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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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The prison scenes were funny. Hope pulling a shank....the sexual innuendo from that female prisoner...does this show think it's Oz?

I guess they're going to say Hope should be freed since Stefano was ill and going to die anyway. 

The Theo/Val/Abe story needs...I'm not sure what, but it needs something. I'm glad they're getting a story but it's a tad boring. 

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This was honestly a very good episode from a humor standpoint.   

Dot Marie,  playing this Chilie character is quite funny and her presence alone helped.   

I still hold firm that Hope should always have some layer of dismay for Deimos no matter what.   Or hell he should always feel a sense of guilt for what he did with Bo whether he knew him or not.   Yet the convo between Victor/Deimos towards the end of the episode was authentic.   Plus liked that Ciara and Claire were having Kiriakis time.   I get these girls grew up Bradys/Hortons but sorry they are blood bound Kiriakis children too. They have freakin cousins over there like Brady, Sonny and uncles they barely talk too even.   It would be nice if Shawn had more cousin time with Brady like they use too when they were part of the last blast clique.   Anyhow least for today the writing didn't forget Ciara and Claire lineage. 

Finally the show is using this Rory character.   Even though he's gonna play an interloper it's just nice seeing the character.  If I could make a request to makeup and hair,  please cut his hair and actually have him look more 2016 than 1994's grunge era. 

Seems like Stefano goading Hope into shooting him might be leading into assisted suicide.   I don't know what that will do for Hope's conscious but if she gets out she will deal with it. 

Edited by BlackMamba

Are Rafe and Sean doing their private skullduggery on police/public time, with police/public equipment?

Gee, Claire, hint, hint, I want money.

OMG, Dot Marie!  I hope, hope, hope she gets to be on the show for a long time.  I love her.

They let Deimos wander through the prison just to do whatever he wants to do?

I love Rory.  :)

I hate that Victor is letting Deimos off the hook for Bo's death. I don't want a warm, caring Victor.  I want snarky Victor.

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22 hours ago, Michel said:

Six days late, but I thought I'd reply to this, as well.  What was even more glaring is that Theo was so oblivious to how badly he was making himself come off in front of everyone.  Everyone is looking at him somewhat awkwardly, and he still has this huffy look on his face like he totally doesn't even know why everyone's looking at him.  Really, dude?  You go off on a woman for pretty much no reason in front of everyone around you, and you can't see why things have suddenly gotten so tense and awkward?

That is actually very realistic.  His autism would made it difficult for him to understand how is coming across.  That's part of the disorder.

Now whether or not the writers thought it thru that well is up for debate....

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Mama No Life said:

That is actually very realistic.  His autism would made it difficult for him to understand how is coming across.  That's part of the disorder.

Now whether or not the writers thought it thru that well is up for debate....

I have a much lesser form of autism.  It's called Asperger's Syndrome.  And even I would have had more awareness than Theo showed.  Autistic or not, he is supposedly high-functioning, so he should have had way more awareness than that.

That said, Dena is the mother to an autistic child herself, so she probably did think of that.

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Rorylocks, please cut your hair. Your looking disaffected is so not 2016. Ciara, your love life prospects are looking up!

Hope's prison hair is far too nice. Surely she'd be in some braid or ponytail. Don't prisoners have to do some work in a jail? I can't imagine they sit and play cards all day and plot against each other.

US Thanksgiving just ended and it's already time for the Christmas tree! Theo, care about your dad, but he is your dad and who he chooses to spend time with is his business.

Not sure I'm liking the Stefano ret-con, complete with life insurance policy. I think most stop around 75 years old. Unless you are very very rich.

Oh, Theo.  You were doing so well today, inviting Valerie to Christmas tree shop with you and Abe.  Then, you go and ruin it with this paranoia over this Eli you see in Valerie's phone.  (It's obviously her son.)  I'm gonna go ahead and say this.  I hope this spyware plan of yours and Claire's blows up in both of your faces.

Rory and Ciara?  I'm not against the idea.

Hmm. . . . I did like Victor and Deimos's scene, and I did like Victor taking some responsibility for what Deimos turned into.  But he still let him off a bit too easily for Bo's death.

I'm all in for this Hope/Hattie friendship/partnership.  I kinda like Chillie, too, now that she's on their side.

