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18 hours ago, bijoux said:

Does that mean we should stop embedding stuff and just post links? Maybe it would help.

It might help but I'd rather have the links and pics and just deal with the wonky pages rather than lose out on interesting stuff.  At this point I was just curious if it was only my computer or not.

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Lots of tweets by Josh Friedman [showrunner of Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles] about writing in general, writing pilots, and how network tv shows are HAMMERED [his word] with exposition/clarity notes, which was his main fight with WB during TSCC:


So maybe the fact that Arrow has some of the most repetitive exposition shit of all time has something to do with that.

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Arrow isn't that great at always being clear though. It's much better than Smallville (which was TERRIBLE) but we still spend a lot of time trying to figure stuff out on Arrow so I'm not sure those notes are all bad. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Arrow isn't that great at always being clear though. It's much better than Smallville (which was TERRIBLE) but we still spend a lot of time trying to figure stuff out on Arrow so I'm not sure those notes are all bad. 

What you said. The fact that we were still trying to figure out how many times Oliver went to see William because the show never made it clear seems to argue that the Arrow writers didn't get enough notes- and I'm not counting the offscreen comments by show runners. Unless it happens on screen it doesn't count for me. 

The fact that they didn't get how terrible the optics are on our hero visiting his child (and by extension, the mother of his child) in secret, while his wheelchair bound girlfriend sits at home suggests that they doubled down on not seeing the problem.

And Josh Friedman is the guy I mainly blame for running TSCC into the ground. The season premiere had ratings of 18 million viewers. The entire first season had an average of 10 million. So much goodwill was squandered in the second season, it was painful to watch. Those are ratings MG and co would sell their souls over. 

The second season was a mess- plot and character wise. Even when he knew the writing was on the wall, Friedman just stubbornly went forward with pointless plots, focus on ancillary and useless characters, ideas which went nowhere. When the show is on the bubble is not when you air an entire episode inside a character's head.

no, I'm not bitter, why do you ask? Lol. 

5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

What's annoying on Arrow is that I'm hammered with repetitive exposition on irrelevant stuff while the important stuff gets either withheld for drama or gets so muddled (e.g. Baby Mama Drama) you can't tell what the characters' GMC are.

Exactly. And then, once everyone's confused and angry, you give Thea that terrible speech which is so obviously the WORD OF GOD brought down from the mountain that it's horrifying, for me, that anyone- script supervisor, executive- let that get past without at least making it less blatant.

I appreciate that Friedman praises the visuals and envies the freedom on Luther, cos I love that show. But he had a fandom loved by millions all over the world for 20 years, a budget the entire BBC couldn't even dream of, and a chance to do what neither T3 nor T4 ever managed - show us what was so great about John Connor anyway. But he was more interested in the stories of Shirley Manson-bot and T-Garrett Dillahunt. So I guess we'll never know.

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8 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

What's annoying on Arrow is that I'm hammered with repetitive exposition on irrelevant stuff while the important stuff gets either withheld for drama or gets so muddled (e.g. Baby Mama Drama) you can't tell what the characters' GMC are.

Um... General Motors Corporation?

(I actually googled that acronym and I still don't know what you mean)

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I just finished The Vampire Diaries season six the other week and I have to say, Caroline has never been more unbearable to me. She's just utterly exhausting. The writers did a pretty good job with Bonnie that season though, and I loved that she was just done with everyone's shit. It's TVD so they still underused Bonnie and isolated her from the rest of the cast for ages, but she had pretty much the one storyline I liked so...?

Edited by manbearpig
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I had to go back and look, but yeah, season six is where I dropped out.  I never followed the show weekly, but I did watch the seasons on Netflix when they would become available.  But for some reason I just didn't get very far in season six.  I don't even particularly remember why now.  But that's also about the time I stopped watching The Originals, so *shrug* Maybe I just lost interest in the whole universe round about that time.  

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I need to go and eat an hat, because when the nominations were announced i said out loud there is no way the Emmy will ever give the award to Tatiana Maslany (no matter how freakin deserving she is!), simply because of the nature of her show, we've seen her lose it before.

I was wrong.




Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and eat a hat :-)

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1 hour ago, calliope1975 said:

I know Sterling K Brown is in lots of high profile shows, and I'm glad he won an Emmy, but he will always be the guy who tried to kill Dean Winchester to me. 

Man, Gordon was such an interesting character. I wish we had gotten more of him.   I was victory arming and wooting so loud for Sterling.  He was so fantastic as Chris Darden. I was just so happy and felt like the SPN family won too.  So happy.

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6 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I know Sterling K Brown is in lots of high profile shows, and I'm glad he won an Emmy, but he will always be the guy who tried to kill Dean Winchester to me. 

