pecking order - some I try to watch right away, and others pile up until there's a hiatus (like winter break, summer break, etc.) I'd like to watch 12 Monkeys because I liked the first two episodes, but I hesitate to add anything else to my viewing list.


With Arrow dangerously close to imploding, you might consider switching it out for 12 Monkeys.  I'm finding that I'm liking it more and more as the season progresses, and it won't cause your blood pressure to sky-rocket.  

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I was thinking of watching the third episode of 12 Monkeys a few days ago, so maybe I can get to it soon. I dropped Grimm a while ago - I can't remember how long it's been. I think I made it through Juliette's cringeworthy amnesia storyline but then Nick was... I don't know. A zombie? One or two episodes into that and I couldn't be bothered anymore.

Gotham is surprisingly entertaining considering Gordon is the least entertaining thing about it. I think I'm a couple of episodes behind, but I could easily catch up by watching one evening when I'm cooking dinner, eating, etc. Castle got better after that stupid season premiere plot got sidelined. If they forget it, I'm happy to forget as well haha. God forbid they drag it out like the Who Killed Beckett's Mom story or the Red John case from The Mentalist. I understand shows needing a hook, but you can't employ the same hook forever and ever. With Sleepy Hollow I just got bored. Katrina annoyed me a lot because I kind of hate it when I feel like shows tell me why something is good instead of showing me. But if they've altered their course, I might give it another shot.

I watched a couple seasons of Grimm for the interior design...such lovely paint colors. And, interestingly, I stopped watching Sleepy Hollow at the first intimations that Katrina was going to be a bigger presence on the show, not that that was intentional. I always felt like she was probably evil and wasn't interested in watching Ichabod get duped by a pretty face. Funny that they eventually did go that direction.

Anyway, one or several people on various threads here have reminded me of Farscape, and now I'm obsessed with looking up clips and desperately want to re watch the series. Which I do NOT have time for, so thanks a lot, you big jerks. ;-) I also want to force the Arrow writers/producers to watch Farscape. There were some things it did so well! Especially how it built the world so richly by seamlessly referring to (or implying there existed) conversations and things that happened off-screen.

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I loved Farscape too. They stopped playing it in Canada after season 1 so I had to ask American friends to send the VCR tapes until they started it up here again.


A series that I really enjoyed but doesn't get much love is Babylon 5.  Characters that switched from bad guys to good (G'Kar) or at least grey (Londo), a cohesive storyline and some of the best female characters around.  The scene where Delenn stares down the Earth battlefleet to protect that station still makes me feel like rejoicing.

The fact Castle has all but forgotten it's premiere and the 'mystery' of what happened to Castle should bug me a lot more than it does. I'm more or less fine with it because I really don't care. I want to see Castle, Beckett, Ryan and Espisito working together. Beckett and Castle's romance. Who got killed in what horrible way this week. That's the important stuff to me.

Castle has always set up plots that don't get resolved until three or more episodes down the road.  Beckett's murdered mother was started in s1 and didn't get really wrapped up until s6.  The 3XK killer started three seasons ago, I think. So I'm not too surprised that the "what happened to Castle" isn't being wrapped up yet.


The world has been taken over by boys and their toys:  from the back page of Consumer Reports, on the list of ingredients for Old Spice Pure Sport High Endurance deodorant


contains odor-fighting "atomic robots that "shoot lasers" at  your "stench monsters" and replace them with fresh, clean, masculine "scent elves".

Edited by statsgirl
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Anyway, one or several people on various threads here have reminded me of Farscape, and now I'm obsessed with looking up clips and desperately want to re watch the series. Which I do NOT have time for, so thanks a lot, you big jerks. ;-)

It's also on Amazon Prime. ;). Sorry.

