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Afterbuzz Show: DWTS

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The show actually worked a bit better for me this week, with only the two people. It wasn't just a mash of people talking over each other, Kristyn got to actually give her critique more instead of just moderating (and I find I tend to agree with her most, so that was nice) and Darvina put on a little bit more of a critical hat than her usual, "everybody's buddy" routine. 

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This week's episode was awful in my opinion. The show suffers so much without Kristen (and Jake too, for me). There are a lot of things that I KNOW she would have brought up if she were there, that just went unsaid. I like Suri and Darvina fine as people but they were actually insufferable in this episode. Suri has been really bad the last few weeks and with her as the moderator she was much worse. And they pretty much just agreed with each other on everything? Effusive, over the top praise to Mark, Derek, and Sharna and their partners. It was hard to listen to. Like I understand that they're supposed to give their opinions but I thought they must be joking at several points??

This week's episode was awful in my opinion. The show suffers so much without Kristen (and Jake too, for me). There are a lot of things that I KNOW she would have brought up if she were there, that just went unsaid. I like Suri and Darvina fine as people but they were actually insufferable in this episode. Suri has been really bad the last few weeks and with her as the moderator she was much worse. And they pretty much just agreed with each other on everything? Effusive, over the top praise to Mark, Derek, and Sharna and their partners. It was hard to listen to. Like I understand that they're supposed to give their opinions but I thought they must be joking at several points??

I agree, even though Suri was much more forgiving of Tamar than she usually is. 


I personally find Darvina borderline insufferable. She says "and what not" and "you know what i mean" SO MUCH. She needs more transitional phrases. Plus having no one there that has any ballroom experience it's just like... if I wanted to hear people's opinions as simply viewers, and not practitioners, I would go to a message board like this one. 

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I've already said this, but I'll repeat myself. I don't like this show unless they discuss/critique the technical aspects of the dances, preferably with Anna or someone Iike her as a panelist, and a guest who has credibility.

Also, I agree about Darvina. Is she a professional dancer? All I know about her is that she's Mark's best friend, hardly an unbiased critic. It's hard to believe they can't find an experienced, credible and articulate permanent panel member. I like Jake but he is gone so often that they have to recruit last minute substitutes all the time.

This week's show. 



Did Kristen quit? I'm kidding, sort of, but this week they didn't even bother saying where she was or anything. It was a little weird. I thought the show was actually pretty good this week. Everyone, save for Suri of course, had some really good comments and insights.


And while he's bugged me at times before, I thought Serge actually had some really good comments. I disagreed with a few things here and there, like Jake thinking they could have scored Nick a little higher with some 9's when dude full on stumbled in his Tango. I mean really? And wow, none of them are here for Carlos and Witney, at least with the Contemporary.


And I'll be honest, I totally cracked up at the comment about Bindi tackling a crocodile because he's right, she really did in that one clip they showed. I did laugh at the "um, did you not see the girl body slam a crocodile, a rope will not scare her." That was pretty hilarious. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

Kristen had said on Twitter she'd be out until the finale, maybe they thought that should cover it? I also enjoyed Serge, he brought a good energy. I could have done without Suri over-laughing and then repeating every one of his jokes, that got annoying, but he had a good balance of keeping it light hearted but then also having an opinion. And while I still think it's going to be Bindi first, Nick second, I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if he was right about Alek eeking out second place. 

Final show of the season.



I saw this since Wednesday and thought it was really good. Some things I found interesting was Jake's sudden turnabout face in wanting more straight ballroom dances and less of the mish-mosh styles in every dance. Funny as he was the one crowing at the start of the season about the show is not Dancing With The Ballroom Star. Glad he finally quit with that. 


It was nice to have Kristen back and Suri was Suri so whatever. I get what they were saying about the packages but this show is what it is and seems like Rob Wade especially really likes going down that road of reality television, so I'm not sure that's going to change. As much as they all like Derek, it was interesting that they all seem to think it best he not come back next season - not necessarily leave the show forever but maybe just walk away for a moment. 