He'll always be the guy who did kill Amber Benson on SPN to me. [And for years I referred to him as "the bro Army Wife", and now I know I'm gonna have to stop.]

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I'm so happy that Tatiana Maslany won! I would've been upset if the show ended without her winning an Emmy. 

I guess the voters finally watched the show to see how amazing she is. 

Edited by Sakura12
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7 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Man, Gordon was such an interesting character. I wish we had gotten more of him.   I was victory arming and wooting so loud for Sterling.  He was so fantastic as Chris Darden. I was just so happy and felt like the SPN family won too.  So happy.

I wasn't a big fan of Gordon's character.  He was Gunn if Gunn never met Angel, and not as interesting.

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Tatianai Maslany winning is incredibly awesome. And she deserved it.

Going back to the discussion on female directors for a moment:


Berlanti noted that in seeking out women directors, he ran into unexpected complications that led to women saying no. “We do most of our shows are out of town, and there are a lot of female directors who are actually not just the breadwinner in their house, but they’re also having to go home and take care of their kids,” he said. “So you’re going to offer them an opportunity out of town for two or three weeks, and it’s challenging for them.”

Is he suggesting that the solution is for the women directors to find better fathers for their children?  Or better childcare?

IIRC, Lexi Alexander doesn't have any children. And as has been noted, there are a lot of good women directors in Vancouver.

On 2016-09-18 at 0:15 AM, BkWurm1 said:

Wonder if the camera operators and crew don't like taking orders from a woman. 

In my experience in the working world, that attitude comes from the top down.  Even in the 70s there were women directors in the CBC, although they had to fight for it.  But that was more than a generation ago.  Things should be different now. 

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Pumped for Tatiana Maslany & everyone on People v OJ! Each so deserving! Was really bummed there were so many repeat winners. And was disappointed Jimmy Kimmel wasnt better. Overall it was a very average feeling Emmys.

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I'm saddened by any couple breaking up/divorcing, especially if minor children are involved. Nobody knows what is inside another one's marriage, except those in the marriage.

I hope its amicable for the children. And I hope the media/press respects the requests for privacy for the sake of the children. I doubt they will, but it's nice to hope that human decency will outweigh people's need for unnecessary information.

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45 minutes ago, kismet said:

I'm saddened by any couple breaking up/divorcing, especially if minor children are involved. Nobody knows what is inside another one's marriage, except those in the marriage.

I hope its amicable for the children. And I hope the media/press respects the requests for privacy for the sake of the children. I doubt they will, but it's nice to hope that human decency will outweigh people's need for unnecessary information.

This.  People can speculate all they want re: whether there was cheating involved in both/either Pitt marriages, whether Brad is/was on drugs, whether Angelina is controlling, etc., but at the end of the day nobody really knows what happened other than those directly involved.  What is true is that yet another family is being broken apart and that's sad, IMO.  I don't care if it's a celebrity or my next door neighbor--it sucks seeing little kids lose their family as they know it (except when they're in bad situations).

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Just saw "This is Us" on NBC and I really liked it. The show actually head up to the preview & hype. It was a nice blend of humor, family, life and realistic drama. It also had some good twists. All in all, I definitely recommend the show. Hopefully future episodes will hold up to the pilot.

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I wasn't going to watch This is Us. It was too sentimental and too hyped but I ended up watching it anyway. I enjoyed it. It was casted really well. I did not see the twist coming and then felt stupid for not seeing it. Lol. I will say there was no sobbing or big tears from me, just a little teary eyed. 

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

The good news is soon I will never have to hear "Brangelina" again.

How long were there mentions of Team Angelina and Team Jen? We'll be hearing abou Brangelina regardless of them not being together for a long while is what I'm saying.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I wasn't going to watch This is Us. It was too sentimental and too hyped but I ended up watching it anyway. I enjoyed it. It was casted really well. I did not see the twist coming and then felt stupid for not seeing it. Lol. I will say there was no sobbing or big tears from me, just a little teary eyed. 

Just finished watching, and damn! that was one hell of twist!-- good on them for managing to keep it hidden so well until the very end!

I'm not sure what signs there were that lead to the twist. probably the hospital scenes. I honestly haven't been this surprised by a pilot in a long time, also i thought the acting was pretty top notch, some things felt a bit cliche but they were kept to a minimum.

Oh, and I swear I think Justin Hartley was literally channel himself in some of the scenes, like his own frustration from his career.

I think i'm definitely gonna tune in next week.

Edited by foreverevolving
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After the twist was revealed I went back to re-watch it to see if they had any clues.