Yeah, they're totally pulling out this retcon on Stefano to get Hope out.  Not that I don't want her to get out, of course.  But it seems like a lame rewrite to get her out.

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47 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Can someone be so kind as to give me a quick recap of anything major that has happened in the last month or so? I haven't watched in several months, but thinking about starting up again and don't want to be lost.

What was happening when you stopped watching?  This show can be hard to remember "time wise", sometimes easier to chart it by the plots.

Hope was found guilty of Stefano's murder and sentenced to 25 years in prison.  While in prison Hope met up with Hattie (Marlena's look a like, if you don't remember her I recapped it in a post above). Rafe, Roman, and Shawn D are trying to come up with ways to get her out.  Abe and Valerie have gotten closer and are spending time together, much to Theo's dismay.  Theo uncovered that Valerie has been secretly conversing with someone on the phone.  I believe Theo thinks its another man but it is Valerie's son who she hasn't mentioned yet. He and Claire have teamed up to investigate/expose Valerie.

Abby has come back to Salem.  Jennifer and JJ know that she is alive.  She is hiding out in the attic as she goes back and forth with revealing herself to Chad.  She is apprehensive because she has seen how Chad and Gabi have grown closer.  JJ cheated on Gabi and admitted it, Gabi for some reason has chosen to forgive him and give him another chance.  This is on the heels of Gabi and Chad growing closer and working together over the last few weeks.  They have developed feelings but chosen not to act on them.  She went back to JJ and Chad realized that he is still in mourning for Abby.

Joey has learned that Jade is pregnant and he is going to be a father.  I believe Jade will be moving in with the Johnson family.  Lucas and Adrienne's wedding was interrupted by Justin declaring his love for her.  Adrienne, Lucas, and Justin locked themselves in a hotel room, with Sonny standing guard to hash everything out.  Adrienne collapsed before giving her choice.  She has been diagnosed with something we the audience don't know.  She has slipped out of the hospital without notifying anyone. 

Theresa has left Salem, leaving Brady and Tate behind.  Her old flame, international drug dealer Mateo has found her in Salem and threatened to kill everyone if she didn't go back to Mexico with him.  Theresa is working undercover for the ISA to neutralize and gather evidence on Mateo so she could put him away and return to her family in Salem.  Only Victor and her parents know the truth of why she is leaving.

Edited by JBC344
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Andre is worthless trash and I want him dead.

Wasn't Adrienne already diagnosed with cancer last year or has this story just dragged on for so long that I can't keep up?

Ugh so Jade intentionally stopped taking the pill and probably wanted to get pregnant. What a fool. She needs to fall down some stairs. 

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Are all the jail scenes set in that one communal room?

I miss when they filmed on actual sets instead of these sad, three wall dioramas. Imagine seeing Hope in a real jail setting, with a courtyard and a long cellblock. That would add so much visual interest to this thin story.

Heck, I'm annoyed we never see the rest of the DiMansion anymore. Chad does everything now in the same room his father was murdered?! Really?!?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Damn, Andre, why do you want to snark at Gabi like that?

Can anybody walk into St. Luke's and ask them to put them up?  Nicole lived there for a while, now Adrienne is bunking there?

"JJ stopped by this morning."  Uh, doesn't he live there?

I used to like Jade.  But not any more.

What business does Gabi want to expand?

Nice scene between Abby and Chad, even if it was a dream.

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This version of Abigail doesn't seem anywhere near as manipulative as Kate Mansi's version of Abigail, but this storyline is pretty stupid and defies logic.

Adrienne seems like she's stuck in some weird Sami storyline where she's stuck between two men, but Adrienne seems too old to not know what she wants.

Edited by bantering
  • Love 3

It's been dull ever since the 3 villains storyline ended.  But, as dull as it is, I am enjoying seeing all the different characters interacting.  Like Victor with Ciara & Claire. And all everyone rallying around Adrienne, even if the triangle storyline is stupid.    And I'm not hating nu-Abby, but hope they don't drag this "hiding in the attic" thing much longer.  And Hattie is making the Hope in jail storyline better than horrible. 

I wonder what the writers had in mind for John and Marlena before Drake got hurt.  Surely that must have threw a wrench into their plans.  

