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Luke Mitchell Joins 'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

Variety reports that the 29-year-old former Tomorrow People actor has joined ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a recurring role.

Luke will play “Lincoln, a charismatic Inhuman who has an important role in Skye (Chloe Bennet) understanding the true extent of her transformation.”

In the Marvel-verse, The Inhumans are a race of beings that have been genetically enhanced by the Kree, the same alien species from Guardians of the Galaxy. During the midseason finale that Skye is actually Inhuman Daisy Johnson, a.k.a. Quake, and that her father is Dr. Calvin Zabo/Mr. Hyde, a villain in the comicbooks.


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Haha, I just read this article about the 50 Shades of Grey movie and their disastrous press tour. Apparently the leads hate each other (even admitted as much in an interview), they don't really have chemistry, and they both seem disgusted that they even made the movie.  I've never read the book, don't ever want to, and will not be seeing the movie, but I am curious to see if this will be an epic disaster.

I follow a guy that reads books and watches TV shows unspoiled and he's currently reading 50 Shades and it is HILARIOUS. His commentary throughout the videos is golden. He spends half his time saying "Fuck you, Christian Grey. You are a horrible human being. Fuck you, E.L. James. This is the worst book I have ever read". And this guy got his start by reading Twilight and ripping it to shreds.

I follow a guy that reads books and watches TV shows unspoiled and he's currently reading 50 Shades and it is HILARIOUS. His commentary throughout the videos is golden. He spends half his time saying "Fuck you, Christian Grey. You are a horrible human being. Fuck you, E.L. James. This is the worst book I have ever read". And this guy got his start by reading Twilight and ripping it to shreds.


Sounds similar to SA's reaction when he read it: Starts at 7:48.

Haha, I just read this article about the 50 Shades of Grey movie and their disastrous press tour. Apparently the leads hate each other (even admitted as much in an interview), they don't really have chemistry, and they both seem disgusted that they even made the movie.  I've never read the book, don't ever want to, and will not be seeing the movie, but I am curious to see if this will be an epic disaster.  

I have no interest in reading this book or seeing the movie.  FYI, I heard on the news last night that pre-order ticket sales for the movie are booming (some theaters are already sold out) and that they're predicting a possible $60 million box office for Valentine's Day weekend (when the movie is released).


Great! news  I thought Luke Mitchell was the best actor on the The Tomorrow People.

Edited by tv echo

I have no interest in reading this book or seeing the movie.  FYI, I heard on the news last night that pre-order ticket sales for the movie are booming (some theaters are already sold out) and that they're predicting a possible $60 million box office for Valentine's Day weekend (when the movie is released).


I honestly cannot imagine any 'mainstream' movie audience I would want to be in less than an audience watching that movie. Yeesh.


I did see Kingsman: The Secret Service last night and really enjoyed it. A violent, crude Bond pastiche, with bags of humour and an engaging group of actors. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes spy movies, and probably anyone who likes action movies too.

I want to see Kingsman because it looks like a lot of fun - and Colin Firth!


Oh, Colin Firth is awesome in it. Dapper, debonair, effortlessly cool and deadly, but also warm and likeable. It's such a fun character for him to play, because he's sending up the sort of aristocratic type that he often plays. The young guy playing the (I guess joint) lead is really good as well.


I knew almost nothing about the movie going in, and was very pleasantly surprised. Very genre savvy, with its tongue firmly in its cheek (there's a great bit where one agent can identify a rare, vintage scotch just from smelling it in a glass).

Allow me to third that. Have not read the books or have desire to view the movie. Also i think i may be the only female under 30 on the plant who has not read Twilight, I did watch the first movie - and that is 1.5 hours I'll get back.

Can I fourth that? I'm reading some hilarious recaps of 50 Shades because I just couldn't get through even the first few pages without wanting to murder Anastasia. Likewise with Twilight, though my 30's are past me now. And I'm so tired of vampires. The undead are freaking everywhere and I'm so over it.

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I read about 100 pages or so of the first book, and my god. On top of the fact that Ana was just an outright idiot (this dude came into the hardware store where she worked and bought rope, duct tape and various other kidnapping/murdering accessories from her), the writing included comments like, 'We're talking about cheese...holy crap.'


And then they started having sex (or 'doing it' as she referred to it) and she kept referring to condoms as 'foil packets' and I was like, are they making ramen or screwing, I honestly can't tell. Close book, set on fire. 