The very beginning had a shot of a box with "family photos '75-79. Also in the scene when Mandy Moore comes out of the bathroom there's a seventies style vacuum cleaner in the background. 

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Another after the episode twist reveal puzzle piece/clue was a 


Vaginal birth for triplets. Most ob/gyns nowdays consider multis high risk so its generally Csection for them.

All in all I was very impressed by ths writing and the acting, that combo is rare these pilot seasons.

Oh and Justin Hartley was so adorable. I really felt my younger years coming back with Passion flashbacks. I know Alan Thicke only guested but he was the perfect guest TV Dad for the characters generation.

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19 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

After the twist was revealed I went back to re-watch it to see if they had any clues.

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The very beginning had a shot of a box with "family photos '75-79. Also in the scene when Mandy Moore comes out of the bathroom there's a seventies style vacuum cleaner in the background. 




I just assumed it was like baby pictures or something like that of one of them.

Oh! so now i'm wondering what happen to Milo and Mandy characters cause the kids were talking about them like they were dead.

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I don't find it dreadfully sad. I can't guarantee that though. It feels like it might get sad at points. It has a lot of heart and emotional realism to it, so that has the potential for sad. But right now its just hitting all the right notes for me. It also has just the right nostalgia factor. It feels genuine and authentic. 

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I watched it and am so glad I did. It really was excellent. And every hospital stay should include Gerald McRaney. His character was just so wonderful. In fact the only character I didn't like was Toby. Or maybe it's more of a feeling that I won't like him. He's too pushy for me. Although he did make me laugh with whipping up his cell and asking Kevin to take his shirt off. The porn bit made me laugh as well, but more for Kevin's reaction. And Justin Hartley was just so incredibly good. He and Sterling K Brown seriously slayed. It's not to say the others underpreformed, it's just that these two really stayed with me.

You weren't really secretive about the twist here, so I got most of it before watching the episode. However,


I didn't get Randall's involvement until Gerald's talk with Milo Ventamiglia. And I found the fireman casually lighting up in the maternity ward a great reveal of the time period.

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Good Place is OK. I think it has a lot of potential. And I really want the Buddhist dude to be another "bad" person, like Kristen Bell.

Don't care about This Is Us, family melodrama is something that automatically bores me to tears.

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I enjoyed This Is Us.  I thought it was pretty good.  I'll definitely watch again. Nice to see Justin Hartley again.

Re the twist.  


When the firefighter started smoking in the maternity ward, I was like UM NO you can't do that. Smoking is not allowed in hospitals much less in a maternity ward and why isn't the dad telling him to stop. What the hell is going on here? At that point I thought the firefighter was a reaper and smoking was just his character trait and he was there for the baby that died and was guiding the dad to the new baby to adopt. Or he was there for the dad who had died himself. Then I thought it was time travel. It was only when people were watching Walter Cronkite and not caring the firefighter was smoking that it was just non-linear storytelling.

see also: You know you watch too much scifi/fantasy when ....

Edited by catrox14
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58 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I enjoyed This Is Us.  I thought it was pretty good.  I'll definitely watch again. Nice to see Justin Hartley again.

Re the twist.  

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When the firefighter started smoking in the maternity ward, I was like UM NO you can't do that. Smoking is not allowed in hospitals much less in a maternity ward and why isn't the dad telling him to stop. What the hell is going on here? At that point I thought the firefighter was a reaper and smoking was just his character trait and he was there for the baby that died and was guiding the dad to the new baby to adopt. Or he was there for the dad who had died himself. Then I thought it was time travel. It was only when people were watching Walter Cronkite and not caring the firefighter was smoking that it was just non-linear storytelling.

see also: You know you watch too much scifi/fantasy when ....

Yup. Exactly what I was thinking while reading your post. ;)

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11 hours ago, bijoux said:

Sigh. I guess I'm giving it a go. Possibly The Good Place as well. I can't remember the last time I tried two new shows.

I liked what I saw of the Good Place. It was better than I thought (Though I'm having serious Samantha Who and Selfie flashbacks - still I liked those shows so I'm trying to count that as a good thing)  Her being there as a mistake was all over the trailers but I was surprised that the comedy was more than her just being a fish out of water and that her being there affected everyone even if they didn't know she was to blame.   

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I fell asleep during the Good Place. I hope its not show related because i wanted to like the show. I'll give it another shot. But still didn't blow my socks off.

Also the other guy looked way to much like Echo which I found distracting.

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56 minutes ago, kismet said:

I fell asleep during the Good Place. I hope its not show related because i wanted to like the show. I'll give it another shot. But still didn't blow my socks off.

Also the other guy looked way to much like Echo which I found distracting.

That may have been why I got a good vibe about him, lol.

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