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Joey, grow a spine and stand up to manipulative Jade. It's called extortion, Joey. She neglected to inform you that she wasn't using birth control and that *you* were pretty much responsible. Laying like Cleopatra on the couch and expecting service is a bit much. It's pretty unlikely that Joey will have any plans to marry her. Guilt and obligation do not make a marriage work. Both can co-parent, if needed. Or find someone for an open adoption. Jade, getting knocked up will not change your bad home situation. And demanding no pineapple as fruit is a 'no' - you are a guest in someone's home. You can still go out and get a job for a few months.

Gabi, you do need some other clients to make you look professional. She had every right to tell Chad that she wasn't some paid escort for him.

Jen looked pale and washed out.

Most churches are closed during the day here. Only open if there is a service or rental.

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I don't think Chad was treating her as some paid escort.  I think his offer had more to do with the fact that Gabi helped him with the Bush's a couple of weeks ago and that they made a great team and that Gabi was a real asset to him. 

As devious as Jade is turning out to be (why are we changing her character again?), Joey still has a responsibility to protect himself when it comes to sex.  Whether Jade is on the pill or not, Joey should still be using condoms.  These two are barely out of high school and not the sharpest tools in the shed.  If I was Joey I wouldn't be trusting that Jade is diligent in her birth control and if I was Jade I wouldn't trust that Joey was putting on the condom correctly. 

Now who knows if Jade is actually pregnant, and if so, if it is Joey's but I'm not exactly feeling sorry for the kid.

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I think they confirmed on Thanksgiving that test results proved Jade was actually pregnant. Of course with this show that could be retconed in two minutes.

I just watched Monday's episode and was struck by two themes: "he was sick so hurting him didn't matter!" and "shouldn't this be more fun?"

The former pertains to Bo and Stefano and the latter pertains to Hattie and Rory. Dee Hall just isn't bringing the wackiness the way I hoped she would. She honestly seems to be phoning it in. I see more Marlena in this performance than anything else. She just can't vary her tics the way Eileen Davidson does with all of her various characters

While I'm glad we got some follow-up on his attempt to flirt with Ciara weeks ago, this was some weak-tea cliche Rory. He normally always elicits a chuckle from me, but this time there was nothing to even smile about. He was just some nondescript idiot pothead and I'm still confused as to how he managed to convince Ciara to share a meal with him. It was clearly just set up for the "can I eat your food" joke but even that fell flat. At least the actress seemed to be cracking up a bit which was mildly diverting.

And he spoke about having already been to jail but we never actually saw him behind bars. Does this mean that after JJ failed to get him immunity, he served time and is now a free man again? Did they really leave all of that out of the show when it could have been so compelling? Or are they referring to some previous jail time that I'm simply forgetting about?

Valerie is falling flat for me. Abe is not usually a compelling character but I find it telling that the second woman to walk into his life in the last 12 months is equally dull as he is. Loni was DOA and Valerie so far is showing me that this actress hasn't had much growth as a performer since Melrose Place kicked her to the curb at the end of season one. Maybe she'll show some versatility in the weeks to come, but so far I'm very bored.

Deimos' "redemption" is laughable, seeing as how he threatens and plots every other episode. It's like half the writing staff thinks he's in the process of being turned into a better character and the other half thinks he's supposed to be on some kind of descent into darkness.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I think it is more of a calculated effort with Valerie to show her as the "good" to Theo's "bad" or "confusion/jealousy".  I think the complexity will come when her son is exposed.  Even though Theo thinks she is seeing another man, there is certainly a reason she is keeping her son hidden.  My guess is that he is David Banning's son and she doesn't want him around Julie.  Also the fact that the only person she has conflict with is Theo, and autistic young adult who outside of his autism certainly has other issues with his father moving on with another woman, and the hint we got of her old issues with Julie haven't been settled.

Lani was a complete bust because they literally did nothing with the character.  Valerie is an old character with actual established history on the show, that can be mined and furthered. I think this is the main reason why if they were going to bring an old flame back for Abe they specifically chose Valerie, as opposed to Tamera, even though he and Tamera share a child.   Lani was literally stunt casting for a storyline that didn't even get off the ground.