And I also thought it was interesting that Kristen put it out there about "politics" even in the reactions when the winners are announced and how this was the first time everyone just seemed so happy and rushed the stage. I will admit that got a slight eyebrow raise from me because sure, there are certain people that would rush for the winners first based on their relationship - like you always knew Mark would go to Derek first and Val and Tony rushing the stage when Maks and Meryl won. But I never got the sense other Pros were sulking and mad and "politics" got involved. I thought by the end you always ended up seeing all the Pros and celebrities from the season eventually coming together on the stage. 

I noticed Jake's turnaround too. Also, Kristyn added more agreement. In fact, Jake said something like, it was good to see some "real" dancing, following it quickly with "not that contemporary is not". It was interesting that after viewing an entire season with fewer rules enforced, much more fusing of styles and less ballroom, by the end of it everyone was getting a sense that the show had lost something. That's how I heard it anyway.

Speaking to Kristyn's comment, there is a conversation that goes around in some circles every season after the finale about the reactions to the win of the various Pros and their supposed factions. I think that's what Kristyn might have been referencing. Some people have made a big deal out of whether the Pro acts like its his/her win rather than the celeb's, Tony raising up three fingers last season meaning that the DWM guys now had three MBTs, etc. In my opinion, I've never seen this as "political" either but just pure joy and excitement when their friends win. I also think for the most part they all seem happy for the winner no matter who it is. It was nice to see the overall joy from everyone over Bindi's win. She seemed to have a positive affect on everyone connected to the show.

Kristyn is a bit of a joke. Last year she threw a hissy fit about the negative edits of Nastia. This year a quick mention of Tamar's negative edits. Last year it was a grand conspiracy against Nastia. This year negative edits are just something we all know TPTB do, not something specific to Tamar. She also strongly implied Rumer and Val were pimped into their win. This year no mention of the worst pimping in the history of the show.

Afterbuzz DWTS is pure BS.

Edited by gohawks
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I noticed Jake's turnaround too. Also, Kristyn added more agreement. In fact, Jake said something like, it was good to see some "real" dancing, following it quickly with "not that contemporary is not". It was interesting that after viewing an entire season with fewer rules enforced, much more fusing of styles and less ballroom, by the end of it everyone was getting a sense that the show had lost something. That's how I heard it anyway.

I totally agree with him that the contemporary on DWTS is not real dancing. Watching the contemporary (and jazz) on this show is actually painful for me as somebody with some experience, so it's probably the same way for him.

Edited by ocelot

Kristyn is a bit of a joke. Last year she threw a hissy fit about the negative edits of Nastia. This year a quick mention of Tamar's negative edits. Last year it was a grand conspiracy against Nastia. This year negative edits are just something we all know TPTB do, not something specific to Tamar. She also strongly implied Rumer and Val were pimped into their win. This year no mention of the worst pimping in the history of the show.

I have to agree with this even though I really like Kristyn. The after buzz panel's hyperbole in regards to Derek and Bindi was super annoying this year. Suri's thing where she pauses for a long time before saying in a shaky voice how a dance changed her life and was pure genius and the best dance ever danced. She did that at least 3 times this season that I remember and I didn't watch every episode. Pls stop.

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I don't believe that's Jake's issue but ymmv. Jake has always expressed enthusiasm and seemed more than happy with much of the contemporary and Jazz numbers on the show. And it's why he started going down the road of "it's not Dancing With the Ballroom Star" in response to complaints about there being too many of these types of numbers and people like Alison being a Pro who has no ballroom training and sucks at teaching it.


I think his turn around is one, feedback from the show's viewers who certainly did not agree with him and I remembered he was very quiet when Louis was a guest on the show and was going on about wanting more of the purity of ballroom and less mish-mosh and two, his realizing that while a contemporary and jazz number is fine when it's called for, having some of that thrown in all the time in what should be an Argentine Tango or a Foxtrot gets tiresome after awhile.