Yeah, I really wanted to rewatch Farscape after watching Guardians of the Galaxy. I actually did go watch a few episodes. But unfortunately it comes behind finishing off my Veronica Mars rewatch, my Chuck rewatch, and catching up on my regular TV viewing, which I'm about 20 hours behind on. :(

I recently saw Farscape and it was amazing.  One of my favorite shows ever.  Aeryn Sun is probably one of my favorite characters ever.  Claudia Black was just spectacular: especially in the Aeryn-centric episodes like "The Way We Weren't" and "The Choice."  Not to take anything way from from the John Crichton character, who was a great lead: Ben Browder really had a great "everyman" quality to him.  Really though, I could praise almost the entire cast (I know Sikozu wasn't liked by all, but I was a fan.)


I do need to see Babylon 5, which I heard a lot about.  Not sure what my next marathon will be after I finish my Spartacus rewatch.  I keep debating over Alias, because I've never seen it and it's full of people I love (Victor Garber!  Jennifer Garner!  Bradley Cooper before he was a megastar!), but I keep hearing it goes off the rails badly at the end.  I'm not sure if I want to get invested, only for it to disappoint.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Claudia Black is also amazing the cons, if you ever get the chance to see her.  She's interesting and charming, and well aware that Vala Maldoran was quite disliked by some of the audience.  Although one of the funniest lines in SG:1 was Vala's comment, upon seeing Cameron Mitchell after Daniel of the "limited gene pool" on Earth.  (They made Michael Shanks keeps  his beard for a while so  viewers could tell him and Ben Browder apart.)

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I got really bored with John/Aeryn by the end of season 3. Too much drama and angst, and honestly, I felt it was dragging the show down, and dragging down both characters. I was over it, and actually hoped they wouldn't get together (even though they obviously would), after all the bullshit with Talyn John dying and pregnant Aeryn running away.I actually began season 4 really hoping something would happen with John and Sikozu, who I thought brought a fresh energy to the show, and really sparked with Ben Browder. Sadly, the writers decided to make her part of the 'Isn't Scorpius just super cool?' storyline.


Talking of other shows, I'm a few years late for this, but I finally started watching Homeland today. I've mainlined the entire first season in one sitting, and it's a great piece of television. I'm still dubious about how they'll keep stretching the plot out over multiple years, but I'm eager to see how they manage it.

Talking of other shows, I'm a few years late for this, but I finally started watching Homeland today. I've mainlined the entire first season in one sitting, and it's a great piece of television. I'm still dubious about how they'll keep stretching the plot out over multiple years, but I'm eager to see how they manage it.


Homeland has it's stumbles like every show, however the 4th seasons is a different storyline and it felt like a new show and it was pretty good IMO. 


It took me awhile to finish Farscape, when I managed to I did enjoy it. Aeryn Sun is probably one of my favorite Sci-Fi characters. I am still partial to Col. Samantha Carter. 

Edited by Sakura12
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 I dropped Grimm a while ago - I can't remember how long it's been. I think I made it through Juliette's cringeworthy amnesia storyline but then Nick was... I don't know. A zombie? One or two episodes into that and I couldn't be bothered anymore.


I think Grimm has been doing a pretty good job in the more recent seasons.  I hated Juliette's amnesia storyline and she has a new plot that I worried would be her keeping secrets from Nick but they fixed that last week (the secret only lasted a few reasonable weeks) otherwise the show has been great lately.  Him losing his powers was a just a few episodes but they had a character that I liked a lot (she might as well have been Sin from Arrow) and there were some really worrisome episodes involving Monroe and Rosilee that had me completely invested.  I don't sit on the boards waiting for the show each week, but I'm regularly and thoroughly enjoying it.  They've let a few more people in on his secret and it's a much better dynamic. 




Claudia Black is also amazing the cons, if you ever get the chance to see her.  She's interesting and charming, and well aware that Vala Maldoran was quite disliked by some of the audience.  Although one of the funniest lines in SG:1 was Vala's comment, upon seeing Cameron Mitchell after Daniel of the "limited gene pool" on Earth.  (They made Michael Shanks keeps  his beard for a while so  viewers could tell him and Ben Browder apart.)

Love her.  She guest starred in one episode of Paul Blackthorne's show and I was set for  those two  to permanently work every episode.  She has an amazing chemistry with so many different actors.  That said, I haven't been able to get through the 2nd season of Farscape.  I always feel like I'm missing parts of the episode and it gets to me after a while.