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The BDSM stuff is of no issue to me, but it's just such a stupid book with terrible characters and characterizations and it's actually an abusive relationship and not representative of ostensibly healthy alternative relattionships.  But worse than that the smut was BORING and hilariously awful.  I spent more time trying to parse the shitty sentences than paying attention to the supposed sexytimes


And instead of using words like "pussy" or "cock" or  what have you that is generally accepted and generally effective words as dirty talk, EL James uses the words "member" and "my sex" WTF? Who calls their vagina 'my sex' when you are hot and horny.  Good gods it's so stupid.  I think the popularity was because of what imaginations filled in for the shitty, hacky writing.

Edited by catrox14
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The characterizations, the horrible dialogue, the nonsensical plotting and the prudish and juvenile way sex is presented was just unbearable. But the worst is how it presents abuse as something romantic. That is just beyond gross. I'm not talking about the BDSM - that was pretty banal. I read a few excerpts after I gave up reading the whole book just to figure out what people were making such a big deal about. But the controlling, the mental abuse, no respect for personal boundaries, it really is scary how people think it's supposed to be romantic.


ETA: What catrox just said.

Edited by Menrva
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I have read some Olicity fanfic that used the phrase "her sex" and I was wondering where in the hell that was coming from because I've never ever seen that sort of terminology before.  Must have been written by a 50 Shades fan, I guess.  For a good laugh, go on Amazon and read through the one star reviews.  Someone should publish a book comprised of all of those negative reviews, that shit would be hilarious.

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I have read some Olicity fanfic that used the phrase "her sex" and I was wondering where in the hell that was coming from because I've never ever seen that sort of terminology before.  Must have been written by a 50 Shades fan, I guess.  For a good laugh, go on Amazon and read through the one star reviews.  Someone should publish a book comprised of all of those negative reviews, that shit would be hilarious.

To be fair, if you read any of the older romance novels, especially the historical ones, there was a great deal of "her sex" and "his hardness' as well as an inordinate amount of sword sheathing and wheels of spinning fireworks shooting off climactic sparks.  I can imagine that's where James picked up some of her lingo but that doesn't excuse the rest of the book.


I did not/will not read 50 Shades but I must confess to the Twilight books (I was tricked!  A respected editor I knew swore they were fantastic - they weren't but they were really easy to read and strangely compelling in a train wreck kind of way)  I did read a few chapters of a parody that someone was writing about 50 Shades.  The most ridiculous stuff turned out to be directly from the book, plus the Twilight rip off was so blatant (even second hand in the parody) I couldn't even continue to read it.    

Can I fourth that?

I fifth that.


The only way I'd read it, or watch it, is if one of them is an alien and the other is a secret government spy sent to get information on the alien invasion.  No romance or anything like that, they could call it Fifty Shades of Greys.


On the other hand, I really want to see Kingsman.

Edited by Jediknight
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I suggest reading the parody "50 Shames of Earl Grey" by Fanny Merkin, a.k.a. Andrew Shaffer. (I can't remember if it's under one name or the other). It's hilarious.


“I growl with frustration at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is fifty shades messed up. Why is it so kinky and out of control? I need to stop sleeping with it wet. As I brush my long brown hair, the girl in the mirror with the brown eyes too big for her head stares back at me. Wait... my eyes are blue! It dawns on me that I've been staring at a poster of Kristen Stewart for five minutes. My own hair is fine.”

  • Love 5

I've actually read some YA (Young Adult) fiction - like anything else, some is good and some is bad.  Same can be said about romance novels, contemporary fiction, mysteries, etc.


  • I read the entire Twilight series - BAD.  
  • I read the entire Hunger Games series - GOOD.  
  • I read the entire Divergent series - BAD.
  • I read the entire Harry Potter series - GOOD.


But that's just my opinion.  I have friends who disagree with me on some of the above.

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Not feeling his pain.  Someone searched his twitter and found a quote that put him in a bad light and now some people hate him and call him names...on the internet.  Sounds a bit thin skinned to me.


And yes, I agree that KSite has a ...if not Laurel bias, then a comics canon bias.  That's that prism the show is so often viewed through first.   

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I'm just laughing at how horrified this dude is that someone found a tweet on his public feed and commented on it. It's creepy and weird - except it's public and accessible to anyone. Does he not know how the internet works?


What was the tweet, does he mention it? I had to stop reading that after he mentioned Gamergate, because I was worried there was going to be a correlation drawn there and I didn't want to get angry so late in the day, haha.