I don't feel like Jake said anything about wanting contemporary and jazz gone or having an issue with it or feeling the show's version of it is too mediocre for him, especially since he seemed more than happy with Bindi's freestyle, imo. I think his comment was more about wanting the ballroom dances to go back to being just ballroom dances. In other words, no Argentine Tango fused with hip hop or Vienesse Waltz fused with contemporary or Foxtrot fused with Jazz, etc. Again YMMV.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I don't feel like Jake said anything about wanting contemporary and jazz gone or having an issue with it or feeling the show's version of it is too mediocre for him, especially since he seemed more than happy with Bindi's freestyle, imo.

If you go back and listen he didn't say one thing about the freestyle other than it's emotional impact. Kristyn never says anything about it either but I know she feels that way about it, she's mentioned it in sytycd after buzzes a few times. It would probably just offend the viewers if they said stuff like that so they don't. The closest I've ever seen on dwts after buzz is when they had Mandy Moore on one time.


By the way I agree with them about Bindi's feet haha, they're very nice.

Edited by ocelot

Yes I remember Mandy making very specific comments about what was lacking in Bethany and Derek's contemporary and she qualified by saying it would take years to master that. Obviously I don't know Jake and am in his head to say one hundred percent what he meant or was thinking but going by his words, which he said more than once, i.e. "go back to doing straight balllroom..." I felt like his problem was what some others have said, in that every dance for some couples start to look like a hybrid of styles. And so they want to see people go back to just plain Samba - not Samba/hip hop/funk/jazz whatever. 

  • Love 2

Yes I remember Mandy making very specific comments about what was lacking in Bethany and Derek's contemporary and she qualified by saying it would take years to master that. Obviously I don't know Jake and am in his head to say one hundred percent what he meant or was thinking but going by his words, which he said more than once, i.e. "go back to doing straight balllroom..." I felt like his problem was what some others have said, in that every dance for some couples start to look like a hybrid of styles. And so they want to see people go back to just plain Samba - not Samba/hip hop/funk/jazz whatever. 

Well I agree with that, and I agree he could have been saying that as well. I would love to see more sambas with just straight samba content, for your example. I think the show has veered off too far into the hybrid territory where a lot of dances are unrecognizable and it takes away a bit from the point of the show.

  • Love 1

Kristyn is a bit of a joke. Last year she threw a hissy fit about the negative edits of Nastia. This year a quick mention of Tamar's negative edits. Last year it was a grand conspiracy against Nastia. This year negative edits are just something we all know TPTB do, not something specific to Tamar. She also strongly implied Rumer and Val were pimped into their win. This year no mention of the worst pimping in the history of the show.


I agree with the overall point of what you are trying to say (though it's harsher than I would phrase it).  Last season, IMO the uproar/outrage was that the "negative" package involved a package with Derek. Folks were freaking out that he & Nastia were being "treated" this way and subjected to producer drama. I couldn't help but feel that all these outraged fans (Kristyn included) would simply shrug their shoulders if it happened to another team. 


Kristyn certainly mentioned it...but I would not say she was as outraged as she was last year. To be really honest...if it is not affecting your fav pro...people tend to care a lot less.  So simply put...I don't think she cared as much since it seems she was rooting for Bindi.


I also agree with your point about the pimping. If Kristyn wants to imply that Val & Rumer were pimped last season (I don't disagree with this assessment either)...then for the love of God I wish she'd acknowledge that Bindi & Derek were pimped this season as well.

  • Love 3

Personally I don't remember Kristyn acting like or implying that Rumer and Val were pimped to their win and I don't remember this huge outrage over Nastia's packages and how she was treated. In fact Suri spent most of the season agreeing with the judges that she didn't connect with Nastia and she didn't really work for her and many people insist Suri is biased to Derek as well. What Kristyn and some were bothered by yes, was the package right before the finale and all she did was politely ask Rob Wade about that at the Paley Panel the show had because I believe it was either in the same week or the next. 