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Thank you, JBC344.  You hit most of the points I was curious about.  I last watched before the three villains story was over, before Mateo came to town, when Aidan was just threatening Hope with the truth.

So, what happened with Aiden, did he just leave town? Are Nicole and Deimos still a thing? And yes, I remember Hattie, though vaguely. Stupid ending for Theresa.  :( Would have been better to just kill her off.

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Glad they didn't! Jennifer Lilly has said she would be willing to come back and is hoping to be put on a recurring contract. I think that would be ideal because it would allow her to do other things while still contributing to the show. Plus it seems like a lot of the characters who are on recurring are often more compelling than the leads because they don't have to carry crappy front burner storylines and can simply pop in when most useful or when the writers have a decent idea for them.


So, what happened with Aiden, did he just leave town? Are Nicole and Deimos still a thing?

Aidan used an audio recording of Hope blubbering to Rafe about the murder and cover-up to force Hope to try to give him a second chance. When it finally got to the point that he had her in a dress in a hotel room and insisted they had a bright future in whatever city he had moved his son Chase to, she stood her ground and told him he wouldn't let him rape her the way Chase had raped Ciara. Aiden kind of snapped out of it, began apologizing and within the span of one episode left town. It was a rather good performance and considering all the character has been through, a decent send-off. Andre then found a copy of Aiden's recording after Aiden destroyed the original and played it in Horton Square on Halloween, but only the portion where Hope admitted she killed Stefano. By keeping the audio implicating Rafe and Roman to himself, he was able to negotiate with Hope and force her to admit to the murder and actually do time in order to spare her friends from getting similarly dragged through the mud. She agreed, was sentenced and is now in jail.

Nicole's storyline has been so stupid I don't even know where to begin or what it was you last saw, but yes, she is still kind-of with him...but leery. They go back and forth every other episode. Basically Chloe returned to town pregnant and Philip agreed to pretend to be the father because Chloe feared Deimos was her baby daddy. It turns out Deimos isn't the father, but Chloe can't seem to convince him of that and Deimos knows that Philip is keeping some secret about the baby's paternity. The truth is the baby is actually Daniel and Nicole's. Chloe decided to try being a surrogate for them back when Daniel was still alive and after his passing privately tried again using the same Clinic. Of course she never told Nicole out of fear that she would also lose the second fetus. So basically Chloe is going to give birth to Nicole's baby at some point but at present Nicole and Deimos are completely in the dark. Chloe and Philip don't trust him and are worried that if they give the baby to Nicole, she will raise it with him.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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17 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Has anyone else noticed a shift in the last few weeks? I'm finding the show to be very dull these days.

Same here, I've missed it a lot and we don't have a DVR and I've not found any compelling reason to suffer through watching on NBC website. Oddly I can miss several shows in a row and catch a random one and feel like I've missed nothing. 

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2 hours ago, Revlonred said:

The show really sucks, but I love watching my 80s crew do their thing.    

I also am loving seeing all the 80's gang on screen.  They need Jack, though.  Especially since he's part of Adrienne's family.  Not to mention half of "Jack & Jennifer".

I do wish they'd waited till after Christmas to start this cancer storyline, as it would have been nice for everyone to be happy over the holidays.  And I really hope they aren't planning for Adrienne to die.  

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20 minutes ago, buffynut said:

I really hope they aren't planning for Adrienne to die.  

Judi Evans is still filming, so at least, not yet.

I wonder what excuses they will make for Adrienne's sons not showing up to be with her.

The international launch of Basic Black?  They've never been international before?

Yay, Patrika!

Good show today, watching everybody's reactions to Adrienne's diagnosis.

Are Kate and Adrienne going to bond? That would be a great story for two great actresses.

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Unless they are going to give us a kick ass cancer storyline with Adrienne I just wish they wouldn't bother.  If it is going to be generic why bother, didn't we just have a health scare with Kayla.  The last health scare that was interesting was Kate's cancer, and before that Chloe's Leukemia.  If Kate and Adrienne bonding over cancer is what brings them together, so be it. i'll watch.  These two characters never really had an issue with each other until they had Adrienne go after Will a while ago.  I wouldn't mind them reconciling and getting closer.

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I can watch Judi Evans cry all day.  