I'm kinda disappointed, I hoped the other reviewer quitted. I liked this one's reviews, mostly.Don't follow him outside of the site, though, so I don't know.

I stopped reading the GATV reviews to keep my rage down but I do remember that there usually was a less biased review eventually put up next to the really bad one.  Pity the wrong one quit. 

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What was the tweet, does he mention it? I had to stop reading that after he mentioned Gamergate, because I was worried there was going to be a correlation drawn there and I didn't want to get angry so late in the day, haha.


From http://durkinator27.tumblr.com/post/110399280251/on-arrow-olicity-and-why-im-not-writing-about:



It was a comment on an episode where Felicity basically slut-shamed her own mom (it makes sense in context) and I remarked that it was kinda weird, given the creators have put Felicity in very similar outfits to what she tore down as being slutty. I don’t think I made that very clear, which is totally my bad; essentially, I thought it was strangely hypocritical for the show to do that, and makes Felicity’s costumes seem more like the product of male gaze (“this character is getting popular so let’s put her in tighter dresses!”) rather than any kind of empowerment.

What was the tweet, does he mention it? I had to stop reading that after he mentioned Gamergate, because I was worried there was going to be a correlation drawn there and I didn't want to get angry so late in the day, haha.


I c/p this part below. I get that unwanted and maybe even undeserved hate is annoying and bothersome, but unfortunately, that's the culture of the internet. You either buck up and ignore it or quit and write an overly dramatic blog about it.


ETA: Or what drspaceman just posted.


A while back, some weirdos who don’t follow me apparently made it a point to go to my Twitter and find a specific tweet — either they saved it the night I tweeted back in November and kept it for months, or they went back and searched through months of tweets to find it.

Either way, it’s absolutely creepy as fuck.

All my stuff is public, because I don’t really have anything to hide and I’m very upfront about my thoughts. I still don’t regret that. But that doesn’t make me less creeped out.

It was a comment on an episode where Felicity basically slut-shamed her own mom (it makes sense in context) and I remarked that it was kinda weird, given the creators have put Felicity in very similar outfits to what she tore down as being slutty. I don’t think I made that very clear, which is totally my bad; essentially, I thought it was strangely hypocritical for the show to do that, and makes Felicity’s costumes seem more like the product of male gaze (“this character is getting popular so let’s put her in tighter dresses!”) rather than any kind of empowerment.


Edited by calliope1975

I used to write a weekly column for a publication when I was in Europe - it was all serious journalism - and the every week the website would have comments ranging from calling me a socialist idiot (I wrote a lot against privatization of water) to Satan's evil spawn (for writing pro choice pieces). You need to have the hide of rhinoceros if you are publishing anything. It was Lord Wellington who once said, "Publish and be damned." I guess getting damned is just as important as getting published - esp in this day and age. This guy is obviously a joke and not a real writer.

Never really went to GATV because that website is a mess aesthetically. My eyeballs cannot take that.

Edited by TanyaKay
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I c/p this part below. I get that unwanted and maybe even undeserved hate is annoying and bothersome, but unfortunately, that's the culture of the internet. You either buck up and ignore it or quit and write an overly dramatic blog about it.


ETA: Or what drspaceman just posted.


Thanks guys!


Yeah, angry twitter replies and such must be bothersome, but if people searching through your timeline creeps you out, um...maybe lock your Twitter, dude. Just a thought.

Just wanted to post MG's response to the issue discussed above...

satanichorse asked:
I know you will ignore this anyway because you would never dare angering your precious followers but look how they manage to harass writers of one of Arrow's biggest fansite and maybe reconsider if it isn't time to do some PSA about what is acceptable fandom behaviour. As long as nobody speaks up against it they will continue to feel validated and won't stop. durkinator27 tumblr com/post/110399280251/on-arrow-olicity-and-why-im-not-writing-about (replace the spaces with dots)

I’ll be totally honest:  The Internet is a big place and if I were to go down the slippery slope of policing Arrow’s fans — or anyone else — I wouldn’t have time to do anything other than that, including writing and producing the show.  If someone is writing something that offends you, my advice is to not engage with them.  The Internet is a wonderful means of communication, but a lousy method for changing people’s opinions.  Moreover, it’s been my experience that the people who are acting inappropriately are doing so to get your goat.  The best response and revenge is to deny them that pleasure by ceasing to engage with them.


Edited by tv echo
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Double Crap! Both ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Sequels Are Officially Happening


Dirty South, Indeed: ‘Fifty Shades’ Tickets Are Going Fastest In These States

Edited by tv echo

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