Her opinion was simply that so close the Finals, with the points and likely viewer votes so close, was it fair to show this package that more than seeming cold, essentially suggested Nastia was being difficult or a bitch to the producers by daring to not want to speak to them about her feelings about Derek in that moment. And then they followed that up the next night with the bit from Dance Center of her basically being like a robot going, "I can't answer that, Derek said I can't say that..." over and over. 


Again it's entirely possible I missed it since I don't follow any of these people on social media but I don't remember there being any anger or outrage from Kristyn other than a simple direct question to Rob Wade about whether or not that was a fair edit so close to the Finals. And yes the panel all said they found the Finale underwhelming but hell  I found the finale and the freestyles last season all underwhelming. While none of the freestyles exactly blew me away or were super innovative this season, they were all fairly enjoyable in my opinion.


However, it is true - some see outrageous pimping and producer manipulation when they don't care for someone or when their favorites are the ones being treated a certain way. In a sense, Tamar got treated much like Nastia in my opinion with the aloof, not connecting aspect and yet I am sure some of the ones who were outraged for Tamar probably disagreed that Nastia was being edited and packaged badly. And instead fully believed that yes, she was just cold and didn't connect and there was no agenda against her to say that. And that's just it, when it comes to shows like this, people all have their biases but we always think our opinion is the truth and the unbiased one and it's others being biased. 


For the record, I liked both Tamar and Nastia just fine because their personalities are closer to mine, as I am in no way a Suzy Sunshine. However, watching the show long enough, I knew they would both struggle to connect with the average viewer who votes. The ones who love the story and the journey and the tears, etc. And I think they both got screwed over with specific packages - Tamar clearly being coaxed to say she was the best (it wasn't even subtle) and Nastia being made to look difficult and like a bitch because she was trying to avoid giving them the negative soundbite they wanted. But yeah it is what the show does and when it's against your favorite it sucks. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

Personally I don't remember Kristyn acting like or implying that Rumer and Val were pimped to their win and I don't remember this huge outrage over Nastia's packages and how she was treated.

She spent like 10 minutes an episode on it after it happened and said it was the worst treatment of a celeb ever on the show. She was also clearly pretty mad about it.

  • Love 2

Honestly, Kristyn's barely been on the show this season, if she seemed more invested last season it could be simply because of that. She's seemed a bit over it all, especially if you got a glance at her twitter during the season. I get the feeling that if she could make that Dance Network gig be a full time thing she'd be out of Afterbuzz like a shot. There's only so many times you can display the same outrage. She seemed just as annoyed about Tamar's edit to me, just a bit tired of making the same argument. 


On the show itself, I feel a little alone in liking the 24 hr fusion challenges. The purpose of those is more to get that shot of the couple in the studio at night reflecting on their experience than they are about the dance themselves. It's a story point rather than a competition piece. Cheezy, slightly formulaic, yes, but it's a nice period to put on the season. And for the dances they always give them some sort of corny triumphant song with a big crescendo that I always end up putting on my running playlists, they stage them with lots of sparkles and flashes, and while the choreography isn't ever the most amazing the contestents themselves seem to relax and just dance. I remember liking Val & Janel's fusion better than their finale dance, also really liked Amy & Derek's. 

I love the fusion dances. I think the first time they did it was All-Stars but it was during the season and later they made it a final dance for the three couples when they went to a four couples finale. But I've loved them and I thought Derek and Amber's Quickstep/Samba and his and Amy's AT/Cha Cha were both really good. I didn't love this season's as much because I think every couple was guilty of doing the one dance and then switching to another and most times it was like two seconds of one style. I like when they go back and forth with the two styles which is why I really liked Derek's with Amber and Amy. I thought he did that really well with those two fusions. 

I like when they show the couples looking at their pictures and reminiscing.  i also enjoy most of the fusion dances.  I just feel bad for the couples since I'm sure they are really tired and they still have to practice one more dance.  It's a good thing that they are dances they've already done.