I know, right? She's amazing at that. Today with minimal makeup and a red face she looked stellar.

I tuned in for a bit when I saw Brady today. I'm not believing his lack of desire to search for Theresa, but whatever. At least Theresa's departure has made an impact.


The truth is the baby is actually Daniel and Nicole's. Chloe decided to try being a surrogate for them back when Daniel was still alive and after his passing privately tried again using the same Clinic. Of course she never told Nicole out of fear that she would also lose the second fetus. So basically Chloe is going to give birth to Nicole's baby at some point but at present Nicole and Deimos are completely in the dark.

 Well, out of all the possibilities, I *never* would have guessed that one, so good on the show for pulling that off. With that said, wut the wut? I mean, yeah, Chloe and Nicole's friendship didn't make sense in the beginning, but due to the chemistry with the actresses, it is one of the better friendships on the show now. So what, they are going to ruin it and make them enemies again? Because I can see Phillip convincing Chloe to do a whole custody battle thing and Nicole/Deimos on the other side. I suppose since they are giving Nicole a baby finally, that the show may be wrapping up and getting ready to end, though. I was totally good with Nicole never getting that miracle baby, it kept the character with a measure of pathos in her worst times. It's also realistic-not all women who want to be mothers, will get the chance to be a mother. Nicole's childlessness added layers to scenes with any children, which will be forever changed, now.

Oh, well.

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When they found those purses in the warehouse, they never bothered to look in the linings?

The Abby and Chad "flashbacks" are starting to get annoying, now.  Move forward, not backwards.

"I'm the only surviving son."  Er, Andre?

Funny that Paul can tell right off that a purse is a knockoff, and Gabi doesn't.

Why did Abigail wander all of the way to the docks?

Why isn't Philip wearing a shirt?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

When they found those purses in the warehouse, they never bothered to look in the linings?

The Abby and Chad "flashbacks" are starting to get annoying, now.  Move forward, not backwards.

"I'm the only surviving son."  Er, Andre?

Funny that Paul can tell right off that a purse is a knockoff, and Gabi doesn't.

Why did Abigail wander all of the way to the docks?

Why isn't Philip wearing a shirt?

Don't forget Peter, who is in jail.  He may be adopted but he was actually raised by Stefano and Celeste.

I don't understand what they're doing with Deimos. Are we supposed to be rooting for him? Are we supposed to support him being paired with Nicole? Do they not realize they've made him a piece of shit and Nicole looks foolish for standing by him? While I don't particularly care for Phillip at the moment, I don't appreciate Deimos having him kidnapped and drugged, on top of what he did to Bo and Maggie. 

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How convenient that Stefano was terminally ill and used Hope to kill him before he died a painful death. Why didn't the doctor surface earlier? Chad still seems to have some decency and wants to know the truth. No Rafe, you do not want to owe Chad.

If I was Abs, I would leap out the window to escape the Doug and Julie holiday cheer. Soon, most of Salem will know that she is alive.

Nice of Gabi to see an expensive purse and think her brother bought it for her. A lot of dudes know nothing of handbags. Since Dario doesn't make tons of money, how exactly can he afford it? A good bag has good stitching and workmanship and usually comes with a card of authenticity.

Deimos, show Nicole who you truly are.

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They royally screwed up Deimos.  He's all over the place.  Pick a side, already! I can't consider him a gray character because he's done some truly evil deeds that seem to be quickly forgotten.

Nicole is driving me nuts lately.  She's so whiny and pathetic and I know this is neither here nor there, but looking at her roots is so distracting.  Could they give that woman a decent hairstyle for a change? She's had bad styles for the last five years.  She had nice hair before.  I don't get it.

It would really help if they softened the looks of some of the characters.  How about doing a dewy, more natural look on Jennifer? If she lost that black liner, she'd look so much nicer.  A deep conditioning and some shine spray wouldn't hurt either.  And Abby is in dire need of brow pencil.  Sorry for the cattiness.

I don't see how they will get Hope off by using Stefano's terminal illness as an excuse.  But this is Days and anything goes.  Hattie is great.  I liked her better when she was nuttier, but I'm enjoying her nonetheless.

I really hate where they're going to take Adrienne.  I like Judi Evans and don't want her to go and would rather skip watching a painful storyline.  Could we have some real happiness, please?