 But I adored Vala on Stargate - SG1  Vala was a character that required some understanding but was a perfect foil for Daniel and IMO brought those last two seasons of Stargate to life.  


Sadly, in addition to her rather larger than life personality, it felt like the character also seemed to bear the brunt of blame for Sam not being around as much (due to the actress being on maternity leave) for the introduction of the rather unfun Ori baddies, and the ActionJackson changes to Daniel's personality.  I could give or take the Ori but the rest of the stuff made sense IMO but it was not really the same show in season 9 and 10.  (they even wanted to rename it but the network wanted to keep the recognizable name)  I think if so many other changes hadn't happened, people would have been more accepting of Vala.


In the end, I was more fond of the new team with a side of General O'Neil than I was of the original dynamic.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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I hated both Cameron and Vala so much on SG1 that I had to go back and rewatch all of Farscape -- twice in a row -- to remind me I actually loved Ben Browder and Claudia Black.

And now I pretend SG-1 ended in Thread/Moebius, and those last two seasons were just a really weird Farscape/SG1 mashup nightmare I had once and have done my best to forget completely.

I hated both Cameron and Vala so much on SG1 that I had to go back and rewatch all of Farscape -- twice in a row -- to remind me I actually loved Ben Browder and Claudia Black.

And now I pretend SG-1 ended in Thread/Moebius, and those last two seasons were just a really weird Farscape/SG1 mashup nightmare I had once and have done my best to forget completely.

It's funny, I watched Stargate from the beginning.  I was a fan even before it started -just from the movie, but I loved Vala right away (she brought Daniel, my ultimate favorite character, back alive) and learned to really like Mitchel by the end of the first season.  I also liked General Landry immediately and actually liked him more than General Hamon.  (It's not really a fair comparison since they used the characters very differently).  Normally I'm not a fan of new characters brought in late in the day but for whatever reason, it all clicked for me. 

  • Love 1

I hated both Cameron and Vala so much on SG1 that I had to go back and rewatch all of Farscape -- twice in a row -- to remind me I actually loved Ben Browder and Claudia Black.

And now I pretend SG-1 ended in Thread/Moebius, and those last two seasons were just a really weird Farscape/SG1 mashup nightmare I had once and have done my best to forget completely.

I liked Cam but I hated Vala.

I liked Cam but I hated Vala.

Love her/hate her, at least appreciate that no one was thrown under a bus to prop her up.  (They did ignore the whole stealing a ship thing, but eh, they've ignored worse) Her actions propped her up or tore her down but no one pretended she was perfect when she wasn't.  I really value that now, looking back.    

I always loved old school Stargate. Never could get into the new cast. Didn't care much for Stargate Atlantis either.

I did actually get into Stargate Universe. I was sad to see it canceled.

SGU was awful in the beginning - it just droned on and nothing ever happened, plus it was determined to make Chloe their unicorn when I just didn't care about her or her or that other pretty boy.  I tuned in about six episodes from the end and they'd seemed to fix a lot of their issues and then yes, I was sad it ended.  I still worry over Eli from time to time. 


I lost interest in SGA when they killed Weir and then made Rodney their special pet.  He was great in smaller doses but he was not my pick for leading man.  His "romance" with the new doctor was a mess.  Such a bad fit age, personality, and chemistry wise IMO.  That show did not treat its female characters well.

Edited by BkWurm1
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I think I hated Cameron more than Vala? I remember thinking he was super annoying all the time, while Vala was just too scheme-y for my tastes. It's not really a character archetype I ever enjoy, the trickster type. But I honestly cannot tell you anything in detail about those seasons. I remember Morena Baccarin and Cliff Simon being hot, and the ~special episodes~ like 200 and Ripple Effect, but even those I haven't rewatched more than a couple of times. There are earlier episodes I've seen over 50 times each. SG-1 was my default 'background noise' while doing stuff around the house show for years.

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