I like the reminiscing too and their feelings about the last rehearsal.  I think there isn't much effort made in fusing the 2 dances, just a little of one and a little of the other and be done with it, since I think it's pretty much accepted that, barring any final dance disaster, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place standings are already decided. 


Re Kristyn, it seems to me that the level of her outrage over the "treatment" of Derek and his partners vs Val and his partners depends greatly on which audience she's talking to. On AfterBuzz, I think she tries to hold back - she's very sensitive to the comments on youtube. On her twitter feed, she seems much more open to fangirling Derek, loving his partners and being fairly neutral-to-ignoring of most of the other couples. 


However, watching the show long enough, I knew they would both struggle to connect with the average viewer who votes

Nastia clearly struggled. She had Derek as her partner and she went home after getting immunity. Nastia was arguably a better dancer, with higher scores, but Rumer got the sincerity edit and that commitment was evident in her dancing. 


Tamar may have turned off some, but her large fanbase was extremely loyal.  Given her edits she should have been long gone, but instead she gets through on a week where she's yet again underscored, she gets no bonus points, and she and her audience get to watch for the first time that 76% of those voting in a bogus dance off hate her.  Heady stuff. Musta been scary for her to stay on the show, she was a clear threat and a far better dancer than any of the finalists, even with all the other activity she engaged in, imagine if she didn't fly and didn't have all those commitments; it would have been something to see middle America's white grandma voter have to choke on it and actually vote for all American urban black girl instead of the chubby white non-American. But they wouldn't have voted for her. They would have invented another reason not to.   

Edited by Andie1

Okay, I'm not liking this new after-show panel AT ALL! Thankfully, Jeffrey Graham is only on for this week, but Kristyn's replacement is awful (I hope she's temporary.) Jake is out for this season; Julz Tocker is supposedly ill, so I'm hoping he gets better and comes back, and I even miss Suri (though nobody knows what's up with her, either). Darvina was the only hold-over from last season, and even SHE was Skyping in from England. No energy whatsoever, and I cannot stand when people don't do their research ("Is this Artem's first season as a pro?" DUH!)

Anyone else catch this? Or am I just being a grouch? LOL

  • Love 2

Okay, I'm not liking this new after-show panel AT ALL! Thankfully, Jeffrey Graham is only on for this week, but Kristyn's replacement is awful (I hope she's temporary.) Jake is out for this season; Julz Tocker is supposedly ill, so I'm hoping he gets better and comes back, and I even miss Suri (though nobody knows what's up with her, either). Darvina was the only hold-over from last season, and even SHE was Skyping in from England. No energy whatsoever, and I cannot stand when people don't do their research ("Is this Artem's first season as a pro?" DUH!)

Anyone else catch this? Or am I just being a grouch? LOL

 If you're a grouch, then so am I :(

The 2 panelists were useless.  They obviously know nothing about dance and I'm not sure the guy was even paying attention when he watched the show.  I tune in (previous seasons) for actual  critiques that we don't get from the "judges".  I don't care about their opinions, even though naturally they have to throw their opinions in there too.  This show was ALL opinion and only Darv has some knowledge of what she's talking about.  If this keeps up, I won't be tuning in in the future.

  • Love 2

Okay, I'm not liking this new after-show panel AT ALL! Thankfully, Jeffrey Graham is only on for this week, but Kristyn's replacement is awful (I hope she's temporary.) Jake is out for this season; Julz Tocker is supposedly ill, so I'm hoping he gets better and comes back, and I even miss Suri (though nobody knows what's up with her, either). Darvina was the only hold-over from last season, and even SHE was Skyping in from England. No energy whatsoever, and I cannot stand when people don't do their research ("Is this Artem's first season as a pro?" DUH!)

Anyone else catch this? Or am I just being a grouch? LOL

I wasn't feeling it either. The entire show felt disconnected. I thought it was because Darvina was skyping in...she kept interrupting...and she's rather long winded...and drags out things...and tends to repeat herself.  I couldn't really tell if the lady in studio was the moderator or if it was Darvina? 