  • Love 7
On December 5, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Mama No Life said:

That is actually very realistic.  His autism would made it difficult for him to understand how is coming across.  That's part of the disorder.

Now whether or not the writers thought it thru that well is up for debate....

Yes. I think they are doing a pretty good job with this.  My nephew has multiple challenges due to a stroke before birth.  One of these is Aspergers and I am very familiar with these traits.

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Don't forget Peter, who is in jail.  He may be adopted but he was actually raised by Stefano and Celeste.

Peter was cool.


Funny that Paul can tell right off that a purse is a knockoff, and Gabi doesn't.

The Queer Eye?



Nicole's childlessness added layers to scenes with any children, which will be forever changed, now.

Considering all Nicole and Arianne Zucker have been through lately, I'm looking forward to at least seeing the character on screen being happy. I hope the show lets us see her rejoicing in every aspect of being a mother.

Back when Philip and Belle were having sex in Vegas, did we see both of Phillip's legs, thereby invalidating the fact that he had previously been an amputee?

Edited by DisneyBoy

Really random, but interesting, choice to make Dario be the one to find Abigail next.  Wonder where they're going with this?

I don't get what this thing with Stefano's health was about.  Even if Stefano set Hope up to kill him, she still pulled the trigger.  She still technically murdered him.  Even Hope herself said it to Rafe just today!  So I don't think this should get her released.  It may get her sentence reduced, but released?  I don't see what Rafe and Shawn are going for here.

Edited by Michel
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I think this whole thing with Stefano is making me dislike Hope and Rafe even more. They're so sickening and gross. Couldn't the writers just find a way to pull a retcon and say Stefano or Andre drugged her or put a microchip in her or something and that caused her to turn into a cold blooded murderer? This whole suicide by cop thing may be a bullshit way to get her out of prison but it doesn't change the fact that she's a cold blooded murderer of her own free will. And I have to wonder if Rafe would be going to the trouble to help Sami or Nicole if they were in Hope's position. Yeah, I know he helped Sami covering up shooting EJ in the head, but (1) he was actively planning to kidnap her kids, which mitigates what she did at least a little; (2) he didn't actually die and was out of the hospital and back to normal in like a week; (3) she wasn't a cop. 

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When Kate mentions having lung cancer I like how she conveniently forgets to mention that Chloe saved her life and she showed her thanks by trying to kill her, blackmailing her into becoming a hooker, and then did everything she could to make sure her child was taken from her after she was driven to attempt suicide. 

I'm confused about this registered gun that Harold showed Chad. Is that the gun Hope used to kill Stefano or a different one? If it's the same gun, why didn't Hope dump it?

So...people are just going to continuing believing that Theresa just up and left Brady and Tate? No one thinks this is suspicious enough to look into?

I'm assuming this smuggling thing Eduardo and Dario are involved in is going to lead to Gabi and/or Ari being kidnapped. Does Kate know what Eduardo is involved in?

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Microchips?  So they're just DiMera business secrets? How boring.  And you know Andre will blame the Kiriakises.

Gee, Kate, way to blurt out Adrienne's private business.

I don't believe Andre didn't know about Stefano. I hope it turns out that Andre really did kill Stefano.

Damn, Brady, no need to be an asshole.

What is Eve on winter break from?

Uhoh, Abigail took her last dose of drugs.  Old crazy Abby will be coming back any minute now.

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I *think* Eve teaches music at an academy? Maybe?

Brady freaking sux. WTH did Eve ever do to you, exactly?

I kinda want Eve and Anne to be friends and to rip on Jennifer together. They both have cause.

Liked the ending with Brady spotting Jennifer with drugs. Didn't see it coming and it's a nice callback to the drug rehab she's supposed to be in (but that is never mentioned).

I *think* Eve teaches music at an academy? Maybe?

Brady freaking sux. WTH did Eve ever do to you, exactly?

I kinda want Eve and Anne to be friends and to rip on Jennifer together. They both have cause.

Liked the ending with Brady spotting Jennifer with drugs. Didn't see it coming and it's a nice callback to the drug rehab she's supposed to be in (but that is never mentioned).

Message added by scarynikki12

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