They basically loved everyone's performance and were very hesitant to make any critiques. Whoever the moderator was couldn't get control of the show because they nearly ran out of time and had to get through a bunch of dances in 10 min.


I might check back to see if the show improves but at the moment I can't imagine tuning every week.  I 100% agree that there was no energy for me. 

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Kristyn tweeted yesterday that if we watched the final Afterbuzz show from last season, it would have been obvious that it was their last show together as a group. Yeah, Jake and Suri got a little emotional toward the end (then again, Suri cries very easily anyway), and they reminisced a lot about what they loved and didn't love about previous seasons, but I just re-watched it and there was absolutely NO mention or indication that they would not be back. I know they're getting a ton of "What happened? Where are you? We miss you all!" messages, so that's why Kristyn tweeted.

  • Love 1

What appears to have happened is, Jake bailed at the last minute for some other opportunity he got and Julz, just back from New Zealand, got sick. Darv was left without guests and no backups and in London where she couldn't just grab someone and drag them into the studio.  AfterBuzz provided 2 random panelists I guess so that Darv would have someone to talk with.  I hope Darv learns from this and is better prepared going forward.  I saw some tweets/IG messages that she's working on getting guests like Emma, Anna, troupe dancers (someone mentioned Brittany)  and she's expecting Julz to be back (though it seems Julz does have a history of being late and bailing last minute).  I guess we'll see if she's able to pull this together.

I agree with everyone that has commented on the crappy show this week.  Darv was okay skyping but the other two ... for supposed "fans" they know absolutely nothing about the show.  Heck, all they'd have to do is read the forums here on PTV and they'd know more than what they did.  I found myself yelling at the the screen wondering what the heck they were smoking.  When Darvina is better informed than the panel, you know its bad.  I may give it a try next week but if it isn't massively improved, I'm out.

I'm glad I read this thread before I tried to watch online; it sounds like a total clusterfuck. So Darvina of all people is the moderator now? Darvina, of no ballroom background aside from rooming with some DWTS pros, Darvina who LITERALLY says LITERALLY around 60 time per show, is the moderator? Even if Jake and Julz were there when they were supposed to be (and how many times have we heard that Jake was supposed to be there but got a last minute audition?) I might not have watched it.


I didn't watch the final show last season because it was a subpar season and didn't feel like being disappointed again, but I guess I missed something. Oh well...can't believe I'm saying this, but bad move Afterbuzz.

  • Love 1

It was okay. I personally find Julz a little annoying but at least he was enthusiastic and he had a lot to say about each couple and each dance. I think his being in studio for the show also helped. Darvina was okay and the connection over Skype was surprisingly good (I use Skype and it can be a massive pain with the constant dropping). The woman in studio didn't really contribute much in terms of the technique but I'm guessing she's not a dancer or expert but just someone who either likes the dance or not.


But all in all, not the worse show ever and it went by fairly quickly. I especially liked that there wasn't much time wasting so they were able to get to all the dances with sufficient time. I think the show could be okay once they can get some decent guests who actually know something about dancing. I mean even the troupe members would probably be okay if they can't get the competing Pros to come in. 

  • Love 1

 I especially liked that there wasn't much time wasting so they were able to get to all the dances with sufficient time. 


Except that they totally forgot to talk about Jodie and Keo's dance! They had to record that on Julz's Periscope afterward, with Darv on Skype on someone's phone. :-(  I still don't like Rhavin (the host), and though Julz can grate at times, yes, at least he's enthusiastic and knows what he's talking about.


Edyta was great on the show. She was knowledgeable and really personable. I hope she comes back and I'm so glad she said she had no idea what the judges were talking about with the lack of Cha Cha in Karina and Antonio's dance because I thought the same thing. I thought Antonio looked slightly under-rehearsed in his execution of the steps but I thought Karina put in plenty of Cha Cha steps in the dance. 


eta: I have no idea who that guy was and honestly, I think he could have stayed gone. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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